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Idea Lesson Work Immersion February 27-28 March 1,3, 2023

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School Doongan Ilaya NHS Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher EMMA D. BENTONIO Learning Area Work Immersion

Teaching Date February 27-28, 2023 Quarter 3rd Quarter
LESSON EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 7:30-8:30 a.m. No. of Days 2 Days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies or
D. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the indicated
E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and Engagement
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new lesson Pre-test:

B. Establishing a purpose for In this lesson, you will be able to discover the knowledge, skills and
the lesson attitudes in performing Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Vertical Position
(3G). It is important to learn the vertical welding position.

In vertical position welding, the axis of the weld is approximately

vertical. When welding is done on a vertical surface, the molten metal
has a tendency to run downward and pile up.

A "vertical weld" is defined as a weld that is applied to a vertical

surface or one that is inclined 45 degrees or less. Erecting structures,
such as buildings, pontoons, tanks, and pipelines, require welding in
this position. Welding on a vertical surface is much more difficult than
welding in the flat or horizontal position due to the force of gravity.
Gravity pulls the molten metal down. To counteract this force, you
should use fast-freeze or fillfreeze electrodes. The skills you develop in
welding can lead you countless opportunities in a variety of industries
to a more lucrative and rewarding careers. Are you ready to take your
first step?

Fig. 1. “Vertical Groove Weld”

From the given picture above, what are advantages of making vertical
down welds? ______________________
Give at least 5 main joints used in welding.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of Read commonly used welding codes on the link:
the new lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and Now that you have learned the considerations in formulating a
practicing new skills #1 research problem, here are the steps that will guide you trim down
your area of interest.

1. Focus on your track, strand, or area of specialization.


2. Recall the specific area, lesson, or issue in your respective

field or strand that has piqued or aroused your interest the most.
Welding Current

3. Generate an unanswered question or an unresolved problem from

your chosen area or lesson.
What causes lack of penetration in performing root pass?

4. Assess the question or problem based on the five guidelines

stated above.
I'm interested in the topic.
There are available sources of data.
It is timely and relevant.
It will contribute to my strand.
It is doable considering my personal resources.

5. Write your research problem.

Factors that cause lack of penetration in performing root

A. Let us apply the five steps mentioned previously for you to arrive
on your specific research topic. Answer the following questions
briefly in 1/2 length twice. (2 points each)

Template for Research Problem:

1. What is your track
and strand?
2. What is the specific
lesson or issue in your
track and strand that has
piqued your interest the
3. Generate an
unanswered question or
an unresolved
problem from your
chosen area or lesson.
4. Assess the question or  Is it within your interest?
problem based on the Yes___No____
five guidelines.  Are there available data,
resources and evidence that
will support the topic?
 Is it timely and relevant?
 Will it contribute to your
track and strand?
 Is it within your personal
5. If all of your answers are
yes, then write down your
specific research problem. If
no, reevaluate your research
question or problem.

When formulating an effective research title, take the following

guidelines into consideration:
1. Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study.
Avoid using abbreviations. Use words that create a positive
impression and stimulate reader interest. Use current
nomenclature (naming things) from the field of study.

Example: Causes of excessive spatter in performing flat

fillet (1F) welding position in Shielded Metal Arc Welding

2. The title must be limited to 10 to 15 substantive words.

Conjunctions (and, but, because), prepositions (in, on, at) and
articles (the, a, an) are not counted.

3. Do not include analysis of, study of, an investigation of and

the like.

4. The title must be in the phrase form. 5. Avoid title that gives
too much information.

B. Based on the research problem that you have written above, write your
research plan by answering the following questions on the table below.
Answer briefly in a ½ sheet of paper. (2 points each)

Research Problem: (What is your research problem?)
1. Research Problem: (What is your research problem?)
2. Rationale: (Why do you want to conduct this study?)
3. Significance: (Why is it important to be conducted?)
4. Objective: (What is your goal to achieve in this study?
5. Method and Design: Respondents:
(Is it a quantitative or a (Who or what will be the source of your
qualitative study?) data?)
Sample size
(How many respondents does your study
Sampling Technique:
(How will you choose your respondents or
source of data?

E. Discussing new concepts and Video clips about brainstorming for research topics.
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of What is the purpose of brainstorming for research topics to help solve the
concepts and skills in daily living problems in your daily life?
How did the guidelines in making a research topic helped you in your
studies of research?
H. Making generalizations and What are the guidelines in selecting a research topic?
abstractions about the lesson What are the guidelines in formulating an effective research title?
What are the things you need to consider in planning research?
I. Evaluating learning Based on your understanding, how is research topic chosen?

J. Additional activities for application Using the guidelines stated above, formulate a tentative research title
or remediation based on your chosen research problem in Assessment.

Tentative Title
Research Problem

The checklist below will guide you in assessing the tentative title you
have written.
Self-Assessment Checklist Yes No
1. Is it original?
2. Is it concise
3. Is it clear?
4. Is it specific
5. Does it reflect the topic to be explored?



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Head Teacher I
OIC-School Principal

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