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Write Up 2 - Bim Cost - Benefit Anlaysis

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01 / Introduction

There is very little, if any, useful published data on the true cost of building
information modelling (BIM) on a construction project, covering all the relevant costs
of using BIM and comparing them to the monetised benefits.

As long as a project is set up in a manner that allows the benefits of BIM to be

realised, the cost of the investment should be at least met – and probably exceeded.

Project teams are certainly becoming more adept at using BIM, with efficient working
practices that should negate upfront costs and therefore not make a material
difference to overall fees (other than the fee profile).

The creation of a clear, developed, coordinated design that reduces latent risks
represents an over-riding commercial benefit.

The likelihood of these gains being realised will no doubt increase in the future, as
teams continue to navigate their way through the teething pains of a new technology
and a new way of working.

The latest NBS National BIM Survey revealed there was still much work to be done to
increase adoption of BIM: less than 50% of UK respondents use BIM, and nearly 70%
said the industry is not even clear enough on what BIM is.

Here, we compare the likely relative levels of costs and benefits of using BIM, based
on the knowledge Alinea has gained over the past few years, and through talking to a
selection of design team members.

02 / Costs vs benefits
There are a number of direct costs associated with BIM, which can affect all members
of the design and project teams.

These include:

 Investment in upgraded hardware (`which can be mitigated by the use of

cloud services and “slave” computers)

 Software licensing, with individual software subscriptions costing upwards of

£4,000 each per year

 The salary premium of employing personnel trained in BIM software

 The training of existing personnel

 The scale of record keeping required – memory, storage facilities and
processes that have to cover all models.

Many of these costs are incurred at the start of the project, but this is also the point at
which many of the benefits can be realised.

It is important that the entire technical BIM team – members from each discipline,
including the cost consultant – invest time in planning, shaping and reviewing the
modelling methodology.

BIM requires a lot of data, and it needs a robust framework to make it useable and
avoid abortive work.

Therefore, a model development plan should be created: this is an agreed roadmap

for how usable data should be structured in the model, including project specific
requirements, the software chosen for drafting and harvesting data, and the file
format exchange.

Clear, early planning from the whole team can help to realise the following benefits of

 Quality is controlled and assured. Much more is recorded – including earlier

client decisions on design

 Components, detailing, coordination and the “basics” of design are handled

more efficiently

 The process itself is designed, mapping what is needed and when, and
prompting thought about content

 Greater information is included earlier (such as the performance criteria of

components) and can be more easily amended

 Greater client involvement should enable faster, better decisions

 The technology brings people together: the process encourages each discipline
to consider the needs of others and who else should be contributing

 Complex situations can be presented with clarity, enabling a better


 “Before and after” analyses can be undertaken easily.

For clients
Earlier design development and coordination means there are more upfront costs for
the client in terms of fees. This, in turn, means there will be higher abortive costs if
the project needs to be redesigned or abandoned. The client also needs to invest more
of its own time in the early stages – to determine the brief, set up the project for BIM
and make design decisions.

For these reasons, the client has to be convinced that the earlier inputs will drive cost,
procurement and programme benefits.

Here, the fact that BIM is a powerful communication tool, with enhanced
visualisation, becomes an important factor.

They may also need to employ a separate “BIM manager”. This is a contentious issue,
as it is sometimes argued that this should not be a separately defined role, but simply
the designer’s coordination responsibility under the BIM process.

For designers and engineers

Designers will face initial legal and professional costs when they adopt BIM, not only
to ensure that appointments are satisfactorily worded, but also in terms of insurance
provisions. There is also the perceived “professional cost” that comes with the fear of
designers becoming subservient to the software.

However, speed of output and coordination results in a greatly reduced number of

hours being spent on drawings. One architect suggested it could produce a detailed
planning application for a 100-unit residential development in just three weeks.

For cost consultants

The benefits to the project of the cost consultant’s early involvement in modelling
methodology can be measured in terms of both time and productivity, from the ease
of preparation and agreement of area schedules, through to quantity take-off. It can
also allow reporting on the consequences of design development in days rather than
weeks, including the commercial implications of design changes or clash detection

The project profits from aligned quantities, mitigated risk and the added benefit of
genuine whole team working. The time advantage to the cost consultant allows more
focus to be placed on “higher value” activities, such as advising on key implications of
design decisions.

In terms of costs, cost consultants face many of the same upfront investments as
designers – for example, they need practical BIM skills to produce visual information
to demonstrate the cost plan and its basis, and to carry out detailed interrogation of

03 / Procurement
Tenderers need the model for a different purpose to the design team – for example, to
enable them to commit to a lump-sum fixed-price offer within a short timescale.

In our experience, a project that uses BIM is attractive to tendering contractors and
their supply chains.

On one complex scheme of above £50m construction value last year, high-quality
BIM enabled the team to secure a robust and competitive single-stage design-and-
build proposal (at a time when the market was, almost without exception, refusing
such contracts), with the winning contractor stating that it would not have bid
without this model.

Benefits that contractors derive from the model during the tender period include:

 Quicker understanding: ability to get under the skin of a project much more
quickly within a limited tender period

 Scope capture: reduced risk of missed items and consequential difficulties


 Planning logistics: ability to plan works within a 3D environment, de-risking

methodology and programme, especially for complex projects

 Communicating proposals: improved ways of demonstrating their proposals to

the supply chain or back to the client and its team.

Contractors’ expectations around the content and data richness of the model must be
managed. It is essential to build up trust ahead of the tender being released, and that
this is maintained through regular dialogue throughout the period.

The above points will need to be considered in the context of different procurement
strategies. For instance, with management forms, the management contractor or
construction manager will have far more ability to influence the development of the
model and could therefore generate a greater degree of trust in the model.
Expenses and Advantages of Building Data Displaying (BIM) in Development Undertakings

Building Data Displaying (BIM) has arisen as a progressive methodology in the development business,
promising upgraded project coordination and diminished chances. Regardless of the expected
advantages, a complete examination of the genuine expenses and advantages of BIM execution stays
scant in distributed writing. The point of this scholastic review is to survey the overall degrees of
expenses and advantages related with utilizing BIM in development projects, drawing bits of
knowledge from Alinea's insight and conversations with configuration colleagues.

Prologue to BIM Expenses and Advantages:

The absence of promptly accessible information on the expense of BIM execution has prevented a
thorough comprehension of its monetary ramifications. Nonetheless, it is set that when ventures are
set up to gain by BIM's advantages, the speculation costs are probable met, in the event that not
outperformed. The reception of proficient BIM rehearses by project groups is supposed to
counterbalance introductory expenses and work with further developed project results.

Costs Related with BIM Execution:

A few direct expenses are related with BIM reception. These remember speculation for redesigned
equipment, programming authorizing costs, pay rates for faculty prepared in BIM, preparing for
existing staff, and the significant information stockpiling and the board needs. Notwithstanding these
forthright expenses, many advantages of BIM can be acknowledged right off the bat in the task

Acknowledging Advantages through Powerful BIM Execution:

Powerful preparation and coordinated effort among the specialized BIM group are vital to receiving
the rewards of BIM. An organized model improvement plan guarantees information ease of use and
mitigates excess work. Advantages of BIM incorporate superior quality control, proficient plan dealing
with, upgraded client inclusion, better interdisciplinary cooperation, more clear visual portrayals, and
simpler examinations.

Influences on Clients, Originators, Specialists, and Cost Experts:

Clients might confront expanded forthright expenses and time speculation because of BIM execution
however stand to profit from further developed project results. Creators and specialists experience
beginning expenses and likely worries about programming reliance however experience expanded
proficiency in plan and coordination. Cost experts benefit from early association in the demonstrating
system, considering smoothed out announcing and risk alleviation.

Acquisition Suggestions:
Givers and workers for hire find BIM models helpful for understanding undertaking complexities,
decreasing missed things, further developing coordinated factors arranging, and conveying
recommendations actually. Nonetheless, overseeing assumptions around model substance and
information extravagance is essential for effective undertaking results, particularly in various
obtainment techniques.

All in all, while the underlying expenses of carrying out BIM in development projects are significant,
they are balanced by the various advantages it offers. Further developed project coordination,
improved perception, and smoothed out correspondence among partners prove BIM's true capacity
for reforming the development business. Notwithstanding, endeavors to teach partners about BIM's
benefits and encourage trust in its adequacy are basic for its more extensive reception and fruitful
execution in development projects.

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