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Implication of machine learning techniques to forecast the electricity

price and carbon emission: Evidence from a hot region
Suleman Sarwar a,⇑, Ghazala Aziz b, Aviral Kumar Tiwari c
Department of Finance and Economics, College of Business, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Saudi Electronic University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Indian Institute of Management, Bodhgaya, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The current study examines the significant determinants of electricity consumption and identifies an
Received 29 January 2023 appropriate model to forecast the electricity price accurately. The main contribution is focused on eastern
Revised 27 March 2023 region of Saudi Arabia, a relatively hottest geographical area full of energy resources but with different
Accepted 5 June 2023
electricity consumption patterns. The relative irrelevance of temperature as predicting factor of electric-
Available online xxxx
ity consumption is quite surprising and contradicts the previous studies. In the eastern region, electricity
price has negative association with electricity consumption. While comparing traditional and machine
learning, it is found that machine learning techniques offer better predictability. Amongst the machine
Electricity consumption
Carbon emission
learning techniques, the support vector machine has the lowest errors in forecasting the electricity price.
Artificial neural network Additionally, the support vector machine approach is used to forecast the trend of carbon emissions
Support vector machine caused by electricity consumption. The findings have policy implications and offer valuable suggestions
Saudi Arabia to policymakers while addressing the determinants of electricity consumption and forecasting electricity
Ó 2023 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Published by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of China University of Geosciences (Beijing). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction Shamayleh, 2018, pointed to the significant impact the electricity

price and population have on electricity consumption.
Electricity is a crucial energy source for developmental projects Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), a government owned com-
and growth. Electricity consumption has seen a constant and pany, is responsible for electricity supply in the whole Kingdom.
rapidly mounting to other sources of energy worldwide. It has been Because of the Kingdom’s large size KEC organized itself into four
reported that between 1980 and 2021, the global annual electricity operating areas, namely, western, eastern, northern, and southern
consumption has risen from 7300 Terawatt-hour (TWh) to 25,243 regions. The eastern region, the focus of this study, assumes signif-
TWh (Statista: icance because of the following interesting features. As per King
power-consumption). Moreover, with a yearly increase of 3.4 per- Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research (KAPSARC) report of
cent, the growth of electricity consumption is seven times faster 1919, this region is the largest one in terms of area (27.6% of the
globally and is consumed by each sector of the economy, such as Kingdom) and the second in terms of population density (2189
residential, industrial, and agriculture. However, these sectors have persons per square kilometer of area). It accounts for 18% of the
different needs and intensity of electricity consumption. It is being country’s population (SAMA, 2020). The region is regarded as the
anticipated that, on an average, the worldwide electricity genera- economic powerhouse because it is home to various resource-
tion may increase by 1.9 % annually from 2012 to 2040 (Cuellar intensive industries. Besides industrial use, the household recorded
Franca & Azapagic, 2017). Several determinants of this upward an annual increase of 4.2% in its electricity consumption per capita.
incline in electricity consumption have been identified by In addition, the yearly average temperature in this region remains
researchers such as (Aslani et al., 2014; Bayar & Özel, 2014). They high (Weather and Climate, 2022). However, it appears that energy
found that consumer characteristics and number of households consumption in this region is higher due to the consumption by
greatly impact the electricity consumption. Al-Bajjali & industries, transportation, and household consumptions, especially
for air conditions. Thus, It seems evident that the region has differ-
⇑ Corresponding author. ent types of dwelling impacts on the pattern of electricity
E-mail address: (S. Sarwar). consumption.
1674-9871/Ó 2023 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Geosciences (Beijing).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari, Implication of machine learning techniques to forecast the electricity price and carbon
emission: Evidence from a hot region, Geoscience Frontiers,
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

The current study emphasizes Saudi Arabia, particularly its ful for policymakers while addressing the energy challenges and
eastern region and its household electricity consumption mainly framing energy and environmental policies.
because of two reasons: (i) the previous studies about energy con- The remaining section of this study is constituted as follows:
sumption forecasting have selected the coldest or average temper- section two is about literature, this will provide a brief historical
ature regions, such as (Donatos & Mergos, 1991; Gram-Hanssen, findings of different researchers in the next section. Section three
2011; Kotsila & Polychronidou, 2021; McLoughlin et al., 2012; reports the methodology and data information. Section four pre-
Tewathia, 2014). Though the average temperature in the eastern sents the results and findings of this paper., The last section dis-
region of Saudi Arabia is higher (Weather and Climate, 2022), it cusses conclusion and recommendations for policy makers as
has escaped the attention of previous researchers. (ii) (Kotsila well as explains as to how forecasting of electricity consumption
and Polychronidou, 2021) stated that air-conditioning in accounts can be obliging.
for the largest share in electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia,
around 70% share of the electricity consumption. This is in contrast
with the other countries of similar climate conditions such as Uni- 2. Literature review
ted Arab Emirates at 57%, U.S, with 15%, Malaysia with 20%, India
with 18%, Mexico with 13% and Egypt with 12% (Epp, 2018). Saudi Researchers with vast amount of literature identified the deter-
Arabia’s extensive use of air-conditioning raises serious questions minants of electricity consumption and considered it a precondi-
concerning the energy and environmental sustainability (SEEC, tion for executing an operative energy policy, as well as for
2021), Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC) has modified the forecasting future electricity need. Several studies identified num-
buildings code and regulations. According to this program, the ber of factors and variables impacting electricity consumption at
authorities have been announcing 14 insulation standards for different region such as (Donatos & Mergos, 1991; Gram-
small and large air conditioning units. The main objectives of these Hanssen, 2011; Kotsila & Polychronidou, 2021; McLoughlin et al.,
programs are to introduce sustainable energy consumption that 2012; Tewathia, 2014). According to (Jones et al., 2015), many fac-
leads to the attainment of sustainable objectives. This surge in tors influence the electricity consumption, such as socio-economic
electricity consumption through air conditioning consumes the factors, dwelling-related factors and appliance usage factors. Nev-
higher amount of energy, as well as to increase the climate temper- ertheless, region differs with different demand for electricity,
ature. Therefore, it is important to examine the significant determi- hence numerous factors are impacting electricity consumption.
nants of electricity consumption and forecast their trends. In case (Halicioglu, 2007) found that electricity price is one of the promi-
of significant surge in electricity consumption trends, the govern- nent that trigger the demand of electricity in Turkey. (Griffin,
ment may have to introduce quick reforms to minimize the elec- 1974) also documented the relationship between price and elec-
tricity consumption by means of replacing the energy mix, tricity consumption.
utilizing the energy efficient air conditioning units, reforms in (Wiesmann et al., 2011) concluded that weather is a variable
building structures such as roof plantation etc. that substantially influences the energy consumption on Por-
The study has the potential to significantly contribute to the tuguese consumer, and found the less per capita consumption by
existing body of literature on the subject. Firstly, as far as our family in colder regions. (McLoughlin et al., 2012) observed that
knowledge goes, this pioneer study emphasizes the relatively hot- temperature impacts the usage of the appliance and thus this
ter region, which the previous researchers have neglected. This appliance increases the energy demand such as Irish families using
study highlights the critical determinants of electricity consump- more water heating system in cold weather and therefore raising
tion in this region and introduces the appropriate forecasting electricity consumption. (Kotsila & Polychronidou, 2021) found a
model that will be useful to forecast electricity consumption. The significant relationship between number of residents, weather
pattern of electricity consumption varies according to geographical conditions and electricity consumption. The change in climatic
location, climatic conditions, the distribution of resources, con- conditions make it difficult to observe weather and energy con-
sumer behavior and so on. The eastern region of Saudi Arabia is sit- sumption as, for example, due to the recent global warming in
uated in the warmest hemisphere, with excessive energy resources recent years, there is a significant surge in electricity consumption
that have significant impact on energy consumption behavior. in summer, especially by the air conditions. For example, (Scapin
Nevertheless, it is necessary to investigate the energy consumption et al., 2016) highlighted the positive association between increased
pattern in this region. Secondly, the study emphasizes the forecast- air conditioning equipment and weather, in case of Italy. (Akara
ing techniques and identification of an accurate model for predict- et al., 2021) established the relationship between electricity con-
ing electricity consumption. For this purpose, we use traditional sumption and weather and are also of the view that population
regression analysis, and machine learning analysis. While focusing growth and urbanization lead to increase the electricity demand.
on the traditional analysis, we used stepwise regression (SWR) and (Ubani, 2013) is in agreement with other studies for population,
robust least square regression (RLS). The machine learning tech- price and industry to be a determinant of electricity consumption
niques are support vector machine (SVR) and Artificial neural net- but not so for gross domestic product (GDP) to be an explanatory
work (ANN) has been incorporated. The machine learning variable. (Al-Bajjali & Shamayleh, 2018) also used GDP, electricity
approach is superior to traditional approaches, due to its features, prices, population, and other factors to assess their impact on elec-
such as it addresses the complex nonlinear relationships between a tricity consumption, population happened to have positive signifi-
dependent variable and predictors (Christodoulou et al., 2019; cant impact on electricity consumption in the short run. In concise,
Gravesteijn et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2014). The machine learning electricity prices are noteworthy and adversely related to electric-
models can address the outlier issues. In the case of a sufficiently ity consumption.
trained network, the accuracy increases (Tappenden et al., 2004). Saudi Arabia is having the largest consumption of electricity
Thirdly, after choosing the appropriate model, we examine the among major countries. (Esmaeil et al., 2019) made an interna-
impact of electricity consumption on carbon emissions. As one of tional comparison and observed the energy consumption of resi-
the hottest regions with higher electricity consumption, the uti- dential buildings is high in Saudi Arabia that may be caused by
lization of air-conditioning has a significant effect on the environ- metrological circumstances, inappropriate insulation of dwellings
ment. To address this issue, we use the regional carbon emission envelopes, low electricity prices and inhabitant behaviors. (Kerr,
data and investigate the forecasted carbon emission caused by 2015) found electricity prices to be low as compared to globally
electricity consumption. Lastly, the findings are expected to be use- provided electricity hence high electricity consumption, but this
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

load the Saudi economy heavily due to energy subsidy. The total over, there are few studies that has incorporated machine learning
subsidies are $107 billion, around 13.2 percent of the GDP in techniques to forecast the electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia.
2015. According to (Almasri et al., 2020), energy consumption To address this gap, the current study explores the most appropri-
source in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is recorded mainly from ate forecasted electricity consumption pattern in the eastern Saudi
electric energy with 86% and 11.6% LPG for cooking. They conclude Arabia region.
that average electrical energy consumed per annum by each resi-
dential unit is from 30,832 kW hour (kWh) to 34,448 kWh in 3. Methods and overview
2017. Further elaborating, they found that air conditioning elec-
tricity usage is 67.34, water heaters consume 9.31%; lighting, This study uses multiple linear regression and three machine
8.18%; and other domestic appliances, 15.17%. Hence, temperature learning techniques such as the SVR, and ANN in forecasting the
can be main determinants which effect the usage of these appli- model for electricity consumption in KSA. As machine learning
ances. According to (Esmaeil et al., 2019), share of individual type techniques are gaining attention, ANN methods are proposed to
of residential energy depletion are: lighting has 8.5%, home appli- be given more accurate results in this field of study.
ances has 14.7%, water heaters has 10.3% and air conditioning with
high of 66.5%. (Almoallem, 2021) showed in the analysis about
3.1. Data and variables
behavior and consumption of different dwelling consumers and
found 51% to be residing in apartments. The research found villas
Our study has used data from January 2008 to October 2019 for
consumption to be more than that of apartments and concluded
the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. We have not included the data
that climate does affect usage of AC, 46% in summer and declines
of 2020, due to the COVID-19 period. However, we have observed a
to 17.15% in winters. They also conclude that the modern system
structural break in data which leads towards inappropriate out-
installed in new residence can help reduce the electric
come. As the purpose of the current study is to explore the most
prominent predicted model, so the inclusion of during COVID-19
Rising population in Saudi Arabia is another challenge for the
data leads us to wrong results. We used electricity consumption
government to reduce electricity consumptions in the country.
calculated as electricity load monthly by region (gigawatt) and
(Al kanani et al., 2017) assumed escalating economic development
population measured as the total number of people each dataset
projects due to population are raising energy demand in the coun-
is obtained from King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research
try. To control this consumption, a study showed new construction
Center ( Our next variable named tem-
need energy saving units so that population couldn’t effect the
perature is measured as degree Celsius for the same region from
energy demand. (Aldossary et al., 2014) observed the domestic
Weather spark. Electricity price data is calculated in Halalah over
energy depletion patterns in three apartments and three villas in
kilowatt hour taken from Saudi Electricity Company. Points out
Riyadh and equated with the classic consistent consumption
that all these datasets are taken for the residential sector of the
showed in electricity bills. The high demand for electricity city con-
eastern province of Saudi Arabia.
sumption is linked with climate due to most consumption usage
for cooling purposes and could be lack of good construction mate-
rials. (Alrashed & Asif, 2014) considered 115 houses to analyze the 3.2. Regression model
energy performance in Dhahran, KSA, in 2012. Climatic conditions,
residence characteristics, cooling system and home appliances are Regression analysis is a well-known method to find the associ-
measured as parameters. They stated a decline in electricity con- ation between a target and predictor variables. More precisely,
sumption of above 30% in homes when change in A/C systems, regression analysis aids us to recognize how the value of the target
thermal insulation and double-glazed windows are installed as cli- variable is changing resultant to any change in independent vari-
mate conditions effect the usage. able when other predictors are held fixed. Regression analysis is
Several studies applied different methods forecasting electricity primarily applied for binary theoretically unrelated purposes. We
consumption in Saudi Arabia. (Abdel-Aal & Al-Garni, 1997) equated present a linear model in Eq. (1):
to regression and network machine-learning models formerly Y ¼ b0 þ b1a1 þ b2b2 þ :::brX r þ  ð1Þ
developed, argued ARIMA models necessitate fewer data, and are
more precise for forecasting. Similarly, Alshibani (2020) used an In the above equation, B ymbolizes the coefficients of the inde-
ANN model for the Eastern region in Saudi Arabia that intended pendent variables. e is mentioned as error terms. The regression
to classify the influences of energy consumption in school where model only provides proper implication if the assumptions hold
roof area is the most important factor in energy consumption correct (even though the model is vigorous to mild desecrations
and included 352 real datasets. Many additional countries have of these assumptions). Many arithmetic textbooks (Gray, 2002;
plenty of literature regarding different machine learning tech- Miles & Shevlin, 2001; Tufte et al., 1979).
niques performance in predicting electricity consumption. In this
study, we applied MLR and few machine learning tools for forecast- 3.3. Support vector machine
ing electricity consumption in KSA. We expect the SVR to be least
error model provided by previous literature knowledge than other Support vector Machine (SVR) is a well-known non-linear pre-
machine learning tools such as ANN and MLR. The findings of other diction model, which is a popular machine learning technique, pre-
studies stated that SVR is higher predictability power than other sented by (Vapnik, 2000). SVR is a supreme classification for non-
models. Table 1 as below displays some research portraying SVR linear regression solution, which is considered to deal with high
to be healthier and correct (See Table 2). dimensional data. The SVR method is distributed into two portions
In concise, the above literature is divided into two categories: (i) i.e., the classification of supporting vectors (SVR) to handle the
focuses on the study sample (ii) focuses on the methodology. By problems requires classification and other is about the regression
reviewing the previous literature, according to our limited knowl- of support vectors (SVR) which is incorporated in the problems
edge, it is evident that none of the studies have investigated the of regression. By comparing simple regression and machine learn-
electricity consumption of the eastern region of Saudi Arabia, one ing models, it is obvious that machine learning surpasses in most
of the warmest places. However, it is essential to explore this scenarios. Firstly, it is able to handle the data in an efficient man-
region’s electricity consumption pattern and determinants. More- ner, as compare with the simple regression. Secondly, it has higher
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Previous literature for different prediction method.

Author Goal Method Findings

(Solyali, 2020) A Comparative Analysis of Machine Several methods used to estimate electricity. The outcomes of long-term and short-term
Learning Demand and suggest standards for electric research display
Approaches for Short-/Long-Term generation in Cyprus. That SVM and ANN are relatively superior to
Electricity Load other added ML methods.
Forecasting in Cyprus
(Kaytez et al., 2015) Forecasting electricity consumption: The study used LS-SVM for the forecasting of The results specify that the suggested LS-SVM
A comparison of regression analysis, electricity consumption of Turkey. Furthermore, model is a correct and rapid prediction method.
neural networks and least squares they added traditional regression model and
support vector machines artificial neural networks (ANNs) technique.
(Vinagre et al., 2017) Electrical Energy Consumption The study aims to state a case study for The goal of the conclusion states that SVM
Forecast assessing the performance and correctness of performance better than previous experiments
Using Support Vector Machines energy consumption prediction by applying applied on ANN and SVM accuracy in complex
SVM (Support Vector Machines) in different scenarios for forecasting electricity consumption
frameworks. is superior than other methods.

(Oğcu et al., 2012) Forecasting Electricity Consumption In this research, SVR and ANN models are The study specifies that seasonal SVR method
with Neural Networks and Support applied to incorporate the finest model for overtakes the ANN model. Those attained in
Vector Regression. predicting electricity production within 2010 preceding experiments, by means of the same
and 2011. data.
(Fuadi et al., 2021) Using Support Vector Machine to In this paper, a technique based on Support This case study express that the SVM beats three
Predict Next Day Electricity Load of Vector Machine (SVM) is projected to forecast other widespread data mining methods
Public Buildings with Sub-metering the loads at organization. (ARIMAX, Decision Tree, and Artificial Neural
Device. Network).
(El khantach et al., Short-term load forecasting using The methodology includes five machine learning The study resulted that MLP method
2019) machine learning and periodicity methods such as multi-layer perceptron (MLP), outperforms in terms of accuracy with a MAPE
decomposition. support vector machine (SVM), radial basis percentage of 0.96 whereas SVM tool second
function (RBF) regressor, REPTree, and Gaussian place but yet performed better than the rest.
(Shapi et al., 2021) Energy consumption prediction by To forecast model, they used approaches which SVM technique displays the most favorable
using machine learning for smart are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial result, whereby it achieved to be the preeminent
building: Case study in Malaysia Neural Network (ANN), and k-Nearest Neighbor. method.

1X n
Lðyi ; f ðxi ÞÞ þ jw2 j
Table 2
Sources of variables.
Rðf Þ ¼ c ð3Þ
n i¼1 2
Proxy Abb Variable Source
Where, e is designated the tolerance value.
Electricity EC Electricity load monthly by region KAPSARC
consumption (GW) 0  y  f ð xÞ <  
L ðy; f ðxÞÞ ¼   ð4Þ
Temperature TEMP Temperature (Degree Celsius) WS
jy  f ðxÞj    y  f ðxÞ   
Population POP Population (Total number of people KAPSARC
in region)
In the equation mentioned above, L ð y; f ðxÞ is marked a  insen-
Electricity Price EP Electricity Price for Residential SEC
(Halalah / kwh)
sitive loss function. The loss measured as zero if the estimated
value is in the  range. Resultant to the lenient margin hyperplane,
Notes: KAPSARC, WS and SEC represents the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and the presented two slack variables, bi ; bi signifying the positive and
Research Center, Weather Spark, and Saudi Electricity Company. GW and kwh are
gigawatt and kilowatt hour, respectively. Abb represents the abbreviation.
negative deviances, respectively, out of the  range. Eq.(2) is refor-
mulated in the ensuing limitation,
scope of improvement than the traditional models. Thirdly, it has 1 Xn
wide range of applications that suits for different circumstances. Min jjwjj2 þ C bi þ bi ð5Þ
2 i¼1
SVR process divides the dataset into two parts training and test-
ing data and it not only reduces the error in training dataset but subject to:
also generalize it. Generalization is the aptitude of a hypothesis
to sort data that is not incorporated in the training data appropri-
½w  qðxi Þ þ b  yi   þ bi
ately. To confirm this generalization, SVR mechanism uses the
standard of structural risk minimization (SRM). Several researches
yi  ½w  qðxi Þ þ b   þ bi ð6Þ
uses the SVR method in forecasting energy and electricity con-
bi ; bi  0
sumption, such as (Duan et al., 2019; Zamhuri Fuadi et al., 2021)
etc. According to (Byvatov et al., 2004), the performance of SVR The subsequent form resolves this limitation optimization
and its results are considerably accurate and more error free. The solution:
high dimensional function of regression model formulations
1 Xn
between Eq. (2) to Eq. (10) enlighten SVR method in a mathemat- Min jjwjj2 þ C bi þ bi
ical aspect: 2 i¼1
f ðxÞ ¼ w  qðxÞ þ b ð2Þ  bi ½w  qðxi Þ þ b  yi þ  þ bi 
where qðxÞ indicates the inputs of kernel transformation function, X
and w and b are parameters. The coefficients are calculated by  bi yi w  qðxi Þ  b þ  þ bi ð7Þ
reducing the standardized risk function that is assumed below: i¼1

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

The dual form is stated under: dimensional, nonlinear and complex statistics. The ANN can
smoothly succeed with nonlinear models and under faulty data
  1 X
n X
max yi bi  bi   bi  bi  yi bi  bi arrangement can deliver productive consequences. This method
i¼1 i¼1
2 i¼1 j¼1 can be categorized into supervised and unsupervised model and
   can outperform in forecasting results. The nature of ANN is highly
 bj  bj k xi xj flexible and is capable to perform miscellaneous association from
input to output. Another factor is that the technical performance
Subject to:
in a fuzzy and missing data set is favorable. ANN is largely used
  as a practical substitute (Tadeusiewicz, 1995). The sample is bro-
bi  bi ¼ 0 ken down into training and test data, which facilitates the testing
process and provides the relationship between inputs and outputs
(Hornik, 1993).
0  bi  C
In order to obtain the perfect network architecture, dissimilar
groupings are assessed. Amongst these groupings, an element is
0  bi  C
to identify the appropriate transfer function. We have employed
a hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function as detailed in Eq.
i ¼ 1; 2; 3          n ð8Þ
Dependent to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem, our regression
1  ey
equation is specified as: f ð yÞ ¼ ð11Þ
1 þ ey
f ðxÞ ¼ bi  bi k xi xj þ b ð9Þ In the above equation, y is the weighted input summation of the
  hidden layer, and f ð yÞ is the output of the hidden layer.
k xi xj represents a kernel function which equals the value of input of
  The most broadly applied learning algorithm is the back propa-
two vectors, xi andxj in the feature space qðxi Þ and q xj . Approx-
gation algorithm. The foremost notion behind the application of
imately most applied kernel functions, such as radial basis kernel, backpropagation algorithm is to decrease the sum of square errors
polynomial kernel, sigmoidal kernel and linear kernel, our paper in backward propagating through ANN technique. Generally, the
has incorporated polynomial kernels function to inspect the elec- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is functioned to compute the
tricity consumption forecasting. Additionally, polynomial kernels weights of ANN in back propagation algorithm. This is originated
have been extensively employed in diverse applications (Ikeda, from Newton’s method (Hagan & Menhaj, 1996) and for decreasing
2004). The polynomial kernel with an order of s and constant of a function V ð f Þ with respect to the vector f is given in Eq. (12):
a1 and a2 is expressed in Eq.(10): h i2
   s Dðf Þ ¼  r2 V ðf Þ rv ð f Þ ð12Þ
k xi xj ¼ a1 xi xj þ a2 ð10Þ
Overall SVR technique surrounds around the hyper parameters r2 V ðf Þ symbolizes the Hessian matrix and rV ð f Þ is the gradient
ðC; Þ and the kernel parameters (s). These parameters determine vector.
their decisive supports to the correctness of the SVR model. Figur-
ing out all three parameters as it knowingly effects the estimation 3.5. Our proposed method
accuracy of SVR implementation. More decidedly, C delivers the
steadiness among the training error and the model robust. If C Our proposed model for forecasting the electricity consumption
has too large value, the perceived risk of the objective purpose will is depicted in Fig. 2. There are three main stages of the method:
be decreased. According to Vapnik’s  is systemically generated Firstly, recognize the decidedly suitable method for forecasting
minimal radius tube and the error values are lesser than the range the electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia for prediction. Sec-
of the certain threshold is considered to be ignored. Minor values ondly, define the highest affecting variable in forecasting con-
of  define low tolerance error, thus it impacts the support vector sumption of electricity. Thirdly, state some solutions to policy
and eventually the results (Zhang & O’Donnell, 2019). makers and other officials to counter the energy related issues.
Phase 1: The inputs of the proposed forecasting model are elec-
3.4. Artificial neural network models tricity consumption of past years, electricity price of residential,
temperature (degree Celsius,℃) and total population in the eastern
ANNs are encouraged by the neurological functions produced region. The principal phase includes gathering of data, its inspec-
by the human mind and are expressed in the human being logical tion and generalization of its structures.
system. It envisioned to pretend the performance of biological sys- Phase 2: The following step comprises separating the data set
tems comprised of ‘‘neurons”. This method is skillful for machine into training and testing data. Hence, it will help in recognizing
learning and also capable as pattern recognition. ANN is presented the model’s performance in concluding stage and support to deter-
as interconnected ‘‘neurons” which can calculate the values from mine the model limitations.
inputs. The artificial neural network comprises the subsequent 3 Phase 3: In this step, selected simple regression which includes
layers, as presented in Fig. 1. SWR and RLS, and machine learning tools which includes SVR, and
ANN are used to the dataset to acquire the forecasting model for
& An input layer in which raw information is placed in the input electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia.
unit of the network. Phase 4: The forecasting model is decided on this step by com-
& Hidden layer defines the action of each unseen unit and can be paring the performance of each model gotten by different machine
more than one hidden layer. learning methods. The judgement is centered on mean absolute
& Output layer tells the behavior of the output, which depends on percentage error (MAPE), mean squared error (MSE) and root mean
the action of the hidden unit. squared error (RMSE) which support adjusting parameters to
acquire more accurate predicting outputs.
Scholars in the abundant fields specified a great consideration Phase 5: As the model is forecasted in the previous step, thus we
in ANN as of its ability to determine resolutions under multi- will analysis the model outcomes which will elaborate further
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. ANN model demonstration.

electricity consumption in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia and the seasonal index and electricity consumption. In view of previous
can be beneficial for the decision makers to attain sustainable conclusions, we include temperature, seasonality index, electricity
growth of the country. price and population to examine the relationship with electricity
consumption, as well as to choose the best forecasted model.
Table 3 represents the results of Pearson correlation which
4. Results and discussion
reports on the significance of seasonal index and electricity price
with electricity consumption. On the other hand, temperature
Monthly values of electricity consumption for the eastern
and population have insignificant correlations with electricity
region of Saudi Arabia are examined over the period of 2008–
2019. Saudi Arabia is regarded as one of the biggest consumers
In addition, our study inspects the autocorrelation values from
of electricity in the world. The monthly electricity consumption
lag 1 to lag 15, as mentioned in Table 4. Autocorrelation outcomes
of eastern region is reported in Fig. 3, which represents monthly
specified that lag 12 obtained the highest autocorrelation value
fluctuation in energy consumption, and we assume some variables
(0.69). Investigation of time series electricity consumption data
are affecting this consumption behavior. Based on a detailed
proposes that temperature, seasonality index and lag 12 should
review of relevant literature, it is identified that population, elec-
be assumed as input variables for predication model. Later, our
tricity price and climate have an impact on electricity consumption
study incorporated stepwise regression model and robust linear
(Al-Bajjali & Shamayleh, 2018; Al kanani et al., 2017; Almoallem,
square regression to explore the impact of studied variables on
2021; Kotsila & Polychronidou, 2021; McLoughlin et al., 2012;
electricity consumption in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia.
Wiesmann et al., 2011). However, we include few exogenous vari-
The proposed model is used for monthly electricity consump-
ables such as temperature and seasonality. Fig. 4 presents the rela-
tion data from January 2008 to October 2019. As illustrated earlier,
tionship between monthly average temperature and monthly
the model employs seasonal index, electricity price, population of
electricity consumption, mentioning that there is no clear pattern
the eastern province of Saudi Arabia and electricity consumption
which reflects the inconclusive impact of temperature on electric-
with lag 12 (due to higher autocorrelation at lag 12) as input vari-
ity consumers. Furthermore, seasonality effect has examined,
ables while monthly consumption of electricity is used as an out-
which is calculated by taking an average of electricity consumption
put data. Future temperature data incorporated in the regression
data on a monthly basis for the period of 2008–2019. In Fig. 5, we
model as input required to be predicted from previous tempera-
found consistent pattern which reflects the relationship between
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Flow of study.

Fig. 3. Time plot of monthly electricity consumption in eastern region of Saudi Arabia.

ture data. As mentioned in proposed method, the dataset is divided els. The predicted temperature dataset is obtained by a simple sea-
into training and testing data. The data for the period 1/1/2008– sonal exponential smoothing technique, as presented in Fig. 6.
30/10/2018 are employed in training set for the anticipated mod- Earlier to the implementation of a predicting method, there is a

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

reported in Table 6, which display that seasonal index and electric-

ity prices are significantly affecting the electricity consumption, in
the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. The coefficient of seasonal
index has positive relation, whereas electricity price has negative
relationship with electricity consumption. On contrary, population
and temperature are not significantly impacting the electricity
consumption. Our results are almost same with robust linear
regression (RLS) method, where the seasonal index has positive
and significant impact and electricity price is negatively associated
with electricity consumption. The beta coefficients of electricity
price are between 27.78 and –33.09 whereas the seasonal index
has beta coefficients of 1.068 and 1.14, implying that the impact of
electricity price fluctuation is higher than the seasonal index.
(Esmaeil et al., 2019) concluded that lack of awareness regarding
the consequences of higher electricity consumption has direct
Fig. 4. Scatter plot of electricity consumption and temperature.
impact on electricity consumption behavior, especially in Saudi
Arabia. In addition, the results concluded that higher electricity
prices encourage the efficient use of energy by consumers. Simi-
larly, Kerr (2015) reported that Saudi Arabian electricity prices
are lower than international energy prices, which is one of the
main drivers of higher electricity consumption. (Mikayilov et al.,
2020) are also of the view that electricity price is an effective signal
for electricity demand in Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the Saudi
Electricity Company has raised the electricity prices which resulted
the prominent decline in the electricity consumption which assists
the reduction in energy wastage (Sarwar et al., 2022; Waheed,
Temperature and population have reported insignificant rela-
tionship with electricity consumption. Eastern region is dry all over
the year and hence fluctuations in electricity consumption are not
drastic due to the temperature. (Almazroui et al., 2014) stated after
a decade temperature is rising by 0.65 degrees in Saudi Arabia,
however, it is important to forecast the electricity consumption
in the eastern region. The best predicted model is helpful to draw
Fig. 5. Scatter plot of electricity consumption and seasonal index. accurate and practicable policies.

need to check stationarity. Hence, according to Table 5, augmented

Dicky Fuller unit root test showed all variables are stationary at 4.1. Comparison of studied models
level. This test is important to avoid spurious regression.
In this research, we designated two machine learning methods, The errors of SWR, RLS, SVR and ANN models are reported in
SVR and ANN, with traditional regressions, namely SWR and RLS. Table 7, which is showing the errors in training and testing data.
The aim is to identify the best predicted model by examining the We used 7-fold cross validation technique for the performance of
least errors of each model. The results of stepwise regression are each model. To judge the models, we use different performance

Table 3
Pearson correlation.

Probability Electricity consumption Temperature Seasonal Electricity Price Population

Electricity consumption 1
Temperature 0.063 1
Seasonal 0.365*** 0.168** 1
(0.000) (0.045)
Electricity price 0.152* 0.075 0.024 1
(0.071) (0.377) (0.778)
Population 0.038 0.054 0.004 0.560*** 1
(0.654) (0.523) (0.961) (0.000)

Notes: The values presented in ‘‘()” are the p-values.

***,**,* represents the level of significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

Table 4
Autocorrelation of electricity consumption.

Lags 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Correlation 0.34 0.18 0.41 0.75 0.01 0.16 0.24 0.06 0.02 0.18 0.63 0.69 0.16 0.23 0.01

Notes: The value of autocorrelation is higher at lag 12, however, we use lag 12 as independent variable along with other independent variables.

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Plot of real and predicted temperature for training and testing data.

Table 5 Furthermore, we have used the root mean square error for com-
Augmented Dicky Fuller Unit root. parison, as reported in Eq-21.
At level t-stat prob sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1X b ðt Þ  g ðt Þ
Electricity consumption 12.976 0.000 Stationary RMSE ¼ G ð21Þ
Temperature 11.427 0.000 Stationary n t¼1
Seasonal 5.885 0.000 Stationary
Electricity price 7.417 0.000 Stationary Where the observed values are illustrated by g ðtÞ. While the
Population 3.249 0.079 Stationary b ðt Þ.
predicted value are G
According to Table 7, SVR has lowest MAPE, MSE and RMSE for
both training and testing dataset. For training data SVR has
standards, such as MAPE, MSE and RMSE. Eqs. (19)–(21) are used to reported 46.594, 9.503 and 8.652 for MAPE, MSE and RMSE respec-
calculate MAPE, MSE and RMSE. tively. In testing data, we got 47.341 for MAPE, 21.463 for MSE and

n  ! 16.198 for RMSE for SVR model. Fig. 7 is about the electricity con-
1 X 
At  M t   100 sumption values and prediction of training dataset, the results
MAPE ¼  ð19Þ
n t¼1 At  show that the forecasted power of SVR is higher than ANN, SWR
and RLS, as the values are very near to the real data. Fig. 8 demon-
! strates the percentage errors for testing data, which shows that
1 Xn
SVR is best forecasted models, as it has less percentage of errors,
MSE ¼ jAt  M t j ð20Þ as compared to ANN, SWR and RLS. This proves SVR is an accurate
n t¼1
model for forecasting the future electricity consumption. Fig. 9 is
Where, n represents number of predicted points in time t, At about the testing data, which depicts the forecasted power of
shows actual value and M t is the forecast value. SVR is higher than the ANN, SWR and RLS.

Table 6
Multiple linear regression results.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Stepwise regression
Temperature 0.034 0.043 0.777 0.439
Seasonal 1.068*** 0.216 4.948 0.000
Electricity consumption (t-12) 0.177** 0.079 2.240 0.027
Population 3.803 4.282 0.888 0.376
Electricity price 27.781* 14.603 1.902 0.059
Constant 58.143 64.774 0.898 0.371
Robust least square regression
Temperature 0.035 0.045 0.765 0.444
Seasonal 1.143*** 0.227 5.040 0.000
Electricity consumption (t-12) 0.165** 0.083 1.982 0.048
Population 4.585 4.496 1.020 0.308
Electricity price –33.097** 15.335 2.158 0.031
Constant 70.080 68.021 1.030 0.303

Notes: ***,**,* represents the level of significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
MAPE, MSE and RMSE statistics to evaluate the forecasting performance.


Training data 85.017 23.047 16.901 85.963 24.93 29.521 46.594 9.503 8.652 48.92 11.426 9.034
Testing data 69.038 27.648 26.454 68.191 24.765 27.267 47.341 21.463 16.198 53.242 23.388 16.965

Notes: the MAPE, MSE and RMSE stands for Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Mean Square Error and Root Mean Square Error, The MAPE, MSE and RMSE have lower values for
SVR model which indicated the persistence of SVR model to forecast the electricity consumption in eastern region of Saudi Arabia.

segregated among cities and sectors. We have used the aggregation

method to calculate the carbon emission of eastern region of Saudi
Arabia), which proposing a significant pattern between electricity
consumption and carbon emission. However, we study the conse-
quences of higher electricity consumption on the environment. For
this purpose, we rely on the SVR, as it is reported the best predicted
machine learning techniques.
The observed and forecasted carbon emission, due to electricity
consumption, is reported in Fig. 12, mentioning that observed and
forecasted lines have a similar pattern till 2017. However, after
2017, the observed carbon emission shows increase in carbon
emission. On contrary, the forecasted carbon emission presents a
declining trend. The forecasted trend shows a decrease in carbon
emission is caused by a number of factors, such as the increase
in energy prices, which forces the consumers to avoid excessive
Fig. 7. The graph shows the electricity consumption values and predictions from electricity consumption, use the energy efficient automobiles for
SVR, ANN, SWR and RLS for training data. transportation, switch the traditional electrical and electronic
appliances with green products. Resultantly, there seems a signif-
icant decline in carbon emission in the next years.
4.2. Future consumption forecast

In this segment, forecasted electricity consumption for the fol-

lowing year (for 12 months) is calculated using support vector 4.4. Discussion
regression (SVR), as it is the best model among all four models.
The result presented in Fig. 10 shows the demand for electricity The current study has confirmed the insignificance of tempera-
consumption in coming year October 2019 to October 2020. ture, while significance of seasonality and electricity price to pre-
dict the electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia. Firstly, while
focusing on the temperature, it is evident that the region belongs
4.3. Electricity consumption and carbon emission to one of the hottest on the planet. In addition, this belongs to
the high income countries which availability of resources and lux-
The second section of this study encompasses the role of elec- uries. It seems clear that the people of this region are able to obtain
tricity consumption on carbon emission. Fig. 11 displays the elec- the air conditions that helps them to prevent from warm weather
tricity consumption and carbon emission of eastern region [We and use it throughout the year. However, temperature is not a
use the data of carbon emission from Hamieh et al.(2022) that is prominent indicator to drive the electricity consumption.

Fig. 8. The percentage errors of SVR, ANN, SWR and RLS models for testing data.

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. The graph shows the electricity consumption values and predictions from SVR, ANN, SWR and RLS for testing data.

Fig. 10. Forecasted electricity consumption of eastern region of Saudi Arabia from October 2019 to October 2020.

Fig. 11. Electricity consumption and carbon emission of eastern region of Saudi Arabia.

S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 12. Forecasted carbon emission of eastern region of Saudi Arabia from October 2019 to October 2020.

Secondly, pointing towards the seasonality, the variable is sig- replace the traditional electrical and electronics appliances with
nificant which reflects the influence of seasonality in electricity the clean and energy efficient products, which helps to reduce
consumption. Thirdly, electricity price, the regression results the electricity consumption. (Soummane & Ghersi, 2022) proposed
affirmed the significant relationship between electricity prices that modification in power prices and instigating efficiency mea-
and electricity consumption. As Saudi Arabia is among the top sures may decrease entire consumption between 11 percent to
ten per capital electricity consumption countries which consumes 32 percent by 2030. The above anticipated measures, such as an
around 9,920 kW per hour ( increase in energy prices, modification in construction regulations,
383633/worldwide-consumption-of-electricity-by-country/#: : switch from traditional to energy efficient products, are beneficial
text=Iceland%20is%20by%20far%20the,hours%20per%20person% to control the electricity consumption. Resultantly, this decline in
20in%202021). In such case, the rise in electricity prices can help to electricity consumption, due to proposed suggestions, will help
decrease the electricity consumption by reducing the wastage of to mitigate the carbon emission.
electricity which leads towards a significant reduction in environ- The current study has few limitations, like the unavailability of
mental externalities too. data at higher frequency which limit us to apply specific econo-
metric estimations. The limited data is available for other Saudi
regions; however, the cross regional and country level analysis
5. Conclusion and policy implication are not possible.
Future studies should incorporate hybrid machine learning
The current study concludes that population and temperature analysis, deep learning and more demographic features. It is rec-
are insignificantly impacting the electricity consumption of the ommended to employ the denoising hybrid models, instead of sin-
eastern region in Saudi Arabia. The findings are contradicting the gle hybrid models. Moreover, the upcoming studies have to utilize
earlier studies, such as (Al-Bajjali & Shamayleh, 2018; Kotsila & the deep learning techniques to forecast the electricity prices. A
Polychronidou, 2021; Scapin et al., 2016), due to different environ- comparative investigation in dissimilar nations or sectors could
mental conditions. In contrast to earlier studied samples, we analytically inspect the impact of demographic characteristics of
choose a sample of relatively hotter area to 25 degreesC domestic energy depletion. The research can be motivated to dis-
(Weather and Climate, 2022). However, the results are evident that cover how seasonal variations impact energy consumption exhibit-
the determinants of electricity price and its prediction varies ing by distributing results into urban and rural populations.
across geographical positioning. The significant factors of electric-
ity consumption are seasonal index and electricity price, proving to
fluctuate electricity consumption in the eastern region. After the
identification of important determinants of electricity consump-
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for
tion, we use traditional regression and machine learning tech-
Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for
niques to forecast the electricity consumption. The SVR confirms
funding this research work through the project number MoF-IF-
the lowest errors, in MSE and MAPE. Moreover, we use the SVR
technique to forecast the carbon emission which is caused by elec-
tricity consumption.
The findings of the current study are imperative for policy sug- CRediT authorship contribution statement
gestions that assist the policy makers to achieve sustainable energy
and environmental objectives. According to the results higher price Suleman Sarwara: Conceptualization, Writing-review & edit-
can reduce the electricity consumption, however, to curtail the ing. Ghazala Aziz: Writing-review & editing. Aviral Kumar Tiwari:
electricity consumption, the government should fluctuate the elec- Writing-review & editing.
tricity prices till its optimal level that minimizes the wastage of
electricity. The modification in building construction is also bene- Declaration of Competing Interest
ficial to control the electricity consumption, such as advanced cool-
ing methods and materials are useful to minimize the electricity The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
wastage. In this regard, the government should impose strict con- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
struction regulations. The public and commercial entities should to influence the work reported in this paper.
S. Sarwar, G. Aziz and A. Kumar Tiwari Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

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