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Food, Agriculture,

and the Environment

Discussion Paper 29

Prospects for India’s

Cereal Supply and
Demand to 2020
G. S. Bhalla
Peter Hazell
John Kerr
“A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment” is an initiative of the
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to develop a shared vision and
a consensus for action on how to meet future world food needs while reducing pov-
erty and protecting the environment. It grew out of a concern that the international
community is setting priorities for addressing these problems based on incomplete
information. Through the 2020 Vision initiative, IFPRI is bringing together diver-
gent schools of thought on these issues, generating research, and identifying recom-

This discussion paper series presents technical research results that encompass a
wide range of subjects drawn from research on policy-relevant aspects of agricul-
ture, poverty, nutrition, and the environment. The discussion papers contain material
that IFPRI believes is of key interest to those involved in addressing emerging food
and development problems. The views expressed in the papers are those of the
authors, and not necessarily endorsed by IFPRI. These discussion papers undergo
review but typically do not present final research results and should be considered as
works in progress.
Food, Agriculture, and the Environment Discussion Paper 29

Prospects for India’s

Cereal Supply and
Demand to 2020
G. S. Bhalla
Peter Hazell
John Kerr

International Food Policy Research Institute

2033 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006 U.S.A.
November 1999
Copyright 1999 International Food Policy
Research Institute

All rights reserved. Sections of this report may be

reproduced without the express permission of but
with acknowledgment to the International Food
Policy Research Institute.

ISBN 0-89629-633-4

Foreword v
Acknowledgments vi
1. Estimating Demand for Cereals to 2020 1
2. Estimating Cereal Supply to 2020 10
3. Conclusion: Projected Cereal Gaps and Policy Implications 19
References 22


1. Population projections for 2020, India 3

2. Estimated expenditure elasticities 3
3. Food demand projections for 2020, India 6
4. Food demand projections for 2020 for India, China, Pakistan, and the
United States 7
5. Projected cereal feed requirements for 2020, India 8
6. Projected total cereal requirements for India in 2020 and comparison with
other countries 9
7. Alternative cereal supply projections for 2020, India 14
8. Extent of soil degradation severity 16
9. Yield implications of soil degradation of different degrees of severity 17
10. Alternative cereal supply projections for 2020, with land degradation,
India 18
11. Matrix of projected cereal gaps for India in 2020 under alternative demand
and supply scenarios 19

1. India’s Post-Reform Economic Trends 2


IFPRI’s “2020 Vision Initiative for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment” is intended to
develop a shared vision on how to meet future world food needs while reducing poverty and
protecting the environment. It brings together divergent schools of thought on these issues,
working on the principle that divergent views can generate a constructive dialogue that will
ultimately lead to a consensus for action.
The current paper on projected supply and demand for cereals in India, and the possibility
of an emerging cereal gap of serious proportions by the year 2020, is a useful illustration of the
kind of constructive dialogue IFPRI hopes to encourage. It responds to several quite recent
developments, notably the rapid expansion of India’s industrial and service sectors since the
1991 structural reforms, the improved prospects for continued growth over the next few dec-
ades, and the likelihood of rising per capita incomes that could generate substantially
increased demand for livestock products. As demand for livestock products grows, livestock
production could increasingly depend on cereals for feed—perhaps as much as 50 million tons
by 2020, according to G.S. Bhalla, Peter Hazell, and John Kerr, authors of this 2020 discus-
sion paper on Prospects for Balancing Cereal Needs in India to 2020.
These conclusions differ somewhat from other IFPRI studies, which have generally found
that growth in demand for livestock products will be lower than the current study. This diver-
gence of views is a useful signal to policymakers to pay careful attention to trends in demand
for livestock products in India in the coming years. Notwithstanding these differences in
modeling assumptions and projections, this study and the rest of IFPRI’s 2020 research have
consistently pointed to the vital link between agricultural policies and prospects for produc-
tion growth in the next two decades.
If a cereal gap does develop by 2020, improved agricultural policies will give India’s
farmers an opportunity to respond to growing demand and fill the gap through greater domes-
tic production. Increased domestic cereal and livestock production is also a way to generate
greater employment and income in rural India, which still contains about three fourths of
India’s population; to restore the stalled momentum to alleviate poverty in rural areas; to
improve food security at the national and household level; and to use growing rural prosperity
to stimulate demand for India’s industrial and service sectors. Such policies can help alleviate
the most crucial gap of all—the growing gap in incomes, wealth, and opportunity between
India’s rural and urban areas.

Per Pinstrup-Andersen
Director General


This paper has benefited from comments and discussions with a large number of people.
We are particularly grateful to Benoit Blarel, Derek Byerlee, P. C. Bansil, C. Ramasamy,
V. J. Vyas, J. George, Rajul Pandya-Lorch, and Mark Rosegrant, but absolve them of
responsibility for the views expressed here. We are also grateful to Xiaobo Zhang for assis-
tance in analyzing the structural shifts in consumption patterns.
We also thank Bob Livernash for his substantial contributions towards improving the
presentation of the report and Lucy McCoy for desktopping assistance.
Finally, we thank Per Pinstrup-Andersen for supporting this paper through the 2020

1. Estimating Demand for Cereals to 2020

Introduction will increase dramatically. This, in turn, will drive a

dramatic increase in the demand for cereals for live-
Although many Indians still do not have an ade- stock feed—50 million tons of cereal feed by 2020,
quate diet, the national food situation is dramati- or a twelvefold increase over 1993.
cally better today than 30 years ago. In 1970, While some of the scenarios are based on
India’s population was only two-thirds its current speculative assumptions, the results show that there
size, but cereal production was only half the current are plausible conditions under which India could
level and the country was critically dependent on have cereal deficits of 36 to 64 million tons per year
food aid to prevent widespread famine, particularly by 2020. If deficits of this magnitude were to mate-
in drought years. Today, India is self-sufficient in rialize, India’s cereal needs would have significant
cereals. The nation produces and consumes about impacts on world cereal markets, as well as on the
170 million metric tons1 of cereals each year country’s trade balance. But such deficits can be
(including seed and waste). avoided through appropriate policies that take
But will India continue to be self-sufficient in ce- advantage of this opportunity for poverty-alleviating
reals in the years ahead? Over the next 20 years, will agricultural growth.
total cereal demand double again to over 340 million
tons? Or will there be significant departures from past
trends that may slow or increase growth in demand? Demand for Cereals
And will national production of cereals continue to
keep pace with demand, or will increasing resource Growth in cereal demand in recent years has been
scarcity and degradation—and already high use of somewhat slower than earlier forecasts suggested.
high-yielding varieties (HYVs), fertilizers, and irri- In urban areas, per capita cereal consumption seems
gation—limit future growth opportunities? to have stabilized at about 130 kilograms per year,
The answer depends on several factors: growth while it has actually declined in rural areas—from
trends in population, per capita income, and urbani- 185 kilograms in 1980 to 160 kilograms per year
zation; changes in taste as more people have better currently. Diets are more diversified, with increas-
access to, and more information about, alternative ing shares of the food budget allocated to milk,
foods; increased reliance on cereals for feed in re- eggs, and livestock products. Consumption of milk
sponse to rising consumption of meat products; and and milk products, in particular, has grown rapidly,
the impact of future economic growth on the poor. averaging about 6 percent per year. Cereal demand
Using 1993 as the base year, this paper presents for livestock feed has also remained low, at about
projections of cereal demand and supply balances to 5 million tons per year.
2020 under alternative scenarios for income growth, From the mid-1970s to the early 1990s, several
consumption behavior, and agricultural production studies predicted that total foodgrain (cereal plus
strategies. A principal finding is that, as India’s pulses) demand in India would exceed 200 million
economy grows and per capita income rises over the tons by the year 2000 (e.g., Rao, 1975; Radhakrishna
next two decades, consumption of livestock products and Ravi 1990; Sarma and Gandhi 1990). But these

Unless otherwise noted, all units of measure are metric.


demand projections have proved too high, as evi- in consumption behavior, the distribution of in-
denced by total foodgrain demand of only 170 mil- come, and livestock production systems. These are
lion tons in 1995, slowing population growth, and discussed below.
declining per capita cereal consumption. More re-
cently, several studies have projected continued slow
growth in India’s cereal needs into the early decades
Population Growth Rate
of the next millennium (e.g. Rosegrant et al. 1995; India’s population, estimated at 880 million in
Kumar 1998). Yet, if the Indian economy continues 1993, has tripled since Independence in 1947 and
to grow at the high and unprecedented rates of recent doubled since 1980. The growth rate is slowing
years (Box 1), will growth in total cereal demand re- down, from 2.1 percent per year in the 1980s to
main flat over the next two decades? Or could new 1.8 percent in the 1990s, and is expected to slow
patterns of consumption and cereals use emerge? even further in the next century. Still, the popu-
lation is projected to reach 1 billion by 2000 and
Assumptions for Demand 1.3 billion by 2020.
This report uses the latest population projec-
Projections tions developed by the Registrar General of the
Cereal demand projections are based on assump- Government of India (GOI 1996). Under these
tions about growth in population size, urbanization, projections, total population is expected to reach
and national per capita income, as well as changes 1.329 billion by 2020 (Table 1).

Box 1
India’s Post-Reform Economic Trends
India today is facing a critical point in its history, en- ing the 1988–98 period, industry grew at 6.6 percent
joying at once a remarkable period of economic annually and services at 7.2 percent, while agricul-
growth in many sectors, yet at the same time trying ture lagged behind at 3.7 percent.
to cope with more than 300 million people living be- Rural India, which includes about three-fourths
low the poverty line—the highest concentration of of India’s population, remains a critical part of In-
poverty of any country in the world and fully one- dia’s development future. The rural sector and its
fourth of the world’s poor. employment opportunities are critical to sustained
In June 1991, faced with severe fiscal and poverty reduction, food security at the national and
trade imbalances and double-digit inflation, the household level, and the size of the market for in-
gov ern ment offi cially ended four dec ades of dustry and services. Agriculture—the main source
government-led growth and embarked on a new of employment for 75 percent of the rural working
approach that emphasized stabilizing the economy; population and accountable for 65 to 70 percent of
reforming the investment, trade, and tax regimes, rural income—is central to any hopes for sustained
the financial sector, and public enterprises; and rural poverty reduction.
giving the private sector a much greater role in In the 1990s, while other sectors were growing
India’s development. rapidly, rural growth lost momentum and became
In the aggregate, the strategy is paying off much less effective in alleviating poverty. By 1997,
handsomely. Gross domestic product grew at better the incidence of rural poverty was as high as it was
than 7 percent annually during the 1994–96 period. prior to structural reforms. The Government of India
During the 1999–2003 period, the World Bank is is increasingly constrained in its spending for rural
forecasting average annual GDP growth of 6 percent and social infrastructure, subsidies and technology
and per capita GNP growth of 4.7 percent. To date, dissemination, raising serious concerns about the fu-
however, India’s economic progress has been con- ture of India’s rural economy and prospects for the
centrated in the industrial and service sectors. Dur- further alleviation of rural poverty.

Table 1—Population projections for 2020, next 25 years. This assumption is based on IFPRI’s
India long-term food projections (Rosegrant et al. 1995).
Given the assumption that per capita incomes
Rural Urban Total
will continue to grow, we also need to assume values
(millions) for expenditure elasticities so that projected in-
1993 648.7 231.6 880.3 creases in income can be translated into changes in
2020 863.5 465.6 1,329.1 per capita food demands. These elasticities measure
the percentage change in expenditures on a particular
Source: Government of India, 1996.
food group, given a 1 percent increase in total expen-
ditures. This study looks at three types of foods,
which have been aggregated into three groups: cere-
Rate of Urbanization
als (rice, wheat, and coarse grains); meat and eggs;
Assumptions about urbanization are based on the and milk and milk products (liquid milk and ghee).
urbanization projections developed by the Govern- Within the cereals and meat and eggs groups,
ment of India (GOI 1996). These projections indi- individual commodities are simply added together in
cate an urban population of 465.6 million by 2020 kilogram units. All milk and milk products are first
(up from 231.6 million in 1993), and a rural popula- converted to their equivalent value of liquid milk.
tion of 863.5 million (up from 648.7 million in The elasticity assumptions for the 1993 base year are
1993). The urban share of the total population is shown in Table 2. These estimates were made using
projected to increase from 26 percent to 35 percent data from the 50th Round of the Consumer Expendi-
of the total population. ture Survey (NSS 1996) and by regressing log-
inverse expenditure functions across class-wise data
for different commodity groups. The estimates were
Growth in Per Capita Income
calculated separately for rural and urban areas. For
The baseline case for per capita income growth is
assumed to average 3.7 percent per year over the Table 2—Estimated expenditure elasticities
1993–2020 period, which is a little lower than the
actual rate of growth achieved in recent years. For Milk
Meat and milk
purposes of comparison, the report also includes a Cereals and eggs products
best-case scenario of 6.0 percent per year and a
worst-case scenario of 2.0 percent per year. A Authors’ estimate
6.0 percent growth rate would be equivalent to 1972/73 0.41 0.65 1.54
India becoming a TIGER economy; that is, growth 1983 0.33 0.71 1.29
rates comparable to those experienced by several 1987/88 0.33 1.04 1.47
1993 0.29 1.01 1.53
nations in East and Southeast Asia immediately 2020 0.1 1.25 1.53
prior to the recent financial crisis. The 2.0 percent Urban
1972/73 0.27 0.76 1.00
rate corresponds to a regression back to the kind of 1983 0.21 0.48 0.66
growth rates experienced prior to the policy reforms 1987/88 0.18 0.75 1.01
of the early 1990s. The worst case might material- 1993 0.18 0.71 0.94
2020 0.1 0.74 1.05
ize if the world economy slips into a recession, if Radhakrishna and Ravi,
India is more seriously impacted by the Southeast 1987/88
Asian economic crisis than at present, or if there is Rural 0.38 0.93 1.15
Urban 0.20 0.89 1.09
serious back-peddling on economic reforms. IMPACT
Rural and urban, 1993 0.17 0.59 0.88
Rural and urban, 2020 0.07 0.397 1.01
Changes in Consumption Behavior Kumar, 1993/94
Rural – 0.007 0.848 0.458
Food consumption is affected by changes in per Urban – 0.037 0.633 0.372
capita incomes, prices, and changes in taste. We as- Sources: Radhakrishna and Ravi 1994, Rosegrant et al. 1995, and
sume that real food prices will change little over the Kumar 1998.

comparative purposes, Table 2 also reports similar per capita income. India’s per capita consumption of
elasticity calculations for 1972/73, 1983, 1987/88, livestock products is also extremely low by interna-
and 1993, also based on earlier rounds of the Con- tional standards. This could change rapidly as the
sumer Expenditure Survey. economy grows and modernizes, and as more people
Cereal demand is very inelastic (0.29 for rural become exposed to a wider range of food types, in-
households and 0.18 for urban households). Expendi- cluding more processed products. There is already
ture elasticities for livestock products are much more growing evidence that many more households are
elastic, averaging 1.53 and 0.94 for milk and milk now consuming livestock products than a decade
products in rural and urban areas, respectively, and ago. In 1987/88, for example, the NSS reported that
1.01 and 0.71 for the eggs and meat group. As shown 78.9 percent of all urban households and 61.9 per-
in Table 2, these elasticities have shown consistent cent of all rural households consumed milk and milk
trends since 1972/73. For cereals, demand elasticity products, but these shares increased to 84.3 and
has declined in both rural and urban areas. For meat 69.6 percent, respectively, by 1993/94 (NSS 1990;
and eggs, it has increased in rural areas but not in 1996). Similarly, only 43.7 and 31.5 percent of urban
urban areas. For milk and milk products, it has re- and rural households, respectively, consumed meat
mained much the same in both rural and urban areas. in 1987/88, but more than half of both types of
These elasticities are quite consistent with the households consumed meat in 1993/94.
estimates provided by Radhakrishna and Ravi There is also growing evidence that the average
(1994) for 1987/88. However, other available esti- budget shares for milk and meat are increasing over
mates (reported in Table 2) differ. The IMPACT time in ways that are inconsistent with income and
elasticities for 1993 estimated by Rosegrant et al. price changes. For example, the average budget
(1995) are similar for cereals, but are only two- shares for milk and meat increased by 24 and
thirds as large for livestock products. Using data 19 percent, respectively, in rural areas between
from 1972/73 to 1987/88, Kumar (1998) estimates a 1987/88 and 1993/94, even though per capita in-
negative elasticity for cereals and, like IMPACT, comes changed hardly at all and the prices of these
generally lower elasticities for livestock products. foods increased relative to the consumer price index
These wide variations in estimated demand elastici- for rural areas. Similar results hold for milk and
ties are rather disconcerting, particularly as they are meat consumption patterns in urban areas.2 These
all estimated using the same NSS data source. changes can only be explained by structural shifts in
Choice of time period and model specification is consumer preferences.
clearly crucial. The final choice of elasticities has to Unfortunately, there is no precise way of fore-
be judged in terms of the reasonableness of the casting these kinds of structural changes in con-
resulting demand projections. This issue is dis- sumption behavior. Table 2 contains the authors’
cussed later in this report. “best guesses” of the likely 2020 elasticity values
In projecting expenditure elasticities to 2020, for cereals, milk, and meat and eggs. These esti-
two adjustments were made to the authors’ 1993 mates assume a continuing decline in the elasticities
values in Table 2. First, we had to make assump- for cereals in rural and urban areas, but continuing
tions about how elasticities will change as per strong or increasing elasticities for livestock prod-
capita incomes rise in the future. We did this by ucts. The assumed demand elasticity for cereals in
extrapolating along the expenditure function. 2020 is almost the same as the elasticity projection
Second, we had to make some allowance for used in IMPACT (Table 2), but elasticities for live-
possible changes in tastes as more Indians become stock products remain higher. For comparative pur-
wealthier, better connected to markets, and have poses, demand projections based on the IMPACT
greater access to and information about alternative model elasticities are also included.
foods (Huang and Bouis 1996). Ignoring changes in
tastes may be a reasonable assumption for short-term Changes in the Distribution of Income
projections, but it could prove very misleading for The baseline estimates assume that distribution of
longer-term projections, particularly for a country income is unlikely to change much within rural and
that is experiencing unprecedented rates of growth in urban areas, and that any redistribution in income

will result from rural-urban migration. However, meat and eggs, and 0.12 kilogram of cereals per
we also consider a scenario for 1993 in which pov- kilogram of milk. This is consistent with survey evi-
erty is eradicated in India, and another scenario in dence of actual cereal use in broiler and egg produc-
which everyone is well fed. The assumptions under- tion in Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh
lying these scenarios are described later. Projec- (Bansil 1985). It also allows for the use of other feed-
tions to 2020 are not attempted for these scenarios grains besides cereals in dairy production, which are
because of the difficulties of forecasting changes in not included in this analysis. We assume that 1993
2020 income distribution corresponding to different levels of livestock production can continue to be pro-
growth rates in per capita income. duced with the very low level of cereal feed observed
that year (3.7 million tons). However, if livestock
production is to increase beyond 1993 levels, then
Changes in Livestock Feed Requirements
we assume that the additional output will have to be
Given income elastic demands for milk, eggs and produced under more modern systems with the feed
meat, and accelerating growth in per capita in- coefficients mentioned above.
comes, demand for livestock products will continue
to grow rapidly in India in the years ahead. This will
place increasing pressure on livestock production Baseline Projections for
systems. Traditional breeds and feeding practices Food Demand
are likely to give way to improved breeds and a
greater reliance on cereal feeds. The baseline projection assumes the rates of popu-
Currently, India’s livestock rely heavily on lation growth for rural and urban areas shown in
crop by-products, household waste, and open graz- Table 1; initial expenditure levels for rural and
ing areas as sources of feed. In fact, less than 5 mil- urban households for 1993 as reported in the 50 th
lion tons of cereals are currently fed to livestock round of the NSS consumer expenditure survey; no
each year, or about 3–4 percent of total cereal pro- change in the distribution of income within rural
duction. Further expansion of these traditional and urban groups; and a 3.7 percent annual rate of
sources of feed to support a large increase in live- growth in national per capita income. Since the
stock production seems unlikely, particularly as NSS consumer survey is a sample-based approach,
available grazing areas are shrinking and are al- we calibrated the projections to actual 1993 na-
ready seriously degraded (Repetto 1994). tional consumption using a ratio approach.
Sarma and Gandhi (1990) suggest feed coeffi- The baseline projection of cereal demand in
cients for more modern livestock production systems 2020 for direct human consumption is 246.1 million
in India of 2 kilograms of feedgrains per kilogram of tons—a 67 percent increase over 1993 demand of
meat and eggs, and 0.2 kilogram of feedgrains per 147.1 million tons (Table 3). This estimate is simi-
kilogram of milk. These levels are high by interna- lar to other demand projections that have been made
tional standards. We assume more modest feed coef- for India using similar assumptions about the rate
ficients of 1.2 kilograms of cereals per kilogram of of growth in per capita income; for example,

It can be shown that the change over time in the average budget share for commodity i is related to changes in total household
expenditure and prices in the following way:
A& i = (ξ E − 1)E& + ξ P P&i + R

where A& i denotes the average budget share for commodity i, ξ E is the expenditure elasticity, ξ P is the own price elasticity, E is total
household expenditure, Pi is the price of commodity i relative to an appropriate cost of living index, R is a residual that captures any
structural changes in demand, and dots denote percentage changes over time in a variable. If this formula is applied to observed
changes between 1987/88 and 1993/94 in the average budget shares for milk and meat amongst rural and urban households in India
(assuming the authors’ estimates of the expenditure elasticities for 1987/88, and any reasonable own-price elasticities), then nearly
all the increase in the average budget shares are explained by the residual term. This is because per capita expenditure did not
increase very much, and the prices of milk and meat increased relative to the relevant rural and urban consumer price indices.

Table 3—Food demand projections for 2020, India

Cereals Meat and eggs Milk and milk productsa
Scenario Total Per capita Total Per capita Total Per capita

(million (kilograms/day) (million (kilograms/day) (million (kilograms/day)

metric tons) metric tons) metric tons)
Actual 147.12 0.458 5.012 0.016 51.991 0.162
Poverty eradicated 153.68 0.478 5.534 0.017 58.007 0.181
Well-fed India 140.92 0.438 9.532 0.029 95.872 0.298
2020b (per capital income growth)
2.0 percent 231.51 0.479 12.654 0.026 159.216 0.328
3.7 percent 246.08 0.509 19.918 0.041 289.591 0.597
6.0 percent 267.21 0.553 32.036 0.066 646.839 1.333
3.7 percent with IMPACT elasticitiesb 246.08 0.509 13.33 0.027 175.32 0.361
IMPACT Modelc 223.57 0.461 10.91 0.022 159.92 0.330
Kumard 237.6 0.489 7.8 0.016 142.7 0.294

All milk products have been converted to liquid milk equivalents.
Authors’ own calculations.
Rosegrant et al. (1995).
Kumar (1998).

Rosegrant et al. (1995) used the IMPACT model tions from IMPACT by Rosegrant et al. (1995)3 and
to project a 2020 demand of 224 million tons, and by Kumar (1998) for similar increases in per capita
Kumar (1998) projects a 2020 demand level of incomes (Table 3). The difference is almost entirely
237.6 million tons (Table 3). Per capita cereal con- due to the higher expenditure elasticities for live-
sumption is estimated to be 0.51 kilogram per day, stock products that we assumed for 2020. Indeed, as
which is only 11 percent larger than in 1993, and shown at the bottom of Table 3, if we used the same
quite comparable to 1993 consumption levels in demand elasticities as the IMPACT model, then
Pakistan and China. projected demand for livestock products would be
More dramatic increases are projected for the reduced by one-third from the baseline level and is
consumption of livestock products. The projected quite close to the IMPACT forecasts. These other
demand for meat and eggs in 2020 is 19.9 million studies begin with lower estimates of the demand
tons, a fourfold increase over 1993 consumption of elasticities for livestock products and do not allow
5.0 million tons (Table 3). Consumption of milk and for any structural shift in tastes over time, except
milk products is projected to increase more than five through rural-urban migration.
times, from 52.0 million tons in 1993 to 289.6 mil - Are our projections reasonable? One test is to
lion tons in 2020. These projections also imply sig- compare these projections with current trends in
nificant increases in daily per capita consumption, other Asian countries, as shown in Table 4. Paki-
from 0.016 to 0.041 kilogram for meat and eggs and stan’s per capita consumption of meat and eggs was
0.162 to 0.597 kilogram for milk and milk products. already 0.038 kilogram per day in 1993, which is
Our demand projections for livestock products similar to our 2020 projection of 0.041 kilogram per
are approximately twice as large as the 2020 projec- day for India. China consumed more than three

IFPRI’s International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) incorporates the effects of key
factors on food supply and demand to 2020—population, income growth, urbanization, the rate of increase in food production due to
technological change and productivity growth, prices of commodities, and the response of supply and demand to prices. The “base-
line” results show an aggregate global food supply and demand picture that is fairly good, if rates of investment in agricultural
research and development are maintained. The IMPACT projections used a base year of 1993, were developed in 1995, and were
reported in Rosegrant (1995). The IMPACT model is annually reviewed and updated as new information becomes available.
Results from later runs of the model may vary from those presented and described here.

Table 4—Food demand projections for 2020 for India, China, Pakistan, and the United States
Cereals Meat and eggs Milk and milk productsa
Per capita
income Total Per capita Total Per capita Total Per capita

(US$) (million (kilograms/day) (million (kilograms/day) (million (kilograms/day)

metric tons) metric tons) metric tons)
1993 250 147.1 0.458 5.0 0.016 52.0 0.162
2020 670 246.1 0.509 19.9 0.041 289.6 0.597
1993 349 20.4 0.432 1.8 0.038 13.8 0.292
2020 595 42.4 0.469 4.2 0.046 33.4 0.369
1993 356 251.2 0.577 49.7 0.114 8.0 0.018
2020 1,242 293.4 0.555 104.7 0.198 16.6 0.031
United States
1993 24,257 34.8 0.253 34.5 0.361 66.3 0.694
2020 30,773 42.4 0.360 42.9 0.365 79.0 0.672

Notes: All 1993 figures and the 2020 projections for Pakistan, China and the United States are from Rosegrant et al. (1995). The 2020 projections
for India are the authors’ own calculations.
All milk products have been converted to liquid milk equivalents.

times as much meat and eggs per person per day mission. Using the results of the 1987/88 NSS
(0.114 kilogram) in 1993 than we are projecting survey of consumer expenditure, we increased the
for India in 2020. Our 2020 projection for con- consumption basket of all expenditure groups fal-
sumption of milk and milk products in India is ling below the poverty line in 1993 to the consump-
about twice as high as Pakistan’s 1993 consump- tion basket of the group lying just above the poverty
tion and considerably higher than China’s 1993 line. This was done separately for the rural and
consumption (0.018 kilogram per person per day). urban populations.
This compensates to some extent for India’s lower If poverty had been eliminated in 1993, con-
consumption of meat and eggs. By weighting meat sumers would have demanded 153 million tons of
and eggs at 1.0, but milk and milk products (already cereals instead of 147 million tons (an increase of
measured in liquid milk equivalents) at 0.1 to allow 4.4 percent), 5.5 million tons of meat and eggs in-
for its much higher water content (that is, a given stead of 5 million tons (an increase of 10 percent),
amount of milk has about one-tenth the nutritional and 58 million tons of milk and milk products in-
content of the same amount of meat), then India’s stead of 52 million tons (an increase of 12 percent)
consumption of livestock products in meat equiva- (Table 3). These are not large increases, suggesting
lents in 2020 would be 0.1 kilogram per person that on its own, redistribution of income in favor of
per day. This compares with 0.115 and 0.087 kilo- the poor would not cause any major problems for
gram per person per day for China and Pakistan India’s food markets.
in 1993, respectively.
Well-Fed India
Alternative Scenarios for Over one-third of the people living above the offi-
cial poverty line are still malnourished in India, par-
Food Demand ticularly from protein deficiency (GOI 1993). Rec -
Poverty Removed ognizing that fact, we considered a second poverty
reduction scenario for 1993 in which everyone is
The first alternative scenario for 1993 assumes that assumed to become well fed. For this purpose, we
all the poor are brought above the official 1991 pov- took the food consumption basket recommended by
erty line as recently revised by the Planning Com- the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) as

the desired minimum.4 Again using the 1987/88 Table 5—Projected cereal feed requirements
NSS consumer expenditure data for urban and rural for 2020, India
people, we changed the consumption basket of all
expenditure groups falling below the ICMR norm of cereal per
to match the ICMR dietary norm for balanced food, kilogram of
meat equivalent Total
and then calculated revised averages for the expen-
diture bundles of the rural and urban populations for (million
metric tons)
1987/88. These figures were then projected to 1993
by using 1987/88 demand elasticities. These calcu- 1993 0.36 3.712
2020 (per capita
lations reduced the intake of cereals for some ex- income growth)
penditure groups, but invariably increased the con- 2.0 percent 0.90 25.749
sumption of livestock products. 3.7 percent 1.03 50.111
6.0 percent 1.11 107.522
Had the entire Indian population been fed to
at least ICMR recommended dietary standards in
Notes: Based on feed coefficients of 1.2 kilograms of cereals per
1993, total cereal consumption would have been kilogram of meat and eggs, and 0.12 kilogram of cereal per
4.2 percent lower at 140.9 million tons, but con- kilogram of milk, for all additional livestock output beyond
sumption of milk, eggs, and meats would have 1993 levels. Meat equivalents are calculated as meat and
eggs = 1.0, milk = 0.1.
doubled (Table 3). These results suggest that sig-
nificant increases in the consumption of livestock
products are needed in India for good nutrition,
providing they are consumed by the needy. Implications for Livestock
Feed Demand
Alternative Growth Rates in
India used very little cereal for livestock feed in
Per Capita Income 1993— about 3.7 million tons. As discussed earlier,
If India were to become a TIGER economy, then a significant increase in the production of meat,
demand for cereals would likely increase by a fur- eggs, and milk would require a change in existing
ther 8 percent over our baseline projection, but livestock production and feeding systems. We as -
demand for livestock products would explode sume that any increase in livestock production be-
(Table 3). Demand for meat and eggs would in- yond 1993 levels would require 1.2 kilograms of
crease 60 percent over our baseline projection, cereals per kilogram of meat equivalent (meat and
while demand for milk and milk products would in- eggs are weighted at 1.0, milk at 0.1). This leads to
crease by another 120 percent. Even at these high the 2020 feed projections in Table 5.
levels, the projected consumption of meat and eggs The baseline projection—50.1 million tons
per person per day in India in 2020 would still of cereal feed by 2020—is a more than twelve -
be less than half the amount that the Chinese fold increase over 1993. This compares with pro-
consumed in 1993. jections of 13.7 million tons by Rosegrant et al.
If per capita income growth declined to 2.0 per- (1995) and 16.9 million tons by Kumar (1998),
cent per year, then there would be a corresponding but their projections are based on livestock pro -
sharp decline in the growth of consumption of live- duction levels that are only about half as large.
stock products. Consumption of meat and eggs in Despite the size of our projection, the average
2020 would only be two-thirds of the baseline pro- feed ratio in 2020 would still be 1.025 kilograms
jection, while demand for milk and milk products of cereal per kilogram of meat equivalent, which
would be half the baseline projection. is less than half the amount that China used in

The relevant food intake recommended by ICMR is as follows (in grams per person per day): milk 227.0, beef 3.74, pig meat
1.71, sheep meat 2.57, poultry 1.35, total meat 11.42, eggs 7.21, soybeans 6.83, cereals 400, pulses 41.34. oils 16.83, sugar 43.06,
and roots 55.58.

Table 6—Projected total cereal requirements for India for 2020 and comparison with other
Kilograms per
Country/year/source Food Feed Total capita per day

(million metric tons)

1993 (actual) 147.121 3.712 150.833 0.47
2020 (authors’ projections) with
per capita income growth of:
2 percent 231.510 25.749 257.259 0.53
3.7 percent 246.080 50.111 296.191 0.61
6 percent 267.210 107.522 374.732 0.77
2020 (IMPACT) a 223.6 13.3 237.3 0.51
2020 (Kumar)b 237.6 16.9 254.5 0.55
1993 (actual) 251.243 72.640 323.883 0.73
2020 (IMPACT) a 293.441 177.989 471.430 0.90
1993 (actual) 20.361 1.313 21.674 0.47
2020 (IMPACT) a 42.406 2.826 45.232 0.49
United States
1993 (actual) 34.822 158.200 193.022 2.03
2020 (IMPACT) a 42.390 202.101 244.491 2.08

IMPACT model baseline results (Rosegrant et al,1995).
Kumar’s projections (Kumar, 1998).

1993. If India emerged as a TIGER economy, (0.73 kilogram per capita per day). It is also only
then cereal feed demand could reach 107.5 mil- about one-third of the current level in the United
lion tons by 2020. Even then, the average feed States. If per capita income growth slows to 2.0 per-
coefficient would still only be 1.112 kilograms of cent per year, then total cereal demand in 2020 is
cereal per kilogram of meat equivalent. projected at 257.3 million tons, a modest 70 percent
increase over 1993 demand.
Our projections for total cereal demand are
Total Cereal Requirements higher than other projections. For rates of growth
Table 6 summarizes projected food and feed re- in per capita income comparable to our baseline
quirements for cereals in 2020 under different sce - (3–4 percent per year), the IMPACT model projects
narios. The baseline projection is for total cereal de- a total cereal demand of 237.3 million tons by 2020
mand of 296.2 million tons, including 50.1 million (Rosegrant et al. 1995), while Kumar (1998) pro-
tons (or 17 percent) for feed and 246.1 million tons jects a figure of 254.5 million tons. The differences
(or 83 percent) for direct human consumption. This arise almost entirely from different assumptions
would mean a doubling of total cereal demand over about the livestock sector. Unlike other authors, we
1993, which is the kind of increase that India expe- have assumed structural changes in the demand for
rienced over the past 30 years. The total cereal re- livestock products that will lead to higher income
quirement increases to 374.7 million tons if per cap- elasticities. We have also assumed that rapid growth
ita income grows at 6 percent per year, including in livestock demand will have to be matched by a
107.5 million tons (or 28 percent) for feed. This shift towards more cereal-intensive livestock feed-
level of total cereal demand seems quite reasonable ing systems. These are controversial assumptions,
when expressed in per capita terms (0.77 kilogram but ones that are not implausible given the experi-
per capita per day), and would bring India more into ence of many other countries, including neighbor-
line with the level demanded in China in 1993 ing countries in Asia.
2. Estimating Cereal Supply to 2020

India’s total cereal production has averaged 2.7 per- Given the constraints to traditional sources of
cent annual growth since the mid-1960s. This was growth, new sources of growth will have to be
more than sufficient to keep pace with growth in found. Projections of future cereals production
market demand, and the country moved from severe need, therefore, to be based on more detailed analy-
food crises in the mid-1960s to aggregate food sur - sis of the technology and economic options avail-
pluses today. This remarkable increase in cereal able for different types of areas.
production was largely the result of increases in
yields; only 20 percent of the total production in-
crease can be attributed to expansion of the net Possibilities for Future Growth
cropped area, and 80 percent to yield increases. The
yield increases were attained from two major Production prospects differ for irrigated and rainfed
sources: an expansion of irrigated area from 24 mil- areas. They also differ for different types of rainfed
lion hectares in 1962–65 to 44.3 million hectares in areas, particularly between high-potential and low-
1990–93, and the spread of Green Revolution tech- potential rainfed areas. Virtually no productive land
nologies, including improved seeds and intensive remains uncultivated in India today, so there is little
use of inorganic fertilizers. scope for increasing the cultivated area in any of the
The simplest method for projecting future three types of areas. Not only is the remaining land
production of cereals in India is to extrapolate relatively unproductive, but bringing it under culti-
past growth trends. Assuming that total cereal vation would entail high environmental costs, in-
production will continue to grow at 2.7 per- cluding deforestation and soil erosion. Future
cent per year, then by 2020 production will be growth will therefore have to continue to depend on
347 million tons, or more than twice the produc- yield increases, and this will require the continued
tion level achieved in 1993. But such an extrapo- spread of yield-enhancing technologies, improved
lation seems unrealistic, since the underlying natural resource management, and greater technical
sources of growth during the past quarter century efficiency. In some of the most productive areas,
have largely run their course and new sources of research is needed to boost potential yields in order
production growth must be found. Further expan- to create a new source of yield growth. On the other
sion of the irrigated area will be more costly, and hand, in many other areas there are still large yield
agriculture must increasingly compete with other gaps between farmers’ yields and demonstration
water users (e.g. industry and urban households) plots, suggesting that significant gains could be
for limited water resources. In addition, the Green made just by spreading existing technology.
Revolution technologies have already spread Another imperative is to minimize natural resource
widely in the areas where they are most eco- degradation, which threatens to undermine the
nomic. There is now limited scope for further gains already made.
production gains from the greater use of im -
proved varieties and fertilizers. Resource degra-
Irrigated Areas
dation is also impacting on productivity growth
in irrigated and rainfed areas; unless corrected, it The scope for further expansion of irrigated area is
could become a significant constraint on future now limited, and production growth in irrigated
cereal production growth rates. areas will increasingly have to come from growth in


the productivity of existing land and water re- proved knowledge-transfer systems and skilled and
sources. Unfortunately, there is increasing evidence educated farmers to be successful in India. This
to suggest that productivity growth is stagnating in suggests a need for major changes in the agricul-
many irrigated areas. There are two main reasons tural research system to promote work that is more
for this. First, the Green Revolution has already run on-farm, more interdisciplinary, more focused on
its course in irrigated areas, and there is less scope crop management in addition to plant genetics, and
than in the past for obtaining additional output from that promotes more feedback from farmers.
the greater use of improved varieties and fertilizers.
Second, environmental stresses associated with in- Spreading irrigation. Increasing the irrigated area,
tensive irrigated farming are reducing productivity either by investing in new sources or by using exist-
growth in many high-yielding areas (Bhalla and ing irrigation facilities more efficiently, could also
Singh 1997). Salinity, alkalinity, and waterlogging be a source of future growth. Irrigation now covers
of land are even leading to the degradation and loss about 33 percent of gross cropped area, but the po-
of significant areas of irrigated land. More work is tential is as high as 50 percent. However, expanding
needed to understand the nature of these problems, irrigation facilities to the maximum potential area
how serious they are, and what is required to solve by the year 2020 is probably not feasible. There are
them (Hobbs and Morris 1996). several constraints. First, most of the “easy” options
Possibilities for increasing production in irri- for increasing irrigated area have already been
gated areas include the following: exploited. Remaining possibilities for large-scale
canal irrigation involve higher financial, environ-
Genetic improvement. There is scope for contin- mental, and social costs than previous projects, so
ued development of new varieties. For rice, a re- progress in expanding irrigation potential is likely
cently introduced hybrid offers the possibility of a to be increasingly slow.
one-time yield increase of 15–20 percent. The Second, water demand is rising in nonagricul-
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is in tural sectors, and agriculture’s share in total water
the process of developing a “super rice” that drasti- use is certain to drop during the period up to 2020.
cally modifies plant architecture and promises The World Bank estimates that agriculture’s share
additional gains of up to 30 percent (Pingali et al. in 2025 will be 73 percent, compared to 87 percent
1997). Other crops continue to enjoy modest in 1985. This means a significant share of any
advances through the development of second- expansion of irrigation facilities will simply go to
generation modern varieties. Biotechnology holds maintaining existing potential.
some promise for significantly increasing produc- Third, groundwater is now India’s fastest grow-
tivity in the long term, but short-term gains will ing source of irrigation, but well irrigation also
most likely arise by reducing susceptibility to pest faces limits to growth. In many dry areas, ground-
and disease losses. water has been tapped so heavily that the water
table has fallen precipitously over the years. In the
Crop management. There are significant opportu- dry areas, where irrigation can have its greatest im-
nities to raise productivity by reducing the large pact, the prospects for additional well investment
technical efficiency gap in many irrigated areas. are the lowest.
There has been widespread adoption of modern Even without creating new irrigation potential,
varieties, fertilizer, and irrigation, but much less however, better management of existing water re-
adoption of improved management practices that sources could have a large impact on output. Legal
could boost productivity and reduce environmental and administrative provisions leave irrigation water
stress. Though often very knowledge-intensive, underpriced and poorly managed, causing wide-
some incremental management changes—relating spread waste. In canal-irrigated areas, water tariffs
to site- and season-specific pest, water, and nutrient are so low they do not even cover maintenance costs.
management—provide the potential for reducing Farmers on the upper end of distribution channels
this efficiency gap. As elsewhere, however, this use scarce water for water-intensive crops, leading to
type of “precision farming” will require greatly im- waterlogging and salt problems and reducing water

availability for farmers at the tail end. In many areas ing complicated tenure arrangements should en-
irrigated by wells, free or nearly free electricity courage land-improving investments, such as irri-
causes over-pumping, which leads to ever lower gation and flood control, which are critical to fur-
water tables and widespread well failure. With more ther intensification (Repetto 1994).
careful management, available water resources could On the whole, high-potential rainfed areas may
go much farther, raising overall irrigated area and represent India’s “easiest” option for expanded pro-
irrigated crop yields. The World Bank estimates that duction. Historical trends suggest that improved va-
even a 10 percent increase in efficiency of existing rieties and inputs will continue to spread to these
irrigation facilities could add 7–8 million hectares of areas. In addition, they are among the poorest,
irrigated land in India without utilizing additional least-educated, and least-developed areas in the
water resources (World Bank 1998). country. Continued improvements in infrastructure
Institutional reforms are needed to better co- will raise the returns to agriculture in these areas,
ordinate irrigation management. Watershed man- while increases in education may increase the scope
agement, groundwater development, canal irriga- for adoption of better management practices.
tion, lift irrigation, and agriculture are all managed
independently of each other, even though they are
strongly linked and potentially complementary.
Low-Potential Rainfed Areas
Similarly, social and environmental externalities Other rainfed areas lag behind in agricultural produc-
that cross the boundaries of narrowly organized tion and yield growth. In particular, semi-arid rainfed
government line departments receive inadequate areas have seen only limited adoption of modern
attention in project planning (Repetto 1994). Irriga- inputs. They produce mainly coarse grains like sor-
tion development proceeds with inadequate atten- ghum and millet, and in some places yield growth has
tion to drainage or soil conservation, resulting in been negligible over the last three decades. In recent
shortened project life spans due to soil salinity or years, there has been a shift to oilseeds, which have
sedimentation of reservoirs. As a result, reorganiz- performed well in response to high output prices. But
ing the irrigation administration is needed not only on the whole, progress has been limited in semi-arid
to increase productivity of existing irrigation capac- regions. This is largely a result of unfavorable grow-
ity but to prevent its decline. ing conditions, natural resource degradation, and
farmers’ unwillingness to invest in costly inputs due
to the high risk of crop failure.
High-Potential Rainfed Areas
Technical solutions are less clear than in more
Agriculture in favorable rainfed areas has per- favorable environments, and output growth is likely
formed well in recent years. Production will proba- to be limited. Farmers in unfavorable environments
bly never match that in the most productive irri- pursue complex, risk-minimizing strategies for pro-
gated areas due to inferior agroclimatic conditions, ducing food and earning their livelihoods. This
but some growth potential still exists. Projections of complicates the introduction of new production
continued growth in these areas are based on two technologies, which may not be adopted if they are
factors. First, for the past two decades these areas incompatible with some component of existing
have consistently adopted improved varieties and livelihood systems, thus imposing unacceptable
other inputs, but with a lag compared to irrigated opportunity costs. Some technical recommenda-
areas. This trend should continue. Second, addi- tions, such as watershed management, require col-
tional growth is possible with improvements in crop lective action among farmers that is difficult to
management. In high-rainfall areas with deep black, attain. So far, the promise of dryland watershed
water-retentive soils, for example, improved drain- development in raising agricultural productivity has
age practices will enable more area to be brought been fulfilled only in a few isolated cases. Re-
under double cropping even without irrigation. searchers and development practitioners are in-
Adoption of such management practices depends creasingly realizing that developing and adapting
largely on increased farmer knowledge and higher technologies to meet complex, location-specific
output prices. In some areas of eastern India, unravel- requirements in unfavorable areas will require

greater participation of intended users. Encourag- the agronomic optimum. Second, many fertilizers
ing such hands-on, participatory approaches is dif- are petroleum-intensive, and tripling their use may
ficult where research or development systems tradi- have unmanageable foreign exchange implications.
tionally work in a top-down manner. Third, high fertilizer application rates would lead to
On the bright side, the experience with oilseeds chemical pollution and impose unacceptable off-site
in recent years shows that favorable incentives can costs, especially through leaching into groundwater.
encourage productivity increases even in relatively And fourth, as mentioned above, in drier rainfed
unfavorable areas. High output prices for oilseeds areas fertilizer application will remain constrained
have induced increases in both area and yield. by risk. To illustrate the difficulty of a three-fold in-
Another positive sign is that agricultural inten- crease in average fertilizer use, it is helpful to con-
sification in dry areas may be associated with envi- sider that the current average in highly intensive
ronmental improvements, not degradation. Water Punjab is about 210 kilograms per hectare, and there
harvesting and moisture concentration measures is some evidence that marginal returns are low at this
also bring soil conservation and application of or- rate. It is difficult to imagine the all-India figure ex-
ganic matter and other nutrients. Where water be- ceeding the current Punjab level by the year 2020.
comes available, farmers often invest in improved On the other hand, there are reasonable prospects
livestock, which require stall-feeding rather than for increasing the efficiency of existing fertilizer in-
open grazing. Their manure can be saved for use puts, especially on rainfed lands. Studies suggest that
both as fuel and as organic matter to be applied to the profitable use of fertilizer in many unirrigated
crop lands. As a result, intensification can reduce areas will generally require greater fertilizer effi-
the pressure on widely degraded rangelands and ciency through a balanced dose, timely planting, im-
forests and contribute to improved soil fertility. proved time of application, and improved placement.
Meanwhile, chemical inputs in low-potential rain- In marginal areas, it is likely that fertilizer will only be
fed areas will remain below polluting levels. profitable in some years and locations (Dvorak 1992).
This suggests a movement away from general recom-
mendations to more specific recommendations condi-
The Role of Fertilizer tional on factors such as crop rotation, moisture avail-
Fertilizer can play an important role in increasing ability, and time of planting. It implies that substantial
cereal production, either through increased fertil- increases in yield could be achieved through better
izer applications or improved efficiency. After ex- management; the yield increases would exceed the in-
panding at a rapid pace since the early 1960s, fertil- crease in fertilizer application. Relaxing various sup-
izer consumption averaged about 120 kilograms per ply constraints like marketing and access to credit can
hectare in 1990–91 in the major states of India. also help increase fertilizer use, particularly in many
However, current use rates are still far below the rainfed areas.
amount that would maximize production, estimated
at a national average of 334 kilograms per hectare
of NPK fertilizer (Gandhi et al. 1998). Of course,
Meeting the Demand for Livestock Feed
this average figure reflects variations both within If the demand for livestock products increases sub-
and across states. It represents the agronomic opti- stantially, as projected in this paper, it is likely that
mum, at which yields no longer increase with an ad- the agricultural sector will be asked to produce
ditional unit of fertilizer applied. It is higher than more feed grains. This could induce a shift away
the economic optimum, at which net returns (the from rice and wheat, which currently account for
value of output less the cost of fertilizer) no longer around 80 percent of total cereal production, toward
increase with an additional unit of fertilizer applied. maize, sorghum, and millet.
As with irrigation expansion, raising fertilizer Direct human consumption of these coarse
use to maximum levels is also unrealistic, for at least grains is falling in India (Singh and Morris 1997;
four reasons. First, unless fertilizer prices plummet ICRISAT and FAO 1996), while yields are rising. If
and food prices rise dramatically, the economically these trends continue, then presumably these crops
optimal quantity of fertilizer will not likely approach will be able to supply growing amounts of grain as

livestock feed, even without growth in the area animals that consume more feed. Questions remain
under cultivation. Given current annual coarse about how much of this would come from grain and
grain production of about 31 million tons, a diver- how much from fodder.
sion of about 20 million tons from the food to the
feed sector seems possible.
Changes in tenure systems on pasture lands could Some Projections of Future
also affect demand for livestock feed. Putting an end Cereal Production
to uncontrolled grazing, whether through privatiza-
tion of pastures or improved management under com-
Trend Projection
mon property regimes, would mean a substantial re- As mentioned earlier, the simplest method for pro-
duction in the amount of fodder that farmers can jecting future production of cereals is to extrapolate
obtain for free. At the same time, it would result in past growth trends, which produces an estimate of
large increases in production of fodder grass due to 347 million tons by 2020, or more than twice the
better pasture management (Fernandez 1999). Most 1993 production level (Table 7). However, for rea-
likely this would result in a reduction in the overall sons discussed above, such a projection is probably
number of animals and a shift toward higher quality too simplistic.

Table 7—Alternative cereal supply projections for 2020, India

Scenario/projection basis Production Seed and wastea Available supply
(million metric tons)
Actual 168.6 12.6 156.0

Scenario 1
1962/65–93 trend extrapolated (2.7 percent
production growth per year) 347.1 26.0 321.1
Scenario 2
IMPACT model (baseline) 256.2 19.2 237.0
Scenario 3
1993 fertilizer use is tripled to an all-India average
of 334 kilograms/hectare (to reach the agronomic
optimum level) 287.5 21.6 265.9
Scenario 4
50 percent of gross cultivated area is irrigated
(100 percent irrigation potential is achieved) 236.3 17.7 218.6
Scenario 5
Fertilizer use rises to 334 kilograms/hectare and
50 percent of gross cultivated area is irrigated
(most optimistic fertilizer and irrigation scenario) 389.6 29.2 360.4
Scenario 6
Fertilizer use doubles to 227 kilograms/hectare and
41.5 percent cultivated area is irrigated (half of the
increased irrigation and fertilizer compared to
scenario 5) 279.4 21.0 258.4
Scenario 7
Fertilizer rises 50 percent to 173 kilograms/hectare
and 41.5 percent cultivated area is irrigated
(25 percent of the fertilizer rise and 50 percent of
the irrigation rise compared to scenario 5) 251 18.8 232.2
Scenario 8
Scenario 7 plus genetic and technical efficiency
improvements 281 21.1 259.9
According to Sarma and Gandhi, (1990), the Indian Ministry of Agriculture deducts 5 percent for the seed and 2.5 percent for waste when calcu-
lating available grain production. We have therefore deducted 7.5 percent from total production to obtain the available supply for food and feed.
The gap between total production (plus net imports) and total demand is about 10 percent in the IMPACT model results.

IMPACT Model mated at 309 million tons. If growth in TFP slows

down, then total production in 2020 will only be
IFPRI’s International Model for Policy Analysis of 269.9 million tons. The latter is remarkably close to
Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) the IMPACT forecast.
provides cereal supply projections to 2020 for India
(see footnote 3 and Rosegrant et al. 1995). The area
under cultivation is endogenously determined in the
Expanding Irrigation and Fertilizer
model, responding to price changes but constrained Another way to examine future growth is to con -
by available area. IMPACT shows annual increases sider the prospects for increasing output simply by
in area under cereals of only 0.7 percent, consistent extending the use of inputs that have proven suc -
with figures over the last three decades, so produc- cessful in raising output in the past. As mentioned
tion growth must come from yield growth. above, sizeable yield gaps remain between na-
Yield growth is based on exogenous and tional averages and those attained on experiment
endogenous components. The exogenous compo- stations, suggesting that existing technology can
nent is based on various assumptions about future go a long way toward meeting India’s growing
conditions in public and private research and ex- food requirements.
tension, and the spread of markets, infrastructure, As previously discussed, the main sources of
and irrigation. The endogenous yield growth growth have been irrigation, modern varieties, and
component is based on price response, with fertilizer. We examined possible increases in food
prices set to clear markets. The growth contribu- grain production through further expansion in the
tion of modern inputs such as fertilizers is ac- use of these inputs. In the projections under the
counted for in price effects in the yield response most optimistic scenario, all remaining irrigation
function, and as a complementary input with irri- potential is fully utilized and fertilizer use is raised
gation and with the modern varieties generated to agronomically optimal levels in the year 2020.
by research (Evenson and Rosegrant 1995). The exercise requires comparing current irriga-
The projected annual yield growth rates to tion and fertilizer levels with the ultimate potential,
2020 are 1.53 percent for wheat, 1.43 percent for comparing yields with and without irrigation and
rice, and 1.42 percent for all cereals. The rates for with different levels of fertilizer, and then calculat-
all cereals are brought down by the low rates for ing additional production if these gaps were closed.
coarse grains. The projected growth rates would These scenarios imply that irrigated land would
be sufficient to raise yields from 2.4 tons per hec- spread from the current level of 33 percent of gross
tare for wheat in 1993 to 3.6 tons per hectare in cropped area to 50 percent, and that fertilizer use
2020, and 1.9 tons per hectare to 2.7 tons per hec- would rise on average from 120 kilograms per hec-
tare for rice. Total cereal production would grow tare to 334 kilograms per hectare.
from 168.6 million tons in 1993 to 256.2 million The results of this exercise are shown in Table 7
tons in 2020 (Table 7). (scenarios 3–5). If fertilizer use is tripled, cereal
production would increase from the 1993 level of
168.6 million tons to 287.5 million tons in 2020
Kumar’s Projections
(scenario 3). If irrigation were expanded to 50 per-
Kumar (1998) developed a detailed econometric cent of gross cropped area, the 2020 production fig-
model of the cereal production system in India that ure would be 236.3 million tons (scenario 4). And
simulates planted area, input use, and yields by if both fertilizer and irrigation were expanded to
cereal type. The model includes assumptions about these levels, cereal production in 2020 would be
changes in output prices, the price of fertilizer, 389.6 million tons (scenario 5), or 42.5 million tons
wage rates, and trends in total factor productivity above the trend projection (scenario 1).
growth (TFP). He provides two supply scenarios for It is important to note that these optimistic fig-
2020, one with constant growth in TFP, and one ures simply show what is theoretically possible
with a decelerating rate of growth in TFP. In the given existing technology. But for reasons ex-
first case, total cereal production in 2020 is esti- plained above, they are not realistic due to the high

costs of completely closing the gaps in both irri- Other Sources of Growth
gated area and fertilizer use. Accordingly, Table 7
also shows what would happen under more realistic As discussed above, modern varieties still have a
and less optimistic assumptions about expansion of role to play in increasing yields. Introduction and
irrigation and fertilizer use. If the irrigation and diffusion of the hybrid and “super” rices men-
fertilizer gaps are closed by 50 percent instead of tioned earlier, combined with similar advances in
100 percent (scenario 6), irrigation would spread to wheat and other crops, could eventually lead to
about 41.5 percent of cultivated area, and average additional annual rice production of 10–30 million
fertilizer use would rise to an all-India figure of tons. Additional spread of the current generation of
about 227 kilograms per hectare (representing a modern varieties will also continue to stimulate
doubling of current rates). This scenario assumes gains. Improvements in technical efficiency, prin-
that the 50 percent shortfall below the most optimis- cipally through site-specific measures to reduce
tic projection is spread evenly throughout the coun- pests and raise soil fertility, will add 10–20 million
try. Under this scenario, cereal production would tons as well. If genetic improvement and technical
increase by 110.4 million tons to a total production ef fi ciency raise pro duc tion by an ad di tional
level of 279 million tons in 2020. 30 million tons, combining this with the estimates
This scenario is probably still questionable. based on the spread of irrigation and fertilizer
The irrigation figures may be attainable through a could bring total production to 281 million tons by
modest increase in irrigated area coupled with sig- 2020 (scenario 8).
nificant improvements in irrigation efficiency. But
fertilizer quantity probably remains an overesti-
Effects of Natural Resource Degradation
mate for the reasons given above. Under a still less
optimistic projection, irrigation is assumed to in-
Scenarios on Cereal Production
crease to 41.5 percent as under the previous sce- Several studies have estimated degraded land area
nario, but fertilizer increases by 50 percent instead in India. Sehgal and Abrol (1994), using the guide-
of doubling. In this case, additional cereal produc- lines of the Global Assessment of Soil Degradation
tion would be 82 million tons, for a total production (GLASOD) (Oldeman 1988), estimated the na-
level of 251 million tons (scenario 7), which is simi- tional figures shown in Table 8. Sehgal and Abrol
lar to the IMPACT projections. relied on several sources of information, including a

Table 8—Extent of soil degradation severity in India

Severity of degradation
Type of degradation Low Medium High Very high Total area

(million hectares)

Water erosion 5.0 24.3 107.2 12.4 148.9

Wind erosion
Loss of topsoil ... ... 6.2 ... 6.2
Loss of topsoil or terrain deformation ... ... 4.6 ... 4.6
Loss of soil due to terrain deformation
or due to over-blowing ... ... ... 2.7 2.7
Chemical deterioration
Loss of nutrients ... ... 3.7 ... 3.7
Salinization 2.8 2.0 5.3 ... 10.1
Physical deterioration
Waterlogging 6.4 5.2 ... ... 11.6
Total area 14.2 31.5 127.0 15.1 187.7

Source: Sehgal and Abrol, 1994.

Note: . . . is a nil or negligible amount.

generalized soil map of India, remote sensing data Table 9—Yield implications of soil degradation
from selected areas, and published information on
Severity Yield implications
forestry and soil degradation problems. Unlike
other studies, they also gave a rough estimate of the Low Negligible loss (up to 15 percent), easily
effects of land degradation on crop yields (Table 9). manageable
The data presented in Tables 8 and 9 raise at Medium Moderate loss (15–33 percent), soils can
least three interesting issues. First, the area under be managed at farm level
degradation is quite large, even after adjusting the High Significant loss (33–67 percent), affected
figures to cover only agricultural land. If the num- area not economical to cultivate, could
bers are correct, they may help explain the low have other uses such as agroforestry
yields found in many areas of the country. Second, Very high Unmanageable and uneconomical to use
continued spread of degradation could have a
debilitating effect on food output growth. Third, if Source: Sehgal and Abrol, 1994.
the current level of degradation were reduced
through investments to improve soil conditions,
then presumably yields could rise. Shortages of yields to capture differences in yield effects of degra-
land and rising food prices often provide the needed dation across different types of agriculture, and then
incentive for farmers to invest in their land, revers- summing to the national level. But such an undertak-
ing degradation and increasing productivity (Scherr ing is beyond the scope of the present study.
and Hazell 1994). For example, by 1986–87, The exercise is conducted separately for irri-
42 percent of salt-affected land in Punjab had been gated and rainfed lands because they are subject to
reclaimed using soil amendments and other man- different kinds of degradation problems. For exam-
agement practices (Joshi 1997), and reclamation ple, rainfed lands are more prone to soil erosion,
has proceeded further since then. On rainfed lands, while irrigated lands are susceptible to salinity. In the
there is abundant evidence that farmers conserve scenario of reduced degradation, it is assumed that
soil, plant trees, and undertake other measures to for each type of degradation, 50 percent of the area
protect natural resources where the net returns war- affected at different levels of severity shift to a
rant them (Pender and Kerr 1996). reduced level of severity. For example, 50 percent
To consider the effects of changes in the level of of the slightly affected area becomes nondegraded,
degradation, we take a very simple look at what 50 percent of the “medium” area becomes “low,”
would happen to current levels of national food pro- and so on. For the increasing degradation scenario,
duction if degradation levels were to either improve the same area of land shifts in the opposite direction.
or deteriorate beyond the levels estimated by Sehgal The base land area used in the calculations is the area
and Abrol. We assume that current food production that is subject to changes in yield as a result of degra-
levels reflect the yield-reducing effects of degrada- dation or improvement on different types of land.5
tion cited by Sehgal and Abrol, and then simulate the Then the percentage of production change is calcu-
change in production that would be associated with a lated under the full range of yield changes in Table 9.
50 percent reduction of degradation and a 50 percent Under the scenario of an improved land degra-
increase in degradation on agricultural lands. This dation situation, and assuming a 50 percent increase
exercise is only intended to give a rough idea of the in fertilizer use and that 41.5 percent of the cropped
implications of changing natural resource manage- area is irrigated, projected 2020 food production
ment conditions. It is important to note that Sehgal would increase by 7.2 percent—from 251.0 million
and Abrol’s estimates of the yield effects of degrada- tons to 269.1 million tons (Table 10, scenarios 7
tion are very broad, so precision is impossible. Also, and 12). Varying the assumptions about the impact
the exercise should really be done at a disaggregated of degradation on food production to Sehgal and
level, matching local degradation conditions to crop Abrol’s high and low points, this percentage change

The rough area figures were suggested by Abrol in a personal communication.

Table 10—Alternative cereal supply projections for 2020, with land degradation, India
Scenarioa Projection basis Production Seed and waste Available supply

Actual 168.6 12.6 156.0
2 IMPACT model (baseline) 256.2 19.2 237.0
9 With additional land degradation 235.8 17.7 218.1
10 With reduced land degradation 271.0 20.3 250.7
Fertilizer rises 50 percent to 173 kilograms/
hectare and 41.5 percent cultivated area is
7 Base calculation (scenario 7 in Table 7) 251.0 18.8 232.2
11 With additional land degradation 233.9 17.5 216.4
12 With reduced land degradation 269.1 20.2 248.9
Plus genetic and technical efficiency
8 Base calculation (scenario 8 in Table 7) 281.0 21.1 259.9
13 With additional land degradation 261.7 19.6 242.1
14 With reduced land degradation 301.2 22.6 278.6

According to Sarma and Gandhi, (1990), the Indian Ministry of Agriculture deducts 5 percent for the seed and 2.5 percent for waste when calcu-
lating available grain production. We have therefore deducted 7.5 percent from total production to obtain the available supply for food and feed.
The gap between total production (plus net imports) and total demand is about 10 percent in the IMPACT model results.

ranges from 4.7 percent to 10 percent. If the degra- 233–261 million tons, and reducing degradation
dation situation worsens by the same magnitude, increases the range by about 7.2 percent to 268–
the numbers are slightly smaller because there are 300 million tons. These results are generally consis-
some degraded areas that have prospects for raised tent with simulations conducted with the IMPACT
production but no prospects for dropping any fur- model (Rosegrant et al. 1995) (Table 10, scenarios
ther (such as windblown areas of Rajasthan and 9 and 10). In this case, additional land degradation
waterlogged riverbank areas of eastern India). The is projected to reduce cereal production by 8 per -
average decline in production is 6.8 percent (with cent, from 256.2 to 235.8 million tons. Reduced
a range of 4.5 percent–9.5 percent), leading to a degradation leads to a 5.8 percent increase in pro-
decline in total cereal production from 251 to duction to 271 million tons.
233.9 million tons (Table 10, scenario 11). To conclude, it seems unlikely that India can
These figures are constant across all the 2020 produce more than 280 million tons of cereals by
food supply projections listed in the previous sec- 2020, or 260 million tons excluding seed and waste.
tion, because it was assumed that the area under But the amount could be lower if there is any sig-
irrigated and rainfed conditions is roughly constant nificant slowdown in technological change, or if
across projections. As a result, worsening degra- resource degradation is not contained. Discussions
dation reduces the range of supply projections with several analysts and policymakers in Delhi
from 250–280 million tons by about 6.8 percent to revealed strong support for this figure.
3. Conclusion: Projected Cereal Gaps
and Policy Implications

By combining the demand and supply projections and as more people become exposed to a wider
from previous sections, we can now assess the range of food types, including more processed
likely cereal gaps for India in 2020. These gaps are foods. The per capita consumption of livestock
reported in Table 11 for some of the more important products is currently very low by international stan-
demand and supply scenarios. dards, and also falls well below the standards set by
Our results show that whether India will have a the Indian Council of Medical Research. Any sig-
manageable cereal demand in 2020 depends criti- nificant correction of these abnormalities would
cally on what happens to the livestock sector. Rapid quickly lead to larger cereal gaps than other fore-
economic growth, particularly if it is accompanied casters have estimated.
by significant shifts in consumption patterns and re- Given plausible assumptions about how expen-
ductions in malnutrition, could lead to escalating diture elasticities and livestock-feed coefficients
demands for milk, eggs, and meats. These in turn will change over time, and per capita income
would require changes in livestock production growth of 3.7 percent or more per annum, India
methods, with increasing reliance on cereals for may need nearly 300 million tons of cereals by
livestock feed. A distinguishing feature of our paper 2020. But short of significant changes in the agri-
is that we look beyond the bounds of past patterns cultural sector, the country’s production capacity
of consumption behavior and livestock feeding sys- is not likely to exceed 260 million tons (net of seed
tems in India and consider the possibility of signifi- and waste). This implies a cereal gap (excess de-
cant structural shifts in these variables as the Indian mand over domestic production) of 36 million tons
economy continues to grow rapidly and modernize or more per year by 2020. The cereal gap would be

Table 11—Matrix of projected cereal gaps for India in 2020 under alternative demand and supply
scenarios (million metric tons)
Demand (food + feed) scenario
Total supply
Authors’ projections with per capita income growth of
(net of seed
Supply scenario and waste) 2 Percent 3.7 Percent 6 Percent

Total demand 257.3 296.2 374.7

(supply minus demand)

1962/65–93 Trend extrapolated 321.1 63.8 24.9 –53.6

Reasonable increase in fertilizer and irrigation usea 232.2 –25.1 –64.0 –142.5
Plus genetic and technical efficiency improvementsb 259.9 2.6 –36.3 –114.8
With additional land degradationc 242.1 –15.2 –54.1 –132.6

Scenario 7 in Table 7. Fertilizer use increases to 173 kilograms/hectare and half of remaining irrigation potential is exploited.
Scenario 8 in Table 7.
Scenario 14 in Table 10.


even larger if India were to become a TIGER econ- through additional investments in agricultural de-
omy. For example, with 6 percent growth in per velopment. There is considerable scope for
capita income each year, the gap could reach additional agricultural growth that is economically
115–142 million tons by 2020. Even if the Indian efficient, that would better exploit the country’s
economy slows down to more historical rates of comparative advantage, and that would contribute
growth, the cereal gap could grow to as much as to the generation of rural employment and poverty
25 million tons by 2020. alleviation. This would require additional policy re-
These findings contrast sharply with results from forms and market liberalization to bring price ratios
several other studies, which are much more sanguine more in line with world prices, and additional pub-
about the prospects for continued national self- lic investment in agriculture and rural areas.
sufficiency in cereals. The IMPACT model projects The policy reforms begun in the early 1990s
a market clearing situation in which domestic have yet to be fully completed for many domestic
production and demand are almost in balance at agricultural markets. Many farmers have been
237 million tons in 2020. Kumar (1998) also projects squeezed between the rising costs of key inputs
small cereal gaps for 2020. In his case, projected de- (as subsidies have been removed) and declining
mand is 265.8 million tons and production is either farmgate prices. The latter have been aggravated
286.1 or 245.9 million tons (both adjusted for seed by restrictions on exports, cheap imports, and ex-
and waste), depending on whether TFP growth con- cessive regulation of agro-industry (World Bank
tinues unabated or whether it slows down. In the first 1999). Completion of the reform process with full
case, India would have a cereal surplus of 20.3 mil- liberalization of domestic markets, foreign trade,
lion tons, but in the second case there would be a ce- and agro-industry would improve the terms of trade
real gap of 19.9 million tons. Yet our higher figures for many farmers and encourage greater cereal and
for India involve less cereals (including feed grains) livestock production. Such growth could include
per person in 2020 than some other Asian countries many of the poorer rainfed areas (Gulati and
are already using today. Sharma 1997).
Of course, large cereal gaps could never materi- As in the past, public investment in rural infra-
alize in a market economy. There would be an in- structure, agricultural research and extension, and
evitable upward pressure on prices, which would the education and health of rural people will con-
serve to close the gap by dampening demand, in - tinue to play a key role in determining the rate of
ducing new sources of supply, and encouraging agricultural growth (Fan et al. 1998). It will also
more imports. Price increases would be particularly require that rainfed areas receive a larger share of
hard on the poor and, as in the past, it is likely that any additions to public investment. There is clear
the government would give continuing priority to evidence that infrastructure investments have been
either keeping basic food prices at acceptable levels biased towards irrigated areas, and this has com-
or targeting assistance to the needy. Either approach pounded the natural advantage enjoyed by irrigated
would help maintain cereal demand. The gaps over rainfed areas (Binswanger et al. 1993). Recent
would therefore have to be filled through increased evidence suggests that while in the past these
domestic production or imports. Imports could take investments have yielded the highest returns in irri-
the form of rice and wheat for human consumption, gated areas, this has been less true in the post-Green
livestock feeds (such as maize), or livestock prod- Revolution era (Fan and Hazell 1999). In fact, the
ucts themselves. marginal returns to several infrastructure invest-
ments are now higher in many rainfed areas, and
they also have a potentially greater impact on re-
Policy Implications ducing rural poverty. This suggests the possibility
that investment in infrastructure in rainfed areas can
The likelihood of a rapidly growing demand for offer India a “win-win” strategy for addressing pro-
livestock products and feedgrains presents an im - ductivity and poverty problems.
portant opportunity to increase incomes and em- The Indian government already spends more on
ployment and to reduce poverty in rural areas agriculture than almost any other Asian country.

But the lion’s share of this expenditure goes to sub- Several of our supply-side scenarios for 2020
sidies for farm inputs, particularly fertilizers, credit, implicitly assume that the government will con-
water, and electricity. While once important for tinue to invest in new technology and rural infra-
helping to initiate the spread of the Green Revolu- structure. But a combination of greater produc-
tion, these subsidies contribute very little to agricul- tive investments plus more favorable terms of
tural growth today (World Bank 1999; Gulati and trade for agriculture could bring about an addi-
Rao 1994). As such, there is considerable scope for tional 20–30 million tons of cereals by 2020.
achieving greater growth in agriculture simply by With parallel increases in livestock productivity,
redirecting public funds that are already expended the projected food gaps should be manageable.
on the sector. There is also scope for reducing the The policy alternative would be to fill the cereal
cost of providing public goods in rural areas by a) gap through increased imports. The importation of
forming new partnerships between the public, pri- 36–64 million tons of cereals (or its equivalent in
vate, and NGO sectors to take better advantage of livestock feeds or livestock products) would place a
alternative and lower cost sources of supply of pub- heavy burden on the country’s trade balance and
lic goods; and b) improving the efficiency of public divert funds from more economically productive
supply institutions through improved management, investments. It would also do much less to alleviate
more transparent procurement and operational pro- the most crucial gap of all—the growing gap in
cedures, and greater accountability to end users incomes, wealth, and opportunity between India’s
(World Bank 1999). rural and urban areas.


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G. S. Bhalla recently retired as professor at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development at Jawarhalal
Nehru University in Delhi. Peter Hazell is director of the Environment and Production Technology Divison
at IFPRI. John Kerr is assistant professor in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan
State University.
Recent Food, Agriculture, and the Environment Discussion Papers

28. Livestock to 2020: The Next Food Revolution, by Christopher Delgado, Mark
Rosegrant, Henning Steinfeld, Simeon Ehui, and Claude Courbois, 1999
27. Soil Degradation: A Threat to Developing-Country Food Security by 2020?, by
Sara J. Scherr, 1999
26. Fostering Global Well-Being: A New Paradigm to Revitalize Agricultural and
Rural Development, by David D. Bathrick, 1998
25. Pest Management and Food Production: Looking to the Future, by Montague
Yudelman, Annu Ratta, and David Nygaard, 1998
24. Food from Peace: Breaking the Links between Conflict and Hunger, by Ellen
Messer, Marc J. Cohen, and Jashinta D’Costa, 1998
23. Seguridad Alimentaria y Estrategias Sociales: Su Contribución a la Seguridad
Nutricional en Areas Urbanas de América Latina, by María Inés Sánchez-Griñán,
22. The Nonfarm Sector and Rural Development: Review of Issues and Evidence, by
Nurul Islam, 1997
21. Challenges to the 2020 Vision for Latin America: Food and Agriculture since 1970,
by James L. Garrett, 1997
20. Water Resources in the Twenty-First Cenutry: Challenges and Implications for
Action, by Mark W. Rosegrant, 1997
19. China’s Food Economy to the Twenty-First Century: Supply, Demand, and Trade,
by Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, and Mark Rosegrant, 1997
18. Russia’s Food Economy in Transition: Current Policy Issues and the Long-Term
Outlook, by Joachim von Braun, Eugenia Serova, Harm tho Seeth, and Olga
Melyukhina, 1996
17. The Role of Fertilizers in Sustaining Food Security and Protecting the Environ-
ment, by Balu L. Bumb and Carlos A. Baanante, 1996
16. Managing Interactions between Household Food Security and Preschooler Health,
by Lawrence Haddad, Saroj Bhattarai, Maarten Immink, and Shubh Kumar, 1996
15. Potential Impact of AIDS on Population and Economic Growth Rates, by Lynn R.
Brown, 1996
14. Land Degradation in the Developing World: Implications for Food, Agriculture,
and the Environment to the Year 2020, by Sara J. Scherr and Satya Yadav, 1996
13. The Transition in the Contribution of Living Aquatic Resources to Food Security,
by Meryl Williams, 1996
12. Middle East Water Conflicts and Directions for Conflict Resolution, by Aaron T.
Wolf, 1996
11. Structural Changes in the Demand for Food in Asia, by Jikun Huang and Howarth
Bouis, 1996
10. Overcoming Malnutrition: Is There an Ecoregional Dimension? by Manohar
Sharma, Marito Garcia, Aamir Qureshi, and Lynn Brown, 1996
9. Agriculture, Technological Change, and the Environment in Latin America: A 2020
Perspective, by Eduardo J. Trigo, 1995

Note: For titles of earlier papers within this series, please contact IFPRI.
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