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Elyza Joyce Y.

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Have you ever heard something that turned out to be not
true? It happens to all of us, and it's a bit like a tricky shadow in
our conversations. Today, I want to talk about this tricky thing we
call "fake news." It's like those made-up stories that sometimes
sneak into what we hear or read. Let's chat about it, figure out
what it means, and why it's important for us to be aware of it in
our daily lives. So, grab a seat, and let's shine a light on this topic
We’re more than just classmate, we’re a family. And let me
remind you that families trust each other, right? But when fake
news sneak into our conversation, it breaks the trust. It’s like
spreading stories that aren’t true, and that can hurt.
Imagine if someone said something about you that wasn’t
true. It wouldn’t feel good, right? That’s what fake news does. It
messes with our feelings and confuses us. We’re better than that.
We’re a family that cares about each other.
We need to be careful about what we share because our
words have power. Each story we tell, each message we pass on, it
shapes how we see each other. Let’s be the kind of family that
shares good stuff, positive vibes, and truth.
We can’t forget our rules as the guardians of trust in our
school. If we hear something fishy, let’s pause and think before we
spread it. Let’s be the ones who stands up against fake news and
keep our family strong.
Teachers and stuffs are here to guide us, just like family
elders. If you’re having troubles, they can help us understand
what’s real and what’s not. Let’s learn from them and make our
school a place where trust and kindness rule.
So, my school family, let’s be mindful of the stories we tell.
Let’s be the ones who build up each other with truth and care.
Together, we can make our school a place where trust grows, and
the light of truth shines bright. Thank you.

These days, social media is one the most rampant ways of communication. It is the
top source of information where humans and/or social media users get data from, whether
they are facts or not. It is a free platform where everybody can access information. They can
also post their thoughts, insights and share information that they know. With social media,
communication can be very easy, because of the fact that it only requires internet connection
and then you can talk to people around the world, wherever they may be. With all the good
effects of social media, such as communication, information dissemination and leisure, there
are also the bad affects of this platform. One of the negative effects that it brings to humans is
too much freedom, leading to cases such as cyber-bullying, anxiety, privacy invasion and it
can also be the cause of false information spreading and reaching a wide audience.
Social media can bring a lot of benefits to humanity. As said in the first paragraph, it
is a efficient way of communication. You would not have to spend money for transportation
to be able to reach the person you want to talk to as social media apps such as messenger and
discord can support real-time calls and chats. Social media is also very important in terms of
information dissemination, and it can grant people access to the people that have a hard time
finding physical books for their researches. It supports humans’ understanding of certain
topics and self development and improvement. In today’s time of modernization, social media
is a big factor in advancing and developing our world. In businesses, social media is the
platform that helps them market and make known to the public the products and services they
offer. But with all these positive effects of social media, there is always a contradicting factor
that implies negative effects to humanity.
Although there are countless benefits of social media, it cannot be denied that cyber-
bullying, unrealistic expectations, privacy invasion and explicit sites can be viewed and
accessed through this platform. Humans take advantage of social media and use it for clout,
bringing other people down and setting very high standards with editing soft wares that make
other people insecure, have anxiety and worse, depression. False information is also present
in the platforms that social media support. Hackers are all around social media, with the
information you post and give on the platforms, your privacy as a user is always threatened.
Due to social media, one’s health could also be affected as users can be too hooked with
staying on their gadgets, being active on social media, and forget to take care of their physical
health. More and more people become obese, forget to eat, and ruin their eyesight.
Social media has a very big impact on humanity. Influencing a persons’ choices in
life, their beliefs and how an individual thinks. But as a human, one must be aware of these
positive and negative factors that social media suggests and/or brings. Humans have the
ability to think and discern which is good and what is the right thing to do. There is such
thing as netiquette, that means there is a correct way to act on the internet in order not to hurt
others and do things that can harm you as well. One must know how to balance his/her time
in the internet or social media to avoid risks such as the mentioned obesity, depression and
anxiety in the second paragraph. Social media also contributes to the research abilities of both
students and professionals that help the world improve and discover more and more everyday.
As everything can be searched in the internet now, it is more efficient to conduct researches,
find reliable sources and make known of the unknown.
As the world is constantly evolving, the internet is one of the big factors that help it
improve. Social media has changed the lives of everyone so much. Everything has become
convenient. In this era of the 21st century, social media and the internet is what alleviates the
standards. However, one must know and be aware of the things to do, and what not to do in
this very useful but dangerous platform. If humans would use social media wisely, it would
be such a big step for the society. If explicit sites, false information, data privacy and other
threatening factors could be disregarded, then social media is really the best way to lift up
changed and modernize our world.
You must heard of the famous saying “Today's readers are tomorrow's
leaders” agree? . Reading is like a super food for our mind and soul, it enriches
us, nourish us, and make us a better version of ourselves. Reading books kind of
takes us on a different journey, when we read about different characters, their
struggles, joy, and story we unconsciously put ourselves in their shoes, relating
and learning from them. Reading is like a magic key that opens up a world of
knowledge, it is not just a hobby it is a way to explore new ideas and to expand
our imaginations. Information is power and an indispensable weapon in this
age, the good news is that this information is free and accessible to everyone, it
is just waiting for you to find it through reading.
First of all, reading stimulates our brain, just like any other muscle in our
body our mind also needs exercise, and reading does that job, It keeps our brain
active. Reading gives you a wonderful opportunity to learn about other cultures,
traditions, beliefs and places of interest in the world. It gives you an insight into
the diversity of our world and the chances to visualize it. When you are reading
it's like you are traveling all over the world in just a Free.
As a student like you and for everyone I know that we are experiencing
stress, problems, and struggles on our project's, assignments, activities and
problems in our life, reading is a great tool for relaxation. It can be a great way
to escape from the stressful reality and to forget all of our problems,
transporting us to an entirely different world. Books really are your best friend
as you can rely on them when you are board, upset, depressed, lonely or
annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want.
Let us not forget that reading is the cornerstone of education. As fellow
stem students, reading is a great help to us, it equips us with the skills and
knowledge necessary for success in virtually every field that we would take
someday. The ability to comprehend, interpret, and synthesize information from
any written sources is important to academic and professional achievement.
Books can be your companions, your teacher, your friend, there is no
friend as loyal as a book. So, starting today, I encourage each and every one of
you to embrace the power of reading, make it a habit, make it a joy, let it
empower you, inspire you, and change you, because the truth is, the more you
read, the more you grow and the more we understand.
Thank You.

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