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Knowledge Attitudes and Practice of Preconception

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Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care among Women

Attending Appointments at a Rural Clinic in Kelantan

Article in Education in Medicine Journal · December 2016

DOI: 10.5959/eimj.v8i4.475


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4 authors, including:

Nani Draman Azidah Abdul Kadir

Universiti Sains Malaysia kubang kerian Universiti Sains Malaysia


Rosediani Muhamad
Universiti Sains Malaysia


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Volume 8 Issue 4 2016
DOI: 10.5959/eimj.v8i4. 475
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of
Submitted: 17-10-2016 Preconception Care among Women Attending
Accepted: 13-11-2016
Online: 30-12-2016 Maternal Health Clinic in Kelantan
Rosnani Kasim, Nani Draman, Azidah Abdul Kadir, Rosediani

Department of Family Medicine, School of Medical Sciences,

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus,16150 Kubang Kerian,
Kelantan, Malaysia

To cite this article: Kasim R, Draman N, Abdul Kadir A, Muhamad R. 2016. Knowledge, attitudes and
practice of preconception care among women attending Maternal Health Clinic in Kelantan. Education in Medicine
Journal. 8(4):57–68. DOI: 10.5959/eimj.v8i4.475

To link to this article:

Introduction: Pregnancy is common among women in the reproductive age and is associated with
several risks. Preconception care has thus been introduced to promote health before conception
and to improve pregnancy-related outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the level of
knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding preconception care among women attending antenatal
care appointments. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from April to
December 2012 at Klinik Kesihatan Bachok. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to
135 respondents from 18 to 45 years of age. The questionnaire consisted of four domains, assessing
socio-demographic data and knowledge, attitudes and practice of preconception care. Results:
The mean (SD) knowledge, attitude and practice scores were 11.37 (3.94), 15.39 (2.12) and 10.13
(2.30), respectively. In total, 98.5% of the respondents had good attitudes, 45.2% had good practices,
and 51.9% had good knowledge of preconception care. Conclusion: Women in Bachok have fair
knowledge of and good attitude towards preconception care. However, they have poor preconception
care practices.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practise, Preconception care, Reproductive age

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Dr Nani Draman, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus,16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
| Email:

INTRODUCTION period for the development of important

organs. Thus, many poor outcomes have
Preconception care aims to promote already been determined prior to these
health prior to conception and to improve women’s first antenatal visit. Counselling
pregnancy-related outcomes (1). Pregnancy and prevention efforts implemented after
is common among women in reproductive the organogenesis period therefore do not
age. However, many of these women are improve outcomes related to congenital
unaware that they are pregnant until they malformations (2, 3).
miss their menstrual cycle, which can occur
approximately six to eight weeks into their Knowledge of preconception care can be
pregnancy; accordingly, these women have acquired though experience or education.
their first antenatal visit during or after this Education can be attained from multiple
period (2). The first trimester is a crucial sources, e.g., books, newspapers, radio

Education in Medicine Journal. 2016; 8(4): 57–68  Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. 2016
Education in Medicine Journal 2016; 8(4): 57–68

channels, television, the Internet or medical and practice of pregnant women attending
staff consultations. Studies have shown that antenatal care visits.
women who receive pre-pregnancy care
have more knowledge and often show risk-
reduction behaviours. The use of folic acid MATERIAL AND METHODS
in the recommended period also increases
among women who receive pre-pregnancy This was a cross-sectional study of pregnant
care (4). A previous study also showed that women attending appointments at Bachok
women who receive an intervention for Health Clinic, Bachok, Kelantan, from
preconception care have more knowledge April to December 2012. The inclusion
of preconception care and that even brief criteria were women attending antenatal
counselling can improve their knowledge of appointments who were between 18 and
general and personal preconception health 45 years of age. The exclusion criteria were
risks (5). health care workers and illiterate women.

Murphy et al. showed that the practice Based on a study conducted by Rosnah and
of preconception care before pregnancy Wan Aishah, (8), a standard deviation of 3.8
was associated with improved pregnancy was used for knowledge and a precision of
preparation and a reduced risk of adverse 0.7 was applied after considering the time
pregnancy outcomes. Their study was and resources needed to conduct this study.
conducted among patients with Type 1 A sample size of 135 patients with a 20%
and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Those who response rate was thus needed.
attended preconception care had better
glycaemic control, consumed folic acid Research Tool
and scheduled early care appointments
(6). Mazza and Chapman determined that The questionnaires consisted of two
women of reproductive age exhibited a sections. Section A pertained to socio-
lack of preconception care behaviour. Their demographic profiles, and Section B
practice of preconception care behaviour included the questionnaire used to assess
depended on their life stage and whether knowledge, attitudes and practice.
they were planning on having children. They
The questionnaire was developed in several
perceived pregnancy as a normal process for
stages. The first stage involved a literature
human beings, and thus medical attention
search on the knowledge, attitudes and
prior to pregnancy was not considered
practice of preconception care. This search
needed, and medical care was important
was conducted to determine appropriate
only once they became pregnant (7).
content for the questionnaire and the
Preconception counselling helps prevent subdomains of knowledge, attitude and
poor pregnancy outcomes. Ideally all practice. After the literature search, a
women of reproductive age should receive questionnaire by Rosnah and Wan Aishah
preconception counselling before becoming were selected for the knowledge and
pregnant. This type of counselling should practice components (8). This questionnaire
be offered to all women who attend visits was chosen because it was generated in
for contraception, Pap smears or for follow- the Malay language and was suitable
up for chronic diseases such as diabetes for a community survey. Furthermore,
mellitus, hypertension and epilepsy. In the questionnaire was validated, with a
Malaysia, not much is known about the Cronbach’s alpha of 0.79. Permission was
knowledge, attitude and practices of obtained from the author through email. For
preconception care, although these factors the attitude component, the content validity
are known to contribute to good pregnancy of the questions was determined by a group
outcomes. Thus, the objective of this study of experts, consisting of two family medicine
was to determine the knowledge, attitudes specialists and a statistician. Then, a pilot

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care

study was conducted to ensure the validity Categorical responses (good/poor) were
and reliability. then generated for the knowledge, attitude
and practice domains. The grading was
The questionnaire was self-rated. determined according to the percentage of
It consisted of four domains: socio- the total score for each domain:
demographic data, knowledge, attitudes
and practice. The first section of the 0.0%–49.9% was poor, and
questionnaire was on socio-demographic
characteristics. The knowledge domain 50%–100% was good.
consisted of 21 items using a three-point For each domain, the researchers decided
Likert scale (Yes/No/Not sure). A score of that the respondents had to obtain at least
“1” was provided for correct answers, and a 50% mark for their knowledge, attitude
incorrect and not sure responses were scored and practice to be considered good. Those
“0”. The questions asked were related to who scored less than 50% in each domain
knowledge of high-risk pregnancies, birth were considered to have poor knowledge,
spacing and the impact of poor spacing, negative attitudes and poor practices. The
anaemia, folic acid, harmful effects of same categories were applied in the study
smoking and healthy diets during pregnancy. conducted by Rosnah and Wan Aishah (8).
The practice domain consisted of 16 items.
A score of “1” was given for good practices A pilot study was conducted at the
and “0” for poor practices. The questions Obstetrics and Gynaecology clinic, Hospital
asked were related to medical check-ups, Universiti Sains Malaysia, during pregnant
healthy diets and healthy lifestyles. All women’s antenatal visits to determine the
scores were calculated and summed for each reliability and validity of the questionnaire
domain of knowledge and practice. The total and to estimate the time required to
score was transformed into a percentage by complete the questionnaire. A total of 30
dividing the score by the maximum possible participants answered the questionnaire.
score and multiplying by 100. Item analysis was performed including
estimates of the internal consistency
For the attitude component, a new reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and
questionnaire was developed by a group corrected item-total correlations to assess
of experts that consisted of two family construct validity. Problematic items were
medicine specialists and a statistician. The removed. The attitude component initially
attitude domain consisted of four items. The consisted of five questions but was reduced
questions asked the respondents about their to four after eliminating a problematic
beliefs and perceptions of the importance item. The results were satisfactory, showing
and benefits of preconception care and the a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.8. The final
type of facility used to obtain preconception questionnaire consisted of 21 items for
care advice. A 5-point Likert scale was used. knowledge, 16 items for practice and 4 items
Scores of “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, and “5” were for attitude.
used for strongly disagree, disagree, neutral,
agree, and strongly agree, respectively. All
scores were summed. The total score was Data Collection Procedure
transformed into a percentage by dividing
Pregnant women who were attending their
the score by the maximum possible score
appointment at the clinic were approached
and multiplying the resulting value by 100.
using convenience sampling. They were
The face validity was then assessed by
informed about the research procedure,
10 pregnant women at Clinic Kesihatan
and the eligible respondents who fulfilled
Bachok; these women were not counted as
the inclusion and exclusion criteria were
part of the sample size. Finally, a few of the
invited to participate in the study. The
questionnaire sentences were adjusted.
self-administered questionnaire was 59
Education in Medicine Journal 2016; 8(4): 57–68

administered, and the respondents were shown in Table 2, 98.5% of the respondents
guided in answering the questionnaire. The had good attitudes towards preconception
respondents had to complete the entire care, and 45.2% had good preconception
questionnaire and return it to the researcher care practices.
on the same day. The respondents were
informed that the information provided was Details of the respondents’ responses on the
confidential and that they could withdraw knowledge, attitude and practice domains
from the study if they wished to. are shown in Tables 3, 4 and 5, respectively.

The data collected were analysed using

SPSS 19 (Statistical Program for Social DISCUSSION
Science Version 19). Descriptive analysis was
used for this study. Numerical variables were The mean age of the respondents in
expressed as the mean (SD), and categorical this study was 28.8 years. This age was
variables were expressed as the number and comparable to similar studies, which have
percentage. reported mean ages of 30.0 years, 29.5
years, 28.9 years and 27.4 years (5, 8, 9).
The research study was approved by the The majority of our study respondents
Ethics Committee, School of Medicine, were Malay, comprising 99.3% of the total
Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, respondents, and 63% of the respondents
on the 31st of January 2012. Ref: USMKK/ were employed. A previous study showed
PPP/JEPeM[24b.4.(1.8)] that persons with a higher education
had more positive attitudes towards
preconception care than those with a lower
RESULTS education level (10). Employment does
reflect the respondents’ education level
A total of 492 women visited Bachok Health and could also affect the level of exposure
Clinic for an appointment during the study and accessibility to health information. In
period. Of the attendees, 145 women a prior study, Herman et al. showed that
attending an appointment were screened for a higher percentage of participants who
eligibility; 10 women were not eligible, as were employed sought preconception care
three were health workers and seven refused compared to unemployed women (11).
to join the study. Therefore, 135 women
consented to participate and completed the Approximately 47.4% of the respondents
study, with a response rate of 100%. had planned their pregnancy. This result is
similar to that of a study conducted by Frey
Most of the respondents were Malay et al. They noted that only 47.2% of the
(99.3%). Their ages ranged from 18–45 respondents had planned their pregnancy,
years, with a mean age of 28.8 years. Many and the majority were aware of the need to
of the women were unemployed (63%). be in good health before getting pregnant
Only half of the respondents (52.6%) had an (12). This result was reflected in the use
unplanned pregnancy. The majority of these of contraception. In our country, the
women (80%) had no pregnancy-related contraception rate has been approximately
complications during the study. Only 6.7% 50% for the past three decades (13). Thus,
of them had a history of medical problems the need to plan pregnancies is critical,
(Table 1). especially in patients with comorbid illnesses
The mean score for knowledge was 11.37 such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension,
(3.94), with 51.9% of the respondents as their risk of pregnancy is greater than that
having good knowledge of preconception of women without comorbid illness. Spence
care. For the attitude and practice et al. conducted a study on knowledge and
components, the mean scores were 15.39 attitudes toward preconception care among
(2.12) and 10.13 (2.30), respectively. As women with diabetes, and their results

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care

Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents

Variables Mean (SD)* n (%)

Age (years) 28.8 (6.06)
Number of pregnancies 2.8 (1.85)
Malay 134 (99.3)
Non-Malay 1 (0.7)
Employed 85 (63)
Unemployed 50 (37)
Planned 63 (47.4)
Unplanned 72 (52.6)
Pregnancy-related complication
Yes 27 (20.0)
No 108 (80.0)
Gynaecological history
Yes 1 (0.7)
No 134 (99.3)
Medical history
Yes 9 (6.7)
No 126 (93.3)
Standard deviation

Table 2: Mean score for knowledge, attitudes and practices

Variable Mean (SD)* n (%)

Knowledge 11.37 (3.94) 70 (51.9)
Attitude 15.39 (2.12) 133 (98.5)
Practice 10.13 (2.30) 61 (45.2)
Standard deviation 61
Education in Medicine Journal 2016; 8(4): 57–68

Table 3: Correct responses for knowledge of preconception care (n = 135)

Item n (%)
1. Risk for high-risk pregnancy
a) Age below 18 years 72 (53.3)
b) Small body size 28 (20.7)
c) First pregnancy at age 35 years and above 90 (66.7)
d) Twin pregnancy 72 (53.3)
2. Risk of poor birth spacing
a) Anaemia 99 (73.3)
b) Congenital malformation 29 (21.5)
c) Premature labour 63 (46.7)
d) Postpartum haemorrhage 65 (48.1)
3. Recommendation for good birth spacing practices
a) One year 66 (48.9)
b) Between 2 to 4 years 124 (91.9)
c) More than 5 years 57 (42.2)
4. Knowledge of diet during pregnancy
a) Eat a balanced diet but more frequently than non- 3 (2.2)
pregnant women
b) Eat a diet with higher iron content 111 (82.2)
c) Eat a diet with higher calcium content 113 (83.7)
d) Eat less fat 98 (72.6)
5. Smoking causes harm to the baby 131 (97.0)
6. Folic acid supplementation and risk reduction of 112 (83.0)
congenital malformation
7. Risk of maternal anaemia for baby
a) Low birth weight 91 (67.4)
b) Pale 8 (5.90)
c) Good appetite 60 (44.0)
d) Increased blood pressure 43 (31.9)

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care

Table 4: Responses for attitudes towards preconception care (n = 135)

Item n (%)
1. Preconception care is important during the
reproductive age
a) Strongly agree 42 (31.1)
b) Agree 79 (58.5)
c) Neutral 11 (8.1)
d) Disagree 1 (0.7)
e) Strongly disagree 2 (1.5)
2. Preconception care has implications for
pregnancy and delivery
a) Strongly agree 48 (35.6)
b) Agree 65 (48.1)
c) Neutral 11 (8.1)
d) Disagree 5 (3.7)
e) Strongly disagree 6 (4.4)
3. Government facilities are the best place to
receive preconception care
a) Strongly agree 66 (48.9)
b) Agree 58 (43.0)
c) Neutral 9 (6.7)
d) Disagree 0 (0.0)
e) Strongly disagree 2 (1.5)
4. Private health facilities are the best place to
receive preconception care
a) Strongly agree 6 (4.4)
b) Agree 28 (20.7)
c) Neutral 46 (34.1)
d) Disagree 40 (29.6)
e) Strongly disagree 15 (11.1) 63
Education in Medicine Journal 2016; 8(4): 57–68

Table 5: Responses for practices of preconception care (n = 135)

Item n (%)
1. Early preparation practices before pregnancy for women
with a chronic medical illness (e.g., DM/HPT/Asthma)
a) Attended early medical check-ups for pregnancy 121 (89.6)
b) Waited until confirmed pregnancy before going for 71 (52.6)
medical check-ups at clinic
c) Planned to not get pregnant 62 (45.9)
d) Received advice from friends and family 69 (51.1)
2. Engages in exercise 58 (43.0)
3. Exercises less than 2 times per week 73 (54.1)
4. Consumed folic acid supplementation before pregnancy 40 (29.6)
5. Eats daily meals, eats extra vegetables 99 (73.3)
6. Practice on food taboo 47 (34.8)
7. Attended early antenatal care appointments (first 3 125 (92.6)
8. Frequency of receiving health information per week
a) More than once 65 (48.1)
b) Once 39 (28.9)
c) None 31 (23.0)
9. Frequency following all advice from the doctor
a) Always 115 (85.2)
b) Never 0 (0)
c) Seldom 20 (14.8)
10. HIV screening completion
a) Yes 101 (74.8)
b) Never 34 (25.2)
c) Don’t know 0 (0)
11. Frequency of eating junk food while planning for
a) Never 35 (25.9)
b) Every day 47 (34.8)
c) Seldom 53 (39.3)
12. Consumed drugs without doctor’s advice while
planning for pregnancy
a) Never 125 (92.6)
b) Yes 10 (7.4)
c) Don’t know 0 (0)
d) Smoking 0 (0.0)

Note: Hypertension (HPT); Diabetes Mellitus (DM).

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care

showed that most women were generally spacing on maternal, perinatal, infant and
aware of the need to plan their pregnancy. child health, found that short intervals
However, the rationale for the need to between pregnancies led to maternal
plan their pregnancy was only understood nutritional depletion (16).
by parous women or those seeking
preconception care (14). Knowledge of folic acid consumption in our
study was higher, with 83% of respondents
having adequate knowledge of the need
Knowledge of Preconception Care for folic acid supplementation during the
The mean knowledge score was 11.37 preconception period to prevent congenital
± 3.94. This finding is similar to that of anomalies. This result is slightly lower
a study conducted by Rosnah and Wan that of a study by Harelick et al. However,
Aishah, in which the mean knowledge their study was conducted among men and
score was 11.7 ± 3.8. An overall evaluation women with a low socio-economic status
revealed that 51.9% of the respondents had in an urban city, and therefore financial
relatively fair knowledge. However, for the considerations may explain part of the
specific preconception health topics, the difference in results (9).
respondents’ knowledge of the risk of poor
spacing, recommendations for good birth Practices of Preconception Care
spacing practices and the risk of maternal
anaemia to the foetus was low. It is possible The mean score for appropriate practices
that information on the importance of pre- in this study was 10.13 ± 2.30 out of a
pregnancy care may not have been stressed total score of 16. This finding indicated
during their prior clinic visits or even during that 45.2% of women in Bachok had poor
health campaigns. Therefore, when they preconception care practices. This is lower
became pregnant, these women had little than the score reported by Rosnah and Wan
knowledge of pregnancy care; Rosnah and Aishah, in which 70% of the respondents
Wan Aishah also documented that many of had high practice scores; this difference may
their respondents had rarely heard about be due to a lack of exposure and awareness
pre-pregnancy care throughout their life (8). of the availability of preconception care.
There are no formal preconception clinics
Although they answered correctly established in local settings. Currently,
regarding birth spacing between two and preconception care is introduced during
four years (91.9%), half of them still consultations for contraception and follow-
answered incorrectly and were not sure up for chronic illness such as diabetes and
of the adequacy of a spacing of one year hypertension. Thus, women who do not
and more than five years. This finding is encounter contraception clinics and who
greatly concerning because birth spacing do not have a chronic illness may not be
of less than six months is associated with informed about preconception care.
an increased risk of maternal mortality
and morbidity as well as a risk of preterm As high as 89.6% of the respondents
birth and of infants who are small for answered yes for attending early medical
gestational age and have a low birth weight check-ups to plan their pregnancy. However,
(15). Therefore, education is important for contradicting results were observed as
preventing the complications related to poor further questions were asked; 47.4% of the
birth spacing. respondents reported waiting after their
pregnancy was confirmed before receiving
Overall, knowledge of the risk of maternal medical care. However, the majority of
anaemia for the baby was low. Maternal respondents (92.6%) sought medical
anaemia can occur due to poor birth attention within the first three months.
spacing. Conde-Agudelo et al., in their
systematic review on the effects of birth 65
Education in Medicine Journal 2016; 8(4): 57–68

Regarding healthy lifestyles, the present Many of the respondents were more
study showed that 43% of the respondents concerned about drug consumption during
exercised as part of their healthy lifestyle, the preconception period. The majority of
and 54.1% of the respondents exercised respondents consulted their doctors prior
less than two times per week. Ribeiro and to consuming drugs. Only 7.4% of the
Milanez conducted a study on women’s respondents consumed drugs without their
knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding doctors’ advice. This result may be due to
exercise during pregnancy, and their results their high awareness of the risk of drugs for
showed that approximately 20% of the their pregnancy.
studied population engaged in adequate
exercise during pregnancy. Adequate Attitudes towards Preconception Care
exercise was defined as three or more times
in one week. The reported reasons for The success of preconception care greatly
inadequate exercise in their study were a depends on women’s attitudes and their
lack of time, feeling very tired and feeling willingness to participate. The present study
uncomfortable (17). showed that the majority of women in
Bachok possessed a good attitude (98.5%)
The majority of respondents did not towards preconception care, with only 1.5%
consume folic acid during the preconception having a poor attitude. A total of 89.6% of
period. This vitamin has known benefits the respondents agreed and strongly agreed
for reducing neural tube defects such as that preconception care is an important
spinal bifida (18). Although their knowledge health issue during the reproductive age. As
of folic acid was high, only 29.6% of the many as 83.7% of the respondents agreed
respondents took folic acid supplements. and strongly agreed that preconception
This finding indicated that the prevalence care was a priority before their pregnancy.
of this practice was low. The low uptake However, this proportion is slightly lower
of supplements may have been due to than that identified by Frey and Files, as in
the cost of the vitamins. Women were not their study, almost all respondents (98.6%)
willing to come to the clinic for folic acid realised the importance of optimising their
supplements due to the waiting times, and health prior to pregnancy (12). In our study,
therefore they bought it from their nearest 10.4% of the respondents did not agree
pharmacy. Mazza and Chapman noted that that preconception care is an important
confusion about the use, dose, duration, health issue during the reproductive age; the
timing and efficacy of folic acid were a respondents in this disagreeing group were
few of the barriers identified to folic acid in younger age groups. Their disagreement
supplementation during preconception (7). could be due to their lack of knowledge
In a different study, Harelick et al. also of preconception care and their fewer
reported that only 42% of their studied encounters with health facilities.
population consumed multivitamins The majority of respondents chose
including folic acid as preconception government facilities as the best place to
supplementation (9). Chuang et al. receive preconception care advice. This
noted that 42.6% of their sample location was selected because government
population consumed folic acid during the health centres are easily accessible to the
preconception period, and the highest folic public. Furthermore, the services are
acid consumption was observed in the group also provided equally without bias. Based
who had planned for pregnancy for less on our observations, the majority of the
than 12 months; the lowest consumption respondents were from low- and middle-
occurred in the group who had planned for income families. The low fees for receiving
pregnancy for more than 2 years (19). services at government facilities are

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Preconception Care

affordable for everyone, whereas the costs of us to use her validated questionnaire in this
private health facilities are more expensive. study.

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