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Ready Scorpio

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Characteristics of your zodiac sign

2. Your unique strengths and weaknesses and how to get the

most out of them

3. Deep analysis of the relationships with your partner based

on a unique birth chart matching system

4. Your horoscope and upcoming events for 2023



Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and represents a growing understanding of
emotional depth and perception. Their element is water, meaning they are emotional and
moody, but unlike other water signs they will hide this behind a tough or neutral exterior
due to their fixed quality.


Mars, one of their ruling planets, is associated with iron, blood, sharp objects, knives, and
surgery - matched with the emotional water element and fixed energy of this sign gives
Scorpio a depth of focus and spirit suitable for the surgical fields.

Scorpios have a strong stomach, intensely concentrated energy, and precision, along with
a fascination with life and death. Therefore they make great researchers, crime scene
investigators, morticians, detectives, and public health analysts - doing work related to
infectious disease, hazards, substance abuse, community health, epidemiology, and the


Scorpios experience the world as a flood of emotions while keeping a calm and detached
exterior. When they get into a relationship it is usually a dramatic yet secretive affair.
Their commitment to partners is intense, along with the dominant role they usually take
on in relationships. Like one of their gemstones, topaz, they bring a flash of brilliance and
fire to their romances.

50% | Relationship
Love - 40/100

Sex - 80/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship -60/100

Business - 60/100


When a Scorpio and an Aries come together in a relationship, it feels magical. They
wonder how they managed to live without the other in their life. They love to be the
center of attention and can achieve anything together as long as they can learn to share
the spotlight. In this relationship, Scorpio is more devoted than Aries but, Aries is
powerless when it comes to the advances of Scorpio.


When it comes to their values, Aries is a true extrovert as a fire sign and Scorpio, as a
water sign, may tend to be more introverted about their private feelings and emotions.
In addition, the fixed nature of Scorpio makes it so they always want to get their way,
this could lead them to be manipulative at times and keep to themselves. Both signs,
however, are jealous lovers and a Scorpio would not hesitate to sting when hurt, like their
symbol the scorpion. Nevertheless, Scorpios are patient compared to Aries which could
work to make this partnership more balanced. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars,
associated with drive and energy and Scorpio is also ruled by Mars, but also Pluto, the
planet associated with transformation and evolution. This can make the couple true risk-
takers. They would have a lot of fun adventures together which makes the relationship


Considering their ruling planet Mars is associated with sex, the duo are very passionate
lovers but also can lead them to argue a lot. They both crave power, with Aries as a
cardinal sign they want to be in charge and Scorpio as a fixed sign doesn’t want to give
in to Aries. This creates dynamic energy between them and increases the sexual tension
in love. The water element of Scorpio helps Aries hone in and identify their often
misaligned energy and each can open up emotionally to each other over time. When they
work together, they are unstoppable. Aries and Scorpio complement each other's
weaknesses. Scorpio always has a plan for everything while Aries is all for spontaneity.
When they understand one another in a relationship, they are very loyal and devoted to
one another. They are both dominant in the relationship and can achieve whatever they
want when together. Overall, their sexual chemistry is spot on and their love will be a
learning experience for the better!

85% | Relationship
Love - 100/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


A Scorpio and Taurus relationship is always intense, either positively or negatively. As

opposites in the zodiac, when they come together they are able to balance each other
out perfectly. They have a lot of things in common, and this makes it easy for them to
switch between love and utmost disagreement. Although, their sex is off the charts. The
earth element of Taurus makes them highly physical and materially minded while Scorpio
as a water sign is more emotional and deep in their thinking. Together, they provide each
other exactly what the other person needs but just might not know it.


Taurus is ruled by Venus which makes them perfect for softening the rough edges of
their Scorpio partner. In general, Scorpio is very secure and happy with who they are and
extremely confident based on their powerful ruling planets, Mars and Pluto. Pluto
represents a purpose, resolve, and soulful transformations while Mars represents energy,
sex drive, and competition. This makes Scorpio have a strong character and determined
nature. Mixed with Taurus’ Venusian energy and earthy sensuality creates an intense
desire and passion in this relationship. They want to give each other exactly what the
other one wants, they are both associated with possessions, shared resources, and
material goods. Security is important to them and they provide for each other as an
unspoken part of their bond.


Scorpio and Taurus are the perfect blend of energy. Their union screams heat and
passion. While Scorpio is an intense and smoldering lover, Taurus is a very sensual and
emotional lover who is attracted to Scorpios’ intensity. Sex for them is amazing and will
be deeply sensual, emotional, and pleasurable for them both. While Taurus is outspoken,
Scorpio is mysterious and patient but would not fail to sting or hurt their lover if someone
hurts them first. They are both jealous lovers given their elemental energy expression.
They are also both fixed which can make this couple incredibly stubborn and they may
find it hard to change their minds once they’re set on something. Together they are very
prone to fights and disagreements when they have clashing mindsets. Taurus may seem
like the more dominant lover, but Scorpio achieves that title with more devilish strategies.
They both need the assurance that the emotional connection is there and they are willing
to provide it for each other.

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55% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 40/100


This relationship requires hard work and dedication for it to flourish. Honestly, once they
understand each other and can accommodate the differences, then they would end up
as a perfect couple. Scorpio is secretive and reserved, unlike Gemini who is outgoing and
extremely chatty. Gemini, as a mutable air sign, can be described as a happy and lucky
person, never taking anything seriously, which is very different from a Scorpio, a fixed
water sign, who thrives on emotional connection and intimacy when it comes to their


The relationship is a very passionate one, which is also characterized by arguments as

Gemini loves debates and finds lively discussions mentally stimulating. They are ruled by
Mercury, the planet of communication, and this definitely comes out in their partnerships
and the way they connect with others. While Gemini is flirtatious and changeable like
their symbol the twins, Scorpio is possessive with a stinging sense of jealous. Since
Scorpio is so intense, they will have to learn to move back at times to make Gemini feel
secure and not controlled. These signs tend to value different things. Scorpio, ruled by
Pluto, the planet of change and transformation, wants to evolve themselves and level up
through understanding the deeper meaning of this world. On the other hand, Gemini
wants to keep life much lighter. Together, they will find things between them are a
mismatch based on their different dreams and desires in life.


In love Gemini and Scorpio need to work together in order to find their stride as a couple.
Scorpio is a yin sign and Gemini is a yang sign, whereas Gemini wants to be out socializing
and making friends Scorpio likes to spend time alone or with a select few close friends
and family members. Their different energy levels make it hard for them to build a strong
relationship. At times, Scorpio can be manipulative and therefore Gemini will feel their
energy is dampened. Sex for them rarely works, as Gemini likes to be chatty and playful
in bed while Scorpio wants to be deep and sensual. They find that neither one turns the
other one on and sex tends to get pretty awkward with this pair. A satisfying relationship
would play out when Gemini realizes they can bring intellectual stability along with a
sense of ease into the relationship. Hence, the strength of this bond is when the couple
functions as a unit and refuses to give up in respect to the relationship.

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85% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 60/100


As two water signs, Scorpios and Cancers are very emotional people, but they prefer it
this way. These two experience the world through their senses, psychic input, and gut
feelings. Cancer is more outwardly emotional as a cardinal sign while Scorpio, as a fixed
sign, tends to keep their emotions private and bottled up inside. They are a great
combination because they are intuitive and they know how to balance their partners'
weaknesses. Their sexual attraction is intense, they have a lot in common, and they are
very passionate, which keeps the relationship going.


Scorpio and Cancer have very similar and complementary values. They tend to appreciate
security in their partnerships and want things to feel honest and connected. They both
put their energy into the domestic and financial aspects of their homes and are very very
loyal when it comes to family. As a sign ruled by the Moon, associated with maternal and
feminine energy, Cancer is nurturing, while Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto smolders
and is very intense. They are both emotional creatures but they express this part of
themselves in different ways. Their conversations and communication together is built in
private and this couple doesn’t tend to go out socializing very often as they prefer being
home or entertaining guests at home. They are very secretive by nature and will often
have entire aspects of their relationship no one knows about, even if they are just friends.


Because these two are water signs, their sex is sensuous and deeply passionate! They
will often feel that their sex life is out of this world. Building a relationship happens quickly
and intensely for Cancer and Scorpio. Cancer is quick to fall in love but not necessarily
quick to trust, the same may also be true for Scorpio. Both will be interested in defining
the relationship as this will make them feel secure. Their desire for each other will be
palpable and they most likely will fall into bed with each other rather quickly. They both
are very private about their sex life, matching their symbols with Cancer be associated
with the crab hiding in their shell and Scorpio with the scorpion that hides in the ground.
These two are not likely to be very open with their relationship and keep everything about
their sex between them. Their bond is intense and long-lasting, although their heightened
emotional temperaments may lead to disagreements, their love for each other will always
win out.

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50% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


The result of a Scorpio and Leo relationship is very challenging. This couple understands
each other's needs and requires a lot from each other. In the zodiac, they make a square
aspect which means their relationship is dynamic and a learning experience overall. As
signs of the fixed modality, they are extremely loyal and possessive which provides
security for them. The couple enjoys the strength of one another and admires each other
greatly for their tenacity and ability to see things through.


As a fire sign, Leos are very flamboyant: they enjoy comfort and luxury. In addition, they
are ruled by the Sun which allows them to want to be at the center of attention and to
express themselves with ease and creativity. Scorpio, on the other hand, is happy to be
the spectator as long as there is well-defined equality in the relationship. While Leo enjoys
the spotlight, Scorpio tends to shy away from it as a water sign and prefers taking in
information and analyzing it internally rather than expressing it externally. They are both
hard-headed and determined people but would work out well as long as they understand
each other. Their conversations can get intense but both of them get a rise out of their
deep discussions on politics, spirituality, film, art, psychology, etc. Leo and Scorpio believe
in an individual's right to express themselves authentically and with honesty.


Love for this couple will be dramatic, it will have its ups and downs but can last if both
parties are willing to give a little and most of all are able to find a compromise when they
are in a stalemate. Leo wants the freedom to mingle and is very social while Scorpio is
more of a homebody. Finding a balance between these opposing ideas is essential. As
fixed signs they may butt-heads over who is in control of the relationships and discussion
on their power dynamics will need to take place early on. They may not always see eye
to eye but as long as they can keep their egos in check, then they would not consume
one another. Sex for them is intense. With Scorpio being ruled by Mars which represents
fire and passion and Leo being ruled by the Sun with represents warmth and generosity
their sex is deeply pleasurable. They find they have excellent sexual chemistry and are
exactly what each other is after in a sexual relationship. At times Leo will be more
romantic than Scorpio prefers but they can work it out as Scorpio is in touch with their
emotions enough to keep the lines of communication open. They are a sturdy pair and
give strength to working towards their goals, a perfect love match.

55% | Relationship
Love - 40/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 40/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 60/100


The Scorpio-Virgo couple is similar in several ways. With elements like water and earth,
they find their compatibility is high and they desire similar experiences in life. Virgo, as a
mutable sign, is more flexible than Scorpio who is a fixed sign. Together they find their
energies are well matched because Virgo likes to make sure their partner’s needs are
always met and Scorpio likes being in a devoted and committed partnership. Both prefer
to be home more than going out, therefore, they stay away from parties and crowds and
have more time for bonding and strengthening the relationship. Together they have a
perfect union.


While Virgo wants life to be ordered and structured, Scorpio wants power, and it is easy
for them to give each other what they want. Virgo is an earth sign while Scorpio is a
water sign, these denser energies concern themselves with the material world. Therefore
they both take a responsible role in securing resources, property, and finances. Virgo
tends to be quieter and withdrawn from people, but Scorpio gives off an aura of mystery.
Both are very intrigued by the other one’s quietness and find if they can open up that
they have a lot to discuss, deep thoughts, and interesting perspectives. The duo can learn
from each other and learn to meet in the middle of things. The Scorpio partner craves
loyalty, and that is inherent in Virgo. Virgo is very straightforward, unlike Scorpio who is
a very emotional sign and tends to hide this behind a wall, which Virgo is able to break
down over time.


When these two get together they tend to fall in love hard. Once in love, nothing gets in
the way of their bond. Virgo’s earthy subtle energy understands Scorpio’s watery,
perspective perfectly. They prefer to work together rather than fight which makes them
well matched for a relationship. At times Scorpio can be demanding but so can Virgo, if
they can laugh off each other’s quirks and at times weirdness then this is a partnership
that can work! The relationship is harmonious and well organized, and at times can feel
a little strained from the pressure they both put on each other. Sex between a water and
earth sign is satisfying and powerful. Virgo brings attentiveness and desires to please
their partner while Scorpio brings a sensuous passion. It gets steamy and primal, as both
signs are more introverted they let it all loose in sex. The best part of the relationship is
that when they put their minds to things they can do anything and fulfill each other

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65% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 80/100


Scorpio and Libra are a couple who tend to be a mismatch astrologically. As signs right
next to each other in the zodiac, it puts them in an awkward inconjunct aspect
relationship. This means that they will find it a challenge to see eye to eye or match each
other emotionally, spiritually, or physically. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of attraction
and love, while Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of heat and fire. Libra cools and
Scorpio ignites and these two feel like star-crossed lovers. As a water sign Scorpio gets
moody but the Libras’ love for balance, as the symbol of the scales will help keep the
Scorpio sane. Scorpio tends to balance out Libras’ weaknesses but is pushy toward their
partner overall.


They combine the power of intellect with Libra’s air element and emotion with Scorpio’s
water element. In general, they value different things in life with Scorpio being interested
in career, success, and growth while Libra is more focused on the more artistic, creative,
and social aspects of life. So, the relationship is anything but boring as they each bring a
lot to the table. The intensity of Scorpio and their sometimes more dominant energy is
well met by Libra’s very rational and amicable approach. They both have charming
personalities and are able to sway social influence with ease, Libra using charisma and
Scorpio hypnotic emotional energy. Their differences lead to misunderstandings
sometimes as Libra is upfront and honest and Scorpio is secretive and private. So, they
often have to work on communication skills.


Both signs are intense and have a fascinating sexual relationship. Their relationship could
be very emotional and demanding, and it could make them obsessive about each other.
Falling in love is rare for the Libra and Scorpio pair. For one Libra as a cardinal air sign is
often out socializing and making new friends while Scorpio as a fixed water sign likes to
spend their time with a few close friends and family. If they decide to make the
relationship work each one will slowly try to transform their partner into their perfect
vision, which may not be what the other person wants. This tension can build and allows
for them a deeply karmic growth experience that neither one is prepared to undergo. Sex
for them is active and a bit wild. Libra tends to let themselves loosen up for their more
sexually driven Scorpio mate. Together, they can make this relationship work but will
need to be ready to face their own personal shadows.

75% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


This relationship tends to be very obsessive. It is filled with intense passion as they are
intimate in every possible way. The intensity might appear innocent enough, but as
Scorpios are passionate people naturally, together, it is just multiplied when they get into
a relationship. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, which means their energy is slower moving
yet emotional. This also implies that they tend to hide or bottle up their emotions deep
inside, letting the pressure build. Finding a healthy expression for each other’s energy
will be a major factor in keeping this relationship flowing and fluid!


Scorpio with another Scorpio is a good match due to their similar values and natural
habits, although it is a lot of personality for one relationship. As fixed signs, they are
extremely goal-oriented, and when they are together, they are an excellent,
unconquerable duo! These signs value intelligence and the psychological powers of the
mind. Their archetype allows them deeper insights into the psychic and spiritual energy
that exists in the world and they love to investigate the meaning of life. They also have
the mind of a scientist and will sometimes appear very rational. Their ruling planet Pluto
symbolizes their tendency to end up in fields of work related to research. Together they
are knowledge seekers and deep thinkers. This is an intense relationship but one that
overwhelming brings a profound sense of meaning.


As fixed water signs they tend to value security, loyalty, and emotional connection in a
relationship. This often leads them to be very possessive of each other or jealous at times.
In addition, their need to feel close to their partner along with their powers of persuasion
often leads them to be more manipulative than most. Therefore, two Scorpios together
are well matched as they won’t allow each other to be swayed and will be able to maintain
their autonomy and individuality. Their sex life is fantastic because it is a combination of
passion and sensuality. When these lovers feel ready to open up to each other emotionally
things tend to work for them. As the symbol of the scorpion implies, their relationship
can be forceful and sting at times. Neither are afraid to explore the taboo and their sex
life will be open to the unconventional.

45% | Relationship
Love - 40/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 40/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 40/100


With Scorpio and Sagittarius, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two because
they seem to possess similar strengths, but that is only on the surface. The nature of
Scorpio is fixed which makes the individual attracted to the spontaneity and openness of
Sagittarius, at least for a while. A Scorpio can seldom trust a Sagittarius because of their
notion of freely giving love: including sharing their bodies with other people. Scorpio is
also controlling, something a Sagittarius dislikes. A relationship between these two can
bring out the worst sides of their personalities.


Both zodiacs respect people who can stand up for what they believe in. With Scorpio as
a water sign and Sagittarius as a fire sign, this relationship can get a bit touchy and burn
like steam. Sagittarius enjoys following their gut, letting the wind guide them, and
generally lives life with a sense of wild abandon and wanderlust. On the other hand,
Scorpio is more calculated, perceptive, and observant: generally viewing life like a puzzle
they are trying to investigate and figure out. These two have very intense minds and
mental strength, they will be able to get into heated debates and discussions for sure.
Their strong opinions make them very resolute at times and unable to compromise,
especially when in a relationship together. Sagittarius is the zodiac archetype of the
philosopher and Scorpio is the archetype of the psychologist: together they will have a
lot of information to dissect and understand: anything from social issues, politics, religion,
and so on will be up for discussion with these two!


Sexually, Scorpio and Sagittarius are quite the exhibitionists. They tend to enjoy being in
each other’s arms as long as unrealistic expectations and emotional attachments do not
come in the mix - on the side of Sagittarius who prefers to keep things more detached.
They are better as friends with benefits than actual lovers. Their shared thirst for
knowledge and truth is what really brings them together. Their shared affinity for success
makes them win in life as a team but not so great at building intimacy and emotional
attachment together. Both signs are highly sexual but in different ways. Sagittarius as a
fire sign ruled by Jupiter likes lots of sex, has a high sex drive, and is energetic in the
bedroom. Scorpio as a water sign ruled by Pluto is searching for more of a soulmate, a
deeper connection, and intense bond with someone they love. This can lead them to have
pretty steamy sex, as Sagittarius gets turned on by Scorpio’s intense passion and Scorpio
appreciates Sagittarius’ desire for frequent sex. Overall, a relationship can work but tends
to bring out these signs argumentative and more intense sides, which may make things
feel a bit touchy.

70% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


A Scorpio-Capricorn relationship allows the couple to learn about being a team while also
maturing as individuals. The association might seem slow as the duo are reluctant to
open up to each other, once they get past the shyness, they have a very profound
connection. The cardinal modality of Capricorn makes them initiators and action-oriented
people while Scorpio as a fixed sign is stabilizing and set in their ways. One can push the
other to maintain focus on their goals while Capricorn’s earth sign and Scorpio’s water
element makes them well balanced.


Capricorn and Scorpio will be able to bond over a similar outlook on life, although Scorpio
will tend to be more emotional as a water sign, they hardly show it. Capricorn as an earth
sign will be sensitive but tends to be less emotional giving them a harmonious way of
being in the world. Their ruling planets combine to spell intensity and deep understanding
of each other. Scorpio will be able to support Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, in feeling less
insecure and self-conscious. Capricorn will help normalize Scorpio’s intense emotions that
are bestowed on them by their Mars and Pluto ruling planets. Together they provide each
other mutual respect and connection. They appreciate intelligence and often think in
similar ways as well. Capricorn isn’t always as deep as Scorpio wants them to be and
Scorpio is not always as understanding as Caprciron wants them to be.


A love relationship between these signs is harmonious overall. At times, Scorpio might
get frustrated with the conservative Saturnian nature of Capricorn and their reluctance
to take risks. As Scorpio is ruled by Mars they like life to be adventurous and don’t shy
away from living on a razor’s edge, but the patience to build makes it worthwhile. In
addition, Scorpio thrives on intimacy, and they feel a sense of security when their partner
opens up. The Capricorn partner has to learn to listen to the body language of their
partner in order to deepen their bond. Scorpio has the tendency to fall hard emotionally
until they get to the point of no return. The best part of the relationship is their
determination to make things work, and their devotion to one another. They can unravel
each other's souls and embrace what they are feeling. The fact that Capricorn is a cardinal
sign will help get Scorpio to be less rigid and be more open to fun. When it comes to sex,
Capricorn helps to maintain Scorpio's sexual needs. In addition, sex for them is sensual
and intense as the water and earth signs are focused on physical pleasure and emotional

55% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


This love relationship can be very intense as Scorpio makes a square aspect pattern to
Aquarius in the zodiac, creating a relationship ripe with the potential for growth and
understanding. Aquarius is very social as an air sign while Scorpio tends to be more
private as a water sign. As different as they seem, their strong will is more than enough
to propel this relationship. Their mental strength makes them well matched to handle
anything life throws at them. At the same time, their intellectual and communicative
capabilities can create tension in the relationship as both will always stand up for what
they want at all costs.


Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This makes them driven and highly focused while
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus which makes them unpredictable and highly
intelligent. They seem different but are similar in ways: they are both very opinionated
and like having their way. However, Scorpio is curious and reads between the lines while
Aquarius is more broad-minded. Aquarius is not a fan of the possessive Scorpio nature
and Scorpio wants their partner to commit to them wholeheartedly. On the other hand,
Aquarius desires more freedom of movement and less strict relationship boundaries. This
makes them better friends than lovers as trust is hard to build. When two fixed signs get
together in the relationship it is a battle of wills but profound as each one learns to soften
to the other person’s point of view.


Once Scorpio understands their Aquarius mate they learn to calm down, enjoy and
celebrate their differences. Their sex life is a balance of passion, emotions, and rationality.
Scorpio is a sexual and sensual lover while Aquarius is more communicative and detached
in love. Their sex life can be a paradise or a warzone depending on which sides of
themselves come out in the bedroom. They are both stubborn, as the fixed signs tend to
be, so tension may build in this relationship. Their connection can be beautiful because
they both have compelling personalities and it is difficult for one to dominate the other.
What makes it incredible is that despite their contradictory philosophies to life, the
moment they understand themselves the relationship gets smoother. A shared belief in
maintaining individuality within the relationship keeps them strong.

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80% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 100/100

Business - 80/100


This relationship is a wonderful one with mutual respect and understanding. This match
gives an insight to each partners’ mind, and what is a relationship if you cannot predict
your partner? Pisces gets to be withdrawn from the environment but is patient with
Scorpio despite their mysterious and secretive nature. As two water signs, they discover
their emotional tendencies and sensitivities are similar. Both experience the world through
sensory perception, intuition, and want to connect beyond the surface level. Pisces as a
mutable sign is much more flexible and easy-going than Scorpio, a fixed sign. Scorpio
could use a partner like Pisces to help them relax and enjoy life a bit more.


As water signs, they are both intuitive and deep thinkers. Scorpio is associated with the
8th house in the zodiac of secrets and death while Pisces is associated with the 12th
house in the zodiac, symbolizing spirituality and merging. This makes them poised for a
very deep relationship. Both connect over the most profound topics and discussion of
their beliefs and life philosophies. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of soul evolution
in astrology while Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions and glamour. These
energies combined create a match that is magical, psychic, and in touch with the whole
of the universe. The Pisces mate is gentle and kind while Scorpio, who is also ruled by
Mars, is more contentious. They are both interested in long term relationships.


Emotions are a huge part of their sexual experiences. Pisces would find it easy to blend
with their Scorpio mate once Scorpio is aware of their sexual needs. They are very sensual
lovers as both of them are water signs and therefore very in touch with the sensations
and feelings of the body and soul. Their energies feed off of each other, and this makes
the union satisfying. The couple is emotionally sensitive but keeps their relationship very
secretive and private overall so most would not know how deep their bond actually goes.
The relationship provides the fulfillment of their desire for commitment, making their love
stronger in the process. Their signs are in a trine aspect on the zodiacal wheel, this means
they share an element and spells for a harmonious and karmic bond. They are drawn
together like magnets and know their connection with being a profound shift in their life
experience. Scorpio will need to ease up their demands and the intensity in order to better
support their more sensitive and emotionally osmotic partners. Pisces’ nebulous nature
will sometimes need to be managed to be more realistic for Scorpio. Overall, this is a
relationship that senses the meaning of connection and creates a bond unlike any other
in the zodiac.
The year holds hope for you to experience great success in both personal and professional
fields. Your creativity levels will be increased this year so you would be in an excellent
mood to finish your tasks on time and well. Although you prefer to work from behind the
scenes, your efficiency and enhanced productivity will put you at the center of the stage.
Your effort and great performance at your job will be noticed.

You can easily be attracted to do some good deeds for the less fortunate and the
environment. These activities will bring satisfaction and a good feeling about yourself.
Your self-esteem will improve as a result of you becoming a more considerate and helpful
person. Your ego seems to make problems for you from time to time, this year will be a
new chapter in which you will leave your ego aside in return to gain your peace and
tranquility. Remember that sometimes you need to take risks in life, you can’t progress
and grow without that.

The year will be a period of discovery for you. You will be capable of maintaining strong
relationships with other people without any struggles. The year indicates that it is time
to network for business purposes, as connections with people can help you thrive and
learn faster in your professional life.
Planetary Influence: a look at the year ahead

Jupiter in 2023 is in your home area and family. During his influence, you might want
to move into a bigger house that has more space for you and your family. Life will open
doors for you, you would be given the chance to extend your life for the better. Keep the
attitude and self-belief that you can accomplish more in life, and it will truly happen. Mars
is in Scorpio from the beginning of November through the second part of December,
explaining why the sudden wave of enormous energy. Your motivation will be higher than
usual and it will come at handy when you encounter all the exciting new opportunities
concerning your personal life as well as your career.

Venus will retrograde in Capricorn towards the end of the year, in the second part of
December, making you feel less driven, lazier, and self-centered. This will cause problems
with your communications with other people. Work on your self-expression to avoid
causing troubles in the area of your relationships. It is important how you say it, equally
as what you say. Mercury retrogrades three times this year. The first time is in your
home and family sector around the end of January, then in May is in your intimacy area
and the third time in September affects the area of the subconscious mind. All of these
three periods will bring for you some issues with communications, correspondence, and
technology. Take a deep breath and don’t be so harsh on yourself, more tolerance will
help you overcome these times.

This year has in store for you a lot of opportunities and luck. You will feel lucky and
content with yourself. It will be best for you if you take a more careful approach with
your career decisions around March. Control your expenses and be responsible when it
comes to financial matters to avoid yourself complication in this area.

Your approach to life this year will be more disciplined, honest, and relaxed. With that,
you will manage to successfully lower the stress and anxiety in your life this year. Before
October you will have open windows for money opportunities, if you take advantage of
that your income will significantly increase. At work, you will be supported and adored by
your work colleagues. You just need to keep up the good job and focus on the tasks, and
the results will show off.

Monthly Horoscopes: Important Tendencies

January 2023 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, increasing the chances for
miscommunication and misunderstandings if you are not clear and straightforward in your
communication. Stay organized and keep track of your schedule to minimize the effect of
this transit. Don't rush with your conclusions, and double-check before you make any
important decisions.

February 2023 is an ideal month to focus on education, learning, and building up

experience. Mercury in Aquarius makes your brain hungry for knowledge, and you will be
more open to new and visionary ideas. Leaving your comfort zone and trying out new
things is more accessible and will help you thrive and evolve in all areas of life!

March 2023 is bringing you romance and tranquility. With Venus in Taurus, you will
focus on achieving harmony and balance in your everyday life. Moreover, time spent with
your loved ones becomes a source of happiness and fulfillment. As a result, you'll be
creating healthy and strong relationships, favoring comfort and stability over chaos.

April 2023 begins with Mercury in Taurus, helping you keep both your feet firmly on the
ground. It is a transit that provides clear and pragmatic thinking, increasing your chances
to succeed in your plans as you will be more logical and calculated in your actions. It is
an ideal time to simplify your life in order to feel calmer and in balance with yourself.

May 2023 has Mars transiting in Leo, which increases your self-confidence and helps
you come out of your shell. Under this transit, it is easier to go after what you want, as
you will have solid goals and a clear vision. The passion for fully experiencing life with all
it has to offer is now amplified. You will focus on the big picture instead of losing time on
trivial details.
June 2023 is a game changer when it comes to love and personal relationships. With
Venus in Leo, you will take pride in your loved ones and ensure you show them how
much you respect and appreciate them. It is also a month of extravagance when you'd
want to show your generosity and greatness by buying everyone around you gifts that
will symbolize the tokens of your affection.

July 2023 is an energetic and vibrant month for you! Mars in Virgo will increase your
workforce, and you will easily tackle any challenge on your path to success. It is a great
time to focus on work that requires strong attention to detail. In the next 31 days, you
will be able to do more work than usual due to your increased productivity and extremely
good organization.

August 2023 is about introspection and reassessment. Venus is in retrograde motion

throughout the whole month, influencing you to reflect on your relationships and make
sure you have made the right choices. This transit will test your closest bonds, and if they
pass the trial, they will become unbreakable. You may also need to deal with loose ends
from your past in order to move forward.

September 2023 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, requiring you to be careful
in your personal and professional affairs. Delays are much more likely to occur under this
transit, so you need to be very patient. Important contracts, documents, and papers must
be read with attention, focusing on details, especially the small letters at the end of a

October 2023 could make you a bit reserved and withhold your emotions as Venus
transits in Virgo. It is a time when you are more likely to express your affection in more
practical manners. Make sure to reflect on your emotions and process your feelings.
Although you would prefer all things to make sense, emotions are one part where you
may need to go with your heart instead of your head.

November 2023 opens your range of vision, and you will expand your horizons. Mercury
in Sagittarius is inspiring you to ask questions and seek answers. You are more curious
and open-minded under this transit, but you need to be cautious with your decisions.
During this month, your judgments may be overly optimistic, leading to taking tasks
beyond your capabilities.

December 2023 is when you will yearn for deeper and more profound relationships in
your life. Venus in Scorpio will influence you to look for people with whom you share the
same passion and lust for life. Shallow and superficial communications will no longer
interest you or keep your attention. Instead, things that are profound, mysterious, or
distinctive can be more appealing to you now.

Your Life

Career and finance

A lunar eclipse in your money area takes place on May 26th and this is very possibly a
time when your work projects will be successfully finished. It could be one of the projects
you have been working on to significantly change your work position, in a positive way
hopefully. This is also a good time for you to address and clear all work-related issues so
you don’t hold any more concerns with you in this area.

Mars is in your money sphere from the middle of December until the end of the year,
and during this time you are likely to look for new ways of generating more income, in
order to enhance your financial situation. Before that at the beginning of June, Mars
moves into your career field, bringing a well-needed boost for your energy and for your
self-esteem as well.

Mercury goes retrograde at the end of May until the second part of June affecting your
sphere of shared resources, debts, loans, and taxes, take this time to reevaluate these
aspects of your life. If you have any loans or outstanding debts, now will be a good time
to rethink the way you manage your finances, so you can avoid future issues like that.
Also during this time, you may come up with a financial plan on how you could repay
these debts and give back the money you owe.

Love and relationships

Neptune stays in your area of romance all year, helping you focus on deeper, and more
profound associations in love relationships, and at the same time it stimulates you to be
more tolerant and caring towards your friends and family. As the year begins Mars moves
into your area of love and relationships where it will remain until the end of February.
During this time you are likely to focus on sharing your love with others, being kind and
caring towards your friends and family, and finally bring more love and joy into your life.

Uranus remains in your love and relationships area all year. The energy of this transit is
likely to bring change in your personal and love relationships. You may have already
experienced some significant changes last year when Uranus moved into this area for the
first time. Your needs and wants concerning relationships may change too. You may be
pulled toward some unique and eccentric individuals you normally wouldn't enjoy or
consider. For that reason, it is a wonderful time to change how you relate to others and
also become more understanding and tolerant.


Your planetary alignments for this year suggest that you will have good health all through
the year 2023. Saturn, in particular, is going to help you in maintaining great vitality and
well-being. However, Mars might bring some moments of anxiety and adrenaline that
might wear you down physically and mentally. For that reason, it is essential that you get
enough sleep and eat regularly, so you can avoid fatigue and exhaustion.

Throughout the year, the Moon might be destructive toward your general health and
well-being at times, so be cautious and make regular doctor check-ups. The Sun, on the
other hand, will encourage you to move forward and provide you with the strength to
keep going despite the long work hours and busy schedule.

There are no significant planetary influences over your chart concerning your health area.
Your health will be stable, and there would be no serious matters to address. But minor
health problems cannot be ruled out. You might suffer from weariness, fatigue, and
nervous system issues. Take good rest occasionally and follow the medical advice when

Family and Travel Zodiac Predictions

It is a beautiful year for your family to expand. You are likely to get more admiration and
respect from society, with that social standing will be on the rise. Your skills in leadership
and influences will experience growth and expansion. People will be watching you, so
make sure you set up an example and do acts of kindness.

It will be a promising year for travel. You will be able to plan for yourself both long and
short vacations. These could involve the trip to pilgrimage and return home. You might
also receive an offer to get transferred and work abroad. All plans concerning travel
matters will come about quickly and promptly.


You will have great progress in almost all areas of your life this year. From time to time,
you will be warned to take things slow and rest, so you don't harm your health state.
When faced up with big challenges and changes it is good for you to take things one step
at a time. Don’t rush with decisions in any situation. Persistence is the only way to
overcome every problematic period. The year also promises good experiences in both
personal and professional life for you. However, be cautious about your emotional health.
Work on your friendships and the relationship with your significant one. Those are the
people that you are going to need when tough times come. Talk with honesty and an
open heart to your partner, and do not keep secrets if you want to keep the good
relationship you have.

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