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III-IV Syllabus 22 Series

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B E. Third Semester

Engineering Mathematics-III for Electrical & Electronics Engineering Stream

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(From the academic year 2023-24)
Course Code 22MATE31 CIE Marks 50
Credits 03 SEE Marks 50
Contact Hours/Week (L-T-P) 2-2-0 Total Marks 100
Contact Hours 42 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning Objectives: To enable the students to obtain the knowledge of Engineering
Mathematics in the following topics

1. Z-transforms, Fourier Series, Fourier transforms and and its application in engineering
2. Probability distribution of discrete and continuous random variables
3. Joint probability distributions and discrete and continuous random variables

Module-I 9hours
Difference equations and Z-Transforms :

Difference equations –Basic definitions, Z-Transform-Definitions, standard Z-transform, linearity

property, damping rule, shifting rule , initial value theorem ,final value theorem .
Inverse Z-Transform and applications.

RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3

Module-II 8 hours
Fourier series:

Periodic functions, Fourier series with periods (0, 2π), (-π, π), (0, 2l) and (-l, l). Half range Fourier
series, Practical harmonic analysis and problems.

RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3

Module-III 9 hours
Fourier Transform:

Finite and Infinite Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, properties, Inverse
Fourier transforms and problems

RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3

Module –IV 8 hours

Probability distributions:

Random variable (Discrete and continuous) p.d.f., c.d.f., Binomial distribution, Poisson distributions,
Normal distribution and problems.

RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3

Module –V 8 hours
Joint probability distributions:

Concept of joint probability distribution, discrete and continuous random variables independent
random variables .problems on expectation and variance

RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3

Text books:

1 Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal, Khanna publishers; 40 th Edition.2007

2 Engineering Mathematics by N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal. Laxmi publications, latest edition

Reference books:

1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, John Willey & sons 8 th Edn.

2.A short course in differential equations – Rainvile E.D.9th Edition.

3.Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R.K.Jain & S.R.K Iyengar; Narosa publishing House.

4.Introductory methods of numerical analysis by S.S.Sastry

4. Statistical Methods Authored By Gupta S.P. Publisher: Sultan Chand & Sons. Publishing Year: 2021
5. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Authored By Gupta S.C.& Kapoor
V.K. Publisher:Sultan Chand & Sons.Publishing Year: 2020

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:

CO1: Understanding the characteristics and properties of the Z-transform

CO2: Construction of Fourier series for periodic signals and Fourier series to analyze circuits.

CO3: Determine Fourier transformation for continuous time signals and systems

CO4: : Solve problems using theoretical probability distributions

CO5: Apply the concepts of joint probability, to find covariance, correlation, independent variables
Course Title: Electric Circuit Analysis
Course Code 22EE32 CIE: 50

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3Hrs (Theory) SEE: 50

Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03

Prerequisite: Students should have the knowledge of
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Analysis of AC and DC circuits.
Course Objectives:
1. To analyze the circuits using different methodologies.
2. To study different parameters of two port networks and Network functions.
3. To implement Laplace transform and understand the transient behavior of circuits.
4. To study the Network Synthesis.

Modules Teaching
Module I

Basic Concept: Loop and Nodal Analysis with independent sources of DC and AC
networks, Super mesh and super node analysis. (Practical)
Network topology: Concept of Graph, tree, Co-tree, Incidence matrix, Tie-set, Cut-set, 8hrs
network solutions using Tie-set and Cut-set schedules.

Module II

Network Theorems: DC and AC circuit analysis by Superposition theorem, Thevinin's 8hrs

theorem, Norton's theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Milliman’s theorem and
Reciprocity theorem.(Practical)
Module III

Laplace Transform and Applications: Introduction, Laplace transform of important 9hrs

functions, Voltage-Current relationships of R, L, C in frequency domain.
Two port Networks: Types of two port networks, Z, Y, ABCD and Hybrid parameters,
Interconnection of two port networks (Cascaded, Series, Parallel).(Practical)
Module IV
Resonance: Introduction, Series resonance circuit, Parallel resonance circuit, frequency
response of series circuit & parallel circuit, Q-factor. 8hrs
Transient behavior and Initial Conditions: Initial and final value theorem, Behavior of
circuit elements under switching conditions in R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits for DC
Module V
Network Functions: Introduction, network functions of one port, two port networks, Poles
and Zeros of network functions, Restrictions on location of Poles and Zeros for network
functions, stability.
Network Synthesis : Introduction, Hurwitz polynomial, Procedure for obtaining the
continued fraction expansion, Positive real functions.
Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student
has to answer five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference books:
1. Network Analysis by M. E. Van Valkenberg, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2014
2. Network Analysis and Synthesis by Mohammed Arshad
3. Network analysis and Synthesis by Franklin F, Wiley International Edition.
4. Electric Circuits by P.M. Chandrashekharaiah.
5. Electrical Networks by Ravish R Singh.
E books and online course materials:
Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Implement and analyze the network using loop, nodal analysis and
network topology.
CO2 Analyze the different networks theorems.
CO3 Analyze the network using two port networks concept and Laplace
CO4 Analyze the resonant behavior of circuit. Examine transient behavior
of circuits and determine the and initial and final conditions of circuits
CO5 Evaluate network functions of network and Understand the Network

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2022-23

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3

1 CO1
2 CO2
3 CO3
4 CO4
5 CO5
Course Title: Analog and Digital Electronics
Course Code 22EE33
3Hrs (Theory) + 2hrs( SEE:
Number of Lecture Hours/Week
Practical) 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03

Credits: 04
Prerequisite: Students should have

1. Basic knowledge of Electronics and Electronic Devices

2. Basic knowledge of Number system and its conversion.
3. Knowledge of Logic gates and its analysis using k-map.
Course Objectives: To study the clipper and clamper circuits and their applications.

1. To study the transistor and also biasing circuits using transistor.

2. To study the practical Op-Amp IC 741and different oscillators.
3. To understand the Combinational logic circuits and also designs of it.
4. To understand about Design of combinational Logic.
Modules Teaching
Module- I

Clipping & Clamping Circuits:

Series clippers, parallel clippers, parallel clipper circuits with reference voltage, two 8hrs
way parallel clipper circuit. Negative clamper, positive clamper and addition of
battery in clamper. Applications of clippers and clampers.
Module- II

Transistor Biasing: Analysis of fixed bias circuits, its load line analysis, selection 9hrs
of operating point, advantages and disadvantages. Emitter stabilized biased circuit:
Analysis of emitter stabilized biased circuitand its advantages & disadvantages.
Voltage divider bias circuit: Analysis of voltage divider bias circuit and its
simplified circuit.
Module- III

Transistor at Low Frequencies & Frequency response : 9hrs

Transistor at low frequency : BJT transistor modeling, Hybrid equivalent model,

re model (CE Fixed bias configuration, voltage divider bias, Emitter follower

Frequency Response :General frequency considerations, low frequency response,

Miller effect capacitance, high frequency response, Multistage frequency effects
Module IV

Principles of Combinational logic- 1:

Definition, types of Boolean equations, Canonical forms, truth tables, realization of 8hrs
Boolean equations using basic gates and universal gates, Don’t care terms,
Simplification of Boolean equations using Karnaugh’s maps for 2,3,4 and 5 variables.
Module V

Principles of Combinational logic-2

Quine-McClusky minimization technique, Map Entered Variable method. 8hrs

Analysis and Design of combinational Logic :

Adders, Look ahead Carry Adder, Subtractors, Digital Multiplexers. Decoders,

Encoders, PLDs: PROM,PLA and PAL, Different types of Flipflops and their truth
Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student has to
answer five questions, selecting at least one from each module.

Reference/Text books:

1. “Electronic Devices and circuit theory”, Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, PHI/Pearson
Education. 10th edition 2013.
2. “Integrated Electronics”, Jacob Millman and Christos C.Halkias, TMH, 1991 edition.
3. “Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs”, David A. Bell, PHI publication, 2th edition, 2008.

E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Understand the clipping and clamping circuits.

CO2 Design the biasing circuit for transistor.

CO3 Understand the operation of the Op-Amp and design some basic circuits of Op-

CO4 Understand about Principles of Combinational logic.

CO5 CO5: Understand the use of Sequential Circuits.

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 3 1 2 1

2 CO2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 2

3 CO3 3 3 1 2 1

4 CO4 3 3 1 2 1

5 CO5 3 3 1 2 1

CAM AVERAGE 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 2
Course Title: Electrical Machines - I
Course Code 22EE34 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 2Hrs (Theory) + 2hrs( Tutorial) SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Credits: 03
Prerequisite: Students should have
1. Knowledge of AC circuit analysis
2. Basic knowledge of Single and Three phase transformer and its performance analysis.
3. Basic knowledge of Construction and working of Single phase Induction motor.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concept, construction, working of the single-phase transformer and
different tests to be carried out for performance evaluation.
2. To study the condition for parallel operation, load sharing, autotransformer, copper saving, constant
voltage and current transformer and variable frequency transformer
3. Basic concept about three phase transformer types of connections, conversion techniques and
equivalent circuit.
4. Basic concept of three phase induction motor, its performance evaluation, cogging and crawling.
5. To understand about starting and speed control of three phase Induction motor and also basic concept
single phase induction motor.
Modules Teaching
Single Phase transformers: Review of Basic concepts, Concept of ideal transformer,
operation of power transformer under no-load and load conditions (with phasor diagrams).
Equivalent resistance and reactance, Equivalent circuit, losses, efficiency; condition for
maximum efficiency, all day efficiency. In rush current in transformers. 9hrs

Testing and Parallel operation: Open circuit & short circuit tests, calculation of parameters
of equivalent circuit. Voltage regulation, predetermination of efficiency and regulation. 8hrs
Polarity test and sumpner’s test. Need and conditions to be satisfied for parallel operation of
two or more
transformers. Load sharing in case of similar and dissimilar transformers.
Autotransformer and Three phase transformers: Auto transformers, copper economy.
Introduction, constructional features, choice between single unit three phase transformer and 8hrs
bank of three single phase transformers, transformer connection for 3phase operation: star/star,
delta/delta, star/delta, delta/star and open delta connections. Phase conversions, Scott
three phase to two phase.
Three phase induction motor: Review of basic concepts, starting and running torque, torque-
slip characteristics, Induction motor as generalized transformer, phasor diagram, losses, 9hrs
efficiency, No-load and blocked rotor tests, equivalent circuit, circle diagram and performance
evaluation of the
motors; cogging and crawling
Starting & Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor: Need of starter, Direct on line
(DOL) starter, Star-Delta starter, autotransformer starting, rotor resistance starting, speed 8hrs
control using voltage, frequency & rotor resistance methods.

Single phase induction motor: Double revolving field theory and principle of operation,
Types of single phase Induction motor: split phase, capacitor start, capacitor run, shaded pole

Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The
student has to answer five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference/Text books:

1. Electrical Machine, I.J. Nagrath and D.P Kothari, T.M.H, 4 th Edition 2011.

2. Electrical Machines, Mulukuntla .S. Sarma, Mukesh K. Pathan, Cengage learning First edition 2009.

3. Theory of alternating current machines, Alexandar Langsdrof, T.M.H-2 nd edition 2001.

4. Electrical machines and transformers, Kosow, Pearson 2 nd edition 2007.

5. A Text of Electrical Technology Vol II, AC & DC machines B.L.Theraja, A.K.Theraja,

S. Chand publication – 2000.

6. A Textbook of Electric Machines, Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai Publication, 2 nd Edition.

E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Explain the working of single phase transformer and

induction motor on various load conditions
CO2 Analyze the performance of single phase transformer
CO3 Illustrate different 3phase transformer connections

CO4 Test and performance analysis of single phase transformer and 3phase induction motor

CO5 Explain different types starters of 3phase induction motors

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 1 2 3 1 1

2 CO2 3 3 3 2 3 2 1

3 CO3 1 1 3 3

4 CO4 3 2 2 2 3 2 1

5 CO5 2 1 3

CAM AVERAGE 2.4 1.6 2.5 2 3 1.666667 1

Course Title: Electrical Machine - I Lab
Course Code 22EEL35 CIE:
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 2Hrs Practical SEE
: 50
Credits: 01

1. OC, SC test on single phase transformer and pre-determination of efficiency
and regulation for different loads and PFs.
2. Determination of efficiency and regulation for single phase transformer by direct
3. Polarity test and Sumpner’s test.
4. Parallel operation of single phase transformers.
5. Study of single phase transformers for three phase connections.
6. Scott – connection for balanced and unbalanced loads.
7. Load test on three phase induction motor and performance evaluation.
8. No load and blocked rotor test on three phase induction motor, and
performance evaluation using :
i) Equivalent circuit
ii) Circle diagram
9. Determination of equivalent circuit and performance evaluation of single phase
induction motor
10. Load test on single phase induction motor.
E books and online course materials:
Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Analyze the performance of single phase transformer by Direct and In-
direct methods.

CO2 Testing of two transformers for parallel operation and determine the
sharing of load.

CO3 Demonstrate the three phase transformer connections by using three single
phase transformers.

CO4 Determine the performance of the three phase induction motor by direct

CO5 Develop equivalent circuit and circle diagram to determine the

performance of induction motor by No-load and Blocked rotor tests.

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 2 3 3 2 2
2 CO2 3 3 3 3 2 2

3 CO3 3 1 3 3 2 2

4 CO4 3 1 3 3 2 2

5 CO5 3 2 3 3 2 2

3 1.8 3 3 2 2
Course Title: Field Theory
Course Code CIE: 50
SEE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3Hrs (Theory)
SEE Hours: 03
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42
Prerequisite:Students should have
1. Basic Knowledge of Coulomb’s Law
2. Basic knowledge of Laplace transform.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand about coulomb’s law & electric field intensity.

2. To study energy & potential, conductors, dielectrics & capacitance.

3. To study Poisson’s and Laplace equations, time varying field & Maxwell’s equations.

4. To understand the concept of steady magnetic field.

5. To know about uniform plane wave.

Modules Teaching
Module I
Coulomb’s Law and electric field intensity: Experimental law of Coulomb, Electric field
intensity, Field due to continuous volume charge distribution, Field of a line charge, Sheet of
charge. Electric flux density, Relation between Electric flux density and electric field 8hrs
intensity, Gauss’ law and divergence, Applications of Gauss law, Maxwell’s First equation
(Electrostatics), vector operator and divergence theorem.
Module II
Energy and potential: Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field, The 5hrs
line integral, Definition of potential and Potential differences, The potential due to a point
charge and system of charges, Potential gradient , Energy density in an electrostatic field .

Conductors, Dielectrics and capacitance: Current and current density, Continuity of

current, metallic conductors, Conductor properties and boundary conditions between
conductor and free space, boundary conditions for perfect Dielectrics, capacitance and

4 hrs
Module III

Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations: Derivations of Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations, 4hrs
Uniqueness theorem, Examples of the solutions of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.

The Steady Magnetic field: Biot- Savart law, Ampere’s circuital law, Curl, Stokes’ theorem,
magnetic flux and flux density, scalar and Vector magnetic potentials. 4hrs

Module IV

Magnetic forces: Force on a moving charge and differential current element, Force between 5hrs
differential current elements, Force and torque on a closed circuit, boundary condition
between two magnetic fields.

Time varying fields and Maxwell’s equations: Faraday’s law, displacement current,
Maxwell’s equation in point and Integral form for time varying fields, retarded potential.

Module V

Uniform plane wave: Wave propagation in free space(conductors in terms of E,H,D and B) 8hrs
and dielectrics, Poynting’s theorem and wave power, propagation in good conductors – (skin
effect), Reflection of uniform plane waves at normal incidence, Plane wave propagation in
general directions.

Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student has to answer
five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference/Text books:
3. “Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics”, by David K Cheng, Pearson, 2014.

4. “Electromagnetics”, J.A.Edminister, McGraw Hill, 3 rd edition 2010.

E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Use coulombs law and gauss law for evaluation of electric field
CO2 Estimate the energy & potential due to a system of charges & behavior of
conductors, dielectrics & capacitance
CO3 Apply Poisson’s & Laplace equations in magnetic fields
CO4 Explain the behavior of time varying fields.
CO5 Explain behavior of magnetic field & wave propagation
1. “Engineering Electromagnetics”, William .H .Hayt and John A Buck, Tata Mcgraw-Hill. 8th edition
2. “Principles of Electromagnetics”, by Mathew.N.O, Sadiku, Oxford University press, 4 th edition 2009.
Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

2 CO2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

3 CO3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

4 CO4 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

5 CO5 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

CAM AVERAGE 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
Course Code 21SCR36/22UHV37 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours week(L:T:P:S) 1:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 15 Total Marks 100
Credits 01 Exam Hours 03
Department Management Studies/Engineering Department
Offered for 3rdSemester
Prerequisite Nil

Objectives: The Coursewill

 EnablethestudenttodoadeepdriveintosocietalchallengesbeingaddressedbyNGO(s),socialen
 Provideaformalplatformforstudentstocommunicateandconnectwiththeirsurroundings.
 Enable to create of a responsible connection with society.

1. Understandsocialresponsibility
2. Practicesustainabilityandcreativity
3. Showcaseplanningandorganizationalskills

ch.students.Theywillalsomakeanexcerpteitherasadocumentaryoraphotoblogdescribing the plant’s
origin, its usage in daily life, anditsappearanceinfolkloreandliterature.


WaterConservation: knowing the present practices in t surrounding villages and

Course Title: Hardware Development Skills-I

Course Code 22EEAE38A CIE: 50
Number of Lecture
SEE: 50
List of Experiments Teaching Hours

1. Familiarization with Resistor

2. Familiarization with Capacitor
3. Familiarization with Inductor
4. Ohm’s Law
5. VI Characteristics of a Diode
6. Half Wave Rectification
7. Full wave Rectification
8. Zener diode- voltage regulator
E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Familiarize with Passive elements

CO2 Study Ohm’s Law

CO3 Analyze Characteristics of Diode
CO4 Study Applications of diode
CO5 Design voltage regulator using Zener diode
Course Title: Electrical Machines II

Course Code 22EE41 CIE: 50

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 2Hrs (Theory) + 2hrs( Tutorial) SEE: 50

Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03

Credits: 03
Prerequisite: Students should have knowledge of

1. Electromagnetic Induction

2. DC Machines and its performance

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of DC Generators and DC Motors and to evaluate their performance.
2. To conduct tests on DC Generators and DC Motors.
3. To understand the concepts of Synchronous Generators and to evaluate their performance.
4. To conduct tests to find regulation by different methods.
5. To explain the requirement for the parallel operation of synchronous generators.
6. To understand the synchronous motor operation and its performance.
Modules Teaching
Module - I
Direct current Generator : Review of construction, types, armature windings, relation between
no load and terminal voltage (No question shall be set from the review portion).
Armature reaction, Commutation, types and methods to improve commutation, compensating
windings, magnetization curve, no load and full load characteristics of DC generators. 8hrs
DC Motors: Review of Classification, Back emf, Torque equation, and significance of back emf.
Characteristics of shunt, series & compound motors.
Starters: Need of starters, 2-point and 3-point starters for series and shunt motors, Application
of motors.

DC Motors : Speed control of shunt, series and compound motors. Losses in DC motors, power
flow diagram, efficiency. Direct & indirect testing on DC motors: Brake load test, Swinburne’s
test, Retardation test, Hopkinson’s test, Field’s test, merits and demerits of tests. 8hrs

Synchronous generators : Review of construction and operation of salient & non-salient pole
synchronous generators (No question shall be set from the review portion).

Armature windings, winding factors, emf equation. Harmonics: Effects, causes and elimination.

Leakage reactance, Armature reaction, Synchronous reactance, Equivalent circuit, Phasor

diagram, Generator load characteristics. Power-angle characteristics and synchronizing power. 9hrs

Synchronous generators: Effects of saliency, two-reaction theory, Direct and Quadrate
reactance, power-angle diagram, reluctance power, slip test. Open circuit and short circuit
characteristics, short circuit ratio, Voltage regulation and pre-determination of voltage 9hrs
regulation by EMF, MMF and ZPF methods.
Synchronous generators: Parallel operation of generators, methods of synchronization,
synchronous generator connected to infinite bus. 8hrs
Synchronous motor: Principle of operation, effect of variation in load, effect of variation in
excitation, V and inverted V curves, hunting, starting methods.
Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student has to answer
five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference/Text books:
1. Electric Machines, D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath, Mc Graw Hill 4 th Edition, 2011.
2. Performance and Design of A.C. Machines, M. G. Say, CBS Publishers 3rd Edition,
3. Electrical Technology Volume II, B, L, Theraja S Chand Publications, 2015.
4. Electric Machines Mulukuntla S.Sarma, at el Cengage Learning 1 st Edition, 2009
5. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power systems Theodore Wild Pearson 6 th Edition,
6. Electrical Machines, M.V. Deshpande, PHI Learning 1st Edition, 2013
7. Electrical Machines, Abhijit Chakrabarti et al Mc Graw Hill, 1st Edition, 2015
8. A Textbook of Electric Machines, Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai Publication, 2 nd Edition

E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Explain the operation of DC generator and DC motor and describe


CO2 Discuss the speed control methods and applications of DC motors

CO3 Test and analyze the performance of DC motors by direct & indirect

CO4 Discuss armature windings, harmonics, armature reaction & parallel

operation of sync generators

CO5 Analyze the performance of sync generators and sync motors

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 3 2 1

2 CO2 3 3 2 1

3 CO3 3 2 3 2 1

4 CO4 3 2 3 2 1

5 CO5 3 2 2 3 2 1

CAM AVERAGE 3 2 2 3 2 1
Electrical Measurement
Course Code 22EE42 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3Hrs (Theory) + SEE: 50
2hrs( Practical)
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Credits: 04
Prerequisite: Students should have:
Knowledge of Units and Dimensions of Electrical and Mechanical quantities
Knowledge of AC and DC circuits analysis.
Study of Digital Electronics and circuits.
Course Objectives:
1. To know about the measurement of resistance, inductance and capacitance using bridges.
2. To understand about measurement of power, calibration of single and three phase energy meters,
power factor meter and frequency meters.
3. To study about the extension of instrument ranges for both A.C and D.C meters.
4. To understand electronic and digital instruments.
5. To know the working of sensors and transducers.
6. To study different display devices and know the functions of DAS and PLC.
Modules Teaching
Introduction to Measurement, Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and
Accuracy, Precision, resolution, reliability, repeatability, validity, Errors and Standards of
measurement. Wheatstone’s bridge, sensitivity, limitations. Kelvin’s double bridge. Earth
resistance measurement by fall of potential method and by using Megger, Sources and 8hrs
detectors, Maxwell’s inductance and capacitance bridge, Anderson’s bridge, Desauty’s
bridge, Schering bridge.
Module - II
Measurement of Power, Energy, Power factor and Frequency:
Measurements of real and reactive power in 3 phase circuits, UPF and LPF Wattmeter. Errors
adjustments and calibration of single and three phase energy meters, Construction and
operation of single-phase and three phase dynamometer type power factor meter. Weston
frequency meter and phase sequence indicator. 10hrs
Extension of Instrument Ranges: Desirable features of ammeters and voltmeters. Shunts and
multipliers. Construction and theory of instrument transformers, Desirable characteristics,
Errors of CT and PT, Turns compensation, D.C. and A.C. Potentiometers
Module - III
Electronic and digital Instruments:

Introduction. Essentials of electronic instruments, Advantages of electronic instruments.

True RMS reading voltmeter. Electronic millimeters. Digital voltmeters (DVM) - Ramp
type DVM, Integrating type DVM, Continuous – balance DVM and Successive - 8hrs
approximation DVM. Q meter. Principle of working of electronic energy meter (block
diagram treatment).
Module - IV

Sensors and Transducers : Electrical Transducer, selection of transducer, Resistive 8hrs

transducer, Inductive transducer, Capacitive transducer, Temperature transducer( RTD),
Position transducer (LVDT).
Module- V
Display Devices:
Introduction, Character formats, Segment displays, Dot matrix displays, Bar graph displays.
Cathode ray tubes, Light emitting diodes, Liquid crystal displays.

Data Acquisition System:

Block diagram of DAS, objectives of DAS, Signal Conditioning of inputs, Single channel 8hrs
DAS, Multi-channel DAS.
Programmable Logic controller: Introduction, advantages, function of each part in PLC,
PLC Hardware and PLC operation.
Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student has to
answer five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference/Text books:
1. “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai and
son’s Delhi.
2. “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques”, Cooper D and A.D. Heifrick
Pearson First Edition, 2015.
3. “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements”, David A Bell Oxford University 3rd Edition, 2013.
4. “Electronic Instrumentation”, H.S.Kalsi Mc Graw Hill 3rd Edition,2010.
5. “Electrical and electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, Er.R.K. Rajput S Chand
5th Edition, 2012.
6. “A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation”, J. B. Gupta Katson
Books 2013 Edition.
7. “Electrical Measuring Instruments and Measurements”, S.C. Bhargava BS Publications 2013.
E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

22EE42 CO1 Measure the value of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance

using bridges.
CO2 Measure Power of three phase circuits, Energy, Power factor,
and extend the instrument ranges of AC and DC meters.
CO3 Understand Electronic and Digital instruments.
CO4 Working of Sensors and Transducers.
CO5 Functions of Display Devices, Data Acquisition System and
Logic controller.

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 1 3 2 1

2 CO2 3 1 3 2 1

3 CO3 3 1 1 3 2 1

4 CO4 3 1 3 2 1

5 CO5 3 1 3 2 1

CAM AVERAGE 3 1 1 3 2 1
Control Systems
Credits:04 Total hours:42

CIE:50 marks SEE:50 Marks SEE:03hrs

Hours/week:3hrs.(Theory)+ 2hrs.(Practical) Credits:04

Objectives of overall learning of the subject:

1. To study open –loop and closed –loop control system

2. To understand mathematical modelling of system.
3. To study the block diagram and signal flow graph reduction techniques.
4. To know and study time-response control systems and stability analysis of control
5. To understand frequency response and root locus analysis of control systems.
6. To understand the state variable and analysis.


Physical Systems modelling:-Basic definitions of control systems, requirements of control

systems, classification of control systems, and comparison of open loop and closed loop
systems. Effect of feedback on closed loop systems. Modelling of basic mechanical &
electrical components, modelling of mechanical, electrical and electromechanical systems
using Laplace transform and differential equations, Analogous systems.

To Study the MATLAB Package for simulation of control system design 08 hrs


Block Diagram Reduction Techniques: Block diagram representations, development of

block diagram, reduction techniques to obtain over all transfer function using Block diagram
Algebra. Signal flow graph and its properties, Mason’s gain formula and its applications.
To Reduce Linear Systems Block Diagram Using Series, Parallel And Feedback
Configuration using MATLAB 08 hrs

Time Response & Stability Analysis: Time response, transient and steady state response of
first order and second order systems for unit step input, Time domain specifications for
second order systems. Classification of stability, BIBO stability, R-H criterion for stability
Analysis and its special cases.

To verify the output response of a Second Order System using RLC circuit. 08 hrs

Root Locus & Frequency Domain Analysis: Root Locus, General rules to construction of
root locus diagram, stability analysis using root locus. Frequency domain specifications, co-
relation between time – domain & frequency domain specifications, Bode plot, Stability
analysis. Polar plot, Nyquist stability, Nyquist plot, stability Analysis.

To analyze frequency response of a system by plotting Root locus, Bode plot and
Nyquist plot using MATLAB software. 09 hrs


State variable Analysis: Concepts of state variables, State space model, Diagonalization of
State Matrix, Solution of state equations, Eigen values and Stability Analysis, Concept of
controllability and observability. Difference Equations of time domain system. State-space
models of linear discrete-time systems, Stability of linear discrete-time systems.

To develop state space model for a transfer function using MATLAB 09 hrs

Question Paper Pattern: Answer five full Questions selecting one full question from each

Course Out comes: At the end of the course student will able to

CO1: Explain basic terminologies of control system & mathematical modeling. C2

CO2: Analyze block diagram and signal flow graphs reduction techniques.C4
CO3: Use stability and time response analysis.C2
CO4: Explain Root Locus, analysis frequency response, frequency domain stability. C5
CO5: Explain basic state variables and state space models. C2

Text/Reference books:

1. Control system Engg, I.J. Nagrath & M Gopal , 5th edition New-Age Publications.

2. Control Engg: Theory and Practice: B N Bandyopadhaya, PHI Publications.

3. Control systems: Ashfaq hussain and Haroon Ashfaq, Dhanpat Rai and co.

4. Automatic control systems B.C. KVO PHI publications VII edition.

5. Control system Engg palani Mcaraw hill publications.

6. A Text books of Automatic control system Engg , Dr. N.K Joain, Dhanpat rai & co.

7. B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.

8. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991.

Course Title: Electrical Power Generation Transmission and Distribution

Course Code 22EE45X CIE: 50

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3Hrs (Theory) SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Credits: 03
Students should have the knowledge of
Basic electrical engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To classify different sources of energy and basic concept of Hydel, Nuclear and thermal power
2. To study line parameters and to understand performance of transmission lines.
3. To study AC distribution system and undergrounded cables.
4. To study components of substation and to analyse overhead line insulators.
Modules Teaching
Module – I
Importance of Electrical Energy, Generation Electrical energy, Sources of Energy,
Comparison of Energy sources, Units of Energy, Relationship among Energy Units,
Generating Stations: Steam (Thermal) power station, Schematic arrangement of
Steam power station, Choice of site for steam power stations, Efficiency of steam
power station, Equipment of Steam power stations, Hydroelectric Power station, 08hrs
Schematic arrangement of Hydroelectric Power station, choice of Site for
Hydroelectric Power stations, Constituents of Hydroelectric plant, Nuclear Power
station, schematic arrangement of Nuclear Power station, Selection of site for Nuclear
Power station, Gas turbine power plant, Schematic arrangement of Gas turbine power
plant, Comparison of various power plants.
Module – II
Line Parameters: Calculation of Inductance and Capacitance of single phase and three
phase lines with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing. Inductance of Composite
conductor lines. Effect of ground on capacitance of transmission lines. 09hrs
Module -III
Performance of Power Transmission lines:
Types of transmission lines and their performance: Short, Medium(End condenser,
nominal T and nominal  configuration), Long transmission lines by Rigorous method.
ABCD parameters of transmission lines.

Module –
IV Underground Cables and AC Distribution:
Construction. Types of cables, Insulation Resistance, Capacitance of single core cable.
Grading of cables: Capacitance and Inter sheath grading.
A.C. Distribution : Radial and Ring main systems, Distribution with concentrated 08hrs
Module – V

Overhead Line Insulators: Types of Insulators, potential distribution over string

of suspension insulators, string efficiency and methods to improve string efficiency.
Substations: Classification of substations, comparison between outdoor and
indoor substations, layout of substations, brief description of equipment in
Question paper pattern: Total ten questions will be asked. Two from each module. The student has to
answer five questions, selecting at least one from each module.
Reference/Text books:
1. Electrical Power Systems, S.L.Uppal, S.Rao, Khanna Publishers. New Delhi, 2014 Edition.
2. Power System Engineering. D.P.Kothari and I.J. Nagrath. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2008.
3. Principles of Power Systems by V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta, S.Chand Publications, Multicolour Edition,
4. A Course in Electrical Power by Soni, Gupta and Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publications, New-
5. Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S. N. Singh, Prentice Hall of India
Publications, Second edition, 2008.
6. Electrical Power Systems by C.L. Wadhwa, New Age International Publications, 7 th edition, 2017.
7. Electrical Power Systems by Ashfaq Hussain, CBS Publishers, 5 th Edition, 2010.

E books and online course materials: NPTEL Course on Power System Generation, Transmission
and Distribution by D.P.Kothari, IIT Delhi available at> courses.

Course outcomes:On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Discuss different types of power generation.

CO2 Compute inductance and capacitance of different types of transmission line.
CO3 Evaluate the performance of transmission lines.
CO4 Analyze underground cables and A.C.Distribution.
CO5 Access the performance of insulator and identify components of substation.
Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 3 1 3 1 1

2 CO2 3 3 1 3 1 1

3 CO3 3 3 1 3 1 1

4 CO4 3 3 1 3 1 1

5 CO5 3 3 2 1 3 1 1

CAM AVERAGE 3 3 2 1 3 1 1
Course Title: Electrical Machines II Lab
Course 22EEL44 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3Hrs Practical SEE: 50

Modules Teaching
1. Open Circuit Characteristics of D.C. Generator
2. Load test on D.C. Generator
3. Load test on a D.C. motor.
4. Speed control of D.C. motor, by i) Armature voltage control ii) Flux control
5. Swinburne’s test
6. Hopkinson’s test
7. Field’s test on DC series motor.
8. Voltage regulation of Alternator by i) EMF ii) MMF iii) ZPF method.
9. Synchronization of alternator.
10. V and inverted V curves of a synchronous motor.
Question paper pattern:

E books and online course materials:

Course outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course Code CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Conduct open circuit and load test on D.C. generator to determine its

CO2 Perform the different speed control methods of D.C. Shunt motor.

CO3 Conduct direct and indirect loading on D.C. machines to determine their

CO4 Perform O.C and S.C tests on three phase alternator to determine the

voltage regulation by different methods.

CO5 Demonstrate the synchronization of three phase alternator with grid

Course Articulation Matrix for the Academic Year

S.No. PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3


1 CO1 3 3 2 1 3 2 2

2 CO2 3 3 3 1 3 2 2

3 CO3 3 3 2 1 3 2 2

4 CO4 3 3 2 1 3 2 2

5 CO5 3 3 2 1 3 2 2

CAM AVERAGE 3 3 2.2 1 3 2 2

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