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Handling of SELECT statements on simplified

tables during S/4 HANA conversion

1 5 2,878

This blog is targeted to ABAP technical team working on S4 HANA conversion projects.

This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on handling of Material Field Length Extension and Amount
Field Length Extension issues during S/4 HANA conversion.

Here are links of the blogs

How to handle Amount Field Length Extension scenarios in S/4 HANA conversion

How to handle Material Field Length Extension scenarios in S/4 HANA conversion

In this blog I am going to elaborate how SELECT statements on various simplified tables can be changed at the
time of code remediation activity.

Lets discuss some of the most prominent cases of SELECT scenarios in this blog. I will keep on adding new cases in
my upcoming blogs.


As per SAP note 2431747 BSEG will not contain the entries of open items . Some postings marked as BKPF-
BSTAT will not be posted in BSEG but in ACDOCA table. Hence the SELECT statements on BSEG table need to
be reviewed and changed.

SELECT bukrs
INTO TABLE it_bseg
FROM bseg
WHERE bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs
AND belnr = it_bkpf-belnr
AND gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr .

Here SELECT on BSEG table can be replaced by API call as below. But before replacing the BSEG Select
statement with API it is recommended to analyze if using of API will impact the functionality since API selects the
data only from BSEG table and some entries are not updated in BSEG but in ACDOCA table.

DATA: et_bseg1 TYPE TABLE OF bseg.

DATA: et_par1 TYPE fagl_t_field.
APPEND 'BUKRS' TO et_par1 .
APPEND 'BELNR' TO et_par1 .
APPEND 'GJAHR' TO et_par1 .
APPEND 'BUZEI' TO et_par1 .


it_for_all_entries = it_bkpf[]
it_fieldlist = et_par1
et_bseg = et_bseg1
IF sy-subrc = 0 .

sy-dbcnt = lines( et_cmo_bseg1 ).

IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lines( et_bseg1 ) > 0 .
MOVE-CORRESPONDING et_bseg1 TO it_bseg[] .
sy-subrc = 4.


2. SELECT on VBUK table

SAP note 2198647 provides the details about data model changes in SD area. In below SELECT statement the
document status is being fetched from the table VBUK, this query would work in ECC environment but not in S/4
HANA. In S/4 HANA the document status fields have been removed from the vbuk tables and moved to respective
header table of the document like LIKP, VBAK.

Example 1.


FROM vbuk
INTO l_delivery_gi_status
WHERE vbeln = <lfs_xvttp>-vbeln.

This SELECT statement can be corrected as below


FROM likp
INTO l_delivery_gi_status
WHERE vbeln = <lfs_xvttp>-vbeln.

Example 2

For selecting the multiple column data VBUK or VBUP tables following APIs can be used.





see the example 2 below

SELECT SINGLE wbstk trsta INTO (l_wbstk, l_trsta)

FROM vbuk
WHERE vbeln = p_v_delivery AND
vbtyp = 'J'.

This SELECT statement can be modified as below

DATA: lwa_cmo_VBUK_temp1 TYPE vbuk.

i_vbeln = P_V_DELIVERY
i_vbtyp = 'J'
es_vbuk = lwa_VBUK_temp1
vbeln_not_found = 1
vbtyp_not_supported = 2
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here

MOVE lwa_vbuk_temp1-wbstk TO l_wbstk .

MOVE lwa_vbuk_temp1-trsta TO l_trsta .

3. SELECT on T881 table

According to note 2431747 , customizing tables T881, T881T and T881G are made obsolete in S/4 HANA. Hence
the SELECT statements on these tables have to be replaced by API calls as shown in the example below.


INTO v_tabela
WHERE rldnr EQ '90'.

This SELECT statement can be corrected by using the class method cl_fins_acdoc_util=>get_t881_emu

iv_rldnr = '90' " Ledger
es_t881 = DATA(EWA_finsdoc2) " Ledger Master
not_found = 1
OTHERS = 2 ).
IF sy-subrc = 0.
v_tabela = ewa_finsdoc2-tab .

4. SELECT on KONV table

According to note 2220005, KONV table has been replaces by PRCD_ELEMENTS table. SELECT on KONV table
can be replaced by API cl_prc_result_factory=>get_instance( )->get_prc_result( ). OR CDS view V_KONV can
also be used in place of KONV table.See the example below.

SELECT knumv kschl kbetr

FROM konv
WHERE knumv = t_vbak-knumv.

The SELECT statement can be corrected as below


knumv TYPE knumv,
kschl TYPE kscha,
kbetr TYPE kbetr,
SELECT knumv, kschl, kbetr
FROM v_konv_cds
INTO TABLE @et_konv1
WHERE knumv = @t_vbak-knumv.
5. SELECT on VBRK and VBRP table

As per SAP note 2768887 , the where clause in SELECT statements on VBRK and VBRP tables check should have
check for DRAFT field as well to make sure the SELECT will work as before.


INTO TABLE it_vbrk
WHERE fkart = 'F2'.

This select statement can be corrected as below


INTO TABLE it_vbrk
WHERE fkart = 'F2'.
AND draft = space.

If VBRK-DRAFT = space is not added in the where clause , the SELECT statement will return values from FIORI
draft table as well , which in not desired. Since draft values are not posted in the table.



VBUK · If Status fields to be selected up from VBUK, use respective

document tables like VBAP and LIKP

· If multiple fields from VBUK to be selected use the API

VBUP If multiple fields from VBUK to be selected use the API
T881, T881T and T881G Use API instead of direct SELECT on Tables T881, T881T and T881G
KONV Use the CDS view V_KONV instead of KONV or SAP std API
VBRK and VBRP Use additional condition DRAFT = space in Where clause of SELECT

This blog doesn’t end here since there are many such scenarios which we come across during code remediation
phase. I will keep on adding new blogs for more code remediation scenarios.
Conversion of Credit Management to SAP
14 37 36,479

In this blog, I tried to provide a high-level perspective of steps involved in the Conversion of Credit Management
(FI-AR-CR) to SAP Credit management in SAP S/4HANA. And will not cover the details of SAP Credit
Management related configuration.

To keep it easy in our understanding, SAP Credit Management may be viewed more of a business governance
feature in relation to Checks and Controls relating to Credit facility extended to Customers, includes various other
features. Effective use of SAP Credit Management results in improved Operational Efficiencies in the areas of
Receivables/Collections and better Working Capital Management, visible impact on DSO.

SAP Credit Management is one of the components of SAP Financial Supply Chain Management in SAP S/4HANA.

To keep it simple in understanding, SAP Credit Management, can be classified into following:

1. SAP Credit Management is a part of SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) Module.

2. Business Partner Concept in SAP S/4HANA and SAP Credit Management as a BP Role.

3. Technical and functional – requirements and configuration that would be required for an effective use of SAP
Credit Management.

4. Use of Basic SAP Credit Management do not require additional licence and is a part of SAP S/4HANA System.

We will walk through on the below topics:

1. Credit Management Changes

2. Activities involved in the Conversion
3. Activating BP/Role -SAP Credit management
4. Documented Credit Decisions

I tried to keep this blog simple and also covered some high-level technical aspects for functional consultants. This
blog will not cover the use of Business Partner in Financial Services.

I tried to arrange this blog in a logical sequence. In some places it may look confusing – as such the references

would help to clarify/provide more insights into SAP Credit Management.

High level Functionality Changes/features:

 In SAP S/4HANA, Credit Management (FI-AR-CR) is not available, functional equivalent is SAP Credit
Management (FIN-FSCM-CR)
 No 1:1 correlation with Old functionality
 SAP FI-AR-CR is a purely internal FI credit management application, whereas SAP Credit Management
(FIN-FSCM-CR) provides with a comprehensive, integrated, and cross-system form of credit management.
 Several field names used in classic credit management no longer available in SAP S/4HANA
 Use of Transaction Code BP or UKM_BP for SAP Credit Management Customer Master Data. Tcode BP,
role: SAP Credit Management
 Credit Management Master Data stored in tables: UKMBP_CMS & UKMBP_CMS_SGM
 UKM_CASE to process sales documents (eg: releasing blocked sales orders)
 Create a relationship with from Credit Analysts to Customers
 Documented Credit Decision
 Risk category -> Risk class maintained for the whole business partner (not per customer & credit control
area), as the probability of a credit default of your customer does depend on the characteristics of your
customer and not your internal organizational structures.
 Maintenance of customer master data in business partner transaction
 The credit checks carried out for a customer depend on the assigned check rule in the business partner
transaction. They do not depend on the risk class (formerly risk category).
 Releasing blocked documents via Case Management (documents the blocking reason)

Business value

 Higher degree of automation, thanks to automatic calculation of credit scores, risk classes and credit limits
 Credit events help the credit analyst to focus on exceptions during daily business
 Create a relationship from credit analysts to customers
 Process of credit limit requests
 Documented credit decisions
 Higher / lower account relationship of business partners (adds up exposure of lower accounts on higher
 Less redundant data (reading FI-data via HANA view)

High-level overview of SAP Credit Management

Following tables are no longer used in SAP FSCM and usages in the custom codes are listed as errors during custom
code check.

Table Name Description Comment1 Comment2

KNKK Customer Master Credit Relevant for Update to these

Management: Control Area Classic Credit tables to ensure
Data Management backward

These tables are

obsolete with
SAP Credit
KNKA Customer Master Credit Relevant for
Management – Central Data Classic Credit

T042B Credit Management:Credit Relevant for

Representative Groups Classic Credit

T042P Credit Management: Credit Relevant for

Representative Classic Credit

T691B Credit Management Groups Relevant for

Classic Credit

Direct Mapping is available for the following KNKA table fields with SAP Credit Management Tables fields:

Table KNKK – Customer Master Table UKMBP_CMS Table UKMBP_CMS_SG

Credit Management: Control Area
Data – Field Mapping SAP Credit management: SAP Credit Management:
Credit Master Data for Master Data for Credit
Partner – Field Mapping Account – Field Mapping



CTLPC (Risk Category) RISK_CLASS (Risk

Category/Risk Class)

GRUPP (Customer Credit Group) CREDIT_GROUP

There is no change in Business processes because of System Conversion, however, some transactions become
obsolete and are replaced by new transactions.

Some Examples:




VKM1/VKM4 still available

Obsolete Tcodes: FD33 still available for Migration Checks

F.28 – SD, FI: Recreation of Credit Data after

Organizational Changes

F.31 – Credit Overview

F.32 – Customers With Missing Credit Data

F.33 – Credit Limit Overview

F.34 – Credit Limit Data Mass Change

FCV1 – Credit Management: Create A/R


FCV2 – Delete A/R Summary Data

FCV3 – Credit Management: Early Warning


FD24 – Credit Management Changes


Master Data List S_ALR_87012215 Display

changes to Credit Management

S_ALR_87012218 – Credit Master Sheet

VKM2 – Released SD Documents

VKM3 – Sales Documents

VKM5 – Deliveries

Reports Not available:

RFARI020 – FI-ARI: Extract from credit
master data

RFARI030 – FI-ARI: Import Credit Master


RFDFILZE Credit Management :

Branch/Head Office Reconciliation Program



Some of the Changes affected by Migration:

 IMG:SPRO>Financial Supply Chain Management > Credit Management.

 The credit check when changing critical fields has been removed from the SD side.
 The payment guarantee-related Letter of Credit has been removed from the SD side.
 Review/Activate BADIs: Ukm_r3_activate AND ukm_fill
There are certain fields in classic Credit Management related tables where we can have alternatives as mentioned in
the below KBAs

 2659692 – Replacement for S066 , S067 in S/4HANA

 2656921 – FSCM: How to maintain Credit Analyst?
 2371714 – Next Review Date and Resubmission date in new credit management

Maintenance of Customer Master Data relating to SAP Credit Management is performed using the Tcode BP and
Role SAP Credit Management. or Tcode: UKM_BP. We can see the multiple tabs maintained for “Credit Profile”
and “Credit Segment Data”. Pre-requisite is mentioned as we move forward.

Conversion from SAP FI-AR-CR to SAP

Credit Management (SAP-FSCM-CM)
List of Activities required for conversion from SAP ECC (AR-CR) to SAP Credit Management in SAP
A. Technical Settings: System and Component Landscape:

# Topic Component Relevance Comments1 Comments2

1 Configure SOAP Runtime Mandatory In client 000 and Basis/Technical Team

clients on which you
are working*. Please refer the relevant
2 Activate HTTPS Port Mandatory Tcode: SMICM*. Basis/Technical Team

3 Maintain Logical System Mandatory SE11 – Check Basis/Technical Team

logical system
maintained correctly
in table T000. Can
maintain in SM31*.

4 Set up Webservice Configuration Optional This is required if a Financial Supply Chain

multiple system is Management > SAP Credit
used ex: CRM. Management > Integration
BADI: with Accounts Receivable
UKM_R3_ACTIVA Accounting > BAdI:
TE. Activation of SAP Credit
Configuration in
receiver system is ·Financial Supply Chain
also involved.* Management > SAP Credit
Management Integration
Please refer BADI with Sales and Distribution
documentation > BAdI: Activation of
SAP Credit Management

5 Pre-requisite settings for Mandatory Set up Adobe Technical Team

Documented Credit Decision server*

*These topics are supported by technical team – as such we will not discuss in this blog. It is good for functional
consultants to know the activities involved.

B. Functional/Business Customizing:
# Activity Relevance Comments

1 Settings in SAP credit Management (FIN- Mandatory Example: Credit Risk

FSCM-CR) Monitoring, Credit Limit
check etc

2 Activating the Business Partner Role for Mandatory BP Credit Master data is the
basis for SAP Credit
Credit Management Management.

3 Settings for Documented Credit Decisions Mandatory Recommended: Activate BC

Set UKM_DCD_CUST using
transaction SCPR20. If you
don’t activate this BC set, you
have to manually maintain the
settings for DCD in
customizing – lot of steps

4 Process Integration with SAP Systems Optional Setting relating to FI-AR/SD

1. Settings in SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR)

Check any configuration needed specifically Credit Risk Monitoring in view of the change in the
design/functionality. SPRO> Financial Supply Chain Management> Credit Management> Credit Risk Monitoring.
Focus only the areas required for Conversion but not the entire configuration of Credit Management during the
Migration Project, idea is to save time on the conversion as it would involve change management explaining the

concept of SAP Credit Management. visa-vis functional requirements.

2. Activating the Business Partner Role for Credit Management:

BP Credit Master data is the basis for SAP Credit Management.

I have not provided the steps but captured the requirements in screen shot (Shaped Red)

Transaction Code: BUPT

Tcode: BUPT
BP>Control>Screen Sequences.

Tcode: BUPT
3. Tcode: SM30 View: V_TBZJ1C

Insert following new table entry – if it already exists fine.

4. In Customizing SPRO>Cross App Comp>SAP BP

This completes the requirements for Activating the BP Role for Credit Management. With this, if we chose the BP
master data editing, you can now edit the Credit Master Data of your customers as can be seen in the screen shots
provided in the beginning of this blog.

5. Authorization Objects

 SAP Credit Management : Authorization Object: F_UKM_SGMT. Credit Segment

 Role: SAP_FIN_FSCM_CR_USER delivered with all authorizations for this authorization object.
 Credit Segment Independent Master data for SAP Credit Management (example: Credit Score) –
Authorization Object B_BUPA_RLT with role BP Credit Management (UKM000)

You can organize the authorizations of your users as follows:

Activities Authorization Activity

Restrict access to one or more credit F_UKM_SGMT with specified credit

segments segment

Edit master data F_UKM_SGMT 01


Display master data F_UKM_SGMT 03

Delete master data F_UKM_SGMT 06

Display change documents for master data F_UKM_SGMT 08


Release and reject credit limit F_UKM_SGMT 43

changes/increases requested (dual control

Edit and display master data of SAP Credit B_BUPA_RLT with the BP role
Management UKM000

Display and/or delete application logs of SAP S_APPL_LOG with the object names 03
Credit Management and subobjects listed above
Display and process documented credit S_SCMG_CAS and other authorization
decisions objects of the Case Management

The authorization objects provided above, are for information. Further, the authorization concept also mentioned as
we moved forward in this blog.

We are not discussing about Events and follow-on process in this blog as it will not impact the conversion process. It
could be ongoing process, if need be.

We will restrict the blog in understanding the SAP Credit Management from the Conversion stand point and some
related important concepts – but not the entire Configuration/Process relating to SAP Credit Management. And also,
we will not be discussing about connecting CRM System. We will focus more about SAP ECC Conversion to SAP

S/4HANA relating to Credit Management.

1. Customizing steps for Migration

If Credit Management (FI-AR-CR) was used on the start release, a migration to SAP Credit Management (FIN-
FSCM-CR) is mandatory. The necessary migration steps must be performed after the technical system conversion to
SAP S/4HANA (SUM run).
(FI-AR-CR) Credit Management to SAP S/4HANA

Preparatory Activity and Migration of Customizing for Credit Management

a. Define Settings for Credit Management Migration. Following will be defaulted

This step determines the target values for Credit Management.

The check on with Main Credit Segmt ☒ has effects on the credit segments and on the master data of the credit
account. Following information will be defaulted

b. Migrate Credit Management Customizing

This step migrates your FI/AR customizing to the new configuration of SAP Credit Management.

Following settings are migrated and is a part of Customizing Transport

Note: As a business partner in FIN-FSCM, the customer has only one risk class for all segments. To ensure that the
correct risk class is migrated, you should have one consistent risk category for the customer in all credit control
areas. To understand this, please the BP screen shots captured in the beginning of the blog.

Please also refer the above information in a tabular sequence in this blog.

New Authorization Concept:

Below information is only for understanding the concept – Technical team would help for the same.

 The sales representative doesn’t need any authorizations in SAP Credit Management.
 The documented credit decision is now created by the workflow user SAP_WFRT. To this user, you must
assign a copy of the business role SAP_FIN_CR_DCD_WF. This business role includes all necessary
authorizations for creating documented credit decisions in SAP Credit Management.
 If your SAP Credit Managementis running in a one-system-scenario, the system administrator must assign a
copy of the business role SAP_FIN_CR_DCD_WF to the new workflow user SAP_WFRT.
 If your SAP Credit Management is running in a one-system-scenario, the system administrator must assign a
copy of the business role SAP_FIN_CR_DCD_WFto the new workflow user SAP_WFRT.

Please note, user SAP_WFRT to be in place and need to coordinate with Technical team for the same.


 In Customizing, the SAP Business Workflow is set up under the following path:

SPRO> SAP Netweaver>Application Server>Business Management> SAP Business Workflow> Maintain

Standard Settings

 In addition, you have to activate the corresponding event type linkage:

1. Enter transaction SWE2or choose the following path in the SAP menu:

Tools> Business Workflow> Development> Administration> Event Manager> Type linkages

2. Open the object type CL_UKM_DCD_WF_EVENTand set the Linkage Activated field to active.

The following settings should be available:

Field Setting

Object Category CL ABAP Class


Receiver Type PUSH_DCD

Receiver Call M Method

Event Delivery Using tRFC (Default)

Linkage Activated Yes

Behavior Upon Error 3 Do not change linkage


Receiver Status 0 No errors

This is a technical settings – good to know for a functional consultant.

Summary of Conversion Steps which is a part of functional/Business Customizing:

Perform the following activities in sequence:

Activity Relevance SAP Node Comments

Set number of Jobs for Optional SPRO>Conversion to Typically, we can keep at 30 –

Activities in Mass Data SAP S/4HANA> depends on the number of
Framework resources/landscape of the

Migrate Credit Mandatory Migration to SAP Please refer the IMG

Management Customizing S/4HANA Finance documentation for detailed
Preparations and information.
Migration of
Customizing Preparatory
Activities and Migration
of Customizing for
Credit Managemen

Define Credit Analyst Optional This help in approvals of .Please refer the IMG
Group as Business Partner Credit Limit based on documentation for detailed
Group Credit Analysts. information.

Assign Credit Optional The above steps is Please refer the IMG
Representative Group to required for this step documentation for detailed
Credit Analyst Group information.

Define Customer Credit Optional Please refer the IMG

Group documentation for detailed
Assign Credit Management Optional Please refer the IMG
Group to Customer Credit documentation for detailed
Group information.

Check and Define Credit Mandatory This steps helps to identify the
Management Customizing consistency of configuration or
issues if any.

Define Settings for Credit Mandatory Please refer the IMG

Management Migration documentation for detailed

Check Customizing Mandatory Please refer the IMG

Settings documentation for detailed

After the above steps are It would be good idea to start

completed – the next steps the Credit Management Data
is to start the Data Migration after the Accounting
Migration Migration(FI) is completed.
(Not set to complete please)

Migrate Credit Mandatory

Management Master Data

Display Status of Migration Mandatory

of Credit Management
Master Data

Migrate Credit Mandatory As prerequisite for this step,

Management Exposure you must have completed the
Finance data migration to SAP
S/4HANA up to the following
activity in Customizing:
Migration to SAP S/4HANA
Finance Data Migration Start
and Monitor Data Migration

Display Status of Credit Mandatory Initialize Documented Credit

Management Exposure Decisions

Initialize Documented Mandatory DCD setting are pre-requisite

Credit Decisions

Display Status of Mandatory

Initialization of
Documented Credit

Reconcile Documented Mandatory

Credit Decisions

Please refer the IMG documentation to understand in much detail.

Define Credit Master Data in Business Partner – this can be scheduled to a batch job through fiori app or through

Workflow Settings – to be configured based on the requirements. Some concepts mentioned in this blog.

The last step in FI Data Migration is to set it to complete.

We need to ensure all the FI related Data migration activities are completed in sequence as per SPRO>Conversion to
SAP S/4HANA, before setting it to complete. As this step is very critical.

Please note, to do the testing after the conversion/data enrichment is done, before taking it to production, just to
ensure things are fine and as usual with enhanced functionality/features.

Thought of providing the screen shot about Documented Credit Decision how it looks.

Documented Credit Decision (DCD):

Little background about the structure of DCD – it uses the Case Management component as the technical basis for
processing the DCD.

Transaction code:

UKM_CASE – Cases in SAP Credit Management

UKM_MY_DCDS – My Documented Credit Decisions

The documented credit decision for the document contains a range of specific attributes, such as the business
partner, the credit segment, the open and checked credit value, the key and status of the blocked SD document, and
information about approval process etc. We can find the change layout option to see further information.

The below screen shot indicates the attributes of – these attributes are a part of the configuration.
To sum up, below is the single chart of the above – may be a ready reckon-er!!.


2270544 – S4TWL – Credit Management

2217124 – S/4 HANA: Credit Management Changes in SD

2227014 – S/4 HANA: Credit Management Changes in FI

2267306 – S4TWL – SD Simplified Data Models

2518127 – Handling of KNKK-KNKLI and KNKK-KUNNR during credit management migration

2700336 – RMCS1US1 and RMCS1US3 userexits during credit release from DCDs in SAP Credit Management

2760814 – Deactivate / Activate SAP Credit Management

2788718 – Configuration checklist for SAP Credit Management (FSCM)

2554785 – Upon opening transactions VKM2/VKM3 in an SAP S/4HANA system either a short dump or an error
message occurs


Hope this blog provided a high level perspective about conversion activities from FI-AR-CR to FSCM-CM. And

met its objective…. Learning is a continuous journey.

Thank you for reading my blog!

have a good time!!



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