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Angels Ghosts Demons Gods Aliens and Entities 1 1

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Encounter I – Angels Demons Ghosts Gods Entities and Aliens with Ra Uru Hu

It’s nice to have you all here. Whenever I make up my list of courses at any of these
Events, I always make sure I have one in there that I know that just the title will bring
people, and it’s always amusing to me that they really don’t know what they’re getting
into. I don’t think you know what you’re getting into. But nonetheless, I’m going to do
my best to fill you in.

Before we get into the subject of angels and demons and ghosts and gods and entities and
aliens, we have two things that we have to deal with beforehand. One is very gray, and
one is very black and white. So, let’s begin with the very gray, because this is, you’re
here for the fishy, I will give you the fishy.

When you’re looking at this division here, I want you to think of it for a moment in terms
of lower and upper trigram, and I want you to realize that no matter where you look there
is a fundamental binary wherever we look. Wherever we look. In fact, what we’re dealing
with here is actually color. Color is the first level below a line. Every line has six colors.
And yet the colors of 1, 2, 3 are very different than the colors of 4, 5, 6. As a matter of
fact because it is color itself that gives life to a line, the very division of the hexagram is
rooted in the very division that is there in the color.

And I want you to see that these subjects that we’re going to discuss – angels demons
ghosts gods entities and aliens, that these subjects themselves are actually divided
precisely into these same two groupings. In other words, there is something that is
intrinsically similar between angels, demons and ghosts that is quite different from the
intrinsic similarity that exists between gods, entities and aliens. And in a moment I’ll
explain what that is.

Now, each of these six subjects, each and every one of them is real. That is, they are real
within the context of the Maia. They are available to all of us in the Maia. And one of the
things that I have done over many years is try to explain the mechanics that lie
underneath the mythos. So I have to give you a bit of Rave Cosmology. Many of you
have heard this many times because this is a subject that I’ve covered over all of the years
that I have been teaching, and it goes back to the nature of the crystals of consciousness.
We have two kinds of crystals of consciousness. We have personality crystals and we
have design crystals.

Now the vast majority of crystals of consciousness never get to incarnate. Never, ever get
to incarnate, and the basic nature, that is, the basic dynamic of all crystals out of form is
that they bundle. It is their basic dynamic. Now, when you’re looking at design crystals,
design crystals bundle into one enormous bundle. Enormous only in the sense of
numbers, and remember when I’m talking about design crystals that are out of
manifestation, I’m not simply talking simply about the design crystals of humans. I’m
talking about the design crystals of everything, including every independent grain of
sand. There are a lot of design crystals, and there is an enormous number of design
crystals when you consider that the replenishment of every cell, of every living thing on

this planet, and that replenishment going on all the time that there is this cycle of design
crystals coming from within the earth and going into manifestation all the time. The
numbers are beyond our imagination. They’re beyond our imagination.

What is important to understand within this context is that all of the design crystals
bundle in a single bundle. Those of you who have participated in my Cosmology Courses
know that according to me, and only according to me, what transmitted to me on the 3rd
to the 11th of January 1987, what I call The Voice, was the design crystal bundle, and that
this is where I received my Form Principle Education. So the first thing to recognize, is
the design crystal, the form principle itself, this is a single bundle, and it gathers within
the Earth, within the mantle of the Earth.

Personality crystals operate between the surface of the Earth, (that is, the ground), to the
end of our atmosphere. In other words, they cover a tremendous amount of vertical space
as well, about 180 miles. They cover the entire Earth. They are always in movement, and
there are many, many, many personality crystal bundles.

Now, in the beginning of the personality crystals beginning their process of incarnating
into forms, there were set bundles; there were various groupings of set personality

Those of you that, and there are some of you here, I know, who participated in the Rave
Book of the Dead Seminar that I did, in which I explained what happens to the vehicle
when the vehicle dies. And when the vehicle dies, the design crystal immediately leaves
at the moment of biological death. It leaves with the magnetic monopole. There is no firm
grounding left for the personality crystal. In a 72-hour period from the moment after
biological death, the personality crystal, given whatever oxygen is left in the function of
what’s left of the brain, and the neurons that are left that are firing, takes us through a
certain set of stages. They are called Bardo Stages – three Bardo Stage sequences in
terms of how I understand the way in which we leave the body. Now, one of the things
about this that’s so important, is that, my teaching, what I have been taught, is that you do
not disturb the body for 72 hours after death, because that personality crystal has to be
picked up by its bundle. And it can be picked up at any time during those 72 hours. Now,
if you incinerate that body or you throw that body underground, the chances are that that
personality crystal is not going to be picked up.

Now, this is part of a vast evolutionary consciousness program, and basically what has
happened is that over the millennia that we have been incarnating into forms, there have
been new personality crystal bundles that have developed, and they have developed from,
pardon my expression, lost souls – souls, personality crystals that were not picked up by
their bundle, that did not get to go back to where they came from. And what you get in
that is what we experience as angels and demons and ghosts. Angels, demons and ghosts
are these bundles that have come into existence because human beings don’t die

You know, it’s not an accident that every single civilization that’s ever existed on this
planet has tried to figure out a way to make the journey out successful. There are all kinds
of rituals associated with death. But it’s essential to understand that the fact that we do
not allow the vehicle its opportunity to finish its process correctly, that we don’t allow the
personality crystal to be picked up, that the net result of that has been that we have a
whole world filled with these bundles, and they’re everywhere.

And when I say that these bundles that are made up of those that are not picked up, it’s
not like there’s a few of them – two, three, four, five. We’re talking about hundreds of
thousands into millions in these bundles. There are ghosts and demons and angels

And when you’re looking at the other side, when you’re looking at the gods and the
entities and the aliens, what you’re looking at is the original bundles. These are huge
things. We give them names – the we call them Buddha consciousness, and The Christ
Field, and, you know, we give them all kinds of names – the Archangel Michael, and
whatever it is that you happen to be in touch with, whatever the channelers hook into and
they give a name to. These basic vast personality bundles, they represent what we would
call the upper trigram; that is, the 4, the 5 and the 6. So the first thing I want you to
recognize is there are two very distinct kinds of encounter – very distinct, in the same
way there are two very distinct ways of looking at Crosses. There is a vast gap between
the contact you have at the angel, demon, ghost level, and the quality of the contact you
have when you’re on the other side, and I’ll talk about what that actual difference is.

Let me give you a sense of perspective. If you look up there in the top left, the first little
planet up there, the smallest of the Moons, that’s actually Europa, the Moon Europa of
Jupiter. If you look at that, approximately two trillion personality crystals could fit in that
space. Think about that. About two trillion personality crystals could fit in that space.
They’re very small. Now think about what it means to have a million of them, not two
trillion, but a million of them, and a million of them that you can’t see. But there are a
million personality crystals bundled together – a million of them, tiny, tiny little thing; a
million of them.

We live in a Neutrino Ocean, and neutrinos, three trillion a second penetrating every
space, every square inch, everywhere all over the planet all the time; there’s a vast, vast
ocean of communication and information. Vast. And there you are, you’re standing in a
forest, and beside you in its movement in its geometry comes a personality crystal bundle
with one million personalities bundled together, and all of them are in the neutrino ocean,
and you’re beside it, and the neutrino information is going through those personality
crystals, and it’s not defined as any unique personality. It is a field of information, and the
frequency that it gives off, every single living human being has a genetic predisposition
to interpret that frequency. Every single human being has a genetic predisposition to
interpret that frequency. It’s very important to grasp because it’s the basis of all of this.
So for example if you’re operating out of that first color, and that’s beside you, you are
going to interpret it within that angelic framework. No choice, because it’s the only way
that you can interpret the frequency. It’s not up to you to guess at what you think you’re

having contact with. It isn’t. When you feel that frequency, it’s a consciousness field
beside you. It’s a condensed consciousness field. And if you’re in the right place at the
right time, and you yourself are correct for that moment, you have built into you, in your
profile, you have built into you a way in which you can interpret the frequency. But the
fact that you’re interpreting it as angel isn’t that it’s an angel. It isn’t. I mean that’s what
we’ve come to call it. It’s simply the way in which that first color interprets the
consciousness field in close proximity.

It’s like having a machine that takes in information and only takes out of it a certain
aspect of that information, can only interpret a certain aspect. In other words, we’re
designed at our motivational level, at a level below what most of us deal with in our
normal consciousness program, we have the capacity to interpret these frequencies.
Everybody is dealing with it all the time, and yet most human beings never benefit from
encounter, and I know that encounter brings benefits.

What the Angel Actually is.

Now, let’s talk about what the angel actually is. Based on my description when I
introduced this to you, I talked about the fact that we’re dealing with a crystal bundle.
We’re dealing with a crystal bundle that is a mutation – the bundle itself is a mutation.
It’s a mutation from the way in which we no longer die properly and of course over the
thousands of years in which our personality crystals have been incarnating, because of
this, we have, what has emerged is all of these mutated bundles that are very much
smaller than the core bundles that all of our personalities have come from.

So when you’re dealing with an angel bundle first of all what you’re dealing with, is
you’re dealing with basically somewhere around several million personality crystals that
never got picked up, that end up being picked up by these moving smaller bundles. So the
first thing that we’re dealing with is, we’re dealing with a highly compressed personality
crystal environment. Now, what we know that personality crystals are designed to filter
neutrino ocean; filter the neutrino stream.

And one of the things to recognize about encounter is that there is no encounter without
having an auric connection. In other words, when this bundle is going by or if this bundle
is stationary, you have to be; it has to be in your aura. And the actual auric connection
varies. In other words, when you’re dealing with the 1, 2, 3 you’re dealing with a tight
aura. When you’re dealing with the 4, 5, 6 you’re actually dealing with a larger aura.

Now what I mean by that, is that, as an example if you want to make auric contact with a
plant, you have to touch it. You have to touch it, because the aura is very, very tight to
the surface of that illusion, of that surface’s illusion.

When you’re dealing with 1, 2 and 3, they can only impact you in the same way that
another person can. In other words, if you take your arms and you put them out this way,
and you go twice as far, you extend your arms twice as far all the way around you, you

create a shell, this is basically your fluctuating aura. In other words, my aura is going
through this wall, as an example, it’s going through the floor; it’s just going through the
ceiling. Anything 1, 2, 3 if you’re designed for that, it’s going to be able to come into, if
you’re in its aura, if it’s in that space, you’re going to be able to have contact with it.

If it is 4, 5, 6, if you’re dealing with 4, 5 and 6, you’re dealing with something else –

you’re dealing with aura chains. And aura chains are not something that I’ve ever
discussed. And this is quite unusual, because the whole thing about 4, 5, 6, is that there’s
always an intermediary in terms of the communication. There’s always an intermediary.
And it’s usually a plant, but it can often be an animal. And it’s something very unusual.
In other words, the aura of the 4, 5, 6 encounter can be extended through certain things,
and it’s one of the things that have kept black magicians busy for millennium trying to
figure out that trick, because there are great tricks in there – what plant what animal, all
these poor black cats that died.

If you’re gonna work 4, 5, 6 and you’re going to work encounter with 4, 5, and 6, you
need allies, and you need allies from what the ancients called the Deva world. In other
words you need other kinds of consciousness forms to act as intermediaries for you in the
transmission of the aura. I met The Voice with my dog Barley. Barley was my ally. In
other words, it’s like imagining that you can have a translating device. If you’re gonna
deal with 4, 5,6 you need translating devices. Now, remember if you’re operating
correctly you’re naturally going to have translating devices. Again, this goes back to –
it’s not like you can construct this, which is why it drove black magicians crazy because
they would get hints of this but they really wouldn’t know why it worked.

And of course, if you’re clever, and I’m clever, you know, you get yourself a dog and a
cat that have exactly the right color; ha, ha, you know, (laughter), you germinate a plant
on the right day, there are things that you can do to benefit that kind of communication.
Nonetheless, it’s something to keep in mind that the auric relationships are different.

I first want you to recognize that these are generalized terms – angel. I’m not just talking
about not what we have seen in many mythologies, of these creatures with wings that are
flying around. I am talking about the angelic, I’m talking about the positive; I’m talking
about the yin, I’m talking about fairies. I’m talking about all kinds of positive forces that
we have given various names to depending on what kind of culture we have come from.
Anybody who is familiar with these kinds of mythologies of these kinds of creatures
could add literally hundreds of different names to each of these six categories. So I don’t
want you to begin with seeing this is simply, “This is a Christian angel.” It’s not about
that. It really isn’t. It isn’t about that kind of image, yet, yet, yet they’re a part of it. In
other words, obviously, otherwise the name wouldn’t be there, they are part of this
generalized force that we are going to encounter.

What we know physically is that that bundle has to come into our aura and it’s something
very important to understand the moment that any of these come into the aura, it triggers
very special state – and this is called the encounter state, and each encounter state,
depending on your color, each encounter state has a certain structure to it. For example,

if you’re going to have an encounter with this general angel grouping, that the first thing
that happens that opens the encounter state, is that there is an aroma that is recognized. It
is an aroma that is recognized. Now, often, that aroma is not recognized consciously.
Remember, when I am talking about smell, I am talking about smell to the cell. I’m
talking about smell going all the way down into the splenic system, the smell that is
deeply instinctive. In other words, we can smell at many levels; not all of them are

So how do you know that your encounter state is initiated if you actually get the smell,
but you don’t know you got the smell, if you know what I mean. Do you know what I
mean? All encounter states are always layered, That is, the initial, the initial is what is
obvious in terms of the senses. In other words, this is all about smell. So the obvious is
there at one level. There is a certain alertness; a certain clicking that takes place. But it is
accompanied by acoustic separation. This is one of the most commonly recognized
phenomena in any kind of outer body, outer experience encounter, you read the histories
of these things; I’ve read thousands of these, things, and one of the most common threads
in all of that is this acoustic separation that takes place. It’s not that you stop hearing. It’s
almost like you’re in an airplane and your ears “bubble up.” There is an acoustic that’s
there, but the rest of the acoustic world around you, it’s toned down. It’s like there’s an
acoustic space that’s being opened up.

Now please understand whenever you hear the word acoustic, with our knowledge, you
have to think mutation. This is what the acoustic brings; the acoustic always brings the
potential of mutation. And so this is a special acoustic state that accompanies this
opening that’s always sensory.

And it’s one of the things, that if I look back, I’ve been very, fortunate. I have had
extraordinary experiences in my process. And some of the most profound experiences
that have opened up into very, very bizarre states of vision, acoustics, interaction,
whatever, they have always been accompanied for me by this incredible suddenness of
the acoustic world being dimmed – instantly, and you know right away, “There is
something going on here.” And it’s one of the things to recognize about all of these.

Now remember something, if you go up the many levels and you’re back into the not self
and you’re there at the surface and they don’t have any acoustic channels and blah, blah,
blah, the chance that they’re gonna smell an angel, the chance that they’re even going to
notice any acoustic dimming is like one in a zillion. They’re not. You have to be
incredibly undistracted to be able to participate in encounter.

You cannot want it; you cannot seek it. You cannot ask why when you get it. This is one
of the most important things to understand about the passenger. The moment that the
passenger is trying to control anything, they’re doomed. This is all about the passenger’s
reward, but oh boy is it strict. The passenger has to give up on expectation. The
passenger has to give up on need, has to give up on hope, has to give up on desire.
That the passenger is not a being. That it has no right to be caught up in all that

bullshit. It’s just a passenger consciousness, and only when the passenger
consciousness is liberated from the concerns of the vehicle then it’s easy.

I said to you before there that I noticed that there was a demon here. It’s gone now by the
way. It was just passing through and I could taste it the moment it went through my aura.
Now I don’t care whether you believe it or not because it doesn’t matter. Not to me. I
tasted it. I know when they’re around. You become sensitive because you’re not looking
and you don’t care. I don’t care. It’s just all there.

This is the liberation of the passenger. This is what it’s all about, and then and only then
can you possibly gain the reward that your angel is going to bring you, that’s going to
deepen your investigation, that’s going to broaden your capacities, that’s going to fill you
with peace and bliss. How sweet angels can be.

Angels and Demons

Think about the angels now. You’ve got a 1st color and the 1st color is fear. So what does
the angel give you? The angel says to you, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll tell you what to do.” It’s
very simple. “Don’t be afraid, I’ll tell you what to do.” So you’ve got all these angel
people running around, “My angel said…” You know, Ok. That’s what they do; they run
around saying, “My angel, my angel said…” Ok. Sure, all right, so that’s the first thing, if
you have fear, what you’re looking for is someone to tell you what to do.

Ok. You get to the demons the color is hope. This is not fear – this is hope. So what does
the demon do for you? The demon says, “I’ll get you what you want.” And there you are
going, “Yeah, good, right.” “I’ll get you what you want. You’ll pay a price but I’ll get
you what you want.” This is the difference between the angel and the demon, the angel
says “I’ll tell you what to do,” and the demons says, “I’ll give you what you want.” And
the moment that you tell somebody else you’re fucked, because you’re going to have to
do what they tell you to do, and you’re going to have to chase after what they promise
they’re going to give you.

Now, I’m talking about the not self. Think about what it’s like to be awake – to be awake.
To be caught on your Wheel, to be caught on your Cross; to be driven on a pure
motivation. In that moment, the angel telling you what to do isn’t the angel telling you
what to do, because you already knew that you didn’t know what to do without the angel.
And once you’re on your Cross and the demon says, “I’ll give you this, you go, “Yeah,
sure, that’s what I was waiting for.” And then away you go. And the fact is that once
you’re on that Cross and you’re living out your mythology, you are in league with these
forces. But it’s all okay. It’s the passenger going, “Shit, I didn’t know that was going to
happen. That’s great. “Jeeze, it’s nice that she’s telling me what to do. It seems to work.”
You know, “I never thought I wanted this, but hell, being pushed in this direction is really
cool.” I mean it’s very different.

We’re all in the consciousness game, eh? I mean, I know how dense the illusion of the
body is, so I know how easy it is to think that, well, yeah. But it’s all interconnected,

deeply interconnected, deeply interwoven, the consciousness field, the soup of
consciousness is so thick that if you could see it, you would see nothing. We are in a deep
gluey sea of consciousness struggling through, and to recognize that all of these forces
are there. I mean, they’re there.

My concern as always with the nature of a human being, is that if you’re operating
correctly, I really would like people to get the trip, because it’s a great trip, to enter into
that mythological realm and meet your allies. Remember it’s the magnetic monopole. It’s
the magnetic monopole that’s putting out a frequency that is attracting these bundles. It’s
something to keep in mind, and one of the things to be clear about is that the way in
which the attraction works is not uniform. So for example, if you’re dealing with the
angels and you’re dealing with this first quality of color, the frequency that is going out,
the angels immediately answer. It’s like when you phone somebody and they pick up the
phone almost before it rings? They’re always around, these bastards. Eh? I mean they’re
the stickiest of all of these things. They love nothing better than telling the wrong people
what to do. I mean that’s part of their trip. But it’s one of the things to understand about
the frequency that goes out on the 1 – the frequency that goes out on the 1 is immediately
responded to.

But then, ha, you have the demon frequency, and the demon frequency, your monopole is
putting out a frequency, and the subject, the demon picks it up, but it doesn’t immediately
respond to it. It will stalk you. You know this word, stalk, stalkers? A stalker is
somebody that follows you, usually with the intent of doing something nasty to you. It’s
following you; it’s waiting for its opportunity; it’s always hunting after you. And the
thing to recognize about the demon crystal bundle is that it stalks you and it stalks you for
a reason. It’s waiting for you to be alone for an extended period of time. Now, this is a
very important theme for the demon. The demon is not effective in crowded
environments. It will pass through crowded environments to pick up frequencies, like the
one that passed through this morning. It’s probably going to follow one of you home.
(People are laughing). It’s not going to follow me home. Ra’s smiling? But it might
follow you home. And the things about the demon bundle is that the demon bundle is
waiting for you to be alone. Understand the archetype. Have you ever seen a prison
movie where somebody is thrown into the hole, and they’re all by themselves and all of a
sudden the demons appear. The hermit in the cave. It’s a second line theme, and it’s a
mystery and it’s one of those great mysteries. When you think about all of the caves that
have been holy places in history. Demon, demon realms. This is demon realms. This is
what the demons wait for. And so that crystal will stalk you, and it will stalk you until
you’re alone, in your own aura because that’s when you’re the most sensitive to it. And
then you taste it. Eh? It’s a taste. It’s in your mouth, and you can taste it. Most people
think it’s something they hate and they go brush their teeth.

I find it deliciously ironic that the whole nature of human spirituality is the responsibility
of demons. All of human spirituality is in the hands of demons.

It’s one thing to be spiritual because you imagine there’s a God, and there’s another thing
to be spiritual because you’ve met a demon. When I met The Voice, I was an atheist, and

a nihilist, and I didn’t meet an angel. And the fact is that it may be very spiritual. (Ra
laughing). And it’s one of the things to understand about humanity, is that our spirituality
is driven, is driven by demons. It’s driven by demons. It is demons that actually provide
us with a hope that there is a God, that there might even be one that cares. And it’s the
demons who say, “And while you’re thinking about that, heh, I’m going to show you
what you really need in this life.”

But our spirituality, the gurus; this theme that’s inherent in this color of hope, the theme
of theism/antitheism, that that question only arises out of the impact of demons. Oh, we
see the devil on Earth every day. We don’t see the other side every day. You read the
newspapers; you look at the world that we live in, the barbarity of it, the dehumanizing
quality of the vast majority of the way human beings live on this planet; the degeneration
of the not self, the killer monkey gone wild, the shooting, gassing, killing, you name it. I
mean, this is a sewer we live in. It’s a sewer. We’re just lucky that we’re slightly above
the stink over here. I mean I never forget that. I never forget the privilege of what this is.
But see the world for what it is. This is a demon’s world if there ever was one. And out of
that demon world comes the hope that there’s a better life. Blow yourself up in a fucking
bus and you’ll find yourself seventy virgins waiting. You don’t think that’s the demon
realm? We live in an ugly, ugly, ugly world, and it is the transference of motivation, that
there are enormous numbers of human beings on this planet that are being controlled by
demon forces that have nothing to do with them. And the sewer that we live in is the
evidence of it.

Encounters at the 1, 2 3 Color Level

It’s so important to understand that these encounters at the 1, 2, 3 level are deeply
personal, and if you are correct, if you are correct, you are not going to have an encounter
that is going to drag on for the rest of your life in which you’re a victim of it. This is the
whole thing to understand. When you look here, you can also get another view. What do
we go to a teacher for? We go to a teacher to be told what to do. It’s just the way it works

And when you look over here at a guru, what do we go to a guru for? To get our dreams.
These are all bundled together, these thematics that move through resonances and lines.
So that you can really begin to understand what’s there. And what is the experience of a
teacher that tells you what to do? Eventually you tell him to screw off. “I’ve learned what
I need to learn, and now I’m going to go my way.” And you go to the guru with the
dream that you’re going to be enlightened and you discover that you’re not enlightened
and you go away. These are very, very, very personal things. And yet because of
transference they’ve been turned into public things. To be a guru is to be somebody that
nobody ever knows you’re a guru. Ha, ha, ha. That’s the perfect guru – so heavy that it
warps space around it. That’s what guru means in Sanskrit – heavy. Just plain heavy, like
a black hole, you know, that warps time and space? These encounters are deeply, deeply,
deeply personal. Because when you’re on your Cross and you’re living out your purpose
you can only live out your purpose, aligned to your motivation, and that there are things
that you must learn in that connection.

There are things in the 1 where they need to be told what to do.

There are things in the 2 where they need to be shown the way to get to what they can

It’s part of it. It’s what the encounter is for, but this is personal here. So much distortion
has resulted in the fact that this has not remained personal. All gurus think they’re
messengers. It’s transference. Teachers think they’re prophets. They’re not. It’s
transference. We live in a world of not self where the underlying motivation of the planet,
it doesn’t operate correctly. And out of that comes this mish-mash of all kinds of very,
very powerful things that we’re not equipped to deal with.

I’m showing you what generations tried to teach people in the shamanistic way – to try to
introduce them to the fact that there are forces out there, that they are there to be met.
The old shaman that could look at somebody and know what was for them, what demon
was for them, what angel was for them. They could smell it, they could feel it, they could
hear it; they could see it. We don’t have that anymore. We have bullshit salesmanship in
the New Age, from every bloody angle.

See, I love all of this stuff. It’s fascinating. It’s wonderful. But you know, it always
brings me back to the same point, and it always brings me back to the same place where I
look out and I say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, ok.” But the secret is you have to change the way
your form operates. If you don’t operate correctly, forget all this. And if you do operate
correctly, you can forget all this too, because you’re going to have what’s correct for you
and you’re going to meet these forces. You will, because there’re there all the time.

My concern is, I honestly don’t know whether in deconditioning there is a way of

detaching yourself from forces that have aligned themselves with you. I think that’s very
difficult. Remember that the motivation that you transfer to out of your not self becomes
incredibly powerful because it’s driven by your openness. And it’s something that we’re
deeply, deeply, deeply connected to. But for me it’s one of the things that’s always been
so obvious to me about the mythology of each unique being – is that we are not alone in
our process, we are all part of a binary. And there is another part of you. There’s another
part of you. That’s what this is. That’s what this encounter is all about. It’s another part
of you as a process, as an incarnative process, and it’s the one thing, the one thing that
your personality is here to have. Otherwise, you go to your death, and your personality,
regardless of your vehicle, has never had its trip. Ah, the poor personality, fucked over
by the body, absolutely helpless, absolutely helpless. In panic throughout its existence in
the vehicle, screaming this and screaming that, and worrying about this and worrying
about that, and thinking it’s this, and thinking it’s that. This is the incredible thing that
can happen for the personality, but boy do you ever have to go far to get there.

You know, all these people that I met in my early years, all these people that had been on
the light path. On the light path with not self-motivations and the wrong forces attached
to them and they’re telling me about light and my lack of it.

I mean I have met them. I know these forces. You would not want to meet The Voice, eh?
You really wouldn’t. You really wouldn’t at all. You’d drop dead just from shock. See,
human beings are sheltered and protected from all of this. The not self is your shield. It
protects you from your interconnectivity with the forces because we see what happens to
people when the forces meet them. They break down, they get fried, they go crazy; they
die. They lose their sense of reality. I mean after all, we all know that. And it’s one of the
things to see about this is that that’s not what our relationship is supposed to be with the

Oh, what a gift I received in my contact. Extraordinary. It is a bounty for us. These are
allies that teach us in different ways, but they’re the teachers of the personality. They’re
here finally to give the personality the density it needs to be able to revel in its experience
of being in form. And all of that goes back to first dealing with the body. If you don’t deal
with the body; if you don’t honor the vehicle, if you don’t live the vehicle’s life, your
personality is never going to get this. It’s not. It’s just going to get the distortion field.
And it puts all of you at risk.

Whenever you’re dealing with the 2, you’re dealing the 2. The thing that makes the 2 so
interesting is that it is the true transforming number. In other words, it’s like a revolving
door. The thing that makes 2 so interesting if you see 2’s in a profile is that if you can
call them, you transform them immediately. It’s one of the things about the 2. It’s why I
call, for example, the 2 – 4, which is one of those classic examples of somebody who can
have a totally non-influential life in terms of others, and over night, given the call, can be
transformed to a point that they influence vast numbers of beings. And this is one of the
things to recognize about the 2, there is a very, very, very powerful transformation that’s
always waiting within the 2, which is why that if you do have the 2nd color, ha, you have
to see that not only are you sooner or later going to meet this kind of force, because you
are, but you need it., because otherwise you’re never going to get going. I mean you’re
never going to get going. And of course, for the 2nd color people, it is the hermit nature of
this; it is the aloneness that’s going to make it possible.

And it’s one of the things about understanding when you have 2nd line profile children for
example, that these are the kind of children that are allowed their space, and if you
discover that they’re talking with a virtual friend, don’t get upset or concerned, because
of course this is part of their process. It’s the beauty that you see in children. They’re not
quite conditioned yet. So many children, particularly in their first 7-year cycle have
imaginary encounters, have friends that are imaginary; have all of these things. They’re
very sensitive to all of this. They are, but of course, they don’t frame it in any way. It’s
just there. It’s glossed over by whatever they pretend it to be, but the reality is that it’s
there. The encounters are always there.

Demons and Lower and Upper Trigram

You know, it’s one of the things that, you know, it’s not like they happen only once in a
while. It’s not like they’re happening in that part of the world and not here. I mean it’s

everywhere. It’s everywhere, all the time, all over the place, wherever you go. You walk
by them; you shop near them. They’re everywhere. They’re part of our world. They’re
part of the consciousness field. It’s the way that it works. What I really like is that when
you walk around the way I do you know they’re there. Makes things a lot more
interesting, because they’re there and you can see what they do to people. I have done
many analyses eh? And I understand color, and there are people that I can look at and I
can see very clearly what’s stuck on them. And they’re always the 1’s, these 1, 2’s, 3’s;
they always want to tell me their damn story. “Oh, I saw this ghost, oh, I had this demon
experience, oh, I’ve met an angel. I remember a woman in Sedona coming up to me and
saying, “You know I have an angel. And I said, “Yeah, you’ve got a monkey on your
back honey.” She didn’t like that, but then I didn’t have time to explain it to her.

Let me give you a physical image so that you understand what I mean by the attachment
of the 1, 2, 3 forms to us. When you look at a bodygraph, you know, a normal Human
Design bodygraph, and you know that the body, or the shape of the body is encased
within a graphic triangle. And one of the things you’ll notice is that the head center, the
head center sticks out past the head. You know, it’s sort of like it makes a peak like this
here. Now, it’s in this area here, outside of your physical body, that’s where your
personality crystal is. I’ve talked about this in all kinds of cosmology courses, to really
understand, your personality crystal is not in the form itself. It isn’t. It is a passenger, and
it’s sitting up here in the crown head in the head center, it’s sitting up here outside of the
vehicle. Now, in my metaphor for what the vehicle is, I’ve often talked about it, you
know, we have a limousine, and we have a design crystal which is the vehicle, and we
have the magnetic monopole that’s the driver, and we have the back seat. Back seat’s up
here above the body. Okay? Here’s the back seat. This is where the passenger sits.

Now, an angel comes along. You have an encounter with an angel, and unfortunately
you’re gonna tell somebody about it. That angel that’s hanging around will then open up
the door, ha, ha, ha, and step into the back seat and sit down beside you and close the
door. And you have a companion. I mean it’s not like they’re hanging onto your hip.
They’re riding in the back seat with your personality crystal.

Now, the moment that you put a complex dynamic million-crystal object beside your little
personality crystal, ha, ha, ha, you’d be surprised how much impact that has. (Laughter).
It really does change the way your personality crystal is going to filter those things.

Now, there are people that know about these things. But of course, again, it gets all
fucked up in the way they translate it because they don’t understand the mechanics. The
idea of walk-ins. The idea that there are these forces that take you over. You know, we
have all of this stuff, “I’ve been taken over by this, and taken over by that, blah, blah,
blah….” It’s just somebody opened up the back door and they’re sitting there beside you
up there, in there, back there, whatever. So it’s something to understand about the way in
which they attach to you. They climb in, and they stay there.

Now, that’s 1, 2, 3. What you’ll notice with 4, 5, 6 is that the passenger locks the fucking
windows and the door and says, “Okay, one little brief encounter, okay? Ha, ha, because I

do not want to sit with you. This would kill me – very different than the 1, 2, 3 where
they’re designed to be in there in the back seat with you and say, “Look out the window
that way.” “Look out the window that way. See what the answer is to get rid of your fear.
See where it is that you’re going to be able to fulfill your hopefulness. They get right in
there; they sit and you can’t just throw them out.

You have passengers. And think about it. If you’re a 4th color and you’ve transferred to
the 1st color, you’ve got some stinking angel sitting in the back seat of your limo, and you
can’t get the bitch out, and she’s not your bitch, not at all. And you can’t get her out. And
she’s telling you what to do.

Over the years, particularly since the 60’s, there have been a lot of films about the occult
and all of these things, and a rekindling of interest in many people about something that
is referred to as exorcism, that is, the ability to be able to remove demons from the back
seat of the car. What’s interesting about that, is that in many ways it’s actually, it is
possible mechanically to exorcise the demons from a 2nd color being. You can actually
get the demon out of the car. You can get the demon out, and the way you can get it out is
that again, the 2 will always, will always respond to a complete transformation – in other
words, a binary pole transformation. Once an angel is in the back seat, you know, you
never hear about people having their angels exorcised. (Laughter). “Father, could you
please take this angel out of me? It’s really disturbing.” You know? Imagine the movie,
The Exorcist, and the little girl is saying, “Could you please take this fuzzy angel out of
me?” Ahhh. And instead of turning her head she just turns a smile. (Laughter) But
anyway, no, demons can be exorcised. So that’s something that’s interesting. Ha.

There is a technique literally there is a technique for getting the demon out. The irony,
again, I enjoy the ironies, is that you can only get one out by putting another one in.
(Laughter). So, it’s a matter of proper selection, if you will. I don’t think it’ll ever be
practical work, if you know what I mean. I don’t think that’ll work.

However, there will be people who will go through their 7-year process, and will have
one of these that doesn’t belong to them, and ultimately somebody else will have to take
it out, because they can’t get it out themselves. It’s something to think about if you have a
2nd color in your personality. It’s just something to keep in mind. And that ultimately
somebody else is going to take it out.

Now, the way they’ll take it out is not a Hollywood movie, and it’s not some kind of
Catholic ritual. The way they’ll take it out is that if you’re correct, you’re going to be on
the right fractal in geometry, and of course what’s going to happen is you’re going to
meet something that transforms you motivationally, and in the moment of that
transformation the door will open and there’ll be a demon on the outside grabbing the one
on the inside and hauling it out and going in itself. And the only advantage in that is that
of course that it’s going to be correct for you, because after all you’re not going to get
what you want unless you have a demon there with you. I mean, you want to fulfill your
dreams, that’s what they’re there for. Isn’t that a wonderful theme for all of us? I mean,
you know, this is one of the great historical themes in literature. This whole thing with

the devil, and the bargain with the devil and selling your soul and blah, blah, blah, blah,
and all of that stuff, and people think all these things are myths. They’re not myths,
they’re just not well understood mechanically. These are mechanical things.

Ghosts and Ra and 3rd Color

When I first started, when I was given all of this knowledge, and I was sitting there under
my tree by myself on the other side of this island, you can’t imagine how depressing it
was to think about human beings. And I’m not just talking about open centers and this
gate and that thing. I was taken through the whole ride. I got to see the distortion level at
every level; distortion levels that you’re not even conscious of, that most human beings
don’t have the intelligence or the geometry to get to a place where they can even be
conscious of it. How deep the distortion was. I mean, it’s such a privilege not to be a
missionary. It’s such a privilege not to suffer because you know that everyone can’t get
it, because it’s the only salvation for someone like me. From the moment that I was given
this knowledge it was clear to me that humanity is really a mess. I mean, after all we are
dying out. We really have had our – the killer monkey model is really a difficult model to
work with. It’s interesting, it has its thing, but it’s so obvious to me that in spending the
last three cycles of my life, dealing with students, dealing with the broad intelligence that
I see in people that I work with and realizing how dense, how dense the dysfunction is.
It’s dense. I mean, it’s nice to do this; I can make it fun, we can laugh, bah, bah, bah, but
I know you. You’re carrying these things. You’re carrying dysfunction at a level that you
didn’t even know dysfunction could exist. You don’t know there’s somebody sitting in
there with you. Ha, you don’t. You live in a distortion field. I’m not being personal. I’m
generalizing. There are a lot of people who will listen to this tape. But the reality is to
understand that. The dysfunction is deep, deep, deep, deep, deep.

That’s why I keep on telling people, they argue with me. I say, “Knowledge is not
power.” And they go, “Well, you know…?” If you don’t know who’s sitting with you in
the back seat, don’t tell me. You know? What I know is that you’re only going to be
aligned when you align the vehicle, and that’s simple. The rest of it’s too complex
anyway. Forget it. Just align your vehicle. You align your vehicle; you will get what you
deserve. You will really get what you deserve.

And for you I want you to grasp how deep the dysfunction is. When I do a course like
this, my goal is, aside from stimulating you intellectually, my goal is that this reinforces
in you how fucked up the people are that you meet. And that all of the stuff that they read
about and think about, and the stuff that they think that’s important, well, it’s not, it’s
secondary. They don’t operate correctly. They don’t. It takes years and years and years if
you’re lucky. If you’re lucky. There’s no choice. Sitting there in the geometry doesn’t
mean that you get to the goal. Coming into the world as a conditioned being is such a
trap. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna wake up. You already know that.

I want you to understand our helplessness, our helplessness, our deep, deep, deep, deep,
deep helplessness. We have no power. We have no control. None of it. None of it. And
following your strategy and honoring your authority is good fortune, not choice, as you

well know. It’s either there or it’s not there no matter what we teach you. Oh yeah, you
can make people’s lives a little bit better. You can. The knowledge helps people; takes
the burden away. But the dysfunction, the transferred motivations, the sensory functions
that don’t operate correctly, the bodies that are in deterioration, the wrong forces
motivating you, and then your mind operating out of your open centers doing everything
in its power to guide you away from the truth of your life. And you know how difficult it
is, and you’re on the inside of this.

You look out there and you see how deep, how deep, the dysfunction is. It’s deep. It’s
incredibly deep.

When we get to the 3rd color, we’re moving away from this initial binary. That is, the yin
and the yang, the angel and the demon, the white and the dark and so forth and so on, and
we get to the close of this process. Now one of the most interesting things about the 3rd
color, is that these forces that are under the name ghost, there are many, many ways
in which they operate. They are famously “a little voice in my ear.” And that “little
voice in my ear,” most of the time is about making money. Now, I want you to think
about that. When you’re dealing with the 1st color, it wants all this foundation stuff, the
security stuff. When you’re dealing with the 2nd color, the theme is spirituality. When
you’re dealing with the 3rd color it’s money, honey. We have to survive on the material
plane; we’ve going to be able to make a living. Don’t you think for a moment that the
forces are not interested in money. They are, surprisingly enough. They are. This is a
material universe. It’s a material universe. And one of the most interesting things about
the 3rd color ghost is that the ghost brings you material knowledge. This is one of the
things to understand about its resonance to the 3rd line theme on the surface – this trial
and error, discovery, material, mutative field. This last Ibiza Event, I did all the material
lines of the 64 gates, all the 3rd lines, the 64 ways of materialism. Everything about the
nature of the 3rd line, rooted in that, in that trial and error, is discovery, is the material
way, is money.

Ghosts are funny things. I want to tell you a secret. I have one. (Someone asking, “You
have a ghost?”) Yes, I have a ghost. I’m a 3rd color personality. I have a ghost. Its name
is Hu. “Oh…!” people are saying. I have a ghost, and this ghost has been a passenger for
years and years and years. As a matter of fact the door was opened up during my eight-
day experience with The Voice. I have a ghost. Surprising what that ghost does. I
consciously invited it in by the way. I was told to. Ha, ha, so I did what I was told. So, I
have a ghost, and every once in awhile the ghost talks. It usually comes out as poetry. But
I have a ghost. I’m a 3rd color. It’s sitting in the back seat. Nice to have company. You
know? (Laughter) Well, it is. It’s nice to have company. I have other weird things, eh?
But the ghost is an interesting thing. It’s personal. Very personal. It’s not your ghost.
From the time that I was a child I saw apparitions. I was always seeing apparitions. My
parents thought that I was a little bizarre. I can remember seeing a whole group of small
creatures crawling over my bed when I was about eight years old, nothing wrong with
me, and I was screaming, “There’s these creatures!” Ha, don’t tell them these things.
They think you’re really bizarre.

I’ve always seen apparitions. One of the most interesting things in my experience with
The Voice, was, a few days before I would have that experience, I was out in the back of
my Rowena, and there was an old Phoenician well there, and there were these three
apparitions, white apparitions just floating around that well. And in my experience with
The Voice, one of the many things that I went through was seeing the ghostly mirage of
every face that I supposedly had ever had in incarnation. I see apparitions a lot. I simply
do. They’re just there. I don’t pay much attention to them, because I have one that lives
with me. It’s one of those things to be clear about, that when you’re dealing with the 1, 2,
3 you’re dealing with something, I speak from experience, you’re dealing with something
that would like to move in. So you might as…make sure that it’s really compatible for

The 1, 2, 3 and 3rd Color Mutated Bundles

The underlying sense in terms of resonance if you go to the 3rd tone, the underlying sense
is that this is all about outer vision. This is all about seeing. This is not about smelling or
tasting. This is about seeing. So, these are things that you see. And again, to be very
careful not to group this all together in the way in which we generally deal with this term,
ghost. Now, one of the things that’s so clear about ghosting is that the nature of the ghost
is usually a link in an incarnative stream. It is usually an opening up of an information
feed that is trans-life period. And my own experience with this process is a change in the
way in which I see. It’s outer vision after all. My seeing has changed, and when I’m
talking say that, I’m not talking about the quality of my vision in terms of how focused it
is. I am talking about what I actually see, and what I actually see is ghost impressions
around everyone. It’s hard for me to explain that. I have a very unusual relationship with
human beings. My relationship is always a sense of the fractal line. I can recognize the
geometric lines that connect me to beings, and it’s very clear to me that I can see a
ghosting impression around people that I connect to. Very often in my life in Human
Design, that their actual incarnation this time is not interesting to me. I mean, they’re
there. They’re here. But there is a ghosting for me that goes to someplace else in which I
remember them in a much more vivid way, and not in a concretized way the way that
people talk about past lives and all of that stuff, because it doesn’t work for that way for
me. I’m basically an intuitive being, so the way that it comes to my surface is an intuitive
feeling, but I really see connections with people. I really see lines of geometry, and I see
it in a ghosting pattern.

When I was thinking about how I would talk about when I got to myself, it’s very
difficult to describe some of these things. It’s just very difficult to describe them, because
it’s seeing that’s not seeing. It’s not real; it’s Maia. It’s my illusion, and it’s my illusion
in conjunction with my ghost, and the way in which the ghost informs me. And yet at the
same time, it’s clear to me that the way I look at people today is enormously different
than the way I looked at human beings in the past, and there’s something that I can do
now that I was never able to do. You see, being a loner, being integration, being all of
those things, I never realized the material advantage and the material potential in others.
And when I meet somebody, this 3rd color ghost, it says to me, “This one. This one.” And

I’m saying, “What do you mean, this one?” This one.” I had that with him. He walked in,
I dunno, ten plus years ago, he walked into my casita, and the ghost goes, “Here’s one.”

Keep something in mind. When you’re looking at the 1, 2, 3, you’re looking at mutated
bundles. Remember they’re not, well, natural isn’t the word, but it isn’t the way we
started off with the traditional or the major bundles, what we still have in the 4, 5, 6. But
what we’re dealing with in the 1, 2, 3, is that we’re dealing with mutative bundles.
Remember what this is. This is a collection of lost souls, and a collection of lost souls
that’s been gathered over time, a collection of lost personality crystals that have been
gathered over time. And when I talk about the experience of the ghosting, when you’re
dealing with the bundle, you’re not dealing with one crystal. You’re dealing with,
whatever – a million. And that million has been collected over time.

And because that’s my color, that’s my home. I come from a mutative bundle. I’m going
to go back, and everybody in my life knows to leave me alone for 72 hours after I die, I
am going to go back to my mutative bundle. That’s my bundle, and it’s different. This is
part of a deep mutation.

And one of the things that’s so interesting about it is that through the 1, 2, 3 is this
potential for this deep personal relationship with the forces, a personal relationship that
can extend for the lifetime. That’s why you have, in the not-self versions you have people
that can never get rid of their demons, people that can never get rid of their angels, people
that are haunted by ghosts, and they don’t go away. And it’s one of the things to see, that
at the 1, 2, 3 level, this is very, very personal and it’s for personal transformation. It’s for
personal transformation.

So also to recognize when I describe this sense that you’re linking to past incarnations,
not your own. Ha, not your own. It’s linking to the thematic that runs through that
particular mutative bundle that’s been operating for the last 50,000 years or so slowly
collecting its members, until, you know…

That’s how my personality was originally harvested. I wasn’t dealt with at the end
properly, and from the moment that that happened in a past life, that was the moment that
I got picked up by one of these bundles, in my case, the ones that carry the 3rd color
theme. It’s interesting when you get to know your color and the color of your personality,
that you begin to find out some very interesting things about your own line and fractal.

Color and Color Transference

When we began yesterday, my goal always, in anything that I do related to the way in
which things are understood in the diversity is that I to try to bring you some kind of
mechanical clarity so that you can see beneath the surface of whatever the mythological
propaganda happens to be. I want you to be clear about something, that the nature of
encounter – one of the things to recognize about encounter is that encounter is actually
something that’s in the middle of the mystical process, is not the mystical process in and

of itself. Now I will show you that this afternoon. And I will show you how that works.
But I want you to be clear that what you’re looking at here and the kinds of things that I
have been discussing with you, I want you to see that in its context.

So, encounter is about what deeply affects our motivational drive when we’re fulfilling
our purpose on our Cross. In other words, encounter is the thing that sets the steady
direction of the motivational flow and terminates transference. Now, this is one of the
most important things about the nature of encounter. See, most human beings never
experience encounter because they miss the triggers. I’ll explain triggers to you this
afternoon. It is the trigger that will open up the way for encounter.

And what the encounter does is that the encounter is all about fixing the color so it no
longer transfers, and the moment that it can fix that color, that’s when the impact of that
encounter can begin to take form. And it takes form with the motivational force that is
applied to whatever happens to be your incarnation cross.

The other thing is, that there is a third phase to the mystical experience, and that is
education. And that is something that can only follow encounter. So I want you to see
that encounter itself, and this theme of our focus on color, color is this wonderful thing
that is a bridge to so much in Human Design. It’s the bridge between tone and line. It is
the bridge between the body and the mind. It is an extraordinary bridge, color. And I
want you to see in this context of encounter the way we’re looking at it, please
understand that this encounter is really the bridge. It’s the middle of what the mystical
process or the mystical experience can be.

One of the things to understand about transference, is that on the surface we have a
similar kind of process, and we have a similar kind of process that’s experienced through
emotional beings and the emotional wave. We all know that the emotional wave is a
limitation, that is, it’s a limitation in the sense there’s no truth in the now. And of course,
the tendency of the emotional system, based on the conditioning of mental and splenic
awareness is that it would like to stop the wave so that it could actually be able to focus
precisely on the truth in the now. And it’s one of the things to understand about the
pressures that come out of the gates out of the root center – the 19th gate and the 39th gate
and the 41st gate, that actually what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to stop the wave.
They’re trying to fix the wave. And you see this is something that’s very important to
understand is that it goes deeper down inside of us.

One of the most important things for us to stop is the transference, the motivational
transference. And one of the things to see is that that motivational transference is that the
moment that you’re really operating correctly as yourself, you open yourself up to the
encounter that will fix it, in other words, mutate it. Mutate it, so it no longer transfers.

It’s one of the things that when I first really began to go deep in my own meditation on
the nature of being, what struck me as the most ironic, and as a 5th line being, irony is my
theme, what struck me as the most ironic, was that at the color level, which determines
really the way in which everything is going to operate on the surface, is that the color

level is so chaotic. It doesn’t have the same structure; it doesn’t have the same laws as
what is beneath it, or what is above it. And the whole thing about color is that color in
and of itself has no natural tendency to hold. None. None.

It’s like my first introduction to very hard edge abstract art - Molinari, Mondrian, these
kinds of artists. And I remember walking into a gallery one day, and there was this huge
canvas on the wall and all there was, was strips, different strips of color. Nothing more,
maybe two and a half or three meters high and maybe eight meters wide. And just bands
of color. And the colors were obviously very distinct from each other. But you know, the
moment you looked at the boundary between the colors, you could see that the color,
whatever it was, couldn’t help but want to be the other color. I mean, you could just see,
with your own eye, you could see the color going, “Oh, oh, let’s go over here.”

And it’s one of the things to understand about color. It’s not fixed. It isn’t fixed at all.
It’s always ready to move. Always. Motivation is always shifting. I showed you before
the chart of the day, and I pointed to the fact that we can look at that chart today and we
can look at it in terms of its color. Well, think about what that means in terms of the
greater programming. Color is so susceptible to transference. Right now we have a 6th
color operating in the program. That is, the Sun is in a 6th color of the 4th line, and we’re
all in a programmed 6th color motivation, and every not self on the planet is going, “Hey,
that’s a nice color.” Just like that.

When you want to see how helpless and choiceless we are, all you have to understand is
how incredibly intense the program’s impact is on this deep motivational level within us.
That’s why I keep on saying there’s no way out but being yourself. You can’t imagine
how deep conditioning is, and the whole thing about being yourself is that you
stabilize your color. Those of you that participated in the PHS (Primary Health System)
could see that the stabilization of your color is the key to your well being in this life.
And you’re not going to stabilize this underlying motivation by thinking about it because
your brains aren’t equipped to contact it. They don’t. What lies beneath the surface, is
what men like Freud and Jung, in their imagination recognized was there. There is a
level, and it’s not the unconscious that everybody thinks about. That’s totally
misunderstood. What they were grasping at, which they could not reach, was color. This
is the underlying thematic with all of the collective monsters you could want – every
single archetype, in your angels and your demons and your ghosts – it’s all there. It’s in
color. And color for us in terms of whether we are going to be asleep or going to be
awake is the whole story.

What’s so interesting about transference is that transference obviously isn’t black and
white. It’s black to white, or white to black. One of the things we saw in the Primary
Health System, in PHS, is that we saw that, not only does transference take place, but
transference operates differently. That is that the transference can go from the 1 to the
4, but it can also go around the other way, from the 1 to the 6 to the 5 to the 4 – that
the transference doesn’t have to be a full harmony; that it can be a lot fewer steps.

And what’s so important to understand is that because color is always in a state of
transference, that when you’re dealing with the not self and encounters of the not self, it’s
not that you’re just dealing with angels or demons. It’s not. Transference is a movement
and it doesn’t jump from angel to demon. It moves towards it until you end up with
demonic angels. It’s just a movement, and it’s a movement between one to the other in
the transference. So if you’re moving from the 1 to the 4, you can end up with demonic
ghosts, and ghostly gods as you move along in this transference. We’re a vast diversity.

We are unique. It’s the clearest and most essential understanding of Human Design. We
are differentiated, unique. We have unique aspects of interaction with the field of
encounter and at the not self level we’re really in trouble, because we’re in this
transference movement, and obviously going through those various stages, you’re
meeting all kinds of things that in that sense are unhealthy for you, because that’s not
what it’s about.

It’s the magic of strategy and authority. You’re automatically aligning yourself.
Automatically, and in the nature of transference, what we learned from Health is that
we’re going to have to develop ways to bring people back through the steps, or
forward through the steps to get them back to their original color. It’s why it’s so
important that when we’re dealing with children that we understand that what we’re
really making healthy, what we’re helping them fix is what is their motivation, and not
the transference of that motivation. And for most of us, the only application we’re ever
going to have with this knowledge is with our children, or somebody else’s. The fact that
I know, with absolute certainty, the color as an example of my children, is an enormous
advantage. I understand what the healthiest force is for them. And when you have the
level of understanding of the substructure that I do, you will come to the point of
recognizing that color is the key, no matter which way you look, that everything about the
establishment of interactive self-reflected consciousness on this planet is all conditioned
at the color level, and we have no access to it. No choice. Absolutely helpless. Please
recognize that. We have no access to it.

Difference between Lower and Upper Trigram

Color of 4 is Never Fixed

We have a basic difference between the 1, 2, 3 and the 4, 5, 6. I briefly mentioned to you
yesterday when we’re dealing with the 1, 2, 3, that the whole thing about the nature of
encounter is that encounter is personal. It’s personal. It’s personal. It is to motivate you.
It is for your motivation. It’s to fix your color – to fix your color. And the 4, 5, 6, the 4, 5,
6, when encounter happens, you tell everybody, because you’re here to fix their color.
Not yours. As a matter of fact, yours may never get fixed.

The encounters that are there to fix the color of others, they can never happen directly.
They must always take place through an ally. Now, allies are a curious thing. And they
can take many, many different forms. Most allies in these forms of encounters tend to be
either animals or plants. That does not mean that they cannot be birds, and it does not

mean that they could not be whatever. I know of many, many animal and tree ally stories.
I know very few that are related to birds as an example, other life forms, whatever it may
be. My assumption is that any living form can be an ally. However, that is not what I was
told. I was told that it was specifically that is was mammals and trees, which I also
assume includes other forms of plants. However, again, these are things that I’m, you
know, it’s all bizarre enough as it is.

Anyway, it’s important to understand something about that process. It means that there is
a unique relationship that has to exist between the individual and the ally, whatever that
may be. And traditionally these were animals that were kept – the legends of black cats
and so forth, these were animals that were kept, not necessarily in the direct
understanding that they were allies, but certainly in the fractal geometry of them being
allies. I know for myself that in my own experience, that allies were very much a part of
my life. Not simply my dog Barley – during my deconstruction and my mystical process
in the early 80’s here on the Island, I had an extraordinary relationships with two olive
trees, both of which were over two thousand years old. It was clear to me that my
experience with particularly one of them, well, it was truly a vehicle for me to experience
something rather extraordinary. It’s clear to me that these allies are there.

Why it works through them, I don’t know. I think it’s the dumbing down of the message,
quite frankly. I think that the frequency of the encounter at this level needs to be dumbed
down in order not to destroy the receiver. And remember that this kind of an encounter is
not there to fix your color. It isn’t. It’s there to get you to fix the color of somebody else,
which is why you’re dealing with prophets and messengers and buddhas. This is the true
role. The true role is that each of them is the transpersonal, the transpersonal selling of
a motivation. “Be motivated like this; be motivated like this.” Because that’s basically
what they are doing - they are trying to fix your motivational pattern, and of course, it’s a
generalization again, and we know what happens, how powerful, how powerful
somebody having that role motivating you to color, and how easy it is for a human being
to just drift into that color, and how much control has been placed on us by these forces –
enormous influences that these forces have had.

When you’re looking at the 1, 2, 3, you’re looking at encounter that is for personal
transformation. And as you can see, what that really means is the personal fixing of the
color. But when you’re looking at the 4, 5, 6 you’re looking at the transpersonal. This is
transpersonal. In other words, this is something that is there to be distributed outward.
Where the 1, 2, 3 should behold to a vow of silence, the 4, 5, 6 must, must tell others. In
other words, it must express the encounter and get it out.

Now, if you don’t, and you open the door to one of these, you will go mad. You will go
mad. They’re not going to sit beside you and make life comfortable in the back seat. They
really will not. They don’t belong there. They never belonged there. Only 1, 2, 3
encounters can get in the back seat with you. You need a bulletproof limo with the doors
locked. And so one of the most important things about the 4, 5, 6 process is, you need to
get that out. It’s very important.

And of course, the first thing that you recognize in getting it out is that the underlying
motivation here is need. And when you see the word need, I want you to recognize that
this is heart, the core, the foundation of our life, our way of life.

You look at the 19th gate in design. It is the surface archetype of what neediness is all
about. It is about food and shelter. It is about God and tribe. These are the basic
fundamental needs, and the glue, the glue for everything tribal. And recognize something.
When we get to this afternoon, you’re going to see how truly mystical the tribe can
actually be. That when you’re dealing with this need, at the root of this need is the glue
that holds everything together and this is the godhead. And this is the way in which the
godhead that reaches in. These mythologies, these archetypal crystal bundle mythologies,
this is the way they get their exponents, their salespeople; their merchants. It is in this
encounter that their variation of what the right motivation is, to get to these basic needs is
what’s being sold through the people who have these encounters.

And the most difficult is the 4 color. We know what the 4 is about. The 4 has deep social
gifts and yet the social gifts are limited to those it knows. And one of the cruelest things
that happens to the 4th color motivation, is that they finally get to meet one of the gods,
and they go and tell their best friend, lover, companion or whatever, and they think of
course, they’re crazy, and they cannot influence them at all. Prophets have no power in
their homeland. And it’s one of the most interesting things about the 4th color is that the
4th color is the great wanderer. It’s the great wanderer. The moment that it has its
encounter it must go out into the world. It must, and it takes on everyone’s color as it
changes their color. See, the color of the 4 is never fixed. I mean it’s not fixed. Can’t be.
Otherwise, it can’t deliver the message.

4th Line Color

Not everybody gets a cookie in the end. Not everybody gets (even) a gold watch.
Everybody thinks that if you’re awake everything’s going to be perfect. Well, yes, but
according to whose script? Not yours. When you’re on your Cross, you see that your
whole concept of what the script is goes in the garbage can anyway. And how it comes
out, whether it comes out this way or that way, doesn’t make any difference to you
anyway, after all. Let me put it to you this way, if you could actually fix the 4th color, you
could exterminate humanity. I want to give you an impression of why it should not be
fixed. You know, most people, just to give you an idea, for me, the way I look at these
things, because it’s all mechanical, we all know that when we’re dealing with profiles, if
you have a 4 – 6 and all of a sudden you go to a 4 – 1, we know that there’s something
unusual about the 4 as a personality to begin with.

When I first began to teach hexagram structure, I talked about the inherent stability of the
3 and the 4 and to recognize that it is the 4 that is the most unstable, it is the most
unstable, because it can both be Right Angle, and it can be not simply Juxtaposition but
of course when you look at the Juxtaposition configuration you see that this is a Left
Angle structure. In other words, this 4 is able to mutate, and into the 4 itself in its

resonance to what the 4th color is, it is because the 4th color can never be fixed, that it’s
possible for this movement in the 4 to go from Right Angle to Juxtaposition. It’s just
something to think about, and if you root that down to the resonance in the tone, you will
see that this is a function of the anterior pituitary. And it is a biological function within
us, and it is because of the fact that that this 4th color cannot, cannot be fixed. It’s always
going to be a transference. Always.

Dealing with the nature of the encounter itself, it’s necessary to go down in the structure
to understand how this is really taken in. When we’re dealing with the 4th tone, we are
dealing with what is called inner vision. In other words, that this is a sensory imprinting
in which one’s greater capacities are inward, looking inward.

When we’re dealing with the 4th color, it’s so important to understand the way in which
you’re going to encounter the gods is not visual on the outside. It is deeply acoustic. And
this is the most acoustic in that sense, of all of the encounters. In other words, it ‘s almost
invariably the voice of the gods, whichever gods it may be, but it is the voice of the gods,
much more than it is the vision of the gods.

And most of these encounters are – the acoustic dimension leads to an interior
visualization, in other words, a sense of the gods, but never truly this direct visual. It’s
one of the reasons why it was very easy to move from a tribal god like Yahweh and turn
Yahweh into a monotheistic universal god, because we couldn’t see them in the first
place. I mean, we couldn’t see them in the first place. But we could hear them. We could
hear the voice of god. We could hear the voice of the gods. I mean we have literature
that’s full of people who have heard nothing but people who have heard the voice of the
gods. And remember something about why you’re hearing the voice of the gods. They
want to direct you. They want to direct you and they want to point you towards what the
motivational need is of the other, and they’re sending you on your way. In other words, it
is the harmony of the 1. In the 1 the angel tells you what to do and you’re free of fear.
Hmm? In here, the gods tell you what to do, and you fulfill your need. And everything’s
fine. There you are out in the world being told what to do again. Less rewarding by the
way, because you get to sit with the angel. You don’t get to sit with god. Not only that,
the angel’s always there, and god hits you once and you never see him or her again – just
the resonance of the message.

Perhaps for many of you for the first time, you can begin to understand the mystical
nature of the 54.4, and begin to see the underlying nature of – it is the archetype, if you
will, of what this thematic is, in terms of this potential to interact with the gods.

And one of the things to be very clear about that when you look at the history of our
spiritual development, that this is the theme – that is the theme of the master and the
novice. It’s one of the things to recognize, and despite the way in which we have
artificially created that, in other words, created an image of that so that we have novices
that enter into all kinds of study and all kinds of different spiritual paths, being taught by
a master and hoping one day to be the master themselves, that one of the most interesting

things about all of that is that the real master is the god, whatever the god is going to be.
There are many gods.

The novice is only brought to that spirit of being a novice by its ally. It’s one of the things
that I try to explain to people is that being on a path doesn’t mean you get wherever you
think you’re going. Thinking about encounter, doesn’t mean that you’re going to get
encounter. Wanting to be enlightened doesn’t mean you’re going to be enlightened.

And it’s one of the things to understand is that the ones that the gods pick, and we know
that, because it’s also in our literature; in our history, the ones that the gods pick are not
novices, but the experience and the relationship to the ally, sets them in that framework,
and opens them up to be the novice to the true master.

We have false prophets. We not only have false prophets. We have illusionary gods. We
have all kinds of messes because most of the human beings that have been impacted by
this have done so through transference. I mean, it’s not what they’re all about and it’s not
what they’re for, and it can be devastating for them.

One of the most interesting things is, is that when you have strong resonance to 4th lines
on the surface, on the surface, and you have this kind of an encounter, the chances are
you’re not going to tell anyone, because you don’t want to lose your friends, and you
don’t want to be mistrusted by the people around you, because that’s where your whole
social opportunism has always been, and it becomes deeply, deeply disturbing. When I
say it makes you mad, I’m not saying that all of these people go into the insane asylum.
Obviously they don’t. What it does is it distorts their sense of reality, and because they
have a color that cannot be fixed, if they’re not operating correctly, then it is going to
bring, much faster than others, distortions in their system.

For years, there are people who know, that I’ve talked about how 4th line beings are the
people that give you the cold, the flu, they’re the ones that pass it on to you; they’re the
ones that have influence. And to really understand the power that is in that, and to
recognize how much of that has become sickness. After all, the 4’s incubate. It is they
who are open to taking that in, to be able to influence the other. If what is your
experience, is something that you don’t get out, this kind of encounter goes deep, deep,
deep within the body and you immediately are going to have physical problems that are
coming out of it. And in the end, if you really touch these people, you’ll see that
regardless of what the transference has brought physically, which can bring very serious
disease and problems, is that you know what the source is. The source is that they have
had an encounter and they have never let it out of their system, and of course, it wasn’t
meant for them. And so they suffer deeply from that.

See the one thing that human beings don’t like to talk about is stuff they don’t
understand. I honestly thought, when I was a kid, and I had a lot of weird experiences, I
just thought that there was something odd about me and I’d better not tell anybody. You
know? Because there was something funny going on. And then I ended up on this funny
rock meeting all these weird people who’d had all these weird experiences. And then I

started to do this work, and I’d talk about it, and people would tell me about this and that
and the other thing. But when you look at the vast planetary field, it’s all these straight
people who don’t want to tell you about the weird thing that happened. I mean, I know all
that. You can’t imagine how disturbed we are because of all the encounter that is
repressed; all the encounter that is not correct.

I read yesterday, a Spanish Newspaper, ABC, they published a FAX they had received
from the terrorists that bombed the Madrid Railway Station, and one of the comments in
this FAX was a comment about the bombings and referring to it as a blessed event.
Now, I live in a choiceless consciousness. And I live in a consciousness that’s amoral. So
it’s not about this or that. It’s simply about understanding the demons that are at work in
this world, the dysfunction that is at work in this world. This is dysfunction at a level that
is just mind-boggling. And it’s something really to understand. That act, the act of a
bunch of human beings boarding trains and leaving behind bombs, now you do that
based on motivation.

If we looked at their design, we could look at somebody else’s design, and they’re not
bombing train stations, no matter what their conditioning. But you look at their
motivation. You look who’s sitting beside them; you look at what god directed them, eh?
And then you see right away that the gods become distorted. My personal feeling about
Allah and Mohammed is totally at odds with what I see in the Muslim World in terms of
radical Islam, and I see that the very god itself is being transformed. The motivation
underneath, it’s the motivation. It’s not the line level. It’s not like the line says, “I’m
going to be a fucking terrorist.” You know? It’s not there in the line. It’s there in the
motivation. It’s there in the nature of encounter. It’s there in the distortion of
transference. This is the nature of the world. This is why I know that color is what it’s
about, and I know because I know that and because it’s underneath the surface, I come
back to the same thing – strategy, authority; no other way for alignment. Nothing else
you can do. No cure. You think you can sit down with these boys and tell them that,
“You know, it’s bad to kill innocent people?” They’re not interested. They’re
overwhelmed by their motivation. They are overwhelmed by their motivation.

The Not Self Rules by Distortion at all Levels

Remember that the most unstable thing we’re dealing with is color. Color is unstable. The
4 is particularly unstable. And recognize that it’s not that they all have their motivation,
is that they have been brought to their motivation by a prophet, Osama Ben Laden,
representing a god, and converting them all to a specific motivation, because this is the
power that is here in the 4, the power to bring others, the power to bring others to that

I don’t know if Osama would sit on an airplane and blow himself up. I don’t know if he’s
properly motivated for that. We’re very good in motivating others. Please understand the
power that’s inherent in this. And understand something else. This is a 4. It’s a 4. And the
first thing to notice about the gods is that you have a basic binary. You have gods and
goddesses. You have yang gods; you have yin goddesses. And there is a range in

between. Some of them you can’t quite tell. They’re a little of this and a little of that. And
not only do you have gods and you have goddesses, but you have good gods and good
goddesses and bad gods and bad goddesses. You’ve got the basic 4. Oh, there are a lot of
gods around – and goddesses. And they range from that end to that end.

Have you ever met the god of a serial killer? There are lots of them. There are lots and
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of them. There really are. It’s so important
for us to grasp, because you can see it, is that when you’re looking at people and you’re
looking at their chart, take the veil away. Take it away and recognize what you’re looking
at is static. And when you put the motors there, oh, that’s what brings it alive. That’s
what puts it out there; that’s what gets it going. This is the engine. This is life.

So we have to see that this is the dilemma that we’ve looked at throughout our history in
trying to awaken, in trying to heal. We have always been restricted because we never got
to this level to really see what is the instrument. And in knowing what the instrument is,
and we know what the cure is, because the cure’s really simple, you can begin to see that
it’s a long, long road to clear the distortion from the consciousness field. It’s a long, long

You see, the best we can do, is we end up motivating people. I try to motivate my
students to experiment with their Design. It’s all motivation. You’re looking for those
ways of motivating them. This is life. And we have to see that those that are motivating
us have motives that we have to be very, very, very careful with.

Who are their gods, and what trip are they laying on us? But most important, particularly
for those, most of you are in that category, you’ll be able to download the color, tone,
blah, blah, blah, version, I would like you to begin to look deeply at the colors as you see
them. Not just in yourself because again, we have to deal with time. But you know,
you’re able to watch in transit. You’re able to watch the colors move through the day.

The deepest programming; the deepest conditioning in life is at the color level. If you go
from the color down, you’re talking about your essential health. If you’re going
from the color up, you're talking about your essential, psychological well-being. I
mean, it’s color, and to watch the programming of the color field. We are designed,
as you will see, through the 4, 5, 6, to be deeply influenced in our motivations by others
and their gods and their entities and their aliens. You know, these channelers that are
channeling Alien Zeevon? From Zuzu, or the Pleiadians, or whatever the hell it is. You
know, all this collection of, you know, Lady Pleiades knows what to do with all of your
lives, and half of the furry fuzzy people in America are going, “Ok.”

This is why I am here for the liberation of the individual. The most radical thing that I
teach is that nobody else has a right to be your authority, no god, no force, nothing has a
right to be your authority, no government, no law, no god, no anything has a right to be
your authority. No lover, no child, no parent, no friend has a right to be your authority.
NO ONE, NO ONE, has a right to be your authority. This is what this knowledge teaches.
It’s your authority that matters. And only when you live by your authority can you get rid

of the turmoil, can you get rid of the transference, can you get rid of the mess that is there
at the motivational level.

From the beginning, people said to me, “Oh, this is going to spread so fast in the world!”
I said, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That’s not the way it works. This is not a mass
thing. This is an individual thing.” One by one. One by one. Clean up your own
motivation. One by one. This is the process. And you have to see how helpless everyone
is, and you have to recognize we do have a way of aligning them. That’s the key, because
in the end, all of this just shows you deeper and deeper and deeper how the not self rules.
It just rules, and it rules through distortion.

4th Color Infects Tribe and 5th Color Universalization

These allies, ha, they’re not your allies. They’re the god’s ally. They’re not even the
god’s ally; they’re the god’s servant. They work for the god. And one of the things to
recognize about the lower forms, that is, to recognize about whether you’re looking at the
mammalian or you’re looking at the plant form is that they do not suffer from color
transference. They don’t. They have very simple fixed motivations. Which means that the
gods take advantage of the right configuration with the right simple fixed motivation and
use it as a focusing instrument to contact you in the encounter. And this is one of the
things to understand about the ally. But please remember it’s not your ally. It’s not. It’s
not at all.

In terms instruments of motivational programming, you will see that nothing is more
powerful that the 4. It is much more powerful than the 5 or the 6 in the sense of the way
in which it works. And the fact of the nature of this 4th color and the way in which in
infects the tribe, because this is the main feeding ground. Remember that one of the
things about the nature of the 4 because of its social communal capacity is that where it’s
from where it leads, but where it goes, it becomes part of the community. In other words,
it has its communal influence, and these are the communal gods, the tribal gods that are
history. Now these tribal gods have enormous power. They still have enormous power.
And they have had much, much more power than what you’ll see in terms of the entities,
in terms of what we understand in the 5th line sense as universalization. In other words,
it’s much, much, much more difficult and much rarer to be able to motivate universally
than it is to motivate tribally. And so the tribal motivation is the one that has the longest
lasting impact.

The world that we live in now – the wars that are going to go on for the next hundred
years are all about the breakdown of tribal gods and the threats that exist to tribal gods
and tribal godheads. We have quite a war in front of us for a very long time. It is very
hard for the tribes to give up their motivational gods. It is very, very, very difficult,
because that’s been their glue. And unless there’s something that can replace it, and the
only thing that can replace it is something that’s universal, and as you will see, when we
come back after the break, the universal is not such an easy thing to be able to get out the

Okay, let’s get to the weird stuff. Someone says, “Finally.” Finally, right, yeah.
Everything was normal up to now. Ha, ha, ha. Ah, entities, you’ll learn this afternoon
what I mean when you hear what I’m going to tell you now. I was triggered by a demon,
I had a ghost for encounter, and my teacher was an entity. And I... (Listening to a
student). No, I will show you how to do that. Ha, ha, ha. I will show you how to
understand trigger, encounter and education, the three phases in the mystical process.
What we’ve been dealing with here is simply encounter. But entities are very strange

Let’s begin with something, I was saying to Alok before, it gives me a great deal of
pleasure, many of you here I’ve known for a long time, it gives me a great deal of
pleasure to finally be able to explain certain things I could never explain before because
we didn’t have the knowledge base together. The real nature of the instability that’s there
in the 4th line, and the real understanding of why the 5th line is called heretical. I mean,
why the 5th line is heretical. It is truly the line that is burnt at the stake. Truly. But not at
the line level. Not at the line level. I know so many 5th line beings who are not heretics at
all – at all, at all. So one of the things to recognize about the heresy, the underlying
heresy is that entities, entities because they are universal have no relationship to the basic
comprehension that we have for the forces as we’ve developed them over time. In other
words, angels and demons and ghosts and gods we are very familiar with. Very familiar
with. Entities? Entities are kind of like, well, my Voice, my teacher. This was an entity. I
don’t know how the hell to describe it. You know, it wasn’t a god. People like to say,
“Well, maybe it was a devil, or it was this or it was…” Pffffffff!! It was a thing! Now, I
know what the thing was – it was a design bundle. But it wasn’t like I could put some
kind of label on it and say that Jehovah talked to me. You know? Or the angel Michael
was sitting beside me, or the demon Lucifer was in my corner, or the ghost of Aunt
Lucille. No, no, no, no, no. It’s sort of like, “Well, this thing talked to me. People always
say to me, “Well, what was The Voice?” And they were waiting for angel, demon, ghost,
god. Ahhhyeahhhhooopffff! It didn’t, it wasn’t. It was an entity. You see, the entity is the
closest description we have to bundle consciousness, because that’s what bundle
consciousness really is. It’s a thing. It’s a thing that’s a byproduct of laws of bundling.
It’s just the byproduct of the laws of bundling, and you have all of these various elements
that are in it. Now, most of those elements have some kind of traditionally recognizable
track, but entities don’t. They don’t.

And most of the time when people are dealing with entities, through transference, they
can only see them as demons. So entities have a spooky reputation in the way that gods
have a good one. And you can see there’s a parallel here in the 4 – 5 to the 1 – 2, which
obviously these are harmonic parallels. In other words, when you’re dealing with the
gods, like angels, it sort of has that kind of, “Yeah, they may be rough, but they’re there
for us, they’re good, let’s do what they say; my god told me. But when it’s an entity and
you have no way of defining it in your consciousness, then you’ve got a problem. And
it’s entities that make people really bananas. Because you don’t have the same kind of

Jesus didn’t say, “My entity told me.” What entity, what is it? Who told you? For him it
was real easy – my father, the godhead, you know, this god, this god, blah, blah, blah.

But when you’re dealing with entities, uh uh. And one of the things to understand about
the entity, is that it doesn’t represent, the earth is not its focus. It’s just not its focus. You
see, when I look at any process that deals with the 6, I know there are only 5. The 6 is
always kind of funny as you’ll see with this Buddha stuff. Over there. The end of the
process is always the 5. And the 5 always represents the possibility, the incredible
possibility of expectation of what can be possible. The deepest and most profound is
projection is not the god that lives on Mount Olympus, but the consciousness force that
rules the solar system. The Oro Boris? That rules the galaxy, that rules the biverse. See,
the entity is not for us to define within the context of our terrestrial trip. And it makes it
so incredibly difficult to get that across. The magic that we all know lies in the 5th line
fundamental directive – be practical, because if you’re not practical you’re gonna suffer
guilt, and if you’re not practical you’re going to be punished, and your reputation is going
to be ruined. Where do you think I got those keynotes for you? That your reputation is
going to be ruined, all of that stuff? It comes from the color. Nobody trusts the entity
information. Nobody.

Oh, there are those of you in this room who remember my very first introductory lectures.
And I would stand up and I would say to them, “Don’t trust me. Don’t believe me. I’m
not a representative of god. I’m not the fucking Messiah. I was educated by an entity.
You know, don’t trust me. The advantage I had was the logic of Design, because the only
thing that they could do then was deal with Design and not my funny story.

But as far as I know, I’m the only messenger that was ever given a logical revelation. As
far as in know in the written history of humanity that’s ever been, that’s ever been given a
logical revelation, So, I’m not mad as hell, and I haven’t been set on fire yet. You know?
Entities are different.

5th Line Universalization and Entities

Now remember that the whole thing about being a 4 and a 5 and a 6 is that you have to
tell the other. When Jesus shows up in your backyard, it’s really exciting for you to go to
your mother and say, “Hey, I just saw Jesus!” You know? When the entity shows up,
you’re not going to tell mamma at all. You wouldn’t even know what to tell her. You
would just sound like a bloody lunatic.

For years I’ve been teaching people profile, and I get to the 5th line and I tell them that
the 5th line is paranoid. Do you understand why now? I mean, truly understand the
paranoia of the 5th line, the paranoia comes from deep within and the paranoia is rooted in
the fact that there is this potential to meet something that is simply incomprehensible.
And it’s frightening. There is no other color that is more resistant, resistant to encounter
than the 5. And the way in which it resists is that it transfers immediately over to the 2,
“It’s a demon! Stay away.” Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, paranoia. You see, we don’t

have a lot of spokespersons for entities. We don’t. They don’t stand up and say, “Hey,
you know, I’m speaking for the thing.” Hmmmm? And everybody goes, “Yeah, yeah.”
They immediately have to put on some kind of recognizable personality,
anthropomorphize it so that you can identify with it.

Because you see, the tribe rules. The 4 rules – this dysfunctional infection of transference
rules. It rules. It rules. I know that the gods are small and the entities are great. But on
this plane, the gods are great and the entities are small and it just has to do with our
perception and our consciousness. We do not have these vast numbers of messengers
bringing the universalized motivation that is the complete transference of being. This is
about guilt. This is about seduction. It’s the most dangerous business of all. I insult you
daily and you know it. It’s a dangerous business to tell people that they don’t know what
the fuck’s going on and they don’t know who they are, and they don’t know where
they’re going, and they don’t know what they’re doing. (Laughter). And it’s all guilt.
“Yeah, he’s right.” You know? “I shouldn’t be that way, I should really be, I should
really be what he tells me to be.”

Messengers get into a lot of trouble. And then you say, “Well, how do you know all that
stuff?” Well, this thing told me. I call my thing mother. I’m happy with that. You know,
it’s just mother. Ma, you did a good job, thank you. Thank you mom, good teaching Ma.
It’s just the way that it is. It’s mother to me.

But you know, when somebody says to me, “Where’d you get this revelation from?” I
say, “Mother.” Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, they don’t get it. They don’t get it.

We have 6 subjects that we’ve looked at – we’ve looked at 5 so far. We have 6 subjects
and I want to explain something to you. All of these 6 subjects can be your encounter.
But, as you will see this afternoon, that the mystical process is a chain. It’s a 3-stage
chain. The chain begins with triggering, and only the 1, 2 and 3 can act as triggers. Only
the 1, 2 and 3, only angels, demons or ghosts can act as triggers. And only 4, 5, and 6
gods, entities, aliens, can act as educators. But all of them, all of them can be encounter.

And remember, it’s a 3 stage. As I will show you as an example, and I mentioned it
before – I was triggered by a demon. My encounter was with a ghost – that’s my color,
but my education was from an entity. And I’m going to show you how that works, and
I’m going to show you in a sense, how you can see that structurally within the pattern of
a Design.

But I want you to understand they have different roles when it comes to either triggering
or educating. But they can all be your encounter.

The last thing that I want to talk about in terms of entities, is that I want to focus you on
the deep, deep power that entity encounter can bring, that entity education can bring, is
that they bring an enormous ability to recondition motivation. The thematic, the thematic
of this color is conditioner/conditioned. This is all about conditioning. This is the most
powerful conditioning force there is, which is why that heretics are paranoid, which is

why there are less of them having influence than the 4’s, because regardless, if you’re in
a master/novice situation, it’s quite different than being conditioned. It’s very different,
and the conditioning that’s taking place at this level can have an enormous influence –
enormous, because it goes beyond the tribe. It penetrates deeply into the collective. And
not only that, not only is the 5 in the entity context deeply, deeply paranoid, but
everybody else is conditioned to be deeply, deeply paranoid. And most people when they
meet somebody that embodies the base of the entity, most people shift in their
motivation, to the demon. It makes it very, very difficult for heretical messengers to
emerge. Very, very difficult.

Aliens & 6th Color

Aliens. Okay. Two Juxtaposed metaphors. One of them is my visceral distaste for
Buddha. I don’t like Buddha. I don’t like Buddha because Buddha did not embrace the
body. He did not embrace the yin, and for me he was the first institutionalized sexist. And
in a very profound way because when you deny the body you deny the life. But then
again, he was interested in something else. He was interested in was getting off the
Wheel – getting off the cycle of coming back into the meat over and over again. He
didn’t like the meat.

The other metaphor is Dante, and all kinds of cosmologists from the past. And they
would draw these wonderful, wonderful pictures of levels going down and going up up.
And you would start climbing up into these levels into heaven. And you would have sort
of an angel realm, and the next level of angels, and the next level, and then archangels,
and eventually you would get up there to the godhead.

When you’re dealing with the 4, you’re dealing with relative gods, earthbound with
earthly concerns. Earthly concerns. When you’re dealing with entities, you’re dealing
with a trans solar system consciousness. You’re dealing with something that has a larger
scope. But like Dante’s layers, there’s a top layer, like the 6, like the roof of the house,
like never part of anything, because it’s off the Wheel. It’s off the Wheel. Buddha’s
dream – it’s off the Wheel. And so when you’re dealing with this 6th color you are
dealing with Source. Source. And Source has no message, seeks no influence. It’s just
there. It is an extraordinary state. It is the encounter that at its deepest level brings an
indescribable satori. Something that many seek in the discipline of meditations, all the
things that Buddha was interested in, in order to get the fuck out of the body. It makes
them so different. They’re so different, because they are not aligned to purpose.

It’s one of the things to understand about the mutation of the 6th line itself. They have no
purpose. Only the 1, the 2, the 3, the 4 and the 5 have a purpose. The 6 has no purpose,
serves no function. It is either observed or observer – nothing more, nothing less. So, the
encounter at this level is very different. This is the magic of true innocence, and true
innocence is when the encounter leads to not simply acceptance, but surrender to the
acceptance of surrender.

When we’re looking at 4, 5, 6 you’ve seen that the nature of transference is different. We
saw for example with the 4th color that there is no fixing of the color, that it is always in
transference. We saw very clearly that in terms of the 5th that the 5th is always trying to
protect itself through the utilization of transference, in other words, to be able to run to
the 2 to get away from it. But one of the things to see very clearly about the 6 is that the 6
doesn’t transfer to the 3. It uses the 3. And in explaining that, I want you to understand
the underlying reason why at the surface in our mutation of 6th – line beings, why they go
through specific phases, and specifically the 3rd line phase – the trial and error phase and
so forth and so on. The first thing to recognize about the way in which Source forces
operate is that they do not operate through allies the way the 4 and the 5 do. The 4 and
the 5 need their plant allies, or their animal allies in order to dump down, tone down the
transmission for it to get through. The allies of source of the aliens are the ghosts, and
they use them. They use them.

All the colors from 1 to 5, these subjects motivate. That’s what they’re all about. They’re
motivating forces. The angel motivation and the demon motivation and the ghostly
motivation and so forth, they’re motivating, that’s their job. Their job is to generally fix
that motivational force, get it out, get it in, get that motivation going. Not the 6. It’s not
alien in the sense of bug-eyed creatures. It’s alien in the sense that it’s really alien. It’s
really different. It’s not like anything else in that. And you can see how far up it is on
these layers that we draw on the cosmology that the only ally available to it to reach us is
actually another one of these forms. The ghost. And to really understand something about
being a 6th line being. If you don’t have your trigger in your first 30 years, you’re not
going to get it. You’re just not going to get it. Then again, even if you got it, you
wouldn’t know you had it.

What is innocence? The observer and the observed, what’s the quantum of that. When we
juxtapose these two terms beside each other. What is that, this innocence? You see, in
such an encounter there is a conclusion that your consciousness is driven to recognize,
that everything beyond your skin is illusion, and everything within your skin is illusion,
and the game is just the skin, and it doesn’t matter, and there is no other place to go. It’s
the ultimate recognition that this is the deepest of maias, and to be engaged in the maia is
folly. But to be skin, this is a holy journey. That’s as mystical as I can get for you.

I’m going to show you how you look at these three stages in the chain – what triggering
is, and where triggering takes place. Encounter we have looked at, and then to be able to
look at what education means, and the different kinds of educations that we receive. So,
enjoy your lunch.

Spirituality and the Tribe

As I explained at the beginning of doing the Primary Health System Seminar (PHS) that
I’ve had a Program that I instituted in 2001 to begin teaching Global Incarnation Index,
the substructure of the line Incarnation Crosses. My Program has involved teaching
information about each of the various levels, base and tone and color.

And this year for the first time I’m teaching chains. I’m beginning a process of training
people how to look at Designs from the base up instead of from the Design down. In
understanding this I want to describe to you the nature of what is the mystical chain. And
the mystical chain operates at many levels. I’ve tried to give you an understanding of the
importance of color and the role of color in terms of the nature of encounter. But
encounter in and of itself isn’t, isn’t the thing that interests Hollywood, despite what the
name sounds like. Hollywood is interested in the trigger event.

We have three things – we have a triggering event, we have the encounter itself, and then
after the encounter is the potential for education. It’s a chain. It’s a chain, and as you will
see, not everyone, not everyone in their surface design is open to triggering. And if you’re
not open to triggering, the chances are limited that you will actually have the ability to
recognize encounter if it happens. The triggering event is biological. It is biological, and
it’s very important to understand that it is this biological triggering that sets up the right
chemistry, physiology, however you want to look at it, it sets up the right medium for the
encounter, and anyone who is going to be properly prepared for encounter has to be
changed chemically to meet that.

And one of the things you’ll see about the nature of color, and you’re not going to see it
now, maybe you’ll see it years from now, is understanding how transference in
motivation changes our chemistry, and changes our chemistry away from the
differentiated chemistry that is our right. In other words, a specialized chemistry, and
what triggering does, is triggering tries to align your chemistry to the correct chemistry
so that you can be open at a biological level to encounter.

Okay, I want to teach you about the magic, the magic of triggering. And the magic of
triggering is everything about triggering is the ego circuit and the defense circuit, in
other words, the tribal group, the tribal configuration. That’s the first thing.

(Whispering) Everything about the tribe can be understood in the 19th gate – everything
about the tribe. And those of you that know my 2027 stuff know that there’s going to be a
disruption in this and it’s really going to be one of the great changes. But the reality is
that we’re dealing, all of us dealing, at the deepest tribal level with the pressure of the 19,
and that pressure of the 19 at its very root, is that the pressure of the 19 is that the only
thing that holds the tribe together, the only glue that holds it together is its spiritual glue.
And wherever you look in tribal circuitry, wherever you look in tribal circuitry, is the
potential for triggering. But it works in a special way, and it’ll explain to you why some
people don’t get triggered.

If you’re looking at this design, the first thing to notice is that what you’re looking for is
that you’re looking for an activated gate that’s in the circuitry that has no harmonic. In
other words, there is going to be absolutely no triggering in the 26 – 44. Can’t take place
there. Closed off.

The only way in which you trigger is you meet the encounter. Eh? You meet it, and where
you meet it is where you have a gate activated in tribal circuitry so for example, in this
case we have two. We have the 19th gate open to the 49, and the 40th gate open to the 37.
So that’s the first thing. So, if you’re looking at your own chart, and you’re looking at the
tribal circuitry, the tribal group, what you’re looking for is a gate that’s activated, and
there’s no harmonic.

So for example in my design I have the 49th gate and the 40th gate. I had my encounter in
the 40th gate. The 40th gate is one of those deep, deep encounter areas, like the 26. These
are denials, these are great denial gates – denial of spirituality, denial of the glue, and the
more you deny, the more you’re susceptible to being transformed. I happen to have Mars
in the 40th gate 2nd line. My encounter was with a demon. This was the triggering for me,
was the demon triggering. So one of the things to see about the triggering event, is that
the triggering event is going to take place, and it’s going to take place within this tribal
framework. It’s the only place that triggering can take place, and the results of the

I don’t have time to teach you the tribal course. I rely on the fact that most of you know a
lot about it already. But please understand that every single one of these channels
represents another quality of spirituality. You can look at the 26th gate as an example as
the spirituality of Calvinism – go out and make money.

You can look at the spirit of the 40th gate and you can see a totally different spirituality,
the spirituality that is there to serve through the love of working for the other, blah, blah,
blah. There are all kinds of spirituality that are rooted there. The deepest one is the 54.4,
spiritual ambition. It’s just deep, deep, deep spiritual ambition. Remember we’re dealing
with the color that’s going to be there. It’s very important to understand Remember that
the color that’s there, that the line that’s there, this is what is open to the triggering. But
it’s all there in the tribe.

Triggering is Produced by a Change in the Chemistry

Remember that the way in which this operates mechanically is that all the triggering is
actually doing is the lymphatic system being affected. In other words, what is happening
in the triggering is your immune system is being changed. And when I say your immune
system is being changed, think about that in the wholistic sense. In other words, what you
are defending against, that you know then. In other words, it opens up an opportunity for
something to penetrate you, something to enter, something to trigger you. But in essence,
if it’s happening on the splenic side, it is altering your immune system. If it’s happening
on the emotional side, it’s changing your nervous system, and it’s aligning, or changing
the alignment of your nervous system. And if it happens within the defense circuit of the
tribe, then it’s changing your actual sexual productive glands – the ovaries in women;
the testes in men.

In other words, what I want you to understand about triggering is, that triggering is,
really, you know, hmmmmmmm, it’s the gods giving you the right drugs. It’s the best
you, and it’s basically what it is. And it’s something to understand. That’s what the
trigger is. The trigger is, “Hey, let’s change the formula. It’s like changing the baby’s
formula. “Let’s change the chemistry.” Because if we change the chemistry, we create a
specific sensitivity, we create a specific opening; for the possibility of encounter.

I spent an enormous chunk of my life pumping all kinds of exotic chemicals, plants, roots
into my body. And anyone who has experienced altered states of consciousness
recognizes how easily, how easily we can enter into other realms the moment we change
our chemistry. The moment that I would put a Peyote button in my mouth, or the moment
that I would take Mescaline, or the moment that I would shoot Ketamine; the moment
that I would take Datura, all of a sudden my chemistry would change and suddenly there
would be another realm revealed, because they’re there. Change the chemistry, discover a
realm. It’s what it’s all about.

Now, the reality is that we have a specific chemistry that will bring us to the real trip.

People have asked me over the years, because I was so much a part of the baby boomer
generation, and somebody who has deeply explored drugs – what was the value? And
I’ve always told them the same thing. It was my shamanistic training. I was able to
survive without psychological damage the altering of states. And ultimately when I
finally met The Voice, the only thing that really saved my ass was that I had had a lot of
training over a long period of time with dealing with shock. I have literally fought
demons. I mean, real demons. I have had demons biting into my flesh and ripping open
my body. I’ve been in every kind of depth of the hallucinatory environment. But nothing,
nothing like what I met. And it was only that training.

It wasn’t that each and every one of those experiences had any true value. They did not,
but the cumulative experience of training to deal with the altered state did. And one of
the most obvious things that happened to me in the moment of my true encounter was
that my chemistry radically changed in the moment.

What led up to my experience was a forty-three day fast. What led up to my experience
was that in the moment of encounter I literally lost the water of my body. Tremendous
preparation for deep chemical change, and it’s the chemical change that alters the
awareness. So one of the things to understand about triggering is it’s just chemistry,

Again, go to your favorite guru, master, angel salesperson – they don’t get it. I mean,
they don’t get it. They really don’t. It’s deep, deep, deep, all of this business. It’s not
what we think it is on the surface. It isn’t. It has nothing to do with that. Right, it’s not on
the surface, the rumble of God.

Remember that when it comes to triggering, that only angels, demons and ghosts trigger.
It’s the first thing to recognize. Think about the way that works – the teacher, the guru

and the priest, they trigger you. They trigger you so that you can be open to encounter
your true motivation. I mean, that’s the idealized chain. This is the surface.

And one of the things to recognize about this, and why I began with encounter rather than
with triggering, is for you to understand that only encounter is truly operating at the color
level. Everything else is above the surface. You have to breakthrough the surface
(triggering), to get to the color, and then from the color, you can go back up to the
surface and learn. This is the process.

So what we begin with is understanding that what we’re looking at in these three triggers
is that we’re actually looking at a chemical movement from one side of the trigger’s
binary to the opposite. You’re a communalist, you’re triggered, you become a separatist.
You’re a separatist; you’re triggered, you become a communalist. You’re a theist, you’re
triggered, you become an antitheist. You’re an antitheist, you’re triggered, you become a
theist. In other words, it operates through the binaries. You’re a follower, you’re
triggered, you become a leader. You’re a leader, you’re triggered, you become a follower.

It’s the way it works. It’s the way it works. I was triggered to be a follower. I am The
Voice’s dog. Wag my tail, waddle behind my master. So, understand the nature of the
trigger. It’s just chemistry by the way, it’s just chemistry. The chemistry goes a little bit
like this, and you go from, “I know, and I’m leaving all of you. I’m going over there by
myself.” You know, suddenly there’s this change, this radical change that can take place.
Triggering. One side of the chemistry to the other, there are only three triggers. But we
know where they come. Only three triggers, but three triggers that will trigger that
process, the communalist to the separatist within the context of what that open gate is
that’s going to be the triggering agency.

The Defense Circuit

The defense circuit. Any triggering of the defense circuit carries with it a lot of very deep
biological consequences because this is the only one that’s directly connected to the
sacral center. So if you’re somebody that has a gate active in the defense circuit but you
don’t have the harmonic, this is something that you’re strongly open to, and also to see
that it has a deep effect on you physically because the chemistry that’s being effected is
your sexual chemistry.

And one of the things about the impact in the 59 – 6, because they’re different, one to the
other, the direct impact on the 59 – 6 is a severe decrease in sexuality. In other words,
there is a decrease in sexual interest; there is a decrease in sexual reproduction. It is an
attempt in a way, to get to the underlying chemistry beneath the wave of the motor.

Remember something about the 6th gate. The 6th gate is extraordinary. Like the 50th gate,
these are source gates; the 6th gate is the source of the three different waves that we see
in the tribe. The 6th gate of our passions, our desires and our needs, and as such, that 6th
gate can often be congested. I mean, congested.

And one of the things that’s so interesting about the 59 – 6 as an encounter, is that the
encounter is invariably with your face in the mirror. This is one of the most, for the 59 –
6, this is the triggering environment. The triggering environment is the mirror. By the
way, the mirror can be your reflection in a pool of water; the mirror can be your
reflection on a pane of glass as you’re walking by a building. But the thing is, what you
see, that reflection is a chemical trigger. It’s a very, very powerful chemical trigger and it
only results in the whole fertility system suddenly dropping right down. And in the
moment that it drops right down, you get to see something you haven’t seen before.
Understand it also works the other way because everything does – Sarah, wife of
Abraham, 85 years old, suddenly she gets pregnant. Ha, ha. It works the other way as
well. It is a chemical shift – it’s just a chemical shift.

The Chinese – the ancient Chinese, they had a wonderful story. They had a wonderful
myth. They had an emperor, who gave out an order one day, and the order was to seal up
all the mirrors so that the creatures that lived on the other side couldn’t get into our
world. And I don’t think there’s any better a symbol for a 59 – 6 than the mirrors that
they look at, and what is held behind. And again, like pushing your head through the sky,
the change of chemistry allows you to see what’s behind that reflection, to see the other

When you’re looking at the other side of the defense circuit; when you’re dealing with
the 50-27, and again you’re dealing with the power of the sacral system involved in this,
that the changing of the chemistry here is one that is pretty much well known. When
you’re dealing with the 50 – 27, you’re dealing with something else. The general side of
this is beings that will chemically suddenly give up caring about anything for no reason.
For no reason. Now again, it’ll work the other way – people who have never cared about
anything in their whole life are suddenly filled with overwhelming compassion for
humanity and birds and insects and flies. It is a change in chemistry that is very strange.
And it is one that we are deeply uncomfortable with because this is the nourishing
archetype for the tribe, and the moment there is this breakdown in them, this is something
that can be very disturbing, and a lot of these beings, a lot of these beings, suffer terribly
from the experience because usually the experience, like on the other side of the sacral,
usually it’s the dropping rather than a sudden rise, though the sudden rise can be there,
but usually it’s the dropping off of their theme, the diminishing of the sexuality; the
diminishing of the nourishing quality. They seem to drop down completely, and it’s
something that one really feels.

Now, these are very, very special triggers. They’re different than the smell trigger and the
touch trigger. And I just want you to see that not only are we dealing with different
chemistries that have to be altered, but one day we’re going to have people that are going
to be able to explain why this chemistry has to be altered specifically for this vehicle to
get this kind of encounter, because it’s all written in that sense, as a program, as a fractal
of the basic binary. It’s all there. It’s quite something to see. So what we’re looking at, is
that we’re looking at not only channels and the values of them, we’re looking that they
bring a specific chemistry that is part of the triggering; that the triggering itself is coming

from the 1, 2, 3 color forms, and then you begin to see the mechanism that’s at work. You
can see an angel in the mirror. You can see a demon in the mirror; you can see a ghost in
the mirror. If you’re going to see something in the mirror, well you have all your
archetypes. They’re waiting. One of them’s for you.

Triggering changes your chemistry. Encounter fixes your motivation. And when I say fix,
not that it’s broken, but it aligns it to a specific. So we have the change in chemistry that
is the trigger. We have the change in motivation that is the encounter. If you have
encounter 1, 2, 3, then you need to have that with you continually, continually to
maintain your motivation.

If you have that 4, 5, 6, you only need once (he’s laughing, laughter), to continue with
that motivation. Okay, but it’s still, when you’re dealing with encounter; you’re dealing
with the fixing of motivation to stay with your pure motivation.

And finally, finally, then you can be taught. So, first the chemistry, then the motivation
and then finally what to do with all of that – in other words, what you need to know, what
you need to understand; what you need to be able to make sense of, in order to fulfill
whatever it is that your cross demands of your incarnation.

And when we come to this final stage of teaching, teaching is profile sensitive. So
basically what that means is whatever your personality profile is, that’s the kind of
teaching you’re going to receive. Now remember that you can only be taught by the 4, the
5 and the 6. So if your profile is a 1 or a 2 or a 3 at the personality level, it is through
harmony. The 1 to the 4, the 2 to the 5; the 3 to the 6. So, this is the way that they are
going to be educated, because remember that the education can only come from the 4, the
5, and the 6. So it’s very important to understand this configuration and the way in which
that works. First you have to change your chemistry; otherwise it’s not possible. And then
your motivation has to be correct. It has to be aligned. And once you’re properly
motivated with the proper chemical mix, then you’re ready to take in the frequency of the
information feed.

Someone reminded me that I left out one of the triggering channels – I actually didn’t
leave it out, Cathy. I thought about it and then I realized that I would scare people. And
then I thought, “Naw, I won’t tell them, they won’t notice.” But you noticed, so what am
I going to do? Some triggering kills. When you’re dealing with the 45 – 21, those of you
that have taken Rave Cosmology Courses with me, know that there is a unique quality in
the 45th gate, that the 45th gate itself is a deeply mutative gate in terms of the eventual
direction of our entire evolutionary process. It’s a gate that has the potential to mutate
from the, “I have,” to the “We have,” which has a lot to do with Rave children and very
little to do with human beings. But everything about the chemistry of this channel is
rooted in the direct relationship between the heart muscle and the thyroid system. It is
something that I have always known about the nature of this channel is that one of the
things to recognize is that there is truly only one way to transform the metamorphic
function of the thyroid system – truly to transform it. And this is through the vehicle of the
heart, but it requires the heart either to beat very fast, or to stop. And this form of

triggering can often kill people – that is, sudden rapid heart palpitation, or this sudden
heart stopping. And it is one of the most powerful of all triggers.

Gods Teach about Tomorrow

6th Nothingness 3rd Emptiness

The gods teach you about tomorrow. You don’t believe it, but that’s what they do. The
gods teach you about tomorrow. That’s why I love to do transits. You get to see the gods
weaving the grand movie. But this is what gods teach you. If you go through your process
– if you have your trigger, and you enter into your encounter, what you’re going to learn
from the gods is that they’re going to tell you about tomorrow and they’re going to insist
that you tell everybody else.

Human beings are enormously frightened creatures. Actually we’re quite puny with
fleshy soft skin. We’re not very well equipped. Survival is one of the keys. It’s one of the
driving forces of existence is to stay alive in form. And the gods promise you the future, a
future that can be safe or not, but a future where you know what to do. You can be a
prophet of doom and you can be a prophet of light. You can be telling everybody how it’s
all going down the toilet, and you can tell them it’s going to be better. You can tell them
it’s going to be the toilet after they’re dead, and you can tell them it’s going to be better.
There’s always some tomorrow that you can sell them.

So you see, the gods, well, you know, our illusions of the Norse Godhead, or Olympus,
you get a pretty good idea about the gods in that sense. They have limited interests;
subjective interests, subjective to their particular bundle, subjective to their particular
content. The fact that one god says that tomorrow is gonna be shitty doesn’t mean that’s
true. But then again, that’s just a perspective. And of course when that’s your teacher and
you’ve been prepared for it, hey, that’s your movie. And if you’re on your Cross, you’ll
see, boy is that your movie. You will live that. You will bring that out. That will be your
role. It’s the way that it will work. Now obviously I’m talking in generalizations and
there is a huge spectrum of what that can involve. But it’s very important to understand
that those that are taught by the gods, those are the ones who have an agenda. It’s an
agenda. It’s a very, very powerful agenda that they have, to go out there and tell
everybody, “You don’t have to worry. Believe in me and my god because we know that
it’s going to be okay, that heaven is paved in gold, that if you die a martyr you’re going
to get seventy virgins, that everything is going to be delightful on the other side.” And all
of the stuff that goes with that. I make that sound rather ugly. It is this and that. It has
everything. I’ve never met a subjective god that I liked.

There is a genuine difference obviously between somebody who has a 1st line personality
and somebody who has a 4th line personality – one being the resonance to the teaching
and the other being the harmony. And remember that the 1st line being isn’t going to – it’s
going to internalize its process. For the 1st line being, the teaching is how to live without
fear in facing the future. I mean, I’m giving you the nice side, eh? In other words, the

teaching that can be there for that 1st line being is how to live without fear because there
is no fear of the future. And when you’re dealing with a 4th line being and you’re dealing
with the true resonance, this is about teaching others that they don’t have to be needy
because the future’s going to provide for them. It’s just it’s another way. One’s inward,
one’s outward. But this is the basic teaching.

Entities bring universal learning, but universal learning that can be applied to
conditioning. In other words, that the entity teaches you how to condition other. And of
course obviously if you’re resonating in that with the 5th line, this is about the seduction
of others to be conditioned. It’s that joke about, “Don’t shoot me, I’m only the
messenger.” Well I want to tell you something. That does not work. It’s not, “I’m only
the messenger. The messenger is the problem. The messenger is the one that brings you
the conditioning; the messenger is the one that seduces you into wallowing in your guilt
so you’ll reform your existence. So it’s something to keep in mind about the entity
teaching is that these are principles, but principles that are all focused through the
conditioning mechanism – how to manipulate the other. How to manipulate them – that’s
why there can always be this severe reaction to it.

If you’re a 2nd line personality, again, you’re going to take this in, in a deeper way. And
the reality is for the 2nd line personality, it is all about the potential hopefulness, the
potential hopefulness of reconditioning oneself. Oneself. Not reconditioning,
deconditioning, reconditioning others. I was never deconditoned. I wasn’t. I had a jump
start. I got plugged up and wired and boosted and bumped and out the door I went. And
here I am deep, deep, deep into my second decade conditioning people to decondition
themselves so that they can be better human beings living out a universal principle of
correctness. Jesus, don’t shoot me. I’m just doing what I’m told. (Laughter).

The 6 is always so strange. I was – we all know about the mutative process and the fact
that 6 line profiles will go through a 3rd line stage, and I think maybe that you can begin
to grasp that the fact that a 6th line profile goes through a 3rd line stage, that that stage is
them. I mean, it doesn’t matter that you’re a 6th line profile. It’s still you that 3. That is
something that you move through as a genuine, as a genuine process. And it changes the
way in which the 6 and the 3 deal with each other.

What is so interesting here about the teaching of the 6, and obviously if you’re got a 6th
line in your profile, or a 3rd line in your profile (in your personality profile), this is the
way in which the teaching will come for you, is that when you’re dealing with the 6, the
teaching is the teaching of nothingness. There’s nothing to teach. There’s nothing to
learn. There’s nothing to know. There’s nothing to be. There’s nothing to do. There’s
nothing to see. There’s nothing. There’s just consciousness vibrating. There’s nothing.
The greatest teaching of all is that teaching is just a string on one side of a measurement.
There is no teaching. The nothingness realm. The emptiness realm. The void. There is so
much beauty in the nothingness. So much perfection in the nothingness. The nothingness
is extraordinary. And of course, that nothingness cannot be taught.

It’s not like my entity that babbled away at me for eight days, I should be careful, ha.
(Laughter). You know, I…no, it’s nothing. It’s nothing. And of course the deepest
teaching in that process, is that when somebody has gone through their trigger and their
encounter and this is going to be their teaching, these are just places where you’re sitting
on the side of a hill and the world stops moving, stops turning. The Sun stops moving in
the sky. No creature moves. No leaf turns. And you’re alive, ALIVE with consciousness.
When you have an experience like that it’s worth a thousand gurus. Eh? It’s
extraordinary. And it’s not something that can be delivered to the other. It’s not. It can
just be.

And when you have that and you have a 3rd line in your profile, it’s not nothingness. It’s
emptiness. Emptiness is different than nothingness. Emptiness is loss. This is the martyr’s
well – deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into the emptiness, and
ultimately realizing that it never ends. I mean it never ends. Nothing more liberating for a
martyr than to understand that the emptiness has no measurement - deeper and deeper
and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper until finally you lose desire,
and you enter into the world of the blessed.

The Whole Infrastructure Of What Lies Beneath Any Line

Throughout my teaching Program which began in March, this illustration has been up
there every time I’ve been setting things up. It’s one of my favorite images. And the work
that we have done together, and those of you who have participated in the PHS Program,
that basically what we’re beginning to do is create a true understanding of what
substructure is really all about. When you look at this illustration, one of the things that
you’ll see is you’ll see this hexagonal shape around the outside. That’s what we’ve been
working with. That is the color realm. And if you look at this triangle inside, what you’re
looking at is the tones. The tones are built on three binaries. And if you look deeper
inside of that, in this square that’s underneath, this rectangle, what you have is the bases,
with the 5th base hidden in the center. And together, what you have here is the whole
infrastructure of what it is that lies underneath any line. And you can see in this the
incredible limitation of what the surface is. Because in this lies so many different

Chains – so far I’ve been able to teach the chains of line to color and color to tone. At
some point in the coming year I will teach the chain of tone to base, and then we can
begin the process of understanding this structure, be able to see how this structure works,
how it turns, how we have these two extraordinary chains that are within us.

From the very beginning I have stressed to anybody who ever came into Design, the first
thing to learn about in the ABC’s of Design is Design and Personality, to truly
understand how different they are. If you were in the PHS Course with me, and you’re in
this one, boy do you know the difference. Right away – they are so different from each
other. They have their own laws, their own rules, their own way of operating and it’s the
magic of the magnetic monopole that holds this all together in this incredible illusion.

But to really understand substructure is to begin to understand the depth of the Program
– how incredible it is, and how sophisticated our capacity is to be able to investigate this,
to be able to verify this and to be able to apply it ultimately. This is extraordinary
knowledge at a very, very deep level.

I want to tell you that those of you that have participated in this one and the one before, I
appreciate you being here. I don’t talk about these things unless somebody’s in my face,
so it has been very exciting for me. I should be exhausted, and I’m not. I have found
particularly the last four days to be very powerful and very meaningful, and I hope that
all of you, well, I hope that it will have its mutative effect on the way in which you look
at this knowledge. And thank you all.


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