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Test Bank for Radiographic Image Analysis, 3rd Edition: Martensen

Test Bank for Radiographic Image

Analysis, 3rd Edition: Martensen
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Test Bank 1-2

d. Laterally, identifying side situated closer to the IR


4. PA cranium
a. Laterally, on side being identified
b. Anteriorly, identifying side positioned closer to IR
c. Place marker anywhere within exposure field
d. Laterally, identifying side situated closer to the IR

5. PA oblique vertebrae
a. Laterally, on side being identified
b. Anteriorly, identifying side positioned closer to IR
c. Place marker anywhere within exposure field
d. Laterally, identifying side situated closer to the IR

6. Lateral hand
a. Laterally, on side being identified
b. Anteriorly, identifying side positioned closer to IR
c. Place marker anywhere within exposure field
d. Laterally, identifying side situated closer to the IR

7. Which guideline below should be used to position the identification (ID) plate?
a. Place the ID plate within the collimated field whenever possible.
b. Position the ID plate toward the direction in which the central ray was angled.
c. Position the ID plate next to the narrowest anatomic structure.

8. Good collimation practices will do all the following except

a. decrease radiation dosage.
b. affect the amount of scatter radiation that reaches the IR.
c. reduce the visibility of recorded details.
d. reduce digital radiography histogram analysis errors.
ANS: C REF: 14

9. Elongation occurs in all the following situations, except when

a. the part is off-center.
b. the central ray is angled with the part.
c. the central ray and part are perpendicular but the IR is angled.
d. the central ray and IR are perpendicular and the part is angled.

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2006 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Test Bank 1-3

ANS: D REF: 21-22

10. For an open joint space to be obtained, the central ray must be aligned ____ to the joint.
a. perpendicular
b. parallel
ANS: B REF: 24

11. When the central ray is angled, the structure situated ____ the IR is projected the most.
a. farther away from
b. closer to
ANS: A REF: 20-21

Two images were obtained on the same structure. Image 1 was obtained using a 48-inch
source–image receptor distance (SID) and a 5-inch object–image receptor distance (OID),
and image 2 was obtained using a 48-inch SID and a 3-inch OID.

12. Which image will demonstrate sharper recorded detail?

a. Image 1
b. Image 2
ANS: B REF: 28

13. Which image will demonstrate greater size distortion?

a. Image 1
b. Image 2
ANS: A REF: 21

14. A small focal spot should be used for each of the following situations, except when
a. fine detail demonstration is important.
b. extremities are imaged.
c. the milliamperage setting is above 300.
d. the patient can control motion.
ANS: C REF: 27

15. Which technical factor listed below is primarily used to regulate density?
a. kVp
b. mAs
c. grids
d. distances (SID, OID)
ANS: B REF: 34

16. Which of the following technical factors is primarily used to regulate contrast?
a. kVp
b. mAs

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2006 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Test Bank 1-4

c. grids
d. distances (SID, OID)
ANS: A REF: 46

17. What percentage of kVp adjustment doubles the density on an image?

a. 5%
b. 15%
c. 30%
d. 100%
ANS: B REF: 36

18. An image demonstrating motion and adequate density was obtained using 100 mA at 0.5
seconds. If the time was changed to 0.25 seconds, what mA should be used to maintain
a. 100 mA
b. 200 mA
c. 300 mA
d. 400 mA
ANS: B REF: 36

19. An AP abdomen projection was obtained using 85 kVp at 10 mAs. The resulting image
demonstrated excessively low contrast, although the density was acceptable. What new
technique could be used to obtain the projection with equal density but higher contrast?
a. 72 kVp at 10 mAs
b. 72 kVp at 20 mAs
c. 81 kVp at 13 mAs
d. 98 kVp at 5 mAs
ANS: B REF: 48

20. The processor defaced an AP foot projection obtained at 50 kVp at 30 mAs. Before
repeating the projection, the technologist noticed that the image was slightly overexposed
at the area of interest. It would not have been dark enough to cause it to need repeating.
What new technique should the technologist use when she repeats the projection?
a. 48 kVp at 30 mAs
b. 50 kVp at 15 mAs
c. 50 kVp at 21 mAs
d. 42 kVp at 30 mAs
ANS: C REF: 34

21. A patient stepped on a needle left in the carpet. Because only half the needle has been
located and the patient has pain in the foot where the needle penetrated, it is suspected
that the other half of the needle is still in the patient’s foot. If the average technique for a
lateral foot projection is 60 kVp at 75 mAs, what new technique should be used for this

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2006 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Test Bank 1-5

a. 51 kVp at 37 mAs
b. 51 kVp at 75 mAs
c. 55 kVp at 75 mAs
d. 60 kVp at 75 mAs
ANS: B REF: 59

Match the technical adjustment required with the trauma device or patient condition.

22. Emphysema
a. +5 kVp or +25%-30%
b. +5-7 kVp or 50%-60% mAs
c. –15%-20% kVp
d. +50% mAs
e. +35% mAs
f. –8% kVp
g. +35%-50% mAs
ANS: F REF: 40

23. Small to medium plaster cast

a. +5 kVp or +25%-30%
b. +5-7 kVp or +50%-60% mAs
c. –15%-20% kVp
d. +50% mAs
e. +35% mAs
f. –8% kVp
g. +35%-50% mAs
ANS: B REF: 59

24. Wood backboard

a. +5 kVp or +25%-30%
b. +5-7 kVp or +50%-60% mAs
c. –15%-20% kVp
d. +50% mAs
e. +35% mAs
f. –8% kVp
g. +35%-50% mAs
ANS: A REF: 59

25. Ascites
a. +5 kVp or +25%-30%
b. +5-7 kVp or +50%-60% mAs
c. –15%-20% kVp
d. +50% mAs
e. +35% mAs

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2006 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
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“We found the village crowded with the representatives of all the
neighbouring tribes; long strings of men, women, and children were
continually arriving as we approached. Directly we ascended the
notched tree that served as a ladder to the Orang Kaya’s house, we
found that we were no longer free agents. A crowd of old women
instantly seized us and pulled off our shoes and stockings and
commenced most vigorously washing our feet: this water was
preserved to fertilize the fields. We were then conducted to a
platform but slightly raised above the floor and requested to sit down,
but the mats were so dirty that we could scarcely prevail upon
ourselves to do so—perhaps the only time it has occurred to us;
generally the mats are charmingly neat and clean. The arrival of our
bedding freed us from this difficulty.
“We were surrounded by a dense mass of men, women, and
children who appeared all to be talking at once; in fact, more
excitement was shewn than I have before observed. We had to do
so many things, and almost all at once,—to sprinkle rice about, to
pour a little water on each child that was presented to us, until, from
force of example, the women and even the men insisted upon the
ceremony being performed on them.
“Silence being at last restored, Kasim explained in a long speech
the object of Captain Brooke’s visit. He spoke in Malay, interlarding it
occasionally with Dayak phrases—I say Malay, but Malay that is only
used when addressing the aborigines,—clipping and altering words,
changing the pronunciation, until I find that some have been
deceived into believing this was the true Dayak language. It is to
these people what the Lingua Franca is to Western Asia.
“We got a little respite while eating our dinner; but as soon as we
had finished we were again surrounded. The priestesses of the place
were especially active tying little bells round our wrists and ancles
and bringing rice for us to—how shall I explain it?—in fact for us to
spit on, and this delectable morsel they swallowed. No sooner had
these learned women been satisfied than parents brought their
children and insisted upon their being physicked in the same way,
taking care to have a full share themselves. One horrid old woman
actually came six times.
“The Orang Kaya now advanced and there was strict attention to
hear what he was about to say. He walked to the window and threw
some grains out, and then commenced a kind of prayer asking for
good harvests, for fertility for the women, and for health to them all.
During the whole invocation he kept scattering rice about. The
people were very attentive at first, but soon the murmur of many
voices almost drowned the old man’s tones. He did not appear very
much in earnest, but repeated what he had to say as if he were
going over a well-remembered but little understood lesson; in fact, it
is said these invocations are in words not comprehended even by
the Dayaks themselves—perhaps they are in some Indian language.
Then a space was cleared for dancing; the old Orang Kaya and the
elders commenced and were followed by the priestesses. They
walked up to us in succession, passed their hands over our arms,
pressed our palms, and then uttering a yell or a prolonged screech,
went off in a slow measured tread, moving their arms and hands in
unison with their feet, until they reached the end of the house and
came back to where we sat; then another pressure of the palm, a
few more passes to draw virtue out of us, another yell, and off they
went again; at one time there were at least a hundred dancing. Few
of the young people joined in what appeared in this case a sacred
“For three nights we had had little sleep on account of these
ceremonies; but at length, notwithstanding clash of gong and beat of
drum, we sank back in our beds and were soon fast asleep. In
perhaps a couple of hours I awoke; my companion was still sleeping
uneasily; the din was deafening, and I sat up to look around.
Unfortunate movement! I was instantly seized by the hands of two
priests and led up to the Orang Kaya who was leisurely cutting a
fowl’s throat. He wanted Captain Brooke to perform the following
ceremony, but I objected to his being awakened, and offered to do it
for him. I was taken to the very end of the house and the bleeding
fowl put in my hands; holding him by his legs I had to strike the
lintels of the doors, sprinkling a little blood over each. When this was
over I had to waive the fowl over the heads of the women and wish
them fertility, over the children and wish them health, over all the
people and wish them prosperity; out of the window and invoke good
crops for them. At last I reached my mats and sat down preparatory
to another sleep, when that horrid old woman led another
detachment of her sex forward to recommence the physicking:
fortunately but few came, and after setting them off dancing again I
fell asleep and in spite of all the noises remained so till morning.”
When, in the year 1818, Captain Basil Hall undertook what was in
those days considered a formidable undertaking—a voyage of
discovery to the coast of Corea and the great Loo Choo Island—he
was entertained at the former place by a potentate of so remarkable
a character as to entitle him to a place among the necessarily few
and consequently rare specimens of savage royalty which figure on
these pages. It will be understood that Captain Hall’s ship, the
“Alceste,” had anchored off Corea, and in the morning sent a boat
ashore to feel the way to closer intimacy.
“The curiosity of the natives was already aroused; every boat was
crowded with people, and ornamented with numerous flags and
streamers; but one of them being distinguished by a large blue
umbrella, we steered towards it, on the supposition that this was an
emblem of rank, in which opinion we were soon confirmed by the
sound of music, which played only on board this boat. On coming
closer we saw a fine patriarchal figure seated under the umbrella; his
full white beard covered his breast and reached below his middle; his
robe or mantle, which was of blue silk and of an immense size,
flowed about him in a magnificent style. His sword was suspended
from his waist by a small belt; but the insignia of his office appeared
to be a slender black rod tipped with silver, about a foot and a half
long, with a small leather thong at one end, and a piece of black
crape tied to the other; this he held in his hand. His hat exceeded in
breadth of brim anything we had yet met with, being, as we
supposed, nearly three feet across. The old chief by signs expressed
his wish to go to the ships. We accordingly rowed to the “Lyra,”
which lay nearer to the shore than the “Alceste.” When the chief’s
boat was within ten yards of the brig, they let go their anchor and
threw a rope on board her by which they drew the boat alongside in
a very seamanlike style. The old man did not find it an easy matter to
get up the ship’s side, encumbered as he was with his splendid
robes; he was no sooner on board, however, than we were crowded
with the natives, who boarded us on all sides. Some climbed up the
rigging so as to overlook the quarter-deck, others got on the poop,
and a line was formed along the hammock netting from one end of
the brig to the other. As the evening was fine, it was thought best to
entertain the venerable chief upon deck, rather than give him the
trouble of going down to the cabin, which, indeed, we had reason to
fear would prove too small for the party. Chairs were accordingly
placed upon deck, but the chief made signs that he could not sit on a
chair, nor would he consent for a time to use his mat, which was
brought on board by one of his attendants. He seemed embarrased
and displeased, which we could not at the moment account for,
though it has since occurred to us that he objected to the publicity of
the conference. At length, however, he sat down upon his mat and
began talking with great gravity and composure, without appearing in
the smallest degree sensible that we did not understand a single
word that he said. Meanwhile the crowd of natives increased, and
their curiosity became so great, that they pressed round us in a way
nowise agreeable. Some of them roved about the ship and appeared
highly entertained with everything they saw. The chief himself,
however, did not appear at ease, but continued giving directions to
his officers and people about him with an air of impatience. He more
than once ordered them all into their boats, but they always returned
after a few minutes. One man persevered in climbing over the
hammocks close to the chief to see what was going on; the noise
made to keep him back attracted the chief’s attention, who
immediately gave orders to one of the attendants for his being taken
away: it will be seen by and by what was his fate. It was nearly dark
when the chief gave directions for preparing the boats, and at the
same time to two of his attendants to assist him to get on his legs.
Each took an arm, and in this way succeeded in raising him up,
which was no sooner observed by the people, than they jumped into
their boats with the utmost alacrity, and the chief, after many bows
and salaams, walked into his boat. This did not give him so much
trouble as he had experienced in coming on board, for a platform of
grating and planks had been prepared for his accommodation during
his visit, an attention with which he seemed much pleased. So far all
seemed well; but there was still something amiss, for the old man,
seated in state under his umbrella, remained alongside with his
attendants ranged on deck about him, he and his people preserving
the most perfect silence, and making no signs to explain. We were
greatly puzzled to discover what the old gentleman wanted, till at
length it was suggested that, having paid us a visit, he expected a
similar compliment in return. This idea was no sooner started than
we proceeded to pay our respects to him in his boat. He made signs
for us to sit down, honouring us at the same time with a corner of his
own mat. When we were seated he looked about as if in distress at
having nothing to entertain us with, upon which a bottle of wine was
sent for and given him. He ordered an attendant to pour it into
several bowls, and putting the bottle away, made signs for us to
drink, but would not taste it himself till all of us had been served. He
was nowise discomposed at being obliged to entertain his company
at their own expense; on the contrary, he carried off the whole affair
with so much cheerfulness and ease as to make us suspect
sometimes that he saw and enjoyed the oddity of the scene and
circumstances as fully as we did ourselves. After sitting about ten
minutes we left the chief in great good humour and returned on
board, thinking of course that he would go straight to the shore; but
in this we were mistaken, for we had no sooner left him than he
pushed off to the distance of ten or twelve yards, and calling the
other boats round him, gave orders for inflicting the discipline of the
bamboo upon the unfortunate culprit who had been ordered into
confinement during the conference. This exhibition, which it was
evidently intended we should witness, had a very ludicrous effect, for
it followed so much in train with the rest of the ceremony, and was
carried on with so much gravity and order, that it looked like an
essential part of the etiquette. During the infliction of this punishment
a profound silence was observed by all the party, except by five or
six persons immediately about the delinquent, whose cries they
accompanied by a sort of song or yell at each blow of the bamboo.
This speedy execution of justice was, no doubt, intended to impress
us with notions of Corean discipline. As it was now dark we did not
expect the chief to pay any more visits this evening; but we
underrated his politeness, for the moment the above scene was
concluded he steered for the ‘Alceste.’ He was in great good
humour, and seemed entertained with the efforts which were made
to please him. He asked to look at a mirror which had caught his
attention. When it was put into his hands he seemed very well
satisfied with the figure which it presented, and continued for some
time pulling his beard from side to side with an air of perfect
complacency. One of the attendants thought there could be no harm
in looking at the mirror likewise; but the chief was of a different
opinion, and no sooner observed what he was doing, than he very
angrily made him put down the glass and leave the cabin. The
secretary, too, fell under his displeasure, and was reprimanded with
much acrimony for overlooking our paper when we were writing.
Scarcely five minutes elapsed in short during his stay, without his
finding some cause of complaint against his people; but we could not
determine whether this arose from mere captiousness, or was done
to give us a higher notion of his consequence, because in the
interval he was all cheerfulness and good humour. He was offered
tea and cherry-brandy, which he took along with us, and appeared at
his ease in every respect. We thought that he made signs implying a
wish for us to visit him on shore; to this we cheerfully assented, and
an arrangement for landing in the morning was made accordingly by
means of similar signs, with which the chief appeared much pleased,
and rose to go away. He had not got much beyond the cabin-door,
however, before the serenity of his temper was once more
overturned. On passing the gun-room skylight, he heard the voices
of some of his people whom the officers had taken below, and who
were enjoying themselves very merrily amongst their new
acquaintance. The old chief looked down, and observing them
drinking and making a noise, he called to them in a loud passionate
voice, which made them leave their glasses and run up the ladder in
great terror. From thence alarm spread along the lower deck to the
midshipmen’s berth, where another party was carousing. The grog
and wine with which they had been entertained was too potent for
this party, as they did not seem to care much for the old chief, who,
posting himself at the hatchway, ascertained by personal
examination who the offenders were. On this occasion his little rod of
office was of much use; he pushed the people about with it to make
them speak, and used it to turn them round in order to discover their
faces. One man, watching his opportunity when the chief was
punching away at somebody who had just come up, slipped past and
ran off; but the quick eye of the old man was not so easily deceived,
and he set off in chase of him round the quarter-deck. The man had
an apron full of biscuits which had been given to him by the
midshipmen; this impeded his running, so that the chief,
nothwithstanding his robes, at last came up with him; but while he
was stirring him up with his rod, the fellow slipped his cargo of bread
into a coil of rope, and then went along with the chief quietly enough.
The old man came back afterwards and found the biscuits, which he
pointed out to us to show that they had not been taken away. He
continued for some time at the hatchway, expecting more people, but
finding none come up, he went below himself to the main-deck and
rummaged under the guns and round the mainmast to discover
whether any one was concealed, but finding no person there he
came upon deck, and shortly after went into his boat.”
The reader has already made the acquaintance of King Finow;
here are some further particulars of him and the manner of his court
in connection with the marriage of his daughter. He had three
daughters, the eldest of whom, about eighteen years of age, had
been long betrothed to Tooitonga, who having expressed his wish
that the marriage should take place, Finow gave orders for the
necessary preparations. Tooitonga was now about forty years of age.
The particulars of this chief’s marriage, which was somewhat
different from those of other chiefs, shall be here described.
The young lady having been profusely anointed with cocoa-nut oil,
and scented with sandal-wood, was dressed in the choicest mats of
the Navigator’s Island, of the finest texture, and as soft as silk. So
many of these costly mats were wrapped round her, perhaps more
than forty yards, that her arms stuck out from her body in a ludicrous
manner, and she could not, strictly speaking, sit down, but was
obliged to bend in a sort of half-sitting posture, leaning upon her
female attendants, who were under the necessity of again raising her
when she required it. A young girl, about five years of age, was also
dressed out in a similar manner to be her immediate and particular
attendant; four other young virgins, about sixteen years of age, were
also her attendants, and were dressed in a manner nearly similar,
but not with quite so many mats. The lady and her five attendants
being all ready, proceeded to the marly of Tooitonga, who was there
waiting for their arrival together with a number of other chiefs, two
matabooles sitting before him. The lady and her attendants being
arrived, seated themselves on the green before Tooitonga. After the
lapse of a little time, a woman entered the circle with her face
covered up with white gnatoo; she went into the house of the marly,
and proceeded towards the upper end, where there sat another
woman in waiting with a large roll of gnatoo, a wooden pillow, and a
basket containing bottles of oil. The woman, whose face was veiled,
took the gnatoo from the other, wrapped herself up in it, and laying
her head upon the wooden pillow went, or pretended to go, fast
asleep. No sooner was this done than Tooitonga rose up, and taking
his bride by her hand led her into the house, and seated her on his
left hand. Twenty baked hogs were now brought into the circle of the
marly, and a number of expert cooks came in with knives (procured
from European ships; formerly they used bamboo) to try their skill in
carving with speed and dexterity, which is considered a great
recommendation. A considerable part was shared out to the chiefs,
each taking his portion and putting it in his bosom.
The remainder of the pork was then heaped up and scrambled for
at an appointed signal. The woman who had laid herself down,
covered over with gnatoo, now rose up and went, taking with her the
gnatoo and the basket containing the bottles of oil as her perquisites.
Tooitonga then took his bride by her left hand and led her to his
dwelling, followed by the little girl and the other four attendants. The
people now dispersed each to their home. Tooitonga being arrived
with his bride at his residence, accompanied her into the house
appropriated for her, where he left her to have her mats taken off and
her usual dress put on, after which she amused herself in
conversation with the women. In the meantime a feast was prepared
for the evening, of pigs, fowls, yams, etc., and cava. This was got
ready on the marly, where, about dusk, Tooitonga presiding, the
company sat down to receive their portions, which the generality
reserved to take home with them; the lower orders, indeed, who had
but a small quantity, consumed theirs on the spot. After this cava
was shared out and drunk. The musicians (if so they can be called)
next sat down at the bottom of the ring, opposite to Tooitonga, in the
middle of a circle of flambeaus, held by men who also held baskets
of sand to receive the ashes. The musical instrument consisted of
seven or eight bamboos of different lengths and sizes (from three to
six feet long), so as to produce—held by the middle, and one end
being struck on the ground—different notes according to the
intended tune (all the knots being cut out of the bamboo, and one
end plugged up with soft wood). The only other instrument was a
piece of split bamboo, on which a man struck with two sticks, one in
each hand, to regulate the time. The music was an accompaniment
to dancing, which was kept up a considerable time. The dancing
being over, one of the matabooles addressed the company, making
a moral discourse on the subject of chastity. The company then rose
and dispersed to their respective homes. The bride was not present
at this entertainment. Tooitonga being arrived at his house, sent for
the bride, who immediately obeyed the summons. The moment they
retired together, the lights were extinguished, and a man appointed
at the door for the purpose announced it to the people by three
hideous yells (similar to the war whoop), which he followed up
immediately by the loud and repeated sounds of the conch.
For the accuracy of the following description of an Australian
monarch Mr. W. H. R. Jessop is responsible:—
“King John, chief of the great Adelaide tribe, after reigning many
years to the satisfaction of his numerous subjects, was taken ill and
died. His body was not buried as would have been the fate of a
common body, but disembowelled, thoroughly washed, and trussed
like a fowl. Then a triangle was erected like that of a gipsey’s fire,
and from it he was reverently suspended. Over all a tabernacle was
made of green boughs and grass, something in the shape of a
beehive. Beneath the venerated remains thus shrouded, a slow fire
was kindled—so slow as to burn three weeks and not consume the
body, against which calamity every precaution was taken by
watching day and night.
“Meanwhile the subjects of the deceased monarch assembled,
each one bearing in his hand a shell, and crowding round the
enclosure where the body was roasting. Then followed a ceremony
much too horrid for detail. It shall only be hinted at. Like all animal
bodies subjected to the action of fire ... the saucer-like shells that
were held beneath ... with which every subject anointed the tip of his
“Well, when the body had been duly smoked, and as far as
possible mummied, the king’s dutiful lubras took it down, wrapped it
up carefully, and for three months, by means of relief squads, carried
it to and fro through the entire length and breadth of the defunct
king’s domains. The bounds having thus been beaten they return to
head-quarters, and there having selected a gum-tree, proper and
tall, they set the old man gently and firmly in a fork of the topmost
bough. But he might get cold, for they don’t believe in his death while
his body is to be seen, so they build over him a little tent of twigs and
grass, and then leave him to his fate.”
In an earlier part of Mr. Jessop’s hook (Sturtland and Flindersland)
mention is made of a certain “King John,” the proprietor of a skull of
marvellous thickness, which was deposited as a natural curiosity in
the “office” at the Sturtland station. Whether there were two
monarchs of the same name, or this was the veritable skull of the
king of Adelaide fallen from its nest in the gum-tree is not known,
though as the latter monarch was renowned for shrewdness and
intelligence, it is probable that the thick skull belonged to him. “Of his
prowess and the difficulties of his position,” writes Mr. Jessop, “his
skull is a lasting monument, more durable than brass or stone,”
graven by art or man’s device. “Upon it I counted fourteen cavities, in
each of which a marble would rest, all dents made by the waddies or
clubs of enemies whom he had encountered.”
As already intimated the plebeian Bushman receives none of the
sepulchral honours paid to the king. When he shows signs of giving
up the ghost, his friends carry him out of his “wurley,” or hut, and one
of them lays him straight along the ground as though he were
already dead, with his hands by his side, and his feet close together.
The dying man’s friend then commences what to a looker on would
pass for a sort of mesmeric process: he strokes the patient from
head to foot, carefully drawing his hands down the whole length of
the body, and when arrived at the extremities pretending to throw
something away. When this has gone on for the proper time, he pulls
up stones and casts them with angry gestures at some imaginary
spirit; not, however, to drive off any that he had just cast out, but to
keep away the chief of evil spirits, who is always at hand to snatch
away a Bushman’s life when he is so weakened by sickness as to be
unable to take fast hold on it.
Should he recover, well and good; but should he die (and it is
more than likely), he is wrapped in his opossum rug after the fashion
of a mummy, strings being wound round his body from his neck to
his feet; and when he is laid in the grave, stones are placed upon
him till they reach the surface of the ground. In some cases,
however, the body is buried upright, and in a bent or sitting posture.
The grave is of an oval or elliptical shape, as might be expected; but
what is very remarkable, the body when laid straight always has its
feet to the east and head to the west, as though to be able to
welcome the rising sun.
Mourning seems to be a very prevalent custom among all the
natives, and they show by their adoption of pretty nearly the same
mode a common bond which seldom appears in any other of their
ways and actions. There are two fashions which take the lead of all
others, one in which red and blue colours are used, and the other in
which white is most conspicuous. These colours are painted on the
face in streaks of various forms, strongly suggestive of the tattooing
of the New Zealanders; but sometimes laid on in such a way that the
nose is half of one colour and half of another.
The women are said to restrict their exhibitions of grief to the
colours alone, but the men extend their signs of woe to plastering the
head with white clay, which their respect will not allow them to
remove; time alone has the power of assuaging their sorrow by
crumbling the nightcap to pieces. As the women work or hunt for
food while the men sit in the wurley all day, this excess of pain and
grief is probably nothing more than an excess of laziness, especially
as it lasts from one to two months at a time. The red earth or ruddle
is found in one spot only in the northern country, somewhere near
the gorge in the Hayward Range. This is much celebrated, and is
sought after by every tribe far and near; and although these tribes
are hostile to each other, and on any other occasion to meet would
be to fight, like the North-American Indian and his “Pipe-stone
Quarry,” the Ruddle plain is neutral ground on which Bushmen foes
may meet and dig in harmony.

Australian Weapons.
Polynesian War Canoe.

Polynesian Surgeons—Figian treatment—A shipwrecked Figian—
Samoan Priests and Doctors—Samoan physics—Polynesian
Disease-makers—Namaquan cruelty—Left to die—Savage
arithmetic—Bartering for Sheep—The Abiadiongs—A Pawnee
M.D.—An Indian Sawbones—A medicine dance—An Indian
vapour bath—Cupping three Queens—What is expected of a
Physician—Hints to Travellers in the East—Stimulants to be
avoided in the East—Cold water bathing in Nubia.

he science of surgery and medicine, as practised among

savages, forms not the least curious and interesting
feature in the story of their lives. Since they have as a
rule no belief in natural or unavoidable death, it follows
that natural or unavoidable sickness, as being the
agents of death, are no more faithfully entertained. Unlike us, who
have a name for the thousand ills that afflict us—from tooth-rash to
elephantiasis—the savage has but one name for all the diseases he
is acquainted with, and that one name is—the devil. Ague—and it is
the devil within the man shaking his limbs; rheumatism, myriads of
tiny imps are under the skin nibbling the wretched sufferer’s bones;
stomach-ache, tooth-ache, head-ache—it is the devil, and nobody
and nothing else.
The business of the witch-doctor, or the greegree man, is to eject
the devil from his patient—by fair means or foul as soon as possible.
Dispersed through various preceding chapters instances of the way
in which the ejection is attempted have already been given; we have
witnessed how the Indian medicine-man operated on the sick baby,
and on the unlucky little girl who had a stitch in her side; how the
Dayak doctor cheated the devil and laid a trap for, caught, and
replaced his patient’s departing spirit of life; how the Patagonian
quack attempted the cure of the Patagonian infant. The medical and
surgical customs of many savage nations, however, remain yet to be
noticed. Let us see how they till lately managed such things in
A fractured limb they set without much trouble: applying splinters
of bamboo cane to the sides, and binding it up till it was healed. A
dislocation they usually succeeded in reducing, but the other parts of
their surgical practice were marked by a rude promptness, temerity,
and barbarism almost incredible. A man one day fell from a tree and
dislocated some part of his neck. His companions, on perceiving it,
instantly took him up; one of them placed his head between his own
knees, and held it firmly, while the others, taking hold of his body,
twisted the joint into its proper place.
On another occasion, a number of young men in the district of
Faro, were carrying large stones suspended from each end of a pole
across their shoulders (their usual mode of carrying a burden); one
of them so injured the vertebræ as to be almost unable to move; he
had, as they expressed it, fate te tua, broken the back. His fellow-
workmen laid him flat on his face on the grass, one grasped and
pulled his shoulders, and the other his legs, while a third actually
pressed with both knees his whole weight upon the back where the
bones appeared displaced. On being asked what they were doing,
they coolly replied that they were only straightening the man’s back,
which had been broken in with carrying stones. The vertebræ
appeared to be replaced, they bound a long girdle repeatedly round
his body, led him home, and without any other treatment he was in a
short time able to resume his employment.
The operation of trepanning they sometimes attempted, and say
they have practised with success. It is reported that there are
persons living in the Island of Borabora, on whom it has been
performed, or at least an operation very much resembling it: the
bones of the skull having been fractured in battle, they have cleared
away the skin and coverings, and, having removed the fractured
piece of bone, have carefully fitted in a piece of cocoa-nut shell and
replaced the covering and skin, on the healing of which the man has
recovered. I never saw any individual who had undergone this
operation, but from the concurrent testimony of the people I have no
doubt they have performed it.
It is also related by Stedman, that on some occasions when the
brain has been injured as well as the bone, they have opened the
skull, taken out the injured portion of the brain, and, having a pig
ready, have killed it, taken out the pig’s brains, put them in the man’s
head, and covered them up. They persist in stating that this has
been done, but add that the persons always became furious with
madness and died.
The sick man finds small compassion in Figi. If he is not very sick
he is left to recover as he may, but the patience of his relations is
soon exhausted. This does not seem to arise so much from
inhumanity of disposition as from the miserable belief that some evil
spirit has a hand in the business, and that as long as life remains in
the ill conditioned body, the demon will be lurking about, and may
presently attack another victim. They are a wonderfully matter-of-fact
people, and do not scruple to make urgent representations to the
invalid of the peril he is threatening his relations with by this
vacillating temper—neither getting well nor dying: “You don’t seem to
mend in the least, in fact you are looking disgustingly ill this morning,
where’s the use of holding out? If you are to die, why not do it at
once? Be reasonable and let some one help you out of your misery.”
Gentle and simple experience the same treatment. Mr. Williams
relates the case of a Princess of Nakembo, who fell sick. The aid of
the best native doctors was secured, large offerings made to the
gods, and a temple begun, to secure their favour, but all was in vain.
Rich puddings from sixteen to twenty-one feet in circumference were
made, and through the priests sacrificed to the gods, but, despite all,
the princess grew worse, and it was formally resolved to do her the
charitable office of strangulation, when the missionaries interfered,
took charge of and cured her. The same authority also quotes the
case of a woman of Somosomo, who was in a very abject state
through the protracted absence of her husband. For five weeks,
though two women lived in the same house, she lay uncared for,
becoming reduced to a mere skeleton. After this she had food and
medicine from the missionaries and improved. One morning,
however, as a servant was carrying her her breakfast he met a
funeral party who told him to take the breakfast back. The man could
then remember that on the previous day he had found an old woman
at the house of the invalid who made no secret of her errand but
openly declared, “I came to see my friend and enquire if she was
ready to be strangled, but as she is strong we will not strangle her
yet.” As the sequel proved, the old murderess soon altered her mind.
Another instance given of the extraordinary treatment the sick and
afflicted of Figi receive at the hands of their fellows concerns a native
sailor. There was a violent storm, and the unfortunate in question
with several others were spilt into the sea, and, as was thought,
perished every one. This one man, however, managed to support
himself by swimming till, utterly exhausted, he reached one of a fleet
of canoes, and managed to pull himself aboard unperceived. One
would have thought that his first act would have been to make
himself known to his brother mariners, but he was a Figian among
Figians and knew the probable fate that awaited him. As day broke
the man was discovered; a short council was held, and it being
universally agreed that there was something highly mysterious that
this one should be saved while the rest, including the owner of the
ship, who was a prince, should be lost, and that since he himself
could give no better account of his escape than that “he swam,” the
best course would be to knock him on the head and throw him
overboard. One of the crew, however, presently recognized the
wrecked man as a very skilful sailor, and the craft being short
handed, it was finally resolved to let him live, provided he at once
took the great steer oar and steered the vessel. To handle the steer
oar of a Figian canoe is work for a very strong man. Nevertheless
the poor man, weak and trembling from his long immersion, obeyed
and steered the vessel through a long and tedious voyage, when,
more dead than alive, he was carried ashore and housed in a shed.
Here he remained till he was nearly well, when, unluckily, on the very
eve of the ship putting to sea again he showed symptoms of a
relapse. “No one could be spared to look after the invalid, and to
take him on the canoe might give him pain and inconvenience his
friends; they therefore concluded that it would be the best plan to
strangle him, which purpose they, with his own consent, carried out.
They kissed and wept over him! strangled, buried and mourned for
him; and the next day set out on their voyage.”
There is, however, a dreadful charge laid at the door of the Figian
sick—a charge which Europeans who have lived amongst them
declare to be not without foundation. Actuated by inexplicable
motives they will, by lying on the mats of their friends, and by
handling their clothing and cooking utensils, endeavour to
communicate the disease with which they are afflicted. If this be true
the anxiety of the Figian to see a sick relative comfortably entombed
is in a great measure accounted for.
Turner, the Polynesian missionary, relates that when a Samoan
falls sick his friends take a present to the priest: he says he will pray
to the god for recovery; and then he goes to the sick person, and
anoints with oil the part affected. He uses no particular oil. When he
sits down he calls some one of the family to hand him some oil, and
dipping his hand into the cup, passes it gently over the part two or
three times. No medicines are used for the sick: if the body is hot,
they go and lie down in cold water; if cold, they kindle a fire and
warm themselves. After death the friends of the deceased are
anxious to know the cause of death: they go with a present to the
priest, and beg him to get the dead man to speak, and confess the
sins which caused his death. The priest may be distant from the
dead body, but he pretends to summon the spirit, and to have it
within him. He speaks in his usual tone, and tells him to say before
them all what he did to cause his death. Then he (the priest) whines
out in a weak faltering voice a reply, as if from the spirit of the
departed, confessing that he stole cocoa nuts from such a place, or
that he fished at some particular spot forbidden by the king, or that
he ate the fish which was the incarnation of his family god. As the
priest whines out something of this sort, he manages to squeeze out
some tears, and sob and cry over it. The friends of the departed feel
relieved to know the cause, get up and go home. At death, one will
say to his friend, “I’m going to the moon—think of me as being
there.” Another will say, “I’m going to be a star;” and mentions the
particular part of the heavens where they are to look for him. Another
will say, “I shan’t go away—I shall remain in the grave, and be here
with you.” Thus they seem to think they have only to choose where
their disembodied spirits are to go after death. They tell of a Tokelau
man who went up to the moon, and have their tale also of “the man
in the moon.” They say, too, that the moon is the special residence of
the kings and priests of Tokelau. The stars they believe to be the
spirits of the departed. When the full moon begins to wane they
suppose that it is being eaten by the inhabitants of the region. From
the new moon until the full they consider that the food is growing
again. An eclipse of the moon is thought to be some sudden calamity
destroying the food of the departed kings, and occasions special
concern; and prayers and a meat offering of grated cocoa nut are
immediately presented to their great god Tui Tokelau to avert the
evil. As the eclipse passes off, they think it is all owing to their
The Samoans never had recourse to any internal remedy, except
an emetic, which they sometimes tried after having eaten a
poisonous fish. Sometimes, juices from the bush were tried; at other
times, the patient drank water until it was rejected; and on some
occasions, mud, and even the most unmentionable filth was mixed
up, and taken as an emetic draught. Latterly, as their intercourse
with Tongans, Figians, Tahitians, and Sandwich Islanders increased,
they made additions to their pharmacopœia of juices from the bush.
As in Egypt, each disease had its particular physician. Shampooing
and anointing the affected part of the body with scented oil by the
native doctors was common; and to this charms were frequently
added, consisting of some flowers from the bush done up in a piece
of native cloth, and put in a conspicuous place in the thatch, over the
patient. Now, however, European medicines are eagerly sought
after; so much so, that every missionary is obliged to have a
dispensary, and to set apart a certain hour every day to give advice
and medicine to the sick. As the Samoans supposed disease to be
occasioned by the wrath of some particular deity, their principal
desire, in any difficult case, was not for medicine, but to ascertain the
cause of the calamity. The friends of the sick went to the high-priest
of the village. He was sure to assign some cause; and, whatever that
was, they were all anxiety to have it removed as the means of
restoration. If he said they were to give up a canoe to the god, it was
given up. If a piece of land was asked, it was passed over at once.
Or if he did not wish anything from the party, he would probably tell
them to assemble the family, “confess, and throw out.” In this
ceremony each member of the family confessed his crimes, and any
judgments which, in anger, he had invoked on the family, or upon the
particular member of it then ill; and as a proof that he revoked all
such imprecations, he took a little water in his mouth and spurted it
out towards the person who was sick. The custom is still kept up by
many; and the sick bed of a dear friend often forms a confessional,
before which long-concealed and most revolting crimes are
In surgery they lanced ulcers with a shell or a shark’s tooth, and,
in a similar way, bled from the arm. For inflammatory swellings, they
sometimes tried local bleeding, but shampooing and rubbing with oil
were and are still the more common remedies in such cases. Cuts
they washed in the sea and bound up with a leaf. Into wounds in the
scalp they blew the smoke of burnt chestnut wood. To take a barbed
spear from the arm or leg, they cut into the limb from the opposite
side, and pushed it right through. Amputation they never attempted.
The treatment of the sick was, as it is now, invariably humane, and
all that could be expected. They wanted for no kind of food, which
they might desire by night or day, if it was at all in the power of their
friends to procure it. In the event of the disease assuming a
dangerous form, messengers were dispatched to friends at a
distance that they might have an opportunity of being in time to see
and say farewell to a departing relative. This is still the custom. The
greater the rank, the greater the stir and muster about the sick of
friends from the neighbourhood and from a distance. Everyone who
goes to visit a sick friend supposed to be near death takes with him a
present of a fine mat or some other kind of valuable property as a
farewell expression of regard. Among the worldly minded, whose
interests centre in this life, this heaping together of property by the
bedside of a dying relative is still in high repute.
Of all classes of savage “Mystery-men,” rain-makers, thunder-
makers, fly-makers, etc., the most singular of all, perhaps, are those
denominated disease-makers. Amongst the Tannese, of Polynesia,
these men are feared and worshipped as gods. They are supposed
to be able to create disease and death by nohak burning. Nohak is
literally rubbish, or refuse of food, which these disease-makers are
continually searching after. The people therefore take every
precaution, by burning or throwing into the sea all the rubbish they
find lying about, to prevent those men from getting it. Should a
disease-maker find the skin of a lanana, he rolls it up in a leaf, and
wears it all day hanging round his neck, so that the people may see
it; who say to each other, “He has got something; he will do for
somebody at night.” After wearing it all day long, he takes it home in
the evening, and scrapes some bark off a tree; he mixes this up with
the lanana skin, and rolls it up tightly in a leaf, and then puts one end
of it close enough to the fire to cause it to singe and smoulder, and
burn away very gradually. How, when a Tannese falls ill, he is fully
persuaded some disease-maker is burning his nohak, so that he
provides himself with a rude kind of horn, made out of some
perforated shell. This shell he gets some one present to blow for
him, and this is fully understood by the disease-maker to mean that
the sick man wishes him to discontinue the burning, and also, that a
present shall be sent to him the next morning; so that when the
disease-maker hears the shell blown, he says to his friends, “That is
the man whose rubbish I am burning, he is ill; let us stop burning,
and see what present he will bring in the morning.” The sick man
faithfully keeps his promise, and, in the morning, some present is
made—pigs, mats, and such like. Whereupon the disease-maker
promises he will do all he can to prevent the rubbish being again
burned. Should a person die, his friends suppose that the disease-
makers were not pleased with the presents made, and burned his
rubbish to the end. When it is all burned they believe the person will
die. Nor do the disease-makers seem to be the impostors, for should
one of the craft fall ill, he fully believes some one is burning his
nohak, and he blows the shell, and makes the presents as readily as
the rest.
Cruel and abominable as are many of the Polynesian methods of
disposing of their sick and aged, that there is “in lowest depths a
deeper still,” many African tribes furnish an illustration. In an early
part of this volume mention has been made of the poor old Bakalai,
whom Du Chaillu met, and who was “turned out to die.” Such cases
are not without parallel. Burchell quotes such a case, as does Moffat,
as occurring among the Namaquas. This latter gentleman was
informed that in a certain part of the forest there was an old woman
squatting all alone and seemingly dying.
“On reaching the spot we beheld an object of heartrending
distress. It was a venerable looking old woman, a living skeleton,
sitting with her head leaning on her knees. She appeared terrified at
our presence, and especially at me. She tried to rise, but, trembling
with weakness, sunk again to the earth. I addressed her by the name
which sounds sweet in every clime, and charms even the savage
ear, ‘My mother, fear not, we are friends and will do you no harm.’ I
put several questions to her, but she appeared either speechless or
afraid to open her lips. I again repeated ‘Pray mother who are you
and how do you come to be in this situation?’ to which she replied ‘I
am a woman, I have been here four days, my children have left me
here to die.’ ‘Your children?’ I interrupted. ‘Yes,’ raising her hand to
her shrivelled bosom, ‘my own children, three sons and two
daughters. They are gone,’ pointing with her finger, ‘to yonder blue
mountain, and have left me to die.’ ‘And pray why did they leave
you?’ I enquired. Spreading out her hands she replied, ‘I am old, you
see, and I am no longer able to serve them; when they kill game I
am too feeble to help them carry home the flesh. I am not able to
gather wood to make fire, and I cannot carry their children on my
back as I used to do.’ This last sentence was more than I could bear,
and though my tongue was cleaving to the roof of my mouth for want
of water, this reply opened a fountain of tears. I remarked that I was
surprised that she had escaped the lions which seemed to abound
and to have approached very near the spot where she was. She took
hold of the skin of her left arm with her fingers and raising it up as
one would do a loose linen, she added, ‘I hear the lions, but there is
nothing on me that they would eat; I have no flesh on me for them to
scent.’ At this moment the waggon drew near which greatly alarmed
her, for she supposed that it was an animal. Assuring her that it
would do her no harm, I said that as I could not stay I would put her
into the waggon and take her with me. At this remark she became
convulsed with terror. Others addressed her, but all to no effect. She
replied that if we took her and left her at another village they would
do the same thing again. ‘It is our custom, I am nearly dead, I do not
want to die again.’ The sun was now piercingly hot; the oxen were
raging in the yoke and we ourselves nearly delirious. Finding it
impossible to influence the woman to move without running the risk
of her dying convulsed in our hands, we collected a quantity of fuel,
gave her a good supply of dry meat, some tobacco, and a knife, with
some other articles, telling her we should return in two days and stop
the night, when she would be able to go with us; only she must keep
up a good fire at night as the lions would smell the dried flesh if they
did not scent her.”
Here is another case; the victim this time is a child, and her
persecutors the Makalolo, likewise a South African tribe.
“The rich show kindness to the poor in expectation of services,
and a poor person who has no relatives will seldom be supplied even
with water in illness, and when dead will be dragged out to be
devoured by the hyænas instead of being buried. Relatives alone will
condescend to touch a dead body. It would be easy to enumerate
instances of inhumanity which I have witnessed. An interesting
looking girl came to my waggon one day in a state of nudity, and
almost a skeleton. She was a captive from another tribe and had
been neglected by the man who claimed her. Having supplied her
wants I made enquiry for him, and found that he had been
unsuccessful in raising a crop of corn and had no food to give her. I
volunteered to take her, but he said he would allow me to feed her
and make her fat, and then he would take her away. I protested
against this heartlessness, and as he said he would not part with his
child I was precluded from attending to her wants. In a day or two
she was lost sight of; she had gone out a little way from the town and
being too weak to return had been cruelly left to perish. Another day
I saw a poor boy going to the water to drink, apparently in a starving
condition. This case I brought before the chief in council and found
that his emaciation was ascribed to disease and want combined. He
was not one of the Makalolo, but a member of a subdued tribe. I
showed them that any one professing to claim a child and refusing
proper nutriment would be guilty of his death. Sekeletu decided that
the owner of this boy should give up his alleged right rather than
destroy the child. When I took him he was so far gone as to be in the
cold stage of starvation, but was soon brought round by a little milk
given three or four times a day. On leaving Linyanti I handed him
over to the charge of Sekeletu, who feeds his servants very well.”
One’s only source of consolation is that among this and
neighbouring tribes intellect is at so low a par that it is more than
probable that they are mainly influenced by a horror of the sight of
death, and not by motives of selfishness or wanton inhumanity.
Moreover, if it were attempted to impart a knowledge of medicine to
them, it is doubtful if in their profound obtuseness they would not
inflict much more injury than work good on a patient that might come
under their hands. One thing is certain, if the following instance
furnished by the traveller Galton may be relied on, their arithmetical
capabilities would have to be greatly cultivated and improved before
they could be entrusted with the admeasurement of drugs; a drop
more or less of which kills or cures.
“They have no way of distinguishing days, but reckon by the rainy
season, the dry season, or the pignut season. When inquiries are
made about how many days’ journey off a place may be, their
ignorance of all numerical ideas is very annoying. In practice,
whatever they may possess in their language, they certainly use no
numeral greater than three. When they wish to express four, they
take to their fingers which are to them as formidable instruments of
calculation as a sliding rule is to an English schoolboy. They puzzle
very much after five, because no spare hand remains to grasp and
secure the fingers that are required for units. Yet they seldom lose
oxen; the way in which they discover the loss of one is not by the
number of the herd being diminished, but by the absence of a face
they know. When bartering is going on each sheep must be paid for
separately. Thus, suppose two sticks of tobacco to be the rate of
exchange for one sheep, it would sorely puzzle a Damara to take
two sheep and give him four sticks. I have done so and seen a man
first put two of the sticks apart and take a sight over them at one of
the sheep he was about to sell. Having satisfied himself that that one
was honestly paid for, and finding to his surprise that exactly two
sticks remained in hand to settle the account for the other sheep, he
would be afflicted with doubts; the transaction seemed to come out
too pat to be correct, and he would refer back to the first couple of
sticks and then his mind got hazy and confused, and wandered from
one sheep to the other, and he broke off the transaction until two
sticks were put into his hand and one sheep driven away, and then
the other two sticks given him and the second sheep driven away.
When a Damara’s mind is bent upon number it is too much occupied
to dwell upon quantity; thus, a heifer is brought from a man for ten
sticks of tobacco; his large hands being both spread out upon the
ground and a stick placed upon each finger, he gathers up the
tobacco; the size of the mass pleases him and the bargain is struck.
You then want to buy a second heifer: the same process is gone
through, but half sticks instead of whole ones are put upon his
fingers; the man is equally satisfied at the time, but occasionally
finds it out and complains the next day. Once while I watched a
Damara floundering hopelessly in a calculation on one side of me, I
observed Dinah my spaniel equally embarrased on the other. She
was overlooking half a dozen of her new born puppies which had
been removed two or three times from her, and her anxiety was
excessive as she tried to find out if they were all present or if any
were still missing. She kept puzzling and running her eyes over them
backwards and forwards but could not satisfy herself. She evidently
had a vague notion of counting, but the figure was too large for her
brain. Taking the two as they stood, dog and Damara, and
comparison reflected no great honour on the man.”
The same gentleman had a very narrow escape of falling into the
merciless hands of a Damara dentist.
“I had occasion to make inquiries for a professional gentleman, a
dentist, as one of my teeth had ached so horribly that I could hardly
endure it. He was employed at a distance, but I subsequently
witnessed, though I did not myself undergo, the exercise of his skill.
He brought a piece of the back sinew of a sheep, which forms a kind
of catgut, and tied this round the unhappy tooth, and the spare end
of the catgut was wound round a stout piece of stick, and this he
rolled up tight to the tooth, and then pressed with all his force against
the jaw till something gave way. I saw the wretched patient sitting for
the rest of the day with his head between his knees and his hands
against his temples.”
The Eboes and Kalabeese of Western Africa hold very curious
notions respecting the administering of doctor’s drugs. When they
bury their dead the sorrowing friends place a tube in the earth
communicating with the body of the deceased, and down this tube
they, in after times, pour palm wine and other liquids for the
sustenance of the soul of the departed, and even medicines, which
libations they imagine will produce the same effect upon the offerer
as though absorbed by himself. Thus an Eboe will come to a
surgeon, “Doctor, me sickee;” and when given the proper medicine,
that official must watch the applicant take the dose on the spot, or he
will administer it to the shade of his father, making the parental
benefits to continue even after death; but strange to say, if given a
bottle of rum he becomes suddenly oblivious of his father’s grave,
and forgetting that the ashes of the departed may probably
appreciate rum as much as palm wine and that the paternal clay may
likewise require to be moistened, pours it down his own thorax with
the most lively gestures expressive of satisfaction.
A person styled an Abiadiong, or sorcerer, is always consulted in
cases of sickness, death, or capital crime, to find out the individual
who has brought the malady on his neighbour. He is reputed to
derive his knowledge by education, but is not the bearer of a
diploma, save one in his title. The Abiadiong squats himself beside
the sick man—repeats a number of incantations—tosses strings of
beads he has in his hand as an appeal to the spirit he invokes—rubs
the beads alternately on his own body and that of the sick man—
cogitates and decides. Sometimes the decision is settled by a little
copper Palarer beforehand; and, as the Eboe law gives to the
possessor of its privileges an unlimited power in this respect, it may
be imagined what scenes of blood the system creates and fosters.
Alia-lok is the title which, in this country, is given to a doctor of
medicine; but the Kalabeese have little faith in drugs, and surgical
operations are generally performed by the soft sex. These are
confined to two species of cupping—the dry and the bloody—and to
enema administering. The dry cupping is effected with a pyreform-
calabash upon the breasts of women, whose bodies are chalked
over at the same time, to force them to maturity. Razors are used as
scarificators in moist cupping the side and temples of persons
labouring under, what they suppose to be, congestive diseases.
Ulcers are usually dressed by a piece of leaf passed round the
diseased part, and fastened by a bamboo stem. A poison bean, with
a string through a hole bored in it, is frequently worn as a curative ju-
ju round a sore leg—only a modification of the similia similibus
curantur system. Perhaps it is to carry out a like idea that dogs are
buried in the ground with their heads above the ground, where the
poor creatures spend three or four days before nature conquers their
power of life, for during this time they are allowed no food. These
dogs are generally impounded so before the door of the sick man.
When small-pox prevails in some places they dot their bodies over
with spots of chalk, perhaps to make the demon of disease believe
that they have previously been visited with a skin affection, and that
his ground is already occupied.
It seems easy to set up as M.D. among the Indians of North
“Any ignorant idler who takes it into his head to become a doctor
gives notice of it to the Pawnee world, by assuming a solemn
deportment, wearing his robe with the hair outwards, and learning to
make a noise in the throat, which is distinctive of his profession and
which resembles the sound made by a person who is gargling for the
relaxed uvula. Here his medical studies and accomplishments end;
and his reputation depends entirely upon the result of his first
attempts, and must evidently be altogether fortuitous.”
This is the evidence of the traveller Murray, and he further goes
on to back his opinion by quoting two instances of surgical practice
that came under his personal observation.
“In great cases, such as a broken leg or mortal disease of a chief,
the medicine-men are called in to assist with their mummery, but the
treatment of ordinary diseases by these practitioners will be
understood by my noting down accurately what took place at the
daily and nightly visit of the doctor who attended our chief’s lodge.
The patient was one of the children gradually and certainly dying
from shameful maltreatment under the hooping-cough. It should
however be remembered in exculpation of the Galen, that the
parents fed the child three or four times a day with enormous meals
of half boiled maize or buffalo meat, each of which acting as an
emetic enabled the wretched little sufferer to swallow its successor.
“The learned doctor stalked into the lodge with all the dignified
importance of the most practised pulse-feeler, rarely deigning to
salute the parents or other inhabitants. He then stooped down over
the child, took a little earth in his hand which he moistened with
saliva, and with the precious mixture thus formed, he anointed the
shoulders, the forehead, and other parts of the child, especially the
pit of the stomach; then approaching his mouth, to this last, and
covering with his robe his own head and the person of his patient, he
commenced the gargling operation, to which I have before alluded.
This I have known him frequently to continue for three or four hours
at the time, when he left the unfortunate sufferer as he found him
without having used friction or embrocation, or administering
medicine of any kind whatever.
“It only remains to add respecting the disciples of Æsculapius,
that if the patient recovers, their fame is blazed abroad, and they
receive in horses, meat, blankets, etc., a fee much higher in
proportion to the wealth of any of the parties than was ever given to
Sir Astley Cooper, or Sir Henry Halford. If the patient dies, the doctor
is considered “bad medicine,” and generally leaves the profession for
a year or two, during which time he pursues the ordinary avocations
of stealing, hunting, or fighting, until his ill name is forgotten or some
fortunate incident has obtained for him a whitewashed reputation.
“I learned that in a hunt a good many Indians had been bruised or
wounded, and several horses killed. Among those who were hurt
was a chief of some distinction; he had a few ribs and one of his
arms broken. The setting of this last, together with the completion of
his wound-dressing, was to be accompanied with much ceremony,
so I determined to be a spectator. I went accordingly to his lodge
where a great crowd was already assembled and with some difficulty
made my way through to the inner circle. Not being quite sure that I
was permitted to see these mysteries, and being fully aware of the
danger of breaking even unintentionally any of their medicine rules, I
kept myself as quiet and unobserved as possible. Before the lodge,
and in the centre of the semi-circle, sat or rather reclined the
wounded man, supported by one or two packs of skins. On each
side of him were a row of his kindred; the elder warriors occupied the
front, the younger the second places, and behind them, close to the
lodge, the boys, squaws, etc. A profound silence was observed, and
when all the medicine men and relatives had arrived and taken their
seats, a great medicine pipe was brought and passed round with the
usual ceremonial observance of a certain number of whiffs to the
earth, the buffalo-spirit, and the Great Spirit. The pipe was not
handed to the wounded man, probably because he was supposed to
be for the time under the influence of a bad spirit, and therefore not
entitled to the privileges of the medicine. When this smoking
ceremony was concluded, three or four of the doctors or conjurors
and a few of the great medicine-men assembled round him; the
former proceeded to feel his side and apply some remedy to it, while
one of them set the arm, and bound it very strongly round with
leather thongs. During this operation the medicine-men stooped over
him and went through sundry mummeries which I could not
accurately distinguish.
As soon as the bandages and dressings were completed they
began a medicine dance around him. At first the movement was
slow, and accompanied by a low ordinary chant, but gradually both
acquired violence and rapidity, till at length they reached the height
of fury and frenzy. They swung their tomahawks round the head of
the wounded man, rushed upon him with the most dreadful yells,
shook their weapons violently in his face, jumped repeatedly over
him, pretending each time to give him the fatal blow, then checking it
as it descended, and while once or twice I saw them push and kick
his limbs, one of the most excited struck him several severe blows
on the breast. On inquiry, I learned that all these gesticulations were
intended to threaten and banish the evil spirit which was supposed to
have possessed him. While this was going on a complete silence
reigned throughout the crowd, none being permitted to dance or yell,
except those actually engaged in the medicine ceremonies.
What, however, may be regarded as the Indian’s universal remedy
for all ailments is the sweating bath and sudatory; these sudatories
are always near the village, above or below it, on the bank of the
river. They are generally built of skins, in the form of a Crow or Sioux
lodge, covered with buffalo skins sewed tight together, with a kind of
furnace in the centre; or, in other words, in the centre of the lodge
are two walls of stone about six feet long, and two and a half apart,
and about three feet high; across and over this space between the
two walls are laid a number of round sticks, on which the bathing crib
is placed. Contiguous to the lodge, and outside of it is a little furnace,
something similar in the side of the bank, where the woman kindles a
hot fire and heats to a red heat a number of large stones, which are
kept at these places for this particular purpose; and having them all
in readiness, she goes home or sends word to inform her husband or
other one who is waiting that all is ready, when he makes his
appearance entirely naked, though with a large buffalo robe wrapped
around him. He then enters the lodge, and places himself in the
basket with his back towards the door of the lodge, when the squaw
brings in a large stone red-hot, between two sticks lashed together
somewhat in the form of a pair of tongs, and, placing it under him,
throws cold water upon it, which raises a profusion of vapour about
him. He is at once enveloped in a cloud of steam, and a woman or
child will sit at a little distance and continue to dash water upon the
stone, whilst the matron of the lodge is out, and preparing to make
her appearance with another heated stone; or he will sit and dip from
a wooden bowl with a ladle made of the mountain-sheep’s horn, and
throw upon the heated stone, with his own hands, the water which
he is drawing through his lungs and pores the next moment, in the
delectable and exhilarating vapour, as it distils through the mat of
wild sage and other medical and aromatic herbs which he had
strewed over the bottom of his basket, and on which he reclines.
During all this time the lodge is shut perfectly tight, and he quaffs
this delicious and renovating draught to his lungs with deep-drawn
sighs, until he is drenched in the most profuse degree of perspiration

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