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Trilinear tensile stress–strain constitutive model for high

ductility cementitious composite with totally recycle fine



In this paper, the crushed waste concrete particles with original particle grade were adopted as
recycled fine aggregate (RFA) to completely substitute the natural fine aggregate in preparing
high ductility cementitious composite (HDCC) for fully utilizing waste concrete, simplifying
the sieving steps, reducing the environmental pollution and obtaining better tensile
performance. The tensile stress–strain behavior of HDCC with 100% RFA (termed as R-
HDCC) was explored by the uniaxial tensile test and compared with that of HDCC with
totally natural fine aggregate. Then the effects of RFA-binder ratio, water-binder ratio, fly ash
content and fiber volume fraction on the properties of R-HDCC were investigated in detail.
The test results showed that the increase of both water-binder ratio and fly ash content
reduced the tensile strength of R-HDCC but improved the strain capacity significantly. The
increase of fiber volume fraction was beneficial to both tensile strength and strain capacity.
As RFA-binder ratio increased, the strain capacity of R-HDCC decreased continuously while
the tensile strength increased first and then decreased. Most notably, there was apparently
three stages on the tensile stress–strain curve of R-HDCC, which was very different from the
bilinear tensile response of ordinary HDCC. Therefore, a new trilinear tensile stress-train
constitutive model was proposed for R-HDCC and validated in comparation with test results
in this study and relevant literatures. It demonstrated that the trilinear model could well match
with the measured curves of HDCC with PVA fibers and recycled fines crushed from
.concrete or clay brick



High ductility cementitious composite (HDCC) has been developed into a focus in the field of
engineering materials since it could realize the strain hardening and multiple cracking, which
effectively overcome the inherent brittle defect of the ordinary concrete. It was well
established that HDCC possessed a higher tensile strength and strain capacity, greater crack
controlling ability and extremer energy absorption ability [1–5]. Moreover, many studies
indicated that HDCC also had the superior impact resistance [6–8] and durability
characteristics, including the higher freezing-thawing resistance and lower permeability of the
water and ion in harsh environments [9–11]. Therefore, the HDCC was suitable to be applied
in the large complex high-rise and long-span structures owe to the above excellent
performances [12,13]. In recent years, some in-depth studies on the tensile stress–strain
behavior and constitutive model of the HDCC have been conducted to supplement and perfect
its design theory in engineering application. Maalej and Li [14] performed a third point
flexural test on HDCC and found that the flexural strength of HDCC was 5 times of its tensile
strength, and then proposed the mono linear tensile strain hardening model. Li and Wu [15]
proposed a bilinear tensile strain hardening constitutive model based on a series of
experiments. Han et al. [16] developed a stress–strain model considering the behavior of
descending branch through numerical simulation analysis. Cai [17] tested the tensile
properties of ultra-high toughness cementitious composite and found that another strain
hardening stage would appear after the multiple cracking saturated, and therefore the post
hardening section was introduced to the tensile stress–strain relations. On the other hand, the
rapid development of construction industry has produced enormous amount of construction
and demolition waste, in which the waste concrete accounts for more than 70% [18]. Most of
the waste concrete are released in the open air or dumped in landfills due to the high disposal
cost, causing a scarcity of cultivated lands and seriously environmental pollution [19–21].
Meanwhile, the tremendous consumption and overexploitation of natural sand resources
resulted from high-volume production of concrete each year aggravate the ecological
destructions like soil erosion [20,22]. Nowadays, the natural sand resources are be-coming
insufficient, which limits the application of HDCC. Under this circumstance, crushing these
waste concrete into recycled aggregate to replace the natural aggregate in concrete has been
an effective way to turn waste into treasure, thus reduce the environmental pollution and
economize the natural resources [19,21,23,24]. The detailed and thorough investigations of
recycled coarse aggregate application have emerged in recent years [20,25–29], while the
extensive fine particles with the diameter less than 0.5 mm (usually called recycled fine
aggregate, RFA) produced unavoidably during the crushing process of recycled coarse
aggregate, have not been paid much attention and still need to be processed [30]. Some
scholars [31,32] introduced RFA into concrete to replace the natural fine aggregate and found
that with a low replacement (<30%), the strength of concrete with RFA was nearly
unchanged; as RFA replacement increased to 50%, the strength and energy dissipation
capability of concrete were markedly reduced. Afterwards, other scholars [33–35] reported
that the durability and fire resistance of concrete prepared with totally RFA were poor.
Subsequently, fibers were introduced into concrete with RFA hoping to make better
performance. The results [36–39] indicated that adding fibers could significantly improve the
strength of concrete with RFA under various load and greatly reduce the corresponding crack
width. The durability of concrete with RFA was also improved apparently by the fiber
addition [40–42]. Along with the deep-going of the research, scholars proposed that the RFA
could be used to replace natural fine aggregate in preparing HDCC to expand the usable range
of RFA and consequently promote the waste cyclic utilization and environment protection. Li
and Yang [43] replaced microsilica sand by RFA during manufacturing a series of HDCC.
The results of the mechanical performance test indicated that HDCC with recycled concrete
fine aggregate exhibited a respectable strain capacity. Zhang et al. [44] found that though the
peak flexural stress of HDCC decreased with the increasing in RFA replacement, the
autoclaved curing induced an enhancement. In addition, the abundant studies illustrated that
the mechanical performance of concrete could be conspicuously improved by the addition of
.crush dust (the crushed particles with a diameter below 0.075 mm)

The existence of crush dust helped to form a closer particle distribution with binder materials
and fill the gap in matrix, both of which contributed to an increment of compressive strength
[45]. The water needed in concrete with crush dust was also reduced and the hydration was
accelerated, which had a positive effect on hydration heat and shrinkage [46,47]. On the
foundation of these researches, Gao et al. [48,49] employed RFA to totally substitute the
natural fine aggregate in preparing HDCC for maximizing the consumption of waste concrete
and found that HDCC with totally RFA (R-HDCC) performed higher strength and strain
capacity than ordinary HDCC due to the activity and filling effect of crush dust existed in
RFA. Moreover, the RFA used in R-HDCC was the crushed concrete particles below 1.18
mm with its original particle size distribution. It indicated that the crush dust did not have to
be eliminated as traditional recycled aggregates, and the particles with different sizes had no
.need to be sieved apart and regroup in proportion again

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