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2nd Mastery Test Chemistry

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Palawan National School
Puerto Princesa City

Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
shade your chosen answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. Which of the following is the correct definition of electronegativity?

a. The amount of energy to attract or bond electrons.
b. The amount of energy required to remove an electron.
c. Half the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms.
d. The amount of energy released when electron attached to a neutral form.
2. Which member of alkaline metal has the highest electronegativity?
a. Rubidium (Rb) c. Potassium (K)
b. Sodium (Na) d. Lithium (Li)
3. What is the correct order of the following elements according to its increasing electronegativity
energy? (Sodium, Sulfur, Aluminum, Fluorine, Potassium and Oxygen)
a. Na, S, F, K, O, Al c. K, Na, Al, S, O, F
b. Al, O, K, F, S, Na d. F, O, S, Al, Na, K
4. In drawing a Lewis structure, central atom is usually the
a. Atom with the greatest mass c. Atom with the fewest electrons
b. Atom with the highest atomic number d. Least electronegative atom
5. Which of the following atoms has 3 unpaired electrons?
a. B b. C c. N d. O
6. Which of the following statements about s orbital is incorrect?
a. They are found in all principal energy levels.
b. They are spherical in shape.
c. They can only hold one electron.
d. The maximum number of s orbitals in any principal level is 1.
7. Which of the following is the electronic configuration of atom in a noble gas?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p3 c. 1s2 2s2 2p4
b. 1s2 2s2 2p5 d. 1s2 2s2 2p6
8. What bond is present when atoms that share electrons have unequal attraction?
a. Nonpolar c. ionic
b. Polar d. dipolar
9. What chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons?
a. Ionic bond c. Lewis structure
b. Orbital bond d. Covalent bond
10. Which electrons are involved in the formation of a chemical bond?
a. Dipoles c. Lewis electrons
b. S-electrons d. Valence electrons
11. When chemical compounds form, valence electrons are those that may be______
a. Lost only c. Shared only
b. Gained only d. Lost, gained or shared
12. What kind of bond is formed in B-F whose electronegativity is 2.0 for B; and 4.0
electronegativity for F)?
a. Polar covalent c. nonpolar covalent
b. Ionic d. pure covalent
13. When two covalently bonded atoms are identical, the bond is called ____________.
a. Nonpolar covalent c. Nonionic
b. Polar covalent d. coordinate covalent
14. Which of the following pairs of atoms is likely to form covalent compound?
a. C, O b. Na, O c. Mg, F d. Ba, Cl
15. The metallic bond exists among metallic elements. This allows metals to conduct electricity.
Which of the following elements is considered a good conductor of electricity?
a. Carbon c. Fluorine
b. Copper d. Phosphorus
16. Which is classified as nonpolar covalent?
a. the H-I bond in HI c. the P-Cl bond in PCl3
b. the H-S bond in H2S d. the N-Cl bond in NCl3
17. Compared with nonmetals, the number of valence electrons in metals is generally
a. Smaller c. about the same
b. Greater d. almost triple that of nonmetals

18. Referencing the choices on the right, what is the Lewis structure for carbon tetraiodide, which
contains one carbon atom and four iodine atoms?
a. A c. C
b. B d. D

19. Potassium reacts with bromine. What is the correct formula for the compound formed by this
a. K2Br c. KBr
b. KBr2 d. KBr2
20. What bond occurs between metal and nonmetal?
a. Covalent c. Ionic
b. Metallic d. Metalloid
21. Which of the following refers to a valence electron?
a. Number of electrons lost.
b. Number of electrons gained.
c. Electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom.
d. Electrons in the innermost energy level of an atom.
22. Which of the following will NOT form an ion with a +2 Charge?
a. Calcium c. Magnesium
b. Iron d. Silver
23. Which of the following is an exception to the octet rule?
a. CH4 b. SiO2 c. PCl3 d. SF4
24. In the following molecular formula, how many of each atom is present? C 6H12O6
a. C = 6, H =12, O = 6 c. C = 12, H = 24, O = 12
b. C = 1, H = 6, O = 12 d. C = 6, H = 6, O = 6
25. What is the maximum number of bonds a carbon atom can form?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
26. Which hydrocarbon compound has a triple bond in the molecule?
a. Octane b. methane c. ethene d. Ethyne
27. How many electrons are shared in a single bond?
a. One b. two c. Three d. Four
28. Which of the following substances contains carbon?
a. Water b. Paper c. Salt d. Sulfuric Acid
29. To which group of hydrocarbon does the molecule with the structure belong?
a. Alkane b. alkyne c. alkene d. hydroxyl
30. Which of the following indicates the number of valence electrons of an atom?
a. Atomic Number c. Group/Family
b. Electron d. Isotopes
31. What happens when a metal atom becomes an ion?
a. Loses protons c. Loses energy
b. Loses neutrons d. Loses electrons
32. How do carbon atoms form many organic compounds?
a. By attracting other elements towards themselves to form the bonds.
b. By forming many bonds with other carbon atoms and other elements.
c. By sharing their electrons with other metal and non-metal elements.
d. By transferring their electrons to the atoms of surrounding elements.
33. Which compound has a highest boiling point?
a. C2H6 b. C3H8 c. C5H12 d. CH4
34. What is the correct molecular formula for a compound containing nine hydrogen atoms, three
carbon atoms, one oxygen atom, and one nitrogen atom?
a. C3H9ON c. C3H9NO
b. H9C3ON d. C3H9N1O1
35. How many Carbon atoms are there in hexane?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
36. Which of the give option below is an organic compound?
a. NaCl b. CS2 c. NaHCO3 d. C3H4
37. Which of the following compound has a carbonyl group?
a. Aldehyde b. Nitrile c. Benzene d. Ether
38. Which of the following organic compounds consists primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms?
a. Alcohols c. Carbonyl Compounds
b. Hydrocarbons d. Ketones
39. What is the common use of ethene?
a. Antibiotic c. disinfectant
b. Natural ripening agents d. fertilizer
40. Maria wants to preserve a fish for her project in Biology class. What kind of compound should
she used to preserve the animal?
a. Acetic acid c. methyl alcohol
b. Formaldehyde d. Acetone
41. Joshua is applying something to the ball bearings of the wheels of her bicycle so that friction
will be minimized. Which of the following material do you think he is using?
a. Vinegar c. kerosene
b. isopropyl alcohol d. lubricating oil
42. What happens to the boiling point of hydrocarbons when the number of carbon atoms increases?
a. Remains the same c. Increases
b. Decreases d. increases then decreases.
43. Which is TRUE about organic compounds?
I. Organic compounds contain calcium.
II. Organic compounds contain carbon.
III. Organic compounds can be produced artificially.
IV. Organic compounds can be produced by living organisms.

a. I, II, and III only c. II and III only

b. I and III only d. II, III and IV only.
44. What is the exact value of Avogadro’s number?
a. 6.02 x 1023 particles c. 6.02 x 1025 particles
b. 6.02 x 10 particles d. 6.02 x 1032 particles
45. What is the atomic mass of an atom that contains 12 protons, 12 electrons, and 12 neutrons?
a. 6 amu b. 12 amu c. 24 amu d. 48 amu_______
46. The chemical formula for water, a covalent compound, is H2O. This formula is an example of a(n)
a. Formula unit c. Ionic formula
b. Lewis structure d. Molecular formula
47. Which of the following is the correct steps to convert mass of a given substance to number of
a. no. of particles = no. of moles x molar mass
b. no. of particles = no. of moles – molar mass
c. no. of particles = no. of moles / molar mass
d. no. of particles = no. of moles x 6.02x1023 particles / 1 mole
48. Which one of the samples below has the largest mass?
a. 1 mol of CO2 c. 1 mol of CH3COCH3
b. 1 mol of UF6 d. 1 mol of CH3COCH3
49. Calculate the percent, by weight, of carbon in 154 g of C4H8O3.
a. 46% c. 72 %
b. 31% d. 27 %
50. If 25.0 g of Mg react with 89.5 g of oxygen, what is the % of magnesium in the resulting compound?
a. 69.8% c. 78.2%
b. 27.9% d. 21.8%

“Success is not Accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what
you are doing or learning to do.” -Pele

Prepared by:

Sir chad2024

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