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2014 Delirium in Elderly People

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Delirium in elderly people

Sharon K Inouye, Rudi G J Westendorp, Jane S Saczynski

Delirium is an acute disorder of attention and cognition in elderly people (ie, those aged 65 years or older) that is Published Online
common, serious, costly, under-recognised, and often fatal. A formal cognitive assessment and history of acute onset August 28, 2013
of symptoms are necessary for diagnosis. In view of the complex multifactorial causes of delirium, multicomponent S0140-6736(13)60688-1
non-pharmacological risk factor approaches are the most effective strategy for prevention. No convincing evidence Department of Medicine, Beth
shows that pharmacological prevention or treatment is effective. Drug reduction for sedation and analgesia and non- Israel Deaconess Medical
pharmacological approaches are recommended. Delirium offers opportunities to elucidate brain pathophysiology— Center, Harvard Medical
it serves both as a marker of brain vulnerability with decreased reserve and as a potential mechanism for permanent School, Boston, MA, USA
(Prof S K Inouye MD); Aging
cognitive damage. As a potent indicator of patients’ safety, delirium provides a target for system-wide process Brain Center, Institute for
improvements. Public health priorities include improvements in coding, reimbursement from insurers, and research Aging Research, Hebrew
funding, and widespread education for clinicians and the public about the importance of delirium. SeniorLife, Boston, MA, USA
(Prof S K Inouye); Leiden
University Medical Center,
Introduction Leiden, Netherlands
Despite first being described more than 2500 years ago, Epidemiology (STROBE) criteria for setting, participants, (Prof R G J Westendorp MD);
delirium remains frequently unrecognised and poorly measurement, and statistical methods,13 and use of a Leyden Academy on Vitality
understood. Delirium—an acute decline in cognitive validated delirium instrument. We chose this timeframe and Ageing, Leiden,
functioning—is a common, serious, and often-fatal to update information gathered for a previous (Prof R G J Westendorp); and
disorder that affects as much as 50% of elderly people (ie, comprehensive review.14 An additional inclusion criterion Division of Geriatric Medicine
those aged 65 years or older) in hospital, and costs more for incidence studies was serial delirium assessments and Meyers Primary Care
Institute, University of
than US$164 billion per year in the USA1 and more than with intervals of no longer than 3 days by trained research
Massachusetts Medical School,
$182 billion per year2,3 in 18 European countries combined staff or clinicians. Table 1 presents the prevalence rates Worcester, MA, USA
(2011 estimates; appendix). Delirium is preventable (present on admission) and incidence rates (new onset) (J S Saczynski PhD)
in 30–40% of cases,4,5 and thus holds substantial public of delirium across different populations as described Correspondence to:
health relevance as a target for interventions to prevent in 35 selected studies (appendix). The sum of prevalence Dr Sharon K Inouye, Aging Brain
the associated burden of downstream complications and and incidence yields the overall occurrence rate in each Center, Institute for Aging
Research, Hebrew
costs.6 Accordingly, delirium is now included on patients’ setting. The highest incidence rates were noted in SeniorLife, 1200 Centre Street,
safety agendas7 and has been increasingly used as an intensive-care unit ICU and in postoperative and Boston, MA 02131, USA
indicator of health-care quality for elderly people.8,9 palliative care settings. Because many of these 35 studies agingbraincenter@hsl.harvard.
Delirium can be thought of as acute brain failure—ie, a excluded patients with cognitive impairment or dementia edu

multifactorial syndrome analogous to acute heart at baseline, true incidence is probably underestimated.
failure—and might provide a novel approach to In general medical and old age medicine wards, the See Online for appendix

elucidation of brain functioning and pathophysiology. prevalence of delirium (present on admission) of 18–35%
Delirium can have acute onset in response to noxious should be added to the incidences, yielding an overall
insults (such as major surgery or sepsis), and might help occurrence in these settings of 29–64% (table 1). The
to shed light on cognitive reserve—ie, the brain’s prevalence of delirium in the community is low (1–2%),
resilience to external factors.10 In this context, delirium but onset usually brings the patient to emergency care.
could be a marker of the vulnerable brain with diminished
reserve capacity. Evidence suggests that the trajectory of
normal cognitive ageing might not be a linear decline, Search strategy and selection criteria
but rather a series of punctuated declines and recoveries We comprehensively searched Medline, PubMed, and reference lists from relevant original
in the face of delirium and major medical insults.11,12 articles and systematic reviews (appendix) with the terms “delirium”, “acute confusion”, and
Furthermore, accumulating evidence suggests that “organic brain syndrome” for papers published in English between Jan 1, 1990, and Aug 31,
delirium itself might lead to permanent cognitive decline 2012. To provide an overview of epidemiology, causes, and non-pharmacological and
and dementia in some patients. We provide a state-of-the- pharmacological management of delirium, we reviewed work published between Jan 1,
art review of delirium to guide clinical practice and 2004, and Dec 31, 2012, to update a previous comprehensive review, with the exceptions of
elucidate important topics for future research. validated risk prediction models and non-pharmacological studies, for which we expanded
our search to include original articles published between Jan 1, 1990, and Dec 31, 2012. All
Epidemiology data presented are taken from original papers, and we did not do meta-analyses. The
On the basis of a systematic review of medical literature pathophysiology search used the same search terms with the addition of “etiology”,
published between Jan 1, 2004, and Aug 31, 2012, we “pathophysiology”, “physiopathology”, or “pathogenesis”. Our goal was to provide a
selected articles about the incidence and outcomes of comprehensive review of primary articles, and thus systematic reviews and meta-analyses
delirium by the following criteria: sample size of 100 or were not routinely included; however, we checked the reference lists of such papers to
more, prospective sampling framework, satisfaction of ensure the comprehensive inclusion of primary articles in our review process (appendix).
Strengthening the Reporting of OBservational Studies in Published online August 28, 2013 1


medicine wards; ICUs or stroke or dementia units;

Prevalence (%)* Incidence (%)* Outcomes (adjusted RR†)
nursing homes; and emergency departments. Compared
Surgical with those who do not develop delirium, patients who
Cardiac ·· 11–46 Cognitive dysfunction 1·7; develop delirium in the ICU have a two-to-four-times
functional decline 1·9
increased risk of death both in and out of hospital,15–18
Non-cardiac ·· 13–50 Functional decline 2·1;
cognitive dysfunction 1·6 those who develop delirium on general medicine or old
Orthopaedic 17 12–51 Dementia or cognitive
age medicine wards have a one-and-a-half times increased
dysfunction 6·4–41·2; risk for death in the year after hospital admission,19–21 and
admission to institution 5·6 those with delirium who present in the emergency
Medical department have a roughly 70% increased risk of death
General medical 18–35 11–14 Mortality 1·5–1·6; during the first 6 months after the visit.22 Cognitive
functional decline 1·5 impairment is common (>50%) in surgical patients who
Old age medicine 25 20–29 Falls 1·3; mortality 1·9; develop delirium, and impairments last as long as a year
admission to institution 2·5
postoperatively.12,23,24 Physical function is impaired
Intensive care 7–50 19–82 Mortality 1·4–13·0;
longer length of stay 1·4–2·1; for 30 days or more after discharge in surgical and non-
extended mechanical surgical patients who develop delirium.20,25,26 Delirium at
ventilation 8·6 admission to postacute care is associated with a five-times
Stroke ·· 10–27 Mortality 2·0; any of increased increased risk of mortality at 6 months.27 In elderly
length of stay, functional
patients with dementia, delirium is associated with
impairment, or death 2·1
increased rates of cognitive decline,28–30 admission to
Dementia 18 56 Cognitive decline 1·6–3·1;
admission to an institution 9·3; institutions,29 and mortality.29
mortality 5·4
Palliative care, cancer ·· 47 ·· Causes
Nursing home or postacute care 14 20–22 Mortality 4·9 Although a single factor can lead to delirium, usually
Emergency department 8–17 ·· Mortality 1·7 delirium is multifactorial in elderly people.
The multifactorial model of the cause of delirium has been
Some data are provided as ranges. All values were derived from selected articles with sample sizes of 100 or more that
satisfied the Strengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) criteria for setting,
well validated and widely accepted.31 Development of
participants, measurement, and statistical methods, and included a validated delirium instrument. An additional delirium is dependent on complex inter-relationships
inclusion criterion for incidence studies was serial delirium assessments no more than 3 days apart by trained research between vulnerable patients with several predisposing
staff or clinicians. The appendix contains a complete list of references and further details on all articles. RR=relative risk.
factors and exposure to noxious insults or precipitating
*Sum of prevalence and incidence yields overall occurrence rates of delirium in each setting. †Derived from studies that
provided adjustment for at least one covariable. factors (figure). Thus, in vulnerable patients, such as those
with underlying dementia and multimorbidity, a seemingly
Table 1: Incidence of delirium and associated outcomes, by population
benign insult—eg, a dose of a sedative–hypnotic drug—
might be enough to precipitate delirium. Conversely, in a
young, healthy patient, delirium will develop only after
Predisposing factors or vulnerability Precipitating factors or insults
exposure to a series of noxious insults, such as general
High vulnerability Noxious insult anaesthesia, major surgery, several psychoactive drugs, a
stay in an ICU, or sleep deprivation. Clinically, the
implications of this multifactorial causation are that
addressing of a single risk factor is unlikely to resolve
delirium, and that multicomponent approaches will be
most effective for both prevention and treatment.
Many risk factors for delirium have been identified.14,32
Low vulnerability Less noxious insult Table 2 shows predisposing and precipitating factors
Figure: Multifactorial model of delirium in older people
identified from 11 studies that had prospectively validated
Onset of delirium is dependent on a complex interaction between the patient’s prediction models for delirium across different clinical
baseline vulnerability (predisposing factors) at admission and precipitating fac- populations, including medical, surgical (non-cardiac
tors or noxious insults occurring during hospital admission. Adapted from Inouye and cardiac), and intensive care. The leading risk factors
and Charpentier,31 by permission of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
consistently identified at admission in both medical and
On presentation to the emergency department, delirium non-cardiac surgery populations were dementia or
is present in 8–17% of all elderly people and 40% of cognitive impairment, functional impairment, visual
nursing home residents. impairment, history of alcohol misuse, and advanced
Table 1 lists adverse outcomes associated with delirium age (>70 years). Comorbidity burden or presence of
drawn from selected studies that included adjustment for specific comorbidities (eg, stroke, depression) were
confounders. Delirium is consistently associated with associated with an increased risk in all populations. In
increased mortality across all non-surgical populations of an ICU-based study, younger patients (ie, those younger
patients, including those in general medicine or old age than 65 years) were included and baseline factors (eg,

2 Published online August 28, 2013


dementia, functional impairment) were not significant

General Surgery Intensive-
independent predictors. medicine care unit
Precipitating factors vary across populations.
Non-cardiac Cardiac
In medical patients, polypharmacy, use of psychoactive
drugs, and physical restraints were the leading factors, Predisposing factors

conferring as much as a four-and-a-half-times increased Dementia 2·3–4·7 2·8 ·· ··

risk. Abnormal laboratory measurements were risk Cognitive impairment 2·1–2·8 3·5–4·2 1·3 ··
factors in all populations, and conferred between a 40% History of delirium ·· 3·0 ·· ··
and 500% increased risk. Although a complete list of the Functional impairment 4·0 2·5–3·5 ·· ··
medical and neurological diseases that can cause or Visual impairment 2·1–3·5 1·1–3·0 ·· ··
contribute to delirium is beyond the scope of this Review, Hearing impairment ·· 1·3 ·· ··
clinicians should remain aware that both common and Comorbidity or severity of illness 1·3–5·6 4·3 ·· 1·1
rare disorders can present with delirium. Depression 3·2 ·· 1·2 ··
Predictive models for delirium are useful to identify History of transient ischaemia or stroke ·· ·· 1·6 ··
high-risk patients for proactive implementation of Alcohol misuse 5·7 1·4–3·3 ·· ··
preventive strategies, patients who need close Older age (≥75 years) 4·0 3·3–6·6 ·· 1·1
monitoring, and vulnerability factors for intervention; for Precipitating factors
prognostic decision making; and for determination of Drugs
clinical trial eligibility. The ability to stratify risk can help Several drugs used 2·9 ·· ·· ··
physicians to explain risks to patients and families and Psychoactive drugs 4·5 ·· ·· ··
can help families to better understand the recovery Sedatives or hypnotics ·· ·· ·· 4·5
process and potential outcomes. Use of physical restraints 3·2–4·4 ·· ·· ··
Use of bladder catheter 2·4 ·· ·· ··
Pathophysiology Physiological
In view of the complex multifactorial causation of Increased serum urea 5·1 ·· ·· 1·1
delirium, each individual episode probably has a unique Increased BUN:creatinine ratio 2·0 2·9 ·· ··
set of component contributors; each set represents a Abnormal serum albumin ·· ·· 1·4 ··
discrete yet sufficient causal mechanism. Thus, a single Abnormal sodium, glucose, or potassium ·· 3·4 ·· ··
cause or mechanism for delirium will probably not be Metabolic acidosis ·· ·· ·· 1·4
discovered. Rather, accumulating evidence suggests that Infection ·· ·· ·· 3·1
several different sets of interacting biological factors Any iatrogenic event 1·9 ·· ·· ··
result in disruption of large-scale neuronal networks in
the brain, leading to acute cognitive dysfunction.33 Some
Aortic aneurysm ·· 8·3 ·· ··
of the leading mechanisms postulated to contribute to
Non-cardiac thoracic ·· 3·5 ·· ··
delirium include neurotransmitters, inflammation,
Neurosurgery ·· ·· ·· 4·5
physiological stressors, metabolic derangements,
Trauma admission ·· ·· ·· 3·4
electrolyte disorders, and genetic factors (table 3). Many
Urgent admission ·· ·· ·· 1·5
factors can interfere directly with neurotransmission or
Coma ·· ·· ·· 1·8–21·3
cellular metabolism,34 including drugs,35 and biological
factors such as hypercortisolism,36 electrolyte Data are relative risks. Some data are reported as ranges. The appendix contains a complete list of references.
disturbances,37 hypoxia,38 and impaired glucose BUN=blood urea nitrogen.
oxidation.39 Many neurotransmitters are potentially Table 2: Risk factors for delirium from validated predictive models
implicated,40 but cholinergic deficiency or dopamine
excess, or both, are the most frequently linked to
delirium,41,42 and correlate with the adverse effects of disruption of the blood–brain barrier,46 and microglial
anticholinergic or dopaminergic drugs.43 activation.47 Distinction between local and distant
Other causal mechanisms interfere with pathological changes might not be possible, however,
neurotransmission more indirectly. For instance, the because the different inflammatory factors and
systemic inflammatory response in sepsis can result in a neurotransmitters are closely intertwined.48
cascade of local (brain) neuroinflammation triggered by Advanced neuroimaging techniques might provide
inflammatory cytokines, leading to endothelial further insights into pathophysiology. Local and distant
activation, impaired blood flow, and neuronal apoptosis. factors together account for overall and regional perfusion
Neuroinflammation can lead to microglial overactivation, abnormalities noted in brains of people with delirium.49,50
resulting in a neurotoxic response with further neuronal Total cerebral and regional perfusion are decreased as a
injury.44 Peripheral inflammation can activate the CNS result of impaired cardiac output51 and loss of cerebral
by several routes, including vagal afferents, circulating autoregulation in the damaged brain,52 both of which are
proinflammatory cytokines,45 endothelial activation with hallmarks of sepsis per se.53 Furthermore, rapidly evolving Published online August 28, 2013 3


cerebrovascular disease or head trauma, can render them

Type of data Review
available published susceptible to delirium when biologically stressed,
especially when they have underlying cognitive
impairment.57 Depending on the underlying causal
Acetylcholine Experimental and Yes
observational mechanism, patients might overcome a delirious state
Dopamine Experimental and Yes without any residual effects or, alternatively, develop
observational permanent neurological sequelae.58,59 Understanding of
γ-aminobutyric acid Experimental and No the pathophysiological basis for the stressors and the
observational substrates leading to permanent damage from delirium
Melatonin Experimental and Yes will advance the notion of cognitive reserve, which will
open new avenues for risk stratification and treatment.60
Tryptophan or serotonin Observational Yes
Glutamate Observational No Diagnosis
Epinephrine or norepinephrine Hypothetical No Delirium is a clinical diagnosis, which is often un-
Proinflammatory markers No recognised and easily overlooked. Recognition of the
Interferon α or β Experimental Yes disorder necessitates brief cognitive screening and astute
Interleukin 6 Observational Yes clinical observation. Key diagnostic features include an
Interleukin 8 Observational Yes acute onset and fluctuating course of symptoms,
Interleukin 10 Observational No inattention, impaired consciousness, and disturbance of
Tumour necrosis factor α Hypothetical Yes cognition (eg, disorientation, memory impairment,
Interleukin 1β Hypothetical Yes language changes).61,62 Supportive features include
Prostaglandin E Hypothetical Yes disturbance in sleep–wake cycle, perceptual disturbances
Physiological stressors No (hallucinations or illusions), delusions, psychomotor
Cortisol Observational No disturbance (hypoactivity or hyperactivity), inappropriate
S100β Observational No behaviour, and emotional lability. The current reference
Neopterin Observational No standard diagnostic criteria are the 5th edition of
Hypoxia Observational No American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and
Metabolic disorders No Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)63 and
Lactic acidosis Experimental and No WHO’s International Classification of
observational Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10)64 (appendix). More
Hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia Observational No than 24 delirium instruments have been used in
IGF1 Observational Yes published studies.65,66 The most widely used instrument
Hypercapnia Hypothetical Yes for identification of delirium is the Confusion Assessment
Electrolyte disorders No Method (CAM; appendix),6,61,66,67 which has been validated
Sodium, calcium, magnesium Experimental and No in high-quality studies including more than 1000 patients,
observational with sensitivity of 94%, specificity of 89%, and high inter-
Genetic factors rater reliability. Cognitive testing and training are
Apolipoprotein E Observational Yes recommended for optimum use. CAM, which has been
Glucocorticoid receptor Observational No used in more than 4000 published studies so far and
Dopamine transporter or receptor Observational Yes translated into at least 12 languages, has been adapted for
Toll-like receptor 4 Hypothetical No use in ICUs,68 emergency departments,69 and nursing
homes, where it is now included as part of the Minimum
Experimental means that controlled data—eg, from clinical trials or inference
from unintended side-effects in human beings, or both—are available. Data Set70 (a standardised comprehensive assessment of
Observational means that only observational data are available in human beings. all residents in US long-term care facilities). Behavioural
Hypothetical means that that studies in human beings are not yet available to checklists for delirium symptoms, such as delirium
support the mechanism. The appendix contains a complete list of references.
observation screening,71 nursing delirium screening
Table 3: Potential pathophysiological contributors to delirium checklist,72 and NEECHAM,73 are used particularly in
nursing-based studies. The most widely used instruments
functional imaging techniques might help to differentiate to measure the severity of delirium are the delirium
pre-existing changes and newly acquired structural rating scale74,75 and memorial delirium assessment scale.76
damage related to delirium.54 Summation of items from CAM has been used as a
Although delirium can occur at any age, children and severity indicator.4,77,78 A validated chart review method for
elderly people carry the highest risks. In children, identification of delirium has been developed for
neuronal networks that are underdeveloped and less retrospective identification,79 but its sensitivity is more
complex might be easily perturbed.55 In old people, limited than that of CAM. The Family Confusion
gradual accumulation of permanent damage to neurons, Assessment Method (FAM-CAM) has been developed to
dendrites, receptors, and microglia,56 and the effects of identify delirium symptoms on the basis of reports from

4 Published online August 28, 2013


History Check baseline cognitive function and recent (within past 2 weeks) changes in mental status (eg, family, staff)
Recent changes in disorder, new diagnoses, complete review of systems
Review all current drugs (including over-the-counter and herbal preparations); pay special attention to new
drugs and drug interactions
Review alcohol and sedative use
Assess for pain and discomfort (eg, urinary retention, constipation, thirst)
Vital signs Measure temperature, oxygen saturation, fingerstick glucose concentration
Take postural vital signs as needed
Physical and neurological examination Search for signs of occult infection, dehydration, acute abdominal pain, deep vein thrombosis, other acute
illness; assess for sensory impairments
Search for focal neurological changes and meningeal signs
Targeted laboratory assessment Consider full blood count; urinalysis; measurement of concentrations of electrolyres, calcium, and glucose;
(selected tests based on clues from history measurement of renal, liver, and thyroid function; taking cultures of urine, blood, sputum; measurement of
and physical)* drug concentrations; measurement of concentrations of ammonia, vitamin B12, and cortisol
Measure arterial blood gas
Do electrocardiography
Chest radiography
Lumbar puncture should be reserved for assessment of fever with headache and meningeal signs or suspicion
of encephalitis
Targeted neuroimaging (selected patients) Assess focal neurological changes (stroke can present as delirium)
Test for suspected encephalitis (for temporal lobe changes)
Assess patients with histories or signs of head trauma
Electroencephalography Assess for occult seizures
(selected patients) Differentiate psychiatric disorder from delirium
Drug adjustments Reduce or remove psychoactive drugs (eg, anticholinergics, sedatives or hypnotics, opioids); lower dosages;
avoid as required dosing
Substitute less toxic alternatives
Use non-pharmacological approaches for sleep and anxiety, including music, massage, relaxation techniques
Address acute medical issues Treat problems identified in work-up (eg, infection, metabolic disorders)
Maintain hydration and nutrition
Treat hypoxia
Reorientation strategies Encourage family involvement; use companions as needed
Address sensory impairment; provide eyeglasses, hearing aids, interpreters
Maintain safe mobility Avoid use of physical restraints, tethers, and bed alarms
Ambulate patient at least three times per day; active range-of-motion
Encourage self-care and regular communication
Normalise sleep–wake cycle Discourage napping and encourage exposure to bright light during the day
Try to provide uninterrupted period for sleep at night
Provide non-pharmacological sleep protocol and quiet room at night with low level lighting
Pharmacological management Reserve for patients with severe agitation that interrupts essential treatment (eg, intubation) or severe
psychotic symptoms
Start with low doses and titrate until effect achieved; haloperidol 0·25–0·5 mg orally or intramuscularly twice a
day is preferred; atypical antipsychotics close in effectiveness

*Not all of these tests should be done in all patients; rather, specific tests should be guided by history, physical examination, and previous results.

Table 4: Assessment and management of suspected delirium

family and informal caregivers, and could help with early tests, such as the short portable mental status
recognition of delirium.80 questionnaire,81 the mini-cog,82 or the Montreal cognitive
assessment,83 should be done. When time is very scarce,
Assessment and work-up assessment of orientation and an attention task, such as
The most important step is establishment of the naming of days of the week (no errors should be allowed)
diagnosis of delirium by obtaining a history from an or months of the year (one error should be allowed)
informed observer (eg, family member, caregiver, or staff backwards, serial sevens (one error should be allowed for
member) and doing a brief cognitive assessment. To five subtractions), or recitation of digit spans (normally
differentiate delirium from dementia, an accurate history three or more) backwards can substitute for basic
is crucial to establish the patient’s baseline and acuity of screening. These cognitive tests are needed to establish if
mental status change, to recognise the fluctuations in the patient fulfils criteria for delirium.
cognition and other symptoms typical of delirium, and to In view of the high rates of adverse outcomes and
identify possible causes. Formal cognitive screening mortality, any suspected or uncertain cases (including Published online August 28, 2013 5


patients with lethargy or those who are unable to For initial symptom management, non-pharma-
complete an interview) should be treated as delirium cological approaches are the first-line strategy and include
until proven otherwise. Initial management has three discontinuation or dose reduction of anticholinergic and
simultaneous priorities—specifically, maintenance of the psychoactive drugs, family or companion involvement for
patient’s safety, identification of the cause or causes, and reorientation and comfort, non-pharmacological
management of symptoms. In terms of safety, efforts approaches to sleep and relaxation (eg, a glass of warm
should focus on protection of the airway and prevention milk or herbal tea, relaxation music, back rubs),93 creation
of aspiration, maintenance of hydration and nutrition, of a quiet, soothing, warm environment, and pain
prevention of skin breakdown, and provision of safe management. Drugs should be used only in severely
mobility while preventing falls. Restraints and bed agitated patients in whom interruption of essential
alarms increase risk and persistence of delirium and medical therapies (eg, mechanical ventilation, dialysis
injury and should be avoided.84,85 catheters) or self-harm is a risk, or in patients with
Table 4 summarises the suggested work-up and initial extremely distressing psychotic symptoms (eg,
management of delirium. Several fundamental points hallucinations, delusions).
should be emphasised. First, delirium can be the
harbinger of a medical emergency, and thus all patients Non-pharmacological prevention and treatment
presenting with delirium should be screened for acute Primary prevention with non-pharmacological
physiological disturbances—eg, hypoxaemia, hypo- multicomponent approaches is widely accepted as the
glycaemia, and high arterial carbon dioxide concentra- most effective strategy for delirium.6,14,67 The appendix
tions. Second, the disease can have occult or atypical lists non-pharmacological approaches from 13 studies,
presentation in older people—eg, in octogenarians, each of which included 25 or more patients in both
myocardial infarction presents more often as delirium intervention and control groups, applied a prospective
than as the classic presentation of chest pain or shortness sampling framework, included a validated delirium
of breath. Thus, a family member’s non-specific assessment, and achieved a modified Jadad (0–6) score94
complaint that the patient is not himself or herself of at least 4 points. Two reviewers rated each article
should never be taken lightly. Third, diagnostic independently and reached consensus.
assessments (eg, laboratory testing, neuroimaging) The most widely disseminated approach is the Hospital
should be targeted on the basis of the patient’s history Elder Life Program (HELP),4,95,96 a multicomponent
and physical examination—untargeted testing will intervention strategy with proven effectiveness and cost-
probably have low yields.86 effectiveness in the prevention of delirium and functional
Electroencephalography (EEG) has little sensitivity and decline97,98 through targeting of risk factors for delirium.
specificity in the diagnosis of delirium. However, delirium The interventions include reorientation, therapeutic
does have a characteristic pattern of diffuse slowing with activities, reduced use and doses of psychoactive drugs,
increased theta and delta activity and poor organisation of early mobilisation, promotion of sleep, maintenance of
background rhythm, which correlates with severity of adequate hydration and nutrition, and provision of vision
delirium. EEG can be particularly useful in the and hearing adaptations. The programme should be
differentiation of organic causes from functional or implemented by a skilled interdisciplinary team, who
psychiatric disorders in difficult-to-assess patients, should be assisted by either nursing staff or trained
assessment of deteriorating mental status in patients volunteers. Although originally assessed in a large-scale
with dementia, and identification of occult seizures (eg, controlled clinical trial, more than ten follow-up studies
non-convulsive status epilepticus, atypical complex partial have shown that the programme is effective in diverse
seizures).87,88 Quantitative and spectral EEG might be of settings and populations.99–101 HELP is now implemented
use in assessments of delirium, but their performance in more than 200 hospitals worldwide, but adaptations
characteristics need further investigation. Neuroimaging, and alternatives may be necessary in some settings
including non-contrast head CT and MRI, is low yield in because of resource constraints or poor availability of
unselected patients. It is recommended to assess acute skilled interdisciplinary old age medicine professionals.
focal neurological findings (because patients with strokes Factors crucial to initiate and sustain the programme are
or haemorrhages can present with delirium) and in internal support, effective champions, programme
patients with a history or signs of recent fall or head fidelity while adapting to local circumstances,
trauma, fever and suspected encephalitis, or decreased documentation of positive outcomes, and long-term
consciousness of unidentified cause.89,90 Brain scans are funding and resources.102,103 Savings of roughly $9000 per
normal in more than 98% of patients whose delirium has patient per year have been estimated.1,98,101
an identified medical cause or who have pre-existing Proactive old age medicine consultation is another
dementia.91 Lumbar puncture should be considered92 successful approach that has been assessed in a
when meningitis, encephalitis, or subarachnoid randomised controlled trial.5 Old age medicine specialists
hemorrhage is suspected, and might be indicated when make recommendations before and after surgery on the
delirium is persistent or no cause can be identified. basis of ten structured modules, including hydration,

6 Published online August 28, 2013


pain management, nutrition, and mobilisation. The delirium have been identified, but the fundamental
success of this strategy, however, is integrally linked to pathophysiological basis remains obscure. Important
adherence to his or her recommendations. knowledge gaps need to be addressed.
Other non-pharmacological interventions that have
been studied (appendix) include multifactorial targeted Delirium and dementia
interventions, delirium screening and intervention on Is delirium simply a marker of vulnerability to dementia,
old age medicine units, staff training or educational or does delirium itself lead to dementia? This question is
programmes, and interdisciplinary consultation. the subject of much controversy, but ultimately both
Approaches in the past 6 years have included hypotheses are probably true. An episode of delirium can
interventions delivered by family members and mobility signal vulnerability of the brain, with decreased cognitive
or rehabilitation interventions, both of which are reserve and increased risk for future dementia, and
effective in the prevention of delirium. The use of delirium can bring previously unrecognised cognitive
earplugs at night was moderately efficacious in an impairment to medical attention. Delirium and dementia
ICU-based trial,104 and might be a useful adjunct to non- frequently coexist, and dementia is a leading risk factor for
pharmacological sleep protocols.93 Delirium rooms105— delirium (table 2). Furthermore, a growing body of
spaces that provide restraint-free care for patients with evidence, ranging from epidemiological studies to tissue
delirium, are staffed with specially trained nurses, and culture and animal studies, suggests that delirium leads to
promote non-pharmacological management approach- permanent cognitive impairment and dementia. A 2010
es—are an intriguing idea for provision of specialised meta-analysis107 of two studies (total n=241) showed that
management for patients with delirium, but have not yet delirium was associated with an increased rate of incident
been assessed in a controlled trial. Many studies of non- dementia (adjusted relative risk, 5·7, 95% CI 1·3–24·0).
pharmacological approaches have been hampered by In a sample of 225 cardiac surgery patients,12 delirium was
issues such as an absence of comparator groups or of associated with a severe punctuated decline in cognitive
prospective balanced allocation to study groups, or functioning, followed by recovery during 6–12 months in
unmasked assessment of outcomes. most patients. However, a substantial proportion of
patients, particularly those with prolonged delirium, never
Pharmacological prevention and treatment regained their baseline cognitive level. In 263 patients
The appendix lists 16 studies of pharmacological with Alzheimer’s disease,30 delirium was associated with a
approaches to delirium prevention and treatment that doubling of the rate of cognitive decline during the year
included at least 25 patients in both the intervention and after hospital admission and accelerated decline persisting
control groups, applied a prospective sampling during 5 years’ follow-up.
framework, included a validated delirium assessment, Further evidence supports a direct role for delirium in
and achieved a modified Jadad score94 of at least 4 points. dementia. In an important study of 553 people who were
No convincing, reproducible evidence of effectiveness has aged 85 years or older at baseline,58 the findings of which
been reported for any of these treatments. In six of the were neuropathologically confirmed, delirium in-
trials, rates of delirium did not differ significantly between creased the risk of incident dementia (odds
groups. In eight of the trials, treatment reduced delirium ratio 8·7, 95% CI 2·1–35·0). Alzheimer’s pathology was
rates but this reduction either had no effect on clinical significantly associated with dementia in patients without
outcomes (such as ICU admission, length of hospital delirium, whereas no such relationship was noted in
stay, complications, or mortality) or clinical outcomes those with delirium, suggesting alternative pathological
were not measured. In two trials, treatment resulted in mechanisms for dementia after delirium. This study was
potentially worse outcomes compared with placebo. limited, however, by a high rate of loss to follow-up.
Olanzapine reduced the incidence but increased the Previous studies in animal models and human
duration and severity of delirium (without reported neuronal cell cultures have shown that exposure to
clinical outcomes), and rivastigmine resulted in increased inhaled anaesthetics can induce neurotoxic effects,
duration and mortality. Different approaches were used including apoptosis, caspase activation, Aβ
to assess delirium in all 16 trials, and the populations oligomerisation and accumulation, neuroinflammation,
investigated were diverse. Thus, to generalise findings is and mitochondrial dysfunction.108,109 Preliminary results
difficult. Because of the preponderance of evidence, in human beings110 suggest that some inhaled
however, pharmacological approaches to prevention and anaesthetics (eg, isoflurane) might be more neurotoxic
treatment are not recommended at this time.6,106 than others. Important work111 in animal models of
delirium has shown that, in vulnerable animals, systemic
Controversies inflammatory insults can cause punctuated cognitive
Need for increased research decline typical of delirium, followed by acceleration in
Although delirium research has expanded greatly in the disease progression typical of dementia. Furthermore, a
past 30 years, many key aspects of the disorder remain dose of lipopolysaccharide, which induces an
poorly understood. Some biomarkers associated with inflammatory insult similar to that induced by a Published online August 28, 2013 7


Research priorities Public health priorities

Recognition Improve measurement for delirium—diagnosis, Improve coding and reimbursement
phenomenology, severity, and subtypes Educate clinicians and public about the importance and
Develop cost-effective approach for assessment and work-up recognition of delirium
Epidemiology Long-term follow-up studies of delirium to establish outcomes Assess economic and societal costs
Patient’s experience; distress, post-traumatic stress disorder Policy incentives to improve recognition and management
Genetic determinants of delirium risk Address caregiver burden
Risk stratification to identify high risk
Pathophysiology Neuroimaging approaches Improve funding for delirium research overall
So-called deliriomics to identify biomarkers Encourage interdisciplinary scientists to address the topic
Animal models for delirium
Prevention and treatment Assess long-term effects of non-pharmacological prevention Incentives for system-wide process and quality
Trials of drug reduction, more prudent and individualised improvements in detection, prevention, and treatment
approaches to sedation, anesthaesia, and analgesia Provider education about prevention and management
Combined approaches to management, such as music, massage, approaches
exercise, cognitive rehabilitation, and sleep enhancement Public education about avoiding of psychoactive drugs
(including over-the-counter drugs), limiting of alcohol use,
and enhancement of cognitive reserve; encourage exercise

Table 5: Research and public health priorities for delirium

moderate infection in human beings, induces neuronal Pathophysiological or prognostic differences

death, microglial activation, decreased regional blood Delirium has two major psychomotor forms—hypoactive
flow, and loss of cholinergic activation in animal and hyperactive. Although these two forms are distinctive
models.112 Such accumulating evidence strongly suggests clinically, patients can wax and wane between them during
that delirium contributes to, or mediates, or both, the course of a day or the course of the disorder. Patients
permanent cognitive impairment. Future human studies with acute alcohol withdrawal are more likely to present
that carefully establish baseline cognitive function, with the hyperactive than the hypoactive form. The mainly
control for confounding factors, and include long-term hypoactive form is more common in elderly patients, and
follow-up, including neuropsychological testing and has been generally associated with a worse prognosis.32
neuroimaging, will help to elucidate the relation further. EEG manifestations of hypoactive and hyperactive
delirium do not differ reliably.115 Delirium severity
Disorder of cognition or arousal? instruments tend to have more hyperactive symptoms
Historically, delirium was first categorised as a mental represented in their summative scores than hypoactive
status problem—a disorder of arousal with varying symptoms, which tends to lead to weighting of
degrees of obtundation. However, as a result of medical hyperactive delirium as more severe. Whether different
advances and more sophisticated observation, delirium causal mechanisms can be separated by clinical signs
is now deemed mainly a disorder of cognition, with and symptoms is unclear—ie, are there different,
attention and global cognitive impairments as the key recognisable phenotypes of delirium beyond the
features, rather than a primary disorder of arousal hypoactive and hyperactive forms?116, 117 Do specific clinical
alone.61,112 This distinction is important in the manifestations, such as hallucinations, suggest separate
identification of delirium that is most associated with pathophysiology or outcomes? Clarification of these
poor long-term outcomes. issues through improved delirium measurement
Clearly, delirium includes impairments in both methods and application of sophisticated neuroimaging
cognition and arousal in many cases. To distinguish an and pathophysiological approaches would have
oversedated patient from a delirious patient can be substantial ramifications for understanding of both the
challenging but is clinically relevant. Delirium lasting phenomenology and treatment of delirium.
for 2–3 days or longer has been associated with poorer
outcomes than have more transient episodes, which are Treatment strategies
often caused by psychoactive drugs.62,113 Sedation scales, Clinical trials for delirium management have focused
such as the Richmond agitation and sedation scale,68,114 mainly on antipsychotic or sedating drugs. Although
which are neither sensitive nor specific for delirium, such drugs can reduce the agitation and behavioural
should not be used alone, but rather in conjunction with symptoms associated with delirium, which are often
tests of attention and cognition (in patients with verbal vexing to health-care professionals, no evidence shows
ability) or other diagnostic assessments. Furthermore, the that antipsychotics or sedatives effectively improve
cause, pathophysiology, and management of oversedation, prognosis. In view of the limitations of measurement
which has its own prognostic risks, should be thought of instruments, these treatments might result in the
as distinct from the management of delirium. patient’s delirium switching from the hyperactive to the

8 Published online August 28, 2013


logical system to record delirium in health-care systems,

Panel: Summary messages for clinicians large-scale public health efforts will be severely limited.
• Assess for delirium in all elderly patients (ie, aged 65 years Comprehensive efforts to educate clinicians and the
or older) admitted to hospital. Use simple cognitive public about delirium, including about the disorder’s
screening and the Confusion Assessment Method, and get importance, recognition, risk factors, prevention, and
the history or timecourse of any cognitive changes from management, will be crucial to remedy under-recognition
an informed proxy. and mismanagement (panel). Delirium is as a potent and
• Assessment of drugs is a high-yield procedure. Reduce well recognised indicator of health-care quality across
psychoactive drugs as a first step whenever possible. many settings, and creation of incentives for system-
• Use non-pharmacological approaches to manage sleep, wide process improvement to address the disorder will
anxiety, and agitation. result in high-quality old age medical care overall.
• Reserve pharmacological approaches for patients with Because delirium is highly multifactorial and linked to
severe agitation who risk interruption of essential medical many other common syndromes of old age (such as falls,
treatment (eg, intubation) or self-injury, or have severe, pressure ulcers, functional decline, and incontinence),
distressing psychotic symptoms (eg, hallucinations, addressing delirium provides a highly practical and
delusions). effective strategy to improve outcomes, decrease costs,
• Involve family members in care, particularly for and raise the quality of health care system wide.
reorientation and prevention of self-harm. Contributors
• Avoid bedrest orders; encourage mobility and self-care. All authors contributed to selection of articles, synthesis of information
identified in the search, and drafting and editing of the paper or relevant
• Ensure that, if needed, patients have glasses, hearing aids,
sections thereof. RGJW focused on the pathophysiology section and JSS
and dentures (being able to see, hear, and eat is important on the epidemiology, cause, and non-pharmacological-management
in all health-care settings). sections. All authors have seen and approved the final version.
• Let patients know their schedule and keep them involved Conflicts of interest
in their care. Communicate regularly with patients and We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.
their families. Acknowledgments
We thank Margaret Puelle for extensive assistance with literature
searches and paper preparation, Jirong Yue for review and ratings of
hypoactive form (which is then not measured), prevention and treatment studies, Jacquelyn Hyde and Benham Sabayan
for assistance with literature searches, and Margaret Demille for
contributing to these poor outcomes. A growing body of editorial assistance. This work is dedicated to the memory of
evidence suggests that antipsychotics and sedatives can Joshua Bryan Inouye Helfand and Mitsuo Inouye. SKI was partly
prolong the duration of delirium and associated cognitive supported by the National Institute on Aging (grant number
impairments, and worsen clinical outcomes. Thus, to P01AG031720) and the Milton and Shirley F Levy Family Chair; RGJW by
the Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing; and JSS by the US National
consider other approaches—including non- Institutes of Health (grant numbers K01AG033643 and U01HL10526).
pharmacological strategies, cognitive rehabilitation, drug
reduction, drug-sparing approaches (ie, substitution for 1 Leslie DL, Marcantonio ER, Zhang Y, Leo-Summers L, Inouye SK.
less toxic alternatives), and treatments targeted towards One-year health care costs associated with delirium in the elderly
population. Arch Intern Med 2008; 168: 27–32.
inflammation, neuroprotection, sleep enhancement (eg,
2 WHO Regional Office for Europe. European hospital morbidity
melatonin), or reduction of pain and stress (including database. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 2012.
complementary and alternative medicine)—is crucial. 3 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD
Management of delirium should be focused on health data 2012. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, 2012.
treatments that enhance recovery, maximise functional 4 Inouye SK, Bogardus ST Jr, Charpentier PA, et al.
status, and improve clinical outcomes. A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hospitalized
older patients. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 669–76.
Future directions and recommendations 5 Marcantonio ER, Flacker JM, Wright RJ, Resnick NM. Reducing
delirium after hip fracture: a randomized trial.
Although many knowledge gaps remain, available J Am Geriatr Soc 2001; 49: 516–22.
evidence in delirium provides a clear path to move forward. 6 O’Mahony R, Murthy L, Akunne A, Young J. Synopsis of the
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prevention of delirium. Ann Intern Med 2011; 154: 746–51.
and the concomitant public health priorities necessary for 7 Wachter RM. Understanding patient safety, 2nd edn. New York:
progress. Each research domain should be coupled with McGraw-Hill Medical, 2012.
translation into practice and policy to effect change. 8 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). National
quality clearinghouse measure: delirium: proportion of patients
Important public health and policy priorities should meeting diagnostic criteria on the confusion assessment method
include more logical coding and insurance-based (CAM).
reimbursement strategies for delirium. At least 11 codes aspx?id=27635 (accessed Jan 3, 2013).
9 Shekelle PG, MacLean CH, Morton SC, Wenger NS. Acove quality
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delirium cases are coded in medical records.79 Without a Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010; 18: 117–27. Published online August 28, 2013 9


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