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Functional Groups

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Experiment no.
AIM To identify the functional groups present in the given organic compound

THEORY:Tests for Alcoholic Group

Alcohols are compounds in which the hydroxyl group (-OH) is linked to the
aliphatic carbon chain or in the side chain of an organic compound. Depending
upon the number of hydroxyl groups, alcohols are classified as mono (contain
only one –OH group), di (contain two –OH groups) and trihydric (contains three
–OH groups).

1. Sodium metal test

2. Ester test
3. Ceric ammonium nitrate test

Procedure: Tests for Alcoholic Group

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Sodium Take about 1 ml of the given liquid Brisk Brisk

metal Test in a dry test tube, add about effervescence effervescence
1gram of anhydrous calcium is produced. is due to the
sulphate and shake well to remove evolution of
water. Filter the liquid into another hydrogen
clean dry test tube and add a gas
small piece of sodium metal. indicating
presence of
Ester Test Take about 1 ml of the give liquid A fruity smell Presence of
in a clean dry test tube, add about is produced. alcoholic
1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 group.
drops of conc. sulphuric acid.
Warm the mixture on a water bath
for about 10 minutes. Pour it into
about 20 ml of cold water taken in
a beaker and smell.

Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid Pink or red Presence of

ammoniu in a clean dry test tube and add a colour is alcoholic
m nitrate few drops of ceric ammonium developed. group.
Test nitrate reagent and shake it well.

Result: The given organic compound contains alcoholic group


Experiment no.
AIM:To identify the functional groups present in an organic compound .

THEORY:Tests for Phenolic group

Phenols are compounds containing a hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic ring.
The simplest phenol is C6H5OH that is solid in winter and liquid in summer. Phenols
are generally colorless but are coloured when they come in contact with air due to
oxidation. Other examples of phenols are: o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, quinol,
catechol, resorcinol etc.

The phenolic group can be detected by the following tests:

1. Litmus test
2. Ferric chloride test

Procedure:Tests for Phenolic Group

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Litmus Test Place a drop of the given liquid (or Blue litmus Presence of
a crystal if solid) on a moist blue turns to red. phenoilc
litmus paper. group.

Ferric Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric Violet colour Presence of

chloride Test chloride solution in a clean test is seen. phenolic
tube and add 2-3 drops of the group.
given liquid (or crystal is solid).

Result: The given organic compound is phenol.

Experiment no.

AIM:Our objective is to identify the functional groups present in an organic

compound through;

Theory :Tests for Aldehydic group

Aldehydes and Ketones are compounds containing carbonyl groups. Carbonyl
group consists of a carbon atom bonded to an oxygen atom by a double bond. In
Aldehydes the carbonyl carbon is attached to at least one hydrogen atom and to a
carbon containing group (aliphatic or aromatic radical). Formaldehyde is an
exception, in which a carbonyl group is attached to two hydrogen atoms.

Carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones are identified by the following tests:

1. 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine test (2,4-DNP test)

2. Sodium bisulphite test

Most aldehydes and ketones give bisulphate addition product with sodium
bisulphate, which is white crystalline in nature.

3 Schiff’s Test
Aldehydes give pink or magenta colour with Schiff’s reagent.

4. Tollen’s Test

5 Fehling’s Test

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

2,4-Dintro Take a small quantity of the given Yellow or Presence of

phenyl compound in a clean dry test orange carbonyl
hydrazine tube, add rectified spirit until the precipitate is group.
Test compound just dissolves. Now formed.
add few drops of 2,
4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine
solution. Cork the test tube,
shake the mixture and allow it to
stand for 5 minutes.

Sodium Take about 2 ml of saturated White Presence of

bisulphite solution of sodium bisulphite in a crystalline carbonyl
Test clean test tube and add a small precipitate is group.
quantity of the given compound. formed.
Cork the test tube, shake and
leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Schiff’s Test Dissolve a small quantity of the Pink colour Presence of

given compound in a clean test is seen. aldehydic
tube and

add about 1 ml of Schiff’s reagent group is

and shake it well. confirmed.
Tollen’s Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate Shining Presence of
Test solution in a clean test tube and silver aldehydic
(Silver add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH mirror is group is
mirror test) solution. A brown precipitate of formed. confirmed.
silver oxide forms. Now add dilute
ammonia solution dropwise until
the brown precipitate of silver
oxide just
dissolves. To this add 3-4 drops of
the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid)
and warm the test tube on a water
bath for about 5 minutes.

Fehling’s Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution Red Presence of

Test A and B in a test tube. Add 4-5 precipitate is aldehydic
drops of the given organic liquid (or formed. group is
0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a confirmed.
water bath for 4-5 minutes.

RESULT :The given compound contains an aldehyde group.

Experiment no.
AIM:Our objective is to identify the functional groups present in an organic
compound through;
Theory :Test Ketonic Groups
In ketones the carbonyl carbon is attached to two aliphatic or aromatic groups.

Carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones are identified by the following tests:
1. 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine test (2,4-DNP test)

2. Sodium bisulphite test

3. Sodium nitroprusside Test

. Procedure
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

2,4-Dintro Take a small quantity of the Yellow or Presence of

phenyl given compound in a clean dry orange carbonyl
hydrazine test tube, add rectified spirit precipitate is group.
Test until the compound just formed.
dissolves. Now add few drops
of 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine
solution. Cork
the test tube, shake the
mixture and allow it to stand
for 5 minutes.

Sodium Take about 2 ml of saturated White Presence of

bisulphite solution of sodium bisulphite in crystalline carbonyl
Test a clean test tube and add a precipitate is group.
small quantity of the given formed.
compound. Cork the test tube,
shake and leave it for 15-20

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

m-Dinitrobenz Take a small quantity of the given Violet colour Presence of

ene Test compound in a clean test tube is formed Ketonic
and add about 0.1g of finely which slowly group is
powdered m-dinitrobenzene. fades confirmed.
Now add about 1 ml of dilute away.
sodium hydroxide solution and
shake it well.

Sodium Dissolve a small quantity of Red Presence of

Nitroprusside sodium nitroprusside in about 1 colouration. Ketonic
Test ml of distilled water in a clean group is
test tube and then add a small confirmed.
quantity of the given compound.
Shake the test tube well and add
sodium hydroxide solution

RESULT :The given organic compound contains ketonic group.

Experiment no

AIM:To identify the functional groups present in an organic compound

Theory:Tests for Carboxylic group
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds containing carboxyl functional group. It is of
two types: aliphatic and aromatic. Aliphatic acids are soluble in water where as
aromatic acids are sparingly soluble in water.

1. Litmus Test

2. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Test

3. Ester Test

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Litmus Test Place a drop of the given liquid Blue litmus Presence of
(or a crystal if solid) on a moist turns to red. carboxylic
blue litmus paper. group.

Sodium Take 1 ml of the given organic Brisk Presence of

Hydrogen compound in a test tube and effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate add a pinch of sodium is observed. group.
Test bicarbonate to it.

Ester Test Take a small quantity of the given You get a Presence of
organic compound in a clean test fruity smell. carboxylic
tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol group.
and 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric
acid into it. Heat the reaction
mixture on a water bath for about
5 minutes. Pour the mixture into a
beaker containing water.

RESULT :The given organic compound contains carboxylic acid as functional group .
Experiment no.

AIM:To identify the functional groups present in an organic compound .

THEORY:Amines are derivatives of ammonia in which one or more hydrogen atoms
are replaced by alkyl or aryl groups.

1. Solubility Test
2. Litmus Test

3 Azo-Dye Test

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Solubility Take a small quantity of the given Compound Compound

Test compound in a clean test tube is soluble may be amine.
and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and in
shake the test tube well. dil.HCl.

Litmus Test Place a drop of the given liquid (or Red litmus Compound
a pinch of solid) on a moist red turns to blue. may be amine.
litmus paper.
(i) Dissolve nearly 0.2 g of the Formatio Presence of
Azo-Dye Test
compound in 2 mL of dilute n of a aromatic
hydrochloric acid in a test tube. Cool scarlet primary
the content of the test tube in ice. red or amine is
(ii) To the ice cooled solution add 2 orange confirmed.
mL of 2.5% cold aqueous sodium dye.
nitrite solution.
(iii) In another test tube, dissolve 0.2 g
of β-naphthol in a dilute sodium
hydroxide solution.
(iv) Add diazonium chloride solution
prepared in step (ii) into the cold
β-naphthol solution slowly with

RESULT :The given organic compound is primary aromatic amine.

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