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T. Book 9th

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HPE Grade 9th

Chapter one
I. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
1.Who benefits from organizing an event
in one kebele, woreda, city, or nation?
A.Hotel owners
B.Transport owners

2.Who is benefited from gender equality?


3.Which one of the following is the result of technology?

A.Video Assistance Referee
B.Photo-finish camera
C.Sport wears

4.Why do some Athletes taking prohibited drugs?

A.For performance enhancement
B.For recreational use
C.For medical conditions

II. Read the following questions carefully. Then, discuss with your friends and reflect your
answer to the class.
5. What are the effects of technology on the development of sport? Please discuss with
your friends and reflect to the class.

6. Why is it important to learn the effects of a number of different technological

advancement in sport?

7. As a student of grade 9(male/female), how can you express your idea without hurting
other student’s (male/female) feelings while participating in different sports?
8. Try to think about any sport event that organized in your locality. Who is going to be benefited
from that sport event? How do they get a benefited? Please reflect to the class.

9. Why is it very important to learn the effects of doping in an individual athlete?

10. What relationship do you think has sport with gender and technology?

11. Students, please go to in your village sport field or stadium and watch any sport competition.
Then, please try to bring information on what kinds of technological advancement they used while
playing that game? Then present your findings to the

Unit summary
In this unit, you have learnt that;
The contribution of sport is vital for economic development of our country, Ethiopia. Top level
Athletes of our country, like Haile Gebresilassie, Derartu Tulu, Kenenisa Bekele, Gezahegn Abera,
and others after winning in international sport arena they brought foreign currency for our country.
In addition to the foreign currency, they invest huge amount of money in different investment
sectors. In these sectors they also create job opportunity for the society. Thus, in one way or another
they contribute a lot for the development of the economy of our country.
Gender refers to the female and male differences created by social, cultural, historical and
political expectations about behaviour, interests, abilities and attitudes to men and women in sport.
Currently, from sport perspectives, females are equal with male in all aspects. You can take the
experience of our top level female athletes who contribute a lot for the development of sport.
of sport like, Photo finish camera for Athletics sport, the development of Video Assisting
Referee (VAR) to make better the football competition. Technology also plays in the manufacturing
of sport wears and sport facilities.
Doping is simply the use of a prohibited substance, but breaking other antidoping rules is also
considered doping. There are Health Consequences of Doping and sport Consequences – sanctions
of doping. Thus, as Athlete , it is strictly forbidden to use substances which is categorized as doping
by international anti-doping agencies.
Technology plays a tremendous role for the current development in all aspects of sport like,
Photo finish camera for Athletics sport, the development of Video Assisting Referee (VAR) to make
better the football competition. Technology also plays in the manufacturing of sport wears and sport
Doping is simply the use of a prohibited substance, but breaking other anti-doping rules is also
considered doping. There are Health Consequences of Doping and sport Consequences – sanctions
of doping. Thus, as Athlete , it is strictly forbidden to use substances which is categorized as doping
by international anti-doping agencies.
Chapter two

I.Multiple choice items

1. The amount of overload needed to
maintain a particular level of fitness
for a particular fitness component is
determined through four dimensions.
The acronym “I” represent__________.
A)How long
B) How hard
C) How often
D) Mode of activity
2. Which of the following is not
considered a health-related fitness
A)Muscular endurance
B) Flexibility
C) Cardiorespiratory endurance
D) Agility
3.One of the following is not categorized
under non-communicable diseases
A) Tuberculosis
B) Cardiovascular disease
C) Diabetes -2
D) Cancer
4.What typically happens to muscle
temperature during a warm up?
A)Remain constant
B) Increases
C) Decreases
5.Which of the following adaptations
to training is an effect on the skeletal
A) Increased vital capacity
B) Increase in red blood cells
C) Increased bone density
6.One of the following is different from
the other.
A) Strength training
B) Endurance training
C) Resistance training
D) Weight training
7.Developed strength and endurance cannot lead to improvement of___________.
A)Chronic disease development
B)Injury prevention
C)Muscle and bone health
8.Isometric exercise is the one in which muscle length is____________.
B) Shortened
C) Lengthen
D) None of the above
9.Aerobic fitness is best achieved through______________.
A) Swimming
B) Circuit training
C) Short sprints
D ) Long distance running
II.Think over it
1.What are the differences between hypokinetic diseases and communicable diseases?
2.What is the benefit of physical activity for those individuals participating in regular
exercise program?
3.Do you feel that you will use stretching exercises as part of your regular lifetime physical
activity plan, either at present or the future?
4.Do you feel that you will use muscle fitness exercises as part of your regular lifetime
physical activity plan, either at present or the future?
5.Discuss your current level of cardiovascular fitness and steps that you should take in the
future to maintain or improve it.
6.Discuss the exercises that you feel benefited you and the once that did not. What
modifications would be made in your program for it to work better for you?
7.List your own feeling while participating in exercise regular program during health and
physical education class on the responses of cardiovascular and respiratory systems

Unit summary
Physical fitness is a person’s ability to
meet the physical stresses and demands
of a variety of physical activities ef
ficiently and effectively. The five com
ponents of physical fitness which are
of most important for health are car
diorespiratory endurance, muscular str
ength, muscular endurance, flexibility,
and body composition. Physical
training is the process of producing
long-term improvements in the body’s
functioning through exercise. Bodies
adapt to pro gressive overload when
progressively increase the frequency,
intensity, and time (duration) of the
right type of exe rcise, you become
increasingly fit.
People vary in the maximum level of
fit ness they can achieve. Design an
exercise program, determine if medical
clearance is needed, assess the current
level of fitness, set realistic goals, and
choose act ivities that develop all the
components of fitness.
Hypokinetic disease is associated
with lack of physical activity or little
regular exercise.
The cardiovascular system is
composed of the heart, the vasculature,
and the blood. The primary functions

Chapter three

Unit review questions

I.Matching Item
Column A Column B
1.Sprit run A. Forward lean
2.Starting pha se B. Set
3.Relay race C. 200 m
4.Accelerating phase D. 100 x 4 m
E. 4 x 100 m
II. Multiple Items
1.One of the following is the first women black African who won Olympic gold medal
in 10,000 meter race athletics.
A)Maria Mutola B) Derartu Tulu
C) Elana Meyer D) Hassiba Boulmerka
2.The first command given by judges for sprinting run is____________________.
A)On your marks
B) Stand up
C) Set
D) Fire the Pistol
III. Discussion questions
1.Discuss the similarity and difference between short distance run and relay sprit events.
2.Is there different commands are given to start short distance run and relay sprit events?
Mention the types of commands.

Unit summary
Ethiopia has enjoyed a rich tradition
of producing some of the world’s
fastest distance runners over the
past decades. The country has had
a healthy rivalry with East African
neighbor Kenya and this has spurred
each nation to achieve quicker times
on both track and road.
The African athletics sport organizing
body the Confederation of African
Ath letics (CAA) was established in
1973.The CAA now a days has 54
member countries and headquarters
in Dakar, Senegal. The CAA current
president is known as Hamad Kalkaba
Malboum fr om Cameroon.
Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia was
the first black African man to win
Olympic gold medal. In the 1970s,
Africa gave the world several great
champions and world record setters
like Uganda’s 400 meter hurdler John
Akii-Bua and Tanzania’s 1500 m run
ner and steeplechaser Filbert Bayi.
A team may also be disqualified if its runners are deemed to have deliberately
obstructed other competitors.
is the baton carrier which passes the
baton with an upward pushing motion.
The baton is thrust as far as possible
into the hand of the baton receiver. The
baton receiver grips the baton between
the V formed by the fingers and the
thumb of the receiving hand which is
positioned palm down.
The 1992 Olympics in Barcelona was 10,000 meter Women race in Barcelona, a
titanic battle in which Ethiopia’s De rartu Tulu prevailed over South Africa’s Elana
Meyer. Derartu made history to become the first black African woman to win Olympic
Track event is a sport comprising vari ous competitive athletic contests based on
running individual sports with athletes challenging each other to decide a single
victor. The racing events are won by the athlete with the fastest time.
Sprinting events focus on athletes rea ching and sustaining their quickest po ssible
running speed. Spiriting race ca tegory includes distances up to 400 meters. Three
sprinting events are cur re ntly hel d at the Olympics and outdoor World Cha
mpionships are 100 meters (m), 200 m, and 400 m.
Basic sprint techniques classified into four phases. These are start, acceleration,
maintaining momentum and the finish.
Relay races are the track event in which a team of runners directly compete against
other teams. Typically, a team is made up of four runners of the same sex.
runner completes their specified distance before handing over a baton to a team mate,
Each runner completes their specified dis tance before handing over a baton to a
team mate, who then begins their leg upon receiving the baton.
The two very common relay sprint events are 4×100 meter relay and the 4×400
meter relay. The baton must be passed inside the 20 meter passing zone. The baton is
weights 50 grams with 38 millimeter diameter and 25-30 centimeter length.
There are two ways used for baton exchange during relay race. These are upward/
upsweep exchange and downward/down-sweep exchange.
The fundamentals of the start of sprint involve three commands are on your mark,
set and go. Note that go can be a starter pistol or whistle.

Fitness Questions and answers Quiz

1. When you exercise, your body produces this chemical, which can make you feel happier and more peaceful:

a. relaxase

b. smilene

c. endorphins

2. True or false: People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don’t.

3. How much exercise do experts recommend for teens?

a. 6 minutes each day

b. 6 minutes each hour

c. 60 minutes each week

d. 60 minutes each day

4. Name one activity that can help keep you flexible: Any one of the following: dance, martial arts, gymnastics,
pilates, yoga,


5. True or false: Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes and
high blood


6. Draw lines to match the type of exercise with an example:

Strength training Yoga

Flexibility training Swimming

Aerobic exercise Pushups

7. Underline the wrong answer.

Warming up before playing sports or being physically active:

a. increases your heart and respiratory rate

b. is a bad idea in hot weather

b. boosts the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to your muscles

c. prepares the body for a demanding workout

8. True or false: You have to lift weights to build strong muscles.

9. The three components to a well-balanced exercise routine are:

a. Running, swimming, jumping

b. Pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups

c. Aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility training

d. Warming up, exercising, cooling down

10. Underline the activities that count as exercise:

a. Playing soccer

b. Walking a dog

c. Texting a friend

d. Dancing
e. Riding a bike

f. Playing video football

g. Raking leaves

h. Yoga

i. Chewing gum

j. Gardening

k. Shooting hoops

l. Clicking a remote control

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