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CJ3 Note Taking Guide v1.12

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Cessna Citation CE-525B – CJ3 & CJ3+

Note Taking Guide


Document Version 1.1

27 June 2018
© Aeromania, LLC 2018


Aeromania LLC
CE 525B CJ-3 & CJ3+ Note Taking Guide
Ver. 1.0 Original 5/11/2018
1.1 New cover 6/27/2018

Table of Contents

Memory Items ………………………………………………………………………………3

Takeoff Briefing ………………………………………………………………………………6

Stall / Missed Approach ………………………………………………………………6

Fuel ……………………………………………………………………..………7

Electrical …………………………………………………………………………..…8

Hydraulics ……………………………………………………………………………..9

Environmental ……………………………………………………………………………10

Ice Protection ……………………………………………………………………………11

PRACTICE ……………………………………………………………………………12

Limitations ……………………………………………………………………………15

You are not ready for the evaluation until you can fill in the blank
PRACTICE pages from memory without any errors.

The systems schematics are to be used for taking notes in class.


Memory Items
Engine Failure or Other Emergency/Abnormal During Takeoff
Speed below V1 – takeoff rejected.

Engine Failure or Fire During Takeoff

Speed above V1 – takeoff continued.

Engine FIRE
(L or R Engine FIRE WARNING switch/light illuminated)

Dual Engine Restart


Electrical Fire or Smoke, Environmental Smoke or Odor, Smoke Removal


Emergency Descent

BATT O’TEMP (Battery Over temperature)

Autopilot Malfunction

Electric Elevator Trim Runaway


Wheel Brake Failure

TCAS Resolution Advisory (RA) Alerts

Inadvertent Stall (Stick Shaker, Buffet, and/or Roll-off)


engine fire

Takeoff Briefing Memorize this briefing:

V1 is ___, V2 is ___, VENR is___, we need ___ feet of dry/wet RWY
If you see a need to abort prior to V1, say “ABORT” and we’ll stop straight ahead.

After V1, say “CONTINUE” and tell me what you see. We’ll (remain VFR and land,
continue the SID and hold, etc)

Calls will be “Power’s set, airspeed alive, cross-checked at 60, V1-Rotate, Positive
Rate – I’ll command GEAR UP, V2+10, I’ll command FLAPS UP, YAW DAMPER ON,
and we’ll delay the after takeoff checks until we’re talking to departure.

Stall / Missed Approach

Say the following words out loud and do each step in order for a single engine
missed approach, a normal missed approach, or to recover from any stall.
Memorize the following:
Positive Rate – GEAR UP
Climb at V2
V2 plus 10 – FLAPS UP





Ice Protection

Practice Memory Items

Engine Failure or Other Emergency/Abnormal During Takeoff
Speed below V1 – takeoff rejected.

Engine Failure or Fire During Takeoff

Speed above V1 – takeoff continued.

Engine FIRE
(L or R Engine FIRE WARNING switch/light illuminated)

Dual Engine Restart


Electrical Fire or Smoke, Environmental Smoke or Odor, Smoke Removal


Emergency Descent

BATT O’TEMP (Battery Over temperature)

Autopilot Malfunction

Electric Elevator Trim Runaway

Wheel Brake Failure


TCAS Resolution Advisory (RA) Alerts

Inadvertent Stall (Stick Shaker, Buffet, and/or Roll-off)


Practice Takeoff Briefing


Practice Stall / Missed Approach

_____________________, _____________________

CE-525A CJ-3 Limitations, SN 1-450

Weights – in pounds Enroute
Ramp 14,070 Max Altitude FL 450
Takeoff 13,870 Max Temp +54 C
Landing 12,750 Max Generator Load
Zero Fuel 10,510 Up to FL410 300 amps
Baggage, Nose 400 Above FL410 250 amps
Baggage, Aft Cabin 100 Max alt flaps or gear FL180
Baggage, Tail 600 Max alt Yaw Damp inop FL300
BEW, Typical 8,300 Min speed RVSM 150 IAS
Min weight RVSM 8750 #
Min A/P takeoff/GA 350’ AGL
Speeds – in knots Min A/P cruise 1000’ AGL
VMO to 8,000 260 Min A/P precision 160’ AGL
VMO 8 to FL293 278 Min A/P nonprecision 160’
MMO 0.737
Va 8500 lbs @ SL 155
14000 lbs @ FL350 250 Powerplant FJ44-3A
Turbulent Air 180 N1 102.8 %
Flaps 15 (TO & APR) 200 N2 100 %
Flaps 35 (Land) 161 N2 Icing 75 %
Flaps failed to Ground 140 ITT (Start) 1000 C
Gear (ALL) 200 ITT Take-Off (5 min) 877 C
VMCG 89 ITT Continuous 840 C
VMCA (Flaps 0) 88 Thrust-ISA, TO, 5 min 2820#
VMCA (Flaps 15) 81 Bypass Ratio 2.09 to 1
Ice on airframe 180 TBO 4000 hrs

Takeoff, Landing, Ground Fuel

Max Altitude 10,000 Quantity 4710#
Water or Slush 0.5” LO FUEL LEVEL 185#
Snow 2” LO FUEL PRESS 4.65 psi
Max Temp ISA +39 C Imbalance 200/600#
Min Temp -33 C
Max Tailwind Start 12 kts
Max Crosswind Start 16 kts
Starter 3 Starts in 30 min
Battery 3 starts/hr Max Design Cabin Alt. 8000’
Max Generator Load CAB ALT 10,000’ or 14,500’
Ground 200 amps Altitude Limiters 14,500’
Tire groundspeed 165 (+/-500)
Tire pressure Nose 120+/-5 Masks Auto-Drop 14,000’
Mains 135+/-5 (+/-500)
P/S heat on ground 2 min Max Cabin Differential 9.0

CE-525A CJ-3+ Limitations, SN 451 on

Weights – in pounds Enroute
Ramp 14,070 Max Altitude FL 450
Takeoff 13,870 Max Temp +54 C
Landing 12,750 Max Generator Load
Zero Fuel 10,510 Up to FL410 300 amps
Baggage, Nose 400 Above FL410 250 amps
Baggage, Aft Cabin 100 Max alt flaps or gear FL180
Baggage, Tail 600 Max alt Yaw Damp inop FL300
BEW, Typical 8,300 Min speed RVSM 150 IAS
Min weight RVSM 8750 #
Min A/P takeoff 350’ AGL
Speeds – in knots Min A/P takeoff 350’ AGL
VMO to 8,000 260 Min A/P cruise 1000’ AGL
VMO 8 to FL293 278 Min A/P precision 180’ AGL
MMO 0.737 Min A/P non-precision 350’
Va 8500 lbs @ SL 155
14000 lbs @ FL350 250
Turbulent Air 180
Flaps 15 (TO & APR) 200 Powerplant FJ44-3A
Flaps 35 (Land) 161 N1 102.8 %
Flaps failed to Ground 140 N2 100 %
Gear (ALL) 200 N2 Icing 75 %
VMCG 89 ITT (Start) 1000 C
VMCA (Flaps 0) 88 ITT Take-Off (5 min) 877 C
VMCA (Flaps 15) 81 ITT Continuous 840 C
Ice on airframe 180 Thrust-ISA, TO, 5 min 2820#
Bypass Ratio 2.09 to 1
TBO 4000 hrs
Takeoff, Landing, Ground
Max Altitude 14,000
Water or Slush 0.5” Fuel
Snow 2” Quantity 4710#
Max Temp ISA +39 C LO FUEL LEVEL 185#
Min Temp -33 C LO FUEL PRESS 4.65 psi
Max Tailwind Start 10 kts Imbalance 200/600#
Max Crosswind Start 10 kts
Starter 3 Starts in 30 min
Battery 3 starts/hr
Max Generator Load Max Design Cabin Alt. 8000’
Ground 200 amps CAB ALT 10,000’ or 14,500’
Tire groundspeed 165 Altitude Limiters 14,500’
Tire pressure Nose 120+/-5 (+/-500)
Mains 135+/-5 Masks Auto-Drop 14,000’
P/S heat on ground 2 min (+/-500)
Max Cabin Differential 9.0

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