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10 Science

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Roll No. .......................

[Total No. of Questions: 19] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 14]
jmwq dsvIN
swlwnw pRIiKAw pRxwlI
SCIENCE (Theory)
(Punjabi and English Versions)
(Moring Session)
Time allowed: Three hours Maximum marks: 80
(Punjabi Version)
i) AwpxI au`qr-p`qrI dy tweItl pMny 'qy ivSw-kof/pypr-kof vwly Kwny iv`c ivSw-kof/pypr-kof 05/A
zrUr drj kro jI[
ii) au`qr-p`qrI lYNdy hI ies dy pMny igx ky dyK lE ik ies iv`c tweItl sihq 26 pMny hn Aqy TIk
kRmvwr hn[
iii) au`qr-p`qrI iv`c KwlI pMnw/pMny C`fx qoN bwAd h`l kIqy gey pRSn/pRSnW dw mulWkx nhIN kIqw
iv) swry Bwg zrUrI hn[
v) pRSn p`qr 4 BwgW (a,A,e,s) iv`c vMifAw igAw hY[
vi) Bwg-a dw hr pRSn 1 AMk, Bwg-A dw 2 AMk, Bwg-e dw 3 AMk Aqy Bwg-s dw 5 AMkW dw hY[
vii) Bwg-s dy pRSn nMbr 17,18 Aqy 19 iv`coN ie`k-ie`k pRSn dw au`qr idau, kul iqMn pRSn krny hn[
viii) au`qr sMKyp Aqy FukvyN idau[ loV Anuswr AMikq ic`qr bxwE[
ix) pRSn-p`qr qy bxy ic`qrW nUM au`qr pusqkW qy bxwaux dI loV nhIN[ kyvl loVINdw au`qr idau[

Bwg (a) (AMk:30)

1. hyT iliKAW iv`coN shI ivklp cuxo:
I. hyT ilKI geI rswieixk ikirAw dy sMbMD iv`c ikhVy kQn shI hn:
2PbO(s) + C(s) → 2Pb(s) + CO2 (g)
(a) lY~f dw lGUkrn ho irhw hY[
(b) kwrbn fweIAwksweIf dw AwksIkrn ho irhw hY[
(c) kwrbn dw AwksIkrn ho irhw hY[
(d) lY~f AwksweIf dw lGUkrn ho irhw hY[
(i) (a) Aqy (b)
(ii) (a) Aqy (c)
(iii) (a), (b) Aqy (c)
(iv) swry
II. Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe
auprokq rswieixk ikirAw ie`k audwhrx hY:
(a) sMXojn ikirAw (A) dUhrw ivsQwpn ikirAw
(e) ApGtn ikirAw (s) ivsQwpn ikirAw
III. kI huMdw hY jdoN pqlw hweIfrokloirk AYisf loh cUrn au`qy pwieAw jWdw hY ?
(a) hweIfrojn gYs Aqy Awiern klorweIf pYdw huMdy hn[
(A) klorIn gYs Aqy Awiern hweIfroksweIf pYdw huMdy hn[
(e) koeI ikirAw nhI huMdI[
(s) Awiern, lUx Aqy pwxI pYdw huMdy hn[
IV. ie`k Gol lwl iltms nMU nIlw kr idMdw hY, ies dw sMBv qOr qy pH hY:
(a) 1 (A) 4 (e) 5 (s) 10
V. ie`k Gol AMfy dy iClky dy bwrIk tukiVAW nwl ikirAw krky ie`k gYs pYdw krdw hY[jo cUny dy pwxI
nMU duDIAw kr idMdI hY[Gol iv`c mOjUd hY:
(a) NaCl (A) HCl (e) LiCl (s) KCl
VI. hyT iliKAW iv`co ikhVI iksm dI dvweI bdhzmI dw ielwj krn leI vrqI jWdI hY?
(a) AYNtIbwieauitk (Antibiotic)
(A) AnwljYisk (Analgesic)
(e) AYNtAYisf (Antacid)
(s) AYNtIsYpitk (Antiseptic)
VII. hyT iliKAW iv`co ikhVw joVw ivsQwpn pRiqikirAw krygw?
(a) NaCl Gol Aqy kwpr Dwq
(b) MgCl2 Gol Aqy AYlUmInIAm Dwq
(c) FeSO4 Gol Aqy islvr Dwq
(d) AgNO3 Gol Aqy kwpr Dwq
VIII. Bojn r`Kx vwly kYnW nMU itn dI Jwl kIqI jWdI hY izMk dI nhI, ikaNuik ?
(a) izMk itn nwloN mihMgI hY[
(b) izMk dw ipGlx AMk itn nwloN au`cw hY[
(c) izMk itn nwloN ijAwdw ikirAwSIl hY[
(d) izMk itn nwloN G`t ikirAwSIl hY[
IX. eIQyn dw AxvI sUqr C2H6 hY, ies iv`c :
(a) 6 sihsMXojk bMDn hn[
(b) 7 sihsMXojk bMDn hn[
(c) 8 sihsMXojk bMDn hn[
(d) 9 sihsMXojk bMDn hn[
X. ibaUtynon cwr kwrbn vwlw XOigk hY[ijs dw ikirAwqmk smUh hY:
(a) kwrbwksilk qyjwb (b) AYlfIhweIf
(b) kIton (d) Alkohl
XI. AwvrqI swrnI iv`c K`by qoN s`jy pwsy v`l jwx nwl qrqIb bwry ikhVw kQn s`c nhI:
(a) q`qW dw DwqvIN suBwA G`tdw hY[
(b) sMXojk ielY`ktRwnW dI sMiKAw v`D jWdI hY[
(c) prmwxU sOK nwl ielYktRwnW nMU guAw idMdy hn[
(d) iehnW dy AwksweIf vDyry qyjwbI ho jWdy hn[
XII. q`q X, XCl2 sUqr vwlw ie`k klorweIf bxwauNdw hY jo ik ie`k v`D ipGlx AMk dw Tos hY[ ieh
q`q X sMBv qOr qy AwvrqI swrnI dy aus gru`p iv`c hovygw ijs iv`c hY:
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) Al (d) Si
XIII. mnu`K iv`c gurdy, ie`k qMqr pRxwlI dw Bwg hn jo sMbMiDq hY:
(a) poSx (b) swh ikirAw (c) ml iqAwg (d) pirvihn
XIV. svYpoSI poSx leI zrUrI hY:
(a) kwrbn fweIAwksweIf Aqy pwxI
(b) kloroiPl
(c) sUrj dw pRkwS
(d) auprokq swry
XV. hyT iliKAW iv`co ikhVw mnu`K iv`c mwdw jxn pRxwlI dw Bwg nhIN:
(a) AMfkoS
(b) grBkoS
(c) SukrwxU vihxI
(d) PYlopIAn itaUb
XVI. prwg koS iv`c huMdw hY:
(a) hrIAW p`qIAW
(b) bIj AMf
(c) iesqrI kysr
(d) prwg kx
XVII. smjwq AMgW dw audwhrx hY:
(a) swfw h`Q Aqy ku`qy dw Aglw pYr
(b) swfy dMd Aqy hwQI dy dMd
(c) AwlU Aqy Gwh dIAW iqVW
(d) auprokq swry
XVIII. ivkws idRStIkox qoN swfI iks nwl vDyry smwnqw hY-
(a) cIn dy ividAwrQI
(b) icmpYNzI
(c) m`kVI
(d) bYktIrIAw
XIX. iksy vsqU dw vwsqivk Aqy smwn Akwr dw pRiqibMb pRwpq krn leI vsqU nUM au`ql lYNnz dy
swhmxy ik`Qy r`iKAw jwvy?
(a) lYNnz dy mu`K Poks au`qy
(A) Poks dUrI dI du`gxI dUrI a`qy
(e) AnMq au`qy
(s) lYNnz dy pRkwS kyNdr Aqy mu`K Poks dy iv`ckwr
XX. iksy drpx qoN qusIN ikMnI vI dUrI au`qy hovo, quhwfw pRqIibMb hmySw hI is`Dw pRqIq huMdw hY[ sMBv
qOr qy ieh drpx hY:-
(a) kyvl smql drpx
(A) kyvl Avql drpx
(e) kyvl au`ql drpx
(s) smql drpx jW au`ql drpx
XXI. iksy SbdkoS (ifkSnrI) iv`c Coty A`KrW nUM pVHn smyN qusIN hyT id`iqAW iv`coN ikhVy lYNnz nUM pihl idEgy?

(a) 50 sYNtImItr Poks dUrI dw ie`k au`ql lYNnz

(A) 50 sYNtImItr Poks dUrI dw ie`k Avql lYNnz

(e) 5 sYNtImItr Poks dUrI dw ie`k au`ql lYNnz

(s) 5 sYNtImItr Poks dUrI dw ie`k Avql lYNnz
XXII. mnu`KI A`K ijs Bwg au`qy iksy vsqU dw pRqIibMb bxwaudI hYy, auh hY-

(a) kw`rnIAw
(A) Awieirs
(e) puqlI
(s) rYitnw
XXIII. nyqr lYNnz dI Poks dUrI iv`c pirvrqn kIqw jWdw hY-

(a) puqlI duAwrw

(A) rYitnw duAwrw

(e) islIArI pySI duAwrw

(s) Awieirs duAwrw
XXIV. hyT iliKAW iv`coN qoN ikhVw pd ibjlI srkt iv`c ibjleI SkqI nUM nhIN drswauNdw?

(a) I2R (A) IR2 (e) VI (s) V2/R

XXV. iksy ibjlI blb au`qy 220 V Aqy 100 W AMikq hY[ jdoN ies nUM 110 V au`qy cwlU krdy hn qW
ies duAwrw vrqI SkqI hovygI:

(a) 110 W (b) 75W (c) 50W (d) 25 W

XXVI. ibjl-cuMbkI pRyrx dI Gtnw :-

(a) iksy vsqU nUM cwrj krn dI pRikirAw hY[

(A) iksy kuMflI qoN ibjleI Dwrw pRvwihq hox dy kwrn cuMbkI Kyqr auqpMn krn dI pRikirAw

(e) kuMflI Aqy cuMbk dy iv`c swpyiKk gqI dy kwrn kuMflI iv`c pRyirq ibjleI Dwrw pYdw
(s) iksy ibjleI motr dI kuMflI nUM Gumwaux dI pRikirAw hY[
XXVII. iksy AC jrnytr Aqy DC jnrytr iv`c ie`k mUl AMqr hY ik -

(a) AC jnrytr iv`c ibjlI cuMbk huMdw hY jdoN ik DC jnrytr iv`c sQweI cuMbk huMdw hY[

(A) DC jnrytr au`cI voltqw pYdw krdw hY[

(e) AC jnrytr au`cI voltqw pYdw krdw hY[

(s) AC jnrytr iv`c ivByidq irMg huMdy hn jdoN ik DC jnrytr iv`c idSw prwvrqk
(Commutator) huMdw hY[
XXVIII. Swrt srkt smyN srkt iv`c ibjleI Dwrw dw mwn;-

(a) bhuq G`t ho jWdw hY[

(A) pirvriqq nhIN huMdw

(e) bhuq AiDk v`D jWdw hY[

(s) inrMqr pirvriqq huMdw hY[
XXIX. hyT id`iqAW iv`coN ikhVy Bojn lVI dw inrmwx krdy hn;

(a) Gwh, kxk Aqy AMb

(A) Gwh, b`krI Aqy mnu`K

(e) b`krI, gW Aqy hwQI
(s) Gwh, m`CI Aqy b`krI
XXX. hyT iliKAW iv`coN ikhVw vwqwvrn p`KI ivvhwr drswauNdw hY:-

(a) bwzwr jWdy smyN smwn lYx leI k`pVy dw QYlw lY jwxw[

(A) kwrj smwpq hox qy lweIt (blb) Aqy p`Ky dw siv`c bMd krnw[
(e) mW duAwrw skUtr qy skUl C`fx dI bjwey quhwfw skUl nUM pYdl jwxw[
(s) auprokq swry[
Bwg-(A) (AMk: 20)
2. iksy vsqU dw Gol sPydI krn leI aupXog kIqw jWdw hY[

(a) vsqU dw nW Aqy ausdw sUqr d`so[

(A) vsqU dI pwxI nwl pRikirAw ilKo[

3. plwstr AwP pYirs nUM nmIN roDk brqn iv`c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ikauN ?
4. kwrbn dy auh do gux ikhVy hn ijnHW kwrn swfy Awly-duAwly cwr cuPyry kwrbn XOigkW dI v`fI
sMiKAw idKweI idMdI hY?
5. inaUlYNf dy AStk isDWq dIAW kI kmIAW sn?
6. idKwey gey ic`qr iv`c 1 Aqy 2 nUM lybl kro-

7. iBMnqwvW dy pYdw hox nwl iksy spISIj dI hoNd ikvyN v`D jWdI hY ?
8. ie`k golwkwr drpx dw ArD ivAws 20 hY[ aus dI Poks dUrI kI hovygI ?

9. sUrj cVn smyN sUrj lwl ikauN pRqIq huMdw hY ?

10. cuMbkI Kyqr ryKwvW dy guxW dI sUcI bxwE[
11. prsiQiqk pRbMD iv`c inKyVkW dI kI BUimkw hY ?

Bwg e (AMk :15)

12. jdoN lohy dI myK nUM kwpr slPyt dy Gol iv`c fuboieAw jWdw hY qW Gol dw rMg ikauN bdl jWdw hY ?
13. swfy imhdy iv`c qyzwb dI kI mh`qqw hY ?
14. iksy pulwV XwqrI nUM AwkwS nIly dI QW kwlw ikauN pRqIq huMdw hY ?
15. PlYimMg dw K`bw h`Q inXm, lybl kroo[

16. Ejon prq dI hwnI swfy leI icMqw dw ivSw hY[ ies hwnI nUM G`t krn leI kI kdm auTwey gey
hn ?

Bwg s (AMk: 15)

17. Ehm dw inXm kI hY ? qusIN ies dI pRXogsæwlw iv`c pusætI ikvyN krogy? (2+3=5)
4Ω , 8 Ω, 12Ω Aqy 24Ω pRqIroD dIAW cwr kuMflIAW nMU joVn qy (a) AiDkqm (A)
inaUnqm pRqIroD ikMnHW pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY (5)
18. (a) ilMgI Aqy AilMgI jxn iv`c koeI iqMn AMqr ilKo ? (3)
(A) grB inroDn dIAW iBMn iBMn ivDIAW ikhVIAW hn? koeI do ilKo ? (2)
Pu`l dI lMbwqmk kwt dw AMikq ic`qr bxwE qy Pu`l dy v`K-v`K BwgW dw vrnx kro[ (2+3=5)
19. DwqW Aqy ADwqW iv`c BOiqk Aqy rswieixk guxW dy ADwr qy AMqr ilKo [ (5)
(a) lohy nUM jMg l`gx qoN bcwaux dy iqMn FMg ilKo [ (3)
(A) AijhI ADwq dI audhwrn idE [ (2)
1. jo ibjlI dI sucwlk hY
2. jo cmkIlI huMdI hY
(English Version)
1. Please enter the subject code / paper-code 05/A in the Contents box on the title page of your
answer sheet.
2. Make sure that the answer book contains 26 pages (including title page) are properly serialed,
as soon as you receive it.
3. Questions attempted after leaving blank pages in the answer-book would not be evaluated.
4. All Parts are compulsory.
5. Question paper will comprise of 4 parts (A,B,C and D).
6. Each question of Part-A carries 1 marks, Part-B carries 2 marks, Part-C carries 3 marks and
Part-D carries 5 marks.
7. Out of question number 17, 18 and 19 of Part - D, attempt one question, each total 3
questions are to be attempted.
8. Answers should be brief and to the point. Also draw a labeled diagram where required.
9. Diagram / Figures in the question paper need not be redrawn in the answer sheet. Just give
the required answer.

Part - A (Mark: 30)

1. Choose the write options in the following questions
I. Which of the statements about the reaction below are incorrect?

2PbO(s) + C(s) → 2Pb(s) + CO2(g)

(a) Lead is getting reduced.

(b) Carbon dioxide is getting oxidised.

(c) Carbon is getting oxidised.

(d) Lead oxide is getting reduced.

(i) (a) and (b)

(ii) (a) and (c)

(iii) (a), (b) and (c)

(iv) all

II. Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe

The above reaction is an example of a

(a) Combination reaction.

b) Double displacement reaction.

(c) Decomposition reaction.

(d) Displacement reaction.

III. What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron fillings? Tick the correct answer.

(a) Hydrogen gas and iron chloride are produced.

(b) Chlorine gas and iron hydroxide are produced.

(c) No reaction takes place.

(d) Iron salt and water are produced.

IV. A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be

(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 10

V. A solution reacts with crushed egg-shells to give a gas that turns lime-water milky.The solution

(a) NaCl (b) HCl (c) LiCl (d) KCl

VI. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion?

(a) Antibiotic (b) Analgesic

(c) Antacid (d) Antiseptic

VII. Which of the following pairs will give displacement reactions?

(a) NaCl solution and Copper metal

(b) MgCl2 solution and Aluminium metal

(c) FeSO4 solution and Silver metal

(d) AgNO3 solution and Copper metal.

VIII. Food cans are coated with tin and not with Zinc because

(a) Zinc is costlier than tin.

(b) Zinc has a higher melting point than tin.

(c) Zinc is more reactive than tin.

(d) Zinc is less reactive than tin.

IX. Ethane, with the molecular formula C2H6 has:-

(a) 6 covalent bonds.

(b) 7 covalent bonds.

(c) 8 covalent bonds.

(d) 9 covalent bonds.

X. Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group

(a) Carboxylic acid.

(b) Aldehyde.

(c) Ketone.

(d) Alcohol.
XI. Which of the following statements is not a correct statement about the trends when going from
left to right across the periods of periodic Table.

(a) The elements become less metallic in nature.

(b) The number of valence electrons increases.

(c) The atoms lose their electrons more easily.

(d) The oxides become more acidic.

XII. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2 , which is a solid with a high melting
point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as

(a) Na (b) Mg (c) AI (d) Si

XIII. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for

(a) Nutrition. (b) Respiration. (c) Excretion. (d) Transportation.

XIV. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires

(a) Carbon dioxide and Water. (b) Chlorophyll. (c) Sunlight. (d) All of the

XV. Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system in human beings?

(a) Ovary

(b) Uterus

(c) Vas deferens

(d) Fallopian tube

XVI. The anther contains

(a) Sepals. (b) Ovules.

(c) Pistil. (d) Pollen grains.

XVII. An example of homologous organs is

(a) Our arm and a dog’s fore-leg.

(b) our teeth and an elephant’s tusks.

(c) potato and runners of grass.

(d) all of the above.

XVIII. In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with

(a) a Chinese school-boy.

(b) a Chimpanzee.

(c) a Spider.

(d) a Bacterium.

XIX. Where an object should be placed in front of a convex lens to get a real image of the size of
the object?

(a) At the principal focus of the lens

(b) At twice the focal length

(c) At infinity

(d) Between the optical centre of the lens and its principal focus.

XX. No matter how far you stand from a mirror, your image appears erect. The mirror is likely
to be

(a) only plane.

(b) only concave.

(c) only convex.

(d) either plane or convex.

XXI. Which of the following lenses would you prefer to use while reading small letters found in a

(a) A convex lens of focal length 50 cm.

(b) A concave lens of focal length 50 cm.

(c) A convex lens of focal length 5 cm.

(d) A concave lens of focal length 5 cm.

XXII. The human eye forms the image of an object at its

(a) cornea. (b) iris. (c) pupil. (d) retina.

XXIII. The change in focal length of an eye lens is caused by the action of the

(a) pupil. (b) retina.

(c) ciliary muscles. (d) iris.

XXIV. Which of the following terms does not represent electrical power in a circuit?

(a) I2R (b) IR2 (c) VI (d) V2/R

XXV. An electric bulb is rated 220 V and 100 W. When it is operated on 110 V, the power
consumed will be –

(a) 100 W (b) 75 W (c) 50 W (d) 25 W

XXVI. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is

(a) the process of charging a body.

(b) the process of generating magnetic field due to a current passing through a coil.

(c) producing induced current in a coil due to relative motion between a magnet and the coil.

(d) the process of rotating a coil of an electric motor.

XXVII. The essential difference between an AC generator and a DC generator is that

(a) AC generator has an electromagnet while a DC generator has permanent magnet.

(b) DC generator will generate a higher voltage.

(c) AC generator will generate a higher voltage.

(d) AC generator has slip rings while the DC generator has a commutator.

XXVIII. At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit

(a) reduces substantially.

(b) does not change.

(c) increases heavily.

(d) vary continuously.

XXIX. Which of the following constitute a food-chain?

(a) Grass, wheat and mango

(b) Grass, goat and human

(c) Goat, cow and elephant

(d) Grass, fish and goat

XXX. Which of the following are environment-friendly practices?

(a) Carrying cloth-bags to put purchases in while shopping

(b) Switching off unnecessary lights and fans

(c) Walking to school instead of getting your mother to drop you on her scooter

(d) All of the above

PART B (Marks: 20)

2. A solution of a substance ‘X’ is used for whitewashing

(i) Name the substance ‘X’ and write its formula

(ii) Write the reaction of substance ‘X’ with water

3. Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moister-proof container.Explain why ?

4. What are the two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds we see
around us ?

5. What were the limitations of Newland’s law of Octaves ?

6. Label 1 and 2 shown in diagram

7. Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with examples ?

8. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 20 cm. What is its focal length ?

9. Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning ?

10. List the properties of magnetic lines of force ?

11. What is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem ?

PART C (Marks: 15)

12. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it?

13. What is the role of acid in our stomach?

14. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

15. Flemming Left hand rule, Label the Diagram.

16. Why is the damage to the ozone layer a cause for concern? What steps are being taken to limit this

PART D (Marks: 15)

17. What is ohm’s law? How can it be verified? (2+3=5)

What is the (1) Maximum (2) Minimum resistance that can be secured by combination of four
coils of resistances 4Ω, 8 Ω, 12Ω and 24Ω? (5)

18. (a) Write three differences between sexual and asexual reproduction (3)

(b) What are contraceptive methods? Explain any two (2)

Draw a labeled diagram of vertical section of a flower and explain its various parts (2+3=5)

19. Differentiate between metals and non-metals on the basis of their physical and chemical
properties. (5)

(a) How will you prevent the rusting of iron? Suggest two ways (3)
(b) Name a non-metal, which is:- (2)
1) A conductor of electricity
2) Lustrous

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