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Physics HW

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The diagram below shows a fork-lift truck lifting a heavy crate.

(a) The crate weighs 11 500 N and is lifted vertically 2.60 m.

Calculate the work done to lift the crate.

Use the equation:

work done = force × distance




Work done = _____________________ J


The weight of the crate causes a clockwise moment of 13 800 Nm about the centre of the
front wheel of the fork-lift truck.

(b) The weight of the fork-lift truck and driver cause an anticlockwise moment.

What is the minimum size of the anticlockwise moment needed so that the fork-lift
truck does not topple over?


(c) Write down the equation which links distance, force and moment of a force.


(d) Calculate the distance ‘d’ marked on the diagram above.




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Distance ‘d’ = _____________________ m

(Total 7 marks)

A child drops a ball.

The ball hits the ground and bounces.

The graph below shows the velocity-time graph for the ball from when the ball is dropped
until when the ball reaches the top of its first bounce.

Air resistance has been ignored.

(a) Describe the motion of the ball between points A and B on the graph above.





(b) What direction is the ball moving between points C and D on the graph above?


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(c) The ball and the Earth form a system.

What is meant by ‘a system’?

Tick one box.

A group of objects that interact.

Objects with big differences in mass.

Objects with gravitational potential energy.


(d) When the ball hits the ground, energy is transferred from the ball to the Earth.

Explain how the data in the graph above shows this energy transfer.










(Total 8 marks)

Figure 1 shows the velocity-time graph for a car driven along a straight road.

Figure 1

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(a) From B to C the car is moving at a constant velocity.

Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box.

equal to greater than less than

From B to C the forward driving force is _________________________ the

backward resistive force.


(b) From C to D the car is slowing down.

What word is used to describe the motion of an object that is slowing down?


(c) Between A and B the car is accelerating.

Calculate the acceleration of the car between A and B.

Use the equation:



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Acceleration = ____________________ m/s2


(d) Figure 2 shows how the stopping distance of a car depends on the speed of the car.

Figure 2

Describe what happens to the stopping distance of the car when the speed of the
car doubles.




(Total 6 marks)

Two children, A and B, are sitting on a see-saw, as shown in the figure below.

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The see-saw is balanced.

(a) Use the following equation to calculate the moment of child B about the pivot of the

moment of a force = force × distance

Give your answer in newton-metres




Moment = __________________________ Nm

(b) Use the idea of moments to explain what happens when child B moves closer to the






(Total 5 marks)

A bus is taking some children to school.

(a) The bus has to stop a few times. The figure below shows the distance–time graph
for part of the journey.

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Time in seconds

(i) How far has the bus travelled in the first 20 seconds?

Distance travelled = ______________________ m


(ii) Describe the motion of the bus between 20 seconds and 30 seconds.



(iii) Describe the motion of the bus between 30 seconds and 60 seconds.

Tick ( ) one box.

Tick ( )



Travelling at constant speed


(iv) What is the speed of the bus at 45 seconds?

Show clearly on the figure above how you obtained your answer.


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Speed = ______________________ m / s

(b) Later in the journey, the bus is moving and has 500 000 J of kinetic energy.

The brakes are applied and the bus stops.

(i) How much work is needed to stop the bus?


Work = ______________________ J

(ii) The bus stopped in a distance of 25 m.

Calculate the force that was needed to stop the bus.



Force = ______________________ N

(iii) What happens to the kinetic energy of the bus as it is braking?




(Total 11 marks)

Musicians sometimes perform on a moving platform.

The figure below shows the parts of the lifting machine used to move the platform up and

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(a) What name is given to a system that uses liquids to transmit forces?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

electromagnetic hydraulic ionising


(b) To move the platform upwards, the liquid must cause a force of 1800 N to act on the

The cross-sectional area of the piston is 200 cm2.

Calculate the pressure in the liquid, in N / cm2, when the platform moves.




Pressure = _________________________ N / cm2


(c) A new development is to use oil from plants as the liquid in the machine.

Growing plants and extracting the oil requires less energy than producing the liquid
usually used in the machine.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

an environmental
Using the oil from the plants gives an ethical advantage over the
a social

liquid usually used.

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(Total 4 marks)

The diagram shows a gardener using a steel bar to lift a tree stump out of the ground.

When the gardener pushes with a force of 300 N, the tree stump just begins to move.

(a) Use the equation in the box to calculate the moment produced by the 300 N force.

perpendicular distance from the line of

moment = force ×
action of the force to the axis of rotation

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Moment = _________________________ newton metres


(b) Using a longer steel bar would have made it easier for the gardener to lift the tree
stump out of the ground.

Explain why.




(Total 4 marks)

(a) Figure 1 shows the forces acting on a model air-powered rocket just after it has
been launched vertically upwards.

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(i) How does the velocity of the rocket change as the rocket moves upwards?


Give a reason for your answer.



(ii) The velocity of the rocket is not the same as the speed of the rocket.

What is the difference between the velocity of an object and the speed of an




(b) The speed of the rocket just after being launched is 12 m / s.

The mass of the rocket is 0.05 kg.

(i) Calculate the kinetic energy of the rocket just after being launched.




Kinetic energy = _____________________ J


(ii) As the rocket moves upwards, it gains gravitational potential energy.

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State the maximum gravitational potential energy gained by the rocket.

Ignore the effect of air resistance.

Maximum gravitational potential energy = _____________________ J


(iii) Calculate the maximum height the rocket will reach.

Ignore the effect of air resistance.

Gravitational field strength = 10 N/kg.




Maximum height = _____________________ m


(iv) Figure 2 shows four velocity−time graphs.

Taking air resistance into account, which graph, A, B, C or D, shows how the
velocity of the rocket changes as it falls from the maximum height it reached
until it just hits the ground?

Write the correct answer in the box.


(c) The rocket can be launched at different angles to the horizontal.

The horizontal distance the rocket travels is called the range.

Figure 3 shows the paths taken by the rocket when launched at different angles.
Air resistance has been ignored.

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What pattern links the angle at which the rocket is launched and the range of the




(Total 11 marks)

A student investigated the properties of three types of insulation.

Figure 1 shows the apparatus the student used.

Figure 1

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In the investigation different insulating materials were placed in contact with the hot metal

Temperature probes measured the temperature on each side of the material.

The temperature probes were connected to a data logger.

Figure 2 shows how the temperature measured by temperature probe 2 changed over 10
minutes for each of the materials.

Figure 2

(a) What was the temperature of the hot metal plate?

____________________ °C

(b) Which material is the best insulator?

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Tick one box.


Give the reason for your answer.



(c) Another student repeated the investigation but doubled the thickness for all three
insulating materials.

Suggest how using thicker insulation would affect the results of the second student's
investigation compared with the first student's results.







(d) The students could have used a thermometer instead of temperature probes and a

Figure 3 shows the datalogger screen and a thermometer.

Figure 3

Give two advantages of using the datalogger and temperature probes compared to
a thermometer.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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(e) The table gives information about four types of insulation that could be used for
insulating the cavity walls of houses.

Thermal conductivity
Type of insulation
in W/m °C

Felt wool 0.070

Mineral wool 0.040

Polyurethane foam 0.030

Rock wool 0.045

Explain which one of the types of insulation in the table would be the best to use for
cavity wall insulation.






(Total 9 marks)

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