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Theory of Urban Planning (Pre Board)

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THEORY OF URBAN meters, for subdivision of

projects size above 5 to 10 A. Privacy of people is

PLANNING hectares? considered.
B. Proper selection of competent
1. Motor courts in subdivision A. 6 engineering consultants is
shall have a right-of-way of NOT B. 9 considered.
less than _____ meters. C. 10 C. Elements like lighting and
D. 12 ventilation are considered
A. 4 D. Accessibility or making the
B. 6 space easy to use is considered.
C. 3 5. What is the width of the The following questions refer to
D. 5 minor road right-of-way, in Topic 2: Planning Process
meters, for subdivision of
projects size above 5 to 10
2. What is the width of the hectares? 8. What should a prospective
major road right-of-way, in home builder/owner first do
meters, for subdivision of A. 6 before proceeding with his/her
projects size 2.5 hectares and B. 8 project?
below? C. 12
D. 10 A. Select his/her engineer
A. 10 B. Prepares his/her budget
B. 6 C. Select his/her construction
C. 4 6. The following statement is manager
D. 8 NOT relevant to space planning. D. Select his/her architect
3. What is the width of the A. How people will move through
minor road right-of-way, in 9. What should an architect
the spaces is considered. first do when he/she comes
meters, for subdivision of B. Who will use the space should
projects size 2.5 hectares and across a prospective client?
be considered.
below? C. How people spend their time A. Submits professional brief
in the building is considered. and fee proposal.
A. 8 D. How the building design
B. 5 B. Sign service agreement
character will adapt to the C. Submits concept designs.
C. 6 community is considered.
D. 4 D. Undertake preliminary
4. What is the width of the 7. The following statement is
major road right-of-way, in NOT relevant to space planning.
10. Which of the process comes 13. The law that governs the A. Overland Committee for
first? design of low cost housing is Transport
____. B. Original Certificate of Title
A. Prepare contract documents C. Over-all Certificate of Title
B. Prepare design development A. RA 9266 D. Original Copy of Title
C. Sign a service agreement B. PD 1096
D. Submits design concept C. BP 220 18. Defined as intensive foci
D. BP 344 from which the observer is
14. A lot or land intended for
11. What stage of the process construction site can be best A. Paths
does the professional of the described by its ____. B. Edges
architect is approved by the C. Nodes
owner? A. TCT D. Districts
B. lot plan
A. After the submission of the C. Site survey
schematic design D.OCT
B. During the submission of the 19. Most dominant element for
schematic design most person’s image of the city
C. Before the submission of the 15. A land or easement reserved
schematic design for transportation purpose is a.Paths
D. During the submission of the _____. b.Edges
concept design c. Nodes
A. Right of way d. Districts
B. Highway
12. What stage of the process C. Alley
does the probable cost of the 20. Responsive environments that
D. Street focus on details, with a wide
project is submitted to the
owner? vocabulary of visual cues
16. What is RROW? possess
A. Before signing the service
agreement A. Recreational right if way a. Legibility
B. After the approval of the B. Rough road of ways b. Variety
schematic design C. Road right of way c. Visual appropriateness
C. During the submission of the D. Right road of way d. Personalization
schematic design
D. After signing the service 21. The shape of urban cities
agreement 17. What is an OCT?
formed by two corridors of
intense development crossing the and/or facilities into an b. Incentive zoning
center occupied area c. Cluster zoning
d. Land use planning
a. Radio-centric a. Succession
b. Rectilinear b. Concentration
c. Articulated sheet c. Invasion 28. The largest and simplest
d. Linear d. Decentralization function of a city

a. Economic
25. In the increase of urban b. Government
22. Determines current housing population, which of the c. Housing
needs following factors indicates d. Transportation
excess of in-migration overout-
a. Housing to be replaced migration?
b. Housing for new family a. Natural increase 29. Intersections that separate
formation b. Concentration lanes of traffic by use of
c. Housing for new family c. Net Migration islands
formation d. Reclassification
d. All of the above a. Channelization
b. Rotaries
26. Factors indicating Net c. Clover leafs
23. Describes the housing Migration d. Diamonds
shortage or backlog
a. Excess of births over deaths
a. Difference between number of b. Excess in young population 30. Basic subdivision design
acceptable housing & number of c. Excess of in-migration over
families out-migration a. Grid iron
b. Housing for new family d. Rural areas having achieved b. Radial on grid iron
formation urban status c. Curvilinear
c. Housing produced minus d. Radial super blocks
existing housing
d. All of the above 27. Urban design control that
allows builders and developers 31. What major problem brought
more space if they provide about the discipline of city
24. Type of urban ecological desirable features such planning?
process in land use planning asplazas, arcades, and other
patterning in cities or open spaces a. Physical chaos
communities defined as b. Urban growth
theentrance of a new population a. Flexible zoning c. Land value
d. Crime
the outworn areas of towns and
32. What part of basic data and cities
planning studies in a a. 200 to 300 meters
comprehensive development plan a. Historic preservation b. 300 to 500 meters
describes the physicalsetting of b. Urban renewal c. 600 to 700 meters
the community or region? c. Adaptive reuse d. Approximately 1 kilometer
d. Urban gentrification
a. Economic base study 39. Minimum width of sidewalks,
b. Land use survey and inventory according to New Urbanism
c. Man-made features 36. A mixed use community with
an average 670 meters distance principles
d. History and geography
of a transit stop and commercial
core area a. 1.20 meters
33. The urban model of growth b. 2.00 meters
and development that presents a. Transit oriented development c. 2.50 meters
the emergence of self-sufficient b. Traditional neighborhood d. 3.00 meters
sectors development
c. Planned unit development 40. Which of the following
a. Concentric zone model d. New urbanism indicates good site planning
b. Sector model
c. Multiple nucleic model a. Maximized land use/space
d. Urban realms model 37. A group of architects,
planners, and urban designers b. Controlled environmental
formed to educate citizens hazards
34. Density control method that worldwide of the benefits of c. Efficient maintenance
regulates the proportions newurbanism d. All of the above
between the built area of the
building and the lot area a. The Council of New Urbanism
b. The Congress for New Urbanism 41. One of the key housing
a. Number of occupants per c. The New Urbanism Movement agencies of HUDCC that
square meter d. The Association of New concentrates on the production
b. Number of occupants per floor Urbanists aspect of housing
c. Floor area ratio
d. Floor space index a. HLURB
38. According to the new theory
of New Urbanism, neighborhoods b. NHMFC
35. A general term to describe must have a discernible center c. NHA
the idea of consciously renewing within a fiveminute of walk of d. HIGC
all dwellings, and equivalent to
42. One of the funding agencies 45. The wet and dry market is through purchase or
of Housing, locally known as the its main feature with quasi- expropriation for the purpose
Pag-ibig Fund residential commercial or mixed ofplanned and rational
use development development and socialized
a. GSIS housing programs without
b. SSS a. Central Business District individual boundary
c. HDMF b. Town Center restrictions.
d. 143 Fund c. Neighborhood Center
d. Minor CBD a. Land investing
b. Land banking
43. An urban design control that c. Land swapping
is used to limit height and d. Land assembly
building bulk, creates setbacks 46. Refers to the acquisition of
and open space, andultimately land at values based on existing
generate a relatively uniform use in advance of actual need to
urban fabric, computed as the promote planneddevelopment and 49. Refers to those areas
ratio of the total floor area socialized housing programs. declared as such under existing
and the lot area statutes and pertinent executive
a. Land investing issuances.
a. Building Code b. Land banking
b. Floor Space index c. Land swapping a. Idle lands
c. Floor Area ratio d. Land assembly b. Blighted lands
d. Land Zoning c. Areas for priority
47. Refers to the process of d. Component lands
44. The salient provision of land acquisition by exchanging
this law requires developers of land for another piece of land
propsed subdivision project at of equal value, or forshares of 50. Refers to the areas where
least 20% of the stock in a government or quasi- the structures are dilapidated,
totalsubdivision area or total government corporation. obsolete and unsanitary, tending
subdivision project cost for to depreciate thevalue of the
socialized housing a. Land investing land and prevent normal
b. Land banking development and use of the area.
a. RA 7279 c. Land swapping
b. RA 9266 d. Land assembly a. Idle lands
c. RA 1432 b. Blighted lands
d. RA 1680 c. Areas for priority
48. Refers to the acquisition of development
lots of varying ownership d. Component lands
d. Corner street
51. Constructed and financed by a. Man
the private sector as a business b. Network
venture and sold at prevailing c. Nature 58. What would result in
market prices andinterest. d. Community overload storm water when an
urban area experiences severe
a. Condominium Project storms?
b. Subdivision Project
c. Economic and Socialized 55. These are centrally located a. Landslide
Housing parks with a service radius from b. Surface water flooding
d. Open Market Housing 0.8 to 3.0 kilometers designed c. Clogged sewer lines
for both active andpassive d. Erosion
52. Housing project for
moderately low income families a. Neighborhood park 59. A street pattern used in
with lower interest rates and b. Municipal park highly mountainous sites
longer amortization periods. c. Playlot following the contours of the
d. Community park topography.
a. Condominium Project
b. Subdivision Project a. Cul-de-Sac
c. Economic and Socialized b. Loops
Housing 56. Recommended maximum distance c. Meandering
d. Open Market Housing of commercial center to d. Geometric
residential zones as per HLURB
planning standards.
53. As per NSO, what structure 60. It mandates the protection
is 3 or more units, intended for a. 1200 meters of selected areas under the
residential use only, usually b. 800 meters direction of the PAMB that is
consisting of 3 or morehousing c. 1000 meters locally constituted andchaired
units? d. 900 meters by the DENR.

a. Single House a. Forestry Code

b. Duplex 57. What type of street has high b. LGC
c. Multi-Unit Residence velocity and higher volume of c. EIA
d. Medium-Density Residence traffic flow? d. NIPAS

a. Collector street
54. Which is not included in the b. Main street 61. Promotes the creation and
elements of human settlements? c. Arterial street restoration of diverse,
walkable, compact, vibrant,
mixed-use communities of thesame 64. Major and minor routes of 67. An in-design land use
components as conventional circulation which people use to evaluation method for planning
development, but assembled in a move about. areas that retain important
more integrated fashion, in the natural environmental
form of complete communities. a. Pathways features.The outcome of the
b. Districts valuation depends to a large
a. Gentrification c. Edges extent on expert judgment based
b. Yuppification d. Landmarks on scientific knowledge.
c. New Urbanism
d. New Town Development a. Market Forecasts
65. The larger the population of b. Carrying Capacity Analysis
a city, the more likely its c. Committed Lands Analysis
62. A map that shows the spatial economy allows for… d. Land Suitability Analysis
allocation of built-up areas
categorized as residential, a. Increased self-sufficiencyc.
commercial, institutional,parks b. Environmental protection 68. Parking lots should be
and open spaces, industrial and c. Higher demand for indigenous located in an area where slope
others. products is below ____ otherwise grading
d. More specialization is to be done.
a. Base map
b. General land use map 66. The sole regulatory body for a. 3%
c. Urban land use map housing and land use b. 5%
d. Topographic map development. It is charged with c. 7%
encouraging greater d. 10%
privatesector participation in
63. The maximum distance a low-cost housing through
consumer is willing to travel to liberalization of development 69. A variable of urban
avail of a good service beyond standards, simplification decoration where the environment
which people will look toanother ofregulations and is to have an understandable
center. decentralization of approvals simple pattern of signs
for permits and licenses. andclues.
a. Market area analysis
b. Core periphery a. NHMFC a. Rhythm
c. Market range b. UDHA b. Unity
d. Hierarchy of services c. HLURB c. Harmony
d. HUDCC d. Balance and symmetry
70. Where can we find the b. Respond to local climatic
highest level policy statements conditions, and minimize water,
on environmental protection? fertilizer, and maintenance
needs, as well as add
significant biomass to the
a. RA 5454 landscape
b. Constitution c. Minimize disruption of
c. PD 1151 natural areas, extension of
d. LOI 90 services, and transportation
71. It is best for linear d. All of the choices
construction such as roads,
paths, and utility trenching. 74. Patrick Geddes coined his
team to mean the conglomeration
a. Contour Area Method of town aggregates, describing
b. Borrow Pit Method/Grid Method the waves ofpopulation to large
c. Average End Area Method cities followed by overcrowding
d. Grading by Cut and slum formation.

72. The type of street pattern a. Broadacre

wherein the site is divided into b. Backflow
square or rectangular blocks. c. Amorphic
d. Conurbation
a. Geometric
b. Gridiron
c. Linear or ribbon 75. It shall refer to a town
d. Combination deliberately planned and built
which provides, in addition to
73. What site planning houses, employment,shopping,
strategies are conductive to education, recreation, culture
minimizing energy costs and and other services normally
adverse impacts of development? associated with a city or town.

a. Minimize site disruption, a. Garden City

protect natural drainage ways b. PUD
and other critical natural c. Neighborhood unit
resources d. New Town

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