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Allowing students to wear their own choice of clothing makes life easier for low-income
families who may not be able to afford uniforms, and for the schools who might be required to
provide financial assistance to such families. While many families might find uniforms cheaper
than brand names clothing, the prize of standard issue uniform might stretch the budget for
some families.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and respected opponents, good afternoon!

I will present to you the argument against the belief that secondary schools should not
require uniform is beneficial

Main points:

1. With gang violence, socio-economic clashes, bullying and discipline issues plaguing
many public schools, administrators have in some cases turned to school uniforms. The
arguments presented in favor of this decision are that wearing uniforms will prevent
students from bullying one another over brand names or baring too much skin. While
these all sound like worthy goals, students also learn important social and life lessons by
choosing their own fashions. ( Karen Murdock 2018)

2. Learn to Adapt

Students who choose their clothing each school day learn to adapt to shifting
social standards and contexts skills that will serve them well as adults. When they
prepare for their first college visits, job interviews, internships or promotions, they will
need to know how to make appropriate choices and uniforms do not facilitate this. After
all, uniforms provide a cookie-cutter, conformist solution, while workplaces and social
situations demand diverse standards. In addition, teens forge independence by living
with the consequences of trial and error.
3. Encourage Independent Thinking

Children and teens that confront a range of clothing styles at school also
confront a range of visible social groups, economic classes and ethnic or religious
traditions. While these differences can spark conflict and even fuel social segregation,
they can also inspire kids to appreciate diverse points of view and engage in critical

4. Promote Conversations with Parents

Arguments over clothes give kids an opportunity to express their identity and
values to parents, and equally important, they give parents a platform for transmitting
their values. Respectful disagreements can facilitate maturity. In addition, allowing a
little fashion rebellion may help prevent worse rebellion later on—such as drug

5. Monitor Gang Affiliations

When students wear their own choice of clothing, teachers, administrators and
law enforcement will be able to monitor gang membership more easily, because gang
members often wear particular affiliation symbols or colors. Parents and school officials
often argue that uniforms put the brakes on gangs by removing this subtle
communication method. However, uniforms do not eliminate gangs, and in fact,
standard-issue clothing can potentially make symbolic gang clothing more difficult to
identify or interpret reinforcing a false sense of safety. For example, gang members
might use something as subtle as a belt to signify membership.

6. The Journal of Education Research conducted a 1998 study in which uniforms were
found to have no impact on the performance and behavior of students. If there is no
clear academic benefits of a uniform, it can be argued that the uniforms are pointless.
In conclusion, while school uniforms are touted as a solution to issues like bullying and socio-
economic disparities, allowing secondary students to choose their clothing presents to several
benefits. It helps students to learn adaptability, encourages independent thinking, promotes
meaningful conversation with parents, aids in monitoring gang affiliation more effectively, and
eases budget burdens for low-income families. Allowing diversity in clothing choices foster
essential life skills and prepare students for the varied challenges they will face in adulthood,
both socially and professionally.

And that all for my constructive speech, I am ready for the interpellation.

Interpellation Questions:

1. Speaker, do you agree that students clothing increases their productivity?

Yes- so Mr. Speaker agree in our side that students should be given the freedom to choose their
No- Mr. Speaker, according to the study by Austin Community College, the higher people rated
that dressing comfortably on the day of the exam boost test scores and has also been shown to
increase productivity

2. Speaker, do you think that the ability to monitor gang affiliations is compromised when
students are not required to wear uniforms?
Yes – Mr. Speaker, so you agree that when students wear their own choice of clothing,
teachers, administrators and law enforcement will be able to monitor gang membership more
easily, because gang member often wear particular affiliation symbols or colors. That according
to Karen Murdock 2018
No –Mr. Speaker, uniforms do not eliminate gangs, and in fact standard- issued clothing can
potentially make symbolic gang clothing more difficult to identify or interpret reinforcing a false
sense of safety. That according to Karen Murdock 2018
3. Speaker, do you agree that empowering students to make their own clothing choices helps
them develop critical thinking skills and navigate societal expectations?
Yes – Mr. Speaker, so you agree that acknowledging the importance of encouraging
independent thinking through diverse clothing styles.
No – Mr. Speaker, so you agree that children and teens that confront a range of clothing styles
at school also confront a range of visible social groups, economic classes and ethnic or religious

4. Speaker, do you believe that financial considerations for low-income families and schools
justify not enforcing a mandatory school uniform policy? (mali, mas gasto ang dili uniform)

Yes – supporting the idea that allowing non-uniform clothing choices eases financial burdens
and promotes inclusivity.
No – arguing that uniforms are a cost-effective solution and essential for maintaining a level
playing field among students.

5. Speaker, do you agree that the process of engaging in respectful disagreements over clothing
choices provides a platform for students and parents to express and transmit their values,
fostering mutual understanding? (dili ako sure ani)
Yes – recognizing the value of clothing-related discussions in building stronger parent-child
No – asserting that a uniform policy is necessary to avoid distractions and conflicts related to
clothing preferences.

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