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Q-Exactive-GC Preinstallation Guide

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Q Exactive GC

Mass Spectrometer
Preinstallation Requirements Guide

1R120706-0001 Revision B July 2015

Legal Notices
© 2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.

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All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use
in the product operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or
any part of this document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc.

Release History: Revision A released in June 2015. Revision B released in July 2015

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Q Exactive GC Installation Request Form
Please refer to the Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001) for the complete site
requirements. Circle “Yes” or “No” as to whether the site meets the requirements as specified in the Preinstallation Guide.
Provide the additional information where requested.

1. Yes No All laboratory remodeling has been completed and the space available is sufficient to meet the minimum requirements for
the configuration ordered? The floor is certified to meet the load requirements of the system?
2. Yes No Your instrument has been delivered and is either in the laboratory or can be delivered immediately on the arrival of the
installation engineer?
3. Yes No The key operator will be available during the installation period. The person with the authority to accept the instrument at
the end of the installation will also be available to sign the required acceptance document?
Please provide the names of these individuals: ___________________________________________________________
4. Yes No The entrance to the laboratory and the route from the loading dock are at least 90 cm (36 in.) wide with additional space at
5. Yes No Sufficient bench space is available for all of the equipment? List the following:
Width: ________________________, Depth: ________________________, Height: _______________________
6. Yes No Workbench can support the load of the system including optional equipment and is free from vibration?
7. Yes No Lighting is adequate?
8. Yes No Floor vibrations and electromagnetic interferences are below the specified levels?
9. Yes No Main power is installed and in compliance with local electrical codes?
10. Yes No The power outlets are of the correct configuration?
11. Yes No The electrical power has been measured?
Please note voltages: _______________ Volts AC input to ground.
Please note voltages: _______________ Volts neutral to ground.
Please note voltages: _______________ Volts AC input to neutral.
12. Yes No Power is free from fluctuations due to slow changes in the average voltage or changes due to surges, sags, or transients?
13. Yes No Air conditioning is adequate for temperature, humidity, and particulate matter control? The laboratory can be maintained
at a constant temperature, between 15 and 26 °C (59 and 78 °F)?
14. Yes No The relative humidity is between 40% and 70%, with no condensation?
15. Yes No The system work area is free from magnetic disruption and electrostatic discharge?
16. Yes No All gases required are on site, gas lines are installed, and appropriate gas regulators are available?
List gases and purity: _________________________________________________________________
17. Yes No There is a functional telephone close to the system? Phone number ______________________________
18. Yes No All relevant local safety regulations have been met and the equipment installed will not affect compliance?
19. Yes No All required chemicals and equipment for installing the system are on site?
20. Yes No Have any special acceptance specifications been agreed within the contract?
If YES, please attach full details of specification.
21. Yes No Is there any additional equipment that needs to be interfaced for the system?
If YES, please supply details.

I, the undersigned, confirm that the site requirements as stated above have been accomplished and the laboratory is prepared for the
installation of the Thermo Scientific Exactive Series instrument. I understand that I may be liable for a Field Service Representatives’
travel or lodging expenses if they are unable to carry out the installation on the pre-scheduled date due to insufficient lab preparation.
If circumstances warrants, Thermo Fisher Scientific will make every effort to reschedule an installation as soon as possible with the
next available representative.
Signed: _______________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________________
Company name: ________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________
Fax to: Attn: Local Service Engineer
Note After we receive this checklist, your local Field Service Representative will contact you to schedule installation. ▲

Thermo Scientific P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision A

Contacting Us
There are several ways to contact Thermo Fisher Scientific.

For technical support and ordering information, please visit:

Service contact details are available under:

For brochures, application notes and other material, please visit:

For operating manuals, please contact your local Service organization.

Suggestions to the Manual

❖ To suggest changes to this manual

• Send your comments to:

Technical Documentation
Thermo Fisher Scientific
2215 Grand Avenue Parkway

Austin, Texas 78728

United States

• Send an e-mail message to the Technical Publications Editor at

You are encouraged to report errors or omissions in the text or index.

Thank you.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) i

Chapter 1 Using This Manual ................................................................1-1
About This Manual........................................................ 1-2
Typographical Conventions ........................................... 1-3
Signal Word................................................................ 1-3
Viewpoint Orientation................................................ 1-3
Data Input .................................................................. 1-3
Topic Headings........................................................... 1-4
Reference Documentation.............................................. 1-5

Chapter 2 Site Preparation.....................................................................2-1

Entrance Requirements .................................................. 2-2
Shipping Containers ................................................... 2-3
Space and Load Requirements........................................ 2-5
Placing the Data System.............................................. 2-5
Placing the MS System................................................ 2-6
Moving the Instrument ............................................... 2-9
Connecting the Forepump .......................................... 2-9

Chapter 3 Operating Environment.........................................................3-1

Temperature .................................................................. 3-2
Heat Output of Q Exactive GC Systems..................... 3-2
Humidity ....................................................................... 3-4
Vibration ....................................................................... 3-4
Radio Frequencies .......................................................... 3-4
Altitude.......................................................................... 3-5

Chapter 4 Line Power ..............................................................................4-1

Available Outlets............................................................ 4-2
Basic Power Requirements for the Q Exactive GC
GC/MS System........................................................... 4-2
Power Cables and Connectors..................................... 4-4
Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall
Outlets ........................................................................... 4-5
Power Supply for the Forepump ................................. 4-5
Power Supply for Other Modules................................ 4-5
Power Outlets in Laboratories ..................................... 4-6

Chapter 5 Consumables ..........................................................................5-1

Fittings and Parts ........................................................... 5-2
Gases.............................................................................. 5-3

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) iii

Nitrogen Gas .............................................................. 5-3

GC Carrier Gas Requirements .................................... 5-3
GC Chemical Ionization Gas ...................................... 5-4
Other GC Gas Specifications ...................................... 5-6
Cleaning Agents ............................................................. 5-7

Chapter 6 Exhaust.................................................................................... 6-1

Exhaust System .............................................................. 6-2
Ventilation.................................................................. 6-2

Chapter 7 Installation ............................................................................. 7-1

Performance Test Samples for Q Exactive GC
Systems .......................................................................... 7-2

Chapter 8 General Preinstallation Information.................................. 8-1

Instrument Arrival.......................................................... 8-2
Transportation Risk .................................................... 8-2
Installation ..................................................................... 8-3
Installing the System ................................................... 8-3
Key Operator .............................................................. 8-3
Advanced Training Courses ........................................ 8-4
Preventive Maintenance .............................................. 8-4
Operating Environment ................................................. 8-5
Lighting ...................................................................... 8-5
Particulate Matter ....................................................... 8-5
Quality of Power......................................................... 8-5
Electrostatic Discharge ................................................ 8-9

Legal Documents.................................................................. D-1

Index......................................................................................... I-1

iv Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific

Chapter 1 Using This Manual

Welcome to the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ GC system! The

Q Exactive GC system is a member of the Thermo Scientific family of
mass spectrometer (MS) detectors that are powered by Orbitrap™

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC instruments are designed to be placed

on a bench in the laboratory and come with an Extractabrite™
removable ion source cartridge, a quadrupole mass filter for precursor
ion selection, and a collision cell for performing MS/MS experiments.


• “About This Manual” on page 1-2

• “Typographical Conventions” on page 1-3

• “Reference Documentation” on page 1-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 1-1
Using This Manual
About This Manual

About This Manual

This Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide is intended
primarily for those who are responsible for the site planning of a
laboratory in preparation for the installation of a new Exactive Series
instrument. This guide should be retained for future guidance if your
instrument needs to be relocated in future.

NOTICE The purchaser is responsible for providing a suitable location, a

suitable operating environment, a source of power of acceptable quality,
correct gas and solvent supplies, and proper waste and exhaust
systems. ▲

This Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide provides

information to assist in planning and preparing your lab site for the
system prior to delivery and installation. Read each section carefully to
be sure that your laboratory is ready for the installation of your system.
For additional information, request specific preinstallation support
directly through your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office.

Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers are designed to operate reliably

under carefully controlled environmental conditions. Operating a
system or maintaining it in a condition outside the power and operating
environment specifications described in this guide might cause failures
of many types. The repair of such failures is specifically excluded from
the standard warranty and service contract coverage.

1-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Using This Manual
Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions
This section describes typographical conventions that have been
established for Thermo Fisher Scientific manuals.

Signal Word
Make sure you follow the precautionary statements presented in this
manual. The special notices appear different from the main flow of text:

NOTICE Points out possible material damage and other important

information in connection with the instrument. ▲

Viewpoint Orientation
The expressions left and right used in this manual always refer to the
viewpoint of a person that is facing the front side of the instrument.

Data Input
Throughout this manual, the following conventions indicate data input
and output via the computer:

• Messages displayed on the screen are represented by capitalizing the

initial letter of each word and by italicizing each word.

• Input that you enter by keyboard is identified by quotation marks:

single quotes for single characters, double quotes for strings.

• For brevity, expressions such as “choose File > Directories” are used
rather than “pull down the File menu and choose Directories.”

• Any command enclosed in angle brackets < > represents a single

keystroke. For example, “press <F1>” means press the key labeled

• Any command that requires pressing two or more keys

simultaneously is shown with a plus sign connecting the keys. For
example, “press <Shift> + <F1>” means press and hold the <Shift>
key and then press the <F1> key.

• Any button that you click on the screen is represented in bold face
letters. For example, “click Close”.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 1-3
Using This Manual
Typographical Conventions

Topic Headings
The following headings are used to show the organization of topics
within a chapter:

Chapter 1 Chapter Name

Second Level Topics

Third Level Topics

Fourth Level Topics

1-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Using This Manual
Reference Documentation

Reference Documentation
Reference documentation for the Q Exactive GC mass spectrometer
includes the following:

• Q Exactive GC Operating Manual

• Q Exactive GC Software Manual

• Q Exactive GC Quick Start Guide

You can access PDF files of the documents listed above and of this
manual from the data system computer. The software also provides

❖ To view product manuals

Go to Start > All Programs > Thermo Exactive Series > Manuals.

A printed version of the Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements

Guide is part of the Preinstallation Kit. This kit is sent to your
laboratory before the arrival of the mass spectrometer.

NOTICE If this manual is in another language than English:

Translations of the above documents that are available in this language
are shown with their titles translated and the English title in parentheses.
See “Contacting Us” at the beginning of this manual for information
about obtaining current manuals. ▲

Refer also to the autosampler and Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1310

GC user documentation and to the documentation provided by the
manufacturers of third-party components:

• Forepump

• Turbomolecular pump

• Data system computer and monitor

• Safety data sheets

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 1-5
Chapter 2 Site Preparation

Before your instrument can be installed by the Thermo Fisher Scientific

field service engineer, the site must be prepared. The hallways and doors
must be wide enough to allow passage of the instrument.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide a suitable

location, a source of power of acceptable quality, a suitable operating
environment, and a proper exhaust system. ▲


• “Entrance Requirements” on page 2-2

• “Space and Load Requirements” on page 2-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 2-1
Site Preparation
Entrance Requirements

Entrance Requirements
This section lists data for packed units of typical Exactive Series systems.
The instrument (basic unit) is shipped in the largest container. Other
modules such as the data system, gas chromatograph, and accessories are
shipped in their own containers. Their dimensions and weight are less
than that of the container for the basic unit.

The listed shipping containers may be replaced by other packings

because of the legal requirements in the receiving countries, the mode of
transportation, or the climatic conditions in some tropic regions. As a
result, the dimensions and weights will differ from those shown in the

NOTICE Some chemicals that are needed for installation will be shipped
in a separate package. See “Performance Test Samples for Q Exactive
GC Systems” on page 7-2 for details. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends checking whether the container

with the instrument fits through the laboratory entrance. Also allow
additional room for maneuvering the system around corners, into
elevators, or through doorways. Please note that it is necessary to use a
means of transport (a pallet jack, for example).

If the entrance to your laboratory will not accommodate the container,

you can remove the instrument from the container before moving it into
the room. The unpacked instrument fits through a door with a
minimum width of 80 cm (32 in.). Consider that six persons are
required to carry the instrument who require considerable space for
maneuvering. See “Placing the MS System” on page 2-6. Therefore,
Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using a pallet jack when passing
the unpacked instrument through a narrow door.

NOTICE Do not remove the instrument from its shipping container

unless authorized by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel. Make sure that
all the contents of the container remain with the instrument. ▲

2-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Site Preparation
Entrance Requirements

Shipping Containers
Your Q Exactive GC GC-MS instrument is shipped in a container, the
smallest dimension of which is 90 cm (36 in.). To allow moving a packed
instrument, the entrance to your facility and the width of all hallways,
elevators, etc., should have a minimum width of 91 cm (36 in.)
Dimensions and weights of the shipping containers for Q Exactive GC
GC-MS systems are given in Table 2-1.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 2-3
Site Preparation
Entrance Requirements

Table 2-1. Data of packed units of a Q Exactive GC system

Module Height Width Length Weight
cm in. cm in. cm in. kg lb
Q Exactive GC MS (Box 1 132 52 90 36 115 46 225 507
of 2)
Q Exactive GC MS (Box 2 61 24 102 40 74 29 68 150
of 2)a
TRACE 1300 or TRACE 61 24 80 31 80 31 64 140
1310 GC
AI/AS 1310 autosamplerb 36 14 51 20 36 14 10 22
TriPlus RSH (with 65 26 100 39 32 13 45- 99-
standard X-axis)b 55 121
TriPlus 100 Liquid 65 26 100 39 32 13 45- 99-
Samplerb 55 121
TriPlus 300 Headspace 77 30 72 28 84 33 70 154
Autosampler (Box 1 of 2)b
TriPlus 300 Headspace 79 31 64 25 100 39 25 55
Autosampler (Box 2 of 2)b

The computer, keyboard, monitor, foreline pump, and Q Exactive GC Installation Kit are
included in the box with the system.

NOTICE An unpacked and fully assembled Q Exactive GC system will

not fit through a door that is narrower than 35 in. ▲

2-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Site Preparation
Space and Load Requirements

Space and Load Requirements

The floor of your laboratory should be able to carry the weight of the
installed Q Exactive GC system with data system. Also, consider the
weight of any other option (gas chromatograph, for example) that is
added to the system and the weights of the workbenches.

To set up a Q Exactive GC system, Thermo Fisher Scientific

recommends having a minimum of two workbenches.

Placing the Data System

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using one workbench with
minimum dimensions of 1 × 1.20 m (3 × 4 ft) to hold the data system
computer and monitor. Thus, it also provides sufficient place for an
optional printer.1 The workbench must be capable of supporting the
weight of the data system [20 kg (44 lb)] and the printer, if applicable.


Ethernet switch Computer

cables Wall outlet for data system components
(connected to 120 or 230 V AC
the mass

Figure 2-1. Typical data system workbench

A printer is not a standard part of the data system.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 2-5
Site Preparation
Space and Load Requirements

See Table 2-2 and Figure 2-1 for the space requirements and weights of
the typical data system hardware components.

Table 2-2. Space and load requirements of typical data system hardware
Module Height Width Length Weight
cm in. cm in. cm in. kg lb
Monitor 36 14 41 16 18 7 6 13
Minitower computer 48 19 18 7 43 17 14 30
Laser printera 20 8 41 16 46 18 7 16
Not a standard part of the data system. The actual values depend upon your equipment.

The Ethernet communication cables between the Ethernet switch and

the mass spectrometer must be no longer than 3 m (10 ft) each.
Therefore, the workbench that holds the data system must be located
next to the workbench or workbenches that hold the mass spectrometer
and GC system.

NOTICE To ensure compliance with safety and EMC regulations, use

category 5, shielded Ethernet cables no longer than 3 m (10 ft) in
length. ▲

Placing the MS System

Use the other workbench to hold the mass spectrometer, GC, and any
other MS options such as autosamplers. This workbench must have
minimum dimensions of 1 × 1.53 m (3 × 5 ft) and be capable of
supporting the weight of the mass spectrometer (about 180 kg) plus the
weight of the gas chromatograph and any other options. If you intend to
place the MS separately, use a workbench with minimum dimensions of
1 × 1 m (3 × 3 ft). ▲

The workbench for the GC/MS system must stand in a secure and level
position. Note that only workbenches with at least four legs provide
sufficient stability for the instrument. The workbench top must be dry
and clean (free of grease). Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using a
workbench with a skid proof top.

Ensure you have adequate workbench space for the system. Refer to the
Table 2-3 for exact measurements of each component. Use the
information in the table below to configure the workbench.

2-6 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Site Preparation
Space and Load Requirements

Table 2-3. Space and load requirements of the Q Exactive GC GC/MS system
Module Height Width Length Weight
cm in. cm in. cm in. kg lb

Q Exactive GC MS (MS 91 36 148 58 95 37 175 386

Foreline Pumpa 46 18 20 8 25 10 24 52

Computerb 48 19 20 8 43 17 12 27

Monitorb 16 7 46 18 32 13 4 8

Keyboardb 23 9 46 18 5 2 1 2

TRACE 1300 GCc 60 24 44 17 45 18 353 773

TRACE 1310 GCc 67 26 44 17 45 18 353 773

AI 1310 Auto Injectord 28 11 23 9 40 19 6 13

AS 1310 Autosamplerd 28 11 41 16 40 19 6 13

TriPlus RSH standard X 80 32 99 39 74 29 25 55

axis autosampler
TriPlus 300 Headspace 55 22 82 32 73 29 63 139
TriPlus 100 Liquid Sampler 50e 20e 85 34 54 21 15f 34f

Direct Probe Controller 58 23 33 13 12 5 6 13

This item is placed on the floor under the system.
Dimensions vary per manufacturer.
Add 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs) for each injector/detector module.
Mounts on top of the TRACE 1300/TRACE 1310.
About 20 cm (8 in.) of the orthogonal crossrail (Y-axis) protrudes from the rear of the GC.
Weight without accessories.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 2-7
Site Preparation
Space and Load Requirements

The Q Exactive GC system always includes the TRACE 1310 GC and

has maximum dimensions of h 95 cm (37 in.), w 91 cm (36 in.),
l 148 cm (58 in.). See Figure 2-2.

Front View Left View

148 91


Top View


All dimensions in cm.

Figure 2-2. Dimensions of the Q Exactive GC MS

Minimum Clearance

Allow at least 15 cm (6 in.) of clear space behind the system for proper
air circulation and for clearance of the gas lines and electrical
connections. This also provides sufficient space for accessing the fan
filters on the rear side of the MS. Also, allow at least 92 cm (36 in.) of
vertical clearance between the top of the mass spectrometer and any
shelves above it. Be sure to leave 46 cm (18 in.) of extra space to the
right of the Q Exactive GC system for performing maintenance.
To allow shutting off the mass spectrometer in an emergency, free access
to the power panel on the left side and to the power column on the rear
side of the instrument must be possible at any time.

2-8 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Site Preparation
Space and Load Requirements

NOTICE Avoid blocking the ventilation slots at the rear of the

instrument. Items may fall behind the instrument, inhibit airflow, and
cause the system to overheat. ▲

Moving the Instrument

Q Exactive GC instruments are provided with four retractable handles.
Each instrument is shipped on a pallet with the handles pulled out and
fixed on the pallet. Safety catches prevent the handles from
unintentionally being retracted after they have been pulled out.

Because of a weight of about 180 kg, Exactive Series instruments are too
heavy for one person alone to handle safely. Lifting and moving an
instrument requires the effort of at least six persons. The instrument is
shipped with two lifting devices, each providing sufficient space for
three persons that are standing side by side. Refer to the Q Exactive GC
Operating Manual for instructions about using the lifting devices.

An instrument with attached lifting devices does not fit through a door
with a width of 80 cm (32 in.), in contrast to the unpacked instrument
alone. Furthermore, the six persons that carry the instrument require
considerable space for maneuvering. Therefore, Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends using a pallet jack to move the instrument and to
lift it to the height of the workbench.

NOTICE The instrument’s center of gravity is at the top of the front

side: the instrument has a tendency to tilt forward. When lifting the
instrument, support the top of the instrument and keep the tilt angle
below 5°; never exceed 10°. ▲

The rear pair of the four support points for the instrument consists of
wheels. Thus, only two persons are necessary for moving the instrument
into its final position on a bench, while holding the two front handles.

Connecting the Forepump

Connect the power supply cord for the forepump of a Q Exactive GC
instrument to the mass spectrometer.

The vacuum hose is made of reinforced material. It has a length of

2.0 m (79 in.). Because of its large bending radius the actual length of
the vacuum hose is significantly shorter. For information about the
exhaust system, see page 6-2.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 2-9
Chapter 3 Operating Environment

Attention to the operating environment will ensure continued high

performance of your system. Any expenditures for air conditioning are
more than offset by good sample throughput and reduced repair costs.
The air conditioning must be capable of maintaining a constant
temperature in the immediate vicinity of the system without producing
excessive draft.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide an acceptable

operating environment. ▲


• “Temperature” on page 3-2

• “Humidity” on page 3-4

• “Vibration” on page 3-4

• “Radio Frequencies” on page 3-4

• “Altitude” on page 3-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 3-1
Operating Environment

The laboratory room temperature must be maintained between 15 and
26 °C (59 and 78 °F).

NOTICE As the laboratory temperature increases, system reliability

decreases. All electronic components generate heat while operating. This
heat must be dissipated to the surrounding air for the components to
continue to operate reliably. ▲

There must be a good flow of room air around the system, and the air
conditioning system must be capable of maintaining a constant
temperature (within the temperature specification given above) in the
immediate vicinity of the system.
We recommend the installation of an air conditioner, if the specified
limits will be exceeded due to unfavorable climatic conditions.
Preferably, the air conditioner should be equipped with a flow controller
valve and PID microprocessor control (available e.g. from Landis &
Gyr, Polygyr RWX…, see This ensures
temperature drifts within the limits given above.

NOTICE Do not put the instrument under an air duct, near windows,
or near heating and cooling sources. Temperature fluctuations of 1°C or
more over a 10 minutes period can affect performance. ▲

Heat Output of Q Exactive GC Systems

The air conditioning load for a typical Q Exactive GC system (with data
system, GC, and autosampler) is approximately 4.6 kW
(16000 BTU/h). Table 3-1 shows the approximate heat output of each

3-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Operating Environment

Table 3-1. Heat output for a typical Q Exactive GC system

Module Heat output [W] Heat output [BTU/h]
Mass spectrometer 1500 5120
Gas chromatograph 2000 6830
a b
TriPlus RSH autosampler 200 or 400 683a or 1366b
Monitor 35 120
Computer 470 1600
Laser printer (optional) 350 1200c
Total 4555 or 4755 (GC) 15553 or 16263 (GC)
With one power module
With two power modules
Not a standard part of the data system

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 3-3
Operating Environment

The relative humidity of the operating environment must be between
40 and 70%, with no condensation. It is recommended that your
laboratory be equipped with a temperature/humidity monitor to ensure
that your laboratory is always within the required temperature and
humidity specifications.

NOTICE Operating an Exactive Series system at very low humidity

might cause the accumulation and discharge of static electricity, which
can shorten the life of electronic components. Operating the system at
high humidity might cause condensation, oxidation, and short circuits,
and will also block the filters on the cooling fans. ▲

Floors must be free of vibration caused, for example, by equipment in
adjoining locations.

NOTICE Because of the natural vibration of the forepump during

operation, it must not have any mechanical contact to the mass
spectrometer with exception of the vacuum hose. Otherwise, the
vibration might impede the performance of the instrument. Therefore,
install the pump on the floor beneath the mass spectrometer and not
near the system on the workbench. ▲

Propagation of vibrations and their influence on complex

instrumentations are difficult to predict. We encourage you to contact
us at if you have questions or
concerns about your laboratory.

Radio Frequencies
Q Exactive GC instruments are able to withstand electromagnetic fields
of 1 V/m in the frequency range 26 MHz to 1 GHz without any
influence to operation.

Q Exactive GC instruments are designed to work in a controlled

electromagnetic environment. Do not use radio frequency transmitters,
such as mobile phones, in close proximity to the instrument.

If strong radio transmitters are operating close to your laboratory, you

should contact us at for advice.
Because of the complexity of such influences, no general suggestion can
be given in this guide.

3-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Operating Environment

Q Exactive GC systems are designed for indoor use at an altitude of up
to 2000 m (6500 ft) above sea level. Do not use the systems above
2000 m.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 3-5
Chapter 4 Line Power

The performance and longevity of your system can be affected by the

quality of line power supplied to the system. To ensure that your
instrument performs optimally and that it is not damaged by line power
fluctuations, please verify that you comply with all power quality

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide a source of power

of acceptable quality for the operation of your system. ▲


• “Available Outlets” on page 4-2

• “Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall Outlets”

on page 4-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 4-1
Line Power
Available Outlets

Available Outlets
Exactive Series instruments operate at a nominal voltage of 230 V AC,
50/60 Hz. Line voltages can vary between a minimum of 207 V AC and
a maximum of 253 V AC.

Notice for Customers in North America Systems installed in areas with

208 V power experience voltage sags during high use periods that might
place the line voltage below the operating parameters discussed in this
section. In this case, you must protect your instrument by using a
buck/boost transformer to ensure that power is within the specified
parameters at all times. You need to supply a dedicated single phase
30 amp 208 V AC power line with a good earth ground that terminates
in a NEMA L6-30R receptacle located within 6 feet of the desired
instrument location. ▲

The mass spectrometer must be properly grounded. For this reason, the
power cable of the MS must be connected to a wall outlet with
grounding pin. Make sure that the grounding pin of this power cable is
connected to earth ground, even when a buck/boost transformer or
other upstream equipment (for example, UPS) is used.

The interconnected power outlets for the system are to have a common
point to one ground connector. If there are two such points, each of
which is connected to separate external ground, they will cause noise
current to flow through the ground system via the ground loop that is

Voltage between ground and neutral line should be less that 1 Volt.

NOTICE Power is to remain on. The system should remain on and

pumping continuously for optimum performance. Nevertheless, the
system must be disconnected from mains in case of emergency or for
other reasons (for example, maintenance). ▲

Basic Power Requirements for the Q Exactive GC GC/MS System

Use the following guidelines to ensure your site is equipped with enough
power to support the Q Exactive GC GC-MS system. All circuits
should be 50/60 Hz ± 2 Hz, single-phase with < 6% total harmonic
• Circuit 1: Q Exactive GC MS plus the foreline pump.
230 VAC ±10%, frequency of 50/60 Hz, single phase, 16 AMAX
(tripping characteristic C).
• Circuit 2: GC. 230 VAC ±10%, 10 AMAX. The GC cannot be
reconfigured in the field.

4-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Line Power
Available Outlets

• Additional Circuits: Additional circuits are needed for the

computer or other equipment. 120 VAC+6/-10% or
230 VAC ±10%.

NOTICE Due to the power draw of the Q Exactive GC MS and GC,

each instrument must be on its own dedicated circuit. These two
circuits must be separate from the circuits used for the computer and
other equipment such as the autosampler. ▲

Table 4-1. System power requirements for the Q Exactive GC GC-MS system
Equipment Wall Outlets Max Current (A) at Maximum Power (W)
230 VAC (± 10%)
Q Exactive GC MSa 1 15 3450 (700 W effective)
Foreline pump N/A 3.4 550
TRACE 1310a 1 10 2000
Computerb Additional (as needed) 2.6 600
Monitorb Additional (as needed) 1 240
TriPlus RSHc Additional (as needed) 1.7 200 with one power
Sampling system module

400 with two power

TriPlus 100 Sampler Additional (as needed) – 200 with one power

400 with two power

TriPlus 300 Additional (as needed) 5.7 1300
Direct Probe Additional (as needed) 1 240
This instrument must be on its own circuit.
Power requirements vary by manufacturer.
If the using the temperature controlled drawer option, one additional circuit is needed.

The power quality supplied to your system is very important. It must be

stable and within the minimum specifications listed in “Quality of
Power” on page 8-5.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 4-3
Line Power
Available Outlets

Power Cables and Connectors

The power cable to the mass spectrometer is 5 m (16 ft) long. See left
photo in Figure 4-1. This power cable is shipped with the 16 A version
of a 3 pole CEE male connector, which is rated at 16 A and 230 V AC.
The right photo in Figure 4-1 shows the wall receptacle required for the
mass spectrometer (IP 44; 3 poles; 250 Volt; 50/60 Hz; blue;
IEC 60309.1 and 60309.2).

The Q Exactive GC GC-MS system requires two power cables and wall
receptacles: one for the mass spectrometer and one for the TRACE 1310
GC. Two receptacles (P/N 2105500) are provided by Thermo Fisher
Scientific as part of the Preinstallation Kit. Two power cables (P/N
2112490) are provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific as part of the
Installation Kit.

Figure 4-1. Power cable and wall receptacle

Power Cable for the Forepump

The power cable for the forevacuum pump is shipped as part of the
forevacuum pump package. The foreline pump for the Q Exactive GC
system is plugged into the MS with the same cable used to connect the
power strip.

Power Cables of Peripherals

The cables for personal computer, monitor, and Ethernet switch are
provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific. They are approximately 2 m
(6 ft) long. Local codes in your area might require the installation of
another type of plug and receptacle. The Thermo Fisher Scientific field
service engineer for your country provides the appropriate power plugs.

4-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Line Power
Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall Outlets

Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall Outlets

Ensure that the wall outlet specifications are not exceeded. The mass
spectrometer must have a separate “clean” line leading to a main fuse to
guarantee disturbance-free operation. Locally supplied personal
computer hardware must use the same power line and ground
connection as the mass spectrometer.

The electrical wall outlet for the main power of the mass spectrometer
should be located at the wall near the intended location of the

Power Supply for the Forepump

Connect the power supply cord for the forepump of a Q Exactive GC
GC-MS system to the mass spectrometer.

Power Supply for Other Modules

For gas chromatographs and data systems, please use wall outlets.
Additional power outlets might be required for test and cleaning
equipment, such as an oscilloscope and ultrasonic bath. See Table 4-2
on page 4-6 for a sample laboratory setup.

The maximum load for a 120 V AC fourplex outlet is typically 20 A,

and the maximum load for a 230 V AC fourplex outlet is typically 16 A.
We recommend at least six (6) spare outlets behind the system and three
(3) close to the workbench space within your laboratory. All single-phase
auxiliary wall outlets should use the same ground as the power line of
the instrument. To prevent overloading the circuit, connect mass
spectrometer, forepump, or gas chromatograph, and data system to
separate wall outlets.

NOTICE To prevent overloading the circuit, never connect mass

spectrometer and GC to the same electrical wall outlet circuit. ▲

NOTICE The specifications on the individual modules might vary from

those in this guide. Refer to the manuals that came with your modules
for power requirements and specifications. The power specifications on
the module and in the respective manual always supersede those in this
guide. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 4-5
Line Power
Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall Outlets

Power Outlets in Laboratories

Installing a complete GC/MS system can require extensive electrical
resources. Plan the power system properly, with numerous outlets, to
ensure that you can connect and power all of your equipment. Place the
outlets for the MS system and GC system behind the MS workbench.
Place the outlets for the data system—computer, monitor, Ethernet
switch, and (optional) printer—behind the data system workbench. See
Figure 2-1 on page 2-5 for the optimum locations for power outlets in
the most typical workbench setups.

See the sample laboratory setup in Table 4-2 for the recommended
number of outlets.
Table 4-2. Sample laboratory setup
Item Outlets
GC system Autosampler 1 or 2
GC 1 (230 V)
MS system Mass spectrometer 1 (230 V)
Forepumpa —
Data System Data system computer 1
Monitor 1
Printer (optional) 1
Ethernet switch 1
Optional High intensity lamp (for help in 1
instrument maintenance)
Laboratory stereoscope (for inspecting 1
fused-silica parts)
Nitrogen generator 1
Total outlets required for this configuration 6–14
Power is supplied by MS system

NOTICE If your local area is susceptible to corrupted power or power

disruptions, then an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be
installed in your laboratory. Take the values listed in Table 3-1 on
page 3-3 as guideline for dimensioning an UPS. ▲

4-6 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Chapter 5 Consumables

Your instrument requires gases and solvents that must meet defined
purity specifications. The Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer
might also require certain solvents for the installation verification of
your system.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide correct gas and

solvent supplies for the operation of your system. ▲


• “Fittings and Parts” on page 5-2

• “Gases” on page 5-3

• “Cleaning Agents” on page 5-7

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 5-1
Fittings and Parts

Fittings and Parts

Table 5-1 lists the minimum parts that are required to connect the mass
spectrometer to your gas delivery system.

Table 5-1. Gas connection hardware required

Description Provided / Not provided

6 mm OD Teflon hose (P/N 0690280) 10 m (33 ft) provided. You might require

additional length.
Connection for the opposite end of the Teflon hose to Not provided in kit. You supply these parts.
the nitrogen gas source
T-piece (P/N 1128140) provided

NOTICE Your connections and gas delivery system might vary, and it is
your responsibility to supply any fittings or connections necessary
during installation.
If the pressure regulator of the laboratory gas supply has an 1/8 inch
NPT outlet, examples1 of suitable 1/8-in.-to-6-mm adapters are
Swagelok™ part numbers B-6M0-7-2 (female) and B-6M0-1-2
(male). ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific does not endorse any manufacturer, nor does it endorse products
other than its own. Companies and products listed in this guide are given as examples only.

5-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific

Q Exactive GC instruments require nitrogen gas for the C-Trap bath
gas, and HCD collision gas. Your system can use large amounts of gas
during daily operations. It is essential that the gas be delivered with the
necessary pressure and purity. This section provides information on the
purity and pressure that your system requires.

NOTICE Contaminants introduced during the installation of house

lines used for gas delivery can cause damage to the system. Ensure that
all gas lines used with your system have been cleaned of all particulates
and oils. You are responsible for any damage to the instrument caused
by contaminants introduced from your gas delivery system. ▲

NOTICE Do not store gas cylinders where they can damage cables or gas
lines, and secure them in accordance with standard safety practices. ▲

Nitrogen Gas
The nitrogen gas should be of ultra high purity (≥99.999%). Particulate
filters can be a source of contamination, they are not recommended.
The required gas pressure is 800 ± 30 kPa (8.0 ± 0.3 bar, 116 ± 4 psi).

Typical nitrogen gas consumption (nitrogen on 24 hours per day) is

1 L (0.053 ft3) per day.

Table 5-2. Nitrogen Gas Specifications

Gas Purity Outlet Regulator Typea
Type Pressure
Nitrogen 99.999% 800 ± 30 kPa Dual-stage brass CGA-580
regulator with
(116 ± 4 psig) stainless steel
Connectors vary with cylinder size. Confirm that your regulator will work with your gas tank.
All connections to the GC/MS are 1/8 in. Swagelok fittings.

GC Carrier Gas Requirements

You will need a supply of ultra-high purity helium for the GC carrier
gas. Typical cylinders are about 23 cm (9 in.) wide by 140 cm (55 in.)
tall and output >15,000 kPa (>2200 psig). A single full-size tank will last
about three months with a typical usage rate of 50 mL/min. If you have
additional detectors or optional accessories, please refer to your GC or
autosampler manuals for information about gas requirements. See
Table 5-3 for all carrier gas specifications.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 5-3

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific installation specifications require

helium as a carrier gas and nitrogen as a collision gas. You must have one
tank of each gas at installation, or the field service engineer will not be
able to run specifications on your Q Exactive GC GC-MS system. ▲

Table 5-3. Carrier Gas Specifications

Gas Puritya Outlet Regulator Typeb
Type Pressure
Helium 99.999% 400–700 kPa Dual-stage brass CGA-580
regulator with
(58–100 psig) stainless steel
Ultra-high purity with less than 1.0 ppm each of water, oxygen, and total hydrocarbons and
contained in one tank.
Connectors vary with cylinder size. Confirm that your regulator will work with your gas tank.
All connections to the GC/MS are 1/8 in. Swagelok fittings.

NOTICE Do not use hydrogen as a carrier gas. The Q Exactive GC

GC/MS system is not designed for use with hydrogen as a carrier gas. ▲

Oxygen and moisture cannot be prevented from entering the system

during cylinder changes. To minimize the impact of these contaminants
on the GC system, high purity gas handling equipment should be used.
To further protect the system from oxygen and moisture, point-of-use
purifiers should be installed in the carrier gas lines just prior to the GC
to remove any residual contaminants.

GC Chemical Ionization Gas

The Q Exactive GC GC/MS system is equipped with a chemical
ionization (CI) reagent gas flow module, and must have the proper CI
gas to run the system in CI mode. Typical CI gas flow rates are only
1-3 mL/min, so smaller tanks like lecture bottles can be used.

5-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific installation specifications require

methane as a CI gas. You must have one tank of methane at installation,
or the field service engineer will not be able to run CI specifications on
your Q Exactive GC GC/MS system. ▲

Table 5-4. CI Gas Specifications

Gas Type Purity Outlet Regulator Typea
Methane 99.99% 35–240kPa Dual-stage brass CGA-350
high-purity (5–35 psig) regulator with
stainless steel
Isobutane 99.9% 35–240kPa Dual-stage brass CGA-510
instrument (5–35 psig) regulator with
grade stainless steel
Ammonia 99.99% 35–240kPa Consult your gas CGA-240
anhydrous (5–35 psig) supplier for
grade specific regulator
Connectors vary with cylinder size. Confirm that your regulator will work with your gas tank.
All connections to the GC/MS are 1/8 in. Swagelok fittings.

Do not use hydrogen as a carrier gas. The Q Exactive GC GC/MS

system is not designed for use with hydrogen as a carrier gas.

NOTICE Some CI gases, such as methane and isobutane, are flammable.

Make sure these gases are properly exhausted and all gas fittings on the
system are leak-free. Consult your local Environmental and Safety
Regulations for information about how to properly exhaust fumes from
your laboratory.

• Some CI gases, such as ammonia, are toxic. Make sure these gases
are properly exhausted and all gas fittings on the system are
leak-free. Consult your local Environmental and Safety Regulations
for information about how to properly exhaust fumes from your

• Do not exceed 240 kPa (35 psi) or you could damage the CI reagent
gas flow module. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 5-5

Other GC Gas Specifications

If you have a TriPlus RSH autosampler with the SPME conditioning
station or a TriPlus 300 Headspace autosampler, you need to obtain a
low-pressure, single-stage regulator (0-30 psi) for nitrogen purging.

Table 5-5. Other Gas Specifications

Equipment Gas Type Purity Maximum Regulator Typea
Direct Insertion Air 90%b 700 kPa Dual-stage brass regulator CGA-590
Probe (100 psig)

TriPlus SPME Nitrogen 99.999% 200 kPa Dual-stage brass regulator with CGA-580
Headspace (30 psi) stainless steel diaphragm

Connectors will vary with cylinder size. Confirm that your regulator will work with your gas tank. All connections to the GC/MS are 1/8 in.
Swagelok fittings.
Pure, particle and oil free, and contained in one tank.

Gas lines should be:

• As short as possible and close to the Q Exactive GC system.

• Made of copper or stainless steel when using helium, methane, or


• Made of stainless steel when using ammonia or other corrosive gases.

• Free of oil and moisture.

Obtain the proper gas line filters, which help prevent impurities and
contaminants from entering your system. Water, oxygen, and total
hydrocarbons should be less than 1 ppm to avoid high background noise
and prevent contamination. The GC is equipped with two intake filters
that trap moisture, oxygen, and hydrocarbons.

Store gas tanks and bottles properly so they will not damage cables or gas
lines. Ensure they are secured in accordance with standard safety

5-6 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Cleaning Agents

Cleaning Agents
We recommend having the following cleaning agents available:

• A solvent like acetone (in accordance with your local safety


• A detergent, for example, RBS 50 (trade name of Messrs. Carl Roth,

Karlsruhe, Germany).

• Several liters of distilled water.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 5-7
Chapter 6 Exhaust

The proper performance of your system can be affected by the exhaust

arrangements for the instrument. Vacuum wastes must be vented

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide proper exhaust

systems for the operation of your system. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 6-1
Exhaust System

Exhaust System
It is mandatory to connect the forepump to a fume exhaust system. The
forepump eventually exhausts much of what is introduced into the mass
spectrometer, including the small amount of oil vapor that mechanical
pumps can emit. It is your responsibility to provide an adequate exhaust

Supply a 1-in. i.d. hose to the building exhaust air system, an oil mist
filter, or other scrubbing device. The pump exhaust contains carrier gas,
solvents, analytes, and a small amount of oil vapor. These materials may
be flammable, poisonous, or corrosive. Do not allow the exhaust from
the foreline pump, which includes your analytes, to accumulate to
unsafe levels in your laboratory. Consult your local Environmental and
Safety Regulations for information about how to properly exhaust fumes
from your laboratory.

NOTICE An efficient fume exhaust system is required for the proper

operation of your forepump. The frequency of the purging is dependent
on the throughput of your system. ▲

NOTICE Do not route exhaust tubing from the pump vertically toward
the ceiling. To maintain pump integrity, route the tubing from the
exhaust port down to the floor. ▲

NOTICE The exhaust hose should travel at floor level for a minimum of
two meters (78.5 in.) before it reaches the external exhaust system. This
tubing acts as a trap for exhaust fumes that would otherwise recondense
in the forepump oil. ▲

Most of the nitrogen that is introduced into the Q Exactive GC escapes
into the laboratory atmosphere. Therefore, provide for good air
exchange to prevent accumulation of gaseous nitrogen in the laboratory.

6-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Chapter 7 Installation

Prior to installation, make sure that all preparations described in the

previous chapters are complete.

When your lab site preparation is completed and the system is delivered,
please call your Thermo Fisher Scientific office to arrange for an
installation date.


• “Performance Test Samples for Q Exactive GC Systems” on

page 7-2

NOTICE Store the instrument in a protected location indoors. Take the

specifications described in “Temperature” on page 3-2 as a guideline for
the temperature in the storage room. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 7-1
Performance Test Samples for Q Exactive GC Systems

Performance Test Samples for Q Exactive GC Systems

The performance test sample packages for the Q Exactive GC
instruments listed in Table 7-1 are needed for installation. They do not
come with the mass spectrometer but will be shipped separately as part
of the Preinstallation Kit.

The installation will not begin until the arrival of all chemicals listed in
Table 7-1!

Table 7-1. Performance test sample packages for Q Exactive GC

Product Name Product Number
10 pg/l benzophenone in 1.2 mL of 1R76310-0114
10 fg/l octofluoronaphthalene in 1.2 mL of 1R76310-0111
100 fg/l octofluoronaphthalene in 1.2 mL 1R76310-0120
of iso-octane
Performance Kita 1R120705-PERF
Contains all three performance test samples.

7-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Chapter 8 General Preinstallation Information

This chapter provides general preinstallation information for your

MS system.


• “Instrument Arrival” on page 8-2

• “Installation” on page 8-3

• “Operating Environment” on page 8-5

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 8-1
General Preinstallation Information
Instrument Arrival

Instrument Arrival
When your lab site preparation is completed, and the system is
delivered, call your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office to arrange for
an installation date.

Thermo Scientific instruments are transported either by carriers who

specialize in the handling of delicate machinery, or for long distance
shipment by airfreight. Occasionally, however, equipment inadvertently
does get damaged in transit.

Take the following precautions when receiving material:

• Check carefully for obvious damage or evidence of rough handling.

• If external damage is apparent, take photographs, note this fact on

all copies of the receiving documents and describe briefly the extent
of the damage. Drivers should sign (or put their initials) next to your
comments to signify agreement with your observations.
• Contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific office to report the damage
and—please—let Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineers
check for further damage.

NOTICE If the instrument shipping container, ShockWatch™, or other

indicator shows any evidence of damage or mishandling during
shipment, do NOT open the container. Call your Thermo Fisher
Scientific representative for instructions on what to do. If the system
arrives safely, proceed with the following instructions. ▲

NOTICE Freight insurance requires that obvious damage be noted on

the receiving documents. Thermo Fisher Scientific will not accept
liability for damage if materials are received with obvious damage and
the damage is not recorded on the receiving documents. ▲

When your system arrives, move it to a protected location indoors,

preferably the installation site. Take the specifications described for the
laboratory in this guide as a guideline for the temperature and humidity
in the storage room. If you have questions about moving your system,
contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office.

Transportation Risk
Transportation risk depends on the terms of delivery agreed. The terms
of shipment determine who has responsibility for filing a claim against
the carrier if the system is damaged in transit.

8-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
General Preinstallation Information

It is the policy of Thermo Fisher Scientific that the customer should not
unpack the system or accessory items prior to installation of the system.

NOTICE Where buck/boost transformers or power conditioning units

are supplied, it is the responsibility of the customer to have these units
installed by an electrician prior to instrument installation. ▲

NOTICE A forklift or a palette-jack will be of great benefit for

unpacking and in-house transportation of the instrument
components. ▲

Installing the System

When your new mass spectrometer system is on site, ready for
installation, a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer will install

During the installation, the Thermo Fisher Scientific field service

engineer will demonstrate the following:

• The basics of equipment operation and routine maintenance.

• The performance specifications that are in force at the time of the

purchase of the system.

NOTICE Consumables sent with the system are intended for use by the
Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer during the installation. ▲

Key Operator
Experience has shown that the maximum benefit can be derived from a
scientific instrument if there is one person, a key operator, who has
major responsibility for that instrument. It is recommended that you
designate a key operator to oversee the operation and maintenance of
the system in your laboratory. The key operator should be available to
the installing engineer throughout the installation. This person will also
be the key figure in the communication between your laboratory and
Thermo Fisher Scientific.

NOTICE Do not plan to use your new system for sample analysis until
the installation is complete and the Acceptance Form has been signed. ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 8-3
General Preinstallation Information

Advanced Training Courses

Thermo Fisher Scientific provides both introductory and advanced
training courses in analytical techniques, together with specialized
operation and maintenance courses for Thermo Scientific products.

It is also recommended that some months after your mass spectrometer

system has been installed, the key operator receive an advanced training
for the operation and maintenance of the system from Thermo Fisher
Scientific. After this training, the key operator can conduct an in-house
training program on your site for your own people and certify others to
operate the instrument.

For information concerning course schedules and fees, please contact

the following address or your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office:

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11
28199 Bremen


Phone: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 0

Fax: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 426

Preventive Maintenance
Routine and preventive maintenance of mass spectrometer is in the
responsibility of the customer. Included in this category are replacement
of the cone, exchange of pump oil, replacement of filters, etc. on a
regular basis. Refer also to the manufacturers manuals delivered with the
instrument—especially for the maintenance of mechanical pumps and
turbomolecular pumps.

Regular preventive maintenance is essential. Regular preventive

maintenance will increase the life of the system, result in maximum
uptime of your system, and provide you with optimum system
performance. Maintenance techniques are covered in the Operating
Manual and manuals that come with your data system computer and
other modules of your system.

8-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
General Preinstallation Information
Operating Environment

Operating Environment
These general specifications for the operating environment help
ensuring continued high performance of the system.

Good lighting makes any work area more enjoyable. Since a lot of work
is done on the computer terminal, it may be convenient to have a
dimmer switch on the lights to reduce eyestrain. A small, high-intensity
lamp is recommended for cleaning mass spectrometer components,
source inspection, and manipulation of small components.

Particulate Matter
Particulate matter might contaminate the samples and the ion source
and may limit the background level of the instrument.
The air in your laboratory must not contain excessive dust, smoke, or
other particulate matter. For reference, the air should contain fewer than
35×106 particles per cubic meter (1×106 particles per cubic foot) in
excess of 5 µm.

Dust can clog the air filters, causing a reduction in air flow around
electronic components. Dust will also form a layer on electronic
components that will act as an insulating blanket and thus reduce the
heat transfer from the components to the surrounding air.

Quality of Power
The quality of power supplied to your system is very important for its
performance. The quality of line voltage must be stable and within the
specifications listed in this manual. The line voltage must be free voltage
surges, sags, or transients.

Below are definitions for the most common voltage disturbances:

• Harmonic distortion is a high-frequency disturbance that might
affect operation of your system. This disturbance appears as
distortion of the fundamental sine wave.

• Slow average is a gradual, long-term change in average root mean

square (RMS) voltage level, with typical durations greater than 2 s.

• Sags and surges are sudden changes in average RMS voltage level,
with typical durations between 50 µs and 2 s.

• Transients (or impulses) are brief voltage excursions of up to several

thousand volts with durations of less than 50 µs.

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 8-5
General Preinstallation Information
Operating Environment

Harmonic distortion causes noise in the power supply lines and

degrades instrument performance. Constant high line voltage, impulses,
or surges in voltage can cause overheating and component failures.
Constant low line voltage or sags in voltage can cause the system to
function erratically or not at all. Transients, even of a few microseconds
duration, can cause electronic devices to fail catastrophically or to
degrade and eventually shorten the lifetime of your system.

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using power monitoring and

conditioning devices. Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office
and see “Technical Assistance” on page 8-8 for electrical equipment

Power Monitoring Devices

Power line disturbance analyzers are capable of detecting and recording

most types of power supply problems. These instruments provide a
continuous record of line performance by analyzing and printing out
information on three types of voltage disturbances:

• Slow average

• Sag and surge

• Transient

In the first two cases, the duration as well as the amplitude of the
disturbance is indicated by time interval recording.

The power line must be monitored continuously for seven consecutive

days, 24 hours a day. If inspection of the printout indicates disturbances,
the test should be terminated and corrective action taken. Then, the
power should be monitored again as described above.

A variety of devices is available to monitor power supply quality. The

Leibert Corporation Model 3600 and the Dranetz™ 606 Series power
line disturbance analyzers are two devices capable of detecting and
recording most types of power supply problems.1

Line monitors can be rented from electrical equipment suppliers. If

necessary, your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office can assist in
interpretation of the results and recommend appropriate corrective

Thermo Fisher Scientific does not endorse any manufacturer, nor does it endorse products
other than its own. Companies and products listed in this guide are given as examples only.

8-6 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
General Preinstallation Information
Operating Environment

Power Conditioning Devices

Various line voltage conditioning devices are available that can correct
your line voltage problem. If you have good regulation but the power
line disturbance analyzer shows transient voltages, then an
isolation/noise suppression transformer should be adequate to resolve
the problem. If there are both transient and regulation problems, then
you should consider power conditioners, which can control both of
these problems.

When nominal voltage is free from voltage sags, surges, and impulses
but different from 230 V AC line to ground, the supply voltage can be
lowered (bucked) or raised (boosted) using a buck/boost transformer.
Buck/boost transformers are also available from Thermo Fisher

Your electrician should install the buck/boost transformer before the

installation of your system is started.

NOTICE For compliance and safety, ensure that your power

conditioning devices are certified by recognized domestic and
international organizations (for example, UL, CSA, TÜV, and VDE). ▲

Uninterruptible Power Supply

If your local area is susceptible to corrupted power or power disruptions,

then an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be installed in your

NOTICE For compliance and safety, ensure that your uninterruptible

power supply (UPS) devices are certified by recognized domestic and
international organizations (for example, UL, CSA, TÜV, and VDE). ▲

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 8-7
General Preinstallation Information
Operating Environment

Technical Assistance

Occasionally, Thermo Fisher Scientific encounters line-voltage sources

of unacceptable quality that adversely affect the operation of the mass
spectrometer. Rectifying such power-supply problems is the
responsibility of the operator. However, (upon request) Thermo Fisher
Scientific will attempt to assist in diagnosis, but does not undertake to
isolate and correct power-supply quality problems.

Contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific office for assistance in

monitoring the line voltage in your laboratory, in selecting a line
conditioner, or in locating a power consultant in your area.

Specifying power conditioning equipment is a complex task that is best

handled by a company or consultant specializing in that field.

A selection of such companies1 is listed in Table 8-1:

Table 8-1. Companies specifying power conditioning equipment

Company Address or comment Internet
General Electric Company Worldwide distribution network
JOVYATLAS Elektrische Groninger Straße 29-37
Umformtechnik GmbH 26789 Leer, Germany
Phone: +49 (491) 6002 0
Fax: +49 (491) 6002 48
OnLine Power, Inc. Conform to all applicable standards,
Sola/ HD

Thermo Fisher Scientific does not endorse any manufacturer, nor does it endorse products
other than its own. Companies and products listed in this guide are given as examples only.

8-8 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
General Preinstallation Information
Operating Environment

Electrostatic Discharge
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the electronic components of
your MS system. Thermo Scientific instruments are designed to
withstand electrostatic discharges (ESD) up to 4 kV (air discharge) and
4 kV (contact discharge) with all panels in place. However, if the panels
are removed and the PCBs are handled without proper precautions, the
electronic components might be damaged or fail prematurely. Static
electricity can develop in a variety of ways. A few examples of how
electrostatic charge can develop are as follows:

• When walking across a carpet in a room that is at 20% relative

humidity, as much as 35000 V of electrostatic potential can be
generated on the surface of your body. This same motion in a room
at 80% relative humidity generates about 1500 V of electrostatic

• Sitting and working in a chair padded with polyurethane foam in a

room at 20% relative humidity can cause as much as 18000 V of
electrostatic potential to develop on your skin or 1500 V at 80%
relative humidity.

• Working in laboratory coats and clothing made of synthetic fibers

can cause the accumulation of static electricity on your skin.

• Polystyrene cups and packing materials typically have a considerable

electrostatic charge on them.

Many electronic components can be damaged by a discharge of

electrostatic potential of as little as 50 V. ESD damage can be
catastrophic causing your system to cease functioning. More commonly,
however, ESD damage might cause latent problems that are detrimental
to sensitive electrical components, causing premature failures.
Therefore, Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends the following
precautions, especially when you are operating your system at the lower
end of the relative humidity specification listed above:

• Use a static-dissipating floor covering (such as tile or conductive

linoleum) in the room that houses your instrument.

• Use laboratory chairs covered with natural fiber or other static

dissipating material.

• When operating the instrument, wear laboratory coats and clothing

made of natural fiber or other static-dissipating material.

• Do not place polystyrene cups or packing materials on the


Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) 8-9
Legal Documents
This chapter provides legal documents.


• “FCC Compliance Statement” on page D-2

• “WEEE Compliance” on page D-3

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) D-1
Legal Documents
FCC Compliance Statement

FCC Compliance Statement


D-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Legal Documents
WEEE Compliance

WEEE Compliance

WEEE Compliance
This product is required to comply with the European Union’s Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. It is marked with the following symbol:

Thermo Fisher Scientific has contracted with one or more recycling or disposal companies in each
European Union (EU) Member State, and these companies should dispose of or recycle this product. See for further information on Thermo Fisher Scientific’s compliance
with these Directives and the recyclers in your country.

WEEE Konformität
Dieses Produkt muss die EU Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Richtlinie 2002/96/EC
erfüllen. Das Produkt ist durch folgendes Symbol gekennzeichnet:

Thermo Fisher Scientific hat Vereinbarungen mit Verwertungs-/Entsorgungsfirmen in allen

EU-Mitgliedsstaaten getroffen, damit dieses Produkt durch diese Firmen wiederverwertet oder entsorgt
werden kann. Mehr Information über die Einhaltung dieser Anweisungen durch Thermo Fisher Scientific,
über die Verwerter, und weitere Hinweise, die nützlich sind, um die Produkte zu identifizieren, die unter
diese RoHS Anweisung fallen, finden sie unter

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) D-3
Legal Documents
WEEE Compliance

Conformité DEEE
Ce produit doit être conforme à la directive européenne (2002/96/EC) des Déchets d'Equipements
Electriques et Electroniques (DEEE). Il est marqué par le symbole suivant:

Thermo Fisher Scientific s'est associé avec une ou plusieurs compagnies de recyclage dans chaque état
membre de l’union européenne et ce produit devrait être collecté ou recyclé par celles-ci. Davantage
d'informations sur la conformité de Thermo Fisher Scientific à ces directives, les recycleurs dans votre pays
et les informations sur les produits Thermo Fisher Scientific qui peuvent aider la détection des substances
sujettes à la directive RoHS sont disponibles sur

D-4 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
A wall outlets 4-6
workbench 2-5
acceptance form 8-3
delivery terms 8-2
advanced training courses 8-4
detergents 5-7
circulation 2-8 dimensions, of instrument 2-8
duct 3-2 dimensions, of packed units 2-4, 2-6, 5-3–5-5
exchange 6-2 distilled water 5-7
flow 8-5 documentation survey 0-i
air conditioning doorways 2-2
humidity 3-4 dust 8-5
load 3-2
temperature 3-2
altitude 3-5 E
earth ground 4-2
electromagnetic fields 3-4
B electronic components 3-4, 8-5, 8-9
buck/boost transformer 4-2, 8-7 electrostatic discharge (ESD)
damage 8-9
precautions 8-9
C emergency shutdown 2-8
entrance requirements 2-2–2-3
calibration compounds 7-2
cell phones 3-4 cables 2-5–2-6
certification, of power conditioning devices 8-7 switch 2-5, 4-4
chemicals exhaust
for installation 2-2 hose 6-2
cleaning agents 5-7 system 6-2
collision gas, for HCD 5-3
compliance, WEEE D-3
wall outlets 4-5
connector, for mains supply 4-4 failures, repair 1-2
container fan filters 2-8
dimensions 2-2 fittings 5-2
weights 2-2 floor covering 8-9
contamination forepump
gas lines 5-3 location 3-4
C-Trap, bath gas 5-3 power supply 4-4–4-5
vibration 3-4
freight insurance 8-2
fume exhaust system 6-2
D fuses 4-5
documenting 8-2
to equipment 8-2
data system G
dimensions 2-6, 5-3–5-5 gas
placing 2-5 connection hardware 5-2
shipping container 2-2 contaminants 5-3

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) I-1
Index: H–R

pressure 5-3 monitor

gas cylinders, storing 5-3 dimensions 2-6
grounding 4-2, 4-5 heat output 3-3
location 2-5
moving, the instrument 2-9
handles, on the instrument 2-9
harmonic distortion 8-5
HCD collision gas 5-3 nitrogen
heat 8-5 connection to source 5-2
output 3-3 consumption 5-3
removal 3-2 pressure 5-3
humidity 3-4 noise current 4-2

instrument oil vapor 6-2
damage 5-3 overheat, avoiding 2-9
dimensions 2-8
failures 1-2
lifting 2-9 P
moving 2-9
performance 3-4 packing materials 8-9
repair 1-2 pallet jack 2-2, 2-9
storing after arrival 8-2 particulate filters, for gases 5-3
wall outlet 4-6 particulate matter 8-5
weight 2-5, 2-9 performance, of instrument 3-4
insulating blanket 8-5 placing, the instrument 3-2
isolation/noise suppression transformer 8-7 polystyrene foam cups 8-9
power 4-3
cables 4-4
conditioning 8-7–8-8
K connector 4-4
key operator 8-3–8-4 consumption 3-2
line 8-6
monitoring 8-6
L outlets 4-2, 4-6
quality 8-5
laboratory 8-5 sags and surges 8-5
atmosphere 6-2 slow average 8-5
chairs 8-9 supply quality 8-6
coats 8-9 transients 8-5
exhaust system 6-2
power supply
floor 2-5 data system 4-5
lighting 8-5
peripheral devices 4-5
setup 4-6
Preinstallation Kit 1-5, 7-2
ventilation 6-2
pressure, of nitrogen gas 5-3
lifting devices 2-9
preventive maintenance 8-4
lifting, the instrument 2-9
printer 2-5
lighting, in the laboratory 8-5

radio frequencies 3-4
maintenance techniques 8-4
receptacles 4-4
mobile phones 3-4

I-2 Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) Thermo Scientific
Index: S–W

removing the instrument, from shipping container 2-2 transportation risk 8-2
room temperature 3-2

S uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 4-2, 4-6, 8-7
shipment terms 8-2 user’s responsibilities 1-2, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1–5-2, 6-1–6-2,
short circuits 3-4 8-3–8-4, 8-8
shutting off, power 4-2 using, your new instrument 8-3
smoke 8-5
for cleaning 5-7 V
waste 6-2
space requirements 2-2, 2-5
hose 2-9
static electricity 3-4, 8-9
ventilation slots 2-9
ventilation, in the laboratory 6-2
gas cylinders 5-3
vertical clearance 2-8
instrument and installation equipment 7-1
vibration 3-4
support points, of instrument 2-9
survey link 0-i
disturbances 8-5–8-6
system reliability 3-2
sags 4-2

technical assistance 8-8
wall outlets 2-5, 4-4–4-5
WEEE compliance D-3
fluctuations 3-2
monitor 3-4 weights
equipment 2-4, 2-6, 5-3–5-5
third-party manuals 1-5
instrument 2-5
tilt angle, of instrument 2-9
options 2-5
training courses 8-4
wheels, of the instrument 2-9
transformers workbenches
buck/boost 8-7 data system 2-6
installation 8-3 dimensions 2-6
isolation/noise 8-7 MS system 2-6
transient voltages 8-7 top 2-6
transport pallet 2-9

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1R120706-0001, Revision B) I-3

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