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Primary Health Care

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PRIMARY HEALTH CARE - is an essential health 4.

Support mechanisms made available

care made universallyaccessible to individuals and
families in the community bymeans acceptable to Levels of PHC Workers:
them. 1. Village or Brgy. Health Workers- health auxiliary
*** in Sept. 6-12, 1978 : UNICEF and WHO held or volunteers
the FirstInternational Conference on Primary Health 2. Intermediate Level Health Workers
Care in AlmaAta, USSR
- Physician
Legal Basis: LOI 949 : was signed by Pres Marcos
on Oct 19, 1979 making Primary Health Care the - Sanitary Inspector
thrust of the
- Nurse
7 Principles of helath care:
- Midwife
1. 4 A’s; Accessibility, Availability, Affordability and
Acceptability of health services Levels of Health Care and Referral System

2. Community Participation - is the heart and soul 1. Primary Level of Care

of PHC
1. Rural Health Units 2. Community Hospitals and
3. People are the center, object and subject of Health Center 3. Private Practitioners (Puericulture
development Centers) 4. Brgy. Health Stations

4. Self – reliance - is usually the first contact between the community

members and the others levels of health facility.-
5. Partnership between the community and the provided by center physicians, public health nurses,
health agencies in provision of quality life rural health midwives, barangay health workers,
traditional healers
6. Recognition of interrelationship between the
health and development 2. Secondary Level of Facilities

7. Social mobilization 1. Provincial/City Health Services and Hospitals

8. Decentralization 2. Emergency and District Hospitals

Primary Health Care Team: - serves as a referral center for the primary health
1. Local Chief Executive 2. Physician
- are capable of performing minor surgeries and
3. Nurse 4. Medical technologist perform some simple laboratory examinations
5. Midwife 6. Sanitary Inspector 3. Tertiary Level of Facilities
7. Auxiliaries 1. National and Regional Health Services
- BHW - PHW 2. Teaching and Training Hospitals
4 Pillars/Cornerstones: - serves complicated cases and intensive care
1. Active community participation EVELS OF PREVENTION
2. Intra and inter- sectoral linkages 1.Primary Prevention
3. Use of appropriate technology - health promotion - specific protection
Behaviors: - sanitation for envi.

1. Quit smoking 2. Avoid/limit alcohol intake - control of commmuncabledisease

3. Exercise regularly 4. Eat well-balance diet - education of individual in personal hygiene

5. Reduce fat and increase fiber in the diet - the org, of medical and nursing service for the
early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease
6. Complete immunization program 7. Wear hazard
devices in work site - the development of second machinery to ensure
that everyone Is standard of living adequate for the
2. Secondary Prevention maintenance of health is oraganizing these benefits
as to enable ever citizento realize his birthright pf
- early diagnosis/detection/screening
hralth and longevity.
- prompt treatment
Typology of nsg problems in in forming nsg
Behaviors: practice

1. Have annual physical examination A. 1st level – assessment

2. Regular Pap smear for women - presence of wellness condition

3. Monthly BSE for women who are 20 yrs old and - wellness potential
- Nsg. Find change on wellness client state
4. Sputum examination for Tuberculosis
- NO – explicit expression of client desire
5. Annual stool Guaiac test and rectal exam for
1. readiness for enhanced wellness state.
clients over age 50 yrs old
- judgement on wellness state based on current
3. Tertiary Prevention
competencies and performed
- prevention of complication
- clinical data
- optimal health status after a disease or disability
- explicit expression of desire to achieve higher
Behaviors: level of function.

1. Self-monitoring of blood glucose among B. presence of threats

2. health threats – are condition that are conducive
2. Physical therapy after CVA to disease , accident or failure.

3. Attending self-management education for 3. presence of health reficits – are instance or

diabetes failure in health maintenance.

4. Undergoing speech therapy after laryngectomy 4. presence of stress points/ foreseeable crisis
Public health – is a science and art of:
* stress points/foreseeable crisis – are anticipated
- Preventing disease period of unusal demand in the individual or
- Prolonging life homes of adjustment / family resources.
- Promoting healths

Promoting efficiency thru organize comm.effort fpr:

B. second level of assessment – inability to
recognise the presence of the conditions on the

- inability to made decision w/ respect to anyone

appropriate health action.

- inability to provide adequate nursing care to the si

diabled dependent on vulnerable a risk member of

- inability to provide a clean envi. Conducive to

health maintenance and personal development.

- inability to utilize comm. Resources for health


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