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SWMS-09 Pipe Freezing For B1 Level 1 Mechanical Room (27-July-2021) Final (Alstern)

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Document Title (to be completed by the Contractor / Service Provider)

Project / Workplace Name: Address:10 TUAS BAY LINK

SWMS Title: Pipe Freezing Work in B1 Level 1 Mechanical room Document Ref. AIPEC-LLS-ROCHE-HSE-SWMS-

Contractor / Service Provider: ABRAHAM INTERNATIONAL PROCESS ENGINEERING Next Review Date:10 Jul 2021
CORPORATION PTE LTD/ALSTERN Max. 6 months interval OR earlier if conditions and/or circumstances
change that introduce new hazard/s

Document Revision Status (to be completed by Contractor / Service Provider)

Rev Reviewed By Approved By
Date Details of Revisions / Changes
No. (Name & Signature) (Name & Signature)
A 10/07/2021 Submission and approval Prabu Seet Hoe Yeow
B 13/07/2021 Revision for providing information requested as found Prabu Seet Hoe Yeow
missing in previous submission-ADD P.g number 4 and 8
and 9- D SWP-Sec 4 include the P&ID image.
C 25/07/2021 Revision for providing information requested as found Prabu Seet Hoe Yeow
missing in previous submission-ADD P.g number 19- D
SWP-Sec 3 & 4 include the P&ID and Control Valve image.

Lendlease Review, Verification & Endorsement

I have reviewed all aspects of this SWMS and am satisfied to the best of my knowledge that it meets all Lendlease acceptance criteria.

Package Manager / Engineer (print name): ………….…………….….... Signed: ………………… Date: ….…/….…/….…
I have verified all aspects of this SWMS and am satisfied to the best of my knowledge that it meets all Lendlease acceptance criteria.

EH&S Personnel (print name):………………………………………. Signed: ……………………… Date: ….…/….…/….…

I have verified all aspects of this SWMS and am satisfied to the best of my knowledge that it meets all Lendlease acceptance criteria.

Project / Construction Leader (print name): ……………………………… Signed: ………………… Date: ….…/….…/….…

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A SWMS REVIEW CHECKLIST (to be completed by Lendlease)
 Each Contractor/Service Provider, before commencing work, must provide written Safe Work Method Statement/s (SWMS) for the work to be
carried out. The following checklist is to be completed and reviewed by Lendlease, and assessed to have met the Lendlease acceptance criteria
in compliance with the requirements outlined in the checklist and any relevant EH&S Legislation, Codes and Specifications.
 This SWMS must be reviewed on a regular basis. When new information on EH&S risks surface, changes occur or after any inspection,
incident / accident that impact on the agreed method of work, the SWMS must be revised accordingly.
Section 1: Compliance Checklist
SWMS Criteria Remarks
Yes No
1. Sets out step by step how the work activity will be carried out.
2. Identifies the aspects/hazards associated with each step of the work activity.
3. Assesses the impacts/risks associated with each step of the work activity.
4. Defines the controls to manage risks associated with each step of the work activity based
on the hierarchy of controls – Eliminate, Substitute, Isolate, Engineer, Administrate and
5. Provides a description of the plant / equipment that will be used in carrying out the work
activity (including equipment maintenance and inspection requirements, certification by
qualified person and/or registration, etc.).
6. Describes the qualifications and training of personnel carrying out the work activity,
including supervisors’ experience, competency, licenses, operators’ certification, etc.
7. Refers to and confirms compliance with relevant EH&S Legislation, Standards, Codes,
Regulations and/or Lendlease GMR Means and Methods.
8. Includes design requirements, engineered details or certification for both temporary and
permanent structures, platforms or access ways/ladders.
9. Where PPE is nominated, the type of PPE is specifically listed and when it is required.
10. Defines the person who is responsible to ensure that the work activity is monitored and
carried out in accordance with the SWMS.
11. Defines the process and frequency of reviews and methods for ensuring the work
complies with the SWMS controls.
12. Identifies, where any Contractor / Service Provider will be used, the person who is
responsible to monitor and supervise the works, and how impacts/hazards arising from
interaction between trades will be communicated and managed (e.g. induction into more
than 1 SWMS).
13. For complex or high risk work activities (where appropriate), uses photos / diagrams /
sketches / summary to enhance the SWMS.
14. Includes the name and signature of the person who developed the SWMS, a current date
and revision number.
15. The SWMS includes at least one preventative control set at an engineering level or above,
and at least one mitigating control specified for each applicable GMR risk event detailed in
GMR 4 – Delivery.
Where an exclusion zone is required, the SWMS must clearly state the detail of the required exclusion zone,
including the person responsible for implementationand supervision.

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B APPLICATION (to be completed by Contractor / Service Provider)
Section 1: Scope of Works
Tasks/Activities: SWMS-002 Pipe Freezing For B10 Level 2 mechanical room

Work Location (Attach Site Plan): B1 Leve-1, ROCHE Duration:10 July 2021 to 09 Jan 2021


Section 2: Plant / Machinery / Equipment(Attach Inspection Certificates)

Type of Plant / Machinery/Equipment Is this equipment inspected? Remarks
Hand tools Yes No Display Monthly Colour Code
sticker at all times
Lorry Crane Yes No Valid LM Cert., Monthly
2. Maintenance& Inspection
3. Pallet jack Yes No Display Monthly Colour Code
sticker at all times
4. Liquid gas cylinder Yes No Check list

Yes No
Yes No

Section 3: Key Personnel / Qualified Persons (Attach Training Qualification Certificates)

Name Appointment / Designation Remarks
1. Seet Hoe Yeow Project Manager CSC for Project manager,

2. Sky Chong Project Manager/ALSTERN CSC for Project manager,

3. Pirahalathan EHS Manager BCSS, WSH Coordinator,

Confined Space Assessor,
WAH Supervisor/Assessor,
4. Soh Foo Sing Construction Manager BCSS, WAHS

5. Hossain Eamin EHS Coordinator BCSS, WSH Coordinator, WAH

6. Sundaram EHS Coordinator/ALSTERN BCSS, WSH Coordinator, WAH

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Section 4: Work Processes & Procedures
Inventory of Work Activities
Job Steps Job Step breakdown (if required)
These steps are to be copied to: Step breakdowns are to be copied to:
 C Section 2: Risk Assessment &  C Section 3: Safe Work Procedures
 C Section 3: Safe Work Procedures

01 Mobilization of Manpower & Work Area Set up - SWMS induction of workers & Orientation.
- SWMS & Prestart Briefing
- Work area Inspection
- Install exclusion zone set up (with signage s)
02 Delivery of materials and equipment (loading & Unloading) - Vehicle Movement / Materials Transportation on Site
- Unloading of Materials Manually
- Unloading of Materials Using Lorry Crane (If Required)
03 Freezing preparation work - Shift LGC to B1 level 1 authorized location
- Remove pipe insulation for pipe freezing area and diversion
- Install pressure gauge on the existing vent point
- Set up freezing tools, pipe freezing clamp;hose connection from
N2 cylinder to freezing clamp; etc.
04 Pipe freezing work - Re-cool pipe with liquid nitrogen;
- Start freezing after re-cool 30 minutes, Transfer liquid nitrogen
into the clamp;
- Check the formation and integrity of ice plugs using temperature
- Drain off the water at end of the pipeline and pipe line pressure
reducer to atmospheric pressure(Confirm the ice plug is fully
05 Install 2Nos. Of Butterfly valves - Flange break for the pipe line
- Install 2nos. Of Butterfly valves;
- Bolt &nut tighten and torque test;
06 Hydro testing - Set up hydro test manual pump
- Pressure up for pipe line
- Leak line checking
07 House keeping - Remove all unwanted material from work location area

08 General Works - Weather advisory

09 Emergency Evacuation - The proper procedure on how to response when emergency

Special Instructions / Remarks:

Lendlease Package Manager or Engineer directly responsible for managing this activity is to verify that the
Job Steps have been captured and arelisted in logical sequence
I have reviewed the above Job Steps. In my opinion they have all been captured and are in logical sequence.

Package Manager / Engineer (print name): …………………………….….... Signed: …………… Date: ….…/….…/….…

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C RISK ASSESSMENT (to be completed by Contractor / Service Provider)
Section 1: General Information
Name: …L.Pirahalathan…/ Jose Lim……… Signed: ………………………………………. Name: …Seet Hoe Yeow /……Sky Yeong….…Signed: ………………………/……………………….
Designation: EHS / Site Engineer…………….. Date: ………. /………. /………. Designation: …PM …../………PM……. Date: ………. /………. /……….
Risk Assessment (RA) Team Members Applicable Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Legislation Approved Code of Practice (COP) and/or GMR
Name Designation Signature 1. WSH Act 2006 COP working safely at height (2nd revision
 ________________________ 3.WSH (RISK MANAGEMENT) REGULATION
 HOSSAIN EAMIN  safety Coordinator  ________________________ COP on WHS Risk Management (2nd revision
 ________________________ 5. WSH (Noise) Regulations
 SOH FOO SING  Construction Manager 6. WSH (Work at Heights) Regulations
GMR 4.1 Fall of person
 ________________________
 SUNDARAM  Safety Coordinator 7. WSH (Operation of Cranes) Regulations 2011 GMR 4.2 Fall of materials /object
 ________________________
GMR 4.3 Vehicle & plant incident

Consequence Table
Very Small - 1 Small - 2 Medium - 3 Large - 4 Very Large - 5
IMPACT Unlikely injury or ill-health, or Offsite medical treatment. Lost Time Injury or Occupational Permanently Disabling Injury or Fatality due to Injury or
onsite first aid treatment. Onsite Environmental damage with small Illness. Environmental damage Occupational Illness. Occupational Disease. Kidnapping.
environmental impact with clean-up; 0-3 months remedy. No with treatable medium clean-up; 3- Environmental damage with Evacuation due to threat of fatality
straightforward clean-up or remedy regulatory notification required. 6 months remedy. Regulatory treatable large clean-up; 6-12 or kidnapping. Irreversible
with available site equipment and Some community concerns raised notification may be required. months remedy. Regulatory environmental damage or > 12
controls. No regulatory notification but no impact. Limited impact on community with notification compulsory but no months clean-up or remedy.
required. minor concerns raised. public investigation likely. Major Regulatory notification compulsory
LIKELIHOOD impact on local community leads to with public investigation likely.
community protests. Impact on local community leads to
community outrage.
5 (Very High) – 1) Almost certain to occur; 2) Almost certain to re-occur due to past trends
fromincidents / issues; 3) Quantified very high exposure to the risk without any controls in place.
Minor Moderate Significant Significant Critical
4 (High) – 1) Strong evidence to likely occur; 2) Highly likely to re-occur due to past trends from
reported incidents / issues; 3) Quantified high exposure to the risk without any controls in place.
Minor Minor Moderate Significant Significant
3 (Medium) – 1) May occur or known to occur; 2) Infrequent number and regularity of
incidents / issues; 3) Quantified moderate exposure to the risk without any additional controls in Minor Minor Moderate Moderate Significant
2 (Low) – 1) Could occur but not expected; 2) One or two reported incidents / issues to date; 3)
Quantified low exposure to the risk without any additional controls in place.
Negligible Minor Minor Minor Moderate
1 (Very Low) – 1) Highly unlikely to occur; 2) No evidence of reported incidents / issues in the
past; 3) No quantified and known exposure to the risk without any additional controls in place.
Negligible Negligible Minor Minor Minor
Risk Rating Action
Critical Operation not permissible; management attention and consultation with Region Head of EH&S required.
Significant Operation not permissible; risk must be reduced by all possible means (not by interim risk control measures); management attention and consultation with Region Head of EH&S required.
Moderate Further risk reduction required where possible; remedial action to be taken immediately; 14 day (max) review needed to ensure risk level assigned is accurate and does not increase over time; management attention required.
Minor Risk tolerable subject to demonstration that risk level is as low as reasonably practicable; remedial action to be taken at appropriate time to further reduce risk; 30 day (max) review needed to ensure risk level is accurate & does not increase over time.
Negligible Risk acceptable; discretionary remedial action to be taken.

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Section 2: Risk Assessment
No. Job Steps Potential Aspects / Possible Impacts / Existing Impact / Risk Evaluation Residual Impact / Risk Evaluation Accountable
(Copy from B – Section 4) Hazards Accidents or Ill person(s) /
Existing Impact or Risk Control / Impact Likeli- Risk Rating Additional Impact or Risk Impact Likeli- Risk Rating
Health & Persons Designation /
Preventive Measures hood Control / Preventive hood
at Risk Follow-up Date
01 Mobilization of Manpower, Workers Unaware Slip, Trip & Fall -All workforce to undergo ROCHE & 2 1 Negligible Site supervisor,
pre-start & Work Area Set of Site Condition LEND LEASE SIC. Engineers/WSHC
up) and Surrounding Fracture, bruises, -To conduct SWMS and Pre-start (26/07/2021)
Contusions briefing before work commence.
-Advise workforce to walk only at
designated walkway (Site Orientation
to attached)
-Supervisor to make sure working area
is pre-surveyed and hazard taken into
-Full site mandatory PPE’s to be worn
at all times
02 Delivery of Materials and Vehicle Movement / Collision of -Driver license shall be valid according 2 2 Minor -Banksman to keep a safe 2 1 Neglible Site
Equipment Materials Vehicular, to the class of vehicles that they are distance from (45deg of Supervisor/Safety
Transportation on Human Traffic driving. vehicle front) moving personnel,
Site and Property -Delivery access plan and lifting plan vehicles/crane and be more Banksman,
submitted and approved to lend lease caution of blinds spots and Driver / Operator
/ Fracture, -Site access and egress road shall be caught in between hazards. (26/07/2021)
Bruises, free from obstruction and designated -Additional workers shall be
Contusions, Cut / safe access before allowing vehicle/ assigned at uncontrolled
Property Damage equipment entering project site. junction to control traffic
-Trained banksman shall be deployed and also to assist the
and shall be equipped with visibility crane/ long vehicles to
vest, red flag and whistle to guide manoeuvre (If applicable).
vehicles. -Traffic Controller with
-Vehicle/equipment speed limit shall traffic signage
not exceed 25km/h.
-Driver shall wind down windows for
more effective communication with
-Unauthorized personnel shall Keep
away from vehicular access path
during vehicle/ equipment move in and
maintain safe distance (min 2m) away
from moving vehicle.

Equipment / Fracture, -Equipment / materials to be properly 2 2 Minor -Maintain low vehicle speed 2 1 Negligible Site
Materials Drop Off Bruises, secured and centrally place on lorry / limit, shall not exceed Supervisor/Safety
During Contusions, Cut / truck accordingly to LTA safety 15km/h. personnel
Transportation Property Damage requirement. -Reduce speed when (26/07/2021)
-Driver / Banks man shall inspect negotiating a bend or
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loaded equipment / materials on lorry / slope.
truck beds and ensure stable &
secured properly with strap / ratchets
before entering site.
Unloading of Back Injuries -Practice correct working / lifting 2 2 Minor -To be brief workforce 2 1 Negligible Site
Materials By posture & job rotation (Usage of leg during the Pre- task talk Supervisor/Safety
Manually Handling muscle & straight back). before work commences. personnel
Improper Manual -A person shall carry load within human (26/07/2021)
Lifting capability. (20kg per person)
-Use mechanical aid for heavy load to
reduce manual handling (Trolley,
Wheel Barrow).
-Deploy sufficient manpower to carry
long/large items.
Cut By Sharp Hand Injuries -Proper coordination when manual 2 2 Minor -To be brief workforce 2 1 Negligible Site
Edges/ Pinch Point lifting and placing material to prevent during the Pre- task talk Supervisor/Safety
pinching of fingers before work commences. personnel
-Hand gloves shall be worn at all times. (26/07/2021)
-Proper hand hold for materials that
was being carried.
-Supervisor to ensure brief worker of
proper handling of load so as to avoid
pinch point.
03 Freezing preparation work Marking and Hand and body -Avoid use of power tools while 3 2 Minor To be brief workforce 3 1 Minor Site
Remove pipe injury removal of insulation. during the Pre- task talk Supervisor/Safety
insulation for pipe -Apply wet method to minimize the dust before work commences personnel
freezing area and generation. (26/07/2021)
diversion area -Proper disposal of waste insulation
Cut By Sharp -PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety
Edges/ Pinch helmets, safety glasses, N-95 dust
Point/dust masks, earplugs, working gloves,
safety shoes must be worn.
-Ensure no flammable materials around
-Total awareness of working
environment / location,Stand by fire
extinguisher .
-Sharp edges from cutoff materials to
be bound off.
-Work area must be barricaded and
only relevant personnel are allowed to
Install pressure Eye/Body injury -To ensure permit to work before start 3 2 Minor Supervisor full time stand 3 1 Negligible Site
gauge on the work. by Supervisor/Safety
existing drain point -Ensure the drain valve was fully personnel
Water spout closed. (26/07/2021)
-Conduct Safety Talk before start work.
-PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety
helmets, safety glasses, earplugs,

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working gloves, safety shoes, face
shield, must be worn.
-Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion
zone is in place before work
-Make sure use correct tools(Spanner,
etc.) with good conditions.
-Unauthorized person not allow enter
the work area.
Set up freezing Body -Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion 2 2 Minor To be brief workforce 2 1 Negligible Site
tools, pipe freezing injuries/hand zone is in place with signage before during the Pre- task talk Supervisor/Safety
clamp;hose injuries work commence. Only restricted before work commences personnel
connection from person allow enter the work area. (26/07/2021)
LN2 &LGC cylinder -Method statement to be followed when
to freezing clamp; installing flange, only trained persons
etc. are allowed to perform the job
Cut By Sharp -Materials are not allowed to store in
Edges/ working area.
pinch point / finger -Housekeeping to be done
stuck between progressively.
flange -Proper coordination when perform the
work to prevent pinching of fingers
-Hand gloves shall be worn at all times.
-Proper hand hold for materials that
was being carried.
-Supervisor to ensure brief worker of
proper handling of load so as to avoid
pinch point.
04 Pipe freezing work Re-cool pipe with Cold burns and -Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion 3 3 -Supervisor full time 3 1 Negligible Site
liquid nitrogen; frostbite zone is in place before work Moderate supervision during the work Supervisor/Safety
Start freezing after commence. perform; personnel
re-cool 30 -Method statement to be followed, only -Each team bring gas (26/07/2021)
minutes,Transfer trained persons are allowed to perform meter to continue
liquid nitrogen into the job monitoring the O2 content;
the clamp; -Materials are not allowed to store in -Gas check very 30min,
working area. and record;
Skin and Eye & -Housekeeping to be done -Only restricted person
Floor Contact with progressively. allow enter the work area.
liquid nitrogen -Proper coordination when perform the
work to prevent liquid splash out.
-PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety
helmets, safety glasses,face shield with
chain,N2 retardant gloves, googles,
safety shoes, special freezing jacket for
freezing work must be worn.
-Provide face shield.
-Prepare waste cloth for condense
water suck up.

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Inhalation N2 gas In high -Ventilation system suck the air from 3 2 Minor Supervisor full time 3 1 Negligible Site
concentration clamp top area and release to room supervision during the work Supervisor/Safety
may cause outside perform personnel
asphyxiation -Continue monitoring the O2 (19.5 to (26/07/2021)
Fracture 23.5) content during freezing;
-Each team of the worker need bring
gas monitor full time during the work;
Drain off the water Eye/Body -To ensure permit to work before start 3 2 Minor Supervisor full time 3 1 Negligible Site
at end of the injury/property work. supervision during the work Supervisor/Safety
pipeline and pipe damage -Open the drain valve slowly to avoid perform personnel
line pressure spout. (26/07/2021)
reducer to -Conduct Safety Talk before start work.
atmospheric -PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety
pressure(Confirm helmets, safety glasses,earplugs,
the ice plug is fully working gloves, safety shoes, face
formed) shield, must be worn.
-Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion
Water spout zone is in place before work
-Make sure use correct tools(Spanner,
etc.) with good conditions.
-Unauthorized person not allow enter
the work area.
Work at Height Fall from Height -Ensure working platform is safe for 3 2 Minor -Supervisor to brief the 3 1 Minor Site
(working on use and tag to be displayed. hazards and risks during Supervisor/Safety
Scaffold) /Fracture, -Ensure work personnel are W@H the Pre-Start Talk. personnel/ Engineer
Bruises, trained. -Standing supervision (26/07/2021)
Contusions, Cut -Personnel are to wear harness with during the work.
double lanyards and be properly
anchored at rigid point – 100% tie-off.
-Supervisor to ensure that proper
ladders to be tied off or held by a
second person access are used.
-Supervisor to ensure that work
platforms are used secured and
maintains housekeeping.
-Supervisor to ensure complies to fall
prevention plan.
Falling Objects -All working platform to be fully 3 2 Minor -Supervisor to brief the 3 1 Minor Site
guarded with toe board. hazards and risks during Supervisor/Safety
/ Fracture, -Tools used while working at height to the Pre-Start Talk. personnel/ Engineer
Bruises, be secure with lanyard. -Regular inspection at work (26/07/2021)
Contusions, Cut -Supervisor to ensure that materials area to ensure compliance.
are passed up the scaffold properly
using a human chain method
-All tools to be kept in proper bag/ box/
-Supervisor to ensure working platform

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clean and tidy.
05 Install 2Nos. Of Butterfly Flange break for Eye/Body -To ensure permit to work before start 3 2 Minor Supervisor full time 3 1 Negligible Site
valve the pipe line injury/property work. supervision during the work Supervisor/Safety
Water spout damage -Ensure the line was fully perform personnel
depressurized. (26/07/2021)
-Conduct Safety Talk before start work.
-PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety
helmets, safety glasses, earplugs,
working gloves, safety shoes, face
shield, must be worn.
-Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion
zone is in place before work
-Make sure use correct tools(Spanner,
etc.) with good conditions.
-Unauthorized person not allow enter
the work area.
Install2nos.Of Fracture, -Un-authorized personnel shall keep 2 1 Negligible Site
Butterfly valves; Bruises, away from the load when lifting or Supervisor/Safety
Contusions, Cut lowering in progress personnel
Caught In Between -No one shall position nearby load (26/07/2021)
Load And Objects. where they could be caught in between
the load and any fixed structure/objects

Flange bolting& Body -Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion 2 2 Minor Supervisor shall 100% 2 1 Negligible Site
nuts tighten and injuries/hand zone is in place before work supervision of the activity Supervisor/Safety
torque test injuries/Improper commence. personnel
handling will lead -Method statement to be followed when (26/07/2021)
Pinch point / finger to pinch point. installing flange, only trained persons
stuck between
are allowed to perform the job
-Ensure to use correct manual handling
-Housekeeping to be done
06 Hydro testing Set up hydro test Body injury/ -To ensure permit to work before 2 2 Minor Supervisor shall 100% 2 1 Negligible Site
pump property supervision of the Supervisor/Safety
start work.
damage -Supervisor to ensure that only activity
Untrained (26/07/2021)
trained to set up personnel
personnel setting
up equipment
-warning signage to avoid
unauthorized entry. Wear the face
shield /Ear plug/Ear Muff at all
Pinching / Hit by Hand/ Body -Correct selection of tools to be 2 2 Minor Supervisor shall 100% 2 1 Negligible Site
Tools injury supervision of the Supervisor/Safety
used and worker to be trained in
safe handling of tools. activity
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-Wear the hand gloves full time.
-Reduce the weight of load
whenever possible.
-Get assistance from others when
carrying heavy load (>25kg).

Pressure up for Eye/Body injury -Whip arrestor and R-pin to be 4 3 Moderate Supervisor to brief 4 1 Minor Site
pipe line hazards and risk during Supervisor/Safety
provided and used to prevent
whiplash. prestart meeting.
Hose dislodge (26/07/2021)
-Working area to be barricaded
with warning signs. Supervisor shall 100%
-Ensure all pressure gauges are supervision of the
properly installed and calibrated activity
prior to starting work.
-Continuous monitoring of pressure
during water filling and hydro
testing operations.
-Workers shall keep distance at
least 1m away from the pipe
connection and fittings, Workers
are reminded of the hazards and to
stay alert during the system testing.

Failure of Fittings Body injury -Ensure correct rating of gaster and 3 2 Minor Supervisor to brief 3 1 Minor Site
hazards and risk during Supervisor/Safety
fittings are used.
-Continuous monitoring of pressure pre-start meeting.
during water filling and hydro
testing operations. Supervisor shall 100%
-Ensure all pressure gauges are supervision of the
properly installed and calibrated activity
prior to starting work.
-Ensure Hydro test equipment is in
good working condition, inspected
& validated by both mechanic and

Leak line checking Trip & fall -Ensure all area/System owners are 2 2 Minor - Supervisor shall 100% 2 1 Negligible Site
causing injury notified about the activity supervision of the activity. Supervisor/Safety
-Ensure area is clean and familiar of personnel
any obstruction of any other spool (26/07/2021)
during site line checking

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07 Housekeeping Manual Handling back strains / -Proper posture and handling method 2 2 Minor Use additional manpower 2 1 Negligible Site Supervisor
Over loading may aches should be advised. or mobile equipment to (26/07/2021)
cause -Individual person no allow to carry carry when material is large
more the 20kg. or heavy
-Always assess and determine weight
of load to be carried out using leg
muscles and keeping back straight
-Hand gloves to be worn when
handling loads
-Get mechanical lifting (if necessary)
means and or assistants for irregular
shape and bulky materials
Sharp Edges Sharp edges Hand gloves to be worn when handling 3 2 Minor Sharp edges protected with 2 1 Negligible Site
could pierce loads PVC caps supervisor/Safety
people and personnel
cause bodily

08 General Works Work in External Exposure to Hot -Work personnel shall drink adequate 2 2 Minor -Supervisor to brief the 2 1 Negligible All Personnel
Area In Hot Weather water. hazards and risks during
Weather Heat Stress / -Ensure workers will be encouraged to the Pre-Start Talk.
Heat Stroke take short breaks when working over
long periods.
-Monitor new worker / Personnel
Work In External Exposure to -Stop all works during bad weather 3 2 Minor -Stay alert for CAT1 3 1 Minor All Personnel
Area In Bad Lightning conditions/ thunderstorms and take announcement.
Weather Condition proper shelter / cover. -Brief workers on
Concussive -Put on proper footwear, no barefooted designated shelter points
Injury allowed. during lightning category 1
-Take proper cover for shelter in pre- status.
bad weather conditions.
09 Emergency In case of Injury/Death -Emergency Response procedure in 3 2 Minor All Personal briefed on 2 1 Negligible Site supervisor
Emergency Place Building Emergency /Safety personnel
-Go to the nearest alarm call point and procedure and assembly (26/07/2021)
assembly point. point.
-Follow the Fire wardens instruction
and direction. All Personal are to be
-Do not run. accounted for at all times
-Walk quickly in an orderly manner. onsite
-Assemble at the assembly area and
follow the instruction of the fire
-All contractors engineer or supervisor
to conduct a headcount at the
assemble point and report to ERT
-When all personnel are accounted for
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the ERT coordinator to report status to
the ERT commander and wait for
further instruction.
-All personnel shall not leave the
assembly point unless instructed
lightning Serious injury / Toolbox Reminders for workers on 3 2 Minor Ensure the lightning 2 1 Negligible Site supervisor
death designated assembly shelter points warning. /Safety personnel
during lightning category 1 status for all Better stop the work. After (26/07/2021)
height work activities, lifting work and the lightning warning is
operating machinery all stopped. over, the work may

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D SAFE WORK PROCEDURES (to be completed by Contractor / Service Provider)
Section 1: Safe Work Procedures
Job Steps Safe Work Procedures Additional
Job Step breakdown Hold Point
(Copy from B – WHO – WHAT – HOW - WHEN Permits Required Equipment /
(Copy from B – Section 4) PPE Responsible
Section 4) (include images / sketches if required for further clarity)
1.Mobilization of SWMS & Prestart Project manager shall ensure all personnel involved have attended the project Safety Induction Course -NA- -NA- PM, Site Engineer
Manpower & Briefing All personnel inducted into the SWMS are to sign-off section
Work Area Set A site orientation must be conducted by Supervisors for new workers inducted to site.
up All personnel to use designated access and pedestrian walkway where provided at all times.

Work area Inspection Site Supervisor is to inspect the work area physically and ensure that the area is safe for work area. if -NA- -NA- Site supervisor, Site
there is any incompatible work or other unsafe conditions, he is not to proceed any further and will inform Engineer, WSHC
relevant Lend Lease package Manager or Engineer.

Safety Prestart The safety pre start is to be conduct by supervisor and safety at the work location. NA NA Task Supervisor safety
They shall discussion relevant hazard and SWMS to prevent the accident. personal
All attendees to be sign off safety pre start briefing form.

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Install exclusion zone The supervisor will instructed workers to install exclusion zone at the work area. The exclusion zone -NA- -NA- Site supervisor, Site
consists of the GI pipe as hard barricade and signage posted as to prevent unauthorized entry to the work Engineer, WSHC

2.Delivery of Transporting of materials, Site supervisor arrange the lorry/ pick up lorry to deliver the material from main the store to work site. Entry & Exit -NA- Site supervisor,
materials and equipment and tools to Before deliver to the site, site supervisor shall apply material delivery permit and get approval from LLS permit Banksman, Driver
equipment work area staff. Upon received the approval of material delivery permit, The Site supervisor will arrange banks man
to guide the delivery lorry. Site Supervisor / Banks man / Driver shall inspect loaded equipment / materials
on lorry / truck beds and check the stability of equipment / materials and secured properly with strap /
ratchets before entering site. The banks man shall guide the material delivery vehicle from the Main-gate
to require location. Site supervisor shall ensure that stacking of materials, segregated and not above 1
man height before allowing the banksman to proceed.

Unloading Of Materials For manual loading of the materials, the site supervisor shall assigned workers to unload. The site -NA- -NA- Site supervisor, WSHC
Manually supervisor to provide sufficient manpower for long / large materials to unload. For heavy materials
mechanical aid to be provided (e.g. Trolley, Wheel Barrow etc.) The workers will manually carry the
materials and place them onto the mobile trolley as they need to shift the materials to exact work location.
The site supervisor shall ensure that the workers always remove material in the top to downwards in a
safe manner. The workers to be in buddy system if the load is more than 20kg.
Once equipment / materials are unloaded workers will be provide the barricade around the material /
equipment with contractor ownership signage.
3.Freezing Shift LGC to B1 level The workers equipped with auto retractable pen knife, will cut the jacketing and insulation. The over NA Dust masks, Task
preparation 1authorized location ; lapping jacketing will be open by using tapping screw.They open the jacketing followed by the Supervisor ,safety
work Remove pipe insulation insulation. Once all works been completed, the supervisor will ensure that housekeeping been done personal
for pipe freezing area and the work area is cleared from any debris before they leave the area. Assign worker
and diversion area
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Install pressure gauge on Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion zone is in place before work commence. Unauthorized person LLS- General -NA- Site supervisor,
the existing drain point not allow enter the work area. Ensure permit to work before start work.Make sure the drain valve was PTW WSHC
fully closed. Worker wear the full PPE – Long sleeved shirts, safety helmets, safety glasses,
earplugs, working gloves, safety shoes, face shield. And use correct tools slowly open the plug,
check is there any leakage. Use the correct tools to install the pressure gauge at the vent point.

Set up freezing tools, Fitters to do visual inspection of all the tools and hose, connectors. When the visual inspection is LLS- General -NA- Site supervisor,
pipe freezing clamp;hose done, the fitters will use correct tools to connection the clamp, hose with flow chart. Cordoned off PTW WSHC
connection from N2 with barricade and signage posted. (PPE face shield, ear plug, hand glove).Liquid Nitrogen SS
cylinder to freezing charge hose should protect by PVC pipe,to prevent contact the facility or floor & workers, avoid
clamp; vent hose from frozen injury. Before transfer Liquid Nitrogen from the cylinder to claim, need leak test for the charge
freezing clamp to hose.
authorize location,Set
ventilation fan from
clamp top area suck the
air and below to room
outside. etc.

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4.Pipe freezing Re-cool pipe with liquid 1.0 Carry out site survey to identify the pipe to be frozen. LLS- General N2 Site supervisor, WSHC
work nitrogen; -Start freezing 2.0 Submit clearance form to Central Manager for approval. PTW retardant
after re-cool 30 3.0 Obtain work permit, hot work permit and storage area for materials and Liquefied Gas Canister gloves
minutes,Transfer liquid (LGC).
nitrogen into the clamp; 4.0 Barricade the worksite and provide warning signage to prevent entry of unauthorized
Check the formation and personnel.
integrity of ice plugs 5.0 Deliver LGC to site.
using temperature gun; - 6.0 Before the commencement of work, proper full gear PPE should be worn.
Drain off the water at end 7.0 Client will erect the scaffold at the specified locations for pipe freezing, if necessary.
of the pipeline and pipe 8.0 Shut off all the downstream valves, so that there is no flow in the pipeline.
line pressure reducer to 9.0 Optional: Hot Tap 1Nos. of 1” hole for relief of air lock after freezing services.
atmospheric 10.0 Remove PU insulation for the pipe freezing area and diversion area.
pressure(Confirm the ice 11.0 Shut down the system and cool it down to normal atmospheric temperature.
plug is fully formed) 12.0 Set up freezing tools at the pipe freezing area.
14.0 Pre-cool the pipe with liquid nitrogen.
14.0 Start freezing the pipes approximately 30 minutes after pre-cooling
15.0 Note: When liquid nitrogen is exposed to air, it will vaporize immediately. The workers are advised to
wear full PPE which includes dry clothing that covers arms and legs, wear full sleeves, apron. Face shield
with chain, N2 retardant gloves, googles, safety helmet and safety shoes.
16.1 Transfer liquid nitrogen into the clamp using the connected hose. Ensure there is no
misalignment between the hose and the clamp to prevent leakage of liquid nitrogen.
17. Check the formation and integrity of ice plugs using a laser temperature gun After confirming
that the ice plug is fully formed, drain off the pipe medium at the end of the pipeline and verify
the pressure in the pipe is reduced to atmospheric pressure (no pressure).
18. Proceed with the necessary isolation work.
19. Note: All work should be carried out at least 500mm away from the ice plug. If slight melting of
the ice plug occurs, connect a plastic hose to the drain point on the pipe and discharge the
pipe medium to the nearest drainage point/ floor trap.
20. To start necessary blind off for the pipe:
a. Electrical cutter will be used to cut off existing pipe.
b. Existing pipe will be welded with a blind flange to Cap-Off
c. Ensure Cap-off is done properly to prevent leakage
21. After completing the isolation work, drain the residual pipe medium in the pipeline.
22. De-freeze the ice plug and drain the freezing clamp.
23. To prevent air lock, open the vent valve on top of the pipe and purge the system of air. Air lock is
released while de-freezing.

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Authorize vapor air release point:

5.Install 2Nos. Flange break for the pipe The workers equipped with correct size of the spanner to pipe flanges. All hand tools to be secured with LLS- General -NA- Site supervisor, WSHC
Of Butterfly line lanyard. Supervisor shall ensure that exclusion zone is in place before work commence.Method statement PTW
valves to be followed when open flange, only trained persons are allowed to perform the job. Ensure to use
correct manual handling technique.Materials are not allowed to store in working area.Do not store any
material in work platform and block the emergency exit or doors.

Install2nos.Of Butterfly During mechanical work, need monitoring the freezing point temperature using the laser temperature gun. LLS- General -NA- Site supervisor, WSHC
valves; Bolt &nut tighten Mechanical installation works should be at least 500mm away from the freezing point so that it will not PTW
and torque test; interfere with the freezing point.Mechanical team need bring the gas monitor to monitoring the oxygen
content full time.

6.Hydro testing Set up Hydro test pump The supervisor will instructed the fitters to do visual inspection of the connection. When the visual Hydro test Face shield, Site supervisor, WSHC
and pressurize inspection is done, the fitters will use dry, clean cloth to wipe out the water and at the same time clean the permit

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pipe. Cordoned off with barricade and signage posted. (PPE face shield, ear plug, hand glove). Portable
Water shall be used as test medium. It must be pure and should not have any objectionable odor, Blind
both ends of the pipeline with a suitable blind flange with open vent or end cap with a vent, As per LLS
requirement the design pressure of the line is 1.5 time testing pressure, 1 bar, Install a minimum of two
pressure gauges one at higher point and other at lower point. Pressure gauges must be calibrated and
must have validity of minimum six months. Pressure gauges rating must be three times testing pressure.
Counter check all gaskets, test blinds, bolt and nuts had been properly installed. Water filling shall be
conducted at the lower point and Ensure all other nozzles shall be closed with suitable blinds, pipe will be
filled with, and proceed with the pressurization of the pipeline by using hydro testing pump, the hydro test
shall be done in the presence of the client’s representative, the required test pressure shall be maintained
for not less than 30 minutes, Eye protection shall be worn all time during leakage inspection. Safety
barrier shall be provided and only qualified personnel shall be authorized to enter the testing areas.
Sufficient number of warning signboards shall be displayed, Bleed the line to correct test pressure if the
pressure increases, after inspection of line and pressure holding is completed, open the vents gradually
until the pressure goes down to zero.

After completing the mechanical installation work, check the pressure gauges and make sure it's in
the same pressure before de-freeze the ice plug and drain the freezing clamp.To prevent air lock,
open the vent valve on top of the pipe and purge the system of air. Air lock is released while de-
7. House Keeping Remove all unwanted Ensure good housekeeping at all times, Place all waste and sharp materials in waste bags, seal all full N/A N/A Site Supervisor
material from work bags before disposing them, Dispose all waste and scrap materials at the designated collection area.
location area

8. General Work Weather Advisory Supervisor to briefed workers during Toolbox meeting the designated assembly shelter points when CAT1 lightning LLS- Pre-Start N/A All Personnel
signal occur. P.g Stop all work during heavy rains and during Lightning Category 1 status. Category 2 status for all Talk
height work activities, lifting work and operating machinery all stopped. Category 2 status for only man ground level
can allowed to work.

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9 Emergency - In case of Emergency Emergency Response Team in Place. All Personal briefed on Building. Emergency procedure and N/A N/A Supervisor , WSHC
assembly point.. Toolbox Reminders for workers on designated assembly shelter points during lightning
category 1 status. Ensure the lightning warning. Better stop the work. After the lightning warning is over,
the work may proceed. Go to the nearest alarm call point and assembly point. Follow the Fire wardens
instruction and direction. Do not run. Walk quickly in an orderly manner. Assemble at the assembly area
and follow the instruction of the fire wardens. All contractors engineer or supervisor to conduct a
headcount at the assemble point and report to ERT coordinator. When all personnel are accounted for the
ERT coordinator to report status to the ERT commander and wait for further instruction. All personnel
shall not leave the assembly point unless instructed otherwise. Category 1 status for all height work
activities, lifting work and operating machinery all stopped.

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Section 2: Instruction & Communication
This Safe Work Method Statement has been instructed and communicated through induction and consultation, read and understood, and signed by all employees undertaking the works.
Name Designation Signature Date Name Designation Signature Date
1) 14
2) 15
3) 16
4) 17
5) 18
6) 19
7) 20
8) 21
9) 22
10 23
11 24
12 25
13 26
Remarks / Comments (e.g. detail of any feedback or comments received from the crew during this session)

Section 3: Verification
I have provided, accurate and sufficient information and instructions to the work crew pertaining to this Safe Work Method Statement - the aspects / hazards associated with each work process and activity, the type of potential impact, incident or
accident, and the risk controls / practicable measures to be taken in the course of work and during an emergency - to ensure their safe undertaking of the work.

Instructed by (print name): …………………………………………………………………….. Signed: ………………………………………….. Date: …..../…...../……… Time: .............. am / pm

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Lendlease will monitor the activities of the contractor / service provider to the extent necessary to determine that thecontractor / service provider is
complying with their SWMS. The frequency of monitoring will largely depend on the risks associated with the task and the experience of the
operators involved.
Date of Compliance Checked By Signature Verification Actions (list outcomes)
Check 1. Complies
2. Observation (minor changes / new revision required)
3. Non-compliant (issue stop work, warning, etc.)

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