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001. In RSA, (n) = _______ in terms of p and q.

A (p)/(q) B (p)(q)
C (p-1)(q-1) D (p+1)(q+1)
002. Sender chooses p = 107, e1 = 2, d = 67, and the random integer is r=45. Find the B
plaintext to be transmitted if the ciphertext is (28,9).
A 45 B 66
C 76 D 13
003. What is the general equation for elliptic curve systems? D
A y3+b1 xy+b2 y=x3+a1 x2+a2 x+a3 B y3+b1 x+b2 y=x2+a1 x2+a2 x+a3
C y2+b1 xy+b2 y=x3+a1 x2+a2 D y2+b1 xy+b2 y=x3+a1 x2+a2 x+a3
004. For p = 11 and q = 19 and choose e=17. Apply RSA algorithm where message=5 and A
find the cipher text.
A C=80 B C=92
C C=56 D C=23
005. In Singular elliptic curve, the equation x^3+ax+b=0 does ____ roots. A
A does not have three distinct B has three distinct
C has three unique D has three distinct unique
006. If P = (1,4) in the elliptic curve E13(1, 1) , then 4P is D
A (4, 2) B (7, 0)
C (5, 1) D (8, 1)
007. Which Cryptographic system uses C1 = (e r) mod p and C1 = (e rx P) mod p at the B
1 2
encryption side?
A Elgamal B RSA
C Rabin D Whirlpool
008. In the RSA algorithm, we select 2 random large values p and q. Which of the following C
is the property of p and q?
A p and q should be divisible by (n) B p and q should be co-prime
C p and q should be prime D p/q should give no remainder
009. For p = 11 and q = 19 and choose d=17. Apply RSA algorithm where Cipher C
message=80 and thus find the plain text.
A 54 B 43
C 5 D 24
010. On adding the two points P (4,2) and Q (10, 6) in the elliptic curve E11(1,1) we get- B
A (9,3) B (6,4)
C (7,5) D (2,8)
011. In Elgamal cryptosystem, given the prime p=31. What is the respective plaintext C
character for C = (27, 20)?
012. How many real and imaginary roots does the equation y2=x3-1 have? D
A 2 real, 1 imaginary B all real
C all imaginary D 2 imaginary, 1 real
013. n = 35; e = 5; C = 10. What is the plaintext (use RSA) ? D
A 3 B 7
C 8 D 5
014. In the elliptic curve group defined by y2= x3- 17x + 16 over real numbers, what is P + A
Q if P = (0,-4) and Q = (1, 0)?
A (15, -56) B (-23, -43)
C (69, 26) D (12, -86)
015. In Elgamal cryptosystem, given the prime p=31.Choose e1= first primitive root of p and C
d=10, calculate e2.
A 24 B 36
C 25 D 62
016. In Elgamal cryptosystem, given the prime p=31.Encrypt the message HELLO; use 00 B
to 25 for encoding. The value of C2 for character O is----
A 23 B 09
C 07 D 27
017. Multiply the point P=(8, 1) by a constant 3, thus find 3P, in the elliptic curve E13(1, 1) A
A (10,7) B (12,6)
C (11,1) D (9,8)
018. An asymmetric-key (or public-key) cipher uses------- C
A 3 key B 1 key
C 2 key D 4 key
019. In RSA, we select a value e such that it lies between 0 and (n) and it is relatively prime B
to (n).
A True B False
C May be D Can &#39t say
020. For the point P (7, 0) defined in the curve E13(1, 1). What is P? D
A (7,1) B (8,12)
C (8,1) D (7,0)
021. Using Rivest, Shamir, Adleman cryptosystem with p=7 and q=9. Encrypt M=24 to find C
ciphertext. The Ciphertext is:
A 42 B 93
C 114 D 103
022. Bob selects E67(2, 3) as the elliptic curve over GF(p). He selects e1 = (2, 22) and d = D
4. Then he calculates e2 = d e1 .What is the value of e2?
A (23,49) B (16,55)
C (12,19) D (13,45)
023. In the elliptic curve group defined by y2= x3- 17x + 16 over real numbers, what is 2P if A
P = (4, 3.464)?
A (12.022, -39.362) B (32.022, 42.249)
C (11.694, -43.723) D (43.022, 39.362)
024. Using Rabin cryptosystem with p=23 and q=7 Encrypt P=24 to find ciphertext. The B
Cipher text is--
A 42 B 93
C 74 D 12
025. For RSA to work, the value of P must be less than the value of-- C
A p B q
C n D r
026. Which Cryptographic system uses C1 = (e1r) mod p and C1 = (e2r x P) mod p at the A
encryption side?
A elgamal B RSA
C rabin D whirlpool
027. RSA stands for--- D
A Rivest, Shaw, and Adleman B Robert, Shamir, and Anthoney
C Roger, Shamir, and Adrian D Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
028. In the RSA public key cryptosystem, which one of the following numbers will always be B
A e B n
C p D q
029. In Elgamal cryptosystem, given the prime p=31. Encrypt the message HELLO; use 00 D
to 25 for encoding. The value of C2 for character L is ----
A 12 B 7
C 20 D 27
030. In Asymmetric key Cryptography, although RSA can be used to encrypt and decrypt B
actual messages, it is very slow if the message is------
A short B long
C flat D thin
031. For the point P (11, 2) defined in the curve E13(1, 1). What is P? C
A (12,4) B (10,7)
C (11,11) D (11,12)
032. Bob selects E67(2, 3) as the elliptic curve over GF(p). He selects e1 = (2, 22) and d = A
4. Then he calculates e2 = d e1 and the publicly announces the tuple (E, e1, e2). Now,
Alice wants to send the plaintext P = (24, 26) to Bob and she selects r = 2. What are
C1 and C2?
A C1=(35,1) ; C2 =(21,44) B C1=(44,21) ; C2 =(1,35)
C C1=(44,21) ; C2 =(44,21) D C1=(21,44); C2 =(35,1)
033. Which cryptographic algorithm forms the basis of the El Gamal cryptosystem? B
A RSA B Diffie-Hellman
034. In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by __________ D
A sender B sender and receiver
C all the connected devices to the D receiver
035. Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography? A
A electronic code book algorithm B RSA algorithm
C diffie-hellman algorithm D DSA algorithm
036. Which International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard governs the creation B
and endorsement of digital certificates for secure electronic communication?
A X.500 B X.509
C X.900 D X.905
037. In an RSA system the public key of a given user is e = 31, n = 3599. What is the A
private key of this user?
A 3031 B 2412
C 2432 D 1023
038. If a 2,048-bit plaintext message was encrypted with the El Gamal public key C
cryptosystem, how long would the resulting ciphertext message be?
A 1,024 bits B 2,048 bits
C 4,096 bits D 8,192 bits
039. Which one of the following algorithms is not supported by the Digital Signature C
A Digital Signature Algorithm B RSA
C El Gamal DSA D Elliptic Curve DSA
040. ElGamal encryption system is __________ B
A symmetric key encryption algorithm B asymmetric key encryption algorithm
C not an encryption algorithm D block cipher method
041. Kerberos is an encryption based system that uses----------- A
A Secret key encryption B Data key encryption
C Private key encryption D Public key encryption
042. The secret key between members needs to be created as a ________ key when two B
members contact KDC.
A public B session
C complimentary D private
043. Message _______ means that the receiver is ensured that the message is coming from C
the intended sender not an imposter.
A confidentiality B integrity
C authentication D Authorization
044. For a client server authentication, the client requests from the KDC a ----- for access to A
a specific asset.
A ticket B local
C token D user
045. A(n) ---------function creates a message digest out of a message. C
A decryption B encryption
C hash D integrity
046. The digital signature standard proposed in---- B
A 1990 B 1991
C 1993 D 1997
047. Which of the following is digital certificate standard? D
A X.506 B X.507
C X.508 D X.509
048. Which of the following is not an element/field of X.509 certificate? C
A Issuer name B signature
C Serial modifier D Issuer unique identifier
049. When a hash function is used to provide message authentication, the hash function B
value is referred to as ---
A Message Field B Message Digest
C Message Score D Message Leap
050. What is the correct order of operation within each round of the Whirlpool algorithm? D
A Add round key, Substitute bytes, Mix B Substitute bytes, Add round key, Shift
rows, Shift columns columns, Mix rows
C Mix rows, Substitute bytes, Shift D Substitute bytes, Shift columns, Mix
columns, Add round key rows, Add round key
051. How many round constants (RCs) are required in Whirlpool? A
A 10 B 11
C 12 D 21
052. What is a one-way password file? C
A A scheme in which the password is B A scheme in which the password is
jumbled and stored XOR with a key and stored
C A scheme in which the hash of the D A scheme in which the password is
password is stored passed through a PRF, which is then
053. Which round provides linear diffusion in the Whirlpool Algorithm? A
A Mix Rows B Add Key
C Substitute Bytes D Shift Rows
054. Message authentication code is also known as---- C
A key code B hash code
C keyed hash function D message key hash function
055. For each -------, the Kerberoes KDC maintains a database of the realms principal and B
the principals associated secret keys.
A key B realm
C document D tag
056. The responsibility of a certification authority for digital signature is to authenticate the -- C
A Hash function used B Private keys of subscribers
C Public keys of subscribers D Keys used in DES
057. In SHA-512, W16 is dependent on---------- C
A W0,W3,W7,W13 B W3,W7,W11,W15
C W0,W1,W9,W14 D W0,W1,W10,W13
058. What is the number of round computation steps in the SHA-256 algorithm? C
A 80 B 76
C 64 D 70
059. Which algorithm has the most execution latency? D
A SHA-1 B MD-5
C Whirlpool D SHA-2
060. In SHA-512, the message is divided into blocks of size ______ bits for the hash A
A 1024 B 512
C 256 D 1248
061. What is the effectiveness of an n-bit hash value? B
A 2n B 2-n
C 22n D 2-2n
062. What is the maximum length of the message (in bits) that can be taken by SHA-512? A
A 2128 B 2256
C 264 D 2192
063. Which one of the following is not an application hash functions? B
A One-way password file B Key wrapping
C Virus Detection D Intrusion detection
064. Which hash algorithm is the most hardware intensive among the following? D
C MD-5 D Whirlpool
065. How many rounds are there in one Whirlpool Iteration? B
A 3 B 4
C 6 D 8
066. What is the number of operation required to come up with 2 messages having the A
same message digest in SHA-512?
A 2256 B 2512
C 21024 D 2128
067. The expected workload of generating a collision is of the order of ______ executions of A
A 2(n/2) B 2(n-1)
C 2(n) D 2(2n)
068. In SHA-3, for a message digest size of 256, what is the bitrate r (capacity = 512) ? B
A 576 B 1088
C 1152 D 832
069. Which one of these is not a Whirlpool function? D
A Add Key B Substitute Bytes
C Mix Rows D Shift Rows
070. The underlying structure of the SHA-3 algorithm is referred to as--- C
A Layer construction B Texture construction
C Sponge construction D Cement construction
071. Before the first round of the Whirlpool algorithm, which is the operation that takes C
A Substitution of Bytes B Mixing of Rows
C Addition of Key D Shifting of Columns
072. SHA-1 produces a hash value of--- B
A 256 bits B 160 bits
C 180 bits D 128 bits
073. Another name for Message authentication codes is----- C
A cryptographic codebreak B cryptographic codesum
C cryptographic checksum D cryptographic checkbreak
074. Which of the following is not true for whirlpool hashing function? A
A It is a two way hashing function B It is based on a 512 bit block cipher
C The block cipher is similar to AES D It is resistant to differential attacks
075. What is the full-form of CMAC? B
A Code-based MAC B Cipher-based MAC
C Construct-based MAC D Collective-based MAC
076. How many rounds does the Whirlpool algorithm undergo? D
A 16 B 12
C 14 D 10
077. Cryptographic hash functions execute faster in software than block ciphers. D
A Statement is correct B Statement is incorrect
C Depends on the hash function D Depends on the processor
078. What is the value of ipad in the HMAC structure? B
A 00111110 B 00110010
C 10110110 D 01110110
079. How many rounds are present in each iteration function of SHA-3? C
A 3 B 4
C 5 D 6
080. Another name for the Whirlpool key is----- D
A CState B LState
C Estate D KState
081. Which one of the following is not a public key distribution means? B
A Public-Key Certificates B Hashing Certificates
C Publicly available directories D Public-Key authority
082. Which of the following is not an element/field of the X.509 certificates? C
A Issuer unique Identifier B Signature
C Serial Modifier D Issuer Name
083. Which of the following public key distribution systems is most secure? A
A Public-Key Certificates B Public announcements
C Publicly available directories D Public-Key authority
084. The subject unique identifier of the X.509 certificates was added in which version? A
A 1 B 2
C 4 D 3
085. What is the size of the s-box table/matrix in Whirlpool? B
A 88 B 16 16
C 8 16 D 16 8
086. How many add round key functions are present in the Whirlpool algorithm? C
A 16 B 18
C 11 D 10
087. Which systems use a timestamp? i) Public-Key Certificates ii) Public announcements C
iii) Publicly available directories iv) Public-Key authority
A i) and ii) B iii) and iv)
C i) and iv) D iv) only
088. Certificate extensions fall into 3 categories. Which one of the following is not a D
Certificate extensions category?
A Subject and Issuer attributes B Key and Policy information
C Certification path constraints D All of the above are Certificate
extensions categories
089. The issuer unique identifier of the X.509 certificates was added in which version? B
A 1 B 2
C 3 D 4
090. Which system uses a trusted third party interface? A
A Public-Key Certificates B Public announcements
C Publicly available directories D Public-Key authority
091. Which of these systems use timestamps as an expiration date? A
A Public-Key Certificates B Public announcements
C Publicly available directories D Public-Key authority
092. How many handshake rounds are required in the Public-Key Distribution Scenario? D
A 5 B 3
C 4 D 7
093. X.509 certificate recommends which cryptographic algorithm? B
C AES D Rabin
094. CRL stands for- C
A Cipher Reusable List B Certificate Revocation Language
C Certificate Revocation List D Certificate Resolution Language
095. A digital signature is----- A
A An authentication of an electronic B A bit string giving identity of a
record by trying it uniquely to a key correspondent
only a sender knows
C A unique identification of a sender D An encrypted signature of a sender
096. Public key system is useful because B
A It uses two keys B There is no key distribution problem
as public key can be kept in a
commonly accessible database
C Private key can be kept secret D It is a symmetric key system
097. The man-in-the-middle attack can endanger the security of the Diffie-Hellman method if B
two parties are not ---------
A Joined B Authenticated
C Submit D Separate
098. A total of seven messages are required in the Public-Key distribution scenario. C
However, the initial five messages need to be used only infrequently because both A
and B can save the others public key for future a technique known as ____
A time stamping B polling
C caching D squeezing
099. The certificate message is required for any agreed-on key exchange method except- A
A anonymous diffie- hellmanc B RSA
C ephemeral diffie- hellman D fixeddiffie- hellmand.
100. How many bytes of the secret key is generated using Diffie-Hellman D
encryption/decryption scheme?
A 871 B 1024
C 962 D 256
101. Computation of the discrete logarithm is the basis of the cryptographic system------------ C
A symmetric cryptography B asymmetric cryptography
C diffie-hellman key exchange D secret key cryptography
102. What does IP means? B
A Instance Principle B Internet Protocol
C Instant Protocol D Intellectual Property
103. One of the problems with using SET protocol is-------- C
A The merchants risk is high as he B The credit card company should
accepts encrypted credit card check digital signature
C The bank has to keep a database D The bank has to keep a database of
ofthe public keys of all customers digital signatures of all customers
104. What are TLS and SSL? C
A Internet Protocols B Network Layers
C Cryptographic protocols D Internet Layers
105. Certification of Digital signature by an independent authority is needed because---- C
A It is safe B It gives confidence to a business
C The authority checks and assures D Private key claimed by a sender may
customers that the public key indeed not be actually his.
belongs to the business which claims
its ownership
106. The SET protocol is used for---- A
A Credit card payment B Cheque payment
C Electronic cash payment D Payment of small amounts for
Internet services
107. In SET protocol a customer encrypts credit card number using------- B
A His private key B Banks public key
C Banks private key D Merchants public key
108. In SET protocol a customer sends a purchase order----------- D
A Encrypted with his public key B In plain text form
C Encrypted using Banks public key D Using digital signature system
109. USENET is related to which of the following Public Key distribution schemes? B
A Public-Key Certificates B Public announcements
C Publicly available directories D Public-Key authority
110. Why did SSL certificate require in HTTP? D
A For making security weak B For making information movefaster
C For sending and receiving emails D For encrypted data sent over http
unencrypted protocol
111. PGP makes use of which cryptographic algorithm? C
C RSA D Rabin
112. The bank has to have the public keys of all customers in SET protocol as it has to ------ A
A Check the digital signature of B Communicate with merchants
C Communicate with merchants credit D Certify their keys
card company
113. SSL is a predecessor of which cryptographic protocol? B
114. In the Sublayer of which of the following does TLS and SSL performs the data D
encryption of network connections?
A Presentation layer B Session and presentation layer
C Session layer D Application layer
115. What is the function of mail transfer agent? C
A It resolves the names B It helps in reading the emails
C It receives and delivers the messages D It detects emails carrying virus
116. Which of them is not a major way of stealing email information? B
A stealing cookies B reverse engineering
C password phishing D social engineering
117. ---------- is the method for keeping sensitive information in email communication & A
accounts secure against unofficial access, loss, or compromise.
A email security B email hacking
C email protection D email safeguarding
118. The cryptography algorithms used in S/MIME are --------- C
119. Who created PGP? A
A Phil Zimmermann B Tim Berners-Lee
C Marc Andreessen D Ken Thompson
120. What is the key size allowed in PGP? C
A 1024-1056 B 1024-4056
C 1024-4096 D 1024-2048
121. Which of the following is not a transport layer vulnerability? D
A mishandling of undefined , poorly B the vulnerability that allows
defined fingerprinting & other enumeration of
host information
C overloading of transporting layer D unauthorized network access
122. There are -----major ways of stealing email information. B
A 2 B 3
C 4 D 5
123. Why did SSL certificate require in HTTP? C
A for making security weak B for making information move faster
C for encrypted data sent over http D for sending and receiving emails
protocol unencrypted
124. EDI over Internet uses ----- D
A SGML to send business forms B HTTP to send business forms
C FTP to send business forms D MIME to attach EDI forms to email
125. PGP offers ----- block ciphers for message encryption D
A CAST B triple DES
126. ----------- is a famous technological medium for the spread of malware, facing problems D
of spam, & phishing attacks.
A cloud B pen drive
C website D email
127. Unsolicited Bulk E-mails are called-------- C
C spam emails D malicious emails
128. Which of them is an example of grabbing email information? A
A cookie stealing B reverse engineering
C port scanning D banner grabbing
129. S/MIME stands for --------- B
A Standard Multipurpose Internet Mail B Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions. Extensions.
C Secure Multipurpose International D Standard Multipurpose International
Mail Extensions Mail Extensions.
130. Which of the following protocols is used on the sender side when an electronic mail is C
sent from one host to another?
131. IKE is a complex protocol based on --------- other protocols B
A 2 B 3
C 4 D 5
132. What is IMAP? D
A Internet Messaging Application B Intranet Messaging Application
C Internet Message Application D Internet Message Access Protocol
133. --is used for hiding the payment information from the merchant. A
134. For secure EDI transmission on Internet---- is used C
135. PGP is used in------ B
A browser security B email security
C ftp security D wifi security
136. In S/MIME,MLA stands for --- A
A Mailing List Agent. B Multipurpose List Agent.
C Mail Lock Agent. D Message Link Agent
137. Which one of the following is not a higher layer SSL protocol? C
A Alert Protocol B Handshake Protocol
C Alarm Protocol D Change Cipher Spec Protocol
138. Which protocol is used to convey SSL related alerts to the peer entity? D
A Handshake Protocol B Upper-Layer Protocol
C Change Cipher Spec Protocol D Alert Protocol
139. In the SSL Protocol, each upper layer message if fragmented into a maximum of D
__________ bytes.
A 2^16 B 2^32
C 2^12 D 2^14
140. Encryption and Decryption is the responsibility of ___ Layer. C
A Physical B Network
C Application D Datalink
141. In tunnel mode, IPSec protects the------ A
A entire IP packet B IP header
C IP payload D IP trailer
142. Which of the following is not a strong security protocol? C
143. IPSec is designed to provide security at the-------- B
A transport layer B network layer
C application layer D session layer
144. Calculation of the certificate_verify in TLS involves the use of a finished_label. The B
finished_label is the string-------------
A client finished for the client B client finished for the client, server
finished for the server
C server finished for the server D client finished for the server, server
finished for the client
145. An HTTP connection uses port ___ whereas HTTPS uses port __ and invokes SSL. C
A 40; 80 B 60; 620
C 80; 443 D 620; 80
146. ___ is a generic protocol that supports many different key exchange methods. A
147. The full form of SSL is-- B
A Serial Session Layer B Secure Socket Layer
C Session Secure Layer D Series Socket Layer
148. SSL primarily focuses on---------- A
A integrity and authenticity B integrity and non-repudiation
C authenticity and privacy D confidentiality and integrity
149. Which of the following is not a secure shell protocol? B
A Transport Layer Protocol B Secure Layer Protocol
C Connection Protocol D User Authentication Protocol
150. In tunnel mode, IPSec protects the --- D
A IP trailer B IP payload
C IP header D Entire IP packet

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