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MSC 27

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(adopted on 11 December 1992)
(adopted on 11 December 1992)

(adopted on 11 December 1992)




RECALL LNG Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime

Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING FURTHER article VIII(b) of the International Convention for

the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, hereinafter referred to as "the Convention",
concerning the procedures for amending the Annex to the Convention, other than
the provisions of chapter I thereof,

HAVING CONSIDERED, at its sixty-first session, amendments to the Convention

proposed and circulated in accordance with article VIII(b)(i) thereof,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(h)(iv) of the Convention, the

amendments to the Convention, the text of which is set out in the annex to the
present resolution;

2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VrrHb)(vi)(2)(bb) of the

Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on
1 April 1994 unless, prior to the date, more than one third of the Contracting
Governments to the Convention, or Contracting Governments the combined
merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50 per cent of the gross
tonnage of the world's merchant fleet, have notified their objections to the
amendments j

3. INVITES Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance with

article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into
force on I October 1994 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2

4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VIII(b)(v) of

the Convention, to tranSmit certified copies of the present resolution and the
text of the amendments contained in the annex to all Contracting Governments
to the Convention;

5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary - General to transmit copies of the

resolution to Members of the Organization which are not Contracting
Governments to the Convention.
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 2 -



Access to s paces in the cargo area o f oil ta nkers

1 Add the following af ter paragraph 11 of regulation II-l/2:

" 12 An oi l tanker i s the oil tanker defined in regulation 1 of Annex I

of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 19 73. 11

2 Add a new regulation 11-1/12-2:

"Regul atio n 12-2

Access to s paces in the cargo area of oil tankers

1 This regulation applies to oil tankers construct ed on or after

1 Oc tober 1994.

2 Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, ca r go tanks and other spaces in

the c argo area shall be direct from the open deck and such as to ensure
t heir comp lete inspection. Access to double bottom spaces may be through
a cargo pump-r oom, pump -r oom, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel or s imilar
c ompartme nt s, subject to considerat i on of venti lat ion aspect s .

3 For access through horizonta l openin gs , hatches or manholes,

the dimensions shall be sufficient to allow a person wearing a
se l f -contained air- breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend
or desce nd any ladder without obstruction and also to prov ide a clear
ope ning to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom
o f the space. The minimum clear opening should be not less than 600 mm
by 600 tm'TI.

4 For access thr ough vertica l o penings, or ma nho les providing passage
t hrough t he leng th and breadth o f the s pace, the min imum c le ar ope n ing
should be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a height of not mo re than
600 mm from the bottom she ll pla ting unles s gratings or other foothol ds
are provided.

5 For oil tankers of less than 5,000 tonnes deadweight smaller

dimensions may be approved by the Admini stra t ion in special
circumstances, if th e ability to traver se s uch openings or to remove an
injured person can be proved to the sati s faction of t he Administration."

Regula t ion 11-1 / 37 - Communi ca tion be twee n navigati ng bridge and machinery

3 Number the presen t paragraph as paragraph 1 and add the followin g :

" 2. For ships constructed on or after 1 Octobe r 1994 the followin g

requirements apply in lieu of the provisions of paragraph 1:

At Least two independent means shall be provided for communicating orders

from the navi gating bridge to the position i n the machinery s pace or in
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
3 - AT SEA, 1974

the control room from which the speed and direction of thrust of the
propellers are normally controlled: one of these shall be an engine -ro om
telegraph which provides visual indication of the orders and responses
both in the machinery Spaces a nd on the navigating bridge. Appropriate
mea n s of cOlIIII\unicstion shall be provided from the navigating bridge and
the engine-room to any o ther position from which tbe speed or direction
of thrust of the propellers may be controlled."

Regulation 11-1/42 - Emergency source of electric power in passenger ships

4 Insert the following paragraph after paragra ph 3.2 of regulation 11-1/42:

"3.3 The following provision in paragraph 3.1.2 shall not apply to ships
constructed on or after 1 October 1994:

unless a second independent means of starting the emergen cy generat ing

set is provided, the single source of stored e ner gy shall be protected to
preclude its com plete depletion by the automa tic starting system."

Regulation 11-1/43 - Emergency source of electric power in cargo ships

Insert the following paragraph after paragraph 3.2 of regulation 11-1/43:

"3.3 The following provision in paragraph 3 . 1 . 2 shall not apply to

ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994:

unless a second independent means of starting the emergency genera ting

set is provided, the single source of s tored ene r gy shall be protec t ed t o
preclude its complete depl etion by the automatic starting system."

Regulation 11-1/44 - Starting arrangements for emergency generating sets

6 Insert the following paragraph after paragraph 2 of regulation 11-1/44:

"2.1 Ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994, in lieu o f the

provision of the second sentence of paragraph 2, shall comply with the
followin g req uirements:

The source of stored energy shall be protected t o precl ude c ritical

depletion by the automatic starting system, unless a second independent
means of starti ng is provided . In addition, a se cond source o f energy
shall be provided for an additional three starts within 30 minutes unless
manual starting ca n be demonstrated to be effective."

Regulation 11-1/45 - Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of

electrical origin

Insert t he following after para graph 3.2 of regulation 11-1/45:

"3.2-1 For ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994, th e requirement

o f paragraph 3.1 does no t preclude the use of limited and locally earthed
systems, provided that any possible resulting current does not flow
direct ly through any dangerous spaces ."
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 4 - OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974

8 Insert the following after paragraph 4.2:

"4.3 Ships constructed on or after 1 Octo ber 1994. in lie u o f the

provisions of paragraph 4.1, shall comply with the followin g requirements :

.1 Except as permitted by paragraph 4.3.2, earthed distribution

systems shall not be used in a tanker •

.2 The requirement of paragraph 4.3.1 does not preclude the use of

earth ed intrinsically safe circuits and in addi tion, under
conditions approved by th e Administration, the use of th e
foll owi ng earthed systems:

.2.1 power supplied, control circuits and instrumentati o n

ci rcuits wh ere technical or safety reasons preclude the
use of a system with no connection to earth, prov ided the
curre nt in the hull is limited to not more than 5 amp s in
bo th normal a nd fa u lt conditions; or

.2.2 limited and locally earthed systems, provided that any

possible resulting current does not flow directly throu gh
any of the dangerous space s; or

.2.3 a lter nati ng c urrent power networks of 1,000 V root mea n

s quare ( lin e t o l ine) and over, provided that a ny poss ibl~
resulting c urrent does not flow directly through any of
the dange rous spaces."

Amendments to cha pter 11-2 dealing wi th fire - pr otec t ion req uiremen ts of new

Regul ation 11-2/1 - Applicati o n

9 Amend para graph 1 .1 t o r ead:

"l.t Un less expressly provided o therwise, parts A, C a nd D of th is

chapter shall ap pl y to ships the keels of whi ch are laid or which are nt
a similar stag e of constru c tion on or af ter I July 1986, and part B of
this chapter shall apply to ships the keels of which are laid or wh i ch
are at a sim i lar s ta ge of cons tru c ti on on or a f t er 1 Oct ober 1994 ."

10 Add the following to t he present sentence of para gr aph 2:

"and for sh ip s cons tru cted before 1 Oc t obe r 1994 the Admini st ration sha ll
ensure that th e req ui r ements which are ap pli cable under part B of
chapter 11- 2 o f the I nt e r national Conve ntion for the Safe t y o f Li [ e a t
Sea, 1974 . a s ame nd e d by r esolu tions MSC .l(XLV), MSc.6(48), MSC. 13(S7) ,
MSC.22(S9) and MSC . 24( 60) are complie d with."

Regulation 11-2 /3 - Definitions

11 Add a new paragr aph 33 a s [al l ows:

"33 For ships c onstructe d on or after 1 October 1994 , in lieu of the

definition of ma in ver tical zones pr ovided in paragraph 9, the foll owing
definition shal l be a pplierl :
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
5 - AT SEA, 1974

Hain vertical zones are those secti ons into which the hull.
superstructure and deckhouses are divided by "A" class divisions,
the mean length and width of which on any deck does not in general
exceed 40 til."
Fire main and fire pump sizing

Regulation 11-2/4.4.2

12 Add the following after paragraph 4.2:

"4.2.1 Passenge r ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994, in lieu

of the provisions of paragraph 4.2, shall comply with the following

With the two pumps simultaneously delivering through the nozzLes

specified in paragraph 8 and sufficient hydrants to provide for the
quantity of water specified in paragraph 4.1, a minimum pressure of
0 .4 N/mm 2 for ships of 4,000 tons gross t onnage and above and
0.3 N/mm 2 for ships of les s than 4,000 tons gross tonnage shall be
maintained at all hydrants."

Regulation 11-2/4.3 .3. 3

13 Add the following after paragraph 3.3 . 3:

" For ships constructed on or after I Oc tober 1994, the

alternative means to be provided in acc ordanc e with the provisions of
paragraph 3.3.3 sha ll be an independently dr iven, power - operated
emergency fire pump and with its source of power and sea co nne ctio n
l o ca ted out side the mach in ery space."

Regulation 11-2/

14 Add th e following after paragraph

" Ships constructed on or after I Octobe r 1994, in lieu of the

provisions of paragraph, s ha ll comply with the fOllmdng

The space containing the fire pump s hall no t be contiguous to the

boundaries of machinery spaces of category A or those spaces containing
main fire pumps. Where thi s is not practicable, the common bulkhead
between the two spaces shall be ins ulated to a standard of structural
fire prote ctio n equivalent to t hat requir ed for a control s tation in
regulation 44."

Release mechanism of C02

15 The following paragraphs are added after paragraph 2.4 of

regulat ion 11-2/5:

"2. 5 Carbon dioxide systems installed on or afte r 1 October 1994 shall

comply with the following requirements •

.1 Two separate controls shall be provided for releasing carbon dioxide

into a protected space and to ensure the activities of th e alarm.
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 6 -

One control shall be used to discharge the gas from its storage
con tai ners. A second control sha ll be used for opening t he valve of
the piping which conveys the gas into the protected space •

.2 The two controls shal l be located insi de a release box c learly

identified for t he parti cu la r space . If the box co n tai ning the
controls is to be locke d, a ke y to the box shall be in a break-glass
type enc l osure cons picuously loc ated adjacent to t he box ."

Pr ohibition of new insta ll ations of halon system

16 Replace paragraph 3.1 of regul ation II-2/S by the following:

1t3.1 The use of halogena t ed hydrocarb ons as fire-e xt i n guis hing med ia i s
only permitted i n ma chinery space s, pump-rooms and in c argo spa ces
inte nded sol ely fo r the carriage of vehi cle s which are not ca rryin g any
cargo. New install ations of halogenated hydrocarbon sys t ems shal l be
proh i bite d on aIt ships."

Regu latio n 11-2 /13 - Fixed fire detection and fire ala r m sys tems

17 Rep lace paragraph 1.6 by the following:

"1.6 I ndicat ing units shall , as a minimum , d e no te t he section in whic h a

detector or manual ly ope rated c a ll poi nt has operated . At le ast one un it
shall be so located t hat it is easily accessibl e t o responsib le memb er s
of t he crew at a ll times, when at sea or i n port, except wh e n t he s hi p is
out of service. One ind icating unit shall be loca t ed on the navigating
brid ge if the control panel is lo cat ed in the main fire control s t a tion ."

18 Re pla ce parag ra ph 1.8 by the fol l owing:

"1. 8 Where t he fire detection s ystem does not inc lud e me ans of remo t ely
identifying each det ector individually, no se ct ion cove ring more than one
deck within accommoda tion, service a nd co ntrol s tations shall normally be
perm itted exc ept a se ction wh ich c overs an en c l osed s tairway . I n o rder
to avo id delay i n iden tifying t he source o f fir e, the numbe r of enclosed
sp aces included in each se ction shall be limi ted as dete rmi ned by the
Administration. In no case sha l l mo r e than fif t y enclosed spaces be
permitted in any sec tio n. If the det ectio n system is f it ted with
remotely and ind ividually i den tif iable fire detectors, the sec ti ons ma y
cover several decks and s erve any numbe r of enclosed spac es ."

19 Replace paragraph 1.9 by the following:

" 1 . 9 In passenger sh ips, if the r e is no f ire detec tion sys t em capab l e of

r emo tely and individually i de ntifyi ng each det ector, a section o f
det ectors shall no t serve spaces on both si de s of the sh ip not on more
tha n one deck and neither s hall it be situa t ed i n more than one ma i n
vertical zone except th at t he Administration, if i t is sat isf ied that the
protect i on of the shi p against fi re wi ll no t thereby be reduced, may
pe r mit s uc h a sec tion of detectors to se rv e bo th s id es of the ship and
mor e than one dec k. I n pas senger shi ps fitted with individually
id e n t ifiable fir e dete ctors, a se ction may serve spaces on bo th sid es of
t he shi p and on severa l de cks but may not be situa t ed i n more than one
ma in vertical zone."
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 7 -

20 Add the following parag raph 1. IS:

"l.IS Fire detection systems 'With a zone address identification

ca pability fitt e d on or a f te r Oc t obe r 1994 s hal l be 80 arra nged that:

a loop ca nn ot be damaged at more than one point by a fire;

means are provided t o ensure that any fault (e.g. power break;
short circuit; earth) occurring in the loop will not render the
whole loop ineffective;

all arrangements are made to enable the initial configurat ion of

the sys tem to be restored in the event of failure (e l ectrical.
electronic , informatic)j

th e first i n itia t ed fir e alarm will not prevent any other de t e c t o r

from in i t iat ing furt he r £i r e alarms. to

Regulation 20

Fire contr ol plans and fire drills

21 A new regulation 20 .4 is added as follows :

"In shi ps ca r ryi ng more than 36 passengers, plans and bookle t s requi red
by th i s regulat i on shall pr ovide t he information regarding fire
protec t ion , fi r e de tection a nd fir e extinct ion based on the guidelines
issued by th e Organizat i on".

Regul at ion 11-2/24 - Hain ver t ical zones and hori zontal zone s

22 Amend paragraph 1.1 to read;

"1.1 In ships carrying more than 36 passengers, the hull, s uperstructure

and deckhouses shall be subdivided in to main verti cal zones by A-60 c lass
di v i sions. Steps and r ecesses shall be kep t to a min i mum but wbere they
are necessa r y they shall also be A-60 c l ass d ivisions. Whe r e a
category 26.2.2(5),26 . 2.2(9) or 26 . 2.2(10) s pace is on one side o f t he
division the sta ndard may be r e du ced t o A-O."

23 Amend paragraph 2 to r ead;

"2 As fa r as practicabl e, the bu l kheads forming the boundaries of

the main vertical zones above the bulkhead deck shall be in line with
watertight subdivision bulkheads sit uated immediatel y below the bulkhead
deck. The le ng th and width of mai n vertical zones may be exte nded t o
a maximum of 48 m in order to br ing the e nd s of ma i n vertical zones to
coi ncide with subd i v ision watertight bu lkhead s or in ord er to accommodate
a lar ge publi c space ex t endi ng for the whole le ngth of the main ve rtical
zone pr ovided that the total area of the ma in vertical zone is not
greater than 1,600 m2 on any deck . The length or width of a main
verti cal zone is the maximum dist ance between the f ur thermost points
of the bulkhe ads boundi ng it. "
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 8 -

24 Delete the reference to table 26.3.

Regulation 11-2/25 - Bulkheads within a main vertical zone

25 Add the following at the beginning of the first sentence of paragraph 2:

"In ships carrying not more thsn 36 passengers,".

26 Replace paragraph 3 by the following;

"3 All bulkheads required to be "B" class divisions. except corridor

bulkheads prescribed in paragraph 2, shall extend from deck to deck and
to the shell or other boundaries unless the continuous "B" class ceilings
or linings fitted on both sides of th e bulkheads are at least of the same
fire resistance as the bulkhead, in which case the bulkhead may terminate
at the continuous ceiling or lining."

Regulation 11- 2/26 - Fire in tegrity of bulkheads and decks in ships carrying
more than 36 passengers

27 Amend paragraph 2.1 as follows:

"2.1 Table 26.1 shal.l apply to bulkheads not bounding either main
vertical zones or horizontal zones. Table 26.2 shall apply to decks not
forming steps in main vertical zones nor bounding horizontal zones."

28 In paragraph 2.2(3), delete the words "and lobbies ".

29 Amend paragraph 2.2(4) to read:

"(4) Evatuation "at ion, and extecnal e"ape route,.

Survival craft stowage area.

Open deck spaces and enclosed promenades forming lifeboat

and liEeraft embarkation and lowering stations.

Muster stations, interna l and external.

External stairs and open decks used for escape routes.

The ship's side to the waterline in the lightest seagoing

condition, superstructure and deckhouse sides situated below and
adjacent to the liferaft and evacuation slide embarkation

30 In paragraph 2.2(7), add "Opera ting rooms" at the end.

31 Delete "Operat ing rooms" from paragraph 2.2(9).

32 In paragraph 2.2(11), delete the word lIemergency" betW"een "driving ll and

"generators", and delete r eference to "special category spaces" on the first,
second and twentieth li nes.

33 Delete paragraph 2.4 and 2.5, and renumber the present paragraph 2.6 as
new paragraph 2.4.
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 9 -

34 Delete the present paragraph 2.7, and add a new paragraph 2.5 as follows:

".S The Administration shall determine in r es pect of ca tegory (5) spaces

whether the insulation values in table 26.1 shall apply to ends of
deckhouses and superstructures, and wh e ther the insulation values in
table 26.2 shall appl y to weather deck s. In no case shall the
requirements of category (5) of table 26. 1 or 26.2 nece ss itate enclosure
o f spaces which in the o pinion of the Administration need not be
e nclosed. "

35 Re pla ce tables 26.1 and 26.2 by the following:

(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 10 -


Spaces (t) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (iO (i2) (13) (14)

Cootrol stations (t) B4 A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{fJ A-{fJ A-{fJ A-{) A-{) A-{fJ A-{fJ A-{fJ A-{fJ

Stairways (2) A4 A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-IS A-IS A4 A-{) A-IS A-?iJ A-15 A- ?iJ
Corridors (3) B 15 A-{fJ A-{) B 15 B-15 B-15 B-15 A-{) A 15 A?iJ A-{) A?iJ

Evacuation stations
and external escape
rootes (4) A-{) A-flJb A_rob A-fiJb A-Q A-{) A-fiJb A_rob A_rob A_rob

Open deck spaces ( 5) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{)

spaces of minor
fire risk (6) B-{) B-{) B-{) C A-{) A-{) A-?iJ A-{) A-?iJ

spaces of mxlerate
fire risk (7) B-{) B-{) C A-{) A-15 A-{fJ A- IS A-f{)

spaces of greater
fire risk (8) B-O C A-{) A-?iJ A-{fJ A- IS A-f{)

Sani tary and

similar spaces (9) C A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{) A-{)

Tanks, voids and

auxiliary IMchinery
spaces having
little or no fire
risk (IO)

Auxiliary IMchinery
spaces , cargo spaces,
cargo and other oil
tanks and other
similar spaces of
nnderate fire
risk (ll) A-o A-Q A-Q A-IS

Machinery spaces and

main galleys (12)
..urkshops, pantries,
etc . (13)

Other spaces in
which flanmable
liquids are
,,""" (14) A-?iJ
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
II - AT SEA, 1974


Spaces above U) W (3) (4) (S) (6) m (8) (9) UO) (ll) (12) (13) (14)
S~es belcw

Control stations (l) A-:JJ A-:JJ A-IS A-<l A-<l A-<l A-IS A- :JJ A-<l A-<l A-<l A-fJ) A-<l A-fJ)

Stain.eys (2) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A:JJ A-<l A-:JJ

Corridors (3) A-15 A-<l A4 A-fJ) A-<l A-<l A-15 A- IS A-<l A-<l A-<l A-:JJ A-<l A-:JJ
Evacuation stations
an::i external escape
='05 (4) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

Open deck s paces (5) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

spaces of minor
fire risk (6) A-fIJ A-IS A-<l A-fJ) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

spaces of mxlerate
fire risk (7) A-fJ) A-IS A-15 A-fJ) A-<l A-<l A-IS A-15 A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

spaces of greater
fire risk (8) A-fJ) A-IS A-IS A-fJ) A-<l A-IS A-15 A-:JJ A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

Sanitary and
similar spaces (9) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l

Tanks, voids and

auxiliary machinery
spaces having
little or no f ire
risk (10) A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<la A-<l A-<l A-<l A-<l
Auxiliary IMch inery
spaces, cargo spaces,
cargo am. other oil
tanks and other
similar spaces o f
noderate fi re
r isk (ll) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-f>] A-<l A-<l A-IS A-:JJ A-<l A-<l A-<la A-<l A-<l A- :JJ
Machinery spaces .ard
TTGin galleys (12) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-<l A-fJ) A-fJ) A-fJ) A-<l A-<l A-Xl A_"!1JB A-{} A-fJ)
Store-rcx:ms ,
\oIOrkshops , pantries,
etc . (13) A-fJ) A-Xl A-lS A-fJ) A-<l A-lS A-:JJ A-:JJ A-o A-<l A-<l A-<l A-o A-<l

Other spaces in
I-ttich flartl'Mh le
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 12 -OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974

a Wh e r e adjacent spaces are in the s ame nurnerical category and

superscript a appears, a bulkhead or de ck between suc h s paces
need not be fitted if deemed unnecessa r y by the Admini s tration.
For example, in category ( 12 ) a bulkhead need not be required
between a ga lley and its annexed pantries provided the pantry
bulkhead and decks maintain the in tegrity of the galle y boundaries.
A bulkhead is, however, required be tween a galley and a machinery
space even though both spaces are in category (12).

b The ship's s ide, to the ....aterline in the li gh t est se agoing

condition, superstructure and deckhou se sides sit uated below
and adjacent to the liferafts and evacuation slides may be
reduced to A-30.

c Wh ere public toilets are installed completely within the sta irway
enc l osure, the public toilet bulkhea d within th e sta irway en closu re
can be of " B" class integrity."

36 Delete tables 26 .3 and 26.4.

Regulation 11-2/28 - Means of escape

37 Dele te "a ccommodated o r" from t he l ast sente nce of para graph 1.1.

38 Replace paragraph 1.4 by the fo l lowing:

"1.4 A corridor , l obby, or part of a corridor from .... hich t here is only
one route of escape shall be pr oh ibited."

39 Replac e paragraph 1.5 by the followin g :

".5 At least one of the means of escape required by paragraphs 1.1

and 1 . 2 shall consist of a readily accessible e nclosed stairway,
which sha ll provide continuous fire shelter from the level of its
ori gi n to the appropriate l ifeb oat and liferaft embarkat ion decks,
or to the uppermost weather deck if the embarkation deck does not
extend to the main vertical zone being considered . In the latter
case, dire ct access to the embarkation deck by way of externa l open
stairways and passa gewa ys shall be pr ovi ded and shall have emergency
l i ght ing in acco rdan ce with re gul a t i on 111 / 11 .5 and s lip-free
surfaces un der foot. Boundaries fac in g exter nal ope n sta irwa ys and
pa ssage ways fo rming part of an escape r ou t e and boun da ries in such a
position t hat t hei r failure d ur ing a fire would impede esca pe t o tbe
embarkation deck shall have fire in t egr it y, including i nsu lation
values, i n accorda nce with t he ta bl es in regulation 1 1- 2/26 . The
widths, number and co ntinu i ty of es capes s ha l l be as fol lows :

.5. 1 Stairways shall no t be less than 900 mm in clea r width.

Stairways shall be fitted with hand rails on each s ide. The
minimum clear wi d th of stairways shall be increased by 10 mm
for everyone person provided for in excess o f 90 persons. The
maximum c l ea r width between handra ils where stairwa ys are wider
than 900 mm shall be 1 ,800 rnm. The total number of persons to
be evac uated by such stairways shall be ass umed to be two
third s of the crew and the total number of passengers in the
areas served bv such stairways. The width o f the stairways
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 13 - AT SEA, 1974

shall confo~m to standards not inferior to those adopted by the

Organization •

• 5.2 All st a irways sized for more than 90 persons sha ll be aligned
fore and aft .

. 5.3 Doorways and corridors and intermediate landi ngs inc l uded in
means of escape shall be sized in the same manner as stairways .

. 5 .4 Stairways shall not exceed 3.5 m in vertica l rise without

the provision of a landing and shall not have a n angle of
inclination greater than 45 ~ .

• 5.5 Landings at each deck level shall be not less than 2 m2

in area and s hall increase by I m2 for every 10 perso ns
provided for in exc es s of 20 persons bu t need not exceed
16 m2 , except for those landings servicing publi c spac es
having direct access onto the stairway enclos ure .

40 Add new paragraphs 1.9 and 1.10 as f ollows:

".9 Where the Administration has granted dispensation und er t he

provisions of paragraph 1.1, the so le means of escape shall provide
safe escape . However, stairways shall not be l e ss than 800 rom in
clear width with handrails on bo th sides .

. 10 In addition to the emergency lighting req u ire d by regulations 11- 1/42

and 111/11.5 , the means of escape, including sta irways a nd exits,
shall be marked by lighting or pho t oluminescent strip ind ica t ors
placed not more than 0.3 m above the deck at all points of the
escape route including angles and int ersections. The marking must
enable passengers to identify all the routes of escape and readily
identify the escape exits. If electric illumination i s used, it
shall be supplied by the emer gency source of power and it shall be
so arranged that the failure of any single light or cut in a
lighting s trip, will not re sul t in the marking being ine ffect ive.
Additionally, all escape route signs and fire equipment locati on
markin gs shal l be of photo lum inescent material or ma rked by
lighting . The Administrati on shall ensure t ha t such l i gh t ing or
photo luminescent equipment have be en evaluat ed , tested and appl ied
in accordance with the guidelines deve loped by the Organi zat ion."

41 Add a new paragraph 3.3 as follows:

"3.3 Two means of escape shall be provided from a machinery co ntrol

room located within a machinery space, at least one of which will provide
c ontinuous fire s helter to a safe posi tion ou tside the machinery space . "

Regulation 11-2/29 - Protection of s tairways and lifts in a ccommodat ion

and s ervice spaces

42 Replace paragraph 2 by the foll owing:

"2 Stairway enc l osures shall have di re ct access to the corr idors and be
of a suffi c ient area to prevent congestion, having in vi ew the number of
persons likely to use them in an e mer~e nc y . Within the perimete r of
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 14 -

such stairway enclosures, only publi c toilets, l oc kers o f non-combust ible

material providing storage for safety equ i pment and open information
counters are permitted. Only public spaces, corr i dors, public toilets,
special category spa ce s, oth e r esca pe stairways required by 28.1.5 and
e~ter nal area s are pe rmitt ed to have direc t acces s to these stairway
ene losures. "

Regulation 11-2/30 - Openi ngs i n "A" c lass divi s ion

43 Replace paragraph 4 by the following:

"4 Fire doo rs in mai n vert ica l zone bul kheads an d stairway enclosures
shal l satisfy the f ollowing requireme nts:

.1 The doors s hall he self-closing and be cap abl e o f clos i ng with

an a ng le of in c l i nation of up t o 3.5 op posing closure , and
shall have an appro x ima tely un iform ra te of c l osure of no mo re
than 40 s and no l ess than 10 s with the ship in the upright
po s it i on .

.2 Remo te-con trolled sliding o r powe r -opera ted doors shall be

eq u ipped with an alarm that sounds at least 5 s but no more
than 10 s before t he door beg i ns to move and co n t in ue sounding
un t il the doo r is compl e t ely closed. Doo rs designed t o reo pe n
upon c onta c ting an obje ct in its path shall reopen sufficiently
to allow a c lear passage of at least 0 . 75 m, but no more than
1 m•

.3 Al l doors shall be capable of r emote and automatic rel ea se from

a continuous ly ma nn ed ce nt ral c on trol station, e ither
simultaneously or in groups, and also ind iv iduall y from a
position at both sides of the door. Indication must be
provided at the f ire control panel in the continuously manned
c en tral contro l station whe ther each of the r emot e-controlled
doors are closed. The release mechanism shall be so des igned
tha t the door will automatical ly close in the eve nt of
d isru ption of the cont r ol sy stem or ce ntral power supply .
Re l ease switches sha ll h a ve an on-o ff f unc tion to pre ven t
automati c resetting of the system. Hold - back hooks not subject
t o cen tral contro l statio n rel ease are proh ibited .

.4 Local power accumulators for power-operated doors sha l l be

provided in the immediat e vicinity of the doors to enable the
doors to be ope rated at l e ast ten times (fully opened and
close d) usi ng the l oc al con trols .

.5 Double -l eaf door s equipped with a latch neces s ary to their fire
int eg rity shall have a latch t hat is automa t ically· a ct ivated by
the ope ra tion of the doors when released b y th e sys tem .

.6 Do ors giving direc t acc ess [0 spec ial category spaces which
are power - ope rat ed and automatical l y c l os ed need not be
equipped with al arms and remote-release mec h anisms require d
in .2 and .3."
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 15 -

44 In paragraph 5, add the following words at the beginning;

"In ships carrying not more than 36 passengers,".

45 In paragraph 6, add the following words at the end of the first sentence;

"provided that there is no requirement for such boundaries to have "At!

class integrity in regulation 33.3".

46 Insert a new paragraph 7 as follows:

117 All "A" class doors located in stairways, public spaces and main
vertical zone bulkheads in escape routes shall be equipped with a
self-closing hose port of material, construction and fire resistance
which is equivalent to the door into which it is fitted, and shall be a
150 rom square clear opening with the door closed and shall be inset into
the lower edge of the door, opposite the door hinges, or in the case of
sliding doors, nearest the opening."

Regulation 11-2/31 - Openings in "B" class division

47 Renumber paragraph 1 as paragraph 1.1 and amend the first sentence to


"Doors and door frames in "B" class divisions and means of securing them
shall provide a method of closure which shall have resistance to fire
equivalent to that of the divisions* except that ventilation openings may
be permitted in the lower portion of such doors."

"* Reference is made to the Recommendation on Fire Test Procedures for

"A", "B" and "F" class divisions, adopted by resolution A.5l7(13)."
48 Add a new paragraph 1.2 to read:

"1.2 Cabin doors in "B" class divisions shall be of a self-closing

type. Hold-backs are not permitted."

49 In paragraph 3, add the following at the beginning;

"In ships carrying not more than 36 passengers".

Regulation 11-2/32 - Ventilation systems

Paragraph 1.1 is revised by deleting "16.2 to 16.9" at the end of the

sentence and replacing it with "16.2 to 16.6, 16.8 and 16.9".

50 Replace paragraph 1.5 by the following:

"1.5 Stairway enclosures shall be ventilated and shall be served only by

an independent fan and duct system which shall not serve any other spaces
in the ventilation system."
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 16 -

The fO llowing new paragraphs 1.8 and 1 . 9 are inserted :

"1. 8 Ventilation ducts shall be provided with s ui ta bl y loca te d hatches

fo r inspection and c l ea ning, where reasonab l e and practicable.

1.9 Exhaust ducts from gal l ey ranges i n whi ch grease or fat is like l y
to accumulate shall meet requirements of regulat i on 11-2/16.3 . 2 . 1
and 16.3. 2.2 and shal l be fitted with:

.1 a grease trap readily removable for c leaning unle ss an

al ternative approved grease removaL sys tem is fitted;

.2 a fire dampe r located in the tower end of the duct whi ch is

automatically and remote ly opera t ed , and in addition a remotely
ope r ated fire damper located in the uppe r end of the duct;

.3 a fixed mea ns for ext inguishing a fire wi thin the du ct;

.4 remote control arrangements for shutting off the exhaust fans

and supply fans, for operating the fire dampers mentioned
in .2 and for operati ng the fire-extingui shi ng system, which
shall be placed in a positi on close to the entrance to the
galley. Where a multi-branch system is ins talled, means shall
be provided t o close al l branches exhaust ing through the same
main duc t before an extinguiShing medi um is re l eased into the
system; a nd

.5 suitably l oca t ed hatches for inspection and cleaning. "

Regulation 1 1- 2/33 Windows and sidescuttles

51 Amend parag raph 2 to read:

"2 Notwi th standing the requirements of the tables in regulat io ns 26

and 27, all windows and sidescutt l es in bu lkh eads sepa rat ing
accommodatio n and serv i ce spa ces and co ntr ol stations from weat he r
s hall be const ru cted wit h frames of stee l or other suitable materia l.
th e g lass shall be retained by a metal glazing bead 0(" an gle."

52 Add new paragraph 3 as follows:

"3 Windows facing life-s aving appliances, embarkat ion and mu ster areas ,
ex ternal stairs and open decks us ed for escape routes, and windows
situat ed below liferaft and escape slide embarkatio n areas shall have the
fire integr ity as requi r ed in the tables in regulation 11-2/26. Where
au t omatic ded icated spri nkler heads are provided for wind ows, A-O windows
may be accepted as eq u iva l ent. Windows located in t he Ship ' s s ide below
th e l i feboat embarka t io n areas sha ll ha ve the fire i nt egr ity ~t leas t
equal to " A-O" class ."

Regulation 11-2/34 - Restricted use of combustib l e mate rial

53 Inser t t he words "draught sto ps" between " ground s " and "c eili n gs " in the
first sentence of paragraph 1.
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
11 - AT SEA, 1974

54 Amend paragraph 6 to read:

"6 Furniture in stairway enclosures shall be limited to seating.

It shall be fixed, limited to six seats on each deck in each
stairway enclosure, be of restricted fire risk, and shall not
restrict the passenger escape route. The Administration may permit
additional seating in the main reception area within a stairway
enclosure if it is fixed, non-combustible and does not restrict the
passenger escape route. Furniture shall not be permitted in
passenger and c r ew corridors forming escape routes in cabin areas".
In addi tion to the above, lockers of non-combustibl e material.
providing storage for safety equipment required by regulations, may
be permitted.

Regulation II _ 2/36 _ fi xed fire det"Ctinn and fire nlDrm ustem s. i!,utoma.t..i...s;.
sprinkler. fire detection and fire alArm systems

55 Replace regulation 36 by the following:

"Fixed fire d etection and f ire alarm systems and automatic

sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems

1 In passenger s hips carrying not more than 36 passengers there

s hal l be installed throughout each separate zone, whether vertical or
horizontal, in all accommodation and service spaces and, where it is
consi dered necessary by the Administration, in control stations, except
spaces which afford no substantial fire risk such as void spaces,
sanitary spaces, etc., either:

.1 a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system of an approved

type and comp lying with the requirements of requlation 13 and
so installed and arranged as to detect the presence o f fire in
such spaces: or

.2 an automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fir e alarm system of

an approved type and complying with the requirements of
regulation 12 or the guidelines developed by the Organization
for an approved equivalent sprinkler system and so installed
and arranged as to protect such spaces and, in addition, a
fixed fire detection and fire alarm system of an approved type
complying with the r e quirements of regulation 1 3 so installed
and arranged as to provide smoke detection in corridors.
stairways and escape routes within accommodation spaces.

2 Pas senge r ships carrying more than 36 passengers shall be equipped

with an automatic sprink ler , fire detection and fire alarm system o C an
approved type complying with the requirements of regulation 12, or the
guidelines developed by the Organization for an approved equivalent
sprinkler system in all service spaces, control stations and
accommodation spaces, including corridors and stairways. Alternatively.
control stations where water may cause damage to essential equipment may
be fitted with an approved fixed fire-extinguishing system of ano ther
type. A fi xed fire detection a nd Ci re alarm system of an approved type
shall be installed, comp lying with the requirements of regulation 13 so

W/90 78 e
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 18 -

installed and a rr anged as to provide smoke detection in se r vice spaces ,

control s t a t i ons a nd acc ommodation spaces, inc lud ing cor r idors and
s t airways. Smoke dete c tors need not be fitted in private bathrooms and
gal l eys . Spaces having l itt le or no fir e r isk su ch a s voids, public
toilets and similar spaces need not be fitted with an automatic sprink ler
system, or fixed fire detection and alarm system."

Regulatio n 11 - 2/3 7 - Protection of special category spaces

56 Amend para g raph 1. 2 . 1 as follows:

"1.2.1 In passenger shi ps carrying more than 36 passenge rs t he boundary

bulkheads and dec ks of special category spaces shall be insulated
to A- 60 class s t a ndard. However, where a category 26 . 2 . 2(5), 26 . 2.2(9)
or 26.2 . 2(10) space is on one side of the divi sion the sta nd ard may be
re duced to A- O.

57 Renumber ex i st i ng pa rag r aph 1.2 . 2 as 1. 2. 3 and insert a new

par agraph 1.2.2 t o r ead;

"1 . 2.2 In passenger shi ps c arr ying not more than 36 pa sse nge r s the
boundary bu l kheads of s pec ial ca tegory spaces sha l l be insula t ed as
required Eor ca t ego r y (11 ) space s in tabl e 27 .1 a nd the hor izon tal
boundaries as req u ired fo r category (11) spaces in table 2 7.2."

Regu l ation 11- 2/40 - Fi r e patrols, detect i on, alarms and public a ddre ss systems

58 Add th e words " and ope n decks " at the end of paragraph 5.

59 Paragraph 5 is amended to add af ter the l ast sentence:

"Each member oE the f ire patro l shall be provided with a. two - way portable
radio telephone apparatus" .

60 Add new paragraphs 7.1 to 7.2:

"7.l Passenger ships car r ying more than 36 passengers shall have the
detection alarms Eor the systems required by regula t ion 36.2 cen tralized
in a continuo usly manned cent ral cont rol sta tion . In addit io n , controls
for remo t e closing oE t he f i re doors and shu t ting down t he vent il ation
fans, s hall be ce n tralized in the same lo ca tio n. Th e ventilatio n fa ns
shal l be capab l e of react i va tion by the c rew a t the con ti nuous l y manne d
con tro l sta tion. The con tro l panels i n the cen tr a l contr ol station shall
be capa bl e of i ndicating ope n or c l osed pos itions of Eire doors, c l osed
or off sta t us of the de tectors, a l arms and fan s . The con trol pa ne l s hal l
be continuously powered and shoul d have an automat ic change - over to
stand-by power supp l y in case of loss o f norma l power sup pl y. The
control panel shall b~ powered from the main source of elec tr ical power
and the emergency source of ele ctrical power defined by regulation
11-1/42 unless other arrangements are permitted by t he regulations, as
ap pli cable .

7 . 2 The control panel shal l be designed on the fai l- safe principle,

e . g . an open detector circu i t shall cause an alarm condi ti on , as noted
in reguL1tions Il-2113 .1.3 and Il -l/ 51.1.4."
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
19 - AT SEA, 1974

Regulation 59 - Venting, purging, gas-freeing and ventilation

60-1 The following new paragrpah 4 should be inserted after the existing
paragraph 3:

"4 Inerting, Ventilation and gas measurement

4.1 This paragraph shall apply to oil tankers constructed on or after

1 October 1994.

4.2 Double hull and double bottom spaces shall be fitted with suitable
connections for the supply of air.

4.3 On tankers required to be fitted with inert gas systems:

.1 double hul l spaces shall be fitted with suitable connections

for the supply of inert gas;

.2 where hull spaces are connected to a permanently fitted iner t

gas distribution system, means shall be provided to prevent
hydrocarbon gases from the cargo tanks entering the double hull
spaces through the system;

.3 where such spaces are not permanently connected to an inert gas

distribution system, appropriate menas shall be provided to
allow connection to the inert gas main.

4.4.1 Suitable portable instruments for measuring oxygen and

flammable vapour concentrations shall be provided. In
selecting these instruments, due attention shall be given for
their use in combination with the fixed gas sampling line
systems referred to in paragraph 4.4.2.

4.4.2 Where atmosphere in double hull spaces cannot be reliably

measured using flexible gas sampling hoses, such spaces shall
be fitted with permanent gas sampling lines . The configuration
of such line systems shall be adapted to the design of such

4.4.3 The materials of construction and the dimensions of gas

sampling lines shall be such as to prevent restriction . Where
plastic materials are used, they should be electrically
conductive. "
(adopted on 11 December 1992)
- 20 -

Chapter III

Regulation 50

General emergency alarm system

61 Delete the full stop at the end of the regulation and add the followi ng:

"and open decks, and it.s sound pressure level shall comply with the
standard developed by the Organization. The alarm shall con tinue t o
function after it has bee n triggered until it is manually turned off or
is temporarily interrupted by a messa ge on the public address system".

Approved amendments to chapt e r IV

Regu lation IV/13 - Sources of e nergy

62 Replace the existing text o f paragraph s 2 .1 to 2.3 by:

".1 one hour on ships provided with a n emerge ncy source of electri cal
power, if such source of power complies fully with a l l re l evan t
provisions of regu latio n II - l/4 2 o r 43, including the supply of s uch
power to the radio ins t all ati ons; and

.2 six hours on ships not. provided wit.h an emergenc y source of

electric al power compl ying fully with all relevant pr ov i sions of
regul a tion 11-1/42 or 43. including t he supply o f such power to th e
radio installations ."

63 Delete the reference in r egulation IV / 13.4 to paragraph 2 .3.

Regulation IV/l4 - Performance s tandards

64 Replace "by pres c ribed" in r egulati on I V/ 14.2 by "pr esc ribed by".
(adopted on 11 December 1992)

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