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RoboCopy - Ultimate Guide With Examples - LazyAdmin

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RoboCopy – Ultimate Guide with Examples

Last updated November 1, 2022 by Rudy Mens 17 Comments

Robocopy is a great command-line utility that is used to copy, mirror, or move large
amounts of data quickly and efficiently from one location to another. The power of
Robocopy is that it comes with tons of options/switches that you can use to fine-tune and
optimize the copy action.

But all those possible options are also the common problem with Robocopy. You probably
don’t use it daily, so which switches (options) do you need to use? How did we copy also
the NTFS permissions or skip the empty folders?

In this article
The Basics
Copying all Files
Copy all Files and Folders
Move Files
Move Files and Folders
Robocopy Mirror
Robocopy Switches
Copy Options
File Selection Options
Retry Options
Robocopy Examples
Robocopy Single File
Copy Files by Type
Exclude File Type
Copy Files with a Filter
Copy Contents without Empty Directories
Robocopy Exclude Folder
Copy based on File Age
Copy based on File Size
Include Security (permissions)
Copy All Files and Folder Information
Copy to Network Path
Increase Copy Speed with Multi-Threading
Robocopy Log
Wrapping Up

In this article, we are going to take a look at Robocopy with the help of commonly used
examples. What are the best practices? And how do you speed up your copy action?

The Basics

Before we deep dive into Robocopy and look into all the options, let’s first start with the
basics. The first and most important to know is that you run Robocopy in a test mode with
/L . This will list the result without actually copying or removing any files or folders.

1. Robocopy "D:\test files" "F:\lab" /L Copy

If you look at the results, you will see which files or folders will be copied, removed, or
skipped. When you are new to Robocopy, using the /L parameter first is really a good idea
to check if the results are as expected.

Copying all Files

When you use Robocopy without any switches, it will copy only the files from the given
location to the destination. It won’t copy any subfolders from the given directory, only the
files without NTFS permissions or owner information. All you need to do is specify the
source folder and destination folder:

1. Robocopy "D:\test files" "F:\lab" Copy

Robocopy default options

Copy all Files and Folders

To copy all files and folders with Robocopy, we will need to specify the parameter /E . This
will copy all files and folders from the given directory. If you also want to copy all
attributes as well, for example, NTFS permissions or owner attributes, then also add the
/COPYALL parameter as well:
1. Robocopy "D:\test files" "F:\lab" /E /COPYALL Copy

robocopy copy all files and folders

Move Files

When you need to move files from one location to another, then you can use the /mov

parameter in Robocopy. This will copy all the files, not the subfolders, to the destination
location and once completed delete the files from the source location.

Personally, I am not a big fan of using the /mov or /move parameters. Because if anything
goes wrong with the copy action, you also don’t have the source files anymore. So make
sure you test the results first with the /L parameter.

1. Robocopy "D:\testfiles" "c:\temp\testfiles" /mov Copy

When using /mov alone, it won’t copy the file attributes, like NTFS permissions. So you
might want to use the /COPYALL parameter as well.

Move Files and Folders

To move also the folders we can use the parameter /move , which should also move the
subfolders from the directory. You need to combine this with the /E parameter to go
through all the subfolders, otherwise, only the contents of the main folder are moved.

1. Robocopy "D:\testfiles" "c:\temp\testfiles" /move /e /copyall Copy

The difference with /mov /e is that this will leave the empty folders behind in the source
directory, where /move /e also deletes the subfolders once they are copied.

Robocopy Mirror

When you want to mirror a complete directory, then you can use the Robocopy mirror
parameter. Mirror will make sure that the destination folder is completely the same as the

Good to know is that if you add or remove a file in the destination folder, then this won’t
be added to the source. This mirror only from the source to the destination

Don’t use Robocopy mirror as a backup solution. If a file is deleted in the source then it will
automatically be delete on the destination as well. So this isn’t a backup solution!

1. # Mirror files Copy

2. Robocopy "D:\testfiles\" "c:\temp\testfiles\" /mir
Robocopy mirror

If we look at the results you will see the line Options. This shows which Robocopy switches
are used. As you can see /E and /Purge are automatically added. This means that /MIR
will also mirror all subdirectories and purge (delete) any files in the destination directory
that don’t longer exist in the source.

Robocopy Switches

As mentioned in the beginning, the Robocopy command comes with a lot of switches that
you can use. I am not going to fully explain each of them, but below you will find the most
commonly used switches that you can use for Robocopy. You can get all information by
typing robocopy /?

Copy Options

Option Description

/S copy Subdirectories, but not empty ones.

/E copy subdirectories, including Empty ones.

/LEV:n only copy the top n LEVels of the source directory tree.
Option Description

/Z copy files in restartable mode.

/B copy files in Backup mode.

/ZB use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode.

/J copy using unbuffered I/O (recommended for large files).

what to COPY for files (default is /COPY:DAT).

/COPY:copyflag[s] (copyflags : D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps, X=Skip alt data streams).
(S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=aUditing info).

/SEC copy files with SECurity (equivalent to /COPY:DATS).

/COPYALL COPY ALL file info (equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU).

/NOCOPY COPY NO file info (useful with /PURGE).

/SECFIX FIX file SECurity on all files, even skipped files.

/TIMFIX FIX file TIMes on all files, even skipped files.

/PURGE delete dest files/dirs that no longer exist in source.

/MIR MIRror a directory tree (equivalent to /E plus /PURGE).

/MOV MOVe files (delete from source after copying).

/MOVE MOVE files AND dirs (delete from source after copying).

/A+:[RASHCNET] add the given Attributes to copied files.

/A-:[RASHCNET] remove the given Attributes from copied files.

/CREATE CREATE directory tree and zero-length files only.

/MON:n MONitor source; run again when more than n changes seen.

/MOT:m MOnitor source; run again in m minutes Time, if changed.

/RH:hhmm-hhmm Run Hours – times when new copies may be started.

/MT[:n] Do multi-threaded copies with n threads (default 8). n must be at least 1 and
not greater than 128.
Option Description

This option is incompatible with the /IPG and /EFSRAW options.

Redirect output using /LOG option for better performance.

what to COPY for directories (default is /DCOPY:DA).

/DCOPY:copyflag[s] (copyflags : D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps, E=EAs, X=Skip alt data

/NODCOPY COPY NO directory info (by default /DCOPY:DA is done).

/NOOFFLOAD copy files without using the Windows Copy Offload mechanism.

/COMPRESS Request network compression during file transfer, if applicable.

Robocopy Switches

File Selection Options

Option Description

/A copy only files with the Archive attribute set.

/M copy only files with the Archive attribute and reset it.

Include only files with any of the given Attributes set.

R – Read only
A – Archive
S – System
/IA:[RASHCNETO] H – Hidden
C – Compressed
N – Not content indexed
E – Encrypted
T – Temporary

/XA:[RASHCNETO] eXclude files with any of the given Attributes set.

/XF file [file]… eXclude Files matching given names/paths/wildcards.

Option Description

/XD dirs [dirs]… eXclude Directories matching given names/paths.

/XC eXclude Changed files.

/XN eXclude Newer files.

/XO eXclude Older files.

/XX eXclude eXtra files and directories.

/XL eXclude Lonely files and directories.

/MAX:n MAXimum file size – exclude files bigger than n bytes.

/MIN:n MINimum file size – exclude files smaller than n bytes.

/MAXAGE:n MAXimum file AGE – exclude files older than n days/date.

/MINAGE:n MINimum file AGE – exclude files newer than n days/date.

/MAXLAD:n MAXimum Last Access Date – exclude files unused since n.

MINimum Last Access Date – exclude files used since n.

(If n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date).

/DST compensate for one-hour DST time differences.

/XJ eXclude symbolic links (for both files and directories) and Junction points.

/XJD eXclude symbolic links for Directories and Junction points.

/XJF eXclude symbolic links for Files.

/IM Include Modified files (differing change times).

Robocopy File Selection Switches

Retry Options
Option Description

/R:n number of Retries on failed copies: default 1 million.

/W:n Wait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.

/REG Save /R:n and /W:n in the Registry as default settings.

/TBD Wait for share names To Be Defined (retry error 67).

/LFSM Operate in low free space mode, enabling copy pause and resume (see Remarks).

/LFSM:n[KMG] /LFSM, specifying the floor size in n [K:kilo,M:mega,G:giga] bytes.

Robocopy Retry Switches

Robocopy Examples

As you can see there are a lot of switches that you can use with Robocopy. The best way to
learn and understand the robocopy utility is by examples in my opinion. Below you will
find some of the most commonly used robocopy commands.

Robocopy Single File

Even though robocopy is primarily designed to copy large amounts of data in a robust
way, it’s possible to copy a single file with robocopy. To do this you will need to specify the
file name as a filter:

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst "file-name-to-copy.txt" Copy

robocopy single file

Copy Files by Type

In Robocopy, we can filter which files to copy using wildcards and filenames. This allows us
to also filter the files on file type. For example, to copy only the log files from the given
directory, we can filter on the extension .log using the wildcard * :

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst *.log Copy

As you can see in the screenshot above, I have added the option /s . This will also copy
the .log files from the subdirectories. It won’t copy subdirectories that don’t have a .log

You can also specify multiple files types, simply leave a space between the files types:

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst *.log *.txt Copy

Exclude File Type

Excluding file types in Robocopy is done with the /xf switch. We can use wildcards (* and
?) to specify the file types that we want to exclude. Separate multiple file types with a
space between them.

The example below copies all files, except log and txt files:
1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /xf *.log *.txt Copy

Robocopy Exclude File Type

We can see in the results that 6 files were skipped and 12 files copied.

Copy Files with a Filter

Besides file types, we can also filter on file names or file attributes with Robocopy. The
principle of filtering in filenames is similar to filtering on file types. We can use wildcards (*
and ?) to filter the part of the filenames.

For example, to filter all files where the name starts with log:

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst log* Copy

It’s also possible to filter the files that you want to copy based on an attribute. We can use
/IA to copy only the files with a certain attribute or /XA to exclude files with a specific

For example, to include or exclude files that are marked Read-Only:

1. # Exclude all files that are read-only Copy

2. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /XA:R

4. # Copy only the read-only files

5. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /IA:R

You can combine all the filter options if you want. The example below copies all files that
contain the name sep, as the extension .log and isn’t marked read-only.

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst *sep* *.log /XA:R Copy

Copy Contents without Empty Directories

Copying empty folders is not always wanted. To exclude the empty folders we can use the
switch /s . This way empty folders won’t be copied:

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /s Copy

Robocopy Exclude Folder

Just like files, we can also exclude folders with Robocopy. For this, we will be using the
switch /XD followed by the folder or folders that we want to exclude. We will also be using
the /E switch to copy all other subfolders from the directory:

1. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /e /xd "folder a" "folder c" Copy

robocopy exclude folders

Copy based on File Age

Filtering out files based on age is also a common method used with Robocopy. We can
use the switches /MINAGE and /MAXAGE for filtering. /MAXAGE is for example useful when
you want to copy only the files that are a couple of days old. The age can only be specified
in days.

1. # Copy files that are created last week Copy

2. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /MAXAGE 7

Or when you want to move all files that are older than a year you can do:

1. # Move all files that are more then a year old Copy
2. #
3. # NOTE - This will DELETE the files from the source!
4. #
5. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /MINAGE 365 /MOVE /E

Besides file age, you can also filter the files based on the last access date the file is
accessed. For this use the switches /MINLAD and /MAXLAD .

Copy based on File Size

When you want to copy all files large than 10Mb or files only files that a less 1Mb, then
you can use the Robocopy switch /max and /min . The file size is specified in bytes.

1. # Copy only files that are larger then 10Mb Copy

2. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /MIN:10000000
Include Security (permissions)

When copying files to another NTFS formatted drive, we can also copy the file permissions
with /sec . If you use /copyall , then security will also be copied, /sec is the same as
/copy:dats (Data, Attributes, Time stamps, NTFS Access control list)

1. # Copy file including the NTFS permissions Copy

2. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /SEC

If the destination isn’t an NTFS formatted drive, then the permissions will be lost.

Copy All Files and Folder Information

The /copyall switch in Robocopy only specifies which attributes to copy from the files
(everything). By default, only the Data and Attributes of folders are copied. You can also
copy the timestamps of the folders, for this you will need to specify /dcopy:dat .

If we combine the two, then we can copy all files and folder information:

1. # Copy all file and folder information Copy

2. robocopy d:\testfiles c:\temp\dst /copyall /dcopy:dat

Copy to Network Path

When you need to copy files and folders to another server (network path) then there are a
few tips when it comes to using Robocopy. The problem with copying files over the
network is that even a short network interruption can cause normal copy actions to start

It’s recommend to use full UNC paths when copying files over the network instead of using
mapped drives.

Besides interruption, we also need to keep in mind bandwidth limitations. If you run
Robocopy with a multi-threading during business hours on the file server, then there is a
chance that your users start complaining. To limit bandwidth usage we can use /ipg:n .
Another option is to specify the hours between which Robocopy can run with /RH

So to optimize network transfer with Robocopy we can use the following switches:

Option Description

Specify the time between the job can run

Copy files in restartable mode, if access is denied, restart the copy action
/ZB in backup mode. This will override files and folder permissions that might
block access.
Option Description

/MT:n Multi-Threaded will speed up the file transfer, n = default 8

/IPG:n Limit bandwidth usage by telling Robocopy to wait n milliseconds

/R:n Specify the number of retries

/W:n Specifies how long to wait between the retry

Robocopy Network Transfer

If you want to run the Robocopy job during business hours, then you might want to limit
bandwidth usage with /ipg . Robocopy copies the data in blocks of 64KB, the ipg switch
adds a short pause in milliseconds between each block, making room for other data. I
won’t go fully in-depth about how it works but /ipg:25 limits the required bandwidth by
50%. And /ipg:9 about 25%.

1. # Copy all file and folders to network share and limit throughput by 50% Copy
2. robocopy d:\testfiles \\la-srv-lab02\temp$\dst /copyall /e /ipg:25 /zb /r:3 /w:1

Another good method when transferring data over the network is to schedule it after
business hours. With Robocopy we can specify the time between the job can run. For this,
we are going to use the /RH switch.

1. Copy
robocopy d:\testfiles \\la-srv-lab02\temp$\dst /copyall /e /rh:1900-0600 /zb /r:3
Schedule Robocopy job

You can see in the screenshot above that the job is paused until 19:00.

Increase Copy Speed with Multi-Threading

Multi-Threading allows you to copy more files simultaneously. By default, it’s set to 8, but
you can increase it to 128. So let’s set it as high as possible, right? Well, there is more to it.
How high you can set Multi-Threading in Robocopy depends on the source and
destination resources. The more disks (and IOPS) you have, the more files the server can
simultaneously handle. But also CPU, memory, and bandwidth all need to be taken into

In general, we can say, if you have a lot of small files, then it’s worth increasing the multi-
threadings. When you have primary large files, then it might be better to lower the
number of threads.

I did a quick test with 2500 files, copying them from one SSD disk to another on the same

8 Threads > 0.72 seconds

16 Threads > 0.31 seconds

128 Threads > 0.48 seconds

The numbers above are to give you an idea. When you need to copy a large amount of
data then it’s a good idea to do some tests on what the optimal number is for your

Robocopy Log

By default, Robocopy outputs the log directly into the console. Great for small copy jobs,
but when transferring a large number of files, you might want to save the results to a log.
Another benefit of using the log file is that Robocopy will be faster.

Option Description

/LOG:<path> Specify the log file to save the information to

/LOG+: Append the result to an existing log file

/ts Include the source file time stamp in the log output

/tee Output to log and console

/fp Include the full path of the files in the log

/v Verbose, output also skipped files

Robocopy log options

It’s even possible to determine what to log or not, like don’t log the directories for
example. You can find all the options here in the documentation.

Using log files is really recommended when you are running Robocopy unattended. It
gives you the ability to check for any errors afterward, even in case the console is closed.
It’s also a good idea the use the log files when transferring a lot of data. This way you can
easily check for any copy issues that have occurred.

Make sure that you also specify the file name, not only the log file location.
1. robocopy d:\testfiles \\la-srv-lab02\temp$\dst /copyall /e /log:c:\temp\dst.logCopy
/r:3 /w:1


You do not have the Manage Auditing user right error

When using the parameter /COPYALL or /COPY:U you need to run the command prompt
(or Windows Terminal) as administrator.

Speedup Robocopy
To speed up to copy process it’s best to redirect the output to the log files. Outputting it
to the console will slow down the copy process. Also if you have a stable and reliable
network connection, then you can leave out the /z (restartable mode) switch. Increase the
threads to 16 with /mt:16 , setting it too high might cause latency to occur.

Wrapping Up

When you need to copy large amounts of data, then Robocopy is one of the best tools to
use. It comes with a lot of options, as you have seen, to help you with copying data in the
most efficient way. When working with large data sets, make sure that you test your
commands with the /L switch before running them on production data.

I hope you found this article useful, if you have any questions, just drop a comment below.

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17 thoughts on “RoboCopy – Ultimate Guide with Examples”

September 15, 2023 at 07:37 | Reply

Hello support Guys,

Good day,

I need a small help. I am creating one script .bat. my backup and old date deleted
file is run smoothly and also each file generate the time but how to set date and
time can you help me please

set CUR_YYYY=%date:~10,4%
set CUR_MM=%date:~4,2%
set CUR_DD=%date:~7,2%
set CUR_HH=%time:~0,2%
if %CUR_HH% lss 10 (set CUR_HH=0%time:~1,1%)

set CUR_NN=%time:~3,2%
set CUR_SS=%time:~6,2%
set CUR_MS=%time:~9,2%


robocopy “D:\Test Robo” “E:\Backup Robo” /E /MT[:128]


forfiles -p “E:\Backup Robo” -m *.* /S /D -5 /C “cmd /c del @path&echo @path >>

Log file showing this range

I need output like this below


Please reply and help me

Thanks In Advanced


September 2, 2023 at 04:45 | Reply

Hello, this is a great article! It had just what I needed, examples of multiple
parameters on a single command line.

Thank you!

A variation of /S /PURGE (/MIR); is there any combinations of switches that would

hold on to files at the Destination for a period of time “since they last disappeared
from the source” so that you could set that switch to something like ’14’ and give
yourself two weeks to determine that something had been accidentally deleted on
the Source but yet still not have the Destination fill up forever with tons of old files
that you don’t really want— and don’t want to have to go through and manually
clean up? (As it would go ahead and delete any files that haven’t been on the
Source for 14 days or more.)

Maybe some combination of /MAXAGE /MAXLAD and strategic File Attributes

Or maybe it isn’t possible.

Anyway, thanks again!

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

September 4, 2023 at 08:49 | Reply

That is not possible with Robocopy. An option would be to write a custom

PowerShell script for that.

August 29, 2023 at 05:51 | Reply

Hello Rudy! thanks for the comprehensive guide. Last weekend I have copied
across millions of files to another file server using robocopy which took 28 hours.

After another week, I am required to copy across the changes (delta) from the
source and I am planning to use parameters below:

robocopy (source) (destination) /MIR /ZB /W:5 /MT:32 /R:5 /LOG:C:\robocopy.log

given above command, my question would be – will /MIR overwrite ALL the files or
just copy across the updated/new files?

Reason is there is a time constraint for me to do the copy, and I was hoping that
/MIR will just transfer the new/updated files and folder.

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

August 29, 2023 at 09:43 | Reply

MIR will only copy the changed and new files to the destination. Keep in mind
though that files and folders deleted from the source, wil also be deleted from
the destination.
August 18, 2023 at 18:59 | Reply

RoboCop should update their ABOUT screen from Windows 8 to Windows 10/11.
Also, have the errors (see been corrected?

July 31, 2023 at 18:35 | Reply

We need to migrate 2 TB of data from one data drive to another (both the drives
are mounted on the same VM) and my question is how can we get an ETA for the
copy operation to complete? We would want to know how long will it take so that
we can schedule a downtime accordingly. I know that there is a /ETA switch that
can be used but that only shows the status of the copy operation for individual
files/directories and not for the copy operation as a whole (it wouldn’t show the
total amount of data out of the 2 TB that has been transferred over and/or is yet to
be transferred). Please suggest.

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

August 18, 2023 at 08:40 | Reply

/ETA will only work when copying files. What I personally would do is a test run.
Run the command for 10 min orso and see how much data is processed. You can
then calculate how long the 2TB will take. This will give you a good estimate

June 5, 2023 at 18:24 | Reply
Seems that /XO doesn’t work when i robocopy files from my desktop to the cloud
(ionos) :
it doesn’t exclude files even if they have the same date/hour ?
if i send twice the same robocopy command … it uploads same files twice

robocopy “%cleUSB%\JL_DATA\banque\factures et notices”

“Z:\users\jl.gillet\cle_USB\JLG_DATA\banque\factures et notices” /E /R:3 /W:3 /XO

have any idea?

Thank you

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

June 7, 2023 at 09:53 | Reply

Sorry, I am unfamiliar with Ionos. Might have something to do with the file
system they are using or a timezone issue. Best option would be to contact Ionos
about it.

March 30, 2023 at 03:29 | Reply

This is a great article. So comprehensive.

I am trying to use robocopy where the Source and Destination are in 2 different
AD domain (there is vpn tunnel, but no trust). I do not see a way to specify
credentials in robocopy!

March 14, 2023 at 00:14 | Reply
After DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME occurred, my next run of Robocopy seemed to
check on and report on every file, unlike its usual checking process. It took over an
hour whereas it usually takes a minute or so. How come?

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

March 14, 2023 at 11:41 | Reply

You can use the switch /DST to compensate for the daylight saving time.

dan LazyAdmin
April 1, 2023 at 04:50 | Reply

Hi Rudy,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m wondering why “/DST” isn’t the default for ROBOCOPY. After all, what is the
benefit of ROBOCOPY rechecking every file just because DST occurred? Or more
basic, how did DST cause ROBOCOPY to do all the rechecking in the first place?
Thanks again,

February 14, 2023 at 17:43 | Reply

How to exclude copying of files without extensions. ?

I Take
/XF *.
do not work
An idea

Rudy Mens LazyAdmin

February 17, 2023 at 14:32 | Reply

You could use PowerShell to create an exclude list:

$source = c:\files\

robocopy $source "c:\temp\" /xf (Get-ChildItem -File $source -name | ?{$_ -

notmatch '\.'})

Old And Lazy Admin

November 4, 2022 at 23:16 | Reply

Love the guide but I find that Robocop Robocopy makes Robocopy almost
foolproof. – the program and even a

WIKI on the same page. Although after the guide above, I doubt that you need the

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