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M0075640-09 (en-us)

March 2023

Operation and
Product Link® PLG641, PLG641V2, and
PLG601 for Generator Systems
PL6 1-UP (Machine Control
& Guidance Products)

Language: Original Instructions

Scan to find and purchase genuine Cat® parts and related

service information.

Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, including human factors
that can affect safety. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these
functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you verify
that you are authorized to perform this work, and have read and understood the operation,
lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
A non-exhaustive list of operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on
the product and in this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. You must not
use this product in any manner different from that considered by this manual without first
satisfying yourself that you have considered all safety rules and precautions applicable to the
operation of the product in the location of use, including site-specific rules and precautions
applicable to the worksite. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not
specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and for others. You should also ensure that you are authorized to perform this work, and that the
product will not be damaged or become unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair
procedures that you intend to use.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was
available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Cat dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this product Caterpillar recommends using original Cater-
pillar® replacement parts.
Other parts may not meet certain original equipment specifications.
When replacement parts are installed, the machine owner/user should ensure that the machine re-
mains in compliance with all applicable requirements.

In the United States, the maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and
systems may be performed by any repair establishment or individual of the owner's choosing.
M0075640-09 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................... 4

Safety Section

Safety Signs and Labels.................................... 5

General Hazard Information.............................. 6

Operation Section

Operation........................................................... 7

Regulatory Compliance Information

Radio Frequency Components ......................... 8

Index Section

Index................................................................ 14
4 M0075640-09

Literature Information
This manual should be stored in the operator's
compartment in the literature holder or seat back
literature storage area.
This manual contains safety information, operation
instructions, and maintenance recommendations.
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication
show details or attachments that can be different
from your product.
Continuing improvement and advancement of
product design might have caused changes to your
product which are not included in this publication.
Read, study and keep this manual with the product.
Whenever a question arises regarding your product,
or this publication, please consult your Cat dealer for
the latest available information.

The safety section lists basic safety precautions. In
addition, this section identifies the text and locations
of warning signs and labels used on the machine.

The operation section is a reference for the new
operator and a refresher for the experienced
operator. This section includes a discussion of
gauges, switches, product controls, attachment
controls, and programming information.
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator
through correct procedures of checking, starting,
operating and stopping the product.
Operating techniques outlined in this publication are
basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator
gains knowledge of the product and its capabilities.

The maintenance section is a guide to equipment
M0075640-09 5
Safety Section
Safety Signs and Labels

Safety Section

Safety Signs and Labels

SMCS Code: 7606

Do not operate or work on this equipment unless

you have read and understand the instructions
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
Manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or
heed the warnings could result in injury or death.
Illustration 1 g06553526
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for replacement
manuals. Proper care is your responsibility. Film

This equipment is equipped with a Cat® Product

Improper operation of an access platform could Link communication device. When electric deto-
result in injury or death. Operators must carry out nators are being used for blasting operations, ra-
their duties properly and follow all instructions dio frequency devices can cause interference
and guidelines given for the machine and access with electric detonators for blasting operations
platform. which can result in serious injury or death. The
Product Link communication device should be
deactivated within the distance mandated under
all applicable national or local regulatory require-
ments. In the absence of any regulatory require-
ments Caterpillar recommends the end user
Accidental engine starting can cause injury or perform their own risk assessment to determine
death to personnel working on the equipment. safe operating distance.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter- The blast site is defined as the area that handles
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the explosive material during loading. Included is the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre- perimeter that is formed by the loaded blast holes.
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system. If required, the following are suggested methods to
disable the Caterpillar Product Link communication
Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF po- device:
sition and lockout the battery disconnect switch
with a safety lock. • Disconnect the Caterpillar Product Link
communication device from the main power
Place a Special Instruction, SEHS7332, “Do Not source. This action is performed by disconnecting
Operate” tag at the start switch and battery dis- the wiring harness at the Product Link radio.
connect location to inform personnel that the ma-
chine is being worked on.
Other Films
The film in Illustration 2 can be found in a location
Safety Messages such as the dash or control panel. The warning film is
clearly visible to the operator during the normal
The warning film in Illustration 1 can be found in a operation of the equipment.
location such as the dash or control panel. The
warning film is clearly visible to the operator during
the normal operation of the equipment.
6 M0075640-09
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

This document is a supplement to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for the equipment. Permanently
attach this document to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for the equipment.

This document provides information about the
operation of the Caterpillar Product Link
communication device .
Operation of the equipment and the maintenance of
the equipment must not occur unless the instructions
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
Illustration 2 g06553500 Manual for the equipment have been read and the
instructions and the warnings are understood. The
The film in Illustration 2 is intended to inform the contents of this document must be understood before
operator that the equipment is equipped with a the equipment that is equipped with the Caterpillar
wireless transmitting device. Therefore, data Product Link communication device is operated.
concerning this equipment, the condition of the
equipment, and the operation of the equipment is
being transmitted by the Caterpillar Product Link
communication device to Caterpillar and is
communicated to customers and Caterpillar dealers
by the user interface. The data is used to serve the
customer better and to improve upon Caterpillar
products and services. Transmission of information
using a Caterpillar Product Link communication
device is subject to legal requirements that may vary
from location to location.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
M0075640, “Operation” and the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, M0075640, “Regulatory
Compliance” section for additional information.


General Hazard Information

SMCS Code: 7606

Do not operate or work on this equipment unless

you have read and understand the instructions
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
Manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or
heed the warnings could result in injury or death.
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for replacement
manuals. Proper care is your responsibility.
M0075640-09 7
Operation Section

Operation Section • Complying with legal requirements and valid court


• Performing market research

• Offering the customer new products and services
i08118597 Caterpillar may share some or all the collected
information with Caterpillar affiliated companies,
System Overview dealers, and authorized representatives. Caterpillar
will not sell or rent collected information to any other
SMCS Code: 7606 third party and will exercise reasonable efforts to
keep the information secure. Caterpillar recognizes
The PLG641, PLG641V2, and the PLG601 should be and respects customer privacy. For more information,
mounted in a secure location to prevent unauthorized
access to the device. please contact your local Cat dealer.

The Cat Product Link communication device utilizes Operation in a Blast Site for
cellular and/or satellite technology to communicate
equipment information. This information is Product Link Radios
communicated to Cat, Cat dealers, and Cat
customers. The Cat Product Link communication
device contains a Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite receiver.
This equipment is equipped with a Cat® Product
The capability of two-way communication between Link communication device. When electric deto-
the equipment and a remote user is available with the nators are being used for blasting operations, ra-
Cat Product Link communication device. The remote dio frequency devices can cause interference
user can be a dealer or a customer. with electric detonators for blasting operations
which can result in serious injury or death. The
Note: All Product Link devices must be located more Product Link communication device should be
than 200 mm (7.87 inch) from the machine operator deactivated within the distance mandated under
to comply with FCC Regulations for RF human body all applicable national or local regulatory require-
safety. ments. In the absence of any regulatory require-
ments Caterpillar recommends the end user
perform their own risk assessment to determine
Data Broadcasts safe operating distance.
Data concerning this equipment, the condition of the If required, the following suggested method is used to
equipment, and the operation of the equipment is disable the Cat Product Link communication device:
being transmitted by the Cat Product Link
communication device to Cat and is communicated to • Disconnect the Cat Product Link communication
customers and Cat dealers by the user interface. The device from the main power source. This action is
data is used to serve the customer better and to
improve upon Cat products and services. The performed by disconnecting the wiring harness at
information transmitted may include: equipment the Product Link radio.
serial number, equipment location, and operational
data, including but not limited to: fault codes,
emissions data, fuel usage, service meter hours,
software, and hardware version numbers and
installed attachments.
Cat and/or Cat dealers may use this information for
various purposes. Refer to the following list for
possible uses:

• Providing services to the customer and/or the


• Checking or maintaining Product Link system

• Monitoring the health or performance of the

• Helping maintain the equipment and/or improve

the efficiency of the equipment

• Evaluating or improving Cat products and services

8 M0075640-09
Regulatory Compliance Information
Radio Frequency Components

Regulatory Compliance Hereby,Caterpillar Inc. declares this radio equipment

is in compliance with directive “2014/53/EU” . The full
Information text of the European Declaration of Conformity is
available at the following web address:
Radio Frequency
Caterpillar suggests that the Declaration of
Components Conformity is obtained shortly after purchase.

i08703275 Specifications
Product Link
(PLG641 - If Equipped) This equipment is equipped with a Cat® Product
SMCS Code: 7490; 7606 Link communication device. When electric deto-
nators are being used for blasting operations, ra-
Table 1 dio frequency devices can cause interference
Model Cat Part Number with electric detonators for blasting operations
which can result in serious injury or death. The
PLG641 491-7590
Product Link communication device should be
deactivated within the distance mandated under
all applicable national or local regulatory require-
NOTICE ments. In the absence of any regulatory require-
The transmission of information using a Cat ® Product ments Caterpillar recommends the end user
Link communication device is subject to legal require- perform their own risk assessment to determine
ments. The legal requirements may vary from loca- safe operating distance.
tion to location, including, but not limited to, radio
frequency use authorization. The use of a Cat Prod- The following Cat Product Link communication
uct Link communication device must be limited to device specifications are provided to aid in
those locations where all legal requirements for the conducting any related hazard assessment and to
use of the Cat Product Link communication device ensure compliance with all local regulations:
and communication network have been satisfied.
Table 2
If equipment outfitted with the Cat Product Link com- Radio Transmitter Specifications
munication device is located in or relocated to a loca-
tion where (i) legal requirements are not satisfied or Transmitter Frequency Transmitter
Radio Model Range
(ii) transmitting or processing of such information Power
across multiple locations would not be legal, Caterpil- 824 MHz - 849 MHz
lar disclaims any liability related to such failure to 880 MHZ - 915 MHz
comply, and Caterpillar may discontinue the trans- 1710 MHz - 1755 MHz 0.5W typical, 2W
mission of information from that equipment. PLG641
1850 MHz - 1910 MHz max
Consult your Cat dealer with any questions that con- 1920 MHz - 1980 MHz
cern the operation of the Product Link system in a 2110 MHz - 2170 MHz
specific country.
Table 3

Reference: Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Operating Voltage and Current Draw
Manual of your product for additional information. Voltage Range Maximum Current
PLG641 9 - 32V 500mA
(Simplified Declaration of Conformity)
Certification Notices
European Union
Canada Notice to Users
Caterpillar Inc. 100 NE Adams Peoria, IL
This device complies with Industry Canada license
61629 USA exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
• This device may not cause interference.
M0075640-09 9
Regulatory Compliance Information
Product Link

• This device must accept any interference,

including interference that may cause undesired The transmission of information using a Cat ® Product
operation of the device. Link communication device is subject to legal require-
ments. The legal requirements may vary from loca-
FCC Notice tion to location, including, but not limited to, radio
frequency use authorization. The use of a Cat Prod-
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. uct Link communication device must be limited to
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: those locations where all legal requirements for the
use of the Cat Product Link communication device
• This device may not cause harmful interference. and communication network have been satisfied.

• This device must accept any interference If equipment outfitted with the Cat Product Link com-
received, including interference that may cause munication device is located in or relocated to a loca-
tion where (i) legal requirements are not satisfied or
undesired operation.
(ii) transmitting or processing of such information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply across multiple locations would not be legal, Caterpil-
with limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part lar disclaims any liability related to such failure to
15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to comply, and Caterpillar may discontinue the trans-
provide reasonable protection against harmful mission of information from that equipment.
interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio Consult your Cat dealer with any questions that con-
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in cern the operation of the Product Link system in a
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful specific country.
interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does Reference: Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
cause harmful interference to radio or television Manual of your product for additional information.
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to sDoC
correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures: (Simplified Declaration of Conformity)
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
European Union
• Increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver Caterpillar Inc. 100 NE Adams Peoria, IL
61629 USA
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is
Hereby, Caterpillar Inc. declares this radio equipment
connected is in compliance with directive “2014/53/EU” . The full
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv text of the European Declaration of Conformity is
available at the following web address:
technician for help
Changes or modifications to this device without the
express approval of Caterpillar may void the users
authority to use this device. Great Britain

Caterpillar Inc. 100 NE Adams Peoria, IL
61629 USA
Product Link
Hereby, Caterpillar Inc. declares this radio equipment
(PLG641V2 - If Equipped) is in compliance with the relevant statutory
SMCS Code: 7490; 7606 requirements. The full text of the Great Britain
Declaration of Conformity is available at the following
Table 4 web address:
Model Cat Part Number
PLG641V2 (EU) 569-3109 Electronic Control Gp
PLG641V2 (NA) 569-3106 Electronic Control Gp
10 M0075640-09
Regulatory Compliance Information
PLG641V2 - If Equipped

Caterpillar suggests that the Declaration of Antennas for Use:

Conformity is obtained shortly after purchase.
• 588-9248 Antenna As Hard Mount
Specifications • 589-1358 Antenna As Adhesive Mount

FCC Notice
This equipment is equipped with a Cat® Product This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
Link communication device. When electric deto- Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
nators are being used for blasting operations, ra-
dio frequency devices can cause interference • This device may not cause harmful interference.
with electric detonators for blasting operations
which can result in serious injury or death. The • This device must accept any interference
Product Link communication device should be received, including interference that may cause
deactivated within the distance mandated under undesired operation.
all applicable national or local regulatory require-
ments. In the absence of any regulatory require- This equipment has been tested and found to comply
ments Caterpillar recommends the end user with limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part
perform their own risk assessment to determine 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
safe operating distance. provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This
The PLG641V2 communication device specifications equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
are provided to aid in conducting any related hazard frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
assessment and to ensure compliance with all local accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
regulations: interference to radio communications. However,
Table 5 there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
Transmitter Frequency in a particular installation. If this equipment does
Radio Model Range Power
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
704 - 716 MHz equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
824 - 849 MHz correct the interference by one or more of the
PLG641V2 880 - 915 MHz following measures:
(NA) 1710 - 1755 MHz
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
1710 - 1785 MHz
0.5W typical • Increase the separation between the equipment
1850 - 1910 MHz
2W max
832 - 862 MHz and receiver
880 - 915 MHz • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
1710 - 1785 MHz different from that to which the receiver is
1920 - 1980 MHz connected
2500 - 2570 MHz
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv
technician for help
Certification Notices Changes or modifications to this device without the
express approval of Caterpillar may void the users'
Canada Notice to Users authority to use this device.
This device complies with Industry Canada license
exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following Certification Markings
two conditions:
North America (NA)
• This device may not cause interference
Argentina – This device is approved for
• This device must accept any interference, use in Argentina. Certificate ID: EX-
including interference that may cause undesired 2020-35132502- -APN-REYS#ENACOM.
operation of the device. CT:24771.200529172806.92
This device has been designed to operate with the Australia – This device is approved for
antenna(s) listed below:
use in Australia.
M0075640-09 11
Regulatory Compliance Information
PLG641V2 - If Equipped

Belize – This device is approved for use in Belize. Congo, The Democratic Republic of – This device
PUC IDENTIFIER: PUC/CI/0732020/BZE is approved for use in The Democratic Republic of
Congo. Certificate No.: HER-0113/Juillet/2022
Bolivia – This device is approved for use in Bolivia.
Certificate ID: ATT-DJ-RA-H-TL LP 396/2020 Congo, The Republic of – This device is approved
for use in The Republic of Congo. Certificate No.:
Chile – This device is approved for use
in Chile. SUBTEL No. 266708 de
23.10.2020 Ethiopia – This device is approved for use in
Ethiopia. ECA/TA/No.: 1939/2022
Colombia – This device is approved for use in
Colombia. CRC Settlement No.: 2020512830
Gambia – This device is approved for use in Gambia.
Type Approval No.: TA-000-1983
Costa Rica – This device is approved for
use in Costa Rica. Certificate Number: Ghana – This device is approved for use in Ghana.
10037-2002 NCA Product ID: SRO-1M-7E4-X85
Ecuador – This device is approved for use in
Ecuador. Certificate ID: ARCOTEL-2020-029365 Hong Kong – This device is approved
for use in Hong Kong. Certification No:
Haiti – This device is approved for use in Haiti. HK0012002324
Certificate Number: CNT-H-RC 0007687
Indonesia – This device is
approved for use in Indonesia.
Peru – This device is approved for use in Peru. Certificate No.:78700/SDPPI/
Certificate ID: TRFM48199 2021; PLG ID: 822
Ivory Coast (Cote D'lvoire) – This device is
United States – This device is approved approved for use in Ivory Coast. Certificate No.:
for use in the United States. FCC ID: 3216/DG/DRCT/DCO/SHO

Europe (EU) Lebanon – This device is approved for use in

Lebanon. Certificate Reference No.:4620/E&M/2021
Australia – This device is approved for
use in Australia. Maldives – This device is approved for use in
Maldives. Type Approval Certificate No.: CAM-
Bahrain – This device is approved for use in Bahrain.
Approval No.: APV-TAC-0520-TRM-179
Mali – This device is approved for use in Mali.
Certificate No.: 2020-05-050/AMRTP-P
Benin – This device is approved for use in Benin.
Approval Dossier No.: DAERT-2020-05-29GJO-
MCMVM-1WCGO Mauritania – This device is approved for use in
Mauritania. Certificate ID: 0794/ARE/2020
Botswana – This device is approved for use in
Botswana. Type Approval Certificate No.: BOCRA/ Morocco – This device is approved for use in
TA/2020/5704 Morocco. Certificate ID: ANRT/DTEC/DAA/SAG/

Brunei – This device is approved for use

Namibia – This device is approved for use in
in Brunei. Certificate ID: DTA-006448 Namibia. Type Approval ID: 2020/8119

Burkina Faso – This device is approved for use in

Niger – This device is approved for use in Niger.
Burkina Faso. Approval Certificate No.: 000106/
ARCEP/SG/DGSN Certificate No.: HOMO-0043/ARCEP/DG/2020

Cambodia – This device is approved for use in Nigeria – This device is approved for use in Nigeria.
Cambodia. TRC ID: 0193-2020-41V2 NCC ID No. NCC/TSNI/WN/TA/CERT/3576/2020
12 M0075640-09
Regulatory Compliance Information
Product Link

Pakistan – This device is approved for Vietnam – This device is approved for
use in Pakistan. TAC N: 9.1104/2021 use in Vietnam. Type Approval
Certificate No: C1027150921AA04A3
Peru – This device is approved for use in Peru.
Certificate ID: TRFM47740 i09683820

Product Link
Philippines – This device is approved
for use in Philippines. Type Approval (PLG601 - If Equipped)
Certificate ID: ESD-CPE-2003586 SMCS Code: 7490; 7606
Qatar – This device is approved for use in Qatar.
Table 6
Type Approval ID: CRA/SM/2020/S-0004608
Model Cat Part Number
PLG601 491-7589
Senegal – This device is approved for use in
Senegal. Certificate ID: 071514/AG/ER
Singapore – This device is approved for The transmission of information using a Cat ® Product
use in Singapore. Letter ID: IMDA/ Link communication device is subject to legal require-
ments. The legal requirements may vary from loca-
CMALAO/EQR-003/01-02 dated tion to location, including, but not limited to, radio
05May2022 frequency use authorization. The use of a Cat Prod-
uct Link communication device must be limited to
South Africa – This device is approved those locations where all legal requirements for the
for use in South Africa. Certificate ID: TA use of the Cat Product Link communication device
2020/6287 and communication network have been satisfied.
South Sudan – This device is approved for use in If equipment outfitted with the Cat Product Link com-
South Sudan. Type Approval Certificate No.: RSS/ munication device is located in or relocated to a loca-
NCA/TA/2018/5/145 tion where (i) legal requirements are not satisfied or
(ii) transmitting or processing of such information
across multiple locations would not be legal, Caterpil-
Tanzania – This device is approved for use in lar disclaims any liability related to such failure to
Tanzania. Type Approval Certificate No.: TCRA/TAC/ comply, and Caterpillar may discontinue the trans-
1638/2021 mission of information from that equipment.
Consult your Cat dealer with any questions that con-
Thailand – This device is approved for cern the operation of the Product Link system in a
use in Thailand. Certificate ID: B38497- specific country.
Togo – This device is approved for use in Togo.
Certificate No.: N03/20 Reference: Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual of your product for additional information.

Turkey – This device is approved for use in Turkey. Certification Notices

Certificate ID: 32423510-254.01-E.40347
Canada Notice to Users
UAE – This device is approved for use in UAE.
Certificate ID: ER88893/20 This device complies with Industry Canadas license
exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following
Uruguay – This device is approved for use in two conditions:
Uruguay. Certificate ID: VU20200515-005117 • This device may not cause interference

• This device must accept any interference,

including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.

FCC Notice
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
M0075640-09 13
Regulatory Compliance Information
PLG601 - If Equipped

• This device may not cause harmful interference.

• This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part
15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna

• Increase the separation between the equipment

and receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv
technician for help
Changes or modifications to this device without the
express approval of Caterpillar may void the users
authority to use this device.
14 M0075640-09
Index Section

F Operation in a Blast Site for Product Link
Radios .......................................................... 7
Foreword ........................................................... 4
Literature Information .................................... 4
Maintenance .................................................. 4 T
Operation ....................................................... 4 Table of Contents .............................................. 3
Safety............................................................. 4

General Hazard Information.............................. 6
Foreword........................................................ 6
Introduction .................................................... 6

Important Safety Information............................. 2

Operation........................................................... 7
Operation Section.............................................. 7

Product Link (PLG601 - If Equipped) .............. 12
Certification Notices..................................... 12
Product Link (PLG641 - If Equipped) ................ 8
Certification Notices....................................... 8
sDoC .............................................................. 8
Specifications ................................................ 8
Product Link (PLG641V2 - If Equipped)............ 9
Certification Markings .................................. 10
Certification Notices..................................... 10
sDoC .............................................................. 9
Specifications .............................................. 10

Radio Frequency Components ......................... 8
Regulatory Compliance Information.................. 8

Safety Section ................................................... 5
Safety Signs and Labels.................................... 5
Other Films .................................................... 5
Safety Messages ........................................... 5
System Overview .............................................. 7
Data Broadcasts ............................................ 7
Product and Dealer Information
Note: For product identification plate locations, see the section “Product Identification Information” in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.

Delivery Date:

Product Information

Product Identification Number:

Engine Serial Number:

Transmission Serial Number:

Generator Serial Number:

Attachment Serial Numbers:

Attachment Information:

Customer Equipment Number:

Dealer Equipment Number:

Dealer Information
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16 March 2023

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