Investigatory Project
Investigatory Project
Investigatory Project
L’école Internationale
( P r o m o t e d b y t h e D r. K . M . C h e r i a n E d u c a t i o n a l S o c i e t y )
Chemistry Project
2023 – 2024
Name : Sanjai.S
Exam No. :
Class : XII – A2
We h e r e b y c e r t i f y t h a t t h i s i s t h e B o n a f i d e R e s e a r c h
P r o j e c t Wo r k d o n e b y S . S a n j a i o f c l a s s X I I - A 2 , d u r i n g
Principal Teacher in
I am highly indebted to Principal and senior secondary coordinator for
I am ever thankful to my parents and friends for their constant support and
Sincere thanks for the library and web resources for providing adequate
The objective of this project is to study the rates of
fermentation of the following fruit or vegetable juices.
Apple juice
Carrot juice
Conical flasks (250 ml), test tubes and water bath, Apple juice
and Fehling’s solution.
Take 5.0 ml of apple juice in a clean 250 ml conical flask
and dilute it with 50 ml of distilled water.
Add 2.0 gram of Baker’s yeast and 5.0 ml of solution of
Pasteur’s salts to the above conical flask.
Shake well the contents of the flask and maintain the
temperature of the reaction mixture between 35-40°C.
After 10minutes take 5 drops of the reaction mixture from
the flask and add to a test tube containing 2 ml of Fehling
reagent. Place the test tube in the boiling water bath for
about 2 minutes and note the colour of the solution or
Repeat the step 4 after every 10 minutes when the
reaction mixture stops giving any red colour or precipitate.
Note the time taken for completion of fermentation.
Conical flasks (250 ml), test tubes and water bath, Carrot juice
and Fehling’s solution.
Take 5.0 ml of carrot juice in a clean 250 ml conical flask and
dilute it with 50 ml of distilled water.
Add 2.0 gram of Baker’s yeast and 5.0 ml of solution of
Pasteur’s salts to the above conical flask.
Shake well the contents of the flask and maintain the
temperature of the reaction mixture between 35-40°C.
After 10minutes take 5 drops of the reaction mixture from the
flask and add to a test tube containing 2 ml of Fehling
reagent. Place the test tube in the boiling water bath for
about 2 minutes and note the colour of the solution or
Repeat the step 4 after every 10 minutes when the reaction
mixture stops giving any red colour or precipitate.
Note the time taken for completion of fermentation.
Pasteur’s Salt Solution – Pasteur salt solution is prepared by
dissolving ammonium tartrate 10.0g;potassium phosphate 2.0
g; calcium phosphate 0.2g, and magnesiumsulphate0.2 g
dissolved in 860ml of water.
Time (in min) Apple juice Carrot juice
10 red red
20 red red
30 red red
40 red brown
60 brown No change
70 No change No change
The rate of fermentation of apple juice is Less than the
rate of fermentation of carrot juice.
1.Rate of fermentation of carrot juice is maximum
2.Rate of fermentation of apple juice is minimum
Comprehensive Practical Manual
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