Management Science Reviewer
Management Science Reviewer
Management Science Reviewer
Job fairs
6. In a corporate setting, job specifications for IT
professionals may include requirements for
1. A specialist in IT provides expertise to various certifications and expertise in specific
departments but doesn't have the power to programming languages
make final decisions. What type of authority a. TRUE
does this individual have? b. FALSE
a. Line Authority
b. Functional Authority 7. A software development company, aiming to
c. Staff Member enhance flexibility and innovation, forms project
d. Staff Authority teams with members from various functional
areas (e.g., developers, marketers) working
2. Why is a well-defined chain of command together on specific software projects. This is an
important in an organization? example of:
a. It hinders communication a. Matrix departmentalization
b. It ensures accountability and order b. Functional departmentalization
c. It encourages a flat organizational structure c. Divisional departmentalization
d. It limits decision-making to top management d. Virtual departmentalization
3. In a university, the academic hierarchy includes 8. When a student is given the responsibility to
deans, department chairs, and faculty members, research a specific topic for a group
forming a structure that is typical of a: presentation, what is the associated
a. Flat organization accountability?
b. Divisional organization a. Ensuring everyone attends the presentation
c. Tall organization b. Organizing the overall structure of the
d. Matrix organization presentation
c. Managing conflicts within the group
4. Tech Innovations Ltd. values teamwork and d. Completing the research on time and
collaboration. As part of the hiring process for accurately
project managers, the company aims to assess
candidates' interpersonal skills and teamwork 9. What is a challenge often associated with
abilities. Which type of assessment is Tech external hiring?
Innovations Ltd. likely to include in the hiring a. Limited access to industry networks
process to evaluate candidates' interpersonal b. Longer onboarding period
skills and teamwork abilities? c. Over-reliance on internal talent
a. IQ Test d. Reduced organizational flexibility
b. Aptitude Test
c. Personality Test 10. When a barangay chairman delegates the
d. Technical Test authority to a local youth leader to organize
community youth programs, it exemplifies:
5. TechGenius Corp. plans to hire entry-level a. Assigning responsibility
software engineers and foster relationships with b. Granting authority
academic institutions. What external source is c. Creating accountability
TechGenius Corp. utilizing to identify and attract d. Developing guidelines
entry-level software engineers?
a. Campus recruitment 11. ABC Tech Solutions, a growing technology firm,
b. Project basis wants to expand its software development team
with skilled professionals. Where is the most 17. The process of providing new employees with
effective place for ABC Tech Solutions to post the necessary information, tools, and resources
their job openings to attract skilled software to become productive members of the
developers? organization is known as:
a. Newspaper a. Recruitment
b. Internet b. Orientation
c. Manpower agency c. Sourcing
d. Referrals d. Onboarding
12. A pharmaceutical company is likely to have a tall 18. What is a potential advantage of internal hiring?
organizational structure. a. Cost savings
a. TRUE b. Fresh perspectives
b. FALSE c. Industry experience
d. Competitive benchmarking
13. Assigning responsibility involves designating
individuals or teams to specific tasks, such as 19. In a hospital, establishing clear performance
organizing a seasonal promotion or event. expectations and standards for the surgical team
a. TRUE and holding them responsible for their actions
b. FALSE reflects:
a. Assigning responsibility
14. In a student group project, what does authority b. Granting authority
refer to? c. Creating accountability
a. The power to assign tasks d. Implementing protocols
b. The ability to make final decisions
c. The responsibility to complete assignments 20. A startup in the tech industry emphasizes a
d. The obligation to attend meetings collaborative and flexible working environment,
with few hierarchical levels and a wide span of
15. A leading e-commerce company organizes its control. This organization is best described as:
departments based on different customer a. Flat organization
segments, such as retail customers, business b. Divisional organization
clients, and third-party sellers. This is an example c. Tall organization
of: d. Hybrid organization
a. Geographic departmentalization
b. Matrix departmentalization 21. BPO companies often adopt a flat organizational
c. Virtual departmentalization structure to enhance communication and
d. Customer departmentalization decision-making efficiency.
16. ABC Consulting is hiring fresh graduates for b. FALSE
entry-level consulting roles. The company wants
to evaluate candidates' general abilities and 22. A program coordinator is accountable for
potential for learning. Which type of assessment coordinating logistics for an event. What does
would be most appropriate for ABC Consulting to this entail?
assess candidates' general abilities and potential a. Creating promotional materials
for learning? b. Managing the event budget
a. IQ Test c. Ensuring all materials are printed on time
b. Aptitude Test d. Overseeing the overall success of the event
c. Personality Test
d. Technical Test
23. Job descriptions for customer service a. Identifying potential candidates
representatives in a BPO company may include b. Conducting interviews
responsibilities related to product development. c. Checking references
a. TRUE d. Extending job offers
30. A student is responsible for providing expert
24. In a university, if a vice president designates a advice on social media strategies for the club's
team to organize a major academic conference, events but doesn't have the power to make final
it is an example of: decisions. What type of authority does this
a. Assigning responsibility student have?
b. Granting authority a. Line Authority
c. Creating accountability b. Staff Authority
d. Implementing policies c. Staff Member
d. Functional Authority
25. Granting authority involves setting expectations
and holding individuals or businesses
responsible for meeting established standards,
as seen with tenant compliance expectations.