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Recyclable thermosets based on modified

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epoxy-amine network polymers†

Open Access Article. Published on 16 December 2022. Downloaded on 3/16/2023 5:44:38 AM.

Cite this: Mater. Horiz., 2023,

10, 889 a ab
Lynn Anderson, Edward W. Sanders and Matthew G. Unthank *a
Received 29th September 2022,
Accepted 15th December 2022

DOI: 10.1039/d2mh01211a

The development of high performance, recyclable thermoset mate-

rials for applications in plastics, composites, coatings and adhesives New concepts
This paper describes a simple, single stage process for the creation of a
requires a synthetic approach where recyclability is designed into
recyclable, high performance thermoset material from readily available
the molecular structure of the material. This paper describes a
epoxy resins and aliphatic amines, crosslinked with diboronic esters. Our
single stage process for the creation of materials from simple, approach to recyclable thermoset (network) polymers is distinguished
low-cost molecular building blocks, where the polymerisation of from others in this field in creating an opportunity to form high
liquid epoxy resins and aliphatic amines in the presence of an performance, recyclable materials from established molecular building
blocks, common to the plastics, composites, coatings and adhesive
n-butyl diboronic ester, delivers epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane
industries. The epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane thermoset materials can
materials with tunable physical properties including glass transition
be synthesised via a single stage mixing and casting process, though
temperature (Tg). Mechanical (thermal) recycling and reprocessing exploitation of a scarcely reported latent cross-linking reaction. Most
of the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane thermoset is demonstrated, notably, an efficient and low-cost process for the chemical recycling,
with retention of Young’s modulus and ultimate tensile strength. disassembly and dissolution of the thermoset material is demonstrated
via two complementary synthetic processes, using either pinacol (diol) or
Most notably, an efficient and low-cost process for the chemical
mono-functional phenylboronic esters. We anticipate that this approach
recycling, disassembly and dissolution of the thermoset is demon-
to designing high performance thermoset materials from simple,
strated via two complementary processes using either pinacol (diol) accessible building blocks, with recyclability built into the molecular
or mono-functional phenylboronic ester. architecture, will inspire other researchers working across the field of
material science.

based on high density crosslinked polymer networks traditionally
High performance thermoset plastics and polymers deliver assembled using non-reversible covalent bonding. However, their
lightweight, durable and mechanically robust materials for a covalent network structure renders them single-use, and non-
wide range of industrial applications.1 These include high recyclable in their current form. Epoxy-resins are one of the
durability coatings,2,3 structural composites4,5 (some of which leading thermoset technologies for industrial applications, due
are used in the renewable energy sector), lightweight compo- to their excellent mechanical strength, versatility and robustness
nents for aerospace and automotive application, and structural with over 323 000 tonnes of epoxy resin produced in Europe per
adhesives.6,7 Whilst focus is dominated on the challenge of annum.10
plastic recycling of commoditised (low-cost) thermoplastic The increasing focus on sustainable development goals11
materials used in bottles, packaging and films,8 the significant and Net Zero Strategy,12 (including sustainable and recyclable
environmental and scientific challenge of recyclable thermoset materials), highlights a major limitation of epoxy-resin tech-
materials has received proportionately less attention. Thermoset nology, in the limited opportunity for chemical or mechanical
polymers, which make up B20% of all polymeric materials,9 are recycling.13,14 This issue is highlighted in applications such as
wind turbine blades, where it is estimated that B250 000
Department of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne,
tonnes of epoxy thermoset polymers reside, that are destined
NE1 8ST, UK. E-mail:
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK
for landfill or incineration, once the wind turbines have
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: reached the end of their useful life.10 Without lightweight,
10.1039/d2mh01211a structural epoxy-thermosets renewable wind-energy would not

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be possible, yet their inherent ‘almost indestructible’ molecular ester (2d) was added according to Table S2 (see ESI† for details).
structure renders them unsuitable for conventional recycling The reaction mixture was stirred at 55 1C for 1 hour and
processes.4 45 minutes under nitrogen whilst viscosity slowly increased,
The development of new materials, that have mechanical or before drawing down onto a non-stick PTFE sheet using a
chemical recyclability designed into their molecular structure, 400 mm draw-down bar to control film thickness. The resulting
offer an opportunity to replace existing single-use materials films were allowed to cure at room temperature for 16 hours
with more sustainable alternatives. Dynamic materials, such as under nitrogen, followed by a post cure schedule ramp at 80
covalent adaptive networks (CANs), offer a potential solution to (1 hour), 120 (1 hour) then 170 1C (1 hour, total 3 hours thermal
this issue,15–20 but the creation of such materials would need to cure). After cooling to room temperature, the resulting poly-
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be based on readily available high-performance building meric films were removed from the PTFE sheet to give dioxa-
Open Access Article. Published on 16 December 2022. Downloaded on 3/16/2023 5:44:38 AM.

blocks, if a rapid pathway to impact and market acceptance is zaborocane crosslinked epoxy-amine polymers (D0–D100) or
to be realised.13 Further to this, such materials would need to viscous liquid films (D0–D40).
be designed in a way that offered versatile material perfor-
mance, with tuneable properties spanning hard, high Tg glassy Epoxy-amine (control) preparation
materials to more flexible adhesives.21–23 If the new class of 1,4-Butanediol glycidyl ether (4.00 g, 0.020 moles) and phenyl
materials could be both mechanically recycled (thermally repro- glycidyl ether (1.49 g, 0.010 moles) were combined in a round
cessed) and chemically recycled (i.e. molecule recovery and bottom flask under nitrogen with stirring. To the reaction
separation from mixed material), then this would represent a mixture, the appropriate mass of n-hexylamine (HA), cyclo-
significant contribution to this important area of polymer hexylamine, 1,6-hexanediamine and 4,4 0 -MDH was added
chemistry. according to Tables S3–S5 (see ESI† for details). The reaction
The research in this report describes a scalable and versatile mixture was stirred at 55 1C for 1 hour and 45 minutes under
approach to tackle this challenge. The approach exploits widely nitrogen whilst viscosity slowly increased, before drawing down
used and structurally diverse epoxy resins, polymerised with onto a non-stick PTFE sheet using a 400 mm draw-down bar to
equally diverse aliphatic amines.22 When crosslinked with control film thickness. The resulting film was allowed to cure at
diboronic acid esters (to form thermoset materials), a range room temperature for 16 hours under nitrogen, followed by a
of tailored material types are accessible, with tuneable physical post cure schedule ramp at 80 (1 hour), 120 (1 hour) then 170 1C
properties. Unlike ‘traditional’ epoxy-amine thermosets, this (1 hour, total 3 hours thermal cure). After cooling to room
approach allows the polymer backbone to be based on epoxy- temperature, the resulting polymeric films were removed from
amine polymerisation, generating b-amino diol groups, which the PTFE sheet to give solid sheets of epoxy-amine polymer
are subsequently complexed with boronic esters24–26 to form (A60–A100) or viscous liquid films (A0–A40).
dioxazaborocane crosslinks. Whilst epoxy resins have been
chemically modified previously to create dynamic or reversible Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
thermoset materials27–32 such materials rarely benefit from NMR analyses were acquired at 25 1C using a JEOL ECS400
the high Tg or rapid dynamic exchange kinetics described in Delta spectrometer at frequencies of 399.78 MHz for 1H-NMR,
our approach, both desirable properties for recyclable 100.53 MHz for 13C-NMR and 128.28 MHz for 11B-NMR. All
materials.33–36 Other research to exploit b-amino diol function- chemical shifts are quoted as parts per million (ppm) relative to
alities (from epoxy-amine polymerisation) have been based on a tetramethylsilane (TMS, d = 0 ppm) as an internal standard in
modification of a pre-prepared polymeric material, and not either deuterated chloroform (CDCl3) or deuterated dimethyl
directly from a single stage synthetic process.37–39 Further to sulfoxide (DMSO-d6). OH group analyses were confirmed by
this, an efficient process for the chemical or mechanical doping samples with a drop of deuterated water (D2O).
recycling of these materials has not been demonstrated. C-NMR assignment was confirmed by DEPT analysis. The
spectral data is recorded as chemical shift (d), relative integral,
multiplicity (s = singlet, br = broad, d = doublet, t = triplet,
Materials and methods q = quartet, quin = quintet, sext = sextet, dd = doublet of
All materials were purchased from commercial vendors listed doublets, m = multiplet) and coupling constant (J = Hz).
in the supplementary information (Table S1, ESI†) and used as
Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
received. Methods for the preparation of all thermoset materi-
als used in this study can be found in the ESI.† Infrared spectroscopy was performed on a Bruker alpha
Platinum-ATR and the output data analysed in OPUS software.
Absorption maxima are expressed in wavenumbers (cm1).
Epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane preparation
1,4-Butanediol glycidyl ether (BGE, 4.00 g, 0.020 moles), phenyl Gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
glycidyl ether (PGE, 1.49 g, 0.010 moles) and n-hexylamine (HA, Samples were dissolved in THF (2 mg mL1) and filtered
2.50 g, 0.025 moles) were combined in a round bottom flask through 0.2 mm nylon filters. Samples were analysed using an
under nitrogen with stirring. To the reaction mixture the Agilent 1260 infinity II system equipped with a RI and visco-
appropriate mass of 1,4-phenylenediboronic acid tetrabutyl metry detector, fitted with PLgel MiniMIX-E and PLgel

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MiniMIX-D columns in sequence, using a THF mobile phase starting materials, such as epoxy resins and aliphatic amines.
and a flow rate of 0.6 mL min1. Analysis was performed To explore this concept, the preparation of suitable boronic
against a calibration curve of polystyrene standards (EasiVial esters that combined miscibility (in general purpose epoxy
PS-M supplied by Agilent). resins), stability and chemical reactivity (with a b-amino diol)
was required. A range of mono-boronic esters (1a–d) were
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) prepared from readily available starting materials (Fig. 2)42
DMTA analyses were conducted for network polymers on a and their physical and chemical reactivity properties were
PerkinElmer DMA 8000 and analysed in Pyris software (version studied.
To explore the relative reactivity of the selected boronic
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esters with a b-amino diol functional group, the model
Open Access Article. Published on 16 December 2022. Downloaded on 3/16/2023 5:44:38 AM.

30 mm  5 mm  0.3 mm samples and were analysed in

tension geometry with a fixed length of 11.52 mm, a frequency b-amino diol 3 was prepared24 and reacted (1 : 1 molar ratio)
of 1 Hz and a constant temperature ramp of 3 1C per minute with the series of mono-boronic esters (Fig. 2, 1a–d) in CDCl3
from 80 1C to 200 1C. Storage modulus (E 0 ), loss modulus (E00 ) (5 minutes at 25 1C). Direct analysis of the equilibrium reaction
and tan delta (tan d) signals were recorded. mixtures was conducted using 1H-NMR. The reaction of
b-amino diol 3 with cyclic boronic ester 1a and 1b did not
Tensile testing deliver a high reaction yield of the desired dioxazaborocane 4,
even after extended reaction times. The non-substituted cyclic
Thin film polymer samples were laser cut to a modified ASTM
ethane-1,2-diol derived boronic ester (1a) achieved partial con-
standard 638-14-type V40 and experiments were conducted on
version to dioxazaborocane 4 (1a : 4 ratio, 27 : 73, Fig. 1, entry
either an Instron 5969 or Instron 3343 with a displacement
1a) whilst the more hindered 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-butanediol (pina-
ramp rate of 10 mm per minute.
col) based ester (1b)43 achieved a poor conversion of 78 : 12
(1b : 4 ratio) after 96 hours (Fig. 1, entry 1b, comparison of
Hot press recycling
electron-rich aromatic signal at 7.7 ppm (4) vs. 7.81 ppm (1a/b)).
Mechanical recycling was conducted using a 200  300 Mini Equally, cyclic boronic ester 1a and 1b were found to be
Manual Hot Press Machine (TTLIFE) with LCD Controller at crystalline solids with relatively poor solubility in general
700–1000 lbs pressure. Ground polymer samples were placed purpose epoxy-resins such as diglycidylether of bisphenol-A
between PTFE sheets before pressing at 170 1C for 30 minutes, (DGEBA, DER-331) and butane-1,4-diglycidyl ether. The linear
then allowed to cool to room temperature (B25 1C) overnight. (non-cyclic) esters 1c (iso-propyl) and 1d (n-butyl) in-contrast,
Samples were then removed from the press and prepared for showed quantitative conversion to the desired dioxazaborocane
testing. 4, indicating the required reactivity for the proposed ‘one-pot’
latent network assembly. They were also found to be liquids
Results and discussion and miscible with general purpose epoxy-resins. Based on this
study, the n-butyl diboronic ester 2d was selected for further
The preparation of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane thermosets studies, and it was found to deliver the ideal combination of
requires controlled sequential epoxy-amine polymerisation,
followed by dioxazaborocane cross-linking. To achieve a single
stage synthesis process suitable for film casting or resin infu-
sion processes, multifunctional boronic esters must be
designed and synthesised for optimal miscibility with epoxy
resins, whilst maintaining a balance of storage stability and
chemical reactivity to allow latent cross-linking of the develop-
ing epoxy-amine polymeric network. Previous work in our
group24–26 reported latent reactivity in epoxy-amine-borate
(EAB) complexation which could potentially be exploited in
the formation of a thermoset/network polymer. In the previous
work, epoxy-amine polymerisation resulted in the formation of
b-amino diol functional groups, which underwent latent com-
plexation with borate esters. It was hypothesised that this
chemo-selective and latent reactive sequence could be applied
to the ‘one-pot’ synthesis of epoxy-amine polymers, with latent
crosslinking through diboronic esters, to form epoxy-amine-
dioxazaborocane thermosets. Since dioxazaborocane functional
groups are known to undergo reversable bond exchange with
Fig. 1 1H-NMR analysis of the reaction mixtures of boronic esters 1a–d with
adjacent b-amino diol functionalities,41 this presented an model b-amino diol 3. Hydrogen environments of interest are indicated as
attractive potential route for the preparation of high- according to the colours H-atom ( , and ) labelled on both the molecule
performance dynamic thermosets, from low-cost commodity structures and spectra.

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solubility, chemical reactivity and scalability (synthesised from

n-butanol and benzene-1,4-diboronic acid via azeotropic
A series of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane thermoset materi-
als were prepared via a single-pot film casting process using
butane-1,4-diglycidyl ether (BDGE, two-functional epoxy resin),
phenylglycidyl ether (PGE, mono-functional epoxy resin) and
n-hexylamine (Fig. 3). As the epoxy-amine reaction progresses,
Fig. 3 The synthesis of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane (D series) materi-
b-amino diol functional groups are created which subsequently
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als via a controlled molecular assembly approach.

undergo cross-linking with n-butyl diboronic ester 2d (to a
Open Access Article. Published on 16 December 2022. Downloaded on 3/16/2023 5:44:38 AM.

range of degrees based on predetermined stoichiometry, evi-

denced by the FTIR). PGE controls the degree of polymerisation
of the epoxy-amine polymer and therefore by definition the Table 1 Tg (DSC mid-point) and residual mass (TGA) data for epoxy-
average functionality of b-amino diol groups per polymer chain. amine-dioxazaborocane (D series) and diamine crosslinked control
Since the critical gelation point (pgel) is proportional to average (A series) materials
functionality, this approach also controls the extent of reaction
Sample % occupied Tg (1C) Residual mass (wt%)
required for gelation.44 This strategy allows for molecular-level
material design, controlling factors critical to material perfor- D20 20 13.9 5.6
D40 40 7.7 7.3
mance including (i) polymer molecular weight (ii) average D60 60 11.7 10.3
polymer functionality and (iii) cross-link density. D80 80 48.3 12.2
Epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane materials, spanning 20, 40, D100 100 49.7 14.0
A20 20 22.5 2.2
60, 80 and 100% occupied crosslinking positions were prepared A40 40 14.1 2.7
(Table 1, D20–D100), with the remaining positions A60 60 8.1 3.5
unoccupied.45 It was anticipated that varying the percentage A80 80 1.4 4.5
A100 100 9.1 5.4
of occupied sites would impact both the resulting material A220 20 17.2 1.7
properties and recycling behaviour, which could then be corre- A240 40 4.5 2.5
lated to molecular structures via this controlled assembly A260 60 16.4 3.3
A280 80 32.9 4.3
approach. A sequential study of the epoxy-amine poly- A2100 100 41.5 4.3
merisation reaction in the presence of n-butyl boronic ester A360 60 87.8 8.0
1d, confirmed that partially polymerised secondary b-amino A380 80 88.0 8.0
A3100 100 97.1 6.7
alcohols (i.e., from hexylamine reacting with one epoxy group)
still underwent facile reaction with a second equivalent of
epoxide (to form tertiary b-amino diols). This exemplifies the
latent and chemoselectivity of dioxazaborocane cross-linking, diamine crosslinked materials, for performance and recyclability
where stable (dioxazaborocane) bond formation only occurs in evaluation (Fig. 4). All materials were characterised using infrared
the presence of tertiary b-amino diols.24 spectroscopy, DSC, TGA and DMTA to gain insight into the
To understand the impact of dioxazaborocane cross-linking structure and properties of the two complementary material types.
on material properties, a series of complementary diamine DSC analysis delivered insight into the effect of the rigid,
crosslinked control materials were prepared (Table 1, A20– bicyclic dioxazaborocane structure on the material’s Tg. Across
A100). Crosslink density (‘occupied sites’) was controlled using the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane (D20–D100) and the control
1,6-diaminohexane (DAH), whilst corresponding ‘unoccupied sites’ epoxy-amine (A20–A100) materials, both series exhibited the
retained n-hexylamine functional groups. This approach ensures ability to tune Tg by increasing the degree of cross-linking (and
maximum molecular synergy between the dioxazaborocane and associated cross-link density). The epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane
materials exhibited significantly higher Tg’s across the series, with
DTg of B40–46 1C in the more crosslinked D80/D100 examples.
This increase in Tg is likely a direct result of the reduced molecular
mobility of the rigid bicyclic (5,5-fused) dioxazaborocane function-
ality (Fig. 3).41 Residual mass analysis by TGA confirmed increas-
ing inorganic (boron) content across the D20–D100 series
(5.6–14.0 wt%). This is presumably due to the formation of high
thermal stability boron-oxide structures, the mass of which
increase proportionally to the mass of diboronic ester used in
epoxy-amine polymer crosslinking (i.e., increasing from D20 to
D100). This contrasts with the organic epoxy-amine (A20–A100
Fig. 2 The mono- and di-boronic esters prepared for reactivity and series) polymeric materials, which show significantly lower resi-
miscibility studies, as well as b-amino diol model ligand 3. dual mass percentages of 2.2–5.4 wt%.

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Fig. 4 The synthesis of epoxy-amine (A series) ‘non-dynamic’ materials

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with structural synergy to epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane (D series)

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DMTA analysis supported the Tg trends observed by DSC,

with apparent higher Tg’s for the D60–D100 vs. the A60–A100
series, as characterised by either Tgonset (sharp decline in E 0 ,
Fig. 5a) or peak of tan d (Fig. 5c).46 Both the storage and loss
modulus curves for the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane (D60–
D100) materials show additional transitions after Tgonset, in
comparison to the A60–A100 epoxy-amine materials (Fig. 5a
and b, non-smooth decline in E 0 and E00 ). Given the well-
established exchange reaction of boronic esters with diols
and amino-diols18,38,41 it is proposed that these transitions
are related to rapid bond exchange reactions and related rapid
topological rearrangements, between ‘occupied’ (dioxazaboro-
cane) and ‘unoccupied’ (b-amino diol) groups, enabled by the
transition of the materials from the glassy to rubbery material
state. It has been suggested that, when the topological freezing
temperatures (Tv) is significantly lower than Tg, facile topologi-
cal rearrangements would be expected at T 4 Tg.33 In the case
of the dioxazaborocane materials described here, as tempera-
tures progressed beyond Tgonset the D-series materials softened
and at Tg + 30 1C demonstrated flow behaviour, indicative of a
material with potential for mechanical recycling (vide infra).
This behaviour also resulted in a significant broadening of the
tan d in the case of D60–D100 materials, accounting for the
apparent large increase in Tg value when compared to
the corresponding DSC result (Table 1). Equivalent post-Tg
transitions are not present in the control epoxy-amine materials Fig. 5 DMTA analysis of D60-D100 and A60-A100 materials. (a) overlay of
(A60–A100), presumably due to the absence of dynamic bond storage modulus curves (E 0 ), (b) overlay of loss modulus curves (E00 ) and
exchange reactions in these ‘non-reversible’ covalently cross- (c) overlay of tan d curves (E00 /E 0 ).
linked materials.
To address the significant difference in Tg between the D-
series and A-series materials (which was considered important Characterisation of the D20–D100 series and A220–A2100 by
for comparison of material properties), higher Tg epoxy-amine infrared spectroscopy delivered insight into the structural
thermoset materials were prepared as control materials. The A2- difference between the dynamic and non-dynamic materials
series were based on 4,4 0 -methylenedicyclohexanamine (Fig. 6). Increasing the dioxazaborocane content (i.e., increas-
(4,4 0 -MDH) as the crosslinking agent, replacing the more ing %-occupied vs. %-unoccupied in D0–D100) results in a
flexible 1,6-diaminohexane (DAH). The bicycloaliphatic struc- proportional decrease in OH concentration (Fig. 6a, indicated
ture of 4,4 0 -MDH (see ESI†) resulted in an increase in material region). This can be assigned to conversion of b-amino diol
Tg (Table 1, A220–A2100), reducing the DTg between D100 and (OH) groups into dioxazaborocane complexes (see Fig. 3 for
A2100 to B8 1C. The A3 series utilised 4,4 0 -MDH (crosslinking) illustration), consuming the OH functionality proportional to
and DER-332 (bisphenol-A epoxide from Olin Epoxy) with the degree of crosslinking. This trend is absent in the infrared
cyclohexylamine for the epoxy-amine polymerisation to deliver spectra of the epoxy-amine series (A20–A2100), where cross-linking
materials with Tg’s in the region of 87.8–97.1 1C (Table 1, A3 does not consume hydroxyl groups, thus OH concentration should
60–A3100). be approximately equal in all examples (Fig. 6b, indicated region).

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(Fig. 9a), the D100 sample has fully dissolved after 24 hours. In
all cases, the control epoxy-amine A100 remains undissolved, as
expected for a ‘traditional’ epoxy thermoset. The same result
was achieved using pinacol (2,3-dimethyl-2,3-butanediol) to
disassemble the dioxazaborocane D100 polymer network, lib-
erating the epoxy-amine polymer, with concomitant formation
of di-pinacol boronic ester 2b (Fig. 7, method b). 1H-NMR
analyses support this, with characteristic dioxazaborocane sig-
nals (Fig. 8, boronic ester model complex, 4.2–4.8 ppm) absent
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from the product 1H-NMR spectra (Fig. 8, D100 + pinacol)

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indicating release of the non-complexed, linear epoxy-amine

polymer (equivalent to polymer D0). The dipinacol ester of
phenyl diboronic acid (2b) has a peak also clearly present in
the product 1H-NMR spectra (Ar-H at 7.8 ppm), further support-
ing our understanding of the chemical disassembly process.
GPC analysis of the chemical recycling solutions supported
the results of the 1H-NMR analysis, through comparison of
molecular weight distributions from both disassembly meth-
ods (Fig. 7, method (a) and (b)) vs. authentic prepared samples
of linear epoxy-amine polymer (i.e., D100 without dioxazabor-
ocane crosslinking = D0). The polymer molecular weight dis-
tributions of the two chemical disassembly methods (Fig. 10,
‘D100 post THF/1d immersion’ and D100 post THF/pinacol
immersion’) show excellent correlation with the parent control
Fig. 6 FTIR overlays of (a) epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane materials polymers (Fig. 10, ‘D0 control’ and ‘D0 control with 1d). In
(D0–D100, inset: representative molecular structure of D0 and D100) comparison, immersion of the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane
and (b) epoxy-amine thermoset materials (A220–A2100, inset: represen- in THF only (Fig. 10, D100 post THF immersion) did not result
tative molecular structure).
in dissolution of high molecular weight polymeric material,
further evidencing the chemoselectivity of the disassembly
process. These experiments not only demonstrate a viable
Chemical resistance and recycling mechanism for recovery of molecular building blocks from
A chemical recycling process that allows selective disassembly epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane crosslinked polymer networks,
and dissolution of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane could allow but also provided evidence for the molecular structure of the
separation and purification of the molecular building blocks, epoxy-amine polymeric component within the epoxy-amine-
ready for reuse. However, it is essential that high-performance dioxazaborocane crosslinked network.
epoxy-thermosets exhibit a broad spectrum chemical resis-
tance, remaining undamaged and insoluble upon exposure to Mechanical recycling
chemically aggressive liquids and solutions.47–49 Immersion of A covalent adaptable network, such as proposed with materials
the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane D100, in a range of solvents D60–D100, that undergoes rapid bond and topological rearran-
including ethanol, DMSO, toluene, acetone, THF, distilled gement at T 4 Tgonset would be an attractive material for
water and 1 M NaOH showed no material integrity loss with mechanical recycling. Epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane materials
the expected excellent chemical resistance and insoluble prop- D60–D100 were ground into small particles, then heated under
erties of a ‘traditional/epoxy-amine’ thermoset, network poly- compression at 170 1C for 30 minutes, using a simple bench-
mer. The hydrolytic stability under aqueous conditions, can be top hot press, before slowly cooling overnight (see ESI† for
attributed to the enhanced stability of boronic esters contain- details). In all cases this resulted in the formation of a cohesive
ing tetra-coordinate bonding via N-atom coordination,50,51 sheet of polymeric material, where tensile testing of the
such as that seen in the bicyclic dioxazaborocane structures mechanically recycled materials (DR80–DR100) vs. the parent
described here. The solvent resistance can be clearly seen in materials (D80–D100), showed similar stress-strain curves
Fig. 9a (THF control), where both D100 and A100 remain (Fig. 12), across both D80 and D100 materials.
unchanged and undissolved after 24 hours. Polymer-network Key physical parameters such as Young’s modulus and
disassembly was demonstrated with the dioxazaborocane D- ultimate tensile strength were statistically unchanged in the
series, using (mono-functional) n-butyl phenylboronic ester 1d higher crosslink density D80 and D100 materials. Both series of
in THF. Using an excess of 1d, the D100 polymer-network can materials measured Young’s moduli of 96–119 MPa for the
be disassembled to form a soluble (non-crosslinked) epoxy- D80/DR80 examples, increasing to 128–136 MPa for the higher
amine polymer as illustrated in Fig. 7. This is demonstrated crosslinked D100/DR100 example (Fig. 11b, entries 2 and 3),
visually in Fig. 9b (THF + 1d) where, in contrast to THF only demonstrating the ability to both control material properties

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Fig. 7 Chemical recycling of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane D100 via either (a) phenylboronic ester or (b) 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-butanediol (pinacol)

Fig. 10 GPC analysis of the solutions from 1d and pinacol chemical

recycling methodologies (according to Fig. 7) vs. D0 controls (with and
without 1d).

selected for analysis. Whilst the D-series materials were lower

in Young’s modulus than the corresponding A3-series
(309–321 MPa), these results demonstrate significant promise
for this new material class. Similar trends were observed for the
Fig. 8 1H-NMR spectra of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane thermoset D100
after chemical recycling via pinacol methodology (according to Fig. 7b).
ultimate tensile strength data of DR100 (Fig. 11a) with the pre-
and post-recycling results for D80/DR80 and D100/DR100 sta-
tistically indistinguishable from each other (30–38 MPa).
Again, whilst the A3 control demonstrated higher strength
(68–69 MPa), the results for the epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane
were very promising. These results support the hypothesis that
the dioxazaborocane bond exchange results in sufficient rheo-
logical flow for material fragments to reform into a single
cohesive polymer sheet, and that bond interchange restores
the polymer network and associated mechanical properties.
Extended evaluation to study the impact of repeated
Fig. 9 Chemical recycling of D100, using n-butyl phenylboronic ester 1d.
(a) immersion of epoxy-amine-dioxazaborocane D100 and epoxy-amine mechanical recycling on the thermal, chemical and mechanical
A100 in THF at the start of the experiment and after 24 hours. (b) shows properties of dioxazaborocane material D80 was conducted.
immersion of D100 and A100 in THF with n-butyl phenylboronic ester 1d A virgin sample of D80 was prepared and subjected to three
at the start of the experiment and after 24 hours. cycles of mechanical recycling, with characterization by infra-
red spectroscopy, GPC (after chemical disassembly in THF/
and maintain such properties post-recycling. For comparison to pinacol), tensile testing and thermal analysis (Tg by DSC) at
a ‘traditional’ epoxy-amine control, the high Tg A3 series was each stage of recycling (plus characterisation of the virgin D80).

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mechanical recycling at elevated temperatures (170 1C). This is

characterised by the presence of weak absorption bands at
1658 cm1, associated with amine oxidation and at
1738 cm1, characteristic of epoxy resin oxidation (Fig. 13a,
highlighted region).52 To examine the impact of mechanical
recycling on the molecular weight distribution of the dioxaza-
borocane D80 material, the same samples were subjected to
chemical disassembly in THF/pinacol according to our experi-
mental procedure (see previously described method) and ana-
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lyzed by GPC. A slight reduction in the molecular weight

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distribution profile was observed upon mechanical recycling,

proportional to the number of recycling processes to which the
material was subjected. Since oxidation of polymers is a well-
recognized route to degradation (including molecular weight
reduction),52,53 it seems reasonable to assume that these proper-
ties are connected, and that the apparent oxidation is respon-
sible for the modest reduction in the molecular weight
distribution by GPC (Fig. 13b). The tensile properties of the

Fig. 11 (a) Ultimate tensile strength and (b) Young’s modulus, data for
D60–D100 and A360–A3100 materials.

Analysis by infra-red spectroscopy revealed low levels of appar-

ent oxidation upon subjecting the D80 material to repeated

Fig. 13 Characterisation of dioxazaborocane D80 before mechanical

Fig. 12 Stress over strain curves for D80/DR80 and D100/DR100 (pre and recycling (virgin), and after one (D-R1-80), two (D-R2-80) and three
post mechanical recycling). Inset: Image of D100 before and after (D-R3-80) recycling processes (at 170 1C) by (a) Infrared spectroscopy,
mechanical recycling, by hot press and laser cutting into dog bones for (b) GPC after chemical recycling in THF/pinacol and (c) tensile testing with
tensile testing. Tg by DSC (inset, *run at 100 1C min1).

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