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Al-Si Centrifugalni Lijev LMM

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Anandkumar K. Patel
Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Jeetendrakumar A. Vadher
Mechanical Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Palanpur, Gujarat, India

Copyright Ó 2022 American Foundry Society


The present research focuses on the effect of process of process parameters like mold orientation, mold rotation,
parameters on the tensile strength of near eutectic alu- and mold preheat temperature on tensile strength. As per
minum-silicon alloy in a Universal Centrifugal Casting ASTM standards, tensile specimens were prepared from the
Machine (UCCM). A Universal Centrifugal Casting casted cylinders to know the tensile strength of the casted
Machine setup is developed to enhance the properties of a parts. Tensile strength has been measured for each
centrifugally cast component at any angle between 0° and experiment, and the effects of each process parameter have
90° degrees. In this paper, untouched area of the cen- been analyzed. Optimum values of different process
trifugal casting process (intermediate stages between parameters have been identified based on experimental
horizontal centrifugal casting and vertical centrifugal analysis.
casting process) has been studied. The ultimate tensile
strength obtained with intermediate stages has been com- Keywords: mold orientation, centrifugal casting, ultimate
pared with the tensile strength obtained with traditional tensile strength, properties
horizontal and vertical centrifugal casting processes. One
factor at a time approach was used to understand the effect

Introduction Most emerging nations experience low productivity and

quality in their foundry sectors. Defects in casting can be
Today, centrifugal casting is one of the fastest-growing seen even in processes that are entirely regulated. The
manufacturing industries in the world.1 Casting production casting process is often regarded as uncertain since it
in India ranks second worldwide. Wide range of metal makes it difficult to determine what causes casting errors.
castings and cast parts are typically used in power plants, Casting defects can be categorized as filling, shape, tem-
the automotive industry, defense equipment, railroad perature and appearance-related defects.3
components, machine tools, agro-machinery, earth-moving
and mining machinery, electrical machinery, as well as oil Nowadays, several methods are used to identify defects in
and natural gas industries. A significant user of castings casting. These inspections are categorized as process
goods in India is the automotive industry. The small-, inspection and finished part inspection. Again, finish part
medium-, and large-scale sectors each have about 4500 inspections are classified as destructive testing and non-
foundry units. One thousand five hundred of those exhibit destructive testing.
exceptional performance and have received international
quality certification.2 The centrifugal casting process is suitable for any metal
and non-metal that can liquidize.4 According to the axis of
rotation, the centrifugal casting process can classify as
horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal centrifugal casting
Received: 30 May 2022 / Accepted: 27 September 2022 /
Published online: 11 October 2022

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023 1755

process, the axis of rotation of the mold is horizontal, while Table 1. Chemical Composition of Near Eutectic Alu-
in the vertical centrifugal casting machine, an axis of minum-Silicon Alloy (LM6)
rotation is vertical.5–9 In the centrifugal casting process, an
Element Composition (%) Element Composition (%)
operator pours molten metal into the center of the rotating
mold. Due to centrifugal force, heavy particles move Si 11.74 Ni 0.0127
toward the mold’s periphery while lighter particles remain Fe 0.149 Zn 0.0734
behind at the center. Because of the application of cen-
Cu 0.0915 Ti 0.0015
trifugal force, the castings are entirely free from any
porosity defect, denseness and strength are high, and these Mn 0.226 Sn 0.0015
castings proved as vital as similar forgings. Large gates, Mg 0.0874 Pb 0.0076
feeders, and core are not required, making the method less Cr 0.0245 Al Balance
expensive.[10]Many researchers have studied the effect of
the process parameters like the rotational speed and the rate
of solidification of the centrifugal casting products.11–14
The quality of casting products depends on process traditional centrifugal casting processes. A mold preheating
parameters like pouring temperature, preheat of mold, coil, coating mechanism, and spray gun were also used.
rotational speed, size, the shape of particles, and compo-
sition.5,15,16 Process parameters like pouring temperature
and the speed of motor rotation during casting are the Drawing Description of Universal Centrifugal
important parameter to produce the best specimen.17 The Casting Machine
castings have high density and good mechanical properties
because of the close grain structure.18,19 Controlling the The present novel invention Universal Centrifugal Casting
centrifugal casting process parameters can improve tensile Machine/setup/process is mainly used for symmetric
strength..20 By altering this centrifugal casting process components. This setup does not need any core, and it
parameter, one can decrease casting product defects while generates hollow cylinders. It has Shaft 1 (Vertical Shaft)
simultaneously improving the mechanical properties of the (1), Bearing Housing (2), Mold Housing 1, 2, and 3 (3),
casting product.21 Shaft 2 (Horizontal Shaft) (4), Electric Motor Base Support
Plate (5), Rolling Flats 1 (For Guiding and Locking of
Researchers have done many works to improve the mate- Electric Motor base support plate) (6), Rolling Flats 2 (For
rial’s properties by controlling the process parameters for Guiding and Locking of Hopper Locking Mechanism) (7),
horizontal and vertical centrifugal casting processes. This Locking Stud (8), Electric Motor (9), Rigid Frame Struc-
paper has attempted to explore the untouched area of the ture (10), Internal Circlip-rear (11), Internal Circlip-front
intermediate centrifugal casting process and compare the (12), Angular Contact Ball Bearing Rear (13), Angular
result with traditional techniques like horizontal and ver- Contact Ball Bearing Front (14), Hopper Arrangement
tical ones. The present study aims to achieve some objec- (15), Hopper (16), Plummer Block (17), Hex Bolts for
tives, including exploring the intermediate centrifugal Motor (18), Hex Bolts for Bearing Housing (19), Grub
casting between 0° and 90° degrees on a Universal Cen- Screw for Bearing Housing (20), Key for Housing Shaft
trifugal Casting Machine. The current investigation ana- (21), Key for Motor (22), Grub Screw for Key (23),
lyzes the results obtained and compares them with the Variable Drive (24), Hex Bolts for Mold assembly (25),
traditional centrifugal casting process. Hex Bolts with Nut and Washer for Plummer Block (26),
Protecting Guard (27), Hex Bolt with Nut for Protecting
Guard (28), Screw for Variable Drive (29), and Coupling
Materials and Methods (30).27
A near eutectic aluminum silicon alloy (LM-6 grade, The present novel invention of the Universal Centrifugal
similar to A413) material was used for experiments. Al-Si Casting Machine is designed to enable users to have a
alloy casting is used in the automotive, defense, marine, different axis of mold rotation in a single machine and to
space industries, and other engineering applications have advantages of different rotational positions, and
because it has high corrosion resistance and good cast minimize the drawback of different rotational positions in a
ability.22–26 novel way.
The chemical composition of aluminum silicon alloy (LM-
6 grade, similar to A413) is shown in Table 1. Experimental Procedure

As shown in Figure 1, the Universal Centrifugal Casting A Universal Centrifugal Casting Machine, as shown in
Machine is developed to overcome the limitations of Figure 1, was developed, which is a combination of hori-
zontal centrifugal casting and vertical centrifugal casting

1756 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023

Figure 1. Universal Centrifugal Casting Machine drawing.27

process. Intermediate casting between 0° and 90° degrees is following process parameters and their level were selected
also possible in a Universal Centrifugal Casting Machine. for experiments, as shown in Table 2.
Mild Steel was used to prepare the mold in this setup
(Universal Centrifugal Casting Machine). The mold’s Based on the above parameters and their levels, experi-
length, diameter, and thickness are 124 mm, 129 mm, and mental table, as shown in Table 3, was designed to keep
20 mm, respectively. To explore the effect of mold orien- one parameter at a time approach.
tation, mold rotation speed, and mold preheat temperature
on the mechanical property (tensile strength) of casting, the Before centrifugal casting, it is necessary to follow some
pre-stages to have defect-free casting. Because of the sig-
nificant temperature difference between molten metal and
Table 2. Effective Centrifugal Casting Process Parame- mold walls, thermoelectric voltage arises, which can
ters and Their Levels reduce mold life and damage the mold wall coating. As
shown in Figure 2a, the mold is preheated to minimize the
Process parameter Level- Level- Level- Level-
1 2 3 4 adverse effect of thermoelectric voltage. The preheating
temperature of the mold is the most significant parameter
Mold orientation (Degree) 0 30 60 90 responsible for the quality of centrifugal casting.28 The
Mold rotation Speed (RPM) 600 800 1000 1200 casting mold is preheated to around 200 °C, to prevent
Mold preheat Temperature 180 200 220 240 chilling effects, segregation, porosity, and compensation of
(oC) alloy shrinkage during casting.29 In this investigation, for
mold coating after preheating the mold, a spray gun was

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023 1757

Table 3. DOE as Per One Factor at a Time (Test Run)

Sr. Mold Mold rotation speed Mold preheat

No. orientation(h) (RPM) Temp. (°C)

1 0° 900 210
2 30° 900 210
3 60° 900 210
4 90° 900 210
5 45° 600 210
6 45° 800 210
7 45° 1000 210 Figure 3. Pouring temperature measurement of molten
metal (aluminum-silicon alloy).
8 45° 1200 210
9 45° 900 180 casting process is faster than in other casting processes.
10 45° 900 200 Hence, this setup hopper has a unique design to fill the
11 45° 900 220 entire mold quickly to prevent improper filling.
12 45° 900 240
Figure 5a shows the withdrawal of the casted cylinder. It is
easy to withdraw casting from the mold due to the coating
made before pouring molten metal into the mold. Figure 5b
shows the cylinder after the machining process. From Dye
used to apply the graphite coating material to the inside Penetrant Test (DPT), it is clear that there is no porosity on
wall of the mold, as shown in Figure 2b. the surface. It is visible that the cylinder is free from sur-
face defect as shown in Figure 5c.
A near eutectic aluminum silicon alloy was melted at 730
°C. The molten metal temperature was measured using a Three tensile specimens were prepared (as per ASTM
temperature measuring system comprising thermocouple standard) to measure the mechanical property (tensile
tip 13% BMD (Type R), as shown in Figure 3. In the strength) of the casting from the cylinder, as shown in
centrifugal casting process, it is required to set the rota- Figures 6, 7, and 8a. After the preparation of the tensile
tional speed of the mold before pouring molten metal into specimen, a tensile strength machine is used to measure the
the mold. The mold’s rotating speed is among the most ultimate tensile strength. An average of three ultimate
important factors impacting the qualities of the sample tensile strength (UTS) readings was found using equation-i
produced by centrifugal casting.30 A variable frequency and considered final ultimate tensile strength and is tabu-
drive was used to control the rotational speed of the mold, lated in Table 4. It is a destructive test. As shown in Fig-
as shown in Figure 2c ure 8c, it is visible that the specimen is broken after a
specific limit of applied pull, which is the tensile strength
Generally, the centrifugal casting process is classified as of a particular sample.
horizontal centrifugal casting process and vertical cen-
trifugal casting process. But in this study, intermediate
casting between 0° and 90° degrees is also explored. Dif- Average Ultimate Tensile Strength
ferent pouring positions are shown in Figure 4. The flow of ðUTS1 þ UTS2 þ UTS3Þ
¼ Eqn: 1
molten metal plays a significant role in the quality of the 3
final cast product.31 The cooling rate in the centrifugal

Figure 2. (a) Mold preheating using heating coil, (b) graphite coating of mold,
(c) RPM control using variable frequency drive.

1758 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023

Figure 4. Pouring of molten metal at (a) horizontal, (b) intermediate, (c) vertical.

Figure 7. Cylinders and the tensile specimen.

Ultimate tensile strength of centrifugally cast near eutectic

aluminum-silicon alloy at different mold orientations
(mold rotation angle), mold rotation, and mold pre-heat
temperature are plotted in Figures 9, 10, and 11,

Effect of Mold Orientation on the Tensile

Figure 5. (a) Withdrawal of centrifugally casted cylinder,
According to Figure 9, ultimate tensile strength increases
(b) cylinder after machining, (c) Dye Penetrant Test for
surface defects.
from mold orientation 0° to 60°. After mold orientation of
60°, the value of UTS decreases and shows a declining
pattern. Also, it is clear that at intermediate stages (at mold
orientation 30° and 60°), the value of ultimate tensile
strength is higher as compared to traditional centrifugal
casting like horizontal centrifugal casting (0°) and vertical
centrifugal casting (90°). It can be due to limitations in the
length–diameter ratio in centrifugal casting. Here vertical
centrifugal casting is preferable over horizontal centrifugal
casting in this setup as the L/D ratio for mold is less than
one. That is why vertical centrifugal casting has higher
ultimate tensile strength than the horizontal centrifugal
casting process. It is clear from Figure 9 that intermediate
stages (inclined axis of rotation of mold) help overcome the
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the tensile specimen limitation of the length-to-diameter ratio.
from cylinder made with the centrifugal casting process.

Result and Discussion Effect of Mold Rotation on the Tensile Strength

After measurement of ultimate tensile strength of each As shown in Figure 10, the ultimate tensile strength values
specimen as shown in Figure 8b and c, the following results increase with increasing the mold rotational speed. It is
for UTS were obtained. also clear that there is a drastic change in values of UTS at

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023 1759

Figure 8. Measurement of ultimate tensile strength (a) tensile specimen, (b) spec-
imen before break, (c) specimen after break.

Table 4. Result of the Tensile Test of the Specimens

Sr. Mold Mold Mold Average

No. orientation rotation preheat ultimate tensile
(h) speed temperature strength (MPa)
(RPM) (°C)

1 0° 900 210 162.6

2 30° 900 210 165
3 60° 900 210 166.7
4 90° 900 210 163.4
5 45° 600 210 133
6 45° 800 210 148.4
7 45° 1000 210 152.1
8 45° 1200 210 158.9
9 45° 900 180 145.4
10 45° 900 200 158.6
Figure 10. Effect of mold rotation on tensile strength (at
11 45° 900 220 161.9
constant mold orientation and mold preheat
12 45° 900 240 137.7 temperature).

Figure 11. Effect of mold preheat temperature on tensile

strength (at constant mold orientation and mold
Figure 9. Effect of mold orientation on tensile strength rotation).
(at constant mold rotation and mold preheat

1760 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023

600 RPM and 1200 RPM. It can be due to differences in Overall, intermediate stages show good tensile strength
the magnitude of centrifugal force. Centrifugal force on compared to traditional centrifugal casting processes like
molten metal plays a vital role in ultimate tensile strength. horizontal and vertical centrifugal casting processes
With increasing mold rotation, the centrifugal force also because both horizontal and vertical centrifugal casting
increases. processes have limitations in length-to-diameter ratio.

Effect of Mold Pre-heat Temperature Future Scope

on the Tensile Strength
In the centrifugal casting process, a further detailed study is
Mold preheat temperature is responsible for mold life and required in the field of intermediate stages between 0° and
the prevention of mold coating damage. When high-tem- 90° to understand the exact effects of different process
perature molten metal comes in contact with mold kept at parameters at each intermediate step.
room temperature, it will create a high temperature dif-
ference. If this temperature difference does not optimize, it
will reduce mold life and damage the mold coating. So it is
clear from Figure 11 that up to 220 °C, ultimate tensile
strength increases. After that, it shows a downward pattern, REFERENCES
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