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The Indian Contract Act, 1872

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872

Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -

♦ Understand the meaning of the terms 'agreement' and 'contract' and note the distinction between
the two.

♦ Note the essential elements of a contract.

♦ Be clear about various types of contract.

♦ Understand the concept of offer and acceptance and rules of communication and revocation

Any commercial activity requires ‘understanding’ among people concerned. This understanding is often
reduced into writing to give effect to the intention of the parties. Such formal versions are known as
contracts. These contracts define the rights and obligations of various parties to facilitate easy
performance of the contractual obligations.
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 codifies the legal principles that govern such ‘contracts’. The Act
basically identifies the ingredients of a legally enforceable valid contract in addition to dealing with
certain special type of contractual relationships like indemnity, guarantee, bailment, pledge, quasi
contracts, contingent contracts etc.
1.1 What is a Contract?

While all contracts are agreements, all agreements are not contracts. An agreement which is legally
enforceable alone is a contract. Agreements which are not legally enforceable are not contracts but
remain as void agreements which are not enforceable at all or as voidable agreements which are
enforceable by only one of the parties to the agreement.
The above observation would raise a question in our minds as to what is the exact meaning of the
words ‘agreements’ and ‘contracts’.
An Agreement is a promise or a commitment or set of reciprocal promises or commitments. An
Agreement involves an offer or proposal by one person and acceptance of such offer or proposal by
another person. If the agreement is capable of being enforced by law then it is a contract.
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1.2 Bus Ethics and C
iness Law, E ommunicatio on

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prom ement
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egally enforcea
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1.2 Esseentials of aa Valid Coontract

Now let us di
iscuss the va al elements o
In terms of S of a valid cont
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Section 10 of he parties com agreements made by the

f the Act, “all are contracts free
consent of th mpetent to co s if they are bject
and are not e 1. Intentio
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clared to be v oid”.
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with a lawful o
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2. Free co
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parties is nec
3. Compet
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acity of parties
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o contract mu
ust be ensured
4. Lawful c
& lawful obje
ect should be
e present, and
5. Agreem
ment not expre
essely declare
ed to be void

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.3

The above important elements may be further analysed as under:

1. Offer and Acceptance: In the first place, there must be an offer and the said offer must have been
accepted. Such offer and acceptance should create legal obligations between parties. This should result
in a moral duty on the person who promises or offers to do something. Similarly this should also give a
right to the promise to claim its fulfillment. Such duties and rights should be legal and not merely moral.
Case law:
In Balfour v. Balfour, a husband promised to pay maintenance allowance every month to his wife, so
long as they remain separate. When he failed to perform this promise, she brought an action to enforce
it. As it is an agreement of domestic nature, it was held that it does not contemplate to create any legal
2. Consent: The second element is the ‘consent’ of the parties. ‘Consent’ means ‘knowledge and
approval’ of the parties concerned. This can also be understood as identity of minds in understanding
the term viz consensus ad idem. Further such a consent must be free. Consent would be considered as
free consent if it is not vitiated by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake.
Wherever the consent of any party is not free, the contract is voidable at the option of that party.
Illustration:- A threatened to shoot B if he (B) does not lend him ` 2000 and B agreed to it. Here the
agreement is entered into under coercion and hence voidable at the option of B.
3. Capacity of the parties: The third element is the capacity of the parties to make a valid contract.
Capacity or incapacity of a person could be decided only after reckoning various factors. Section 11 of
the Indian Contract Act,1872 elaborates on the issue by providing that a person who-
(a) has not attained the age of majority,
(b) is of unsound mind and
(c) is disqualified from entering into a contract by any law to which he is subject,
should be considered as not competent to enter into any contract. Therefore law prohibits (a) Minors (b)
persons of unsound mind [excluding the Lucid intervals] and (c) person who are otherwise disqualified
like an alien enemy, insolvents, convicts etc from entering into any contract.
4. Consideration: The fourth element is presence of a lawful ‘consideration’. ‘Consideration’ would
generally mean ‘compensation’ for doing or omitting to do an act or deed. It is also referred to as ‘quid
pro quo’ viz ‘something in return for another thing’. Such a consideration should be a lawful
Example:- A agrees to sell his books to B for ` 100, B’s promise to pay ` 100 is the consideration for A’s
promise to sell his books and A’s promise to sell the books is the consideration for B’s promise to pay `
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1.4 Bus Ethics and C
iness Law, E ommunicatio on

5. Not exp t the to be either il

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which are op e illegal in nat
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Key Points

♦ An agre
eement enforc
ceable by law
w is a contra
ct. It creates
legal obligat
tions between
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♦ Every p
promise and
every set of
f promises fo
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each other i
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♦ An agre
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ne party acce
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other. I
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romises is an
n accepted pr

1.3 Typees of Conttract

Now let us di
iscuss variou
s types of con

Types on the basis of

of Contracts o

V Formatio on Pe rformance

Val id contract Express con ntract

Exec cuted contract

id contract ntract utory contract
Implied con Execu

able contract tract ateral contract
Ouasi cont Unila

al agreement Bilat
teral contract

states as fo

1. Void C
Contract: Se
ection 2 (j) ollows: “A c
contract whic
ch ceases to
o be

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.5

enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable”. Thus a void contract is one which
cannot be enforced by a court of law.
Example : Mr. X agrees to write a book with a publisher. After few days, X dies in an accident. Here the
contract becomes void due to the impossibility of performance of the contract .
It may be added by way of clarification here that when a contract is void, it is not a contract at all but for
the purpose of identifying it , it has to be called a [void] contract.
2. Voidable Contract: Section 2(i) defines that an agreement which is enforceable by law at the option
of one or more parties but not at the option of the other or others is a voidable contract.
This infact means where one of the parties to the agreement is in a position or is legally entitled or
authorized to avoid performing his part, then the agreement is treated and becomes voidable. Such a
right might arise from the fact that the contract may have been brought about by one of the parties by
coercion, undue influence, fraud or misrepresentation and hence the other party has a right to treat it as
a voidable contract.
At this juncture it would be desirable to know the distinction between a void contract and a voidable
contract. The distinctions lie in three aspects namely definition, nature and rights. These are elaborated
(a) Definition: A void contract cannot be enforced at all. A voidable contract is an agreement which is
enforceable only at the option of one of the parties but not at the option of the other. Therefore
‘enforceability’ or otherwise, divides the two types of contracts.
(b) Nature: By nature, a void contract is valid at the time when it is made but becomes unenforceable
and thus void on account of subsequent developments or events like supervening impossibility,
subsequent illegality etc., Repudiation of a voidable contract also renders the contract void. Similarly a
contingent contract might become void when the occurrence of the event on which it is contingent
becomes impossible.
On the other hand voidable contract would remain valid until it is rescinded by the person who has the
option to treat it as voidable. The right to treat it as voidable does not invalidate the contract until such
right is exercised. All contracts caused by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation are
voidable. Generally, a contract caused by mistake is void.
(c) Rights: As regards rights of the parties, in the case of a void contract there is no legal remedy for the
parties as the contract cannot be performed in any way. In the case of voidable contract the aggrieved
party has a right to rescind it within a reasonable time. If it is so rescinded, it becomes void. If it is not
rescinded, it is a valid contract.
3. Illegal Contract: Illegal contract are those that are forbidden by law. All illegal contracts are hence
void also. Because of the illegality of their nature they cannot be enforced by any court of law. In fact
even associated contracts cannot be enforced. Contracts which are opposed to public policy or immoral
are illegal. Similarly contracts to commit crime like supari contracts are illegal contracts.

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The above discussion shows that illegal contracts are at par with void contracts. The Act specifies
several factors which would render an agreement void. One such factor is unlawful nature of contract or
the consideration meant for it. Though illegal agreements and void agreements appear similar they
differ in the following manner:
(a) Scope: All illegal agreements are void. However void agreements might not be illegal at the time of
entering but would have become void because of some other factors. For example, where the
terms of the agreement are uncertain the agreement would not be illegal but might be treated as
void. An illegal contract would encompass a void contract where as a void contract may not
include in its scope illegal contracts.
(b) Nature and character: Illegal agreements are void since the very beginning they are invariably
described as void ab initio. As already emphasized under the scope, a contract by nature, which is
valid, can subsequently change its character and can become void.
(c) Effect on collateral transactions: In the case of illegal contract, even the collateral transactions
namely transactions which are to be complied with before or after or concurrently along with main
contract also become not enforceable. In contrast in the case of voidable contracts the collateral
transactions can be enforced despite the fact that the main contract may have become voidable,
to the extent the collateral transactions are capable of being performed independently.
(d) Penalty or punishment: All illegal agreements are punishable under different laws say like Indian
Penal Code etc. Whereas parties to void agreements do not face such penalties or punishments.
Further classification of contracts according to the formation is also possible. Under this sub
classification the following contracts fall:
4. Express Contracts: A contract would be an express contract if the terms are expressed by words or
in writing. Section 9 of the Act provides that if a proposal or acceptance of any promise is made in
words the promise is said to be express.
5. Implied Contracts: Implied contracts in contrast come into existence by implication. Most often the
implication is by law and or by action. Section 9 of the Act contemplates such implied contracts when it
lays down that in so far as such proposal or acceptance is made otherwise than in words, the promise is
said to be implied. For instance ‘A’ delivers goods by mistake at the warehouse of ‘B’ instead of that of
‘C’. Here ‘B’ not being entitled to receive the goods is obliged to return the goods to ‘A’ although there
was no such contract to that effect.
6. Tacit Contracts: Tacit contracts are those that are inferred through the conduct of parties. A classic
example of tacit contract would be when cash is withdrawn by a customer of a bank from the automatic
teller machine [ATM]. Another example of of tacit contract is where a contract is assumed to have been
entered when a sale is given effect to at the fall of hammer in an auction sale.
Further classification of contracts is possible on the basis of their performance. They are: 7. Executed
Contract: The consideration in a given contract could be an act or

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.7

forbearance. When the act is done or executed or the forbearance is brought on record, then the
contract is an executed contract.
8. Executory Contract: In an executory contract the consideration is reciprocal promise or obligation.
Such consideration is to be performed in future only and therefore these contracts are described as
executory contracts.
9. Unilateral Contract: Unilateral contract is a one sided contract in which only one party has to
perform his duty or obligation.
10. Bilateral Contract: A Bilateral contract is one where the obligation or promise is outstanding on the
part of both the parties.
Now let us take a look at yet another type of classification of contracts from the view point of English
The English law classifies contracts as (i) Formal contracts and (ii) Simple contracts. Formal contracts
are further classified as (a) Contract of Record and (b) Contract under Seal.
(a) Contract of Record: A contract of record derives its binding force from the authority of court. The
authority of court is invariably through judgment of a court or by way of recognizance. The judgment of a
court is technically not a contract as it is not based on the agreement between parties. However the
judgment is binding on all the persons who are litigants. The judgment creates certain rights on certain
persons and obligation on certain other persons. A recognizance, on the other hand is a written
acknowledgement of a debt due to the state generally in the context of criminal proceedings.
(b) Contract under Seal: A contract under seal is one which derives its binding force from its form
alone. It is in writing, duly signed and sealed and delivered to parties. It is also referred to as a deed or
a specialty contract.
Simple contracts as against formal contracts are devoid of all the formalities referred above.
Key Points

♦ Void agreement- Agreement not enforceable by law and is without any legal effect.

♦ Void contract- Valid at the time of making but becomes void subsequently due to change in

♦ Voidable contract- Agreement enforceable at the option of the aggrieved party. Until the party
won’t nullify, it remains valid.

♦ Illegal agreement-An agreement prohibited or forbidden by law.

♦ Express contract-Where parties orally or written defines terms and conditions of the contract.

♦ Implied contract-Contract inferred from act, conduct or from the circumstances of the case.

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♦ Executed contract- Which has been completely performed by all the parties. ♦ Executory
contract- One in which something remains to be done by all the parties.

♦ Bilateral contracts- Where the obligations on the part of both the parties are outstanding at the
time of formation of the contract.

♦ Unilateral contract- Where only one party has to perform his duty or obligation .

1.4 Proposal / Offer

It has been explained in the previous paragraphs that a proposal or a promise backed by legal
consideration is an agreement and such an agreement, if legally enforceable, becomes a contract. It
would therefore be clear that the starting point of this chain is a proposal or a promise. It is proposed
now to discuss as to what is a proposal/offer, what are the types of offer, etc.
The word ‘proposal’ and the word ‘offer’ mean one and the same thing and therefore are used
interchangeably. In terms of Section 2(a) of the Act “a person is said to make a proposal when he
signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the
assent of that other to such act or abstinence”. It must be appreciated that ‘doing an act’ and ‘not doing
an act’ both have the same effect in the eyes of the law, though one is a positive act and the other is a
negative act.
Hence there are two important ingredients to an offer. Firstly, it must be expressions of willingness to do
or to abstain from doing an act. Secondly, the willingness must be expressed with a view to obtain the
assent of the other party to whom the offer is made.
This can be illustrated as follows:
(a) Where “A” tells “B” that he desires to marry ‘B’ by the end of 2006, there is no offer made unless, he
also asks “will you marry me?”, conveying his willingness and tries to obtain the assent of ‘B’ in
the same breadth.
(b) Where “A” offers to sell his car to “B” it conveys his willingness to do an act. Through this offer not
only willingness is being conveyed but also an intention to obtain the assent can be seen.
Classification of offer: Offer can be classified as general offer, special/specific offer, cross offer,
counter offer, standing/open/continuing offer. Now let us examine each one of them.
(a) General offer: It is an offer made to public at large with or without any time limit. In terms of Section
8 of the Act, anyone performing the conditions of the offer can be considered to have accepted the offer
(Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball). Until the general offer is retracted or withdrawn, it can be accepted by
anyone at any time as it is a continuing offer.
(b) Special/specific offer: Where an offer is made to a particular and specified person, it is a specific
offer. Only that person can accept such specific offer, as it is special and exclusive to him . [Boulton v.

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.9

(c) Cross offer: As per section 2(b), when a person to whom proposal (offer) is made signifies his
assent, the proposal is said to be accepted. Thus, assent can be only to a ‘proposal’. If there was no
proposal, question of its acceptance cannot arise. For example, if A makes a proposal to B to sell some
goods at a specified price and B, without knowing proposal of A, makes a proposal to purchase the
same goods at the price specified in the proposal of A, it is not an acceptance, as B was not aware of
proposal made by A. It is only cross proposal (cross offer). And when two persons make offer to each
other, it can not be treated as mutual acceptance. There is no binding contract in such a case [Tin v.
Hoffmen & Co. 1873]
(d) Counter offer: Upon receipt of an offer from an offeror, if the offeree instead of accepting it
straightway, imposes conditions which have the effect of modifying or varying the offer, he is said to
have made a counter offer. Counter offers amounts to rejection of original offer.
(e) Standing or continuing or open offer: An offer which is made to public at large and if it is kept open
for public acceptance for a certain period of time, it is known as standing or continuing or open offer.
Tenders that are invited for supply of materials and goods are classic examples of standing offer.
Rules relating to offer: Following are the rules for a valid and legal offer:
(a) The ‘offer’ must be with intent to create a legal relationship. Hence if it is accepted, it must result in a
valid contract. An invitation to join a friend for dinner is a social activity. This does not create a
legal relationship or right or obligation.
(b) The offer must be certain and definite. It must not be vague. If the terms are vague, it is not capable
of being accepted as the vagueness would not create any contractual relationship. For example,
where ‘A’ offers to sell 100 litres of oil, without indicating what kind of oil would be sold, it is a
vague offer and hence cannot create any contractual relationship. If however there is a
mechanism to end the vagueness, the offer can be treated as valid. For example, in the above
example if ‘A’ does not deal in any oil but only in gingilee oil and this is known to every one, the
offer cannot be treated as vague offer. This is for the reason that the trade in which ‘A’ is, is a
clear indicator providing a mechanism to understand the terms of offer.
(c) The offer must be express or implied.
(d) The offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer.
(e) The offer must be either specific or general.
(f) The offer must be communicated to the person to whom it is made. Otherwise the offeree cannot
accept the offer. He cannot accept the offer because he is not aware of the existence of the offer.
Such a situation does not create any legal obligation or right on any one.
(g) The offer must be made with a view to obtaining the consent of the offeree. (h) An offer can be
conditional but there should be no term in the offer that non-compliance

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1.10 Business Law, Ethics and Communication

would amount to acceptance. Thus the offeror cannot say that if non-acceptance is not
communicated by a certain time the offer would be treated as accepted.
What is invitation to offer?
An offer and invitation to offer are not one and the same. The difference between the two must be
appreciated. An offer is definite. It is an intention towards a contract. An invitation to offer is an act
precedent to making an offer. It is done with intent to generally to induce and negotiate. An invitation to
offer gives rise to an offer after due negotiation and it cannot be per se accepted.
In an invitation to offer there is no expression of willingness by the offeror to be bound by his offer. It is
only a proposal of certain terms on which he is willing to negotiate. It is not capable of being accepted
as it is.
When there is advertisement by a person he has a stock of books for sale, it is an invitation to offer and
not an offer. This advertisement is made to receive offers and to further negotiate.
In terms of Section 2[a] of the Act, it is very clear that an offer is the final expression of willingness by
the offeror to be bound by the offer if it is accepted by the other party. Hence the only thing that is
required is the willingness of the offeree to abide by the terms of offer.
The test to decide whether a statement is an ‘offer’ or ‘invitation to offer’ is to see the ‘intention’. If a
person who makes the statement has the intention to be bound by it as soon as the other accepts, he is
making an offer. If he however intends to do some other act, he is making only an invitation to offer.
Thus the intention to be bound is the important thing, which is to be seen.
In Harvey vs. Facie [1893] AC 552 Privy Council succinctly explained the distinction between an offer
and an invitation to offer. In the given case, the plaintiffs through a telegram asked the defendants two
questions namely,
(i) Will you sell us Bumper Hall Pen? and
(ii) Telegraph lowest cash price.
The defendants replied through telegram that the “lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen is ₤900”. The
plaintiffs sent another telegram stating “we agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen at ₤900…” However the
defendants refused to sell the property at the price.
The plaintiffs sued the defendants contending that they had made an offer to sell the property at ₤900
and therefore they are bound by the offer.
However the Privy Council did not agree with the plaintiffs on the ground that while plaintiffs had asked
two questions, the defendant replied only to the second question by quoting the price but did not answer
the first question but reserved their answer with regard to their willingness to sell. Thus they made no
offer at all. Their Lordships held that the mere statement of the lowest price at which the vendor would
sell contained no implied contract to sell to the person who had enquired about the price.

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.11

The above decision was followed in Mac Pherson vs Appanna [1951] A.S.C. 184 where the owner of
the property had said that he would not accept less than ` 6000/- for it. This statement did not indicate
any offer but indicated only an invitation to offer.
Similarly when goods are sold through auction, the auctioneer does not contract with any one who
attends the sale. The auction is only an advertisement to sell but the items are not put for sale though
persons who have come to the auction may have the intention to purchase.
Following are instances of invitation to offer to buy or sell:
(i) An invitation by a company to the public to subscribe for its shares.
(ii) Display of goods for sale in shop windows.
(iii) Advertising auction sales and
(iv) Quotation of prices sent in reply to a query regarding price.
Key Points

♦ Offer-An expression of willingness of offeror to an offreee to do or to abstain from doing

anything,with a view to obtain the assent of an offeree and to enter him into a contract.

♦ Agreement-An accepted offer/proposal

♦ Promisor- Person making the proposal.

♦ Promisee- Person accepting the proposal

♦ Express Offer-Expressed by written/spoken words

♦ Implied offer-Expressed other than in written /spoken words

♦ Specific offer-Offer made to a specific person

♦ General offer-Offer made to the public at large

♦ Cross offers- Identical offers made in ignorance to each other.

♦ Counter offers- Offer accepted on the terms and conditions other than set out by the offeror.

♦ Standing offer- Offer open for acceptance over period of time.

♦ Legal rules for valid offer-Definite and certain, made with an intention to create legal relations and
must be communicated.

♦ Invitation to an offer-One party invites other party to make an offer i.e.,an offer to make an offer.

1.5 Acceptance

The significance of “acceptance of a proposal” so as to form an agreement has been discussed in

previous paragraphs. Let us analyse various issues concerning ‘acceptance’ now,

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1.12 Business Law, Ethics and Communication

Meaning: In terms of Section 2(b) of the Act, “A proposal or offer is said to have been accepted when
the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent to the proposal to do or not to do
something”. In short, act of acceptance lies in signifying one’s assent to the proposal.
Relationship between offer and acceptance: According to Sir William Anson “Acceptance is to offer
what a lighted match is to a train of gun powder”. The effect of this observation is that what acceptance
triggers cannot be recalled or undone. But there is a choice to the person who had the train to remove it
before the match is applied. It in effect means that the offer can be withdrawn just before it is accepted.
Acceptance converts the offer into a promise and then it is too late to revoke it. This means as soon as
the train of gun powder is lighted it would explode. Gun powder [the train] itself is inert, but it is the
lighted match [the acceptance] which causes the gun powder to explode. The significance of this is an
offer by itself cannot create any legal relationship but it is the acceptance by the offeree which creates a
legal relationship. Once an offer is accepted it becomes a promise and cannot be withdrawn or revoked.
An offer remains an offer so long as it is not accepted, but becomes a contract as soon as it is
Rules governing acceptance
(1) Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified: As per section 7 of the Act, acceptance is valid only
when it is absolute and unqualified and is also expressed in some usual and reasonable manner unless
the proposal prescribes the manner in which it must be accepted. If the proposal prescribes the manner
in which it must be accepted, then it must be accepted accordingly. The above view will be clear from
the following example:
‘A’ enquires from ‘B’, “Will you purchase my car for ` 2 lakhs?” If ‘B’ replies “I shall purchase your car for
` 2 lakhs, if you buy my motorcycle for ` 50000/-, here ‘B’ cannot be considered to have accepted the
proposal. If on the other hand ‘B’ agrees to purchase the car from ‘A’ as per his proposal subject to
availability of valid Registration Certificate / book for the car, then the acceptance is in place though the
offer contained no mention of R.C. book. This is because expecting a valid title for the car is not a
condition. Therefore the acceptance in this case is unconditional.
(2) The acceptance must be communicated: To conclude a contract between the parties, the
acceptance must be communicated in some perceptible form. Any conditional acceptance or
acceptance with varying or too deviant conditions is no acceptance. Such conditional acceptance is a
counter proposal and has to be accepted by the proposer, if the original proposal has to materialize into
a contract. Further when a proposal is accepted, the offeree must have the knowledge of the offer made
to him. If he does not have the knowledge, there can be no acceptance. The acceptance must relate
specifically to the offer made. Then only it can materialize into a contract. The above points will be
clearer from the following examples,
(a) M offered to sell his land to N for £ 280. N replied purporting to accept the offer but enclosed a
cheque for £ 80 only. He promised to pay the balance of £ 200 by monthly installments of £ 50
each. It was held that N could not enforce his acceptance because it was not an unqualified one.
[Neale vs. Merret [1930] W. N. 189].

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.13

(b) A offers to sell his house to B for ` 1000/-. B replied that, “I can pay ` 800 for it. The offer of ‘A’ is
rejected by ‘B’ as the acceptance is not unqualified. B however changes his mind and is prepared
to pay ` 1000/-. This is also treated as counter offer and it is upto A whether to accept it or not.
[Union of India v. Bahulal AIR 1968 Bombay 294].
A mere variation in the language not involving any difference in substance would not make the
acceptance ineffective. [Heyworth vs. Knight [1864] 144 ER 120].
(3) Acceptance must be in the prescribed mode: Where the proposal prescribes the mode of
acceptance, it must be accepted in that manner. Where the proposal does not prescribe the manner,
then it must be accepted in a reasonable manner. If the proposer does not insist on the proposal being
accepted in the manner in which it has to be accepted, after it is accepted in any other manner not
originally prescribed, the proposer is presumed to have consented to the acceptance. Sometimes the
acceptor may agree to a proposal but may insist on a formal agreement, in which case until a formal
agreement is drawn up there is no complete acceptance.
(4) The acceptance must be given within a reasonable time and before the offer lapses.
(5) Mere silence is not acceptance. The acceptor should expressly accept the offer. Acceptance can be
implied also. Acceptance must be given only by that person to whom it is made, that too only after
knowing about the offer made to him.
(6) Acceptance by conduct: As already elaborated above, acceptance has to be signified either in
writing or by word of mouth or by performance of some act. The last of the method, namely ‘by some
act’ has to be understood as acceptance by conduct. In a case like this where a person performs the act
intended by the proposer as the consideration for the promise offered by him, the performance of the
act constitutes acceptance. In other words, there is an acceptance by conduct.
For example, where a tradesman receives an order from a customer, and the order is executed
accordingly by the trader, there is an “acceptance by conduct” of the offer made by the customer. The
trader’s subsequent act signifies acceptance.
Section 8 of the Act very clearly in this regard lays down that “ the performance of the condition(s) of a
proposal or the acceptance of any consideration of a reciprocal promise which may be offered with a
proposal constitutes an acceptance of the proposal.
Key Points

♦ Acceptance- Assent of offeree to a proposal. On acceptance of proposal, proposer is called as

promisor and offeree as promisee.

♦ Acceptance is irreversible as once it is given and reaches to the proposer it cannot be recalled,

♦ Rules for valid acceptance- It must be absolute and unqualified, communicated, and must be in
the prescribed mode and given within a reasonable time.

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1.6 Communication of Offer and Acceptance

The importance of ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ in giving effect to a valid contract was explained in the
previous paragraphs. One important common requirement for both ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ is their
effective communication. Effective and proper communication prevents avoidable revocation and
misunderstanding between parties. The communication part of it assumes importance because parties
are separated by and distance. In which case the modes of communication like, post/courier, telegram,
fax, email, telephone etc., become very relevant because the method of communication would also
decide the ‘time’ of ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’. The Indian Contract Act,1872 gives a lot of importance to
“time” element in deciding when the offer and acceptance is complete.
Communication of offer: In terms of Section 4 of the Act, “ the communication of offer is complete
when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made”. Therefore knowledge of
communication is of relevance. Knowledge of the offer would materialize when the offer is given in
writing or made by word of mouth or by some other conduct. This can be explained by an example.
Where ‘A’ makes a proposal to ‘B’ by post to sell his house for ` 5 lakhs and if the letter containing the
offer is posted on 10th March and if that letter reaches ‘B’ on 12th March the offer is said to have been
communicated on 12th March when B received the letter. Thus it can be summed up that when a
proposal is made by post, its communication will be complete when the letter containing the proposal
reaches the person to whom it is made.
Communication of acceptance: There are two issues for discussion and understanding. They are:
what are the modes of acceptance and when is acceptance complete?
Let us, first consider the modes of acceptance. Section 3 of the Act prescribes in general terms two
modes of communication namely, (a) by any act and (b) by omission, intending thereby to, to
communicate to the other or which has the effect of communicating it to the other.
Communication by act would include any expression of words whether written or oral. Written words will
include letters, telegrams, faxes, emails and even advertisements. Oral words will include telephone
messages. Again communication would include any conduct intended to communicate like positive acts
or signs so that the other person understands what the person ‘acting ‘ or ‘making signs’ means to say
or convey.
Communication can also be by ‘omission’ to do any or something. Such omission is conveyed by a
conduct or by forbearance on the part of one person to convey his willingness or assent. However
silence would not be treated as communication by ‘omission’.
Communication of acceptance is also done by conduct. For instance, delivery of goods at a price by a
seller to a willing buyer will be understood as a communication by conduct to convey acceptance.
Similarly one need not explain why one boards a public bus or drop a coin in a weighing machine. The
first act is a conduct of acceptance and its communication to the offer by the public transport authority to
carry any passenger. The second act is again a conduct conveying acceptance to use the weighing
machine kept by the vending company as

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an offer to render that service for a consideration.

The other issue in communication of acceptance is about the effect of act or omission or conduct. These indirect
efforts must result in effectively communicating its acceptance or non acceptance. If it has no such effect, there is
no communication regardless of which the acceptor thinks about the offer within himself. Thus a mere mental
unilateral assent in one’s own mind would not amount to communication. Where a resolution passed by a bank to
sell land to ‘A’ remained uncommunicated to ‘A’, it was held that there was no communication and hence no
contract. [Central Bank Yeotmal vs Vyankatesh (1949) A. Nag. 286].
Let us now come to the issue of when communication of acceptance is complete. In terms of Section 4 of the Act, it
is complete,
(i) As against the proposer, when it is put in course of transmission to him so as to be out of the power of the
acceptor to withdraw the same;
(ii) As against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
Where a proposal is accepted by a letter sent by the post, the communication of acceptance will be complete as
against the proposer when the letter of acceptance is posted and as against the acceptor when the letter reaches
the proposer. For instance in the above example, if ‘B’ accepts, A’s proposal and sends his acceptance by post on
14th, the communication of acceptance as against ‘A’ is complete on 14th, when the letter is posted. As against ‘B’
acceptance will be complete, when the letter reaches ‘A’. Here ‘A’ the proposer will be bound by B’s acceptance,
even if the letter of acceptance is delayed in post or lost in transit. The golden rule is proposer becomes bound by
the contract, the moment acceptor has posted the letter of acceptance. But it is necessary the letter is correctly
addressed, sufficiently stamped and duly posted. In such an event the loss of letter in transit, wrong delivery, non
delivery etc., will not affect the validity of the contract. However from the view point of acceptor, he will be bound by
his acceptance only when the letter of acceptance has reached the proposer. So it is crucial in this case that the
letter reaches the proposer. If there is no delivery of the letter, the acceptance could be treated as having been
completed from the viewpoint of proposer but not from the viewpoint of acceptor. Of course this will give rise to an
awkward situation of only one party to the contract being treated as bound by the contract though no one would be
sure as to where the letter of acceptance had gone.
Communication of special conditions: Sometimes there are situations where there are contracts with special
conditions. These special conditions are conveyed tacitly and the acceptance of these conditions are also
conveyed by the offeree again tacitly or without him even realizing it.
For instance where a passenger undertakes a travel, the conditions of travel are printed at the back of the tickets,
sometimes these special conditions are brought to the notice of the passenger, sometimes not. In any event, the
passenger is treated as having accepted the special condition the moment he bought his ticket.
When someone travels from one place to another by air, it could be seen that special © The Institute of
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conditions are printed at the back of the air ticket in small letters [in a non computerized train ticket even
these are not printed] Sometimes these conditions are found to have been displayed at the notice board
of the Air lines office, which passengers may not have cared to read. The question here is whether
these conditions can be considered to have been communicated to the passengers of the Airlines and
can the passengers be treated as having accepted the conditions. The answer to the question is in the
affirmative and was so held in Mukul Datta vs. Indian Airlines [1962] AIR cal. 314 where the plaintiff had
travelled from Delhi to Kolkota by air and the ticket bore conditions in fine print.
Yet another example is where a launderer gives his customer a receipt for clothes received for washing.
The receipt carries special conditions and are to be treated as having been duly communicated to the
customer and therein a tacit acceptance of these conditions is implied by the customer’s acceptance of
the receipt [Lily White vs. R. Muthuswami [1966] A. Mad. 13].
In the cases referred above, the respective documents have been accepted without a protest and
hence amounted to tacit acceptance.
Standard forms of contracts: It is well established that a standard form of contract may be enforced
on another who is subjectively unaware of the contents of the document, provided the party wanting to
enforce the contract has given notice which, in the circumstances of a case, is sufficiently reasonable.
But the acceptor will not incur any contractual obligation, if the document is so printed and delivered to
him in such a state that it does not give reasonable notice on its face that it contains certain special
conditions. In this connection, let us consider a converse situation. A transport carrier accepted the
goods for transport without any conditions. Subsequently, he issued a circular to the owners of goods
limiting his liability for the goods. In such a case, since the special conditions were not communicated
prior to the date of contract for transport, these were not binding on the owners of goods [Raipur
transport Co. vs. Ghanshyam [1956] A. Nag.145].
1.7 Communication of Performance

We have already discussed that in terms of Section 4 of the Act, communication of a proposal is
complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is meant. As regards acceptance of
the proposal, the same would be viewed from two angles. These are (i) from the viewpoint of proposer
and (ii) the other from the viewpoint of acceptor himself. From the viewpoint of proposer, when the
acceptance is put in to a course of transmission, when it would be out of the power of acceptor. From
the viewpoint of acceptor, it would be complete when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
At times the offeree may be required to communicate the performance (or act) by way of acceptance. In
this case it is not enough if the offeree merely performs the act but he should also communicate his
performance unless the offer includes a term that a mere performance will constitute acceptance. The
position was clearly explained in the famous case of Carlill Vs Carbolic & Smokeball Co. In this case the
defendant a sole proprietary concern manufacturing a medicine which was a carbolic ball whose smoke
could be inhaled through the nose to cure
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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.17

influenza, cold and other connected ailments issued an advertisement for sale of this medicine. The advertisement
also included a reward of $100 to any person who contracted influenza, after using the medicine (which was
described as ‘carbolic smoke ball’). Mrs. Carlill bought these smoke balls and used them as directed but contracted
influenza. It was held that Mrs Carlill was entitled to a reward of $100 as she had performed the condition for
acceptance. Further as the advertisement did not require any communication of compliance of the condition, it was
not necessary to communicate the same. The court thus in the process laid down the following three important
(i) an offer, to be capable of acceptance, must contain a definite promise by the offer or that he would be bound
provided the terms specified by him are accepted;
(ii) an offer may be made either to a particular person or to the public at large, and
(iii) if an offer is made in the form of a promise in return for an act, the performance of that act, even without any
communication thereof, is to be treated as an acceptance of the offer.
Key Points

♦ One important common requirement for both ‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ is their effective
communication. The Indian Contract Act,1872 gives a lot of importance to “time” element in
deciding when the offer and acceptance is complete.

♦ Communication of offer is complete- When it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is

♦ Communication of acceptance is complete- (i) Against the proposer-when it is put into the course
of transmission to the proposer.(ii) Against the acceptor—when it comes to the knowledge of
the offeror.

1.8 Revocation of Offer and Acceptance

If there are specific requirements governing the making of an offer and the acceptance of that offer, we also have
specific law governing their revocation.
In term of Section 4, communication of revocation (of the proposal or its acceptance) is complete.
(i) as against the person who makes it when it is put into a course of transmission to the person to whom it is made
so as to be out of the power of the person who makes it, and
(ii) as against the person to whom it is made, when it comes to his knowledge.
The above law can be illustrated as follows:- If you revoke your proposal made to me by a telegram, the
revocation will be complete, as for as you are concerned when you have dispatched the telegram. But as far as I
am concerned, it will be complete only when I receive the telegram.
As regards revocation of acceptance, if you go by the above example, I can revoke my acceptance © The

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(of your offer) by a telegram. This revocation of acceptance by me will be complete when I dispatch the
telegram and against you, it will be complete when it reaches you.
But the important question for consideration is when a proposal can be revoked? And when can an
acceptance be revoked?. These questions are more important than the question when the revocation
(of proposal and acceptance) is complete.
In terms of Section 5 of the Act a proposal can be revoked at any time before the communication of its
acceptance is complete as against the proposer. An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the
communication of acceptance is complete as against the acceptor.
Revocation of proposal otherwise than by communication: When a proposal is made, the proposer
may not wait indefinitely for its acceptance. The offer can be revoked otherwise than by communication
or sometimes by lapse.
Following are the situations worth noting in this regard
(i) When the acceptor fails to fulfill certain conditions precedent to acceptance:- Where the acceptor
fails to fulfill a condition precedent to acceptance the proposal gets revoked. This principle is laid down
in Section 6 of the Act. The offeror for instance may impose certain conditions such as executing a
certain document or depositing certain amount as earnest money. Failure to satisfy any condition will
result in lapse of the proposal. As stated earlier ‘condition precedent’ to acceptance prevents an
obligation from coming into existence until the condition is satisfied. Suppose where ‘A’ proposes to sell
his house to be ‘B’ for ` 5 lakhs provided ‘B’ leases his land to ‘A’. If ‘B’ refuses to lease the land, the
offer of ‘A’ is revoked automatically.
(ii) When the proposer dies or goes insane: Death or insanity of the proposer would result in automatic
revocation of the proposal but only if the fact of death or insanity comes to the knowledge of the
(iii) When time for acceptance lapses: The time for acceptance can lapse if the acceptance is not given
within the specified time and where no time is specified, then within a reasonable time. This is for the
reason that proposer should not be made to wait indefinitely. It was held in Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co
Vs Montefiore (1866 L.R.Z. Ex 109), that a person who applied for shares in June was not bound by an
allotment made in November. This decision was also followed in India Cooperative Navigation and
Trading Co Ltd Vs Padamsey Prem Ji. However these decisions now will have no relevance in the
context of allotment of shares since The Companies Act, 1956 has several provisions specifically
covering these issues.
Key Points
Communication of revocation as against the person who makes it, completes- when it is put into the
course of transmission to the person to whom it is made

♦ Communication of revocation as against the person to whom it is made, completes- when it comes
to his knowledge.

♦ Revocation of proposal and acceptance is complete- at any time before the communication of
proposal and acceptance is complete as against the proposer and the acceptor, but not

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Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -

♦ Understand the concept of consideration, its importance for a contract and its double aspect.

♦ Clearly understand how consideration may move from a third party and how this makes the
contract valid.

♦ Learn about the peculiar circumstances when a contract is valid even without consideration.

♦ Be aware of the rule 'A stranger to a contract cannot sue' and exceptions thereof.

In the previous unit we learnt that one of the important elements of contract is “consideration”. In this
unit the concept of consideration and the legal requirements for consideration are discussed.
1.9 What is Consideration?

The expression ‘consideration’ has to be understood as a price paid for an obligation. In Curie Vs Misa
(1875) LR 10 Ex 153 is was held (in U K) that consideration is “some right, interest, profit or benefit
accruing to one party or forbearance, detriment, loss, or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by
the other”. The judgment thus refers to the position of both the promisor, and the promisee in an
Section 2 (d) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines consideration as ‘when at the desire of the
promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing, or does or abstains from
doing or promises to do or abstain from doing something, such an act or abstinence or promise is called
consideration for the promise’.
From the above definition it can be inferred that,
Consideration is doing or not doing something, which the promisor desires to be done or not done.
(1) Consideration must be at the desire of the promisor.
(2) Consideration may move from one person to any other person
(3) Consideration may be past, present or future and
(4) Consideration should be real though not adequate
In most cases the promisor for doing an act or not doing an act derives some benefit by way of
consideration. Thus consideration is identified as quid pro quo from the promise or performance of the
But it is also possible that there may not be any identifiable benefit towards consideration. For example
‘A’ promises to carry ‘B’s goods free of charge and B allows ‘A’ to carry the same. Here ‘B’ does not
offer any consideration to ‘A’. Is this a valid contract?

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1.20 Business Law, Ethics and Communication
The answer to the question is ‘B’ has suffered a detriment or disadvantage while allowing ‘A’ to carry his
goods. Here there is sufficient consideration. This illustration is given essentially to prove the point that
consideration could be not necessarily a gain or advantage to the promisor but it can even be a loss or
detriment to the promisee. That is why ‘consideration’ is referred to as a concept with ‘double aspect’.
Where Y applies for a loan of ` 10,000/- to X, and if ‘X’ insists on a guarantee by ‘S’ and upon ‘S’
guaranteeing the loan, ‘X’ gives the loan to “Y”. In this case ‘S’ will be the promisor and ‘X’ the
promisee. The benefit in this transaction conferred on ‘Y’ by ‘X’ at the guarantee of ‘S’, is sufficient
consideration for X. In other words ‘X’ has suffered a detriment which is the consideration for the
guarantee of ‘S’ to repay the loan which ‘X’ has given to ‘Y’. Detriment to one is benefit to another.
It can often be seen that consideration is mutual. For instance if ‘A’ promises to sell his house to ‘B’ for `
5 lakhs ,here “A” is the promisor and “B” is the promisee. In the same transaction where ‘B’ agrees to
buy the house for ` 5 lakhs, ‘B’ will be the promisor and ‘A’ will be the promisee. Here ‘A’ must part with
the house and ‘B’ must part with ` 5 lakhs. This proves the point that consideration is mutual and has
two sides.
Thus from above it can be concluded that :
Consideration = Promise / Performance that parties exchange with each other.
Form of consideration= Some benefit, right or profit to one party / some detriment, loss, or forbearance
to the other.
Whether gratuitous promise can be enforced?
The word “gratuitous” means ‘free of cost’ or ‘without expecting any return’. It can therefore be inferred
that a gratuitous promise will not result in an agreement in the absence of consideration. For instance a
promise to subscribe to a charitable cause cannot be enforced.
1.10 Legal Requirements Regarding Consideration

(i) Consideration must move at the desire of the promisor: Consideration must move at the desire
of the promisor, either from the promisee or some other third party. But consideration cannot move at
the desire of a third party. Where collector had passed an order that any one using the market
constructed by the Zamindar, for the purpose of selling his goods should pay commission to the
Zamindar, it was held that it was not a proper order as the desire to receive consideration had not
emanated from the Zamindar but from a third party namely the collector [Durga Prasad Vs Baldev
(1880) 3, All 221]
(ii) Consideration can flow either from the promisee or any other person: The consideration for a
contract can move either from the promisee or from any other person. This point is made clear even by
the definition of the word “consideration”, according to which at the desire of the promisor, the promisee
or any other person, doing something is consideration.
That the consideration can legitimately move from a third party is an accepted principle of law in India
though not in England. Example: ‘A’ by a deed of gift made over certain property to

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her daughter(D) with condition that her brother(B) should be paid annuity by D. On the same day, D
executed a document agreeing to pay annuity accordingly but declined to pay after sometime. B sued
D. It was contended on behalf of D, that there was no consideration from B and hence there was no
valid contract. This plea was rejected on the ground that the consideration did flow from B’s Sister(A) to
‘D’ and such consideration from third party is sufficient to enforce the promise of D to pay annuity to A’s
brother (B) [Chinnaya Vs Ramaya(1881) 4.mad.137]
Thus a stranger to a contract can sue upon a contract in India and also in England, where as stranger to
a consideration can sue under Indian law though not under English law.
(iii) Executed and Executory consideration: Where consideration consists of performance, it is called
“executed” consideration. Where it consists only of a promise, it is executory. For example where A
pays ` 5000/- to ‘B’ requesting ‘B’ to deliver certain quantity of rice, to which B agrees, then here
consideration for B is executed by ‘A’ as he has already paid ` 5000/- whereas ‘B’s promise is executory
as he is yet to deliver the rice.
Insurance contracts are of the same type. When A pays a premium of ` 5000/- seeking insurance cover
for the year, from the insurance company which the company promises in the event of fire, the
consideration paid by A to the insurance company is executed but the promise of insurance company is
executory or yet to be executed. A forbearance by the promisor should however be considered as an
executed consideration provided the forbearance is sufficient at the time of contract.
(iv) Past consideration: The next issue is whether past consideration can be treated as consideration
at all. This is because consideration is given and accepted along with a promise concurrently. However
the Act recognizes past consideration as consideration when it uses the expression in Section 2(d) ‘has
done or abstained from doing”. But in the event of services being rendered in the past at the request or
desire of the promisor the subsequent promise is regarded as an admission that the past consideration
was not gratuitous. The plaintiff rendered services to the defendant at his desire during his minority. He
also continued to render the same services after the dependant attained majority. It was held to be
good consideration for a subsequent express promise by the defendant to pay an annuity to the plaintiff
but it was admitted that if the services had not been rendered at the desire of the defendant it would be
hit by section 25 of the Act. [Sindia Vs Abraham (1985)Z. Bom 755]
(v) Adequacy of Consideration: Consideration need not necessarily be of the same value as of the
promise for which it is exchanged. But it must be something which can be inadequate as well.
Inadequate consideration would not invalidate an agreement but such inadequate consideration could
be taken into account by the court in deciding whether the consent of the promisor was freely given.
In Chijjitumal Vs. Rampal Singh AIR, 1968, the Supreme Court reiterated that consideration need not
be material and may be even absent. In the said case, the father had died leaving his house to two
sons. They had agreed to partition the house which did not admit the division in exactly equal parts and
one of the sons had agreed not to construct a door at a certain place in his portion of the house. In a
dispute, the agreement was challenged on the ground

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that it was without adequate consideration. The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the motive
for the said agreement at the time when it was made, was to avoid any dispute in future, and held that it
was sufficient consideration.
The above view is in tune with explanation 2 to section 25 of the Act, which provides that an agreement
to which the consent of the promisor is freely given is not void merely because the consideration is
inadequate. Where there is valuable consideration, Court will not interfere and inquire into the adequacy
of it but leave the matter to the parties to make their own bargain. But inadequate consideration might
raise suspicion about the free will of the promisor. Promisor could be treated as victim of some
imposition but this would not render the agreement void.
(vi) Performance of what one is legally bound to perform: The performance of an act by a person
what he is legally bound to perform, the same cannot be consideration for a contract. Hence, a promise
to pay money to a witness is void, for it is without consideration. Hence such a contract is void for want
of consideration. Similarly, an agreement by a client to pay to his counsel, a certain sum over and
above the fee, in the event of success of the case would be void, since it is without consideration.
But where a person promises to do more than he is legally bound to do, such a promise provided it is
not opposed to public policy, is a good consideration. For instance during a civil strike, a question arose
as to how best to protect a coal mine. The police authorities thought that surveillance by a mobile force
would be adequate but the colliery manager desired a stationary police guard. Ultimately it was agreed
that the police authorities would provide a stationary guard and the manager would pay $2,200 for the
service. It was held that the promise to pay the amount was not without consideration. The police, no
doubt, were bound to afford protection, but they had discretion as to the form it should take. The
undertaking to provide more protection than what they deemed to be necessary was a consideration for
the promise of reward. [Classbrook Brothers vs. Glamorgan Country Council (19250) A.C.270]
(vii) Consideration must not be unlawful, immoral, or opposed to public policy.
1.11 Suit by a Third Party to an Agreement

There is a big difference between a third party to consideration and third party to a contract; while the
first can sue, the second cannot sue. Thus a stranger / third Party to an Agreement lead to the doctrine
of privity of contract. The doctrine says that only parties to a contract can enforce the contract. The
parties stranger to a contract cannot sue and be sued. Example, a contract by the purchaser of a
mortgaged property to pay off the mortgage cannot be enforced by the mortgagee who was not a party
to the contract between vendor and vendee.
However there are exceptions to the above principle. These are:
1. In the case of a trust, the beneficiary can sue enforcing his right though he was not a party to the
contract between the trustee and the settler. In Khawja Mohammed Khan Vs Hussain Begum
371.A. 152, where, the father of the bridegroom promised to pay through a contract with the father
of the bride, an allowance to the bride, if she married his son, the bride sued her father-in-law after
marriage for the allowance which he did not pay as

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per the contract. It was held by the Privy Council that though the bride was not a party to the
contract between her father and father in law, she could enforce her claim in equity.
2. In the case of family settlement, if the terms of settlement are reduced in writing, members of the
family who were not a party to the settlement can (also) enforce their claim.(Shuppu Vs
Subramanian 33 Mad.238)
3. In the case of certain marriage contracts a female member can enforce a provision for marriage
expense based on a petition made by the Hindu undivided family (Sunder Raja Vs Lakshmi 38.
Mad 788).
4. Where there is an assignment of a contract, the assignee can enforce the contract for various
benefits that would accrue to him on account of the assignment.[Krishanlal Sadhu Vs Primila Bala
Dasi (1928) Cal.1315]
5. In case of part performance of a contractual obligations or where there is acknowledgment of liability
on account of estoppel, a third party can sue for benefits. Where for example ‘A’ gives ` 25000/- to
‘B’ to be given to ‘C’ and ‘B’ informs ‘C’ that B is holding it on behalf of C, but subsequently
refuses to pay ‘C’ then ‘C’ can sue and enforce his claim.
6. Where a piece of land which is sold to buyer with certain covenants relating to land and the buyer is
kept on notice of the covenants with certain duties, there the successors to the seller can enforce
these covenants.
1.12 Validity of an Agreement without Consideration

We have all along learnt that an agreement without consideration is void. Not only that, even inadequate
consideration would render the enforceability of the contract quite difficult as the free consent of the
parties would become suspect. The Act however contains certain exceptions to this important rule.
These are:
(i) On account of natural love and affection: A written and a registered agreement made between
parties out of natural love and affection does not require consideration. Such an agreement is
enforceable even without consideration. It is important that parties should be of near relation like
husband and wife to get this exemption (Rajlukhee Devee Vs Bhootnath).
(ii) Compensation paid for past voluntary services: A promise to compensate wholly or in part for
past voluntary services rendered by someone to promisor does not require consideration for being
enforced. However the past services must have been rendered voluntarily to the promisor. Further the
promisor must have been in existence at that time and he must have intended to compensate.
(iii) Promise to pay debts barred by limitation: Where there is a promise in writing to pay a debt,
which was barred by limitation, is valid without consideration.
(iv) Creation of Agency: In term of section 185 of the Act, no consideration is necessary to create an

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(v) In case of completed gifts, no consideration is necessary. This is clear from the Explanation (1)
to section 25 of the Act which provides that “nothing in this Section shall affect the validity as between
donor and donee of any gift actually made.
Key Points

♦ Consideration- The promise/performance that parties exchange with each other.

♦ Rules of valid consideration: Move at the desire of promisor by promisee and any other person.It is
must for every contract though not necessarily be adequate but must be real and not illusory
and should be of some value in terms of money.
Contract without consideration is void subject to certain exceptions- agreement on account of natural
love and affection, promise to compensate for voluntary services and promise to pay a time –
barred debt, gift actually made, and in agency.
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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.25
Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -

♦ Note the various ingredients of incapacity to contract.

♦ Be clear about the legal consequence of contracting with a minor.

♦ Be familiar with the concept of 'consensus ad idem' i.e. parties agreeing upon the same thing in
the same sense.

♦ Try to grasp the characteristics of different elements vitiating free consent and particularly to
distinguish amongst fraud, misrepresentation and mistake.

♦ Understand the circumstances when object and consideration become unlawful. ♦ Be

aware of the agreements opposed to public policy.

In the previous units we discussed all aspects of offer, acceptance, revocation, and consideration. In
this unit we will discuss other elements, which would constitute a contract.
We have earlier seen that in terms of section 10 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 a legally enforceable
agreement should be made with the free consent of the parties who are competent to contract for a
lawful consideration with a lawful object. Further the agreement should not have been expressly
declared as void by law. These elements would be examined hereunder.
1.13 Free Consent

In terms of section 13 of the Act, two or more persons are said to have consented when they agree
upon the same thing in the same manner. This is referred to as identity of minds or “consensus-ad-
idem”. Absence of identity of minds would arise when there is an error on the part of the parties
regarding (a) nature of transaction or (b) person dealt with or (c) subject matter of agreement .In such
cases there would be no consent. However cases of fundamental errors have to be distinguished from
cases of mutual mistakes.
Example: Where the persons refer to a ship of a name in the contract but each of them had a different
ship in mind though of same name, there is no identity of minds and hence there is no consent. That
there is no contract in the absence of consent was considered in the case of Cundy Vs Lindsay. In this
case one Blenkarn in placing order for goods with Cundy closely imitated the address and signature of
another well-known firm known as Blenkiron & Co. Cundy sent the goods to Blenkarn but thinking that
the order was from Blenkiron & Co. Blenkarn in turn sold the goods to Lindsay. Cundy discovered his
mistake, brought a suit against Lindsay for recovery of goods. It was held by the House of Lords that
Cundy was under mistake as he thought he was dealing with Blenkiron & Co, while he was in fact
dealing with Blenkarn. Hence there was no contract at all. The agreement was declared as void in the
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absence of identity of minds or proper consent. The suit was decreed against Lindsay.
The consent referred above must be “free consent” as well. Consent is free when it is not caused by
coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake (Section 14). When the consent is
caused by mistake, the agreement is void, but when caused by other factors it is voidable.
Now let us discuss each of these factors, which should not influence consent.
(a) Coercion(Section 15): “Coercion” is the committing, or threatening to commit any act forbidden by
the Indian Penal Code 1860, or the unlawful detaining, or threatening to detain any property, to the
prejudice of any person whatever, with the intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement.
For example, X says to Y ‘I shall not return the documents of title relating to your wife’s property, unless
you agree to sell your house to me for ` 5000’. ‘Y’ says, “All right, I shall sell my house to you for `
5000; do not detain my wife’s documents of title”, X has employed coercion; he cannot therefore
enforce the contract. But Y can enforce the contract if he finds the contract to his benefit. An agreement
induced by coercion is voidable and not void. That means it can be enforced by the party coerced, but
not by the party using coercion.
It is immaterial whether the Indian Penal Code,1860 is or is not in force at the place where the coercion
is employed.
Where husband obtained a release deed from his wife and son under a threat of committing suicide, the
transaction was set aside on the ground of coercion, suicide being forbidden by the Indian Penal Code.
(Amiraju Vs. Seshamma (1974) 41 Mad, 33)
A person to whom money has been paid or anything delivered under coercion, must repay or return it.
(b) Undue influence (Section 16): A contract is said to be induced by “undue influence” where the
relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the
will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage of the other. A person is deemed to
be in a position to dominate the will of the other, when he holds authority, real or apparent over the
other, or when he stands in a fiduciary relation to other.
The essential ingredients of undue influence are:
One of the parties dominates the will of the other and
(i) he has real or apparent authority over the other;
(ii) he is in a position to dominate the will of the other and
(iii) the dominating party takes advantage of the relation.
Following are the instances where one person can be treated as in a position to dominate the will of the

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(i) A solicitor can dominate the will of the client.

(ii) A doctor can dominate the will of his patient having protracted illness, and (iii) A
trustee can dominate the will of the beneficiary.
The burden of proof (in situations like the above) that there is no undue influence in an agreement
would be on the person who is in a position to dominate the will of the other. For instance the ‘father’
should prove that he had not unduly influenced his son in the case of any given agreement. The
stronger party must act in good faith and see that the weaker party gets independent advice.
The following two decisions would enable us to understand the law.
(a) Allahabad High Court set aside a gift of the whole of the property by an elderly Hindu to his spiritual
(b) Similarly, Privy Council set aside a deed of gift executed by an old illiterate Muslim lady in favour of
the manager of her estate.
Money lending operations and undue influence: It is often seen that on account of ‘undue influence’
borrowers end up paying very high rate of interest to the lenders. This is because lenders are in a
position to dominate the will of the borrowers. Such high rate of interest will be treated as
unconscionable where parties are not on same footing.
Difference between Coercion and Undue Influence: Having discussed in detail the concepts of
coercion and undue influence, let us understand the difference between the two:-
(i) Nature of action: Coercion involves physical force and sometimes only threat. Undue influence
involves only moral pressure.
(ii) Involvement of criminal action: Coercion involves committing or threatening to commit any act
prohibited or forbidden by law, or detention or threatening to detain a person or property. In undue
influence there is no such illegal act involved.
(iii) Relation ship between parties: In coercion there need not be any relationship between parties;
whereas in undue influence, there must be some kind of relationship between parties, which enables to
exercise undue influence over the other.
(iv) Exercise by whom: Coercion need not proceed from the promisor. It also need not be directed
against the promisee. Undue influence is always exercised by one on the other, both of whom are
parties to a contract.
(v) Enforceability: Where there is coercion, the contract is voidable. Where there is undue influence
the contract is voidable or court may set aside or enforce it in a modified form.
(vi) Position of benefits received: In case of coercion, where the contract is rescinded by the
aggrieved party any benefit received has to be restored back. In the case of undue influence, the court
has discretion to pass orders for return of any such benefit or not to give any such directions.

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(c) Fraud(Section 17): Fraud means and includes any of the following act committed by a party to a
contract or with his connivance or by his agent with intent to deceive another party thereto or his agent
or to induce him to enter into the contract.
(i) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by one who does not believe it be true;
(ii) the active concealment of a fact by one, having knowledge or belief of the fact; (iii) a
promise made without any intention of performing it;
(iv) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(v) any such act or omission as to law specially declared to be fraudulent
It is important to note that ‘fraud’ that results in a contract alone is covered by section17 of the Act. If
there is a ‘fraud’ but it does not result in a contract, it would not fall within the purview of the Act.
The following can be taken as illustration of fraud:

♦ A director of a company issues prospectus containing misstatement knowing fully well about such
mis-statement. It was held any person who had purchased shares on the faith of such
misstatement can repudiate the contract on the ground of fraud.

♦ B discovered an ore mine in the Estate of ‘A’ He conceals the mine and the information about the
mine. ‘A’ in ignorance agrees to sell the estate to ‘B’ at a price that is grossly undervalued. The
contract would be voidable of the option of ‘A’ on the ground of fraud.

♦ Buying goods with the intention of not paying the price is an act of fraud.

♦ It will be interesting to know that not only Contract Act, but also other Acts have specifically declared
certain acts and omission as fraud. A seller of a property should disclose any material defect in the
property. Concealing the information would be an act of fraud. Any other act committed to deceive
is fraud.
Mere silence would amount to fraud under certain circumstances.
Although a mere silence as to facts which is likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter into a
contract is no fraud, where there is a duty to speak or where his silence is equivalent to speech, then
such silence amounts to fraud. This would be clearly seen from the explanation to Section 17 of the
Indian Contract Act,1872. This situation often arises in Insurance contracts.
In the case of fire insurance contract between person standing in fiduciary relationship, non disclosure of
certain information would amount to fraud as there is a duty to make special disclosure. These are also
know as uberrimae fidei contract.
In the case of marine insurance policy contract, where a charterer is shipping goods of high value but
fails to disclose such high value of the goods to the underwriter, there is fraud. Similarly the insurer is
not bound by the policy issued by him where he is misinformed about insurance policy previously taken
by the insured.

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(d) Misrepresentation [Section 18]: “Misrepresentation’ does not involve deception but is only an
assertion of something by a person which is not true, though he believes it to be true. misrepresentation
could arise because of innocence of the person making it or because he lacks sufficient or reasonable
ground to make it. A contract which is hit by misrepresentation can be avoided by the person who has
been misled.
For example, A makes the statement on an information derived, not directly from C but from M. B
applies for shares on the faith of the statement which turns out to be false. The statement amounts to
misrepresentation, because the information received second-hand did not warrant A to make the
positive statement to B [Section 18 (1)]
Now let us analyse the difference between fraud and misrepresentation.
(i) Extent of truth varies: One of the important difference between fraud and misrepresentation is that
in case of fraud the person making the representation knows it fully well that his statement is untrue &
false. In case of misrepresentation, the person making the statement believes it to be true which might
later turn out to be untrue. In spite of this difference, the end result is that the other party is misled.
(ii) Right of the person concerned who suffers: Fraud not only enables the party to avoid the
contract but is also entitled to bring action. Misrepresentation merely provides a ground for avoiding the
contract and not for bringing an action in court.
(iii) Action against the person making the statement: In order to sustain an action for deceit, there
must be proof of fraud. As earlier discussed fraud can be proved only by showing that a false statement
was made knowing it to be false or without believing it to be true or recklessly without any care for truth.
One is for action against deceit and the other is action for recession of the contract. In the case of mis-
representation the person may be free from blame because of his innocence but still the contract cannot
(iv) Defences available to persons: In case of misrepresentation, the fact that plaintiff had means of
discovering the truth by exercising ordinary diligence can be a good defence against the repudiation of
the contract, whereas a defence cannot be set up in case of fraud other than fraudulent silence.
The tenuous difference between fraud and misrepresentation was beautifully brought out in the famous
case of Derry vs. Peek. In the said case the plaintiff brought an action of deceit against the promoters of
a tramway company.
According to him, the promoters in the prospectus had not mentioned that they had not obtained the
permission of the board of trade which was necessary for using mechanical power [to run a train] and
here this was deceit. The plea of the defendant was that it never occurred to them to say anything about
the consent of the Board of trade because they had a right under the Act of parliament for using steam;
they had presumed, they would also get the consent of Board of trade. The Court verified the position
and concluded that there was no deceit and the plea for action for deceit was dismissed.

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1.14 General Consequences of Coercion, Fraud, Misrepresentation Etc;
(Section 19)

What is the effect and what the consequences of a contract hit by coercion, undue influence, fraud or
misrepresentations, are dealt by Section 19 of the Act. It is seen that in all these cases though the
agreement amounts to a contract, it is voidable. The injured party might insist on being placed in the
same position in which he might have been had the vitiating circumstances not been present.
For example ‘A’ fraudulently informs ‘B’ that his estate is free from encumbrance, therefore ‘B’ buys the
estate. But the estate is subject to mortgage. ‘B’ may avoid the contract or insist on the debt being
redeemed and mortgage being released.
But, where it is possible to discover the truth with ordinary diligence, and though the consent might
have been obtained by misrepresentation or silence, then the contract cannot be avoided.
For instance where ‘A’ misrepresents to ‘B’ that his sugar factory can produce 500 tons of sugar and
whereas it actually produced 300 tones of sugar and if ‘B’ had the opportunity to examine the accounts
through which he could have found out the truth and if in spite of that he had entered into a contract, he
can not repudiate it.
Where a party to contract perpetrates fraud or misrepresentation, but the other party is not misled by
such fraud or misrepresentation, then the contract cannot be avoided by the latter. Where for instance,
the seller of specific goods deliberately conceals a fault in order that the buyer may not discover it even
if he inspects the goods, but the buyer in fact does not make any inspection at all, the buyer cannot
avoid the contract as he is not deceived by the seller.
Where a contract is voidable and the party entitled to avoid it decides to do so by rescinding it, he must
restore any benefit which he might have received from the other party. He cannot avoid the contract and
at the same time enjoy the benefit under the rescinded/avoided contract.
However where a contract is sought to be rescinded on the ground of ‘undue influence’ the court may
set aside the contract partially or fully. Where the party seeking to rescind the contract had received
only benefit, the contract will be set aside by the court upon such terms and conditions deemed fit.
Example: A student was induced by his teacher to sell his brand new car to the latter at less than the
purchase price to secure more marks in the examination. Accordingly the car was sold. However, the
father of the student persuaded him to sue his teacher. State on what ground the student can sue the
Yes, the student can sue his teacher on the ground of undue influence under the provision of Indian
Contract Act, 1872. A contract brought about as a result of coercion, undue influence, fraud or
misrepresentation would be voidable at the option of the person whose consent was so caused.

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1.15 Mistake

The fifth significant element that vitiates consent is ‘Mistake’. Where parties to an agreement are under
a mistake as to a matter of fact which is essential to the agreement, then the agreement is void. As we
all know a void agreement cannot be enforced at all.
Example: ‘A’ agrees to sell certain cargo which is supposed to be on its way in a ship from London to
Bombay. But in fact, just before the bargain was struck, the ship carrying the cargo was cast away
because of storm and rain and the goods were lost. Neither of the parties was aware of it. The
agreement is void. [Couturier vs Hasite 5 H.L.C.673]
Mistake must be a matter of fact and not of law. Where ‘A’ and ‘B’ enter into contract believing wrongly
that a particular debt is not barred by law of limitation, then the contract is valid because there is no
mistake of fact but of law only. However a question on foreign law would become a matter of question of
fact. Similarly the existence of a particular private right though depends upon rules of law, is only a
matter of fact. For instance where a man promises to buy a property which already belongs to him
without him being aware of it, then such a promise is not binding on him. However a family
arrangements or a compromise of doubtful rights cannot be avoided on the ground of mistake of law.
Yet another issue to remember in mistake is that it must be of an essential fact. Whether the fact is
essential or not would again depend on how a reasonable man would regard it under given
circumstances. A mere wrong opinion as to the value is not an essential fact.
While deciding whether a contract is hit by mistake or not it must be remembered that ‘Mistake’ is not
unilateral. Both the parties should be under mistake. A unilateral mistake would not render the contract
invalid. For example where ‘A’ agrees to purchase from ‘B’ 18 carat gold thinking it to be pure gold but
‘B’ was not instrumental for creating such an impression then contract between ‘A’ and ‘B’ should be
treated as valid.
From the foregoing it is clear that:-
a. Mistake should be a matter of fact
b. Mistake should not be a matter of law
c. Mistake should be a matter of essential fact
d. Mistake should not be unilateral but of both the parties, and
e. Mistake renders agreement void and neither party can enforce the contract against each other
Key Points

♦ When two or more persons agree upon the same thing in the same sense,they are said to have
consent. Consent is said to be free when it has not been obtained by coercion, undue
influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake.

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♦ Coercion –An act or threat of a person with an intention of causing any person to enter into an
agreement by –(i) committing / threatening to commit any act forbidden by IPC, or (ii) unlawfully
detaining or threatening to detain any property of another. Such a contract is voidable.

♦ Undue influence –It is used by a dominant party on a weaker one to get an unfair advantage in a
contract. In the following circumstances, the party stand in a dominant position-
Where party holds real/apparent authority over the others, or party stands in a fiduciary relationship
to the other,or where the party make a contract with a party in mental or bodily distress.
A contract caused by undue influence is voidable. Even court is also empowered to set aside such
contract absolutely or conditionally.

♦ Fraud-Intentional misrepresentation or concealment of material facts of a contract with an intention

to deceive and induce the other party to enter into an agreement.
Silence merely not amount to fraud, except-it’s duty to speak,or silence is equivalent to speech, or
stating half truth.

♦ Misrepresentation- An innocent/ unintentional false statement/ assertion of fact in the making of an

Remedies in the above cases are same, except the right to claim damages in case of fraud.

♦ Mistake- An erroneous belief about something. It may be either of fact or of law. Mistake renders
the contract void. Unilateral mistake made by one of the parties. It is a valid contract, unless it
is caused by misrepresentation or fraud. Even unilateral mistakes as to fact renders the
contract void.

1.16 Capacity to Contract

The next issue for consideration is, who is competent to contract? Every person who (a) has attained
the age of majority (b) is of sound mind and (c) is not otherwise disqualified from contracting, is
competent to contract. Now let us discuss each one of these requirements.
(a) Age of majority: In terms of the Indian Majority Act, 1875, every domiciled Indian attains majority on
the completion of 18 years of age. However where a guardian is appointed by a court to protect the
property of a minor and the court takes charge of the property before the person attains 18 years, then
he or she would attain majority on completion of 21 years.
Now let us analyze the position with regard to the minor’s agreement -
(i) An agreement entered into by a minor is altogether void: An agreement entered into by a minor
is void against the minor and the question of its enforceability does not arise. The Privy Council in
Mohiri Bibee vs. Dharmodos Ghose [1903] LR 30, Cal 539, decided that an

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agreement where minor is a party is altogether void. In this case a minor executed a mortgage in favour
of the husband of Mohiri Bibee. The question for consideration is whether the mortgage is valid.
Interpreting Sections 10 &11 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 Privy Council held that unless all the
parties to an agreement were competent to contract, the agreement would be void. The main reason for
such a view is that a minor is incapable of performing his part of the contract imposing a legal
(ii) Minor can be a beneficiary: Though a minor is not competent to contract, nothing in the Contract
Act prevents him from making the other party bound to the minor. Thus, a promissory note duly
executed in favour of a minor is not void and can be sued upon by him, because he though incompetent
to contract, may yet accept a benefit.
A minor cannot become partner in a partnership firm. However, he may with the consent of all the
partners, be admitted to the benefits of partnership (Section 30 of the Indian Partnership Act,1932).
(iii) Minor can always plead minority: Any money advanced to a minor cannot be recovered as he
can plead minority and that the contract is void. Even if there had been false representation at the time
of borrowing that he was a major, the amount lent to him cannot be recovered.
This position was upheld by Privy Council in Mohiri Bibee’s case where money was lent to a minor with
full knowledge of the borrower’s infancy and even request for payment of compensation under sections
38 & 41 of the Specific Relief Act,1963 was refused. Privy Council concurred with the views of Calcutta
High Court that no discretion could be used even under that Act to grant any kind of relief to the lender
of money.
When the mortgage documents had to be cancelled at the instance of minor who mortgaged the
property fraudulently, Courts have ordered compensation under Specific Relief Act,1963 to the other
party to the instrument [Dattaram vs. Vinayak (1903) 28 bom.181., Manmatha Kumar vs. Exchange
Loan Co. 41 C.W.e.N 115]
If a minor had obtained payment fraudulently by concealing his age, he may be compelled to restore the
payment but he cannot be compelled for an identical sum as it would amount to enforcing void contract.
(iv) Ratification of agreement not permitted: A minor on his attaining majority cannot validate any
agreement which was entered into when he was minor, as the agreement was void. Similarly a minor
cannot sign fresh promissory notes on his attaining majority in lieu of promissory notes executed for a
loan transaction when he was minor, or a fresh agreement without consideration.
(v) Liability for necessaries: A person who supplied necessaries of life to a minor or his family, is
entitled to be reimbursed from the properties of a minor, not on the basis of any contract but on the
basis of an obligation resembling a contract. Necessaries of life not only include food and clothing but
also education and instruction. They also include ‘goods’ and ‘services’.

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(vi) Contract by guardian are valid: Though an agreement with minor is void, valid contract can be
entered into with the guardian on behalf of the minor. The guardian must be competent to make the
contract and the contract should be for the benefit of the minor. For instance a guardian can make an
enforceable marriage contract on behalf of the minor. Similarly father of bride can enter the contract
with the father of bridegroom for payment of certain allowance to the bride.
But not all contracts by guardian are valid. A guardian cannot bind a minor in a contract to purchase
immovable properties [Mir Sarwarjan vs. Fakharuddan (1912) 39. Cal. 232]. However, a court appointed
guardian can bind a minor is respect of certain sale of property ordered by the court.
Key Points

♦ Capacity to contract -Legal capacity of parties to enter into a contract. A person is competent to
contract , where he is – (i) Major (ii) of Sound mind(iii) not disqualified by any other law of the

♦ Nature of minor’s agreement- Minor’s agreement is absolutely void from very beginning, so it has
no enforceability.[ Mohiri Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose].

♦ Minor can be a beneficiary.

♦ Minor cannot ratify his agreement even after attaining the age of majority. ♦ Minor can
always plead his minority, as no rule of estoppel is applicable to minor.

♦ Minor, is not personally liable for the necessaries supplied to him/ or his legal dependants

(b) Sound mind: The next important requirement by way of capacity to contract is “sound mind”. A
person will be considered to be of sound mind if he at the time of entering into a contract is capable of
understanding it and forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interest. A person who is of
unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind can enter into a contact when he is in sound mind though
for temporary periods. For example a person who is in lunatic asylum during intervals of sound mind
can enter into contracts. Similarly, a person who is generally of sound mind, but occasionally of
unsound mind cannot enter into a contract when he is of unsound mind.
From the above it is clear that the period of lucidity would be crucial as much as the periods of lunacy.
But the burden of proof of ‘unsound mind’ is on the person who challenges the validity of the contract.
A lunatic whose estate is managed by a committee or manager is not capable of entering into a contract
even during the periods of lucidity in view of special provisions of Lunacy Act.
The basic test for lunacy or lucidity is to see whether the person is able to understand the implications
of a contract which he enters into on his interest. Idiots, lunatics and drunken persons are examples of
persons of unsound mind.

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Necessaries of life supplied to a person of unsound mind: In term of section 68 of the Indian
Contract Act,1872 if a person incapable of entering into a contract is supplied by another person with
necessaries of life, the person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the
property of such a person.
(c) Contract by disqualified persons: Apart from minors and persons of unsound mind, these are the
others who are not capable of entering into contract either wholly or partially. Contract by such persons
are void.
An alien enemy, during war cannot enter into a contract with an Indian subject, unless he is permitted by
Central Government to do so he cannot sue in Indian Courts. This disability to an alien enemy arises on
account of public policy. Statutory corporations or Municipal bodies cannot enter into contracts on
matters which are beyond their statutory powers or ultra vires the memorandum or articles through
which they are created.
An Advocate in India can enter into contracts with his clients for recovery of fees or payment of fees in
certain manner unlike his counterpart in U.K where barristers are prohibited to enter into contracts for
recovery of fees from their clients [Nichal chand vs. Dilawar Khan 55. All 790]
Before entering into contract with the government, certain procedure and formalities are required to be
complied with. On default of it, such contract will be void. [Bikhraj vs.Union of India (1962) 2 S.C.R.880,
Karamshi vs. State of Bombay AIR (1964) S.C.1714]
Sovereign states, Ambassadors and Diplomatic Consuls enjoy certain privileges with the result that they
cannot be proceeded against in Indian Courts. However, they can, at their will enter into contracts which
may be enforceable in India.
Key Points

♦ Person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract, where he is- (a) capable
of understanding the nature of the contract, and (b) capable of making a rational judgement as
to effect upon its interests.

♦ Insanity is required only at the time of making a contract.

♦ A person usually of unsound mind, but occasionally of sound mind- can make contract when he is
of sound mind.

♦ A person usually of sound mind, but occasionally of unsound mind- cannot make contract when he
is of unsound mind.

♦ The agreements made by a person of unsound mind are absolutely void. ♦ Certain persons who
are disqualified from contracting by other laws are- Alien enemy,Foreign diplomats & Consuls,
Artificial persons, Insolvents, and Convicts.
1.17 Lawful Object and Consideration

Now let us discuss two other important ingredients of a valid contract namely lawful object and lawful
consideration. Speaking generally all persons enjoy freedom for entering into contracts

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of their choice. But this contractual freedom or their right to enter into agreements is not absolute. There
is a limitation on such contractual freedom as they are bound by certain general provisions of law. The
above observation can be illustrated with the following example: suppose ‘A’ agrees to pay ` 100/- to B
on ‘B’ stealing ‘C’s purse, then no Court can compel ‘A’ to pay ‘B’ even if he manages to steal ‘C’s purse
because it would amount to encouraging these things.
While on the subject of ‘object’ and ‘consideration’ it must be said that in practice it is difficult to
distinguish between ‘object’ and ‘consideration’ especially when consideration consists of a promise to
do or, not to do something. Sometimes both ‘object’ and ‘consideration’ are seen for evaluation. For
example, where ‘A’ agrees to sell goods to ‘B’ who is insolvent and B assigns the benefit of the contract
for ` 100/- with a view to defrauding creditors, the consideration for the assignment viz ` 100/- is lawful
but the object namely defrauding creditors is unlawful as it is to defeat the provision of insolvency law.
Although ‘object’ and ‘consideration’ are sometimes intertwined we have to, where ever it is possible,
separate them and identify whether they are lawful.
1.18 Unlawful Object

In terms of section 23 of the Act ‘consideration’ or ‘object’ is unlawful if it is forbidden by law; or it would
if permitted, defeat the provisions of any law or is fraudulent or involves injury to the person or property
of another or is immoral or opposed to public policy. Every agreement where the object or consideration
is unlawful is void. Thus section 23 has set out the limits to contractual freedom. Following are
examples of agreement which are void because the object is unlawful.
(i) Where A, B & C enter into an agreement to share equally among themselves certain gains acquired
by fraud or loss acquired by fraud. The agreement is void because the object being commission of
fraud, is unlawful.
(ii) A promises to return the stolen property of ‘B’ if ‘B’ would withdraw the criminal case filed against
him, the agreement is void as its object namely withdrawing the case would mean stifling
1.19 Unlawful Consideration

Now let us consider circumstances which would make consideration and the object as well unlawful.
There are seven such circumstances namely -
(i) Agreement forbidden by law: Acts forbidden by law means acts that are punishable under any
Statute or Rules or Regulations made under any Statute.
For instance a plantation company that is commenced, for growing, felling and selling timber cannot
enter into any agreement to grow and fell sandalwood trees as felling of sandalwood is prohibited by
law viz the Forest Act.

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Example: A license to cut grass is given to ‘X’ by Forest Department under the Forest Act. The license
provides for imposition of penalty in the events of ‘X’ choosing to assign his right. However, if ‘X’
assigns his right, the agreement would still be valid since there is no prohibition for such assignment as
the consideration stipulating penalty is only to regulate the matter as a matter of administrative
(ii) Consideration defeats the provision of law: Where an agreement is entered into with the object
of defeating any provision of law then it is prohibited. “Law” here should mean any Statute, Law,
regulation etc, in force. This can be illustrated by the following-
(a) Where a debtor agrees not to plead limitation vis-à-vis his creditor, it is an agreement to defeat the
Limitation Act.
(b) An agreement between owner of land who has to pay land revenue in arrears and a stranger that
the stranger would purchase his estate for revenue’s sake and reconveys it to the former on
receipt of purchase money is void, as it would defeat the law relating to revenue, which apparently
prohibits defaulting owners from purchasing back the same estate already sold due to his default.
(c) An agreement by a Hindu to give his son in adoption in consideration of annual allowance to natural
parents would be in violation of Hindu Law and hence is unlawful.
(d) Any agreement by a Muslim with the wife before their marriage that the wife shall be at liberty to live
with her parents after marriage is void as it would defeat the provisions of Muslim Law.
(iii) Consideration that would defeat any rule for the time being in force: This is a situation not very
different from point (ii) discussed above. The issue covered by this point can be explained by following
two examples:
(a) A ‘will’ must be proved in order to be probated by a court. A mere consent of parties by way of
agreement to except this requirement of proof of genuineness or proper execution of will is not
lawful and therefore cannot be enforced under C.P.C.
(b) A receiver is a court officer. Therefore his remuneration has to be fixed by the court. Parties to
certain litigations cannot add or deviate of the power of the receiver. Similarly they cannot fix
salary of a receiver without the leave of the court however unconditional it may be. Such an act
would be in contravention of law.
(iv) Where consideration is a fraud: Following are illustrations to prove where the object or
consideration of an agreement is unlawful on the ground of fraud -
(a) ‘A’ is an agent for Zamindar, the principal. He agrees for money to lease of land for ‘B’ from his
principal, the Zamindar. The agreement between ‘A’ and ‘B’ is void as the consideration is
(b) ‘A’ & ‘B’ are partners in a firm. They agree to defraud a Government department by submitting a
tender in the individual name and not in the firm name. This agreement is void as it is a fraud on
the Government department.

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(v) Where object or consideration is unlawful because it involves or causing injury to a person or loss of
property: The term ‘injury’ means criminal or wrongful harm. Following are the illustrations where the object or
consideration is unlawful as it involves injury either to person or property.
(a) ‘A’ agrees to buy a property from ‘B’ although A knows ‘B’ had agreed previously to sell the property to ‘C’. The
intention of ‘A’ here is to cause injury to the property of ‘C’
(b) ‘A’ agrees to print a book of ‘B’ which has clearly been published by “W” This agreement is void as it is not only
in violation of Copyright Act but also with the intent to cause injury to the property of another.
(c) ‘A’ borrowed money from ‘B’. He is unable to pay either the principal or interest. Therefore he agrees to render
manual labour for certain period failing which he agrees to pay exorbitant interest. This agreement is void as
rendering labour as consideration amounts to agreeing to be a slave. Slavery is opposed to public policy as well. In
other words consideration involves ‘injury’ to ‘A’. Hence the agreement is void.
(vi) Where consideration is immoral: Following are illustration where the agreement is void because the object or
consideration is unlawful being immoral.
(a) Where ‘A’ agrees to let his house to a prostitute on rent, where with A’s knowledge she carries on her vocation.
‘A’ cannot collect the rent as the agreement is void, the object being void.
(b) Where ‘P’ had advanced money to ‘D’ a married woman to enable her to obtain a divorce from her husband. He
also promised to marry her after divorce. It was held that ‘P’ was not entitled to recover the amount from ‘D’ as the
agreement was against good morals.
(vii) Where consideration is opposed to public policy: Agreement, either because of their object or
consideration being opposed to public policy are void and not enforceable. Therefore the meaning of the
expression ‘public policy’ is very important. It can be interpreted in a narrow sense or in a broad sense. If it is
understood in a narrow sense, it would cut into rights of people to enter into even genuine agreements. ‘Public
policy’ as a concept is evolved basically to develop an orderly society and for good of the community. But framing
public policy itself is a difficult exercise since a too restrictive approach would stifle the rights of people and a too
liberal approach would open the gate for many illegal transactions. Therefore policy on ‘public policy’ has to be
developed with circumspection. Public policy has been described as “an unruly horse, which if not properly bridled,
may carry its rider he knows not where”. Time immemorial following activities/ agreements have been identified as
“opposed to public policy”.
(a) Trading with enemy: Any trading or business activity with a person who owes allegiance to a Government of a
country with whom India is at war without any license from Government of India is void. This is because such a
trade would be against the interest of Government of India and people of India.
Any agreement made during peace time would be suspended automatically and cannot be © The Institute of
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carried on further until hostilities come to an end.

(b) Stifling prosecution: Any agreement to stifle or prevent illegally any prosecution is void as it would
amount to perversion or abuse of justice. The principle is that one should not make a trade of felony. It
must be understood however that under the Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 many offences are
compoundable. Therefore any agreement towards compounding of an offence to avoid prosecution is
not void but is very much enforceable. Thus, where ‘A’ agrees to sell certain land to ‘B’ in consideration
of ‘B’ abstaining from taking any criminal proceeding against ‘A’ with respect to an offence which is
compoundable, the agreement is not opposed to public policy.
(c) Maintenance and Champerty: Maintenance is promotion of litigation in which the litigant has no
interest. Champerty is bargain whereby one party agrees to assist the other in recovering property with
a view to sharing the profit of litigation. These agreements for maintenance and champerty are void in
England but not in India. Hence these are not opposed to public policy. But where such advances are
made by way of gambling in litigation, the agreement to share the subject of litigation is certainly
opposed to public policy and therefore is void.
(d) Interference with course of law and justice: Any agreement with the object of inducing a judicial
officer or administrative officer of the state to act corruptly or not impartially is void. Similarly an
agreement to use influence in a litigation in a underhand manner is void. For instance through an
agreement ‘A’ agrees to reward ‘B’ if he abstains from being a witness in a suit against ‘A’ is void. But
an agreement to pay for to a holy man for prayers for success of a suit is valid.
(e) Marriage brokerage contract: An agreement to negotiate a marriage for reward is void. Such
marriage brokerage contracts are opposed to public policy.
(f) Interest against obligation: The following are examples of agreement that are void as they tend to
create an interest against obligation. The object of such agreements is opposed to public policy.
(1) An agreement by an agent to receive without his principal’s consent compensation from another for
the performance of his agency is invalid.
(2) A promise by a trustee to do something in violation of his duty is unlawful
(3) A, who is the manager of a firm, agrees to pass a contract to X if X pay to A ` 2000 privately; the
agreement is void.
(g) Sale of public offices: While appointing a person to certain important and high public office, merit
alone should be the criteria. Any attempt to influence or any agreement to influence anyone in this
regard should be seen as an act ‘opposed to public policy’. ‘Public policy’ also demands that there
should be no money consideration and if it is there, it could be opposed to public policy. This is for the
reason presence of money consideration would convert the situation as sale of public office.
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Following are illustrations in this regard.

(1) An agreement to pay money to public servant in order to induce him to retire from his office so that
another person may secure the appointment is void.
(2) An agreement to procure a public recognition like Padma Vibhushan for reward is void.
(3) The sale of the office of a mutawali of wakf is opposed to public policy, because the office of
mutawali is connected with matters of public interest.
(h) Agreement for the creation of monopolies: Agreements having for their object the establishment
of monopolies are opposed to public policy and therefore void. It is also hit by the MRTP Act.
(i) Agreement in restraint of marriage (Section 26): Every agreement in restraint of marriage of any
person other than a minor, is void. So if a person, being a major, agrees for good consideration not to
marry, the promise is not binding.
(j) Agreement in restraint of trade (Section 27): Any agreement through which a person is restrained
from exercising a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind is to that extent void. The object of this
law is to protect trade. The restraint, even if it is partial, will make the agreement void. Example: X, a
shop keeper, in a particular locality agrees to pay ‘Y’ his rival in business certain compensation, if ‘Y’
close his business in that locality the agreement is void.
The principle of law however has a number of exceptions which are discussed hereunder.
(i) where a person sells his business along with the goodwill to another person, agrees not to carry on
same line of business in certain reasonable local limits, such an agreement is valid.
(ii) In terms of Section 36 of the Indian Partnership Act,1932 an agreement through which an outgoing
partner will not carry on the business of the firm for a reasonable time will be valid, though it is in
restraint of trade.
(iii) Again in terms of Section 54 of the Partnership Act,1932 partners among themselves may agree
that upon dissolution of the firm some of them may not carry on the business of the firm. Such an
agreement is valid.
(iv) Section 55 of the Indian Partnership Act,1932 provides that where a full firm is sold by partners
along with goodwill to a buyer, there can be an agreement that they would not carry on the
business of the dissolved firm for certain period and within certain local limits and such an
agreement will be valid.
(v) An agreement of service through which an employee commits not to compete with his employer is
not in restraint of trade. Example: ‘B’ is a Doctor and he employs ‘A’ a junior Doctor as his
assistant. ‘A’ agrees not to practice as Doctor during the period of his employment with ‘B’ as a
Doctor independently. Such an agreement will be valid.

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(vi) An agreement between manufacturer and a wholesale merchant that the entire production during a
period will be sold by the manufacturer to the wholesale merchant is not in restraint of trade.
(vii) An agreement among sellers not to sell a particular product below a particular price is not an
agreement in restraint of trade.
(k) Agreement in restraint of legal proceedings (Section 28): An agreement in restraint of legal
proceedings resulting in restriction of one’s right to enforce legal rights is void. Similarly any agreement
which abridges the usual period for commencing the legal proceedings is also void. Further these
agreement are also void in view of section 23 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 as the object of the
agreements are to defeat the provision of law.
Nevertheless, a clause in an fire insurance policy stipulating that if the claim is made and rejected and if
no suit is instituted within three months after such a rejection, all the benefits under the policy will be
forfeited, is valid. However, there are certain exceptions to the above rule:
(i) A contract by which the parties agree that any dispute between them in respect of any subject shall
be referred to arbitration and that only the amount awarded in such arbitration shall be
recoverable is a valid contract. For instance, in agreement between the holder of a fire insurance
policy and the insurance company that no suit shall be instituted until the question of the amount
of damage sustained by the assured has first been ascertained by a reference to an arbitrator is a
perfectly valid agreement.
(ii) Similarly, a contract by which the parties agree to refer to arbitration any question between them
which has already arisen or which may arise in future, is valid; but such a contract must be in
Key Points

♦ An agreement with unlawful object or consideration is void.

♦ Where both the consideration and object of an agreement is partially unlawful and it can not be
severed from the agreement- Whole agreement is void.

♦ If unlawful part can be severed from the other lawful part of an agreement - Lawful part is valid.

♦ Any agreement which is against the interest of the public or harmful to the society-Is an agreement
against public policy.

1.20 Agreement Expressly Declared as Void

We have already seen that certain agreements are void ab initio under the Contract Act, like
agreements by incompetent persons [Section 11], agreement with unlawful object or consideration
[Section 23], agreement made under mutual mistake of fact [Section 20], agreement without
consideration [Section 25], agreement in restraint of marriage, trade or legal proceedings etc., as they
are opposed to public policy.

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In addition to the above, there are also other agreements which are expressly declared as void.
(a) Where consideration is unlawful in part: By virtue of Section 24 of the Indian Contract Act, “If any part of a
single consideration for one or more objects, or any one or any part of any one of several considerations for a
single object is unlawful, the agreement is void”.
This Section is obviously a corollary to Section 23 of the Act. Where the consideration is unlawful, the entire
agreement is void as the agreement has to be looked as a whole. The general principle of law is where the legal
part of an agreement can be separated from the illegal part, then the legal part if it can be given effect by rejecting
the bad part and retaining the good part, then the good part is given effect. But where no such separation is
possible, the contract is altogether void.
Example: ‘A’ has business interest in Indigo, as a manufacturer. He also has interest in illegal traffic of other goods.
Where ‘A’ employs ‘B’ for a salary of ` 2000/- to act as superintendent of A’s entire business, the agreement is void
as the object of A’s promise unlawful in part.
(b) Agreement the meaning of which is uncertain (Section 29): Where the meaning of the terms of an
agreement is uncertain or if it is not capable of being understood with certainty, then the agreement is void. But
where the meaning is capable of being made certain, then the agreement is valid. For example where ‘A’ enters
into an agreement to supply 100 tones of oil, the agreement is not valid as the meaning of it is uncertain since what
type of oil that is promised to be supplied is not clear. But on the other hand if ‘A’ is a dealer of coconut oil only,
then the meaning of the agreement would crystallize very easily and then the agreement would be valid.
(c) Wagering agreement: Let us discuss wagering contract. We shall also distinguish wagering agreements from
speculative transactions and mere ‘gambling’.
Wagering agreement is one which involves payment of a sum of money upon the determination of an uncertain
event. The essence of wagering agreement is where there are two parties, one wins, the other loses upon an
uncertain event taking place in which neither of them has legitimate interest.
For example ‘A’ agrees to pay ` 500/- to ‘B’ if it rains and similarly ‘B’ agrees to pay ‘A’ if it does not. This is a
classic case of a wagering agreement. But where one of the parties has control over the event, the agreement is
valid. An agreement by way of a wager is void. A good definition of wagering agreement would be the one given by
Anson: “A promise to give money or money’s worth upon determination or ascertainment of an uncertain event”.
Now let us see the position with regard to transaction of “purchase of lottery ticket” and “horse racing”. Section 30
of the Act provides that an agreement [to buy lottery tickets] is one by way of wager and is void. However any
subscription or contribution or agreement towards such subscription or contribution towards any plate or prize or
sum of money, of the value of ` 500 or more to be awarded to a winner of a horse race is not unlawful.
Speculative transactions: While as clearly seen, wagering contracts are void, speculative © The Institute of

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transactions are valid. It is often difficult to distinguish between the two. There are two bare elements of
a speculative transaction. They are (a) mutual intention of parties to acquire or deliver goods or
commodities and (b) undertaking of risk arising from movement of prices. In wagering contract, only the
element of risk is seen.
Now let us take an example:
‘A’ enters into a agreement with ‘B’ to buy 100 bales of jute at ` 150/- per bale for forward delivery after
six months. This is a proposed transaction of purchase @ ` 150/- per bale. What if the price at the time
of delivery goes up to ` 200/- ‘A’ has the following two options:
(i) to take delivery of 100 bales at the contracted rate of ` 150/- and sell it to some other buyer and
make a profit of ` 50/ -per bale or
(ii) to simply collect the difference of ` 50/- per bale from ‘B’
Similarly what if the price at the time of delivery goes down to ` 125/- per bale. ‘A’ has the following two
(i) to take delivery of 100 bales at the contracted rate of ` 150/- [and perhaps sell it to some buyer and
incur a loss of ` 25 per bale] or
(ii) to pay the difference of ` 25/- per bale to ‘B’ & close the contract.
In the above example if the original intention of the parties was only to settle the difference in price, than
it would be a wagering contract which would be void. Thus by now it would be clear that wagering
postulates only incurring of risk. It is void because it is opposed to public policy.
While gambling and wagering are prohibited by law, speculation is not.
Now let us consider other peculiar situations to see whether they are wagering contracts or speculative
contracts or valid contracts.
Insurance policy: An insurance policy is a valid contract. But if an insurance policy is taken by a
person who has no insurable interest, then it is void. For instance a person who has no insurable
interest in a ship, takes a policy against it being sunk, then the contract is void.
Promissory notes on a wagering contract: While a wagering contract is void ab initio, it is but
automatic that a promissory note given out of a wagering contract is not enforceable by way of a suit. A
promissory note of this character is one without consideration and hence is null and void.
Suit to recover deposit: A winner of bet cannot recover the amount which he has won even if the
amount is kept by way of deposit by the loser with the stakeholder. Such earmarking or identification of
funds does not enhance the validity of the contract which is void. In the above example the loser can
recover the amount from stakeholders as long as the amount has not been made over by the
stakeholder to the winner.
Wager and collateral transactions: The validity of a collateral transaction cannot be challenged
because the main contract is a wager and void. For instance in a wagering

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contract, the broker is entitled to collect his brokerage. Similarly the principal can recover the prize
money from his agent received by him on account of a wagering transactions.
The acid test of validly of a collateral transaction is whether the main transaction is illegal or legal but
void. If the main transaction is illegal, the collateral transaction cannot be valid. For example security
given for regular payment of the rent of a house let out for the purpose of gambling cannot be
recovered; the recovery of security being tainted with the illegality of original transaction cannot be
A promise made by the loser of a wager to pay the amount lost in consideration of the winners
forbearance to sue him as defaulter can be enforced as a fresh contract, separate and distinct from
original wagering contract though collateral to it.
Key Points

♦ An agreement not enforceable by law is void. In the public interest, some of the agreements have
been expressely declared to be void under the Act.

♦ Any agreement in restraint of marriage of a person, other than minor is void.

♦ Every agreement by which any person is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or
business of any kind is void.

♦ Wagering agreements have been declared to be void. However, an agreement to subscribe

towards and plate, prize or a sum of money of ` 500 /more to be awarded to the winner of any
horse race, is not unlawful. Contract of insurance is not a wager, it falls under the category of
contingent contract.

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.45
Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -

♦ Understand how obligations under a contract must be carried out by the parties. ♦ Be

familiar with the various modes of performance.

♦ Be clear about the consequence of refusal of performance or refusal to accept performance, by

either of the parties.

♦ Understand rights of joint promisees, liabilities of joint promisors, and rules regarding appropriation
of payments.

A contract being an agreement enforceable by law, creates a legal obligation, which subsists until
discharged. Performance of the promise or promises remaining to be performed is the principal and
most usual mode of discharge. This unit explains, who must perform his obligation; what should be the
mode of performance; and what shall be the consequences of non performance.
Basic tenet of performance: In a contract where there are two parties, each one has to perform his
part and demands the other to perform. This obligation is the primary tenet. The parties would be
treated as having been absolved only under the provisions of any law or by the conduct of the other
party. Until such time, the performance is neither excused nor dispensed with. Not only the promisor
has a primary duty to perform, even the representative in the event of death of a promisor, is bound by
the promise to perform, unless a contrary intention appears from the contract [Section 37].
1.21 By Whom a Contract may be Performed

The promise under a contract can be performed by any one of the following:
(i) Promisor himself: Invariably the promise has to be performed by the promisor where the contracts
are entered into for performance of personal skills, or diligence or personal confidence, it becomes
absolutely necessary that the promisor performs it himself.
(ii) Agent: Where personal consideration is not the foundation of a contract, the promisor or his
representative can employ a competent person to perform it.
(iii) Representatives: Generally upon the death of promisor, the legal representatives of the deceased
are bound by the promise unless it is a promise for performance involving personal skill or ability
of the promisor. However the liability of the legal representative is limited to the value of property
inherited by him from the promisor.
(iv) Third Person: The question here is whether a total stranger to a contract who is identified as a third
person can perform a promise. Where a promisee accepts performance from a third party he
cannot afterwards enforce it against the promisor.

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Such a performance, where accepted by the promisor has the effect of discharging the promisor
though he has neither authorized nor ratified the act of the third party.
(v) Joint promisors: Where two or more persons jointly promise, the promise must be performed
jointly unless a contrary intention appears from the contract.
Where one of the joint promisors dies, the legal representative of the deceased along with the other
joint promisor(s) is bound to perform the contract.
Where all the joint promisors die, the legal representatives of all of them are bound to perform the
The law set out above can be illustrated with the following examples:
1. A promises B to pay ` 1000/- on delivery of certain goods. A may perform this promise either himself
or causing someone else to pay the money to B. If A dies before the time appointed for payment,
his representative must pay the money or employ some other person to pay the money. If B dies
before the time appointed for the delivery of goods, B’s representative shall be bound to deliver
the goods to A and A is bound to pay ` 1000/- to B’s representative.
2. A promises to paint a picture for B for a certain price. A is bound to perform the promise himself. He
cannot employ some other painter to paint the picture on his behalf. If A dies before painting the
picture, the contract cannot be enforced either by A’s representative or by B.
3. A delivered certain goods to B who promise to pay ` 5000/-. Later on B expresses his inability to
clear the dues. C, who is known to B, pays ` 2000/-to A on behalf of B. Before making this
payment C did tell B nothing about it. Now A can sue B only for the balance and not for the whole
1.22 Distinction between Succession and Assignment

This discussion arises in the context of the observation that the obligations of a promisor would bind the
legal representative also (only) to the extent of value of property inherited by them. This became the law
that legal representatives are successors.
Succession: When the benefits of a contract are succeeded by a process of law, both the burden and
the benefit would some times devolve on the legal heir. For example ‘B’ is the son of ‘A’. Upon A’s
death ‘B’ will inherit all the assets and liabilities of ‘A’ [These assets and liabilities are also referred to as
debts and estates]
Thus ‘B’ will be liable to all the debts of ‘A’, but if the liabilities inherited are more than the value of the
estate [assets] inherited it will be possible to pay only to the extent of assets inherited.
Assignment: Unlike succession, the assignor can assign only the assets to the assignee and not the
liabilities. Because when a liability is assigned, a third party gets involved in it. The debtor cannot
through assignment relieve himself of his liability to creditor.

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However there cannot be any assignment of benefit of a contract coupled with a liability or when a
personal consideration has entered into making of the contract then the contract cannot be assigned. In
Zaffer Mehar Ali vs Budge Budge Jute Mills Company Ltd. 33 Cal., ‘A’ agreed to sell certain gunny bags
to ‘B’ which were to be delivered in monthly installments for a period of 6 months and the contract
contained certain options for the buyer as regards quality and packing. It was held that the clause
relating to the buyer’s option did not preclude the assignment of the contract.
1.23 Effects of Refusal to Accept Offer of Performance

In any promise, the promisor should act first by offering performance also known as ‘tender’. In terms of
section 38 of the Act, where the promisee has not accepted the offer or tender of performance by the
promisor then the promisor is not responsible for non performance. In this case the promisor does not
also lose his rights under a contract.
The promisor should however ensure that his tender or offer to perform his part should satisfy following
(i) the offer is unconditioned.
(ii) the offer is made at a proper time and place under such circumstances that the person to whom it is
made may have a reasonable opportunity of ascertaining that the person by whom it is made is
able and willing to do what he is bound to do, then and there.
(iii) if the offer is an offer to deliver any thing to the promisee, then the promisee must have a
reasonable opportunity of seeing that the thing offered is the thing that the promisor is bound by
his promise to deliver.
The above legal principles were settled in the famous English case Start up vs.Macdonald 1843 6 Man.
& G. 593, 610 thus “The law considers a party who has entered into a contract to deliver goods or pay
money to another as having substantially performed it, if he has tendered the goods or money to the
party to whom the delivery or payment was to be made, provided only that the tender has been made
under such circumstances that the party to whom, it has been made, has had a reasonable opportunity
of examining the goods or the money tendered in order to ascertain that the thing tendered is really
what that it is purported to be”.
An offer to any one of the several joint promisees has the same legal consequence as an offer to all of
1.24 Effect of a Refusal of a Party to Perform Promise

Where a party to a contract has refused to perform the promise he has made or had disabled himself
from performing his promise in its entirety, the promisee may put an end to the contract, unless his
acquiescence in the continuance of the contract has been conveyed either by words or by deeds
[conduct] [Section 39]. Thus from the above it could be seen that the following two rights accrue to the
aggrieved party- (i) to terminate the contract and (ii) to indicate by words or conduct that he is interested
in its continuance.

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In case the promisee decides to continue the contract, he would not be entitled to put an end to the
contract on this ground immediately. In either case, the promisee would be able to claim damages that
he suffers as a result of the breach for it is not incumbent on the promisee to decide immediately in
case of an anticipated breach that the contract may be ended. He may, however, choose to do so. In
that event, the loss (if any) suffered by him will have to be made good by the promisor. On the other
hand, if he indicates that he is interested in the performance of the contract, then he would be entitled to
claim damages which accrue on the date the contract is due to be performed. It would, therefore, be
clear that the rights that we have just stated above accrue to a promisee when the promisor decides not
to perform the promise.
It has been held by the Privy Council in Muralidhar Chatterjee vs. International Film Company 47
Cal.W.N.407 that when a promisee puts an end to a contract being rightly entitled to do so, it shall be
deemed as if he has rescinded a voidable contract. In view of Section 64 of the Act, the promisee, in the
events of his putting an end to the contract, is bound to return all the benefits received under the
contract and in turn is entitled for compensation for all damages sustained by him for breach of contract
by the promisee.
1.25 Liability of Joint Promisor & Promisee

The legal liability of a joint promisor, joint promisee and other connected issues are set out in Sections
42, 43 & 44 of the Indian Contract Act,1872.
In terms of Section 42 of the Act “when two or more persons have made a joint promise then unless a
contrary intention appears from the contract, all such person, during their joint lives, and after the death
of any one of them, his representative jointly with the survivor or survivors and after the death of last
survivor, representatives of all jointly must fulfill the promise”.
The above law can be illustrated with the following example. Where ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ jointly borrow a sum
of money from ‘X’ all of them are jointly liable to repay the amount. Where in the above example, ‘A’
dies, his legal representative, ‘L’ would be liable to repay the loan along with ‘B’ and ‘C’, the remaining
joint borrowers.
Now let us consider the position whether the promisee can enforce his right against any one of the joint
promisors and if so what are the rights and duties of the other promisors to make contributions.
In terms of Section 43 of the Act,
(i) when two or more persons make joint promise, the promisee can compel any one of the joint
promisors to perform the whole of promise.
(ii) in the above situation, the performing promisor can enforce contribution from other joint promisors,
in the absence of express agreement to the contrary.
Example: Where A,B and C have jointly signed a promissory note for ` 3000/-, and where ‘A’ is
compelled to pay the entire amount of ` 3000/- , he is entitled recover by way of contribution of ` 1000/-
each from the other two joint promisors namely B and C unless

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agreed to otherwise mutually.

In the above situation again, if one of the joint promisors namely ‘B’ is unable to contribute ` 1000/-, ‘A is
entitled to recover ` 1500/- from ‘C’ who is the remaining joint promisor instead of ` 1000.
From the above, it is clear that the liability of joint promisors is joint and several and in the absence of
any special contract to the contrary, the amount due can be recovered from any one of the joint
For example X,Y and Z jointly borrow from P, ` 3000/-, Because the liability of the borrower is joint and
severed, ‘P’ can recover the amount either from X or from Y or from Z or from all of them jointly. A joint
promisor cannot claim that he be sued along with all other joint promisors only. If, however the promisee
sues one of the promisors and obtains a decree against him, he is precluded from bringing a fresh suit
against the remaining borrowers.
In the matter of release of one of the joint promisors, by another joint promisor, it must be understood
that such a release does not discharge other joint promisors nor does the released joint promisor would
stand released to other joint promisor or promisors. [Section 44 of the Act].
1.26 Rights of Joint Promisees

The rights of two or more promisees who are known as joint promisees is discussed in Section 45 of the
Act. In terms of the said section “When a person has made a promise to two or more persons jointly,
then unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, the right to claim performance rests, as
between him and them, with them during their joint lives, and after the death of any of them with the
representatives of such deceased person jointly with the survivor or survivors, and after the death of the
last survivor, with the representatives of all jointly”.
For example, A, in consideration of ` 5,000 lent to him by B and C, promises B and C jointly to repay
the sum with interest on a specified day but B dies. In such a case right to demand payment shall rest
with B’s legal representatives, jointly with C during C’s lifetime and after the death of C, with the legal
representatives of B and C jointly as ‘B’ and ‘C’ both are joint promisees”.
The above principle of joint promises is applicable for partners, joint mortgagees and members of a
Hindu Undivided Family. In all these cases there is no single promisee. Therefore in order to enforce a
promise all the joint promisees should sue the promisor. If any one of the joint promisees refuses to sue
the promisor he would not be a plaintiff but be treated as defendant. [Ashinsa Bibi vs Abdul Kadar
(1902) 25.Mad 26,35, Mohammed, Isaq vs. Shekh Haq (1908) 12 C.W.N. 84, 86, 93].
1.27 Time and Place for Performance of the Promise

Sections 46 to 50 of the Act deal with this issue of “Time and place” for performance of a promise.
Following are the rules of performance where the promisee has not applied for

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performance. Where no time is specified for performance of a promise, it must be performed within
a reasonable time. What is reasonable time would depend on the facts and circumstances of each case
[section 46]. Where a promise is to be performed on a specified date but no time is mentioned,
then it can be performed any time on that day but during business hours only.
A promisee may refuse to accept delivery (of goods), if it is delivered after business hours. For example
if the promisor wishes to deliver goods at a time which is beyond business hours, the promisee can
As regards the place of performance, where no place is fixed for the performance of a promise, it is
the duty of the promisor to ask the promisee to fix a reasonable place. No distinction is made between
an obligation to pay money and an obligation to deliver goods or discharge any other obligation. But
generally the promise must be performed or goods must be delivered at the usual place of business.
Where the promisor has not undertaken to perform the promisee without an application by the
promisee and the promise is to be performed on a certain day, it is the duty of the promisee to apply for
performance at a proper place and with in usual hours of business.
The above are subject to the position that promisor can perform any promise at any place, in any
manner, at any time which the promisee prescribes or sanctions.
1.28 Performance of Reciprocal Promise

The law relating to reciprocal promise as set out in Sections 51 to 54 of the Indian Contract Act,1872.
General observation: A contract may consist of (i) an act and a promise or (ii) two promises one being
the consideration for the other.
The second type of contract which involves two promises, one promise from each to the other party is
known as “Reciprocal promise”. This can be illustrated with the following.
When ‘A’ sells 500 quintals of rice to ‘B’ and ‘B’ promises to pay the price on delivery, the contract
would consist of two promises one by ‘A’ to ‘B’ and another by ‘B’ to ‘A’. These promises are reciprocal
promises. Here the promise of ‘A’ is the consideration for the promise of ‘B’ and vice versa.
The above is in contrast to another situation. In the above example if ‘B’ promises to pay the price after
a month, the contract would have two parts one is the act of ‘A’ and the second is promise of ‘B’. This is
not a reciprocal promise.
The performance of reciprocal promise can take in different forms-
(i) Simultaneously performance of reciprocal promise [Section 51]: In this case, promises have to
be performed simultaneously. The conditions and performances are concurrent. If one of the parties
does not perform his promise, the other also need not perform his promise. For example where ‘A’
promises to deliver rice and ‘B’ promises to pay

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the price on delivery, both have to be performed simultaneously. Here both ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be willing
and ready to perform their accepted part.
(ii) Performance of reciprocal promise where the order is expressly fixed: Where the order of
performance is expressly fixed, the promise must be performed in that order only. Where ‘A’ promises to
build a house for ‘B’ and ‘B’ promises to pay after construction, here ‘A’ must perform his promise before
he can call upon ‘B’ to fulfill his promise of payment of money. A’s performance of the promise is a
condition precedent to ‘B’ performing his part of the promise. Any breach of promise by ‘A’ would enable
‘B’ to avoid the contract.
(iii) Performance of reciprocal promise by implication: Where the performance of reciprocal
promise is not fixed expressly, some times the order is understood by implication. For example where
‘A’ agrees to make over certain stock in trade to ‘B’ and ‘B’ agrees to provide certain security for the
value of stock in trade, then ‘A’ need not make over the stock until ‘B’ provides the security as by
implications ‘B’ is required to perform his part first; otherwise ‘A’ in the absence of any security will not
make over the stock to ‘B’.
(iv) Effect of one party preventing another from performing promise [Section 53]: When in a
contract consisting of reciprocal promises one party prevents the other from performing his promise, the
contract becomes voidable at the option of the party so prevented. The person so prevented is entitled
to get compensation for any loss he may have sustained for the non-performance.
The above can be illustrated with the following illustrations by way of two case laws.
(a) Where there is a contract for sale of standing timber and as per the terms seller is expected to cut
and cord the standing timber before the buyer takes delivery but seller cords only a part of it, but
neglects to cord the rest of it, then the buyer has a right to avoid the contract and claim
compensation for any loss sustained.
(b) In the well known case of O ‘Nell vs. Armstrong, an Englishman was engaged by the Captain of a
Japanese ship to act as fireman on a voyage from England to Japan. During the course of the
voyage Japan declared war against China. The Englishman had to leave service because had he
continued in service he would have incurred penalties under Foreign Enlistment Act. In effect
because of the war, the Englishman was prevented from discharging his part of the contract. The
suit filed by him was decreed in his favour in spite of being opposed by the Japanese shipping
company. It should be appreciated that the Captain of Japanese ship could not have brought a
case against the Englishman for non-performance as the Japanese themselves were responsible
for preventing the Englishman from performing his part of the contract.
Sometimes the parties would be prevented from discharging a part of the contract but not the entire
contract. In such a case, the party so prevented need not avoid the full contract but perform the rest of
(v) Effects of default as to promise to be performed first: Section 54 of the Act provides that
promises may be such that:
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(i) one of them cannot be performed or

(ii) its performance cannot be demanded till the other has been performed.
Example: Where ‘B’ a ship owner agrees to convey A’s cargo from Calcutta to Mauritius for a freight.
Here the beginning part of the transaction is on ‘A’ as he has to provide the cargo to ‘B’ to enable ‘B’ to
perform his promise. Thus until cargo is handed over by ‘A’. A cannot expect ‘B’ to perform his promise
nor would ‘B’ be in a position to perform his promise. This peculiar position arises because of default on
the part of one of the parties. Here ‘B’ is entitled to put an end to the contract and claim compensation
for any loss he may have suffered.
(vi) Position of legal and illegal parts of Reciprocal promises: Reciprocal promise to do certain
things that are legal and certain others that are not legal –
Section 57 of the Act provides that if reciprocal promises have two parts, the first part being legal and
the second part being illegal, the legal part is a valid contract and the illegal part is void.
Example: Where ‘A’ agrees to sell his house to ‘B’ for ` 50000/- and further ‘A’ insists and it is agreed
that if the house is used as a gambling house, then ‘B’ would pay another ` 75000/-. In this case the
first part is valid as it is legal, the second part is void as it is illegal.
(vii) Alternative promise one branch being illegal: “In the case of the alternative promise, one
branch of which is legal and the other illegal, the legal branch alone can be enforced”.
For example, in the nearest reversionary heir of B, agreed to transfer his inheritance to C, if he
succeeded to B; and he did not transfer his own estate to C. It was held that first promise was not
enforceable, as it amounted to an agreement to transfer an estate on the mere chance of succession
prohibited by Section 6 of the Transfer of Property Act, but the second promise was enforceable under
Section 58 as an alternative promise. [Mahadeo Prasad Singh vs. Mathura 132 L.C. 321 A]
1.29 Effects of Failure to Perform at a Time Fixed in a Contract in which
Time is Essential

Section 55 of the Act regulates the position of performance of contract where time is of essence. In
terms of this Section, where it is understood between parties that time is an essential element, and
where one party is unable to perform his part of the promise either in full or in part within the time
specified, then the contract is voidable at the option of the party either in full or in part to the extent of
non performance of the contract within the time. In these cases the contract is not voidable if time is not
of essence of the contract, but the promisee is entitled for compensation for loss if any suffered on
account of such failure.
In a contract where time is of essence and promisor is unable to perform his part within the time, as
already stated the contract becomes voidable at the option of the other party. However the other party
agrees that the promisor would perform his part subsequently after

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the time fixed, the promisee cannot claim any compensation for loss or damage or injury unless he
gives any notice to the promisor of his intention to do so.
The next question for consideration is how to determine whether time is essence of a contract?
Ordinarily from a plain examination of a contract it would be difficult to ascertain from the terms of the
contract whether time is essence of the contract. A promisee may have failed to perform his contract
within the specified time. Yet time may not be treated as essence of the contract in that case. Whether
time is essence of a contract has to be decided from the terms of the contract.
In mercantile contracts, as business world is ruled by ‘time’ and ‘money’ any stipulation as to ‘time’ and
‘money’ is an essential condition.
The general principles that are followed can be enunciated as under.
(i) In transaction on sale of gold, silver, blue chip shares, time of delivery is of essence. Here time will
be treated as essence of contract.
(ii) In transaction involving sale of land, redemption of mortgages, though certain time frame is fixed,
any delay is not valued seriously provided justice can be done to parties. Of course even in sale of
land, time can be made as on essence of contract by express words.
Contract cannot be avoided where time is not of essence: When there is delay in performing
promise on executing a contract where the time is not of essence, parties concerned cannot avoid the
contract. However in such cases promises must be performed with in a reasonable time other wise it
becomes voidable at the option of the promisee.
Effect of acceptance of performance out of time: Even where time is of essence, the party who is
entitled to avoid the contract can waive the condition relating to “performance within time”; but in such
cases he cannot claim any compensation for loss if any suffered unless he has put the other party on
Key Points

♦ Performance of contract- It is the performing of all the promises and fulfilling all the obligations by
all the parties as per the term of the contract.

♦ Actual performance- When both the parties to a contract perform their promises and nothing
remains to be done in future by them.

♦ Attempted performance- When tender or offer of performance of goods/ services is not accepted
or rejected by the promisee, In such situation the promisor is discharged from his obligation.
However, where promisee fails to accept tender of money/price, the promisor is not discharged
from his obligation to pay.

♦ Contract can be performed by the parties personally, through agent, representative or third party.

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♦ In case of joint promise- Promisee may compel any of the joint promisors to perform unless
otherwise agreed by the parties.

♦ Where no time for performance of contract- The contract must be performed within a reasonable

♦ Where time is essence- Failure to perform the contract at an agreed time will amount to a breach
of condition of the contract and will be voidable.
♦ Reciprocal promises- Where one promise form the consideration/ part of consideration for each

1.30 Impossibility of Performance

Agreements become void when it becomes impossible to perform them due to a variety of reasons. This
is known as “impossibility of performance” and dealt with by section 56 of the Act
In terms of Section 56 of the Act “An agreement to do an act impossible in itself is void. A contract to do
an act which, after the contract is made, becomes impossible, or, (by reason of some event which the
promisor could not prevent,) unlawful, becomes void when the act becomes impossible or unlawful.
Where one person has promised to do something which he knew, or with reasonable diligence, might
have known, and which the promisee did not know to be impossible or unlawful, such promisor, must
make compensation to such promisee for any loss which such promisee sustains through the non-
performance of the promise”.
(1) Impossibility existing at the time of contract: Even at the time of entering into the agreement, it
may be impossible to perform certain contracts at the beginning or inception itself. The impossibility of
performance may be known or may not be known to the parties
(i) If the impossibility is known to the parties : Where ‘A’ agrees to pay ‘B’ ` 5000/- to ‘B’ if he would
swim from Bombay in Indian ocean to ‘Aden’ in 7 days time, this is an agreement where both the parties
known that it is impossible to swim the distance between ‘Bombay’ to ‘Aden’ in 7 days time and hence is
(ii) If unknown to the parties: Even where both the promisor and the promisee are ignorant of the
impossibility the contract is void.
(iii) If known only to the promisor: Where the promisor alone knows it is impossible to perform or even if
he does not know but he should have known about the impossibility with reasonable diligence, the
promisee is entitled to claim compensation for the loss suffered because of failure of the promisor to
(2) Supervening impossibility: When performance of a promise becomes impossible on account of
subsequent developments of events or change in circumstances, which are beyond the contemplation
of parties, the contract becomes void. Supervening impossibility can arise due to a variety of
circumstances as stated below.

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(i) Accidental destruction of the subject matter of the contract : ‘A’ had agreed with ‘B’ to hire for rent his
music hall for holiday concerts on certain specified dates. The music hall was destroyed before the
specified dates and hence it became impossible to hold stage concerts. It was held that as the music
hall ceased to exist; it is a case of supervening impossibility and both the parties were excused from the
performance of the contract [Taylor vs. Caldwell 3B&S826].
(ii) Non-existence or non occurrence of a particular state of things: It was agreed to by the defendant
through a contract to have from the plaintiff a flat for specified days for witnessing the coronation
procession of King Edward VII. The said procession was cancelled and it did not take place. Therefore
the defendant refused to pay the balance rent. It was held that the foundation of the contract had totally
failed and here the balance of rent amount cannot be recovered from the defendant. [Krell vs. Henry 2
KB. 740]
(iii) Incapacity to perform a contract of personal services: In case of contract of personal service,
disability or incapacity to perform, caused by an Act of God e.g. illness, constitutes lawful excuse for
non-performance of the contract [Robinson vs. Davison L.R.6Ex.269]
(iv) Change in law: Performance of a contract may also become impossible due to change in law
subsequently. The law passed subsequently may prohibit the act which may form part as basis of
contract. Here the parties are discharged from their obligations. For example ‘A’ and ‘B’ may agree to
start a business for sale of lottery and contribute capital for the business. If the business of sale of
lottery ticket is banned by a subsequent law, parties need not keep up their legal obligations.
(v) Outbreak of war: Out break of war may affect the enforceability of contracts in many ways like
(a) emergency legislations controlling prices
(b) relaxation of trade restrictions and
(c) prohibiting or restraining transaction with alien enemy.
Doctrine of Frustration: The idea of “supervening impossibility” is referred to as ‘doctrine of frustration’
in U.K. In order to decide whether a contract has been frustrated, it is necessary to consider the
“intention of parties as are implied from the terms of contract”.
However in India the ‘doctrine of frustration’ is not applicable. Impossibility of performance must be
considered only in term of section 56 of the Act. Section 56 covers only ‘supervening impossibility and
not implied terms’. This view was upheld by Supreme Court in Satyabrata Ghose vs Mugneeram
Bangur A.I.R.(1954) S. C. 44 and Alopi Prasad vs Union of India A.R. 1960 S.C.588.
What would not constitute ground of impossibility: Various decisions which have identified certain
situations as not constituting grounds of impossibility -
(a) ‘A’ promised to ‘B’ that he would arrange for ‘B’s marriage with his daughter. ‘A’ could not persuade
his daughter to marry ‘B’. ‘B’ sued ‘A’ who pleaded on the ground of

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impossibility that he is not liable for any damages. But it was held that there was no ground of
impossibility. It was held that ‘A’ should not have promised what he could not have accomplished.
Further ‘A’ had chosen to answer for voluntary act of his daughter and hence he was liable.
(b) The defendant agreed to supply specified quantity of ‘cotton’ manufactured by a mill with in a
specified time to plaintiff. The defendant could not supply the material as the mill failed to make
any production at that time. The defendant pleaded on the ground of impossibility which was not
approved by the Privy Council and held that contract was not performed by the defendant and he
was responsible for the failure. [Hamandrai vs Pragdas 501A]
(c) The defendant agreed to procure cotton goods manufactured by Victoria Mills to plaintiff as soon as
they were supplied to him by the mills. It was held by Supreme Court that the contract between
defendant and plaintiff was not frustrated because of failure on the part of Victoria Mills to supply
goods [Ganga Saran vs Finn Rama Charan, A.I.R 1952 S.C.9]
(d) A dock strike would not necessarily relieve a labourer from his obligation of unloading the ship within
specified time.
(e) In Satyabrat Ghosh vs Mugneeram Bangur & Co. A.I.R 1954 S.C.44, Calcutta High court held in a
context of impossibility of performance that “having regard to the actual existence of war condition,
the extent of the work involved and total absence of any definite period of time agreed to the
parties, the contract could not be treated as falling under impossibility of performance. In the given
case the plaintiff had agreed to purchase immediately after outbreak of war a plot of land. This plot
of land was part of a scheme undertaken by the defendant who had agreed to sell after
completing construction of drains, roads etc. However the said plot of land was requisitioned for
war purpose. The defendant thereupon wrote to plaintiff asking him to take back the earnest
money deposit, thinking that the contract cannot be performed as it has become impossible of
being performed. The plaintiff brought a suit against the defendant that he was entitled for
conveyance of the plot of land under condition specified in the contract. It was held that the
requisition order did not make the performance impossible.
While judging the impossibility of performance issue, the Courts would be very cautious since
contracting parties often bind themselves to perform at any cost of events without regard to price
prevailing and market conditions.
Key Points:
A contract is discharged by impossibility of its performance.

♦ Impossibility may be of two types :

(i) Initial Impossibility-existed at the time of making the agreement.

(ii) Subsequent or supervening impossibility-arises after formation of contract. ♦ The contract

becomes void when the performance of the contract becomes impossible.

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♦ Doctrine of frustration applies in the case of supervenning impossibility, where- the performance of
contract has become impossible, and where the object of the contract has failed.

♦ This doctrine does not apply- where the performance simply becomes difficult /commercially
impossible/ impossibility induced by the act or the conduct of any person etc.

1.31 Appropriation of Payments

Where a person [Debtor] owes a number of debts to another person [Creditor], and when he releases
certain payments, then the question arises as to how to adjust the receipt against so many dues. This
issue is considered and answered in Sections 59, 60 and 61 of the Act under the heading ‘Appropriation
of payments’.
(i) Application of payment where debt to be discharged is indicated: In term of section 59 of the
Act “Where a debtor, owing several distinct debts to one person, makes a payment to him either with
express intimation or under circumstances implying that the payment is to be applied to the discharge of
some particular debt, the payment, if accepted, must be applied accordingly”.
Where a debtor owes a number of debts and he pays an amount with express or implied instructions
towards appropriation, the debtor is at will to appropriate to any debt and the creditor is bound by it. This
is set out in the Latin Maxim of “quicquid sovitur, sovit sectionundum modum solventis” meaning that
whatever is paid, is paid according to intention or manner of party paying. The right of debtor to decide
the appropriation is also known as decision in Clayton’s case.
What is the position if the debtor does not expressly state the method of appropriation? Then we have
to go by the circumstances of the case. For example a debtor who owes among other debts ` 2000/- to
a creditor and pays ` 2000/- on a given day when the debt of ` 2000/- falls due, then the amount must
be accordingly applied and the debt be discharged accordingly.
(ii) Application of payment where debt to be discharged is not indicated: “Where the debtor has
omitted to intimate and there are no other circumstances indicating to which debt the payment is to be
applied, the creditor may apply it at his discretion to any lawful debt actually due and payable to him
from the debtor whether its recovery is or is not barred by the law in force for the time being as to the
limitation of suits”.
From the above it can be seen that the creditor enjoys the right to appropriate even to a debt which is
barred by limitation.
It was held by Lord Macnaughten in Cory Bros. & Co. vs. Owner of the Mecca (1817) A.C.286 & 293,
that if the debtor does not make any appropriation, at the time of payment, the right devolves on the
creditor. Creditors have a right to decide till the very last moment. The above

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decision was followed in a number of important cases including in the famous case of Vinkatadri Appa
Rao vs Parthasarthi Appa Rao [(1921) L.R. 48. I.A. 150; 44 Mad 570 and 573.. In the said case it was
held that creditor can decide at his discretion on the appropriation of payment towards any lawful debt
even if barred by limitation. If there is any debt carrying interest and if there are no express or implied
instructions the amount paid should be appropriated towards payment of interest and then to capital.
(iii) Application of payment when neither party appropriates: In terms of section 61 of the Act,
where neither party appropriates-
(a) the payment shall be applied in discharge of debts in order of time, and
(b) if the debts are of equal standing the payment shall be applied in discharge of each proportionately.
The above appropriation takes place whether or not the debt is barred by limitation.
For example where there are two debts one ` 500/- and another ` 700/- falling due on the same day,
and if the debtor pays ` 600/- the appropriation shall be prorata of ` 250/- and ` 350/- for the two debts.
1.32 Contract, Which Need not be Performed

A contract would not require performance under circumstances spelt out in Sections 62 to 67 of the Act.
These circumstances are (i) novation, (ii) rescission,(iii) alteration and (iv) remission.
Section 62 of the Act provides that “if the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract for it or
to rescind or alter it, the original contract need not be performed”.
(a) Effect of novation: Novation means substitution. Where a given contract is substituted by a new
contract it is novation. The old contract, on novation ceases. It need not be performed. Novation can
take place with mutual consent. However novation can take place by substitution of new contract
between the same parties or between different parties. Novation results in discharge of old contract.
This can be illustrated as follows -
A owes money to B under a contract. It is agreed between A, B and C that B shall thenceforth accept C
as his debtor, instead of A. The old debt of A to B is at an end, and a new debt from C to B has been
(b) Effect of rescission: In case of rescission, the old contract is cancelled and no new contract comes
in its place. A contract is also discharged by rescission. Some times parties may enter into an
agreement to rescind the previous contract. Sometimes, the contract is rescinded by implication or by
non- performance for a long time without each other complaining about it.
Difference between novation and rescission: While novation involves rescission, there is no
novation in rescission. Both in novation and rescission the contract is discharged by mutual agreement.
In both cases parties enter into a new contract to come out of the old contract.

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The new agreement is the consideration for rescission.

(c) Effect of alteration: Where the contract is altered, the original contract is rescinded. Hence the old
one need not be performed whereas the new one has to be performed. Alteration involves both
rescission and novation. The line of difference between alteration and novation is very thin. While there
can be very minor alterations, there can not be unilateral material alteration to a contract. If it is done it
will be void.
Novation and alteration: Both in novation and in alteration the old contract need not be performed.
The main difference between the two are:

Novation Alteration

Novation involves changes in the terms of In alteration there are only changes in the
contract. It also sometimes means change term of contract by mutual consent. The
in the parties to contract. It infact operates parties to contract remain the same. There is
as a substitution of the old contract. no substitution of old terms; only some terms
and conditions change. There are remission of
performance in alteration.

Remission means waiver. Section 63 of the Act deals with remission. It provides that “every promisee
may dispense with or remit wholly or in part, the performance of the promise made to him or may
extend the time for such performance or may accept instead of it any satisfaction which it thinks fit”.
Thus the promisee can waive either in full or in part the obligation of the promisor or extend the time for
performance. For example where ‘A’ owes ‘B’ a sum of ` 1 lakh, ‘B’ may accept a part of it in full and
final settlement of the due or waive his entire claim.
While granting the time to the promisor, the promisee cannot do so for his benefit but can do so only for
the benefit of the promisor. For example where ‘A’ promises ‘B’ that he would deliver certain goods by a
certain date, ‘B’ can extend the time but he cannot take advantage to charge interest on the extended
Similarly a promisee can accept any other performance to his satisfaction instead of the specified
stipulated performance.
For example where A promises to sell his horse for a consideration of ` 5000/- to ‘B’, ‘A’ may instead of
cash consideration of ` 5000/-may accept jewellery worth Rs 5,000/-in full satisfaction of the
consideration. In a situation like this the essential element of ‘satisfaction’ is that the promisee must
accept the consideration unequivocally. If a promisor tenders some thing in full satisfaction but the
promisee does not accept it or accepts in part performance, such satisfaction will fall outside the ambit
of section 63 of the Act. [ Shyamnagar tin Factory vs Snow White Food Products, A.I.R (1965) Cal 54]
It should be noted that novation, rescission or alteration cannot take place without consideration but in
case of part or complete rescission no consideration is required. The promisee can dispense with
performance without consideration and without a new agreement.

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1.33 Restoration of Benefit under a Voidable Contract

It has already been seen that certain contracts referred to in Sections 19, 19A, 39, 51, 54 & 55 are
voidable. The question for consideration is what is the effect of recession of contract by that person at
whose option the contract is voidable. The following are the effects of such an action-
(i) The other party need not perform the promise
(ii) Any benefit received by the person rescinding it must restore it to the person from whom it was
A voidable contract which is voidable either at its inception or subsequently comes to an end when it is
avoided by the party at whose option it is avoided. In such a case, not only the contract need not be
performed there is also restoration of benefit.
(a) the injured party on account of non performance of the contract is entitled to recover compensation
for damages suffered and
(b) benefits received must be restored.
In Murlidhar vs. International Film Co. A.I.R 1943 P.C. 34, the plaintiff having wrongfully repudiated the
contract, the defendants rescinded it u/s 39 of the Act. The plaintiff brought a suit to recover ` 4000/-
paid to the defendant. Held defendant was bound to restore the amount after setting off such damages.
When an insurance company has rescinded the policy because the policy holder could not disclose
material information, it should refund the premium after making necessary adjustments for expenses
already incurred.
1.34 Obligations of Person who has Received Advantage under Void
Agreement or one Becoming Void.
In terms of section 65 of the Act, where
(a) an agreement is discovered to be void or
(b) a contract becomes void
any person who received an advantage must
(a ) restore it or
(b) pay compensation for damages in order to put the position prior to contract.
In Dhuramsey vs. Ahgmedhai (1893) 23 Bom 15, the plaintiff hired a godown from the defendant for 12
months and paid the advance in full. After about seven months the godown was destroyed by fire,
without any fault on the part of plaintiff. When the plaintiff claimed refund of the advance, it was upheld
that he was entitled to recover the rent for the unexpired term.

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The next issue is the benefit which has to be returned must have been received under the contract. Any
benefit received which is ancillary to main contract need not be returned. For example, the deposit paid
for a transaction of sale of house between parties, need not be returned just because the sale
transaction could not take place. This was on the ground that the deposit is only a security and not part
of main contract.
1.35 Discharge of a Contract

A contract may be discharged in eight ways as discuss hereunder.

(a) Discharge by performance: Discharge by performance will take place when there is (i) Actual
performance or (ii) Attempted performance
Actual performance / discharge takes place when parties to the contract fulfill their obligations within
time and in the manner prescribed. Here each party has done what he has to do under the contract. In
attempted performance the promisor offers to perform his part but the promisee refuses to accept his
part. This is also known as tender.
(b) Discharge by mutual agreement: Discharge also takes place where there is substitution [novation]
rescission, alteration and remission. In all these cases old contract need not be performed.
(c) Discharge by impossibility of performance: A situation of impossibility may have existed at the
time of entering into the contract or it may have transpired subsequently (also known as supervening
Impossibility can arise when
(i) there is an unforeseen change in law.
(ii) destruction of subject matter.
(iii) non-existence or non occurrence of a state of thing to facilitate happening of the agreement.
(iv) personal incapacity of the promisor.
(v) declaration of war.
(d) Discharge by lapse of time: Performance of contract has to be done within certain prescribed time.
In other words it should be performed before it is barred by law of limitation. In such a case there was
no remedy for the promisee. For example, where then the debt is barred by law of limitation.
(e) Discharge by operation of law: Where the promisor dies or goes insolvent there is a discharge by
operation of law.
(f) Discharge by breach of contract: Where there is a default by one party from performing his part of
contract on due date then there is breach of contract. Breach of contract can be actual breach or
anticipatory breach. Where a person repudiates a contract before the stipulated due date, it is
anticipatory breach. In both the events, the party who has

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suffered injury is entitled for damages. Further he is discharged from performing his part of the contract.
(g) A promisee may remit the performance of the promise by the promisor. Here there is a discharge.
Similarly the promisee may accept some other satisfaction. Then again there is a discharge on the
ground of accord and satisfaction
(h) When a promisee neglects or refuses to afford the promisor reasonable facilities or opportunities for
performance, promisor is excused by such neglect or refusal.
Key Points

♦ Peformance of contract leads to discharge of contract. There are other alternative methods of
discharge where a contract would not require performance These circumstances are (i)
novation, (ii) rescission,(iii) alteration and (iv) remission. A contract may also be discharged by
agreement of the parties or by lapse of time for performance or by operation of law,or
impossibility of performance or by breach of contract.

♦ A voidable contract which is voidable either at its inception or subsequently comes to an end when
it is avoided by the party at whose option it is avoided. In such a case, no contract need to be
performed but there is a restoration of benefit.

♦ Any agreement which is discovered to be void or a contract which becomes void, there any person
who received an advantage must restore it or pay compensation for damages in order to put
the position prior to contract.

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.63
Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -
♦ Understand the concept of breach of contract and various modes thereof. ♦ Understand the

rule laid down in 'Hadley vs. Baxendale' for award of compensation. ♦ Be clear about how the

damages are to be measured.

♦ Note the circumstances when vindictive damages are awarded.

Let us now examine breach of contract and the methodology for estimation of compensation for such
breach of contract.
1.36 Anticipatory Breach of Contract

Where the promisor refuses to perform his obligation even before the specified time for performance
and signifies his unwillingness, then there is an anticipatory breach.
Leading case on this point is Hochester vs.De La Tour(1853) 2 E & B 678. In this case defendant had
engaged the services of plaintiff as his attendant for a tour of the continent from June 1 st on a fee of £10
per month for three months. However defendant changed his mind before June 1 st and informed the
plaintiff that his services are not required. This is thus a case of anticipatory breach of contract. It was
held in this case that plaintiff could put an end to the contract even before the due date viz 1 st June and
he need not wait for the date meant for performance of the promise.
The principle of anticipatory breach was well summed up in Frost vs. Knight (1872) LR 7 Ex.111. In the
above case it was held that promisee could wait till the due date of performance also before he puts an
end to the contract. In such a case the amount of damages will vary depending on the circumstances.
This can be explained with the following illustration: ‘X’ agrees to sell ‘Y’ certain quantity of wheat at a
certain price. viz @ ` 100/- per quintal by 3rd March. However on 2nd February X gives notice of his
unwillingness to sell the given goods. Price of wheat on that date is ` 110/- per quintal. ‘Y’ has a right to
repudiate the contract on the same day instead of waiting for the date of performance. On that day 2 nd
February, he is entitled to recover damages of ` 10/- per quintal this being the difference between
market price and contracted price. If on the other hand, he chooses to wait till 3 rd March and the price
on that date is ` 125/-, he can recover damages @ ` 25/- per quintal. The third possibility is that if
between 2nd February and 3rd March, Government prohibits sale of wheat, then the contract becomes
void and Y will not be able to recover any damage whatsoever. Hence from this illustration it would be
clear that when the promisee postpones his right to repudiate the promise, it would operate to the
advantage of the promisor also depending on circumstances.

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1.37 Actual Breach of Contract

Where one of the parties breaches the contract by refusing to perform the promise on due date, it is
known as actual breach of contract. In such a case the other party to contract obtains a right of action
against the one who breached the contract.
1.38 Measurement of Damages

In cases where there is a breach of contract, the promisor who breaches is liable to pay compensation
for damages suffered by the promisee. The compensation can be classified as:
(i) those for damages that usually arise in the event of breach of contract and
(ii) those for damages which parties know and anticipated at the time of entering into the contract called
special damages. This kind of special damages can be claimed only on previous notice.
However no compensation is payable for any remote or any indirect loss. While assessing the damage
the inconvenience caused to the aggrieved party on account of non-performance should be assessed
carefully, as the party entitled for compensation, he has a duty to take steps to minimise the loss.
The rules relating to compensation were enunciated in detail in Hadley vs. Baxendale (1854) 9 Ex. 341.
In this case, the mill of the plaintiff had to be stopped because of a broken crank shaft. The plaintiff sent
the crank shaft as a pattern for manufacturing a new one. Till the arrival of the new crank shaft, the mill
could not be resumed. Hence mill incurred losses. However this position was not properly conveyed to
the defendant, the carrier. There were some delay on the part of the defendant in delivering the crank
shaft to the manufacturer which in turn delayed the reopening of the mill. As a result of this, there were
losses to the mill. The defendant claimed compensation for loss in profit of the mill. However this was
not accepted by court on the ground the plaintiff did not explain to defendant that delay in delivering the
crank shaft would delay resumption of the mill and this would result in losses to the plaintiff.
Madras High Court in Madras Railway Company vs. Govind Ram, Mad. 176 upheld the same principle
as above. In that case a tailor had given his sewing machine to railways to be delivered at a station as a
consignment. He did not mention that any delay in delivering the sewing machine would result in
damages for the business of the tailor as he had planned to do good business at the place proposed
where a festival was to be held. The sewing machine was delivered after the festival was over. Held
Railways were not responsible for the damages as the Railway authorities were not informed of the
specific purpose of delivery of the sewing machine namely business during a festival.

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1.39 Liability for Damages

The liability to pay damages is of four kinds. They are:

(i) liability for special damages
(ii) liability for exemplary damages
(iii) liability to pay nominal damages and
(iv) liability to pay damages for deterioration caused by delay.
Now let us discuss each one of them-
(i) Liability for special damages: Where it is understood between parties that in the event of breach of
contract, there would be special damages also in addition to normal damages, then special damages
would be payable. In our given example above if the tailor had informed about the special
circumstances, special damages would have become payable.
(ii) Liability for exemplary damages: These situations may arise mainly in two cases namely (i)
breach of promise to marry and (ii) wrongful dishonour of cheques of customer by bank.
In case of breach of promise to marry the damages are awarded taking into account the injury or
humiliation which the aggrieved person would have suffered.
In case of wrongful dishonour of cheques the damages would depend upon the loss of credit and
reputation suffered by the customer. The damages could be very heavy if loss had been suffered by a
businessman, when compared to a non-businessman customer. For example Mrs. G, a non-trader paid
a cheque for £90 and 16 shillings drawn on Westminster Bank to her landlord for rent. The cheque was
dishonoured by the bank. But she was awarded damages of only 40 shilling as nominal damages.
[Gibbons vs. Westminster Bank (1939) 2 K.B. 882]
Similarly where the value of cheque is small the damages could be very heavy in comparison to a
situation where the value of cheque is heavy. This is on the theory that dishonour of a small value of
cheque would cause more damages to the honour of the customer.
(iii) Liability to pay nominal damages: Nominal damages are awarded in those cases of breach of
contract where no damage has been suffered. Such damages are awarded only to establish the right to
decree for breach of contract. Such damages are for nominal amounts like ten rupees or even ten
(iv) Damages for deterioration caused by delay: Compensation can be recovered even without
notice for damages or ‘deterioration’ caused to goods on account of delay by carriers amounting to
breach of contract. Here the word “deterioration” means not only physical damages but also loss of
opportunity. In Wilson vs. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company 50 LJCP 232, the plaintiff bought
velvet with a view to making it into caps for sale during spring. But due to delay in transit, he was unable
to use the velvet for making caps for sale during season.

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It was held that the fall in value of sale of cloth in consequence of the same having arrived after the
season amounted to deterioration. It was here held that the plaintiff is entitled for compensation without
1.40 How to Calculate the Damage

In case of a contract for sale of good- ,(i) where the buyer breaks the contract, the damages would be
the difference between contract price and market price as on the date of breach. (ii) where the seller
breaks the contract, the buyer can recover the difference between market price and contract price as on
date of breach.
Where if the seller retains the goods after the contract has been broken by the buyer- there the seller
cannot recover from the buyer any further loss even if the market falls. Again he is not liable to have the
damages reduced if the market rises.
In Jamal vs. Mulla Dawood (1961) 43.I.A. 6, the defendant agreed to purchase from the plaintiff, certain
shares on December 30, but wrongfully rejected them when tendered on date. The difference between
the contract price and market price amounted to ` 1,09,218; the plaintiff recovered a part of the loss by
selling those shares in a rising market and the actual loss amounted to ` 79,882. The plaintiff, however,
sued the defendant claiming ` 1,09,218 as damages and the Privy Council allowed the claim in full.
Duty to mitigate loss: The person who suffers losses on account of breach of contract by the other
party must take all reasonable steps to mitigate the loss.
1.41 Compensation for Breach of Contract where the Penalty is
stipulated for

The compensation for breach of contract falls into two broad categories namely liquidated damage and
Liquidated damage is a genuine pre-estimate of compensation for damages for certain anticipated
breach of contract. This estimate is agreed to between parties to avoid at a later date detailed
calculations and the necessity to convince outside parties.
Penalty on the other hand is an extravagant amount stipulated and is clearly unconscionable and has
no comparison to the loss suffered by the parties.
In terms of Section 74 of the Act “where a contract has been broken, if a sum is named in the contract
as the amount to be paid in case of such breach, or if the contract contains any other stipulation by way
of penalty, the party complaining of the breach, can claim whether or not actual damages or loss is
proved to have been caused thereby, from the other party, a reasonable compensation not exceeding
the amount so named, or as the case may be the penalty stipulated for.
Any stipulation for payment of increased interest is a stipulation for payment of penalty which has to be

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In terms of Section 74, courts are empowered to reduce the sum payable on breach whether it is ‘penalty’ or
“liquidated damages” provided the sum appears to be unreasonably high.
Supreme Court in Sri Chunni Lal vs. Mehta & Sons Ltd. A.I.R.1962 S.C. 1314 laid down the ratio that the aggrieved
party should not be allowed to claim a sum greater than what is specific in the written agreement. But even there
the court has powers to reduce the amount if it considers it reasonable to reduce.
Liquidated damages and penalty: Following are the important differences between liquidated damages and
Liquidated damages Penalty

Imposed by way of compensation Imposed by way of punishment

It is an assessed amount of loss based on It is not based on actuals or probables. It is

actual or probable calculation imposed to prevent parties from committing
the breach.

English Law recognizes the difference Section 74 of the act does not recognize any
between the two (liquidated damages & difference between the two(liquidated
penalty) damages & penalty)

Apart from claiming damages for breach of contract, the following other remedies are also available.
(i) Rescission of contract; Where one party breaches the contract, the other party can treat it as rescinded. In this
case the other party is absolved of his obligation and is entitled to compensation for damages which he suffered.
(ii) Suit upon quantum meruit: The phrase ‘quantum meruit’ literally means “as much as earned” or “according to
the quantity of work done”. A person who has begun a civil contract work and has to later stop the work because
the other party has made the performance impossible, is entitled to receive compensation on the principle of
‘Quantum Meruit’.
Following are instances where ‘quantum meruit’ may arise:
(a) Where the work has been done and accepted under a contract which is subsequently discovered to be void. In
such a case, the person who has performed his part of the contract is entitled to recover the amount for the work
done and the party, who receives and accepts the benefit under such contract, must make compensation to the
other party.
(b) Where a person does some act or delivers something to another person with the intention of receiving payment,
the other person is bound to make payment if he accepts such services or goods or enjoys the benefits.
(c) Where the contract is divisible and where a party performs a part of the contract and refuses to perform the
remaining part, the party in default may sue the other party who enjoyed the benefit of the part performance.
(iii) Suit for specific performance: Where damages are not an adequate remedy in the © The Institute of

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case of breach of contract, the court may in its discretion on a suit for specific performance direct
the party in breach, to carry out his promise according to the terms of the contract.
Key Points

♦ Breach of contract means failure or refusal of any one party to perform his contractual obligations
under the contract. It is either actual or anticipatory breach of contract.

♦ Actual Breach-Failure/refusal of any one party to perform his contractual obligations under the
contract when it is due. Here the contract is voidable.

♦ Anticipatory breach of contract- Where the promisor refuses to perform his obligation even before
the specified time for performance and signifies his unwillingness, then there is an anticipatory
breach. Here the aggrieved party may immediately treat the contract voidable or wait till the
time when the performance is due.

♦ Aggrieved party has following remedies on the breach of contract- Rescission of the contract, suit
for damages, suit for quantum meruit, specific performance and for injunction.
♦ Rescission- Cancellation of a contract by the consent of all parties/ by aggrieved party.

♦ Damages- Monetary compensation payable to the injured party for the loss due to breach of
contract by the defaulted party.

♦ Liquidated Damages-Pre-estimated amount of a damges that are mentioned in a contract and are
paid on the breach of contract.

♦ Penalty-Amount specified in a contract which is high and disproportionate from the amount of
damages in the event of its breach. This amount is paid as of punishment to avoid the breach
of contract.

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The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1.69
Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to -

♦ Have clarity about the basic characteristics of 'Contingent contract' and 'Quasi-contract' so that
you are able to distinguish between a contract of any of these types and a simple contract.

♦ Be familiar with the rules relating to enforcement of these in order to gain an understanding of
rights and obligations of the parties to the contract.

In this unit we shall briefly examine

(a) ‘Contingent contracts’ and the rules regarding their enforceability and
(b) Quasi contracts
1.42 Contingent Contract

In terms of Section 31 of the Act contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if some
event collateral to such contract does or does not happen. Contracts of indemnity and contracts of
insurance fall under this category.
For instance if ‘A’ contracts to pay ‘B’ ` 100000/- if B’s house is destroyed by fire then it is a contingent
Essentials of a contingent contract
(a) The performance of a contingent contract would depend upon the happening or non happening of
some event or condition. The condition may be precedent or subsequent
(b) The event referred to is collateral to the contract. The event is not part of the contract. The event
should be neither performance promised nor a consideration for a promise.
Where ‘A’ agrees to deliver 100 bags of wheat and ‘B’ agrees to pay after delivery, this is a
conditional contract and not a contingent contract. Similarly where ‘A’ promises to pay ‘B’ `
10000/- if he marries ‘C’ is not a contingent contract but a conditional contract.
(c) The contingent event should not be a mere ‘will’ of the promisor. The event should be contingent in
addition to being the will of the promisor.
For example if ‘A’ promises to pay ‘B’ ` 10000/- if ‘A’ left for Delhi from Mumbai on a particular day, it is
a contingent contract because though ‘A’s leaving for Delhi is his own will, it cannot happen only at his
1.43 Rules Relating to Enforcement

The rules relating to enforcement of a contingent contract are laid down in sections 32, 33, 34 and 36 of
the Act.

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(a) Contingency is the “happening of an event”: Where a contract identifies happening of a future
contingent event, the contract cannot be enforced until and unless the event ‘happens’. If the happening
of the event becomes impossible, then the contingent contract is void. For instance ‘X’ enters into a
contract to buy ‘Y’s car provided ‘Y’ survives ‘A’. Here ‘Y’ surviving ‘A’ or ‘A’ dying before ‘Y’ is the event
on which the contract is contingent and they cannot be enforced until ‘A’ dies.
(b) Contingency is the non-happening of an event: Where a contingent contract is made contingent
on a non-happening of an event, it can be enforced only when its happening becomes impossible. For
example where ‘P’ agrees to pay ‘Q’ a sum of money if a particular ship does not return, the contract
becomes enforceable only if the ship sinks so that it cannot return.
(c) Contingent on the future conduct of a living person: A contract would cease to be enforceable if
it is contingent upon the conduct of a living person when that living person does some thing to make the
‘event’ or ‘conduct’ as impossible of happening. For example where ‘A’ agrees to pay ‘B’ a sum of
money if ‘A’ marries ‘C’. ‘C’ marries ‘D’. This act of ‘C’ has rendered the event of ‘A’ marrying ‘C’ as
impossible; it is though possible if there is divorce between ‘C’ and ‘D’.
(d) Contingent on an impossible event: A contingent agreement to do a thing or not to do a thing if
an impossible event happens is void and hence is not obviously enforceable. The situation would not
change even if the parties to the agreement are not aware of such impossibility. ‘A’ agrees to pay ‘B’ `
one lakh if sun rises in the west next morning. This is an impossible event and hence void.
Difference between a contingent contract and a wagering contract
1. A wagering agreement is a promise to give money or money’s worth with reference to an uncertain
event happening or not happening.
A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something with reference to a collateral event
happening or not happening.
2. A wagering agreement consists of reciprocal promises whereas a contingent contract may not
contain reciprocal promises.
3. In a wagering contract the uncertain event is the core factor whereas in a contingent contract the
event is collateral.
4. A wagering agreement is essentially contingent in nature whereas a contingent contract may not be
wagering in nature.
5. In a wagering agreement, the contracting parties have no interest in the subject matter whereas it is
not so in a contingent contract.
6. A wagering contract is a game, losing and gaining alone matters whereas it is not so in a contingent
7. A wagering agreement is void where as a contingent contract is valid.

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Key Points

♦ A contract may be either absolute or contingent.

♦ Contingent contract- Where the promisor undertakes to perform the contract which is depended on
the happening/ non-happenning of a specified future uncertain event, which is collateral to the
contract. Also termed as conditional contract because of its uncertain nature.

♦ Contract of indemnity, guarantee and insurance are contingent contracts, even LIC to a certain
extent is contingent contract.

♦ All wagering agreements are basically contingent agreements but all the contingent contracts are
not wagering agreements.

1.44 Quasi – Contracts

Even in the absence of a contract, certain social relationships give rise to certain specific obligations to
be performed by certain persons. These are known as quasi contracts as they create same obligations
as in the case of regular contract.
Quasi contracts are based on principles of equity, justice and good conscience.
Salient features of quasi contracts are:
(a) In the first place, such a right is always a right to money and generally, though not always, to a
liquidated sum of money.
(b) Secondly, it does not arise from any agreement of the parties concerned, but it imposed by the law;
(c) Thirdly, it is a right which is available not against all the world, but against a particular person or
persons only, so that in this respect it resembles a contractual right.
1.45 Types of Quasi Contract

There are five circumstances which are identified by the Act as quasi contracts. These five
circumstances do not result in regular contracts.
(a) Claim for necessaries supplied to persons incapable of contracting: Any person supplying
necessaries of life to persons who are incapable of contracting is entitled to claim the price from the
other person’s property. Similarly where money is paid to such persons for purchase of necessaries,
reimbursement can be claimed.
For example if ‘A’ supplies necessaries of life to ‘B’ a lunatic or to his wife or child whom ‘B’ is liable to
protect and maintain, then ‘A’ can claim the price from the property of ‘B’. For such claim to be valid ‘A’
should prove the supplies were to the actual requirements of ‘B’ and his dependents. No claim for
supplies of luxury articles can be made. If ‘B’ has no property ‘A’ obviously cannot make his claim.

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(b) Right to recover money paid for another person: A person who has paid a sum of money which
another is obliged to pay, is entitled to be reimbursed by that other person provided the payment has
been made by him to protect his own interest.
Here the person who makes the payment must honestly believe that his own interest demands
payment. [Muni Bibi vs. Trilokinath].
In a case the plaintiff agreed to purchase certain mills and to save it from being sold to outsiders paid
certain arrears of municipal dues. Here the payment made by the plaintiff was held to be recoverable as
he had interest in the property as prospective buyer.
(c) Obligation of person enjoying benefits of non-gratuitous act: In term of section 70 of the Act
“where a person lawfully does anything for another person, or delivers anything to him not intending to
do so gratuitously and such other person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is bound to pay
compensation to the former in respect of, or to restore, the thing so done or delivered.
The above can be illustrated by a case law where ‘K’ a government servant was compulsorily retired by
the government. He filed a writ petition and obtained an injunction against the order. He was reinstated
and was paid salary but was given no work and in the mean time government went on appeal. The
appeal was decided in favour of the government and ‘K’ was directed to return the salary paid to him
during the period of reinstatement. [Shyam Lal vs. State of U.P. A.I.R (1968) 130]
(d) Responsibility of finder of goods: In terms of section 71 ‘A person who finds goods belonging to
another and takes them into his custody is subject to same responsibility as if he were a bailee’.
Thus a finder of lost goods has:
(i) to take proper care of the property as men of ordinary prudence would take (ii) no
right to appropriate the goods and
(iii) to restore the goods if the owner is found.
Where ‘P’ a customer in ‘D’s shop puts down a brooch worn on her coat and forgets to pick it up and
one of ‘D’s assistants finds it and puts it in a drawer over the week end. On Monday, it was discovered
to be missing. ‘D’ was held to be liable in the absence of ordinary care which a prudent man would have
(e) Liability for money paid or thing delivered by mistake or by coercion: In terms of Section 72 of
the Act, “a person to whom money has been paid or any thing delivered by mistake or under coercion,
must repay or return it. Every kind of payment of money or delivery of goods for every type of ‘mistake’
is recoverable. [Shivprasad vs Sirish Chandra A.I.R. 1949 P.C. 297]
A payment of municipal tax made under mistaken belief or because of mis- understanding of the terms
of lease can be recovered from municipal authorities. The above law was affirmed
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by Supreme Court in cases of Sales tax officer vs. Kanhaiyalal A.I.R.1959 S.C.835
Similarly any money paid by coercion is also recoverable. The word coercion is not necessarily
governed by section 15 of the Act. The word is interpreted to mean and include oppression, extortion, or
such other means [Seth Khanjelek vs National Bank of India].
In a case where ‘T’ was traveling without ticket in a tram car and on checking he was asked to pay ` 5/-
as penalty to compound transaction. T filed a suit against the corporation for recovery on the ground
that it was extorted from him. The suit was decreed in his favour. [Trikamdas vs. Bombay Municipal
Corporation A.I.R.1954]
In all the above cases the contractual liability arose without any agreement between the parties.
Key Points

♦ Quasi contracts / Constructive contracts are the contract presumed by law. These are the
contracts which are imposed by law and the Act describes such contract as “Certain relations
resembling those created by contracts”.

♦ Quasi contract may be exercised under following five conditions-

- Necessaries of life supplied to incapable person and to his dependents. -

Person pays money on behalf of the one, who is legally bound to pay. - Person
enjoying the benefits of non-gratuitous act.
- Person finds goods belonging to other.
-Person to whom money has been paid or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion.

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1.74 Business Law, Ethics and Communication

Learning objectives
After studying this unit, you would be able to –

♦ Be conversant with the two special type of contracts i.e. Indemnity contracts and Guarantee
contracts and also the nature of obligations and rights of each of the parties to the contracts.

♦ Be clear about distinction between these contracts.

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee are the special types of contracts given under sections 124 to 147
of the Indian Contract Act,1872.
In this unit, the law relating to indemnity and guarantee are discussed.
1.46 Contract of Indemnity

In terms of Section 124 of the Act, ‘a contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss
caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself or the conduct of any person is called a “contract
of indemnity”. This is also a known as typical form of contingent contract.
There are two parties in this form of contract. The party who promises to indemnify/ save the other party
from loss is known as ‘indemnifier’, where as the party who is promised to be saved against the loss is
known as ‘indemnified’.
For examples, (1) A may contract to indemnify B against the consequences of any proceedings which C
may take against B in respect of a sum of ` 5000/- advanced by C to B. In consequence, when B who is
called upon to pay the sum of money to C fails to do so, C would be able to recover the amount from A
as provided in Section 124.
(2) X, a shareholder of a company lost his share certificate. He applied for the duplicate. The company
agreed to issue the same on the term that X will compensate the company against the loss where any
holder produces the original certificate. Here there is contract of indemnity between X and the company.
In a contract of indemnity, the promisee i.e., indemnity- holder acting within the scope of his authority is
entitled to recover from the promisor i.e., indemnifier the following rights:
(a) all damages which he may be compelled to pay in any suit
(b) all costs which he may have been compelled to pay in bringing/ defending the suit and (c) all
sums which he may have paid under the terms of any compromise of suit
It may be understood that the rights contemplated under section 125 are not exhaustive. The indemnity
holder/ indemnified has other rights besides those mentioned above. If he has incurred a liability and
that liability is absolute, he is entitled to call upon his indemnifier to save him from the liability and to pay
it off.

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1.47 Contract of Guarantee

A contract of guarantee is a contract to perform the promise made or discharge liability incurred by a third person in
case of his default (Section 126).
There are three parties in a contract of guarantee. Surety- person who gives the guarantee, Principal debtor-
person in respect of whose default the guarantee is given, Creditor- person to whom the gurantee is given.
Any guarantee given may be oral or written.
For examples, (1) where ‘A’ obtains housing loan from LIC Housing and if ‘B’ promises to pay LIC Housing in the
event of ‘A’ failing to repay, it is a contract of guarantee.
(2)X and Y go into a car showroom where X says to the dealer to supply latest model of zen to Y. In case of his
failure to pay, he will be paying for it. This is a contract of guarantee because X promises to discharge the liability of
Y in case of his defaults.
The principle of implied promise to indemnify surety(one who gives guarantee) is contained in Section 145 of the
Act which provides that ‘in every contract of guarantee there is an implied promise by the principal debtor to
indemnify the surety and the surety is entitled to recover from the principal debtor whatever sum he has rightfully
paid under the guarantee but no sum which he has wrongfully paid.
The right of surety is not affected by the fact that the creditor has refused to sue the principal debtor or that he has
not demanded the sum due from him.
What constitutes consideration in a case of guarantee is an important issue and is laid down in Section 127 of the
Act. As per Section 127 of the Act “anything done or any promise made for the benefit of the principal debtor may
be sufficient consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee.
For example ‘A’ had advanced money to ‘B’ on a bond hypothecating B’s property stating that C is the surety for
any balance that might remain due after realization of B’s property. C was not a party to the bond. He, however
signed a separate surety bond two days subsequent to the advance of the money. It was held that the subsequent
surety bond was void for want of consideration(Nanak Ram vs. Mehinlal 1877, I Allahabad 487).
1.48 Nature of Surety’s Liability

As per Section 128 of the Act, the liability of the surety is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor unless it is
otherwise provided by the contract. Thus it can be seen:
(i) the liability of surety is the same as that of principal debtor
(ii) where a debtor cannot be held liable on account of any defect in the document, the liability of the surety also
(iii) surety’s liability continues even if the principal debtor has not been sued or is omitted © The Institute of

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from being sued. This is for the reason that the liability of the surety is separate on the guarantee.

1.49 Continuing Guarantee

A guarantee which extends to a series of transactions is called a ‘continuing guarantee’(Section 129).

Examples: 1. Where ‘A’ promises ‘B’ to be responsible, so long ‘B’ employs only ‘C’ to collect his rentals
from tenants for an amount of ` 5000/-, there is a continuing guarantee by A to B so long ‘C’ is
employed as rent collector. In other words A stands a guarantor to ‘B’ for rent collected by ‘C’.
In the continuing guarantee, the liability of surety continues till the performance or the discharge of all
the transactions entered into or the guarantee is withdrawn.
There are two important aspects regarding the revocation of continuing guarantee are:
1.The first aspect is “the continuing guarantee may at any time be revoked by the surety as to future
transactions by notice to creditors”. However no revocation is possible where a continuing relationship
is established. For instance where ‘A’ becomes surety of ‘C’ for B’s conduct as manager in C’s bank
and ’B’ is appointed on the faith of this guarantee, ‘A’ is precluded from annulling the guarantee so long
as B acts as manager in C’s bank.
2. The second aspect is upon the death of surety, the continuing guarantee is revoked for all future
transactions in the absence of any contract to the contrary.
1.50 Discharge of a Surety

Sections 133 to 139 of the Act lay down the law as to when a surety would be discharged. These
are as follows:
(i) where there is any variance in the terms of contract between the principal debtor and creditor without
surety’s consent it would discharge the surety in respect of all transactions taking place
subsequent to such variance.
Where ‘A’ stands to ‘C’ as surety for ‘B’ for rent payable by ‘B’ to ‘C’ for ‘C’s house and if B & C
agree on a higher rent without A’s consent, ‘A’ would stand discharged for the entire rent amount
accruing after the date of variance.
(ii) the surety is discharged if the principal debtor is discharged
(a) by a contract or
(b) any act or
(c) any omission the result of which is the discharge of principal debtor
For instance where ‘A’ contracts with ‘B’ to build a house for him and if ‘C’ stands as surety for ‘B’, ‘C’
as surety will stand discharged if ‘A’ discharges ‘B’ of his obligation to build house. Yet another example
could be where ‘A’ agrees to build a house for ‘B’ if ‘B’ supplies the necessary timber and if ‘C’ stands
as surety for A’s performance. If ‘B’ fails to supply the

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timber, both ‘A’ and ‘C’ stand discharged.

There are certain exceptions to the above rule. These are given hereunder: -
(a) A mere forbearance on the part of a creditor to sue the debtor or to enforce any other remedy would not
discharge the surety in the absence of any specific provision.
(b) Even where the claim is barred by limitation, surety is still responsible. In Krishto Kishore vs. Radha Romun
I.L.R. 12 Cal.330, the plaintiff sued the principal debtor and the surety for arrears of rent. The plaintiff also made the
legal representatives of the principal debtor a party after knowing about the death of the principal debtor to avoid
the debt being barred by limitation. It was held that even if debt is barred by limitation on account of death of
principal debtor, the surety is still liable. The same view was confirmed by Privy Council in Mahant Singh vs U Ba Yi
A.I.R 1939 P.C 110 where it was held that omission of the creditor to sue within the period of limitation does not
discharge the surety.
(iii) Where the principal debtor compounds [settles] with the creditor regarding the amount or promises not to sue,
the surety will be discharged. But a contract for giving time to a debtor is entered into with a third party, the surety
will not be discharged. Where there are co-sureties release of one co-surety would not automatically discharge the
other co sureties. Further in between other co-sureties, the released co-surety is not absolved of his liability vis a
vis other co-sureties.
(iv) the surety would be discharged if the creditor does anything or acts in a manner which (a) is inconsistent with
the rights of surety and
(b) impairs the eventual remedy of the surety.
For example, ‘A’ puts ‘M’ as the cashier under B and agrees to stand as surety provided ‘B’ checks the cash every
month. ‘M’ embezzles cash. ‘A’ was not held to be responsible as B failed to verify the cash every month.
1.51 Rights of Surety against the Principal Debtor and Creditor

After the performing of the promise or discharging of the liability of the principl debtor, surety acquires various rights
against the parties.
The rights of surety are contained in sections 140 and 141 of the Act. These are (1) Against the principal debtor
(a) Right of subrogation: where a guaranteed debt has become due or default of the principal debtor to perform a
guaranteed duty has taken place, the surety upon payment or performance of all that he is liable for, is vested with
all the rights which the creditor had against the principal debtor. The right of the surety is known as the right of
subrogation namely the right to stand in the shoes of the creditor.
(b) Right to securities: the surety is entitled to the benefit of all securities made available to © The Institute of

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the creditor by the principal debtor whether the surety was aware of its existence or not.
(c) Right to recover the amount paid/ Right to indemnity : the surety is entitled to recover from the principal
debtor whatever sums he has rightfully paid. In this connection the following principles were laid down in Reed vs.
(i) the claim of the surety is restricted to that smaller amount which he may have paid under the principle of “accord
and satisfaction”. Surety is not entitled for higher amount than what he has paid.
(ii) surety can also claim indemnity for any special damages which he has suffered while discharging his duties
(iii) surety can claim even if he has paid a time barred debt as it is a rightful payment though there are contrary
views on this issue.
In all the above instances surety can claim reimbursements only if actual payments have been made and not where
he has merely executed promissory notes. [Panth Narayana Murthy vs. Marimuthu (1902) 26 Mad. 322,328]
Where surety becomes surety without the knowledge of principal debtor, he is entitled for all the rights against the
principal debtor but not the right to claim an indemnity against the principal debtor.
(2) Sureties right against the creditor: Following are the rights of sureties against the creditor:
(a) Right of subrogation: the surety gets the right of subrogation for all payments and performances he is liable.
This right would accrue only when the surety has paid the amount of liability in full. For example where a creditor
had the right to stop the goods or sellers lien, surety would enjoy the same right after he has paid the amount
[Imperial Bank vs. SL Kathereine Docks 1877 5 Ch.D]
(b) Right to securities: surety is entitled for all securities which the debtor has provided to creditor whether surety
is aware of it or not. Where a creditor loses any of the security by default or negligence the liability of the surety
abates proportionately. If a creditor does not hand over the securities to surety he can be compelled to do so.
Classic examples of surety’s right are: he is entitled for all mortgage rights which the secured creditor has. But the
surety is not entitled for any security provided subsequent to the contract of guarantee
(c) Right to sue: surety has a right to require the creditor to sue for and recover the guaranteed debt. This right of
surety is known as right to file a ‘Quia timet action’ against the debtor. There is of course an inherent risk of having
to indemnify the creditor for delay and expense
(d) Right to dismiss: surety has a right to call upon the creditor to dismiss the person from service if the person
whose fidelity is guaranteed by surety is persistently dishonest
(e) Right to claim set-off: surety has a right of set off against the principal debtor exactly as © The Institute of

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a creditor would have.

(f) Right of option on the claim of the funds: surety also can compel the creditor where he has claim
on two funds, to resort to that fund first on which surety has no claim.
(g) Right to claim : surety can claim that he is not liable on the guarantee to the creditor, if it can be
proved that principal debtor was incapable of entering into a contract, say because he was a
This is on the principle that the liability of the surety is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor.
Guarantee when valid: Following are the circumstances when a guarantee can be treated as invalid.
(i) Mis-representation: when the guarantee has been obtained by means of mis representation made
directly by the creditor or made with his knowledge and the mis representation relates to a
material part of the transaction.
(ii) Silence as to material circumstances: when the creditor has obtained any guarantee by means of
keeping silence as to material circumstances.
The expression “keeping silence” implies intentional concealment of a material fact, as distinct from a
mere non-disclosure thereof. There must exist some element of fraud. [Balakrishna vs. Bank of
Bengal (1891) 15 Bom. 585]. Thus, A engages B as clerk to collect money for him and B fails to
account for some of his receipts. Thereupon, A calls upon B to furnish security for his duly
accounting the receipts. C gives the required guarantee. A does not tell C of the fact of a previous
misappropriation by B and thereafter B again makes a default. The guarantee would be invalid.
(iii) Failure of joining of other person as co-surety: when a contract of guarantee is entered into on
the condition that the creditor shall not act upon it until another person has joined in it as co-surety
and that other party fails to join as such.

1.52 Contribution as between Co-Sureties

As per section 146 of the Act “when two or more persons are co-sureties for the same debt, or duty,
either jointly, or severally and whether under the same or different contracts and whether with or without
the knowledge of each other, the co-sureties in the absence of any contract to the contrary, are liable,
as between themselves, to pay each an equal share of the whole debt, or of that part of it which
remains unpaid by the principal debtor”.
A co- surety gets a right to recover from other sureties only when he has paid more than his share of
debt to the creditor.

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Liability of two sureties is not affected by mutual arrangements : As per section 132 of the Act
“where two persons contract with a third person to undertake a certain liability and also contract with
each other that one of them shall be liable only on the default of the other, third person not being a party
to such contract, the liability of each of such two persons to the third person under the first contract is
not affected by the existence of the second contract, although such third person may have been aware
of its existence”.
The foregoing is the position of law applicable when the liability is undertaken jointly by two parties in
respect of the same debt. But it is not so when it is in respect of different debts. For example, a party
who accepts a Bill of Exchange for the accommodation of another would plead that he was the
accommodating party. This is because the liability undertaken by the acceptor and drawer of the bill is
in no sense a joint liability. Though they contract to pay the same sum of money, they contract severally
in different ways and subject to different conditions. [Pages vs. Bank of Bengal (1877) 3 Cal. 174].
1.53 Distinction between a Contract of Indemnity and a Contract of

We have in previous para learnt in detail about the contract of indemnity and a contract of guarantee.
Now let us analyse the differences between the two.
(i) Number of parties: In a contract of indemnity there are only two parties namely the indemnifier
[promisor] and the indemnified [promisee]. In a contract of guarantee there are three parties creditor,
principal debtor and surety.
(ii) Extent of liability: The liability of the indemnifier is primary and independent. The liability of the
surety is secondary as the primary liability is that of the principal debtor.
(iii) Time of liability: The liability of the indemnifier arises only on the happening of a contingency. In
the case of guarantee, liability is already in existence but specifically crystallizes when principal debtor
(iv) Time to Act: The indemnifier need not necessarily act at the request of indemnified. In case of
guarantee surety must act by extending guarantee at the request of debtor.
(v) Right to sue third party: In case of contract of indemnity, indemnifier cannot sue a third party for
loss in his own name as there is no privity of contract. Such a right would arise only if there is an
assignment in his favour. On the other hand in the case of contract of guarantee surety can proceed
against principal debtor in his own right because he gets all the right of a creditor after discharging the

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