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Cyber Security

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PARUL UNIVERSITY - Faculty of IT & Computer Science

Department of Computer Application

Cyber Security & Forensics - I (05201296)

Type of Course: MCA, M.Sc. (IT)

Prerequisite: Fundamental knowledge of computer network.
Rationale: The key objectives of this course are to develop an understanding of information assurance
as practiced in computer operating systems, networks and representative applications and to gain
familiarity with prevalent attacks, defenses against them.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credit External Internal Total
Lect Hrs/ Tut Hrs/ Lab Hrs/
Week Week Week
3 1 2 5 60 30 20 20 20 150
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage
Security Principles and Practices:

Information security, Network security Model, Cryptography, Attacks on

Cryptosystem, Traditional Cryptography, Modern cryptography
methods ( block cipher & stream cipher), Symmetric & Asymmetric Key
Encryption, Feistel Cipher, DES- Data Encryption Standards, 3DES,
1 15% 9
AES- Advanced Encryption Standards,Block Cipher modes ,
Introduction to Public key encryption, Public key infrastructure, RSA
algorithm, Model and Introduction to Hash, MAC and Digital Signature

Security Threats:

Types of security threats- worms, viruses, Trojan horse, malware,

2 8% 3
malicious spyware, adware, botnet, spam, phishing, stack and buffer

Operating System Security:

Role of operating systems in information systems applications,

3 Operating systems security, Patched operating systems, Protected 10% 4
objects and methods of protection, Memory address protection, File
protection mechanism.

Wireless Networks Security:

Overview of wireless technology, Wireless security protocols -Wired

4 10% 4
Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA2,
Attacks on wireless networks.

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Understanding Cyber Forensics:

Computer forensics, Cyber forensics and Digital evidence, Rules of

evidence, Forensics analysis of e-mail- RFC282, Digital forensics life
cycle, Chain of custody concept, Network forensics, Setting up a
5 15% 9
computer forensics laboratory, Computer forensics and steganography,
Rootkits, Information hiding, Relevance of the OSI layer model to
computer forensics, Forensics and social networking sites - security,
privacy, threats.

Challenges in Cyber Forensics:

Technical challenges - understanding the raw data and its structure,

Legal challenges in computer forensics and data privacy issues,
6 10% 5
Special tools and techniques - digital forensics tools, Special technique
- data mining used in cyber forensics, Forensics auditing, Anti

Forensics of Hand-Held Devices:

Introduction, Hand-held devices and digital forensics -mobile phone,

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), printer, scanner, smart phone,
iPhone, Challenges in forensics of the Digital images/still camera,
7 Forensics of the BlackBerry wireless device, Toolkits for hand-held 12% 6
device forensics - EnCase, device seizure and PDA seizure, Palm DD,
Cell seizure, MOBILedit, Forensic SIM, Organizational guidelines on
cell phone forensics – hand-held forensics as the specialty domain in
crime context.

Concept of Virtualization:

8 Software Virtualization, Hardware Virtualization, OS Partitioning, VM 10% 4

Ware Windows, Linux

Introduction to kali linux / Santoku:

9 10% 4
Digital Forensics Tools : Autopsy,Mobile forensics: (ADB) DIVA.apk

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.

Reference Books:
1. Information systems security (TextBook)
Nina Godbole; Wiley Publications,2008
2. Cyber Security understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer forensics and Legal Perspectives
Nina Godbole and Sunit Belapure
3. Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices
W. Stallings; Prentice-Hall of India, 2006; 4th Edition
4. Information Security: Principles and Practices
M. Merkow and J. Breithaupt; Pearson Education, 2006

Useful Links:

Course Outcome:
After Learning the course the students shall be able to:

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1. Recognize significance of information system security in terms of threats and attacks.
2. Infer the impact of operating system security.
3. Identify various approaches for improvement of security aspects in operating system and wireless
networks protocol.
4. Explain significance of cyber forensics and digital evidence.
5. Describe current techniques and tools for cyber forensic examination.

List of Practical:
1. Configuration of Virtual Laboratory for Mobile Forensic and Pen Testing, Configuration of
Genymotion in virtual machine, Configuration of Santoku OS in virtual machine,
Configuration of Appie.

2. Use various functionality of ADB, Starts two instances of Emulator in Gynemotion, Connect
adb through Santoku and Appie and perform, and its commands.

3. Configuration of target vulnerable mobile application, DIVA (Damn insecure and vulnerable
App), OWASP GoatDroid

4. Understanding of Android Application architecture using santoku / Unzipping Archive

android application file

5. Reversing Engineering of Android Application using APKtools and JaDX Decompiler which
a part of Santoku APKTool

6. Practical related to the analysis of Dex file using Dexdump

7. Practical related to insecure logging

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