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SR626 Operation Maintenance Sustainable Drainage Systems

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The Operation and Maintenance of

Sustainable Drainage Systems

(and Associated Costs)

Report SR 626
February 2004
The Operation and Maintenance of
Sustainable Drainage Systems
(and Associated Costs)

Report SR 626
February 2004

Address and Registered Office: HR Wallingford Ltd. Howbery Park, Wallingford, OXON OX10 8BA Robert Bray Associates (Sustainable Drainage Consultants)
Tel: +44 (0) 1491 835381 Fax: +44 (0) 1491 832233 Fairfield, Coronation Road, Stroud, GL5 3SB
Tel: +44 (0) 1453 764885 Fax: +44 (0) 1453 765545
Registered in England No. 2562099. HR Wallingford is a wholly owned subsidiary of HR Wallingford Group Ltd.
ABCD ii SR 626 04/03/04
Contract - Research
This report describes work funded by the Department of Industry, Partners in
Innovation Scheme, under Research Contract 39/5/137 cc2143, for which the DTI
nominated officer was Richard Mellish, and the HR Wallingford nominated
officer was Bridget Woods-Ballard.

Contributions to the project were also received from the project steering group:

• Babtie Group
• Binnie Black & Veatch
• Buchanan Consulting Engineers
• English Partnerships
• Environment Agency
• Formpave Limited
• M C O'Sullivan & Co Ltd
• Marshalls Mono Ltd
• Montgomery Watson Harza Ltd
• Mott MacDonald Ltd
• Ponds Conservation Trust
• Robert Bray Associates
• Severn Trent Water
• T A Millard
• University of Bradford
• University of Abertay
• Welcome Break Group Ltd
• Westbury Homes
• White Young Green

DTI’s management consultants for the project were WS Atkins Ltd., whose
project officer was Mr J Leat. The report author was Bob Bray of Robert Bray
Associates, and the work was undertaken as a sub-contract to HR Wallingford,
who acted as project managers and report editors.

The HR job number was MCS 0430. The report is published on behalf of the DTI,
but any opinions expressed in the report are not necessarily those of the funding

ABCD iii SR 626 04/03/04

Contract - Research continued

Prepared by ...........................................................................................




Approved by ...........................................................................................




Authorised by ...........................................................................................




Date ............................................

© HR Wallingford Limited 2006

This report is a contribution to research generally and it would be imprudent for third parties to rely on it in
specific applications without first checking its suitability.

Various sections of this report rely on data supplied by or drawn from third party sources. HR Wallingford
accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered by the client or third parties as a result of errors or inaccuracies
in such third party data.

HR Wallingford will only accept responsibility for the use of its material in specific projects where it has been
engaged to advise upon a specific commission and given the opportunity to express a view on the reliability of the
material for the particular applications.

ABCD iv SR 626 04/03/04

Executive Summary

The Operation and Maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems (and Associated


Report SR 626
February 2004

Sustainable Drainage Systems or SUDS, are gradually gaining acceptance as the

preferred way of managing stormwater runoff from development areas.

This report describes a management strategy for the day to day care of SUDS, and
applies current landscape maintenance practice to the problems of looking after a
predominantly surface drainage infrastructure.

Guidance is provided on what maintenance techniques are appropriate for SUDS

features and how drainage design, which takes landscape care into account, can
significantly reduce management costs and improve performance.

Finally, two ‘demonstration sites’ are reviewed to try and gain an understanding of
current cost implications associated with the operation and maintenance of SUDS
features. It must be recognised that such management procedures are new for
most contractors and there will be a period of time before the landscape
management of SUDS is commonplace, and costs can be predicted with

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ABCD vi SR 626 04/03/04
Title page i
Contract iii
Summary v
Contents vii

1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

2. Maintenance and Whole Life Design ......................................................... 2

2.1 SUDS Whole Life Design Principles ................................................. 2
2.2 Relationships between SUDS Whole Life Design Criteria, and
Operation and Maintenance Requirements ........................................ 2
2.2.1 General ............................................................................. 2
2.2.2 Quantity drivers................................................................ 2
2.2.3 Quality drivers.................................................................. 3
2.2.4 Amenity drivers................................................................ 3
2.3 Whole Life Design Criteria – Different SUDS Components ............. 3
2.3.1 Filter Strips and Swales .................................................... 4
2.3.2 Filter drains and permeable surfaces ................................ 4
2.3.3 Infiltration Devices........................................................... 5
2.3.4 Basins and ponds .............................................................. 6
2.3.5 SUDS Support (Ancillary) Structures .............................. 6

3. Management of Sustainable Drainage – Principles and Practice of

Landscape Maintenance ............................................................................. 9
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 9
3.2 Principles and Practice of Landscape Maintenance ........................... 9
3.3 The Management Plan........................................................................ 9
3.4 The Specification.............................................................................. 10
3.5 The Schedule of Work...................................................................... 10
3.6 Frequency of Maintenance Tasks..................................................... 10
3.7 A Commercial Case Study ............................................................... 11

4. Maintenance Requirements of Sustainable Drainage Components.......... 12

4.1 Filter Strips and Swales.................................................................... 13
4.2 Filter Drains and Permeable Surfaces .............................................. 14
4.3 Infiltration Devices........................................................................... 15
4.4 Basins, Ponds and Wetlands............................................................. 16
4.5 SUDS Support (Ancillary) Structures .............................................. 17

5. Maintenance Costs & Influencing Factors ............................................... 18

5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 18
5.2 Cost Review of Recent SUDS Maintenance at Oxford Motorway
Service Area ..................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 Oxford Motorway Service Area (MSA) M40 - Site
Description ..................................................................... 18
5.2.2 SUDS Design at Oxford MSA, M40.............................. 18
5.2.3 Oxford MSA Maintenance Schedule of Work Summary21
5.3 Cost Review of Recent SUDS Maintenance at Hopwood
Motorway Service Area............................................................... 22

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Contents continued

5.3.1 Hopwood Park MSA M42 - Site Description ................22

5.3.2 SUDS Design at Hopwood Park MSA M42 ...................22
5.3.3 Hopwood MSA Maintenance Schedule of Work Summary ........25
5.4 Competitive Tender Rates for Oxford and Hopwood Service Station
5.5 Further Cost Information ..................................................................26

6. Conclusions ...............................................................................................26

Table 1 Design issues affecting long term performance of filter strips and
Table 2 Design issues affecting long term performance of filter drains and
permeable surfaces................................................................................4
Table 3 Design issues affecting long-term performance of infiltration
devices ..................................................................................................5
Table 4 Design issues affecting long-term performance of basins and ponds...6
Table 5 Maintenance requirements of filter strips and swales.........................13
Table 6 Maintenance requirements of filter drains and permeable surfaces....14
Table 7 Maintenance requirements of infiltration devices ..............................15
Table 8 Maintenance requirements of basins, ponds and wetlands .................16
Table 9 Maintenance requirements of SUDS support (ancillary) structures ...17
Table 10 Oxford MSA, M40 (2002 - 2003) Tender Costs.................................26
Table 11 Hopwood MSA, M40 (2001 – 2002) Tender Costs............................26

Figure 1 Plan of Oxford Motorway Service Area M40 ....................................20
Figure 2 Plan of Hopwood Park Motorway Service Area M42 ........................24

Appendix A Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Specifications .................... A26
Appendix B Suds Regular Maintenance Documentation............................... A26
Appendix C Clauses to support landscape maintenance specification and
schedule of works ...................................................................... A26
Appendix D Example Schedule of Work ....................................................... A26
Appendix E Notes on Managing SUDS ponds and Wetlands ....................... A26
Appendix F Additional Information on Maintenance Activities and
Associated Costs ........................................................................ A26
Appendix G Greenbelt Company – Landscape Specification Notes.............. A26

ABCD viii SR 626 04/03/04


Many people associated with the drainage of new developments now recognise that conventional drainage
techniques can cause environmental damage, and that continuing to drain built-up areas as rapidly as
possible with little regard for the environmental impacts is not a sustainable long term option. Sustainable
Drainage Systems (SUDS) comprise an approach to managing runoff from urban areas that collect, clean,
store and release water slowly to the environment in as natural a manner as possible. The benefits of SUDS
(quantity, quality and amenity) may be summarised as follows:

• SUDS attenuate runoff to reduce flooding and environmental damage downstream from the site;
• SUDS manage pollution by trapping silts and treating runoff;
• SUDS provide amenity benefits to the local and wider community.

However, there are concerns about their operation and maintenance in both the short and long term. SUDS
ideally comprise an integrated group of techniques that manage runoff from part or all of a catchment.
Each component should add to the performance of the system, rather than operating as one of a series of
isolated drainage devices. The management and maintenance of such systems should therefore be
inclusive of all components of the design, from the point at which rainfall reaches the development surface
to the point at which water is discharged to natural drainage paths, or storm sewers.

Conventional drainage is traditionally maintained by contractors using specialist machinery to clear

gullies, pipework, and storage zones of trash and sediment accumulation. The frequency of maintenance is
generally determined by routine rather than need, because most conventional drainage infrastructure is out
of sight. Irregular maintenance activities are likely to be triggered by performance failure leading to
surcharging of the upstream network and associated flooding.

Sustainable drainage systems make use of natural drainage processes, and the techniques used can be
grouped into four general methods of control:

• Filter strips and swales;

• Filter drains and permeable surfaces;
• Infiltration devices;
• Basins and ponds.

Although the definitions are not rigorous and systems may operate in a variety of different ways, the
techniques have in common simple concepts, which mirror natural drainage and are therefore easier to look
after using recognised landscape maintenance practices.

The features used in SUDS should be highly visible and their function should, therefore, be easily
appreciated by those charged with their maintenance. When problems occur, they are generally obvious
and can be remedied simply using standard landscaping practice. The deterioration of SUDS will therefore
tend to be gradual and, if the systems are properly maintained, can be managed out.

The design of SUDS therefore needs to take account of likely maintenance needs, in order to facilitate
effective management and thus ensure long term performance over the lifetime of the systems.

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2.1 SUDS Whole Life Design Principles

One of the advantages of SUDS is that they are robust and easy to maintain. However, the effectiveness
and ease of their long-term management will be dependent to a certain extent on their initial design

Considerations that affect the design of SUDS structures, methods and components include:

• the drainage and water quality functions they are required to perform;
• the maintenance required to ensure they continue to work as intended;
• an assessment of the future repair or replacement requirements.

Although SUDS techniques are not new, application of the philosophy of sustainable drainage comprises a
new approach to managing rainfall and therefore many clients, consultants and contractors are unfamiliar
with implementing the basic objectives. Unlike conventional drainage, where water is collected in gullies
and channels and conveyed underground to pipes and discharge points, SUDS design generally seeks to
keep water on the surface in drainage pathways that are visible. It is important that the visibility of SUDS
communicates how the system works and what care is required to ensure they continue to function at their
expected performance levels.

The CIRIA design manuals recommend the concept of the surface water management train as the most
appropriate technique for maximising sustainable drainage performance. This approach mimics natural
catchment processes using drainage techniques in series to manage the flow and quality characteristics of
the runoff. The surface water management train starts with prevention, or good housekeeping measures,
for individual premises; and progresses through local source controls to larger downstream site and
regional controls.

2.2 Relationships between SUDS Whole Life Design Criteria, and Operation and
Maintenance Requirements
2.2.1 General
Management of SUDS should address the quantity, quality and amenity benefits of SUDS for the complete
management train from where runoff begins to be collected to where it infiltrates into the ground, or is
discharged to a watercourse or conventional pipe system.

‘Prevention of runoff for individual premises’ and ‘local source controls’ will normally be managed within
the curtilage of individual developments. This reflects the responsibility of the landowner for drainage
within the property boundary and applies to most industrial, commercial and other developments including
housing where the site is managed as a whole, e.g. housing association property.

Larger downstream site and regional controls may be managed as part of a large development e.g. business
parks, or else maintenance may be undertaken on behalf of the development by local authorities or other
management organisations. This process sometimes involves the “adoption” process which is currently an
issue for the management of SUDS, particularly in the private housing sector, and is generally
implemented via the payment of commuted sums or through the assignment of responsibility to another
party e.g. the local drainage authority.

2.2.2 Quantity drivers

The use of open attenuation structures such as basins, ponds and wetlands are often the most cost effective
way of storing runoff, providing land is available for creating these features.

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Design and management of attenuation structures needs to address all of the following issues to ensure that
risks to performance are minimised:

• take into account the full design objectives of SUDS;

• allow effective maintenance;
• manage silt and vegetation accumulation;
• offer amenity benefits;
• exploit wildlife opportunities;
• use safe and effective inlet and outlet structures that are easy to maintain.

The use of the ‘management train’ with open silt interceptors and discreet forebays for regular silt removal
should be employed, together with early interception of inorganic silt.

2.2.3 Quality drivers

A common criticism of conventional drainage is that gullies, silt traps and petrol interceptors are not
maintained to an acceptable standard, and as a result contribute to pollution off-site that others are then
required to manage. This situation arises in part because the structures are out of sight, but also because
the consequence of failure does not have an impact on the site generating the runoff. When oil, silt and
other pollutants are re-suspended following heavy rain, particularly in summer, the resulting effluent
bypasses trapping mechanisms and discharges directly to the environment.

The integration of SUDS within the development area means that water quality problems can have a rapid
and significant impact on public perception and amenity functions. Appropriate silt collection and
pollution control mechanisms in SUDS design can minimise these pollution risks, providing they function
effectively at all times. However, regular maintenance is required to ensure that risks to water quality can
be spotted early, and acted on, avoiding system failure.

2.2.4 Amenity drivers

Unlike conventional drainage, SUDS are surface features generally charged with providing amenity
benefits. This requirement drives the need for a level of operation and maintenance that ensures public
acceptability in terms of visual aesthetics, as well as retaining the required technical performance

2.3 Whole Life Design Criteria – Different SUDS Components

The following tables highlight design issues that are likely to influence the long-term performance of
SUDS components, and that may impact on the feasibility of important operation and maintenance
activities. They should not be considered as a comprehensive list of design criteria and objectives.

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2.3.1 Filter Strips and Swales

Table 1 Design issues affecting long term performance of filter strips and swales

Component Function Design Criteria Comments

Filter Strips To transport runoff via • Well-maintained grass or other Use of a gravel strip along the edge of
vegetated surfaces that trap vegetation able to trap pollutants. the pavement surface is recommended
silt and pollutants. Usually • A gently sloping site to ensure an to arrest and distribute flow evenly
located upstream of even distribution of overland across the length of the filter strip.
storage or infiltration area. flow.
• An even fall across the filter strip
to minimise the possibility of
erosion and gullying occurring.
• A flush edge to the impervious
hard surface collector.
Swales To store and convey • Infiltration areas to retain runoff. The use of coir blanket should be
surface water via linear • Stilling areas to arrest or redirect specified to ensure erosion does not
grassed areas (allow flows. take place during the early stages of
infiltration). • Inlet / inflow structures that grass growth.
ensure sheet flow in the swale.
• Check dams and erosion control If the swale is likely to be water
to maintain falls below 1 in 50 logged for several months in the year,
and prevent gullying. this may prevent regular mowing,
• Outlet / outfall structures that particularly during the winter, and
facilitate long-term maintenance may encourage a wetland flora to
and are resistant to blockage. develop.

2.3.2 Filter drains and permeable surfaces

Table 2 Design issues affecting long term performance of filter drains and permeable surfaces

Component Function Design Criteria Comments

Filter Drains To transport and filter • Often designed to catch “first The fill may be exposed at the ground
runoff via perforated or flush” volume of runoff, which surface or covered with turf, topsoil or
porous pipe in trench filled carries most pollution. other suitable capping.
with filter material • Designs should ensure that silt is
(granular material or effectively intercepted prior to A variation on this theme is the
lightweight aggregate fill). entry to filter drain. ‘treatment trench’, which should be
Removes silts and lined and discharges from a perforated
pollutants. Allows or porous pipe to a storage structure,
infiltration. or to another SUDS feature in the
‘management train’.
Permeable Load bearing constructions • Designs should ensure that all Permeable surfaces can accumulate
Surfaces which allow surface water runoff from hard surfaces enters silts, which can reduce the
to enter underlying the granular fill through the performance of both the infiltration
granular layers which surface, rather than introducing surface and filler material.
store, clean and convey water into the fill via gullies and
runoff to a discharge point. piped systems. Roof water can The use of geotextiles as an isolating
be introduced into the granular layer prevents silt moving through the
layers via a filter device. This permeable fill and permanently
will ensure optimum affecting the structure. Geotextiles
performance, and maximum and the material above them can be
design life. removed and replaced, or rehabilitated
to extend the design life of the

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2.3.3 Infiltration Devices

Table 3 Design issues affecting long-term performance of infiltration devices

Component Function Design Criteria Comments

Soakaways To provide subsurface • Designs should ensure that silt is The conventional ‘chamber
storage, allowing effectively intercepted prior to soakaway’ should include inspection
attenuation of flow and entry to soakaway. tubes to allow access for the removal
gradual infiltration of • Critical design parameters are: of debris from the floor of the
water into the surrounding 1. System storage capacity. inspection tube or chamber.
soil. 2. Rate of infiltration into
surrounding soil. Sediment traps can be installed
upstream to protect infiltration surface
inside the chamber from clogging.
Infiltration To provide storage and • Infiltration performance can be Compaction can be avoided by
basins allow runoff to infiltrate affected by compaction or by fine preventing vehicular access during
into surrounding soil. May silt sealing the surface. construction and siting the basin so
be used at source, or runoff • Silt impacts can be minimised by that it is not easily accessible to
can be conveyed in a pipe careful location in a vehicles once operational.
or swale to the infiltration ‘management train’ with silt
area. collectors such as filter strips and
swales upstream of the basin.
• Site design and construction
should ensure ripping of subsoil
and careful soiling, cultivation
and seeding together with siting
away from direct sources of silt
and compaction activity.
Infiltration To provide pollution • Designs should ensure that silt is The use of geotextiles as an isolating
trenches control, attenuation and effectively intercepted prior to layer prevents silt moving through the
infiltration via gravel- entry to infiltration trench. permeable fill and permanently
filled, linear sub-surface • Critical design parameters are: affecting the structure. Geotextiles
trenches. 1. System storage capacity. and the material above them can be
2. Rate of infiltration into removed and replaced, or rehabilitated
surrounding soil. to extend the design life of the

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2.3.4 Basins and ponds

Table 4 Design issues affecting long-term performance of basins and ponds

Component Function Design Criteria Comments

Detention basins, To provide wet weather • Designs must ensure runoff can enter
extended storage in vegetated basins unimpeded, occupy the design
detention basins depressions (free from volume and discharge at the agreed rate,
water in dry weather). whilst meeting appropriate amenity
• There should be adequate vehicular
access to the main basin, inlet and outlet
structures, for inspection, and to allow for

Retention ponds Permanently wet ponds • Contain rooted wetland and aquatic Application of weedkiller to
provide storage and water vegetation – mainly around the edge. areas upstream or adjacent to
quality improvement. • Should ensure that runoff can enter these systems should be
basins/ponds at a rate, which will prevent avoided in order to allow
erosion and allow full utilisation of the efficient biological action.
design volume during extreme events.
• Should ensure that runoff remains within
the structure for a sufficient length of
time to trap silt and allow bioremediation
before discharge at the agreed rate, whilst
providing amenity objectives

Wetlands Wetlands use a There should be adequate vehicular access to Planting of bank side trees to
combination of standing the main basin, inlet and outlet structures, create shade will inhibit the
water and vegetation to settling ponds and any dry weather channels to future growth of aquatic
reduce flow velocity and allow for: vegetation but should only be
encourage silt deposition. • The regular cutting of grass; used for 10% of wetland areas
Provide water quality • Clearance of bankside vegetation; to ensure full bioremediation
treatment. • Inspection and monitoring; and silt trapping functions.
• Sediment removal.
Compaction of wetland areas
during construction should be
avoided to allow healthy plant
growth and infiltration.

2.3.5 SUDS Support (Ancillary) Structures

The four general methods of control are serviced by a series of details and structures, which contribute to
SUDS design. These additional features can be categorised by function:

• Inlets;
• Outlets;
• Storage structures;
• Silt traps;
• Flow control devices;
• Headwalls;
• Low flow channels;
• Overland flood routes.

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Inlets (convey water into a structure or system)
Inlets deliver water into a drainage feature and can include open structures like cross kerbs and riprap
(stone piles to prevent erosion) or closed elements such as pipes. It is important that where inlets receive
water directly from hard surfaces they remain unimpeded to flows and facilitate rapid drainage of areas
that need to be free of standing water.

Grilles are sometimes used on large pipes or culverts to prevent access by children. However, wherever
possible, these should be designed out, via careful management of storage, low flows and the use of
overland occasional flood routes. There is usually the need for a pad or equivalent device to prevent local
erosion where water leaves the inlet.

The failure of the structure and its consequence should be considered at design stage.

Outlets (convey water out of a structure or system)

Outlets from drainage features often act as control mechanisms and include pipes, weirs, storage structures
etc. A common feature of outlet devices is the incorporation of a grille or other device to prevent blockage
in a pipe or channel leading to the next component of the drainage system ‘management train’ or outfall.
Appropriate design and effective maintenance must be employed in these circumstances, as it is vital that
the outlet structure does not block. Outlets may also be combined with a headwall, which can introduce
additional problems of health and safety and maintenance operations (see headwalls).

The failure of the structure and its consequence should be considered at design stage.

Storage Structures
Storage of runoff to meet regulatory requirements can be accommodated in semi-natural basins, ponds and
wetlands or in a variety of engineering structures that range from ‘collector trenches’, innovative ‘cellular
boxes’, sub-base void storage to conventional pipes and tanks. Although the storage function is essentially
passive, as the structures fill and empty at each rainfall event, they usually require silt traps at the inlet
point and inspection devices. To function effectively water has to enter storage structures quickly and exit
slowly. This demands a control mechanism at the outlet. Wherever possible, silt collection and inspection
devices should be visible or indicate their function independently of complicated instruction manuals. The
experience of conventional drainage is that hidden features are easily forgotten or are ignored until they

Below ground storage structures therefore require simple and visible inspection points where effectiveness
can be monitored, blockage prevented and silt removed.

The failure of the structure and its consequence should be considered at design stage.

Silt Traps
Silt trap design ranges from simple open basins, filter strips and swales to small in-line chambers that
protect drainage features in urban or other restricted sites.

Regular removal of silt is imperative for small silt traps but is most practical and effective in larger open
structures. Regular silt removal allows planning of maintenance, prevents the build up of toxic silt and
minimises damage to wildlife.

The ineffectiveness of silt traps and pollution control devices in conventional drainage is a major criticism
of the traditional approach to managing runoff from development. Where possible silt should be managed
in open traps where build up can be monitored, bioremediation takes place naturally and maintenance can
be undertaken by landscape contractors. Maintenance should entail monthly inspection and planned
removal of silt.

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Flow Control Devices
Where possible the control of flows through a drainage system should be passive and avoid intervention
through complicated control mechanisms. The design of low flow channels for day to day management of
flows and open or overland floodways for extreme events is easily understood and maintained.
Complicated shut-off valves, penstocks etc are subject to failure due to neglect or loss of keys required to
activate them. Simple orifice plates, slot weirs, sluice controls etc offer robust solutions to flow
management that can be managed easily using readily available materials. Flow control devices should be
accessible to maintenance personnel, free from unnecessary risk and easily maintained by unskilled

It is important that the function of the control features should be visible and obvious to those who maintain
the structure. Maintenance should entail regular (monthly) inspection, removal of impeding debris and
removal of silt as necessary.

Historically, these structures have often been designed with relatively complicated control devices, vertical
surfaces and inaccessible silt / trash collection features. If SUDS techniques have been implemented
appropriately, silt control measures should have been introduced earlier in the management train and
therefore the headwall should perform predominantly a flow control function. The headwall must be
simple, safe, and easy to manage.

Low Flow Channels

Day to day drainage of sites is easily managed through open low-flow channels, which are visible and can
contribute to the amenity of development. It will be necessary to route low flows through ‘treatment
stages’ to ensure good quality of water and attenuate quantity of runoff. Where possible ‘source control’
features should clean and control water flow before it enters the low flow channel. Low flow channels can
either be hard landscape details like rills and dished channels or natural features which replicate ditch and
stream systems. The flow control mechanisms in SUDS should ensure that high rainfall events do not
erode or flood the channels.

Overland Flood Routes

Wherever possible, a predicted route for high design flows or unforeseen flood conditions should be
incorporated into the SUDS design. The route might be simple grass weirs and bypass swales or the use of
other landscape features such as roadways and public open space to offer pathways for floodwater in
extreme conditions.

All emergency overland flood routes should be identified and indicated to site managers. The routes need
to be kept unobstructed at all times.

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3.1 Introduction
In contrast to conventional drainage, which mainly comprises subsurface pipework and associated
infrastructure, SUDS are predominantly surface systems and can employ a wide range of techniques from
rainwater collection devices to grass channels or storage ponds. A key feature of SUDS is their integration
within the local landscape and their amenity contribution, and it is appropriate therefore that landscape
maintenance practice is applied to their management.

An advantage of using site managers and landscape contractors to maintain SUDS is that they are likely to
have an intimate knowledge of the development and visit site on a regular basis to undertake routine care
such as grass cutting, sweeping and litter picking. This attendance should ensure regular monitoring of the
drainage system, a rapid response to maintenance needs, and a feeling of ownership of the SUDS features.

The principles of landscape maintenance have been established for some time and designers of SUDS have
an opportunity to use existing management techniques to develop management plans and maintenance
contracts. It is therefore necessary for SUDS designers to understand how landscape contractors function
and the limitations of their expertise, as well as the opportunities they offer for the efficient and cost-
effective maintenance of schemes.

3.2 Principles and Practice of Landscape Maintenance

For large complex sites, the following landscape maintenance procedures are usually applied. These can
be simplified for smaller development areas:

(1) A Management Plan - describing the management objectives for a site over time, and the
management strategies that will be employed to realise these objectives and reconcile any potential
conflicts that may arise.

(2) A Specification - detailing the conditions under which the work will be done, the materials to be used
and the standard of work required.

(3) A Schedule of Work – itemising the tasks to be undertaken and the frequency at which they will be

3.3 The Management Plan

Management Plans are most appropriate for application in major parks and open spaces, wherever there are
alternative choices for future action, and potential conflicts of purpose and priorities that need to be

The following extract from ‘A Guide to Management Plans for Parks and Open Spaces’ sets out the types
of Management Plans that can be prepared:

(a) A Management Plan

This predicts a degree of physical change, and therefore must present design proposals in its
recommendations - it may become a Master Plan. This puts the emphasis on the presentation of proposed
physical change with much of the documentation being in support.

(b) An Outline Plan

This is generally accepted as a more appropriate title for a management plan that wishes to establish the
guiding principles, without providing detailed proposals which might constrain future options for
achieving the outline objectives.

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(c) A Maintenance Plan
This is appropriate if the principle interest is in establishing the best way of maintaining an area, or where
there is a need to match maintenance aspirations to a secure financial base. Planned maintenance
programmes over longer timescales can be made more secure by the more public exposure of the need and
the commitment that the Maintenance Plan can guarantee. A Maintenance Plan can also establish changes
in maintenance regimes that may be required to match a change in objectives e.g. the need to adapt
operation and maintenance practices to accommodate specific wildlife habitats that may develop.

In terms of SUDS, the Maintenance Plan will generally be the most appropriate type of Management Plan
to use. The document should include an explanation of the function of the SUD system and why it is being
used on the site.

Where the drainage system has an impact on the wildlife value or public use of a site, it would be prudent
to develop this simple explanation further to explain habitat enhancement goals, health and safety issues,
and long term management implications. Sites with special wildlife or amenity interest may require
detailed management plans, which monitor habitat development, infrastructure changes or damage to sites
and ensure rapid responses to such changes, should they occur.

It is common for smaller commercial, industrial and housing sites to have a simple Maintenance Statement.
In this case, a single page explaining the site management (including the sustainable drainage system)
would be useful for all parties involved in the care of the development.

3.4 The Specification

A specification, usually preceded by Preliminaries, details how work is to be carried out and contains
clauses that give general instructions to the contractor. Specific SUDS maintenance clauses may be
included in a general specification or as a separate “Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Specification”
section. Generic examples of sustainable drainage maintenance specifications are included as Appendix A,
with clauses to support maintenance specification and schedule of works as Appendix B.

3.5 The Schedule of Work

The tasks required to maintain the site and the frequency necessary to achieve an acceptable standard
should be set out in the Schedule of Work. An example is given in Appendix C.

Small commercial sites will usually have simple specification notes given to a contractor as a basis for
maintenance on a performance basis. Examples of performance criteria are items such as:

• Length of grass;
• Tidiness;
• Extent of weed growth, etc.

This document will often form the basis of a pricing mechanism, and can also act as a checklist to ensure
the work has been carried out satisfactorily.

3.6 Frequency of Maintenance Tasks

Landscape maintenance contract periods are usually 1 or 3 years duration. The 3-year period is
increasingly common to ensure continuity and commitment to long-term landscape care. The frequency of
regular landscape maintenance tasks in a contract period can theoretically range from daily to once in the
contract period. In practice most site tasks are based on monthly or fortnightly site visits, except where
grass or weed growth requires a higher frequency of work. In many cases a performance specification is
used with terms such as “beds will be maintained weed-free” or “grass will be cut at 50mm with a
minimum height of 25mm and a maximum height of 100mm” to obtain the required standards.

ABCD 10 SR 626 04/03/04

Frequency can be specified within the schedule to include irregular items such as “‘meadow grass’ - cut 2
times annually in July and September at 50mm, all arisings raked off and removed to wildlife features
compost facility or to tip”, which provides flexibility for work that is not critical to the management of the

Maintenance tasks which suit a performance approach commonly include plant growth, grass cutting,
pruning and tree maintenance. However work tasks such as sweeping paths, regular litter collection and
cleaning road surfaces will require work at an agreed frequency with a more specific timing such as
weekly, monthly or annually. Where the frequency and timing of tasks is critical then a mixture of
performance and frequency specification is necessary to ensure effective maintenance. This type of
specification is useful where SUDS features require regular attention.

SUDS maintenance tends towards a frequency requirement to ensure a predicable standard of care which
can be recorded on site and which provides a reasonable basis for pricing work. A convenient frequency
for many tasks is at a monthly inspection as this is the usual minimum site attendance required in a
Landscape Specification. The monthly frequency provides for an inspection of all SUDS features and
checking all inlets and outlets.

Certain SUDS maintenance tasks however fall outside this monthly cycle and need to be accommodated in
the contract period. The two most obvious are:

• wetland vegetation maintenance;

• silt management.

There are other tasks associated with ensuring the long-term performance of the systems that may be more
difficult to predict, and may even fall outside any contract period. It may therefore be more appropriate to
review requirements for e.g. system rehabilitation at interim periods, when contracts are falling due for

3.7 A Commercial Case Study

The Greenbelt Group is a commercial organisation providing services to those with an interest in land both
in and around urban areas. The principal service offered by the company is the provision of a solution to
the long-term management of non-developable land, which can include sustainable drainage systems.
Detail of their management and maintenance approach is provided in Appendix F.

ABCD 11 SR 626 04/03/04


The maintenance requirements associated with the four groups of SUDS are summarised in the tables
below. Full maintenance specifications for use in designing and implementing a SUD scheme
management plan are provided as Appendix A, with supporting clauses suggested in Appendix B.

ABCD 12 SR 626 04/03/04

4.1 Filter Strips and Swales
Table 5 Maintenance requirements of filter strips and swales

Occasional (Infrequent)
Component Regular Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
Filter strips and • Regular grass cutting. • Periodic removal of excess silt The following items can often be Regular inspections should be undertaken,
Swales • Litter removal. (due to slow accumulation). managed out through good design. particularly during the vegetation establishment
• Inlet and outlet cleaning • In the event of reduced Where they are found to be necessary, period and after significant storm events, to:
(if present). permeability (for swales used for this is likely to be due to site-specific • Identify areas of erosion, scour or gullies.
infiltration), there are a number of characteristics or unforeseen events, • Identify locations of silt deposits.
landscape techniques, which can and as such their frequency is difficult • Determine the health of the vegetation and the
be used to open the surface to to predict: soil.
encourage infiltration: • Reinstatement of edgings to hard • Identify areas of excessive waterlogging or other
a) Scarifying to remove ‘thatch’ surfaces. damage.
b) Aerating equipment to • Repair or relocation of damaged
encourage water percolation barriers. Filter strips and swales accumulate silt naturally
c) Chisel or slitting tines • Reinstatement of levels and turf due to their primary position in the SUDS
d) Solid tines (spikes) due to erosion by rills or gullies. ‘management train’ sequence. The accumulation of

e) Hollow tines • Realignment of riprap or other silt occurs slowly, unless there is an unforeseen
f) Vibratory tines. erosion controls. incident or badly managed construction event.
g) As a last resort, it may be • Repair/rehabilitation of inlets,
necessary to remove and replace outlets and overflows. In the event that swales develop a ‘wet’ swale
the grass and topsoil (see below). • System rehabilitation following character, then manage as wetland vegetation.
• If silt accumulation is a problem: high silt loads discharged during a
1. Remove (reuse or compost) single event (see procedure in
turf. occasional maintenance).
2. Remove accumulated silt
(subject to toxicity test) and
land apply or dispose of to
3. Cultivate remaining topsoil
to levels.
4. Reuse or re-turf area to agreed

SR 626 04/03/04
4.2 Filter Drains and Permeable Surfaces
Table 6 Maintenance requirements of filter drains and permeable surfaces

Occasional (Infrequent)
Component Regular Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
Filter Drains • Litter removal. • Weed control (if required). The Good design practice should ensure that silt Regular inspections should be undertaken,
control of weeds will have to be loads are intercepted upstream of a filter particularly after significant storm events, to:
managed carefully as weed drain. However, if the permeability of the • Identify areas of erosion, scour or gullies
killers may disrupt the system does appear to be reducing with around the outfall infrastructure.
biological action in the sub- time due to silt accumulation, then • Identify locations of silt/vegetation
base. Manual control or non- consideration should be given to system accumulation on the surface of the filter
toxic and biodegradable weed rehabilitation, including: drain.
killers should be used. • Removal of stone above geotextile (if • Identify any areas where damage (either
• Surface silt removal (due to present). vehicular or from vegetation growth) is
slow accumulation). • Clean stone. evident.
• Removal of geotextile and safe disposal.
• Replacement of geotextile.

• Replacement of clean stone top layer.
Permeable • Manual brushing and litter • Weed control (if required). The If infiltration capacity of the surface appears t • Any inlet / outlet infrastructure should be
Surfaces removal control of weeds will have to be be decreasing due to silt accumulation, then monitored regularly, to check for blockages
• The surface should be kept managed carefully as weed consideration should be given to system or silt build-up.
clear of silt and cleaned at killers may disrupt the rehabilitation, including: • Surface infiltration should be monitored
least twice a year to keep the biological action in the sub- • Removal of permeable blocks and following heavy rain for ponding. Where
voids clear, using regular base. Manual control or non- cleaning. areas of the pavement show decreased
brush and vacuum suction toxic and biodegradable weed • Removal of bedding grit and geotextile infiltration (even after surface cleaning),
cleaning. This should be killers should be used. and safe disposal. they may require remedial maintenance.
undertaken at the start of • Replacement of geotextile and grit
spring, when general bedding layer, and replacement with
landscape tidying of winter clean permeable blocks.
damage is carried out, and in • Removal of accumulated silt from site
the autumn after leaf fall. (subject to toxicity test) and safe

SR 626 04/03/04
4.3 Infiltration Devices
Table 7 Maintenance requirements of infiltration devices

Component Regular Maintenance (Infrequent) Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
Infiltration • Regular grass cutting. • Clearance of leaves, silt The two main problems to avoid are compaction, and Regular inspections should be undertaken,
Basins • Litter removal. and other debris from silt accumulation on the infiltration surface. Such particularly during the vegetation
grassed surface. processes can often be managed out through good establishment period and after significant
design. Where they are found to cause problems, this is storm events, to:
likely to be due to site-specific characteristics, and as • Identify areas of erosion, scour or
such the frequency of remedial maintenance is difficult gullies;
to predict. Areas draining to infiltration basins should • Identify locations of silt deposits;
always be kept clear of silt as it may get washed into • Determine the health of the vegetation
the device, reducing the permeability of the surface. and the soil condition;
In the event of reduced permeability, there are a • Identify areas of excessive waterlogging
number of landscape techniques, which can be used to or other damage.

open the surface to encourage infiltration:
• Scarifying to remove ‘thatch’
• Aerating equipment to encourage water percolation
• Chisel or slitting tines
• Solid tines (spikes)
• Hollow tines
• Vibratory tines.
As a last resort, it may be necessary to remove and
replace the grass and topsoil (see Filter Strips &
Infiltration • Litter removal • Weed control (if required). Good design practice should ensure that silt loads are Regular inspections should be undertaken,
Trenches The control of weeds will intercepted upstream of these components. However, if particularly after significant storm events,
have to be managed the permeability of the system does appear to be to:
carefully as weed killers reducing with time due to silt accumulation, then • Identify areas of erosion, scour or gullies
may disrupt the biological consideration should be given to system rehabilitation, around the outfall infrastructure.
action in the sub-base. including: • Identify locations of silt/vegetation
Manual control or non- • Removal of stone above geotextile (if present). accumulation on the surface of the
toxic and biodegradable • Clean stone. infiltration trench.
weed killers should be • Removal of geotextile and safe disposal. • Identify any areas where damage (either
used. • Replacement of geotextile. vehicular or from vegetation growth) is
• Surface silt removal (due • Replacement of clean stone top layer. evident.
to slow accumulation).

SR 626 04/03/04
4.4 Basins, Ponds and Wetlands
Table 8 Maintenance requirements of basins, ponds and wetlands


Component Occasional (Infrequent) Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
Detention • Regular grass cutting. The following items can often be • Inlet and outlet structures should be
basins • Litter removal. managed out through good design. inspected monthly and after large
• Inlet and outlet Where they are found to be storms, for debris and erosion.
cleaning. necessary, this is likely to be due to • The basin surface should be
site-specific characteristics or inspected for areas of damage or
unforeseen events, and as such their erosion.
frequency is difficult to predict: • Silt accumulation should be
• Removal of silt accumulations monitored.
when necessary, taking all the
necessary measures to ensure the
extracted material is disposed of
properly and safely.
• Repair of erosion or other

• Realignment of rip-rap or other
erosion controls.
• Repair/rehabilitation of inlets,
outlets and overflows.
Ponds and • Regular grass cutting. • Clearance of bankside vegetation. The following items can often be • Inlet and outlet structures should be
Wetlands • Litter removal. • Control and removal of aquatic plants (quarterly in the managed out through good design. inspected monthly and after large
• Inlet and outlet first two years to control nuisance plants) Where they are found to be storms, for debris and erosion.
cleaning. necessary, this is likely to be due to • Silt accumulation should be
Maintenance depends on the type of wetland effect site-specific characteristics or monitored to establish appropriate
desired. Different effects may include open ponds with unforeseen events, and as such their removal frequencies.
wetland fringes, closed wetlands with a 75% - 100% cover, frequency is difficult to predict:
a wetland habitat mosaic or a dynamic wetland community • Repair of erosion or other
subject to constant change. damage.
• Realignment of rip-rap or other
Basins, ponds and wetlands accumulate organic and erosion controls.
inorganic silts depending on the type of design. The • Repair/rehabilitation of inlets,
management of wetland silts depends primarily on the outlets and overflows.
control of inorganic silt ‘at source’ and regular
management of organic silt accumulation together with
vegetation maintenance.

Excavation of silt allows the wetland to function effectively

by retaining runoff storage and treatment volumes.

SR 626 04/03/04
• Clearance of vegetation reduces the build up of organic
Component Occasional (Infrequent) Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
• Regular partial silt removal reduces the impact of
maintenance on wildlife and ensures continuing filtering

and bio-remediation of pollutants
• Establish how the structure is lined and avoid damage to
clay puddle layers or waterproof membranes.

The frequency of need for these activities is difficult to

predict. It is more practical to view this operation as a
regular activity annually or at least once in any
maintenance cycle e.g. every 3 years.

Note: Further information on the maintenance of wetlands and ponds are included in Appendix D.

4.5 SUDS Support (Ancillary) Structures

Table 9 Maintenance requirements of SUDS support (ancillary) structures

Component Regular Maintenance Occasional (Infrequent) Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Monitoring
• Inlets • Litter removal. Erosion / damage repair to structure Monthly inspection for evidence of
• Outlets • Regular (monthly) or surrounding bank-works. erosion, damage, or potential blockage
• Storage structures strimming of grass risks.
• Silt traps adjacent to the structure.
• Flow control • Monthly cleaning of
devices infrastructure, removal of
• Headwalls impeding debris / silts etc.
• Low flow channels • SUDS should not ideally
• Overland flood include working parts.
routes However, where these are
present, their free
movement should be
confirmed bi-annually,
and greasing undertaken
if necessary.

SR 626 04/03/04

5.1 Introduction
Maintenance is an inevitable requirement of all drainage elements, and is vital to ensure long term
performance. It is therefore essential that the cost of implementing long-term management agreements is
accounted for during the planning stages. As SUDS techniques are new for most contractors, it will take
time before the landscape management of SUDS is commonplace, and costs can be predicted with

However, in order to give an idea of the likely costs of maintenance of SUDS components, case studies are
presented containing cost reviews of SUDS maintenance activities at two motorway service areas (MSAs).
These contain a range of SUDS for surface drainage. Further information received from tenders for
ongoing maintenance activities at the sites is presented and supplemented with additional information in
Appendix E.

5.2 Cost Review of Recent SUDS Maintenance at Oxford Motorway Service Area
5.2.1 Oxford Motorway Service Area (MSA) M40 - Site Description
The site is a Motorway Service Area and comprises an Amenity Building, a Lodge and Fuel Filling Area
with associated circulation routes, car parking and HGV lorry park. The site area is 10 hectares of which
6.5 hectares is developed as MSA with 4.5 hectares of impermeable surfaces. The development is
enclosed by planted mounds with easement for a gas pipeline which crosses the north western boundary.
A ditch flows along the western boundary and eventually into the River Thame.

5.2.2 SUDS Design at Oxford MSA, M40

The design approach taken for the site was ‘to maintain the natural drainage pattern’ with a boundary ditch
being the principal route for discharge of rainfall runoff.

• Mean annual flood runoff was estimated at 19.21 L/sec from the 6.5 hectare undeveloped site;
• Using the ‘natural’ runoff requirement as the design norm for the site the requirement for a 50 L/sec
requisitioned storm sewer, discharging directly to the River Thame with an estimated cost of £100,000,
became redundant;
• Attenuation measures throughout the site limit flows entering the watercourse with a controlled outlet
from the Balancing Pond;
• The first 10mm of runoff from impermeable surfaces is collected in an Interceptor Pond to prevent
rapid runoff and reduce pollution after small rainfall events.

The ‘key elements’ of the drainage design approach agreed with the Environment Agency were:

• Amenity Building and Lodge roofwater drains to water features around the buildings;
• Porous paving system in the car park, stores and cleans runoff before discharging to wetland areas
lower down the site;
• Impervious blacktop for the HGV parking area drains through lined ‘french drains’ to the wetland
• A ‘first flush’ storage volume is controlled by an interceptor pond with shut-off facility to contain
• A sub-surface wetland provides further treatment for pollutants and delivers cleaned runoff to the
balancing pond;
• The balancing pond accommodates shortfall attenuation storage and acts as an emergency
environmental ‘buffer’;
• A floodway swale conveys clean storm runoff round the western boundary to the balancing pond;

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• The wastewater treatment system is independent of the surface drainage but flows into the balancing
pond and the outfall.

A plan of the development is shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1 Plan of Oxford Motorway Service Area M40

ABCD 20 SR 626 04/03/04

5.2.3 Oxford MSA Maintenance Schedule of Work Summary
Maintenance Period: 1st October 2000 - 30th September 2001.
All maintenance items to be priced.
All Works to Specification.

Maintenance will be for 3 years (36 months) initially, to be reviewed at each 12 months. Defects liability
will apply for 3 years to all plants which die through natural causes (i.e. not through malicious damage)
and all such plants will be replaced by the contractor and at the contractors expense at the end of each 12

All prices below for 12 months period.

Annual Unit Rate Total Cost

frequency (£)
All grass verges 1.2 - 3M wide or as drawings. 15 cuts 200.00 3,000.00
All grass around source control areas. 15 cuts 85.00 1,275.00
All cuttings collected and removed from site, at first and
last cut annually.
Cuts at 35-50mm with 75mm max.

All swale source control areas. 3 cuts 85.00 255.00

Cuts at 100mm with 150mm max (in response to the
development of wetland vegetation).

All edges trimmed (as Specification) 12 visits 75.00 900.00

Allow 2 cuts to meadow grass to all mounds & native 2 cuts 1800.00 3,600.00
planting areas at 50mm, all arisings to be raked off &
stacked in piles on site, to form a wildlife resource, as
instructed by the landscape architect & as this schedule &
All native planting to be checked at grass maintenance
visits & stakes and guards kept in good order at all times.
All losses will be made good Oct-Dec each year

Allowance to pick up all litter lodged in planting at 12 visits 120.00 1,440.00

monthly site visits.
SUB TOTAL 10,470.00
All grass verges and grass areas as drawings. 15 cuts 200.00 3,000.00
All cuttings collected and removed from site.
Cuts at 35-50mm. 75mm max.

All edges trimmed as Specification 12 Visits 60.00 720.00

Shrub beds as Specification and to include extra visits as 16 visits 250.00 4,000.00
required particularly during April, May, June and July.
Allow a minimum of –
Allowance to pick up all litter lodged in planting at 12 visits 120.00 1,440.00
monthly site visits.

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Sweeping hard paved areas (excluding roadways) 12 visits 150.00 1,800.00

Sweeping porous paving areas 2 visits 350.00 700.00

Herbicide to hard areas 4 Visits 200.00 800.00

Annual plant clear 1 Visit 480.00 480.00

Annual pump and electric check 1 Visit 250.00 250.00


Pond maintenance 4 Visits 240.00 960.00

Pond pumps, lights and associated fittings 12 Visits 150.00 1,800.00


Pond and wetland maintenance 2 Visits 350.00 700.00

Check pipe inlet and outlet to and from horizontal reed-bed 12 Visits 30.00 360.00

Check catchpit chambers, swales and 12 Visits 75.00 900.00

rip-rap flow control areas
SUB TOTAL 17,180.00

TOTAL 27,650.00

5.3 Cost Review of Recent SUDS Maintenance at Hopwood Motorway Service

5.3.1 Hopwood Park MSA M42 - Site Description
The Hopwood Park Motorway Service Area MSA, Junction 2, near Bromsgrove in Worcestershire is
situated on a north facing slope between the A441, the M42 and a new wildlife Reserve implemented as a
planning requirement for the development. The site comprises 34 hectares, of which 9 hectares is
developed as Motorway Service Area and 25 hectares as Wildlife Reserve. The site slopes down to
Hopwood Stream which is a tributary of the River Arrow.

5.3.2 SUDS Design at Hopwood Park MSA M42

The drainage design approach at Hopwood included the following considerations:

The ‘greenfield runoff rate’ for the site was set at a maximum of 5 L/sec/ha up to a 1 in 25 year return
(36mm of rain in 2 hours) and a maximum discharge for the whole site of 48.3 L/sec.

Runoff from the HGV area (1.72ha) was required to discharge into a tributary brook which joins Hopwood
Stream, and thereby enhances base flows in the stream, which are particularly important when
watercourses are vulnerable to damage in summer.

The 10mm ‘first flush’ volume, which contains most of the pollutants on hard surfaces is treated by stone
trench filtering or wetland treatment and discharged to the Wildlife Reserve Wetland or Hopwood Stream
over a minimum 48 hour period.

ABCD 22 SR 626 04/03/04

Storm events in excess of the 10mm ‘first flush’ can by-pass ‘primary treatment’ but must pass through a
balancing pond which is designed to have a wetland treatment zone to ‘polish’ water passing through the

Separate spillage containment is provided to areas at risk from severe pollution and includes the HGV Area
with 36m3 containment, the main access road, Fuel Filling Area and Coach Park with 36m3 and the
Amenity Building Service Yard with 5m3. The design figure of 36m3 allows for a standard tanker spillage.

The site is divided by a stormwater ditch draining the adjacent A441. Although the ditch was considered
independent of the SUDS proposals for the Hopwood Park site it divided the catchment into 2 parts and the
site is therefore considered as 2 sub-catchments, the HGV Park and the remainder of the MSA, both
eventually draining to Hopwood Stream.

The HGV Lorry Park

• Water is collected across a grass filter strip to trap silt;
• 10mm ‘first flush’ runoff enters a stone collector trench which treats oils and other pollutants naturally;
• A spillage basin with wetland ‘treatment zone’ and outlet valve to isolate any spillage event;
• Heavy rain passes across the trench into a grass swale;
• Balancing pond 1 with marginal wetland ‘treatment zone’ receives all water before release to the
wildlife reserve wetland.

Main Access Road, Fuel Filling Area and Coach Park

• A proprietary silt and oil interceptor begins treatment to runoff which has been collected by
conventional gully and pipe drainage;
• 2 spillage basins with wetland ‘treatment zones’ and outlet valves isolate any spillage event;
• A ‘constructed wetland’ cleans 10mm ‘first flush’ runoff with an additional outlet valve to isolate any
spillage event;
• A wetland ditch, receiving water at a controlled rate to prevent erosion, conveys treated ‘first flush’
runoff to the balancing pond with marginal wetland ‘treatment zone’;
• A bypass swale collects storm overflow and conveys it parallel to the ditch over the riprap cascade into
the pond;
• Balancing pond 2 and treatment wetland receive all water as the last link in the ‘management train’
before release to the ‘stilling area’ and Hopwood Stream.

Car Park
• A sub-surface collector trench treats 10mm ‘first flush’ runoff;
• A bypass channel conveys stormwater directly to the pond;
• A pipe outlet delivers all runoff to balancing pond 3 and marginal wetland ‘treatment zone’ before
release to the ‘stilling area’ and Hopwood Stream.

Amenity Building
• Clean water is piped directly from the roof to a ‘feature’ balancing pond with marginal wetland
• A cascade, controlled by a slot weir, falls to the ‘stilling area’ before it flows to Hopwood Stream.

A plan of the development is shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 Plan of Hopwood Park Motorway Service Area M42

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5.3.3 Hopwood MSA Maintenance Schedule of Work Summary
Maintenance Period: 1st October 2000 - 30th September 2001.
All maintenance items to be priced.
All Works to Specification.

Maintenance will be for 3 years (36 months) initially, to be reviewed at each 12 months.

Defects liability will apply for 3 years to all plants which die through natural causes (i.e. not through
malicious damage) and all such plants will be replaced by the contractor and at the contractors expense at
the end of each 12 months.

All prices below for 12 months period.

PERIPHERAL PLANTING Annual Unit Rate Total Cost

frequency (£)
All grass verges 1.2 - 3M wide or as drawings. 12 cuts 150.00 1800.00
All grass around source control areas.
All cuttings collected and removed from site, at first and last
cut annually.
Cuts at 35-50mm with 75mm max.
Meadow grass to all mounds and native planting areas will 2 cuts 400.00 800.00
require 2 no cuts at 75mm at an agreed frequency, probably
July and October. All raisings to be raked off and stacked in
wildlife piles on site
Woodland grass to woodland edge and along the stream 1 cut 250.00 250.00
corridor on the MSA side of the Hopwood Stream 1 cut at
75mm, all arisings to be raked off and stacked in wildlife
piles on site
All native planting pits will receive Roundup weed treatment 3 visits 200.00 600.00
to keep a 1M weed free circle round plants at all times.
Using a 1M diameter template as agreed through 2001 and
All native planting to be checked at grass maintenance visits 3 visits 60.00 180.00
and stakes and guards kept in good order at all times.
All losses to be made good Oct-Dec each year.
Allowance to pick up all litter in planting at monthly site 10 visits 30.00 300.00


Shrub beds to be maintained weedfree as Specification 12 visits 200.00 2400.00
Visits to be notified and to include extra visits as required
particularly during April, May, June & July.
Litter: pick up all litter in planting at monthly site visits. 12 visits 20.00 240.00

Herbicide to Hard Areas as required. 12 visits 10.00 120.00

Weed treat gravel areas round buildings as required and 12 visits 25.00 300.00
raked monthly

ABCD 25 SR 626 04/03/04

End of season tidy of all dead growth 1 visit 60.00 60.00
All arisings removed to wildlife piles on site.

Spring tidy of all dead growth surviving the winter 1 visit 60.00 60.00
All arisings removed to wildlife piles on site.

2 summer clearances of up to 25% of all pond growth 2 visits 80.00 160.00

All arisings removed to wildlife piles on site.

Allow to maintain Aerator Fountain as directed by the 2 visits 40.00 80.00



Litter: pick up all litter in planting at monthly site visits 12 Visits 20.00 240.00

Grass generally as required 16 visits 25.00 400.00

35 - 50mm not to exceed 75mm
Fortnightly or as required April 1 to Oct 30
plus 2 additional visits Nov and March as specification

Swale grass as required 8 visits 25.00 200.00

100mm minimum - 150mm maximum as required

Wetland and ditch. 2 Visits 40.00 80.00

Autumn and spring if necessary

Inlets and Outlets

1. Inlets and Outlets 22 no. 12 Visits 50.00 600.00

2. Valves 2 Visits 10.00 20.00

Weed treatment to hard surfaces as necessary 4 Visits 40.00 160.00

Rip-rap inspection 12 Visits 10.00 120.00
Grass weir inspection 12 Visits 10.00 120.00
Pontoon inspection 12 Visits 10.00 120.00
Drop manhole inspection 12 Visits 10.00 120.00
Stilling area inspection 12 Visits 10.00 120.00

Undertake monthly visual monitoring of the site

TOTAL £9,650.00

ABCD 26 SR 626 04/03/04

5.4 Competitive Tender Rates for Oxford and Hopwood Service Station Sites
The information gained from the case studies at Oxford and Hopwood MSA has been supplemented with
additional competitive tenders gained at the two sites for ongoing maintainence of the landscape including
SUDS features.

A number of contractors were approached to provide a rigorous accreditation of the likely costs associated
with operation and maintenance activities. However, the selection of contractors familiar with the
management of Sustainable Drainage proved difficult, as few landscape contractors have undertaken long
term maintenance of developments with a complete suite of SUDS techniques.

The following tables show the prices that were received.

Table 10 Oxford MSA, M40 (2002 - 2003) Tender Costs

Total Natural Litter in Ornamental Natural Inlet / Catchpits

Contract Areas native pond ponds Outlet and
Sum Grass & Swale planting Controls
(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)
Contractor 1 39124 5693 2080 360 1248 1248 2496 2496
Contractor 2 24699 4650 960 1280 1920 480 720
Contractor 3 20648 5748 2135 240 240 675 120 364

Table 11 Hopwood MSA, M40 (2001 – 2002) Tender Costs

Total Natural Swale Litter in Litter in Feature Wetland Inlet /

Contract Areas native Swale Pond & Ditch Outlet
Sum & Swale planting
(£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£)
Contractor 1 37320 15760 960 1200 1200 1100 480 3500
Contractor 2 28286 11421 - 425 240 1400 750 1700
Contractor 3 9650 3630 200 300 240 280 80 1380

The range of quotations given was considerable. For maintenance of Oxford MSA the quotations ranged
from £20k to nearly £40k, and for Hopwood MSA from under £10k to £37k. This indicates the enormous
range of costs that might currently be expected for landscape maintenance including SUDS components,
even when a clear specification and schedule is provided for pricing purposes.

5.5 Further Cost Information

Further details of these quotations and additional notes on maintenance activities and costs are given in
Appendix E, with example maintenance notes included in Appendix F.

ABCD 27 SR 626 04/03/04


The effective management of SUDS requires a change in the way maintenance of drainage components is
undertaken. Instead of being considered as conventional drainage infrastructure, they should be viewed as
landscape features to be managed using established landscape management techniques which are
commonly used and well understood in the care of development sites.

Recent experience at Hopwood Park MSA, M42 and other SUDS sites in England, together with
discussions regarding the management of SUDS in Scotland, indicates that early recommendations for
maintenance may have been too intensive and prescriptive.

Swales, ponds, wetlands and surrounding areas can be encouraged to develop more natural vegetation with
less intensive maintenance and therefore reduced costs. Filter drains and treatment trenches, particularly
where protected from siltation, can require minimal attention. A more relaxed approach to the intensity of
site care should not, however, compromise the frequency of site attendance and the inspection and
maintenance of inlets, outlets and control structures.

The benefits of less intensive maintenance can be summarised as follows:

• Reduced cost;
• Reduced green waste;
• More resilient vegetation;
• More effective filtering and treatment;
• Wildlife enhancement;
• An attractive, natural appearance;
• Greater institutional acceptance of SUDS.

A recent silt evaluation and management project at Hopwood Park MSA, M42 has demonstrated that
where inorganic silt is intercepted ‘at source’, before entering a wetland component of the management
train, then the volume of organic silt is small. Where on-site disposal of silt can be undertaken then this
process is simple, quick and cost-effective. In the case of the 7 wetland / pond features de-silted at
Hopwood Park, the total cost of silt management for a 5 year period has proved to be less than £500.

Knowledge and experience of SUDS management is being refined constantly, and as existing SUDS
schemes are re-evaluated, a more realistic view of maintenance will emerge. In the meantime, the
guidance in this report will provide a baseline from which to develop a robust SUDS maintenance strategy.

ABCD 28 SR 626 04/03/04


Appendix A Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Specifications..........A26

Appendix B Suds Regular Maintenance Documentation ....................A26

Appendix C Clauses to support landscape maintenance specification

and schedule of works .....................................................A26

Appendix D Example Schedule of Work.............................................A26

Appendix E Notes on Managing SUDS ponds and Wetlands.............A26

Appendix F Additional Information on Maintenance Activities and

Associated Costs .............................................................A26

Appendix G Greenbelt Company – Landscape Specification Notes ...A26

ABCD SR 626 04/03/04

ABCD SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix A
Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Specifications

ABCD A1 SR 626 04/03/04

ABCD A2 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix A Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Specifications

Filter Strips and Swales

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Maintain height of grass between 100mm and 150mm. As required

Cut when necessary and remove arisings to wildlife piles if grass exceeds

Generally to surroundings and banks of swale, keep grass at 35mm-50mm

minimum and 75mm maximum.

Grass in the base of the channels should be longer to trap debris and oils.
Keep between 100mm -150mm

First and last cut in season, or if grass longer than 150mm, disposal of
arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as required by
Schedule of Works

Where marsh or wetland develops due to wet conditions, review frequency

with Client representative

Scarifying and Removal of ‘Thatch’

Scarify with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of 50mm As required

to relieve thatch conditions and remove dead grass and other organic following
matter. inspection

As required
Spike with tractor-drawn or self-propelled spiker to aerate the soil to a following
depth of 100mm, at 100mm centres. inspection

Hollow Tining
As required
Hollow tine with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of following
100mm, at 100mm centres, removing the cores from the surface. inspection

ABCD A3 SR 626 04/03/04

Filter Strips and Swales (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

Monitoring As required,
monthly and
Inspect infiltration areas following heavy rain and record areas that are in response
‘ponding’ and where water is lying for more than 48 hours. Report to to advice
Client. from site
Remedial Work to Grass Areas Subject to Silt Accumulation

Remove damaged or silt-covered turf to a depth 50mm below original As required

design level and cultivate to a fine tilth. in response
to advice
Either: from site
Re-turf using turf of a quality and appearance to match existing using personnel or
additional fine sieved topsoil to BS3882 to achieve final design levels; landscape
Reseed to BS7370: Part 3, Clause 12.6 using seed to match existing turf in
appearance and quality. Supply and fix fully biodegradable coir blanket as
suppliers instructions to protect seeded soil. Top-dress with fine sieved
topsoil to BS3882 to achieve final design levels.

Provide protection and watering to promote successful germination and/or


When there is a build up of silt in the channel bottom, i.e. 50mm above the
general area, then this should be removed in autumn or early spring when
the ground is damp, and grass turves transplanted to original levels.

Lift turf for no more than 20% of length or area of base to ensure filter
function continues, and remove depth of accumulated sediment. Replace or
renew turves.

Spread excavated material on site or to make up levels where required

(providing the silt is not considered contaminated. This should be checked
with Environment Agency).

ABCD A4 SR 626 04/03/04

Filter Drains / Infiltration Trenches

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Generally, to surroundings of filter drain, keep grass at 35mm-50mm As required

minimum and 75mm maximum. Ensure that grass cuttings are collected
and disposed off well away from the system, to ensure they do not
contribute to future surface clogging.

Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as

required by Schedule of Works

Weed control

Hand pull or spot treat weed growth in filter drains / infiltration trenches As required
using an approved herbicide.


Monitor accumulation of silt at inlet / outlet infrastructure. Advise Client if Monthly

silt build-up is significant and take action to prevent blocking of drain.

Monitor effectiveness of filter drain / infiltration trench surface, and when

water does not infiltrate immediately, advise Client of possible need to
rehabilitate surface layers.

Rehabilitation Works

Remove 150 – 300 mm of the 20mm – 40mm single size clean round stone As required
and set aside on a clean, hard surface or polythene sheet. Jet wash to
remove any silt for reuse.

Fold in vertical geotextile sides and roll up horizontal geotextile including

accumulated silt, taking care not to contaminate clean stone layer beneath.

Remove silted geotextile and dispose of safely to tip.

Supply and install replacement geotextile to match previous installation,

fixing to edge boards as detail.

Replace clean 20mm – 40mm round stone making up volume with stone to
match to surrounding ground level.

ABCD A5 SR 626 04/03/04

Permeable Pavement

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Generally, to surroundings of permeable pavement, keep grass at 35mm- As required

50mm minimum and 75mm maximum. Ensure that grass cuttings are
collected and disposed off well away from the system, to ensure they do not
contribute to future surface clogging.

Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as

required by Schedule of Works

Weed Control

Hand pull or spot treat weed growth in permeable pavement surface using As required
an approved herbicide.

Cleaning of Permeable Pavement

Light brushing and removal of sweepings general site
care and as

Special brush and suction clean Twice a year,

firstly in
Spring and
secondly in
Autumn after
leaf fall.


Monitor accumulation of silt, and advise Client if additional action is Monthly

required to prevent pavement surface clogging

Monitor effectiveness of pavement and when water does not infiltrate, Monthly
advise Client of possible need for rehabilitation of surface layers

ABCD A6 SR 626 04/03/04

Permeable Pavement (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

Rehabilitation Works

Lift, jet wash and stack slotted blocks for re-use. As required

Fold in vertical geotextile sides and roll up horizontal geotextile including

accumulated silt taking care not to contaminate clean stone layer beneath.

Remove silted 5mm grit and geotextile and dispose of safely to tip.

Ensure existing sub-base is protected and free of contamination.

Supply and install replacement geotextile to match previous installation

fixing to edge. Restraint as necessary.

Supply, lay and loose screed to level approximately 50mm depth of 5mm
SS crushed stone to BS882 on geotextile as Spec block manufacturer’s

Relay cleaned blocks ensuring tight butt joints and as manufacturer’s

specification. Vibrate with a vibrating plate Type DVP75/22’’ or similar
and finish as manufacturer’s specification.

ABCD A7 SR 626 04/03/04

Infiltration Basins

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Generally keep grass at 35mm-50mm minimum and 75mm maximum As required

although some infiltration basins may be natural or semi- natural vegetation
and be maintained as landscape schedule.

Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as

required by Schedule of Works


Sweeping of areas draining to infiltration device and removal of sweepings Monthly

to minimise risk of clogging.

Scarifying and Removal of ‘Thatch’

Scarify with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of 50mm As required

to relieve thatch conditions and remove dead grass and other organic following
matter. inspection

As required
Spike with tractor-drawn or self-propelled spiker to aerate the soil to a following
depth of 100mm, at 100mm centres. inspection

Hollow Tining
As required
Hollow tine with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of following
100mm, at 100mm centres, removing the cores from the surface. inspection


Monitor accumulation of silt and advise Client if action is required to

prevent fine silt affecting infiltration basin

Monitor accumulation of silt at inlet / outlet infrastructure. Advise Client if

silt build-up is significant and take action to prevent blockages.

Monitor effectiveness of infiltration basin surface, and when water does not
infiltrate 48 hours after heavy rain, advise Client of possible need to
rehabilitate surface layers.

ABCD A8 SR 626 04/03/04

Infiltration Basins (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

Remedial Work to Grass Areas Subject to Silt Accumulation

Remove damaged or silt-covered turf to a depth 50mm below original As required

design level and cultivate to a fine tilth. in response
to advice
Either: from site
Re-turf using turf of a quality and appearance to match existing using personnel or
additional fine sieved topsoil to BS3882 to achieve final design levels; landscape
Reseed to BS7370: Part 3, Clause 12.6 using seed to match existing turf in
appearance and quality. Supply and fix fully biodegradable coir blanket as
suppliers instructions to protect seeded soil. Top-dress with fine sieved
topsoil to BS3882 to achieve final design levels.

Provide protection and watering to promote successful germination and/or


When there is a build up of silt in the basin bottom, i.e. 50mm above the
general area, then this should be removed in autumn or early spring when
the ground is damp, and grass turves transplanted to original levels.

Lift turf for no more than 20% of area of base to ensure filter function
continues, and remove depth of accumulated sediment. Replace or renew

Spread excavated material on site or to make up levels where required

(providing the silt is not considered contaminated. This should be checked
with Environment Agency).

ABCD A9 SR 626 04/03/04

Detention Basins

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Maintain height of grass between 100mm and 150mm. As required

Cut when necessary and remove arisings if grass exceeds 150mm

Generally to surroundings to allow access keep grass at 35mm-50mm

minimum and 75mm maximum.

Meadow Management

Areas not required for access may be managed for wildlife interest only. 1 or 2 cuts
Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as
required by Schedule of Works


Monitor build up of silt and growth of vegetation likely to cause a reduction Monthly
in the storage volume of the basin and advise Client or Supervising Agent.

Inspect inlet and outlet infrastructure to ensure all are unobstructed and
show no signs of physical damage.

Inlets and Outlet Infrastructure Maintenance

Remove all litter and debris from inlet and outlet structure surroundings. Monthly

Strim 1m radius to all inlets and outlets, collecting all arisings and remove
to wildlife piles, compost facility or dispose from site.

Remove all accumulated silt from inlet and outlet aprons and use to make
up design levels or top enclosing banks or berms on site, or dispose of to an
approved tip.

Ensure free movement of any moving parts, and grease if required.

ABCD A10 SR 626 04/03/04

Detention Basins (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

Silt Accumulation Management

Remove up to 25% of accumulated inorganic and organic silt using suitable Three yearly,
tracked machinery and buckets without teeth (to prevent damage to liners), or as
to the following guidelines: required

• Operate at a minimum distance of 1m from the bank

• Undertake work between September and November inclusive to protect
breeding or hibernating wildlife
• Stack silt within 1m of bank edge for 48 hours to drain
• Spread silt maximum 300mm deep as directed on site and outside line
of drainage to de-water and oxidise (subject to consultation and
agreement from Environment Agency)
• Relocate after 1 month to make up design levels or top enclosing banks
and berms or dispose of safely to authorised tip
• Remove vegetation to wildlife piles, compost, or dispose off site after
48 hours


In the event of a serious spillage close / block off inlet and or outlet If required
infrastructure and contact the Environment Agency immediately.

Overflow Weirs

Check for erosion of grass surface and make good as necessary. Monthly
Replacement turves will require pegging using wood or mild steel pegs,
and monitoring monthly

Rip-Rap / Stone
Check that stone remains in position and that erosion does not occur.
Replace stones if required to ensure integrity of overflow surface.

ABCD A11 SR 626 04/03/04

Ponds and Wetlands

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)


Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the Monthly
contract work and detrimental to the appearance of the site, including
paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Grass Mowing

Generally, to surroundings of ponds / wetlands, keep grass at 35mm-50mm As required

minimum and 75mm maximum for access. Ensure that grass cuttings are
collected and disposed off well away from the system, to ensure they do not
contribute to pond quality deterioration and/or inlet / outlet infrastructure

Meadow Management

Areas not required for access may be managed for wildlife interest only. 1 or 2 cuts
Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as
required by Schedule of Works

Manage Aquatic Planting

Inspect vegetation to pond edge and remove nuisance plants during first Monthly
one to three years. initially, and
then as
Hand cut submerged and emergent aquatic plants a minimum of 100mm
above wetland base, to include no more than 25% of pond / wetland Monitor
surface. (Machine cutting to be a method approved by the Client or monthly and
Supervising Agent). manage
annually or
every 3 years
Determine whether a pond liner has been used to waterproof the
pond/wetland and protect accordingly. Damage to any pond liner will be Between
made good at the Contractors expense. September
Remove all arisings including floating weed and spread on bank to de- inclusive.
water for 48 hours.

Undertake an end of season clearance of up to 25% of all pond and wetland

growth during September, minimising damage to wildlife and on Annually
instruction from the Client Representative/LA.

Retain seed heads which contribute to winter appearance, keeping the

maximum diversity of existing plants.

ABCD A12 SR 626 04/03/04

Ponds and Wetlands (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

Undertake a spring tidy of all dead growth surviving the winter in February
or March using shears and not a strimmer, ensuring that all new growth is

Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as

required by Schedule of Works

Bank Clearance .

Remove bank vegetation by cutting to ground level, using an approved Annually, if

technique and as directed on site, up to 25% of all vegetation from waters required, or
edge to a minimum of 1m above water level taking care not to damage every 3 years
banks and potential water vole habitat. The work to be undertaken between between
September and November inclusive in any one year. September
Disposal of arisings on wildlife piles, composting areas, or off-site as November
required by Schedule of Works


When silt accumulates to within 150mm of inlet or outlet inform and Monthly
recommend remedial work to Client.

Management of Silt Accumulation

Following a site inspection by Client Representative/LA programme a Annually if

phased removal of silt should be agreed, depending on the rate of build up required, or
and risk assessment. every 3
Confirm that silt is not considered toxic by the Environment Agency Undertake
during mid-
Remove silt as instructed - not more than 300mm depth and not more than summer.
25% of pond or wetland area at any one time.

Spread excavated material adjacent to wetland to allow de-watering of silt

and then on site to make up levels or off site if the silt is considered special

Retain as much of existing vegetation as possible to ensure rapid re-

colonisation of open areas.

Remove up to 25% of accumulated inorganic and organic silt using suitable

tracked machinery and buckets without teeth (to prevent damage to liners),
to the following guidelines:

• Operate at a minimum distance of 1m from the bank

• Undertake work between September and November inclusive to protect
breeding or hibernating wildlife

ABCD A13 SR 626 04/03/04

Ponds and Wetlands (cont.)

Frequency Quantity
Activity (per annum)

• Stack silt within 1m of bank edge for 48 hours to drain

• Spread silt maximum 300mm deep as directed on site and outside line
of drainage to de-water and oxidise (subject to consultation and
agreement from Environment Agency)
• Relocate after 1 month to make up design levels or top enclosing banks
and berms or dispose of safely to authorised tip
• Remove vegetation to wildlife piles, compost, or dispose off site after
48 hours

Inlets and Outlet Infrastructure Maintenance

Remove all litter and debris from inlet and outlet structure surroundings. Monthly

Strim 1m radius to all inlets and outlets, collecting all arisings and remove
to wildlife piles, compost facility or dispose from site.

Remove all accumulated silt from inlet and outlet aprons and use to make
up design levels or top enclosing banks or berms on site, or dispose of to an
approved tip.

Ensure free movement of any moving parts, and grease if required.


In the event of a serious spillage close / block off inlet and or outlet If required
infrastructure and contact the Environment Agency immediately.

Overflow Weirs

Check for erosion of grass surface and make good as necessary. Monthly
Replacement turves will require pegging using wood or mild steel pegs,
and monitoring monthly

Rip-Rap / Stone
Check that stone remains in position and that erosion does not occur.
Replace stones if required to ensure integrity of overflow surface.

ABCD A14 SR 626 04/03/04

Appendix B

SUDS Regular Maintenance Documentation

Clauses to support landscape maintenance specification and schedule of works

ABCD A15 SR 626 04/03/04

ABCD A16 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix B Suds Regular Maintenance Documentation

Clauses to support landscape maintenance specification and schedule of works

Where appropriate, the specification clauses given in this section follow the style of the NBS Landscape
(National Building Specification) Q35 Landscape Maintenance section.

SUDS clauses should be considered with standard Landscape Maintenance Preliminaries, General
Conditions, Specification and Schedules of Work.

General SUDS Management Clauses

Provision of notice
The Contractor will provide 7 days notice of the following operations, to give the Supervising Agent the
opportunity of being present.

• Filter Strips and Swales: Removal of silt

• Filter Drains and Permeable Paving: Remedial work to infiltration surfaces or collector structures
• Infiltration Basin: Spiking, scarifying, removal of accumulated ‘thatch’ and silt
• Basins, Ponds and Wetlands: Removal of silt and /or vegetation
• All repair and reinstatement works generally
• All silt removal and disposal generally.

Litter collection
Purpose: to retain amenity benefit and to reduce risk of blockage of SUDS function and risk of failure.

• Collect and remove from site all extraneous rubbish not arising from the contract work and detrimental
to the appearance of the site, including paper, packaging materials, bottles, cans and similar debris.

Frequency: Monthly or as detailed in Schedule of Works

Purpose: Areas draining to an infiltration device should be kept clear of silt as it may get washed into the
device, reducing the permeability of the soil and filling up space that should be used for storage of runoff.

• Sweeping of areas draining to infiltration device and removal of sweepings to minimise risk of

Frequency: Monthly, or as detailed in Schedule of Works

Disposal of arisings
Purpose: To remove / dispose of material collated during operation and management tasks.

• Disposal of arisings from site should be undertaken as follows:

(1) All litter and extraneous rubbish to be removed from site.

(2) All topsoil to be stacked for reuse or spread as directed on site.
(3) All subsoil to be stacked for reuse or spread as directed on site.
(4) All other inorganic arisings to be removed from site.

ABCD A17 SR 626 04/03/04

(5) All organic arisings to include grass cuttings, prunings, aquatic plant dredgings, organic silt etc to be
disposed of
− to wildlife piles (if available); or
− to compost heap (if available); or
− removed from site to authorised tip.

(6) All organic silt to be disposed of to:

− to wildlife piles (if available); or
− to compost heap (if available); or
− removed from site to authorised tip.

(7) All inorganic silt from closed silt traps to authorised tip, classified as ‘special waste’

(8) All inorganic silt from open basins and wetlands should be:
− stacked, dewatered on site and spread on banks and berms to design levels (if possible); or
− disposed of to authorised tip, where classified as ‘special waste’.

Frequency: As required

Purpose: To retain the site in a clean, tidy state.

• Ensure that no silts etc are stored on hard or permeable surfaces. Soil and arisings should be removed
from hard surfaces. The Works should be left in a clean, tidy condition after maintenance operations.

Frequency: As required, and after all maintenance operations.

Protect Existing Grass

Purpose: To ensure that grassed areas are protected at all times.

• During maintenance operations, protect existing grass where necessary by laying boards or tarpaulins
during the work. Do not place excavated material directly on the grass. All grass surfaces damaged
during maintenance operations will be reinstated by turf to design levels at the contractor’s expense.

Frequency: As required, and during all maintenance operations.

ABCD A18 SR 626 04/03/04

Clauses for Grassed Areas

General clauses
Carry out operations as necessary in order to:

• Maintain grass height within the specified range

• Ensure that soil and grass does not become compacted
• Repair grassed areas damaged by trampling, abrasion or scalping during mowing
Maintain turf in a manner appropriate to the intended use.

Grass cutting
• Remove litter, rubbish and debris from grassed areas before mowing
• Cut to a near even finish, without rutting or compaction of the surface, especially when ground
conditions are soft
• Leave edges neat and well defined
• Neatly trim all grass edges round the base of lighting columns, manholes, and the like
Sweep adjoining hard areas clear of arisings and remove
• Do not cut during periods of drought or when ground conditions or grass are wet, without prior
agreement of Supervising Agent.

Trees in grass
• Do not allow mowing machinery closer than 100mm to any tree stem
• Avoid damage to tree stems by nylon filaments, rotary cutters, or other mechanical tools.

Grass cutting machines

• All grass cutting machines must be appropriate to the grass cutting operation required, taking due
regard to grass type, mowing specification, ground contour and condition. Machinery is to be well
maintained and correctly adjusted to give a clean even cut, without damaging the grass.

Mowing general areas

• Maintain height of grass between 35mm and 50mm removing first and last cut in season (or as
specified in Schedule of Works).

Mowing grass for pollution control

Purpose: To retain a grass sward that will trap sediments and pollution but resist collapse (lodging) of the
grass stems:

• Maintain grass between 100mm -150mm in length.

Frequency: As required.

Remedial Work to Grass Areas Subject to Silt Accumulation

Purpose: To reinstate design levels, restore or improve infiltration and remove silt.

• Remove existing or damaged turf, and reinstate grass surface to design levels.

Frequency: As required.

ABCD A19 SR 626 04/03/04

Clauses for Infiltration Surfaces

Scarifying and removal of ‘thatch’

Purpose - To improve infiltration performance, break up silt deposits and prevent compaction of the soil

• Scarify with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of 50mm to relieve thatch conditions
and remove dead grass and other organic matter.

Frequency: As required.

Purpose - To improve infiltration performance, break up silt deposits and prevent compaction of the soil

The perforation of the surface by spikes will penetrate panned layers and allow water to percolate to more
open soil below, particularly if the operation is followed by top dressing with a medium to fine sand.
Spiking is particularly effective when the soil is moist.

• Spike with tractor-drawn or self-propelled spiker to aerate the soil to a depth of 100mm, at 100mm
Frequency: As required.

Hollow tining
Purpose - To improve infiltration performance, break up silt deposits and prevent compaction of the soil

The perforation of turf and removal of cores with a hollow-tined implement to relieve compaction or to
reduce the amount of undesirable material, e.g.: heavy clay or thatch, and to allow the entry of air, water,
nutrients or top dressing materials.

• Hollow tine with tractor-drawn or self-propelled equipment to a depth of 100mm, at 100mm centres,
removing the cores from the surface.

Frequency: As required.

ABCD A20 SR 626 04/03/04

Clauses for Permeable Pavements

Cleaning of permeable pavement surfaces

Purpose – To remove silt that may accumulate and impair the function of the pavement and ensure a neat
• Regular manual brushing and removal of sweepings
• The block surface should be brushed a minimum of twice a year with a mechanical suction brush as
recommended by the manufacturer.

Frequency: As required, or as recommended by the manufacturer

ABCD A21 SR 626 04/03/04

Clauses for Water Bodies

Aquatic Vegetation Management

Purpose: Aquatic plant control is undertaken to:

a) Encourage the establishment of desirable plants

b) Maintain flood attenuation volumes
c) Optimise water quality treatment performance
d) Prevent organic silt accumulation
e) Maintain open water for conservation
f) Allow access for de-silting.

• Emergent vegetation (up to 25% of vegetation area) should be managed by cutting at 100 mm above
soil level using shearing action machinery and disposal of arisings. Ideally some emergent remains
should be left to provide cover and food for wildlife
• Up to 25 % of submerged vegetation should be cut and raked out at any one time, using approved
rakes, grabs or other techniques, depending on whether clay or waterproof membranes are present
• Mechanical cutting of aquatic vegetation from the bank must be undertaken using the principles
outlined under silt removal (dredging)
• Raking of non-rooted vegetation and dredging can also be used to control vegetation
• Aquatic vegetation, whether cut by hand or machine, must be removed from pond or wetland
• Arisings should be stacked close to the pond / wetland for 48 hours to de-water and allow wildlife to
return to the SUDS feature
• Aquatic plants can then be removed to wildlife piles, compost or for disposal from site after 48 hours
and before decomposition, rotting or damage to existing vegetation can occur.

To maximise wildlife potential, the following clauses should also be considered:

• All wetland edges should have an uncut fringe at the margin of the lower bank and the water during
normal maintenance
• Particular constraints for specific species are given below:

1. Birds
• Care must be used to avoid damage to nesting birds during the breeding season (mid March to mid
• Where unavoidable, work within the breeding season must be undertaken with hand-held tools to
minimise disturbance and prevent accidental damage.
• No work should be undertaken without first checking for the presence of nests which if found to be
occupied should not be disturbed and the Client informed.

2. Water voles
Legal protection makes it an offence to intentionally:
• Damage or destroy or obstruct access to any structure or place which water voles use for shelter or
• Disturb water voles while they are using such a place.

Detailed information on Management of this protected animal can be found in the ‘Water Vole
Conservation Handbook’ published by English Nature, the Environment Agency and the Wildlife
Conservation Research Unit 1998.

ABCD A22 SR 626 04/03/04

Maintenance work should be carried out at least 1m from wetland edges to protect banks and during
September to November to avoid sensitive times for the breeding animal.

(See Appendix abstract from Managing SUDS Ponds and Wetlands containing rare species by Matt

3. Great Crested Newt

Legal protection is also afforded to the Great Crested Newt under ‘The Wildlife and Countryside
Act 1981 (as amended).

Detailed information on Management of this protected animal can be found in the Great Crested Newt
Conservation Handbook published by Froglife, Mansion House, 27-28 Market Place, Halesworth, Suffolk,
IP19 8AY Tel 01986 873733

Newts visit ponds to breed in early spring and may remain through to July but young can be in the ponds
until September. Work to ponds should not be undertaken between February and August inclusive.
However the work required to keep SUDS ponds in optimum condition ie: occasional removal of limited
quantities of silt and aquatic vegetation with only moderate shading is completely compatible with Great
Crested Newt Conservation.

Maintenance of SUDS features should use appropriate methods at the least damaging time of the year.

Generally it will be practical to undertake maintenance work September – November for both protected
species and as ‘good practice’ for conservation purposes.

Frequency - Annually or as required but at least once during the maintenance contract (e.g.: 3 years).

Bank Clearance
Purpose - Woody and non-woody vegetation control around SUDS features is necessary for a number of
a) To allow access
b) To retain water storage
c) To stimulate vegetation growth at ground level to protect banks from erosion
d) To control succession of vegetation to scrub and trees
e) To provide cover for wildlife
f) To maintain amenity value.

• Bank clearance should include cutting of all vegetation around SUDS features down to normal water
level. Wherever possible only part of the banks to wetlands should be cut in any one year and some
vegetation should be retained around each wetland feature at any one maintenance visit.

• Bank clearance waste can damage ground flora, affect water quality and also amenity if left in situ.
Disposal options include:
− wildlife piles on site
− composting on site
− removal from site.

ABCD A23 SR 626 04/03/04

Clauses for General System Management

Purpose - To identify risks to the system performance, and ensure effective long-term operation through
the planning of effective operation and maintenance programmes, and rehabilitation works.

• Monitor site at each site visit.

Frequency: Monthly, or as required.

Weed control
Purpose – To prevent accumulation of silt and ensure a neat appearance. Weed growth on filter drains /
infiltration trench / permeable pavement surfaces is often temporary due to lack of soil and drying of the
trench will kill most weed growth during summer.

• Identify perennial weeds such as nettles, docks, thistle, ragwort etc which have established in the
gravel surfaces and around inlet / outlet structures, and hand pull or spot treat with Glyphosate or
similar approved herbicide. Avoid blanket spraying of weedkiller which may inhibit bioremediation of
organic pollutants and contribute to pollution load.
Frequency: As required.

Inlets and Outlet Maintenance

Purpose: To ensure that inlets and outlets function as required, and do not cause system failure.

• Inspect at each site visit and ensure all are unobstructed and show no physical damage
• Strim 1M clear margins and keep hard aprons free from silt and debris.

Frequency: Monthly, or as required.

Construction of Wildlife Piles

Purpose: These features provide refuges, hibernation shelter, food and egg laying sites for a large number and
animals. They also avoid the removal of ‘green waste’ from site. When rotted down at the end of 3-5 years
they provide compost that can be used as a surface dressing to ornamental planting.

• Wildlife piles should be located in sunny or semi-shaded areas away from direct access by people
• Construct base using substantial prunings or other branch material laid in a criss-cross pattern
• Add seasonal shrub and other woody prunings through winter
• Add non-woody and grass cuttings through Summer
• Create tidy piles up to 1.2m high and with ground area to suit
• Construct new wildlife piles each year and use old wildlife pile as compost to plant beds if required after 3
– 5 years
• Wildlife piles should be located above normal flood level of watercourses or be protected by hedges or
similar features.

Silt Accumulation Management

Purpose: Silt removal (dredging) includes removal of inorganic silt derived from runoff across hard
surfaces and organic silt formed by accumulation of plant remains. Silt removal is necessary for a number
of reasons:
a) to maintain storage capacity
b) to prevent blockage of inlets and outlets

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c) to manage pollutants such as hydrocarbons.

• Where machinery is used to excavate silt then undertake the operation in dry weather when
surrounding ground is firm and ideally operate from a hard surface
• Use machinery with an extending arm to avoid contact with edges, banks and other features to a
minimum distance of 1m from the edge. Use a bucket without teeth to avoid puncturing clay layers or
waterproof membranes
• Consider late summer and early autumn (september and october) as optimum time for remedial work
to minimise damage to surrounding areas and ensure quick regrowth of aquatic vegetation
• Plan appropriate bankside working areas, and protect wetland and bankside habitats wherever possible
• Undertake preparatory tree and shrub management, if required.

Frequency: As required.

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ABCD A26 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix C
Example Schedule of Work

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ABCD A28 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix C Example Schedule of Work

A Schedule of Work (work programme) shows when work is to be done and the frequency of the
operation. Elements of Specification can be included where necessary to explain operations as the
Maintenance Plan is often used on site by contractors.

The schedule of work often forms the base sheet for pricing works in the form of a Maintenance Schedule

Note: No allowance for silt removal has been included in this Schedule.


All maintenance items to be priced.

Maintenance will be for 3 years (36 months) to be reviewed at each 12 months.

All prices below for 12 months period with prices for further 2 years at end of Schedule.


All grass verges 1.2 - 3M wide or as drawings.

All grass around source control areas
All cuttings collected and removed from site
at first and last cut annually
cuts at 35-50mm with 75mm max. As required

All swale source control areas

cuts at 100mm with 150mm max. As required

All edges trimmed as Specification 12 visits

Allow 2 cuts to meadow grass to all mounds and native

planting areas at 50mm, all arisings to be raked off and
stacked in piles on site, to form a wildlife resource, as
instructed by the LA. and as this schedule and specification 2 cuts

All native planting to be checked at grass maintenance visits

and stakes and guards kept in good order at all times.
All losses will be made good October-December each year..
Allow to pick up all litter lodged in planting at monthly site visits.
12 visits

Sub- Total _______________


All grass verges and grass areas as drawings.

All cuttings collected and removed from site
cuts at 35-50mm. 75mm max. As required

All edges trimmed as Specification 12 visits

ABCD A29 SR 626 04/03/04

Shrub beds as Specification and to include extra visits as
required particularly during April, May, June and July.
Allow a minimum of - 16 visits

Litter lodged in planted areas 12 visits

Sweeping Hard Paved Areas (excluding roadways) 12 visits

Sweeping Porous Paving Areas 2 visits

Herbicide to Hard Areas 4 visits


Pond maintenance. 4 visits

Pond pumps, lights and associated fittings 12 visits


Pond and wetland maintenance. 2 visits

Check pipe inlet and outlet to and from

horizontal reed-bed monthly 12visits.

Check catchpit chambers, swales and

rip-rap flow control areas 12 visits

Sub Total ________________

TOTAL ______________

Total Year 1. 2002-2002 ( Jan 1 - Sept 30) _____________

Total Year 2. 2002-2003 ( Oct 1 - Sept 30) _____________

Total Year 3. 2003-2004 ( Oct 1 - Sept 30) _____________

Grand Total for 3 years __________________

This form of schedule has proved adequate at both Oxford and Hopwood but a further itemisation of tasks
has been found to be useful particularly for ‘Special Requirements’ as shown at the end of the specimen
specification and there is omission of regular silt removal from ponds.

ABCD A30 SR 626 04/03/04

Appendix D
Notes on Managing SUDS ponds and Wetlands

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ABCD A32 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix D Notes on Managing SUDS Ponds and Wetlands

Vegetation Management
A basic principle for wetland management is a ‘little and often’ approach, usually involving no more than
25% clearance at any one time. This has a number of advantages:

• the organic waste produced is manageable;

• the wetland retains its general character;
• phased removal fits with a 3 year contract period;
• damage to wildlife is minimised;
• costs are spread over the contract period;
• bioremediation continues to function;
• storage volumes are maintained.

The removal of wetland vegetation may not be required for some years after implementation, although
nuisance weeds or vigorous colonisers should be removed at regular intervals. However, it is eventually
necessary to ensure flood volumes are retained and that bioremediation continues effectively by controlling
plant growth.

The removal of wetland vegetation helps prevent the build up of organic silt and can present a more tidy
appearance where wetland features are close to amenity areas.

Wetland vegetation is unlikely to contain significant pollution loading unless used at the beginning of a
‘management train’ and can be disposed of in the normal way by removal to compost heaps or wildlife
piles. Removal from site should be a last resort.

The cosmetic removal of dead growth may be required for reasons of appearance on prestigious sites but is
usually unnecessary where a natural effect is acceptable.

Although the removal of a proportion of plant growth annually is usually included in the maintenance plan
it will definitely be necessary once in every 3 years to ensure required care is undertaken within the normal
contract period.

Sediment Management
The various types of basins, ponds and wetlands accumulate organic and inorganic silts depending on the
type of design. The management of wetland silts depends primarily on the control of inorganic silt ‘at
source’ and regular management of organic silt accumulation together with vegetation maintenance. Silt
accumulates in these systems for two main reasons - stormwater runoff brings day to day debris and silt
from hard surfaces, and wetlands generate organic silt due to accumulation of plant remains in wet

Wetland Organic Silt

Where vegetation growth occurs in wet conditions the dead remains of plants can accumulate and raise the
level of the wetland floor. This can be managed in two ways:
• physical removal of plant remains
• oxidation of plant remains by reducing water levels.

The appropriate method will depend on design characteristics, visual requirements and wildlife concern.
However it is important to consider the place of “temporary pools” in the SUDS vocabulary as these are

ABCD A33 SR 626 04/03/04

seen as important habitats by conservation bodies (Biodiversity Action Plans / BAPS and Habitat Action
Plans) and can reduce maintenance obligations significantly.

Inorganic Silt
It is important that the majority of wetland areas are protected (forebay or silt-trap) from inorganic silt,
which is more difficult to manage and is often associated with pollution as contaminants are usually
physically linked to particles.

Sediment Management and Disposal

Sediment accumulations should be removed when necessary, taking all the necessary measures to ensure
the extracted material is disposed of properly and safely.

Silt removal (dredging) includes removal of inorganic silt derived from runoff across hard surfaces and
organic silt formed by accumulation of plant remains. Silt removal should remove only accumulated
inorganic and organic silt but not wetland subsoil or topsoil layers with protection of clay or artificial
waterproof membranes. It is ‘best practice’ to remove only up to 25% of silt on any one occasion to
conserve habitat and ensure continuity of bioremediation processes

When plants and organic silt are removed from a wetland, the remains are usually spread locally to allow
them to ‘dewater’ and theoretically to allow wetland creatures to return to their habitat. The organic matter
reduces in bulk and weight as water is lost and oxidation occurs. The silt piles can be spread as a surface
mulch after a month or so which offers a relatively cost effective way of managing large volumes of heavy
organic waste.

A more elegant way of dealing with organic silt is to allow occasional drying of the wetland and oxidation
of plant remains in situ. This technique is a management tool that mimics the natural drying of temporary
pools in summer but may only be suitable for certain wetlands where permanent ‘treatment volumes’ are
not required or where land owners understand the cycle of events likely to occur. A design variation of
this technique is to artificially lower wetland levels over a relatively short period to replicate the
‘temporary pool’ phenomenon. It is important that this should be done at the appropriate time to
synchronise with natural biological patterns (for example not in spring when many annual species are
breeding and unable to resist artificial drying of the ponds).

Inorganic silt will need to be assessed in case it needs to be classified as special waste. If this is the case it
will need to be disposed of to a licensed landfill. If the inorganic silt is not special waste it can be disposed
of on-site in the same manner as organic silt.

The frequency of need for these activities is difficult to predict. It is more practical to view this operation
as an occasional/ infrequent activity, which may be required once in any maintenance cycle e.g. every 3

ABCD A34 SR 626 04/03/04



Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Coventry, CV3 3GW

Extracts from a paper given at the Standing Conference on Stormwater Source Control, Coventry
University, Friday 20 September 2002


Whilst primarily an engineering solution to a drainage issue, one of the potential by-products of
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is the creation of wetland habitats. The fear for those responsible for
the maintenance of such systems is that they will attract rare and/or legally protected species, which in turn
will limit their ability to manage the SuDS scheme. The aim of this paper is to highlight the key protected
species that may become associated with SuDS systems, and show that subsequent management need not
compromise either the functioning of the SuDS scheme, or the survival of the protected species.

The main functions of SuDS will always relate to flood control and water quality. Any system that
appropriately utilises a range of techniques should not require major management intervention. However
inevitably some maintenance will be required in order to ensure the dual functions of the system continue
to operate effectively.

With regard to the pond / wetland elements of SuDS, two periodic maintenance activities may be required :
• the removal of accumulated silts, and
• the control of vegetation.

Such activities will inevitably impact on habitats, and the species that they support.



It is important to appreciate that the presence of protected species within a SuDS system should not
prevent the required management activities being undertaken. However, management must be carried out
in such a way as to avoid contravention of the relevant legislation. Every effort must be made to minimise
the impact on species, whether this is direct (i.e. the killing or injuring of individuals), or more indirect (i.e.
the damaging or destroying of nests, burrows or other ‘habitat’) – failure to do so could result in
prosecution. In order to avoid this, there are two key aspects of management that need to be considered :-
• the timing of the works, and
• the employment of appropriate methods.


By undertaking management works at particular times of the year, and thus avoiding key seasons, it is
possible to minimise any potential impacts on protected species.

Starting with the great crested newt, it is important to realise that they only visit ponds in order to breed –
the remainder of the year is spent living a terrestrial lifestyle. Adult great crested newts enter ponds from
late February in order to commence breeding, with eggs being individually laid on the submerged leaves of
marginal and aquatic plants. While most of the adults will have left the pond again by the end of July, the
larvae continue their development, not leaving until the end of August. Thus any work on ponds containing
great crested newts must avoid the period between February and August.

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With reference to water voles, the situation is slightly more complicated, since the species remains resident
throughout the year. Like the newt, the best time to undertake management is influenced by the breeding
cycle. Water voles suffer high winter mortality, but breed very quickly each year in order to sustain a
population. Water voles have a relatively long breeding season running from March to September. It is
towards the end of this period that the population is at its most robust and mobile, and this is the time that
should be targeted for work on ponds that support the species.

Finally, with all nesting birds protected, works that may impact on potential nesting sites (including open
water, marginal vegetation and reedbeds) must not be carried out during the nesting season which runs
from approximately March to August.

The relatively simple conclusion therefore is that works should only be carried out in the autumn or the
winter. However, the management of wetland habitats during the winter months is notoriously problematic
- this is the wettest part of the year, so ground conditions can be very difficult, and water levels relatively
high. Consequently September to November is highlighted as the best time to undertake pond / wetland
management work – the critical periods for protected species are avoided (breeding and the rearing of
young will be completed), while weather and ground conditions should still be most suitable for such
works. [Note that early within this three month window should be favoured where water voles are present
– they will still be mobile in September, but by November will be relatively inactive underground.]


Having selected the most appropriate time of year to undertake any work, the adoption of appropriate
management practices will further minimise the impact on protected species. Whether de-silting or
controlling vegetation, any management should be undertaken in accordance with best practice guidelines
for the management of ponds. Not only will this be of benefit to the protected species, but will benefit
biodiversity generally. The key principles are outlined below:-

• Ensure that methods, and particularly machinery, are suitable both to the site and the scale of the
works. With reference to the control of vegetation, hand removal may prove to be the most sensitive

• Minimise the disturbance caused by heavy machinery by restricting the number of access points. In
particular highlight and tape off any ‘no-go’ areas. This is particularly important where great crested
newts are present, ensuring that their terrestrial habitats are not damaged, particularly any hibernacula1.

• Avoid damaging banks. This is particularly pertinent where water voles are present, which may have a
network of burrows within the banks of the waterbody. Remain as far from the water’s edge as
possible, to minimise compaction of the bank and damage to water vole burrows.

• Ideally any vegetation removal should not be complete. As a minimum, a fringe of marginal /
emergent plants should be retained around at least half of any pond. Such vegetation not only provides
egg laying sites for newts, but also food and cover for water voles, plus an important habitat for birds
and dragonflies etc. Providing it is not highly invasive, some submerged and floating plant species
should also be retained.

• Ensure the sensitive disposal of silt and/or vegetation (guidelines on which are available from the
Environment Agency). In particular avoid damage to other areas of conservation value such as great
crested newt hibernacula, water vole burrows, or other habitats such as wetlands or species rich
grasslands. Further, watercourses and waterbodies should be safeguarded from any potential run-off.

ABCD A36 SR 626 04/03/04



There is a challenge to conservation organisations. It is necessary for the sector to take a flexible approach
to the management of SuDS systems. It must remember that any ponds or other wetland habitats associated
with SuDS schemes are the by-product of engineering, not habitat creation projects per se. The primary
functions of SuDS schemes (i.e. flood control and pollution prevention) must be appreciated, and the
importance of these not compromised – the consequences of failure of the system through a lack of
necessary management could have serious implications over a much wider area.


There are arguably two challenges for the designers of SuDS schemes. The first is that systems should be
designed such that wherever possible the need for maintenance is minimised - for example, ensuring the
volume of silt entering a retention pond is controlled by incorporating appropriate traps ‘upstream’ within
the system.

The second is a little more controversial. Given that the management of SuDS schemes need not be
detrimental to protected species or biodiversity in general, there is an argument for designing in features of
benefit to wildlife.


Where there is a wetland element to SuDS schemes, habitats will be created which will be colonised by a
variety of species, potentially including the rare and protected. It has been shown that provided the right
approach is taken, the survival of the protected species can be ensured, without compromising either the
operation or management of the SuDS system. Indeed, subject to ensuring that the primary functions of
flood control and pollution prevention are met, there is no reason why the design of the system should not
also actively promote wildlife. Drainage systems in the 21st Century should be sustainable and biodiverse.

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ABCD A38 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix E
Additional Information on Maintenance Activities and Associated Costs

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ABCD A40 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix E Additional Information on Maintenance Activities and Associated

Filter Strips and Swales

It can be difficult to isolate the maintenance of these grass surfaces from general grass cutting costs.

For example at Oxford MSA, it can be seen that contractors with little experience of managing SUDS put a
high figure to swale grass management, although the overall cost of grass cutting is similar.

Experienced Contractor
All verges and grass areas around source control areas £5175.00
Swale £255.00

Inexperienced Contractor 1
All verges and grass areas around source control areas £3613.84
Swale £2080.00

Inexperienced Contractor 2
All verges & grass areas around source control areas & swale £4650.00

Inexperienced Contractor 3
All verges and grass areas around source control areas £3613.00
Swale £2135.00

The approximate areas considered are:

Verges and other amenity grass 60,000 m2
Swale 21,000 m2

It is important to note that the because the swale stays wet due to unforeseen high groundwater levels, and
the experienced Contractor knew that only 3 visits, on average, were required to cut the grass in any one
year the price for maintenance was low.

It seems that the additional length of 100 – 150mm grass length required in swales compared to 25 - 50mm
for amenity grass areas can reduce the frequency of cut required to 3 – 10 per annum, depending on local
conditions. This will reduce the cost of maintenance compared to normal amenity grass but may not be
reflected in the tender price because the cost is based on site visit frequency, rather than detailed task

The Hopwood Park site has a different design configuration with a filter strip serving the HGV Park and
overflow swales off-line from the main water flow routes, collecting only exceptional storm flows. The
result of this design feature is that the filter strip grass grows very quickly due to regular water from a large
hard surface catchment whilst the swales are dry during most of the summer and require less mowing than
may be expected.

Two of the contractors who tendered show very high prices to cut all the verges and amenity grass,
whereas the price from English Landscapes is very low, but this figure is only for amenity grass round the

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Experienced Contractor
All verges and amenity grass areas £3430.00
Swales £200.00

Inexperienced Contractor 1
All verges and amenity grass areas £14800.00
Swales £960.00

Inexperienced Contractor 2 – prices not


Inexperienced Contractor 3
Amenity grass areas around swales £960.00
Swales £280.00

The approximate areas considered are:

Areas of swale and filter strip

HGV Area Swale 160m2

HGV Area Filter Strip 520m2
Main Site Swale 240m2
Total Area 920m2

The filter strip at Hopwood is visually and practically part of the grass verge and would normally be
included in verge maintenance. Similarly, the swales which are within the normal maintenance envelope
of the site will be included in amenity grass maintenance.

It is significant that the prices for swale maintenance are small compared to general grass cutting and that
the contractors have extracted a notional sum to put against the item in the Schedule of Work.

It is important when designing filter strips and swales that they should be considered part of general site
maintenance and easily accessible, so the cost of mowing will be taken as part of a total site operation
rather than as a separate task. The cost of SUDS maintenance should therefore be integral with normal site

Filter Drains and Permeable Surfaces

Although filter drains and permeable surfaces perform similar functions, the maintenance associated with
each technique is different.

Filter drains, particularly where protected by filter strips or other silt interceptors, normally only require
inspection and occasional weed control.

The normal day to day maintenance costs associated with these tasks can be derived from inspection
charges for other features such as inlets and outlets, manholes, rip-rap etc. Unit costs can vary from £5.00
per inspection to £100.00 per inspection.

Permeable surfaces however require regular maintenance which is described below (taken from the 2002
Formpave brochure):

ABCD A42 SR 626 04/03/04

The surface blocks require routine maintenance and the surface should be brushed
at least twice a year with a mechanical suction brush. It is recommended that this
should be carried out in the spring and after leaf fall in autumn.

Ultimately, perhaps after 25 years or more, areas of the laying course may become
filled with silts and toxins. If this occurs the surface blocks should be uplifted and
the affected areas of laying course material and geotextile disposed of. The
existing sub-base can be left in situ. Fresh geotextile and laying course stone
should be installed and the existing surface blocks re-used.

In practice it has been very difficult to find any sites which receive regular maintenance as specified. Sites
are usually swept when accumulated debris is visible, and maintenance is generally undertaken without
understanding of the function of the pavement.

The following assessment is based on detailed discussions with two Sweeping Contractors at a site where
maintenance has been undertaken to a high standard.

It is important to recognise that most Clients and most Sweeping Contractors do not currently understand
the significance of permeable paving design and function.

Maintenance of Permeable Paving at MSA’s by Sweeping Contractors

The two Sweeping Contractors contacted confirmed that the normal machine used for sweeping car parks
on commercial sites provides both a brush and suction function.

Bicester Sweepers (Bicester Sweepers, Glebe Court, Nr Fringford, Bicester, Oxon) use a Johnson 600 lorry
mounted machine or a precinct sweeper for cleaning block paving. They consider that it is normal to
sweep 60-80 car spaces a day.

The cost per day is between £250 - £300. The contractor did not consider there would be a difference in
maintaining permeable or normal block pacing.

Drain Brain (Drain Brain International Ltd, Meadow Lands Farm, Bibury, Glos, GL7 5LZ) were
contracted by Welcome Break Group to provide a quotation to clean the paving and associated roads at
Oxford MSA M40 during late Summer 2002.

The machine proposed to sweep the paving was again a Johnson 600 with jet wash facility and brush and
suction function. The contractor considered that there was no difference between permeable paving and
normal block paving until informed that the slots contained 3mm grit. This was perceived as a real
limitation to the use of the sweeper (see comments by Gardenworld below). It was confirmed that normal
concrete blocks are sometimes lifted from the surface using the suction function and therefore the suction
facility is often turned off until the blocks are bedded down which is sometimes up to a year after

The cost per hour was similar for both contractors at £28 - £30 per hour and the cost estimate for Oxford
was £257.60 per month. The hourly rate does not include travel or tipping charges.

The contractors were unaware that there are no gullies, pipework, manholes or petrol interceptors to
maintain in permeable pavements.

The anticipated number of gullies which would be required in a conventional drainage scheme at Oxford is
a minimum of 100 with 2 petrol interceptors

ABCD A43 SR 626 04/03/04

The cost of maintaining gullies at Oxford is £6 / hour with some jetting allowed for and is estimated at 2
days @ £600 / day = £1200.00 + disposal of waste.

The waste generated by gullies and interceptors can be disposed of at £50 / tonne / m3 if non-special
category or between £100 - £200 per tonne / m3 if considered special waste.

Maintenance of Permeable Paving at Sanders Gardenworld – Garden Centre, Bristol Road, Brent
Knoll, Somerset, TA9 4HJ
The Sanders Gardenworld Garden Centre displays a combination of permeable and impermeable surfaces,
where all surface water is directed to permeable block paving and then to underground storage for reuse or
to adjacent ditches known locally as rhynes or rheins. There are no gullies or interceptors on the site.

The site maintenance manager, Mr Mervyn Rawlings, explained how the drainage system works and was
interviewed about the maintenance of the permeable paving.

The permeable paving was laid under supervision by Formpave Ltd who supplied the blocks, rectangular
blocks in the car park (Aquaflow 100 x 200 x 80mm) and Aquaflow ML interlocking blocks (heavy duty
application) in the coach park and service areas. There are approximately 4000 m2 Aquaflow and 4000 m2
of Aquaflow ML on the site.

Sanders Gardenworld understand the requirement for maintenance particularly as garden centre products
can contribute soil and silt to block permeable paving systems.

The maintenance regime comprises daily attention to keep the pavement clean using a hand guided
machine with a hoover-suction action. The machine used is a Prisma 37 and is similar to the AL-KO 750B
Leaf Sweeper / Garden Vacuum Machine which is commonly available (cost approximately £400.00).
Although this type of machine is modest in its action it removes a significant proportion of day to day silt
accumulation. The machine is very manoeuvrable and can reach tight corners common to commercial car

The company appreciate the need to clean the blocks thoroughly and this is undertaken in autumn with the
hire of a large cleaning machine with 2 brushes back and front with suction facility. The machine is hired
for 2 days and costs approximately £400.00 without driver or £750.00 including labour.

All block areas are cleaned to re-establish full permeability.

Mr Rawlings confirmed that they had not experienced problems with grit being removed by the suction
process due to the interlock achieved when the blocks are vibrated at installation.

The site has now been in operation for 2 years (since January – March 2000) and no remedial action has
been required to the surface.

The blocks have not required gritting in cold weather and there has been no ponding on the permeable
surface although it was observed on the tarmac surface during the site visit.

The experience gained at the Sanders Gardenworld site suggests that the maintenance required by
permeable paving can be quite flexible but benefits from regular removal of day to day debris with an
occasional robust clean using a heavy duty brush and suction machine (a machine recommended by
Formpave is the Applied 414/RS manufactured by Applied Sweepers Ltd, Bankside, Falkirk, Scotland,
FK2 7XE Tel: 01324 611666).

In general the maintenance required by permeable surfaces is similar to that for block paving or tarmac. It
is important to ensure that the brush and suction care which is now a standard technique in the hard surface
sweeping industry is provided to the permeable paving.

ABCD A44 SR 626 04/03/04

Any additional cost for special maintenance of permeable paving will be offset by the savings on cleaning
required for gullies, pipes and interceptors in conventional drainage.

Infiltration Devices
Many infiltration surfaces are part of other SUDS techniques and are maintained as part of normal
landscape management.

Infiltration trenches, which are similar in construction to filter drains have been used at both Oxford and

At Oxford, filter drains have been used round the peripheral road system to collect runoff directly and
collect water in porous pipes within the trench. The water is routed to a collector manhole which then
discharges to the interceptor pond. There has been no dedicated maintenance to these filter drains apart
from weed treatment and site inspection. The maintenance would have been the same if the trenches were
designed for infiltration function.

These structures have been designed with a geotextile protective layer below the top stone cover and will
require attention at some time in the future as part of occasional management to deal with accumulation of

At Hopwood Park, there is a ‘treatment trench’ which is designed in a similar way to an infiltration trench.
The treatment trench is protected from silt by a filter strip and so should not require remedial work for a
long time. Maintenance for this SUDS feature is also occasional weed treatment and regular inspection
which can be accommodated as part of a normal landscape maintenance visit.

The cost element associated with these inspections may be priced between £10 - £100 per inspection, but
once contractors are familiar with the work involved it is likely that the cost will be minimal or absorbed
into an integrated monthly inspection charge.

Basins, Ponds and Wetlands

Detention basins are areas for storage of surface runoff and should be free from water under dry weather
flow conditions. These areas can therefore be maintained either simply as grass, when they can be
managed as multi-functional spaces, or as other vegetation types such as screen planting, wet grassland or
habitat mosaic. Grass maintenance is the simplest maintenance to specify but the other vegetation types
can be accommodated by specification.

Ponds and wetlands require special maintenance. However they often require very little care in the first
years of establishment and regular maintenance can be programmed for a time convenient to the

The more natural a pond the design, the lower the management costs and the more resilient the feature is to

Many of the tasks associated with ornamental ponds are cosmetic and are not required for native wetlands.

Oxford MSA M40

The initial water features at Oxford MSA comprise three ornamental ponds which collect and store water
from the buildings and begin conveyance to the balancing pond. They require regular care to maintain an
attractive appearance and keep encroaching vegetation in check.

They comprise:

ABCD A45 SR 626 04/03/04

Pond 1 - Formal Pond 100 m2 (approx.)
Pond 2 - Canal 200 m2 (approx.)
Pond 3 - ‘Natural Pond’ 300 m2 (approx.)

The SUDS water features follow develop a more natural character and comprise:

Pond 4 - Interceptor Pond 700 m2 (approx)

Wetland 5 - Reedbed 650 m2 (approx)
Pond 6 - Balancing Pond 3650 m2(approx)

The unit costs for maintenance to the ornamental ponds (4 visits per year) and natural ponds (2 visits per
year) are as follows:

Ornamental Ponds Natural Ponds

4 visits / year 2 visits / year
Experienced Contractor 240.00 960.00 350.00 700.00
Contractor 1 312.00 1248.00 624.00 1248.00
Contractor 2 320.00 1280.00 960.00 1920.00
Contractor 3 60.00 240.00 337.50 675.00

Hopwood Park MSA M42

The water features at Hopwood comprise 2 ponds which serve the HGV Park, 4 ponds serving the Fuel
Filling Area, Coach Park and Service Yard, 1 pond serving the Car Park and a “feature pond” that takes
relatively clean water from the Amenity Building roof.

HGV Park
Pond 1 - Spillage pond (permanent water) 50 m2 (approx.)
Pond 2 - Balancing pond (permanent water) 100 m2 (approx.)
Fuel Filling Area, Coach Park and Service Yard
Pond 3 - Spillage pond (permanent water) 60 m2 (approx.)
Pond 4 - Wetland (permanent water) 340 m2 (approx.)
Pond 5 - Spillage pond (permanent water) 20 m2 (approx.)
Pond 6 - Balancing pond (permanent water) 160 m2 (approx.)

Car Park
Pond 7 - Car Park pond (permanent water) 120 m2 (approx.)

Amenity Building
Pond 8 - Feature pond (permanent water) 600 m2 (approx.)

The unit costs of maintenance for the 7 natural water features and one ornamental pond are as follows:

Ornamental Ponds Natural Ponds

4 visits / year 2 visits / year
Experienced Contractor £60/£80 £280.00 £40.00 £80.00
Contractor 1 £250/£300 £1100.00 £240.00 £480.00
Contractor 2 £200/£400 £1400.00 £375.00 £750.00

The difference in cost between maintaining ornamental and natural ponds is demonstrated in both

In most cases, the cost of a site visit to maintain a pond whether ornamental or natural is less than the cost
of emptying a petrol / oil interceptor (£600 + disposal of waste).

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Silt Management
The maintenance costs listed above do not include the removal of silt from the ponds. The guidance in this
report and from Wildlife Trust managers is that ponds should be de-silted frequently rather than in a single
operation when full. The experienced contractor at each site was asked to price the removal of 25% of
accumulated silt from each pond (excluding the large balancing pond at Oxford), using a long arm
excavator and disposing of excavated silt adjacent to the pond (subject to analysis of silt quality). Both
contractors considered that the work could be undertaken for the sum of £400.00.

Recent experience suggests that this work should only be necessary once every 3 years.

The removal and disposal of silt and pond plant growth has been cited as a major cost in the management
of SUDS. The findings at Oxford and Hopwood confirm that if the ponds and wetlands are relatively
small or have well defined forebays to collect silt, then regular removal of small quantities of silt is neither
difficult nor expensive.

SUDS support (ancillary) structures

The cost of maintaining SUDS support structures including inlets and outlets, silt traps, storage structures,
flow control devices, headwalls, low flow channels and overland routes depends on a number of factors,

• Visibility;
• Access;
• Simplicity;
• Robustness.

Where contractors have little understanding of the structures needing maintenance, then the tendency is to
increase costs.

Oxford MSA M40

The design of control structures at Oxford was influenced largely by conventional engineering and
wastewater treatment technology. This resulted in the use of pipe connections with a number of manholes
between open SUDS features and consequently a relatively expensive maintenance cost for inlets / outlets
and control devices.

The following are prices from the experienced contractor:

Unit Rate Annual Cost

Pipe inlet and outlet from reedbed £30.00 £360.00

Catchpit chambers (with swales,

rip-rap and flow control area) £75.00 £900.00

These unit rates reflect the requirement to lift manhole covers, inspect and clean pipes where necessary and
clear blockages.

Hopwood Park MSA M42

At Hopwood Park MSA, the control structures were designed to be easier to manage and without the need
for specialist equipment. They are also visible with the exception of the cut-off valves which are housed
within a manhole structure. In practice it is difficult to check if the cut-off valves have been maintained as
the lifting keys and valve keys are housed in the main Amenity Building. This situation also inhibits a
rapid response to spillages.

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Despite careful design, some SUDS control details have still attracted relatively high unit rates for
maintenance from some contractors.

The following are prices from the experienced contractor:

Inlets and Outlets 22 no. 12 visits @ £50.00 £600.00

Valves 2 visits @ £10.00 £120.00
Rip-rap inspection 12 visits @ £10.00 £120.00
Grass weir inspection 12 visits @ £10.00 £120.00
Pontoon inspection 12 visits @ £10.00 £120.00
Drop manhole inspection 12 visits @ £10.00 £120.00

These can be compared with prices from the most expensive of the inexperienced contractors:

Inlets and Outlets 22 no. 12 visits @ £80.00 £960.00

Valves 2 visits@£100.00
Rip-rap inspection 12 visits @ £40.00 £480.00
Grass weir inspection 12 visits @ £30.00 £360.00
Pontoon inspection 12 visits @ £30.00 £360.00
Drop manhole inspection 12 visits @ £40.00 £480.00

However following detailed discussion with Neil Farmer of English Landscapes, who visited the site and
saw how the control devices were working, a much lower set of prices were provided in the accreditation

Inlets and Outlets 22 no. 12 visits @ £10.00 £120.00

Valves 2 visits @ £10.00 £120.00
Rip-rap inspection 12 visits @ £5.00 £60.00
Grass weir inspection 12 visits @ £5.00 £60.00
Pontoon inspection 12 visits @ £5.00 £60.00
Drop manhole inspection 12 visits @ £5.00 £60.00

Inspection of these SUDS support structures and simple clearance of blockages when necessary should
only take minutes to complete. The monitoring of the SUDS system at each monthly site visit should be
undertaken as part of a multi-task operation and quickly become part of a simple checklist activity.

In order for the inspection costs to be kept low it is important that the structures are highly visible so that
physical intervention is only required when a problem is evident. At other times the contractor can move
quickly from inspection to inspection without incurring unproductive time in lifting covers or checking

ABCD A48 SR 626 04/03/04

Appendix F
Greenbelt Company – Landscape Specification Notes

ABCD A49 SR 626 04/03/04

ABCD A50 SR 626 04/03/04
Appendix F Greenbelt Company - Landscape Specification Notes

The Greenbelt Group of Companies Ltd have proposed innovative solutions to the management of
sustainable drainage systems.

The following management objectives and maintenance notes have been taken from a recent draft
(29.10.01) specification. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems – A solution for their management and


Before, during and for 12 months (or other period agreed between the GBGC and the developer)
after completion of the development, GBGC objective is to ensure that the features for which it
will become responsible are designed, constructed and maintained to standard acceptable to the

These required standards will be described in the Management Plan provided by the GBGC before
development commences.

After handover, the GBGC will continue to operate the system as designed, maintain it as per the
management plan and will ensure there are no health and safety risks beyond those identified and
accepted in the management plan.

The key objectives to be addresses by the design and management of the system are:-

a) to ensure public safety

b) to ensure satisfactory maintenance and operation of the system according to all relevant
consents and licences and provide the protection against flooding as per the design.
c) to protect water quality through the interception, retention and/or natural treatment of
diffuse pollutants.
d) to maintain public liaison in order to explain the role of the system and features and the
importance of maintaining clean discharges from the surface water system.
e) to manage and develop the visual amenity of the system by maintaining the soft landscape
as per the maintenance programme including:-
I grass and other vegetation cutting
II litter picking
III structure maintenance
IV inspection and management of trees including coppicing
V inspection and repair or perimeter fences, gates, penstocks and other features


At the initial assessment stage, the developer will submit proposals for GBGC’s approval for a
future maintenance plan for the surface water system which is to be taken over by them.

At detailed design stage, it is likely that this plan will be revised with the GBGC’s approval.

It is anticipated that the design will incorporate features to reduce future maintenance activities and
costs. Inclusion of features which, by maintaining all parts of the system, can reduce the need for

ABCD A51 SR 626 04/03/04

large scale maintenance activities are to be encouraged. For example, regular street cleaning and
gulley emptying together with the provision of silt traps on surface water systems will reduce the
frequency of silt removal from ponds. The later can have significant effects on the ecology of any

Typical maintenance access requirements are shown on the attached sketches. Larger machinery
may be used in certain circumstances but specific agreement will be required from the GBGC.

In some cases, improvements on existing watercourses or ditches to be incorporated in the

drainage system can be made to facilitate maintenance and environmentally enhance the system as
shown on the attached sketches. Any amendments will be assessed by GBGC to ensure retention
of design capacity and acceptable access for maintenance.

Maintenance of systems during construction and for the 12 months (or other period agreed
between the GBGC and the developer) after the development is complete will be the responsibility
of the developer. The developer should take all possible measures to prevent debris of any kind
entering the surface water drainage system. This will require a strict system for disposal of waste
especially plastic, expanded polystyrene and other wind blow substances.

The developer is generally advised to either install a temporary sacrificial system during the
construction phase, or to construct temporary interceptor lagoons in order to trap suspended solids
or pollutants prior to discharge into the system to be transferred.

The developer will keep records of maintenance activities, in particular silt removal operations. It
is possible that this information can be used to make modifications to the on going maintenance
plan which will be adopted by the GBGC on handover.

The GBGC will carry on maintaining the system according to the maintenance plan. They will
also respond in the appropriate manner to reports or work required from property owners/occupiers
and neighbouring land owners.

Maintenance of any surface attenuation feature will at times unavoidably have an effect on the
ecology of the system. It is important that these types of maintenance operations are identified at
an early stage especially where they are necessary to maintain storage or flow capacity. It may be
desirable to time maintenance to take account of species habitats, so periodic surveys should be
undertaken to assess this as part of maintenance planning.

Access for safe, mechanised maintenance is frequently overlooked in the understandable wish to
maximise developable areas. Whilst small, localised restricted areas can be accommodated,
designs which require extensive hand maintenance must be avoided.

ABCD A52 SR 626 04/03/04

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