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Week4 Thursday Slides

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Macroeconomics I
Lent Term
The Romer Model
The Romer model
• Distinction between ideas and objects
• Output requires knowledge and labor
The production function of the Romer model
• Constant returns to scale in objects alone
• Increasing returns to scale in objects and ideas

𝑌! = 𝐴! 𝐿"!
The Romer Model
New ideas depend on
• The existence of ideas in the previous period
• The number of workers producing ideas
• Worker productivity
Δ𝐴!#$ = 𝑧𝐴 ̅ ! 𝐿%!

The population
• Workers producing ideas
• Workers producing output
Solving the Romer Model
Express the endogenous variables in terms of the
parameters: 𝐿!" = ℓ# 𝐿#

• Where ℓ,( 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿( are parameters

• 𝐿𝑎𝑡 and 𝐿𝑦𝑡 are endogenous variables

𝐿#" = (1 − ℓ# )𝐿#
Solving the Romer Model
Romer model:
• Output per person depends on the stock of knowledge.
𝑦" ≡ = 𝐴" (1 − ℓ)
• The growth rate of knowledge is constant.
= 𝑧𝐿!" = 𝑧ℓ# 𝐿#

Solow model:
• Output per person depends on capital per person.
Solving the Romer Model
% 𝐿%
The growth rate of technology: 𝑔̅ = 𝑧ℓ

The stock of knowledge depends on its initial value

and its growth rate.

Initial amount Growth rate

Stock of of knowledge of knowledge
Solving the Romer Model
• Combining:



• Output per person is a function of the parameters

of the model.
Output per Person—1
Why Is There Growth in the Romer Model?
The Romer model produces long-run growth.
• Does not have diminishing returns to ideas because
they are nonrivalrous

• Labor and ideas have increasing returns together.

• Returns to ideas are unrestricted.
In the Solow model, capital has diminishing returns.
• Eventually, capital and income stop growing.
Balanced Growth
The Solow model
• Transition dynamics
The Romer model
• Does not exhibit transition dynamics
• Instead, has balanced growth path
• Constant growth rates of all endogenous variables
Case Study: A Model of World Knowledge
The United States has more researchers than
Luxembourg has people.
Growth rates 1960–2017
• United States:
• 2.0 percent per year increase in per capita GDP
• Luxembourg:
• 2.7 percent per year increase in per capita GDP
All countries can benefit from all ideas, no matter
where the ideas were discovered.
Experiment #1: Changing the PopulaJon

Changes in the population

→ Changes in the growth rate of knowledge
An increase in population
→ Immediately and permanently raises the growth
rate of per capita output
An Increase in 𝐿! —1
Experiment #2: Changing the Research Share
An Increase in 𝑙—2
Growth Effects versus Level Effects
Growth effects:
• Changes to the rate of growth of per capita output
Level effects:
• Changes in the level of per capita GDP
The degree of increasing returns matters for growth
• If the exponent on ideas is not equal to 1,
• there will still be sustained growth.
• growth effects are eliminated.
Case Study: On the Possibility of Progress
Can economic growth be sustained given that we live
on a planet with Vinite resources?
• Prices of industrial commodities have been falling.
• We can see that the
industrialization of China and
India has made an impact around
the year 2000.
Combining Solow and Romer: Overview
The combined Solow–Romer model
• Nonrivalry of ideas results in long-run growth along
a balanced growth path.
• The model exhibits transition dynamics if economy
is not on its balanced growth path.
• For short periods of time, countries can grow at
different rates.
• In the long run, countries grow at the same rate.
Combining Solow and Romer (Algebraically)
The combined model is set up by adding capital into
the Romer model production function.
The combined model features Vive equations and Vive
The Vive unknowns: The Vive equations:
• Output Yt
• Capital Kt
• Knowledge At
• Workers Lyt
• Researchers Lat
SeQng Up the Combined Model—1
The production function for output

The accumulation of capital over time

Setting Up the Combined Model—2
The numbers of workers and researchers sum to equal
the total population.

Our assumption is that a constant fraction of the

population works as researchers.
Setting Up the Combined Model—3
The production function:
• Constant returns to scale in objects
• Increasing returns in ideas and objects together:

The change in the capital stock is investment minus


Researchers are used to produce new ideas.

SeQng Up the Combined Model—4
The combined model will result in:
• A balanced growth path
• Since 𝐴! increases continually over time
• Transition dynamics
• Long-run growth:
• To be on a balanced growth path, output, capital,
and stock of ideas all must grow at constant rates
SeQng Up the Combined Model—5
Start with the production function for output and
apply the rules for computing growth rates:

Growth Growth Growth Growth

rate of rate of contribution contribution
output knowledge from capital from
SeQng Up the Combined Model—6
To solve for the growth rate of knowledge, divide the
production function for new ideas by 𝐴𝑡

To solve for the growth rate of capital, divide the

capital accumulation equation by 𝐾𝑡
SeQng Up the Combined Model—7
Constant along a
Therefore: balanced growth

Must be constant as well

The asterisk (*) means these variables are evaluated

along a balanced growth path.
Setting Up the Combined Model—8
The growth rate in the number of workers is zero.
• The number of workers is a constant fraction of the
• The population itself is constant.
SeQng Up the Combined Model—9
Plug the results into:
SeQng Up the Combined Model—10
Solve for the growth rate of output

For the long-run combined model, this equation pins

• the growth rate of output.
• the growth rate of output per person.
Setting Up the Combined Model—11
The growth rate of output is even larger in the
combined model than in the Romer model.
Output is higher in this model because
• ideas have a direct and an indirect effect.
• Increasing productivity raises output because
productivity has increased.
• Higher productivity results in a higher capital
Output per Person—2
The capital-to-output ratio is proportional to the
investment rate along a balanced growth path.

This solution can be substituted back into the

production function and solved to get:
SeQng Up the Combined Model—12

•Growth in At leads to sustained growth in output per

person along a balanced growth path.
•Output yt depends on the square root of the
investment rate.
•A higher investment rate raises the level of output per
person along the balanced growth path.
TransiJon Dynamics
The Solow model and the combined model both have
diminishing returns to capital.
Transition dynamics applies in both models.
In the combined model,
• the further below its balanced growth path an
economy is, the faster the economy will grow.
• the further above its balanced growth path an
economy is, the slower the economy will grow.
Setting Up the Combined Model—13
A permanent increase in the investment rate in the
combined model implies that
• the balanced growth path of income is higher
(parallel shift).
• current income is unchanged.
• The economy is now below the new balanced
growth path.
• the growth rate of income per capita is immediately
• The slope of the output path is steeper than the
balanced growth path.
Setting Up the Combined Model—14
Changes in any parameter result in transition
• Long-run growth through ideas
• Explains differences in growth
rates across countries

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