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Advance Structure Latihan Soal

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PART 1: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Complete the conditional sentences (fype I, If and I11) Once upon a time the eat bit the mouse's tail off. “Give me back my tail,” said the mouse. And the cat said, “Well, I (1) . . (give) you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.” The mouse, however, went to the cow. “The cat (2) (give /only) me back my tail if I fetch her some milk.” And the cow said, “Well, I would give you milk if (get) me some hay. But that's impossible to do for a little The mouse, however, went to the farmer. “The cat will only give me sssssssesee (give) me some milk, And the cow (5) | (only / give) me milk if 1 get her some hay.” And the farmer said, “Well, I would give you hay if you (6) (bring) me some meat. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.” The mouse, however, went to the butcher. “The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (7) (give) me milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she (8) (get) some hay. And the farmer (9) . .. (only /give) me hay if 1 get him some meat.” And the butcher said,“Well, T would give you meat if you (10) (make) the baker bake me a bread. But that's impossible to do for a Tittle mouse like you.” {yOu (3) soe ‘mouse like you. back my tail if the cow (4) Complete the conditional sentences (type I, II and UII) The Cat and the Mouse ‘The mouse, however, went to the baker. “The cat (1) . only) me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow (2)... (give /not) me milk if I don't get her hay. And the farmer will only give me hay if the (have) some meat for him. And the butcher will not give . (bake / not) him a bread.” And the baker butcher (3) me meat if you (4) so. said, “Well, (5) .. com or meal.” The mouse promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the mouse bread, . (give) you bread if you promise never to steal my the mouse gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the mouse meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the mouse hay, the mouse gave the cow hay. The cow gave the mouse milk, the mouse gave the cat milk. And the cat gave the mouse her tail back. But imagine what would have happened otherwi 1 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat. @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner Advanced Structure ‘Gaia Eicon Ba Pee . (promised /not) never to steal corn or meal, * Ifthe mouse (6) the baker(7) . . (not/give) the mouse bread. © If the baker(8) .. (not / give) the mouse bread, the butcher o- * If the butcher (10) (refuse) her any meat, the farmer (11) ... (not /be) willing to give the mouse hay. see (refuse) to give her meat for the farmer. * If the farmer (12) . (not / be) willing to give the mouse hay, the mouse (13) .. (not/ receive) milk from the cow. © If the mouse (14) sesessrse .. (not / receive) milk from the cow, she as) +++ (not/ get) back her tail PART -2: ACTIVE OR PASSIVE VOICE Here, isa second paragraph. This time, you have to find the passive sentences and correct them too. There are three passive sentences to correct.) Pay any attention the tenses in the sentences. (1) When I was little, 1 had webbed feet. (2) Really, my toes were linked together, and it looked like I had duck feet. (3) I used to hate it because all the other kids called me Waddle. (4) My feelings were hurt every time they called me that, and I always answered with a mean comment. (5) One day, everything changed. (6) I was swimming in the pool at school with a few other classmates when I noticed something. (7) 1 could ‘swim faster than they could, Many races were won in the swimming pool because of those webbed feet, ACTIVE OR PASSIVE VOICE Read the following paragraph and correct the empty ones into correct active or passive voice sentence. Use the correct tense to complete the sentences, Yesterday, my friend and I (1) .. (go) to my cousin's baseball game. We @ (hit) when he wasn't paying attention. My cousin always (4) .. (had) a great time, at first. Then, (3) my cousin .... in the eye au (seem ) 10 find trouble, or in this case, trouble found him. However, the ambulance (S). Ceall ) and he went to the hospital. He (6) . pleasant, but he (7) (say) the doctors were very . (not like) his nurse. Nevertheless, she told my cousin 2 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat Napitupulu @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner (needed ) stitches. Instead, (9) his cut sooo (glee) with, some sort of new glue for skin. This way, he won't have a scar. In the meantime, (10) the game (finish) without him. that he (8) ....... PART -3: REDUNDANCY Redundancy is the unnecessary repetition of something that you have already written about. Redundant words, phrases, and sentences can be taken out of your writing without any loss of meaning. Revise the paragraph by avoiding redundancy ( the unnecessary repetition)! Society is never free from stress and it can be detrimental for the body if not properly addressed it. Also, stress can impaired brain's function specially mentally, and sometimes physically aswell. That is the reason stress must be seriously addressed. Practicing exercise and reading were for me the excellent ways to escape from stress. Health professionals has published lots of articles regarding stress, saying that exercising has scientifically data shown its benefit. One of the presented data was that the relief of tension from the body while it synthesis good substances for the body called “serotonin”. If an individual really wants to have a quality of life and prevent the harm of stress, they should be practicing exercise and reading regularly. Society is never free from stress and it can be detrimental for the body if not properly addressed it. Also, stress can impaired brain’s function specially mentally, and sometimes physically as well. That is the reason stress must be seriously addressed. Practicing exercise and reading were for me the excellent ways to escape from stress. Health professionals has published lots of articles regarding stress, saying that exercising has scientifically data shown its benefit. One of the presented data was that the relief of tension from the body while it synthesis good substances for the body called “serotonin”, If an individual really wants to have a quality of life and prevent the harm of stress, they should be practicing exercise and reading regularly. Revise the paragraph by avoiding redundancy ( the unnecessary repetition)! (a) Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Temperance ‘movement. (b) In Augst’s article, he examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian temperance leaders and authors. (c) Augst compares Washingtonian reformer thetoric to 3 | FBS = UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitupulu” @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner uvaiiced Sirictare aan EA TERE the rhetoric of more traditional and religious reformers of the era. (d) One of the most important aspects of Augst’s article is that Augst observes that the Washingtonians’ original views of temperance were removed from religious, political, and ethnic ideologies. (¢) Their motive for (temperance was driven by an individual’s want to become a clean, moral citizen that helps serve the community, (Word Count; 92) Sentence-A : Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Sentence-B : In Augst’s arti le, he examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian temperance leaders and authors. Revised : Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Temperance ‘movement and examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian temperance leaders and authors. Sentence-A : Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the ‘Temperance movement. Sentence-C : Augst compares S¥ashi (onian-reformer-rhetorie to the thetoric of ‘more traditional and religious reformers of the era, Revised Sentence-A_: Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Temperance movement and examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian temperance leaders and authors. NEW Revised Sentence (a): Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Temperance movement and examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian. temperance leaders and authors, comparing it to the rhetoric of more traditional and religious reformers of the era, Origin: Sentence-D: One of the most important aspects of Augst’s article is that Augst observes that the Washingtonians’ original views of temperance were removed from religious, political, and ethnic ideologies. Original Sentence-E: Their motive for temperance was driven by an individual's want to become a clean, moral citizen that helps serve the community Revised Sentence B : Augs/ observes that the Washingtonians’ original motives for temperance were removed from religious, political, and ethnic ideologies, driven instead by the desire to become moral citizens who serve the community. | FBS UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitup @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner Revised Paragraph (a) Thomas Augst’s article offers a personal perspective into the Temperance movement and examines the literary rhetoric of the Washingtonian temperance leaders and authors, comparing it to the thetoric of more traditional and religious reformers of the cra, (b) Augst observes that the Washingtonians’ original motives for temperance were removed from religious, political, and ethnic ideologies, driven instead by the desire to become moral citizens who serve the community. (Word Count: 67) Note : While a little on the short side, this new paragraph contains more direct, complex sentences free from the murk and muddle that wordiness and redundancy cause. Read and revise the paragraph L asked Jake how long he had been in Vegas, and he told me that he had just flown in earlier that evening. V asked Jake how he was doing this evening and he told me he was upset L asked him why and he told me he was trying to find his hotel room. Jake told me he had just flown up from Las Vegas.1 asked Jake how many alcoholic drinks he had consumed on the plane on the flight. Ne told me he had a couple of drinks. 1 asked him how many he has had since he landed and he said, none, not many. 1 asked him if he had stopped for dinner after he got off the airplane and he told me that he had. 1 asked him what he had, and he told me tacos. 1 asked if he had drank any alcoholic beverages at dinner and he told me that he had not. 1 asked Jake to put the ruck in park and shut the truck off and he said he would not. In this single paragraph, the writer used had ten times, / asked nine times and told ‘me eight times, English teachers teach their students to change the wordy if they see repetition, but a simple word change will not solve the readability issue and can lead to more confusion. Step 1: Start with one short statement that leads to the rest of the paragraph ‘© [spoke with Jake, who said the following: © Lwvas talking with Jake, who said: © Linterviewed Jake, who said. Step 2: Summarize what was said In the case above, what was our suspect Jake doing? He was in Vegas and just flew in earlier that evening Jake was upset because he was irying to find his hotel room Ibis unnecessary to write the question that led up to those responses.” Noticed how 1 also paused after hotel room. Why? Because it brings us to the next step. ‘Step 3: Identify the natural breaks in the conversation Star a new paragraph if there is a natural break in the conversation/investigation. It will Jook something like this: I spoke with Jake, who suid the following. 5 | FBS - UNINDRA PGHI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitupulu ® Dipindai dengan CamScanner ‘avhseiaisieeeiias > He had been in Vegas and had just flown in earlier that evening. Jake was upset because the was trying 10 find his hotel room. Jake continued saying: He had a couple of drinks on the plane but did not drink any alcoholic beverages since he landed at 1500 hours, Jake later recanted that statement saying he had “not many” drinks after landing. Jake then ate tacos for dinner but did not drink alcohol with his ‘meal, Tasked Jake to put the truck in park and turn the ignition off and he said, “I will not. There is a natural break after hore! room since the writer moved the topic from the suspect's travel to the suspect's drinking and dinner, Then another natural break between the did not drink alcohol with his mea! and the continuation of the investigation. ‘THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCE Direction: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct, and correct it. 1. If Thave a day off from work, I go to the beach. AB Cate: 2, Iwould have bought that computer when it had been cheaper. A B a) She would pass the exam if she ever studies. AP BEC: D 4. If1 go toa friend's house for dinner, I usually took a bottle of wine or some flowers. A B ci D IfT met the Queen of England, | will say hello. AB c D 6. Thad a day off from work, I will go to the beac! B Cc D >s If[ win the lottery, I would bought a big house. AB iS D 8. If the weather was nice, she walks to work. A B c D 9. Jerry helps me with my homework wh A B c 10. If Ihave his number, 1 would call him. A BC D 6 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner advanced Str 11, But i ‘my friends’ holidays were over, I fee! very lonely on my lonely island. B c D 12, If am the Queen of England, I would give everyone a chicken. AB c D 13, If Thad owned a car, I would drive to work. But I didn't own one, so I took the A B c D bus. 14, She have traveled around the world if she had had more money. But she A BOC didn't have much money, so she never traveled. D 15.1 would have read more as a child if I did not watch so much TV. Unfortunately, I did A watch a lot of TV, so I never read for entertainment. c D 16, Mary would have gotten the job and move to Japan if she had studied Japanese in A B c D school instead of French. 17. If Jack worked harder, he would have eared more money. Unfortunately, he was B A c lazy and he didn't earn much. D 18, If the weather isn’t so bad, we would go to the park. A B G D 19, If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept the scholarship, She graduated A B c D from famous university. 20, If Lhad a lot of time, I would study German. From this sentence we know that Lhave A B c a lot of time, so I study German. 7 | FBS- UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitupulu @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner Wavaniced Structure (aa ETERTIOR St aa THE FUCTION OF SIMPLE PAST & PERFECT 24th new rks in the company have work fr fv day B c D 22, Gladstone has be the Prime Minister of Great Britain § times during the reign of Queen A B ic D Victoria, some corruption. 23, In 2015 FIFA World Cup, FI A B D 24, My grandmother, who dis five years ago, has never been abroad, ‘ B cD 25, While travelling to Lake Toba, she team visit Parapat, Tongging, and Sinabung Mountain. a Bie D 26, LK. Rowling's "Harry Potter® books have be published in many countries. A BC D 27, The team were walking along the river when they accidently find a bg cave A B c D 28, [ have ride since I Jeft my house this moming, c D A B 29, Fossils show that early people are only four feet six inches tall on average. A B c D 30. They improved their English a Jot since the last seminar, A B D 31. Mr, Aleo decided a few months ago that he committed a crime. A B c D 32. Itwas very good, but I forgot many things since then, A BOC D 33. The first plant like organism probably live in th A B 1c sea, perhaps three billion years ago. D 34. Monika was studying so hard when | have come to her house. A B c D 35, Where is Miss Agustina? I don’t see her since I arrived from the airport. A B c D 36, [could not phoned you because I was in hurry. A B ¢ 3 @ | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitupulu @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner Aiaiiced structs aE 37. The men lived in Pematangsiantar since 2009, A B c D 38. She arrived in London three days ago. She is there for three days A B c D 39. She has not been unemployed since she go schoo! AB Cie D 40. | never known my grandmother as she died before I was born. A‘ B c D CAUSATIVE VERB 41. Does your father Jet you to cat out at KFC? A Be cop 42, The government TV commercials are trying to get people stop. a B c D 43. My teacher made me apologized for what I had said. A B c 44, I don't know if my boss will let me fakes the day off. A B € D 45. He had his book return as soon as possible. A c D 46, Please don't make me worked on the weekend. I want to spend time with my family instead. A B ic D 47. My mother usually gets us to fries some eggs in the morning for breakfast A B c D 48. Brown, don’t let your girlfriend to wait for you without an end! AB c D Indah got her bedroom to be cleaned by her brother Patriot, B D 50. The woman want to have the police officer arrested the man who grabbed her handbag. A B c D 51. As aclever student, Clara usually helps her friends to do the difficult lesson particularly A B c D ‘match problems. 9 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat H. Napitupulu @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner 52. The Amazon in Brazil is longest river jn, South America A B c Very litle people fly just hocause of terrorist activities. A Bare D ‘54. We could barely get any information at the airport, Only a few people seemed to have a few A 8 c idea about the fights D ir, well miss our transfer. to Munich, There isn't many time to waste B c D $7. Ifyou have questions, 'm ready to answer. A B cD ‘58. A.teachers prefer a class that is fairly consistent in having pupils A Bt Ee: D of the same level. 59. I didn't have a lot of trouble getting the passports. I only had a A B problem with my photo because it was an old one c D 60. There is many wate left, so drink only if you must A B CunD. 61. There isnt some point at all in getting upset about it a B c D 62, Today, the a litle people who enjoy winter sports is much greater than that of twenty years A B cD 63. According to the studies, dolphins, whales and other sea creatures use highly sophisticated A B c navigation systems _ 64 Th stary habits of i oon ave mays. with ht hit ating ais sal A 65. Iman United States of America there are literacy classes for workers a litte of whom never nN B c D ‘graduated from high school 66. Ingfrst 2 months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, how to smile and how to evognize A B c D its parents 67, Although the | cof apes have sured aciat they sneally A B agree that apes do not progres beyond linguistic abilities of thereat shld yguage learning abil 10 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat ® Dipindai dengan CamScanner ‘es alii mags the ty : on 'a¥y fines and jal sentences have made an_iffrences in preventing elephant poaching for ther tsk 70. Vnfonunatly,|have many tle for mos although Have always want be a anus c D siege. 71. ‘There were a ot of people atthe mecting earticr but most of A 0 them left carly so there aren't a Jot of left now. c D 72, Although there were little_witnesses, pmb. of residents who have been questioned on ths A 8 c d ‘matter is quite sina 73. We only spent a day jp Istanbul: on the first day we visited the famous mosques and on the A 0 c ‘other days our just shopped D 74. Lyin afraid Twill have fash you for a money as H seem to have no fe for the bus ticket A 8 c Dd 75. Now the student use thot student [Ds to enter the busking a " « D 76. With hard work a an stop you in your way fo success A D 77. We have imtersjewed with twenty candadates forthe vacant position, but no of hint ‘ " ¢ vas actually a gous fit dD 78. Both Peter of Michael come here quite often but neither of AB c D them gives us help 79. He gave every ane of us adviges about our present goals ‘ 8 « D 80. The Blues woo the football match, but one of the player played well; In fact they all played! A 8 c D quite badly St There were much peuple oi the beach, 30 we weren't completely alone, A B c D Ti | FBS- UNINDRA PGAI Jakarta By Selamat I. Napitupulu Dipindai dengan CamScanner 82, The two brothers elu 30 that day, Both of slept well 83. I do.not want to took for other probe F oo ‘git. vena pen 84, Mevoung Birl does not like ts ‘his uresn bag. Can Ihave ther bag onthe she? c D 85. ‘There are ten persons for lunch but there ‘re only 9 glasses, We need the other glass A B c D 86. There are two towels in the bathroom. You can take A B every of them. c D 87. They washed hier faces and went to bed. A Bec D 88, Each of these two student has paid his fee. A B GD 89. That hand phone belongs to my sister, That's his hand phone A BC D 90. 65 % of the civil servants arrive in time. The other are always late. A B ¢ 91, Mwould be a unique opportunity to travel A B (a) space. 92, Some of my students learn quickly but the others students need more time. A B c D 93, Have you got some rooms free for the night of September 30th? B Gi D 12 | FBS - UNINDRA PGRI Jakarta By Selamat @® Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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