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United Arab Emirates

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Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1

List of tables and figures ............................................................................................................................... 3
Tables ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Figures ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations used in the report .................................................................................................................. 5
1. Background and Context ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Project Description............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Pilot Countrty Context ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Pilot Project Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 8
2. Stakeholders in the Project ..................................................................................................................... 10
3. Getting Access to the Data: Procedures, Legal Documents and Challenges .......................................... 11
3.1. Project Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Legal Documents and Challenges .................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Resources Required for the Processing ........................................................................................... 13
4. Methodology, Technical Description, Tools............................................................................................ 14
4.1. Description of the Data Used in the Project .................................................................................... 14
4.2. Reference Data used in the Project ................................................................................................. 16
4.3. Access to the Data............................................................................................................................ 16
4.4. Processing the Data ......................................................................................................................... 17
5. Results Derived for the Big Data Indicators ............................................................................................ 23
5.1. BD03: Usage of Mobile-Cellular Networks for non-IP-Related Activities, by Technology ............... 23
5.2. BD04: Usage of Mobile-Cellular Networks for Internet Access, by Technology .............................. 26
5.3. BD05: Number of Subscriptions with Access to Technology ........................................................... 29
5.4. BD06: Active Mobile Voice and Broadband Subscriptions, by Contract Type ................................. 32

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5.5. BD08: Active Mobile Devices ........................................................................................................... 34
5.6. BD09: IMEI Conversion Rate ............................................................................................................ 36
5.7. BD11: Mobile Domestic Broadband Traffic, by Contract Type, Technology.................................... 38
5.8. BD12: Mobile International Broadband Traffic, by Contract Type .................................................. 38
5.9. BD14: Fixed Broadband Subscriptions, by Technology .................................................................... 39
5.10. BD15: Fixed Broadband Subscriptions, by Speed .......................................................................... 40
5.11. BD16: Origin/Destination Matrix ................................................................................................... 41
6. Recommendations .................................................................................................................................. 44
7. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 47

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Table 1: Key performance indicators on ICT development in the United Arab Emirates
Table 2: Project timeline
Table 3: Example of the template for the data request from the telecommunication service providers
in the United Arab Emirates
Table 4: Example of raw data from MNO
Table 5: Example of raw data from ISP
Table 6: Local Administrative Unit code mapping table


Figure 1: Processing of the indicators

Figure 2: Snapshot of CSV file for a Tier II indicator
Figure 3: Snapshot of BD16 Tier II file
Figure 4: Data acquisition process for the United Arab Emirates
Figure 5: Distribution of technology for non-IP-related activities for the entire United Arab Emirates
Figure 6: Distribution of technology for non-IP-related activities disaggregated by Emirates
Figure 7: Distribution of mobile Internet access technology for the United Arab Emirates
Figure 8: Distribution of mobile Internet access technology according to administrative areas
Figure 9: Distribution of subscriptions for each technology type for the entire United Arab Emirates
Figure 10: Distribution of subscriptions for each technology type and administrative region
Figure 11: Number of active subscriptions by type for the entire United Arab Emirates
Figure 12: Number of contract types (data only, voice and data; prepaid, postpaid) for each
administrative region
Figure 13: Number of active devices, by type, for the entire United Arab Emirates
Figure 14: Number of active devices, by type, for each administrative region
Figure 15: The percentage of IMEI change during the second quarter of 2016 for each administrative
Figure 16: Traffic volume for mobile Internet activity for each administrative region, by technology
Figure 17: Traffic volume for mobile Internet generated by domestic subscribers in the United Arab
Emirates and abroad

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Figure 18: Fixed wired broadband subscriptions by technology, for each administrative region
Figure 19: Number of subscriptions according to speed, for each administrative region
Figure 20: Origin/destination matrix for the United Arab Emirates administrative regions, related to the
second quarter of 2016
Figure 21: Flows of people between Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah for each month of the second quarter
of 2016

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CDR Call Detail Record
CSV comma-separated values
FCSA Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority
FTTH fibre-to-the-home
ICT information and communication technology
IMEI International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
IPDR Internet Protocol Data Record
ISP Internet service provider
ITU International Telecommunication Union
LAU Local Administrative Unit
MNO mobile network operator
NDA non-disclosure agreement
TRA Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

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The aim of this project is to use big data from the telecom industry to improve and complement existing
statistics and methodologies to measure the information society. The results of the project are expected
to help countries and ITU to produce official information and communication technology (ICT) statistics
and to develop new methodologies by combining new and existing data sources. This will directly
benefit policy-makers, who will have access to new official statistics and benchmarks. It will also benefit
data producers at the national level by guiding them in the use of big data for ICT measurement.

Specifically, the project:

 Combines the role of ITU as a standard-setting organization in terms of global ICT measurement
with official data producers’ experience and interest in working with big data. Those data
producers who can and are willing to share big data are invited to join the project to explore
new methodologies and data sources to produce official ICT statistics. ICT data producers
include: national statistical offices, telecommunication regulatory authorities,
telecommunication service providers (mobile network operators (MNOs)) and Internet service
providers (ISPs).
 Takes advantage of ITU’s involvement and experience in existing big data initiatives: ITU has
organized a number of big data sessions in terms of regulation and monitoring, published
information on the opportunities and challenges of big data, and developed a big data project
on mobile phone data for health. ITU is also an active member of the United Nations Global
Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics, has networked with public and private
organizations working on the topic, and has identified a number of potential (public and private)
partners that would be interested in and benefit from participating in this project.
 Explores and analyses the kind of new information society data and statistics that ITU and other
stakeholders (including policy-makers, analysts and other data producers and users) would value
most, and which currently do not exist.
 Engages with ICT data producers to discuss the development of specific indicators for new
statistics that could be produced through big data analytics, and by combing new and existing
data sources and methodologies.

The first phase of the project involves several country pilot studies, which serve as concrete examples of
how big data from the ICT industry (MNOs, ISPs, etc.) can be used and/or combined with existing official
data (from ITU, national statistical offices and regulators) to produce new statistics, benchmarks and
methodologies to measure the information society. These pilot studies cover different types of big data
sources (e.g. MNOs and ISPs) and several ITU regions.

This report summarizes the pilot project conducted in the United Arab Emirates. More specifically, it
highlights the roles, responsibilities and contributions of the different partners, the types of big data
that were used, the big data analytics that were carried out, the results that were produced in terms of
new indicators and statistics, and methodologies. It also provides recommendations on which and how
data can be produced, collected, explored, aggregated, shared, analysed and presented. It discusses

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data access agreements and addresses issues and challenges related to possible data transfer, storage,
privacy and confidentiality. The country reports are expected to provide data producers with concrete
steps on using big data to produce new ICT statistics. An overall project report (forthcoming) will
summarize the main findings from the pilot projects and make recommendations on how countries and
ITU could use the results of the pilot studies for their ICT data collection.


The United Arab Emirates is the second-largest economy in the Arab world and is highly innovative in
the ICT industry, due to the large and fast investments in ICT infrastructure seeking alternative economic
growth to the petroleum industry. The United Arab Emirates has a well-developed and technologically
advanced telecom sector with high levels of mobile, fixed-telephone and broadband penetration. Key
factors in the growth of the United Arab Emirates telecom sector are robust economic growth, foreign
investment and government initiatives. The United Arab Emirates has recently attracted a high number
of ICT companies to host their regional headquarters with the latest communications infrastructure to
service them. Ranked 40th in the 2017 ITU ICT Development Index (24th in the access sub index), the
United Arab Emirates has shown great interest in international ICT and big data initiatives.

Telecommunications in the United Arab Emirates is under the supervision of the Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority (TRA), with two main telecommunication providers: Emirates Telecommunications
Group Company (Etisalat) and Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), represented as
the brand “du”. There are 229.8 mobile subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in the United Arab Emirates.

The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA), a national statistics office, showed high
interest in participating in this pilot project, as the United Arab Emirates is very interested in big data
initiatives that would further advance the data-driven society and innovations in ICT. Key performance
indicators showing the United Arab Emirates’ level of ICT development compared to the regional and
global averages are presented in Table 1.

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Table 1: Key performance indicators on ICT development in the United Arab Emirates

Indicator 2015 2016 World
Fixed-telephone subscribers per 100 inhabitants 23.6 23.4 7.7 13.6
Mobile-cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants 187.3 204.0 107.1 101.5
Fixed-broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants 12.9 13.3 4.7 12.4
Active mobile-broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants 130.9 156.7 45.2 52.2
3G coverage (% of population) 100.0 100.0 81.9 85.0
LTE/WiMAX coverage (% of population) 95.3 98.0 33.8 66.5
Mobile-cellular prices (% of GNI per capita) 0.2 0.2 2.5 5.1
Fixed-broadband prices (% of GNI per capita) 1.1 0.5 6.2 15.6
Mobile-broadband prices prepaid 500 MB (% of GNI per capita) 0.4 0.5 2.4 4.1
Mobile-broadband prices postpaid 1 GB (% of GNI per capita) 0.7 0.8 4.0 7.1
Percentage of households with computers 89.3 91.0 43.3 46.6
Percentage of households with Internet access 95.4 94.3 45.3 51.5
Percentage of individuals using the Internet 90.5 90.6 41.8 45.9
Internet bandwidth per Internet user (kbit/s) 108.8 133.7 39.0 74.5
Source: ITU.


The overall timeline of the pilot project, starting with the initial communication between ITU and FCSA,
is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Project timeline

Activity Time
Initial communication, stakeholder involvement and project June–October 2016
planning activities
Kick-off meeting of the project with all stakeholders in the End of October 2016
United Arab Emirates
Preparations for processing the data by the telecommunication November 2016–January 2017
service providers, assessing the methodology for calculating the
indicators and planning/allocating the resources for the tasks,
resolving legal aspects
Precalculation of the indicators prior to the visit of the ITU data January 2017
ITU data scientist’s mission to the United Arab Emirates 29 January–9 February 2017
Assessing the resulting indicators, acquiring some corrections March–April 2017
from the telecommunication service providers, initiating the
country report, getting feedback, comments, assessment from
local stakeholders in the report
Country report, finalization of the project in the United Arab May–September 2017

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There are four stakeholders in the pilot project in the United Arab Emirates:

 Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority: The authority responsible for collecting
national statistics. In the current project, FCSA is a country focal point responsible for
coordinating the activities during the project in the United Arab Emirates.
 Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: The official telecommunication regulator and
government body responsible for collecting ICT statistics from communication providers. TRA
responsibility in the project is to oversee and manage the data collection from the
telecommunication service providers.
 Etisalat–Emirates Telecommunications Group Company: The telecommunication service
provider in the United Arab Emirates.
 du–Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company: The telecommunication service provider
in the United Arab Emirates.

In the pilot project, FCSA was the focal point and liaison for the communications between ITU and local
stakeholders. FCSA’s responsibility was to coordinate the activities between the stakeholders, facilitate
general meetings and supervise the exchange of necessary documents and information. FCSA was also
the main instigator of the pilot project in the United Arab Emirates.

TRA, the telecommunication regulator and main collector of ICT statistics, is responsible for reporting
the ICT statistics to ITU. TRA was also the main organization responsible for facilitating the
communications and workflow with the telecommunication service providers during the project. In the
United Arab Emirates, there is no specialized data protection authority. Instead, TRA is the organization
responsible for privacy and data protection aspects. This was also the case in the pilot project.

Etisalat and du are two main telecommunication providers in the United Arab Emirates responsible for
providing the data for the project. Both telecommunication service providers have big data departments
under their IT departments that were very capable of conducting the phase of the pilot involving their
own data.

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May 2016: The project started with confirmation of the local stakeholders about the willingness to
participate in the project. This was initiated by FCSA and TRA, which approached service providers with a
proposal to participate in the project.

June 2016: ITU sent an official project invitation letter to the TRA Director General, so TRA could
participate officially in this pilot project.

July–August 2016: Discussion on planning the project, inviting telecommunication service providers,
agreeing on kick-off meeting.

August–October 2016: Sending initial project documents, methodology description, work plan and

October 2016: Kick-off meeting in Abu Dhabi with all stakeholders, discussing available data, required
legal documents and planning the visit of the data scientist. Creating template for data request from
TRA to the telecommunication service providers.

November–December 2016: Identification of available data and allocating resources by the

telecommunication service providers to conduct the project.

January 2017: Calculating some of the indicators by the telecommunication service providers.

January–February 2017: ITU data scientist’s visit to the United Arab Emirates. Signing of non-disclosure
agreements (NDAs) with TRA and two telecommunication service providers. Data scientist’s role to
support and provide assistance with methodology and any arising questions.

March–May 2017: Collecting data from the telecommunication service providers, analysis of the data,
creating country report.


To conduct the project, the following documents were necessary:

 Official invitation letter from ITU to TRA Director General to participate in the project;
 Official invination letter from TRA to du and Etisalat to participate in the project;
 Request of information from TRA to du and Etisalat;
 NDA between the data scientist (as a person, not representing ITU) and TRA;
 NDA between the data scientist (as a person, not representing ITU) and Etisalat;
 NDA between the data scientist (as a person, not representing ITU) and du.

The positive attitude by all stakeholders towards the project was crucial to enable a smooth process and
swiftly overcome challenges encountered in different steps of the project cycle.

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The main challenges in the project were administrative and legal issues, because the data scientist was
acting as a private consultant. One of these challenges was identifying the legal options for the
telecommunication service providers to provide the required data for the project, signing of NDAs
between different parties, technical questions concerning processing and transmission of the data to
ITU, and planning the resources of the telecommunication service providers to prepare the necessary
data. However, these questions were successfully resolved.

Nevertheless, some legal issues took time and effort to resolve, such as identifying the necessary legal
documents and specific procedures that FCSA and TRA had to take in order to officially request the
participation and request of the data for the project. TRA had to make an official request for the
telecommunication service providers to participate in the project.

One of the practical challenges was the planning of the kick-off meeting and visit of the data scientist.
Due to the involvement of several countries in the project, the planning of these travels influenced the
initial time plan of the project.

Another key challenge was identifying and signing the NDAs between different parties to assure the
confidentiality of the data. Current practice in the United Arab Emirates is that NDAs are signed
between organizations. Therefore, initially the NDA had to be signed by ITU and both
telecommunication service providers; however, for practical reasons, this was not feasible (official
signature by ITU would have taken too much time). Therefore, NDAs had to be signed directly between
the telecommunication service providers and the data scientist, who was responsible for the processing
and aggregation of the data.

As a result, the data scientist was required to sign three different NDAs with different stakeholders of
the project. The NDAs were required, as the data scientist would have access to sensitive commercial
information about the telecommunication service providers during the project. An issue, however, was
that in the NDAs, the data scientist was acting as a private person and not a representative of ITU.

Concerning the data collection, a standard TRA data request template (in Excel) used for data collection
of existing statistical indicators was adjusted to specify the data that were needed for the project from
Etisalat and du. Both telecommunication service providers assessed the methodology and the template
provided in order to map the specific indicators that could be calculated by both telecommunication
service providers.

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Table 3: Example of the template for the data request from the telecommunication service providers in the
United Arab Emirates


Private companies usually cannot quickly reallocate their resources to external, non-commercial projects
(such as this project); however, both Etisalat and du were able to plan and reallocate the resources
without any implications to the general project milestones. This was possible because both
telecommunication service providers assigned special departments dealing with big data that were
quickly able to identify the requirements for the project and plan the resources for that. The
responsibility of these big data departments includes producing indicators similar to those requested.
The departments have actual projects that require such outcomes and, as such, this project was in line
with their everyday work.

For the overall processing of the data, the following human and technical resources were used:

 For calculating the indicators, there were four teams from all stakeholders with a minimum of
two specialists from each and a back-office team working in parallel for a period of 30 working
days. For both telecommunication service providers, a team of two to three persons was
involved in the calculation process, for TRA and FCSA; also, two to three persons each were
actively participating in the process.
 Teradata, Informatica, IBM Cognos, IBM Datastage and IBM Netezza Data warehouse platforms
were used by the telecommunication service providers to extract, process and aggregate the

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data for the project. These are the tools designed to manage and query big data, and are
commonly used in the telecommunication industry for handling such data.



For the project, the following initial raw data were expected from the telecommunication service

 The telecommunication service provider’s geographical representation of antennas location or

coverage areas. These data represent the geographical location of the Call Detail Records (CDRs)
and Internet Protocol Detail Records (IPDRs) in the network, and are also used to assess the
coverage area over the land and population.
 MNO’s network usage data log records as CDRs and IPDRs. These records represent domestic,
inbound roaming and outbound roaming data. These data were combined with available
Customer Relationship Management data (contract types, demographics), and include all
records individually for incoming and outgoing voice CDRs, incoming and outgoing messaging
CDRs (SMS, MMS), and Internet traffic detail records (IPDR). Each event (usage log) has a
separate individual record (e.g. one outgoing call is one record with attributes). Concerning the
IPDR, the access to the Internet includes access to the broader public Internet (open Internet)
and walled garden (closed Internet, limited access to walled garden content), but without
distinction of the type of access. The observation period of the data was three months (April,
May and June 2016).
 ISPs’ fixed (wired)-broadband subscribers’ Internet access log records.

CDRs are a well-known and used mostly standard format where each record represents an activity (i.e.
call, SMS, Internet data usage session) performed by the subscriber, with attributes such as the time
stamp of the beginning of the event, the antenna to which the device was connected, the duration of
the activity, and some other features, tracked for operational and/or billing purposes.

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Table 4: Example of raw data from MNO

Table 5: Example of raw data from ISP

Country data for the United Arab Emirates are composed of CDRs and IPDRs collected and stored by
Etisalat and du, covering 100 per cent of United Arab Emirates subscribers. The period of the data was
the second quarter of 2016 (April, May and June). For mobile-cellular data, all the following records
were included:

 Incoming and outgoing calling and SMS message events;

 Internet usage session events.

All mobile-cellular data were referenced to a specific Emirate via antenna identification, to which the
specific event was connected when initiated.

For ISP data, fixed (wired)-broadband subscribers’ Internet access log records were used. Also, the end
location of the connection points was referenced to a specific Emirate.

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A total of more than 44 trillion events were used as initial raw data by both telecommunication service
providers combined.


Reference data are required to be able to fully conduct the project according to the methodology. The
reference data are used to link the data from the telecommunication service providers to geographical
location (for geographical breakdown), and to calculate some specific indicators. As reference data,
during the project, the following data sources were required and used:

 Administrative borders of the United Arab Emirates subdivisions (Local Administrative Units
(LAUs)) along with the urban–rural subdivisions to be able to provide geographic and rural–
urban breakdown of the indicators. In the United Arab Emirates, there is only one level of
administrative units – seven Emirates and no urban–rural subdivisions. For the
telecommunication service providers, there was no need to provide the maps for the seven
Emirates, as they were able to allocate the indicators themselves from their data. The only
requirement was to agree on the coding of each Emirate.
 One square kilometre grid of population. These reference data were not available for the project
at the time of execution.

Because some of the reference data were not available in the United Arab Emirates at the time of the
pilot project, some of the indicators (namely BD01 and BD02) were not implemented.


Because of privacy protection reasons and because initial raw data from the telecommunication service
providers can be considered to include confidential business information, there are three tiers or phases
of the data processing:

 Tier I – Initial, raw, not aggregated data extracted by the telecommunication service providers
from their databases and registries, that is the basis for calculation and which might include
private and confidential business information. This can also be referred as microdata.
 Tier II – Initially aggregated data per telecommunication service provider with no private and
some (or no) confidential business information, but which is still considered sensitive and kept
from sharing with third parties. This can also be referred to as macrodata.
 Tier III – These Tier II aggregated indicators from different telecommunication service providers
merged that can be publicly shared and do not include any private or confidential business
information. Tier III represents the resulting statistical indicators of the project.

In the United Arab Emirates, the process of extraction and calculation of Tier II indicators was done on
the premises of the telecommunication service providers and the Tier I microdata (raw data individual
records) were not provided to ITU, TRA or any other party due to confidentiality issues (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Processing of the indicators

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Both telecommunication service providers extracted the initial raw data from their data warehouses,
relying on big data processing technologies. After the extraction, Etisalat and du processed the data
according to the methodology and aggregated to Tier II data, which were stored as comma-separated
values (CSV) files. The CSV files were delivered to the data scientist. Tier I data were not explicitly stored
and the data scientist did not have access to them.

After Tier II data were produced by the telecommunication service providers, the procedure was to
transmit the CSV files to TRA. TRA in turn then provided the files to the data scientist.


Both du and Etisalat have big data departments that are very competent for completing such
calculations and, although not without some recalculation, both service providers were able to provide
Tier II results to the data scientist successfully, who combined the data into Tier III resulting indicators.

The process of calculating Tier II aggregated data followed precise and well-defined steps. ITU, through
TRA and FCSA, provided Etisalat and du the list of all the indicators required. Telecommunication service
providers had allocated a team of data scientists in charge of accessing and extracting Tier I data, and
processing them into Tier II data. The IT teams of both companies agreed on the interpretation of each
indicator, and then provided Tier II data to the data scientist. The calculation of Tier II indicators by both
telecommunication service providers was assisted by the data scientist, who helped with
methodological questions where the help was necessary.

During the visits of the data scientist, the IT/big data departments of both telecommunication service
providers agreed on the interpretation of the computing methodology for each of the indicators. These
meetings were held together with the data scientist, who assisted and provided any necessary solution
for issues raised by the telecommunication service providers. The data scientist did not have any access
to Tier I data, nor to the algorithms and/or SQL queries to validate directly the extraction and processing
of this phase.

Tier II calculations took place before, during and after the data scientist’s mission to the United Arab
Emirates. Most of the calculations were done before, some were calculated during, and one optional
requested indicator was calculated after the mission.

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Spatial aggregation of data has been made only by distinguishing between the whole country (LAU0) and
main administrative regions (Emirates – LAU1), without any distinction between urban and rural areas.
This decision is driven by the fact that second- (LAU2) and third-level (LAU3) administrative divisions are
not available in the United Arab Emirates.

According to the list of indicators proposed by ITU, 10 of 15 Tier II indicators were computed by Etisalat
and du. Two indicators (BD01 and BD02) were dropped due to the lack of data regarding land coverage
area of antennas: such a feature is required to compute the dropped indicators. BD07, BD10 and BD13
were not calculated due to confidentiality aspects.

In addition to the proposed indicators, telecommunication service providers of the United Arab Emirates
agreed to compute an additional indicator BD16: an origin/destination matrix, which is a well-known
indicator to measure human mobility across a given territory, divided into regions/cities or any possible
space aggregation. For the case of the United Arab Emirates, the origin/destination matrix has been
computed among the seven Emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al-Khaimah and
Umm Al-Quwain.

The following indicators were calculated by both telecommunication service providers in the United
Arab Emirates:

 BD03: Usage of mobile-cellular networks for non-IP-related activities, by technology;

 BD04: Usage of mobile-cellular networks for internet access, by technology;
 BD05: Number of subscriptions with access to technology;
 BD06: Active mobile voice and broadband subscriptions, by contract type;
 BD08: Active mobile devices;
 BD09: IMEI conversion rate;
 BD11: Mobile domestic broadband traffic, by contract type, technology;
 BD12: Mobile international broadband traffic, by contract type;
 BD14: Fixed broadband subscriptions, by technology;
 BD15: Fixed broadband subscriptions, by speed;
 BD16: Additional indicator: Origin/destination matrix.

Telecommunication service providers delivered Tier II indicators as standard CSV files, for the data
scientist to aggregate the data into Tier III final indicators. Telecommunication service providers set up a
CSV file for each indicator, resulting in a total of 20 CSV files and a separate two files for BD16
(origin/destination matrix indicators), composed by approximately 1 million rows/approximately 50 MB
per indicator.

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Figure 2: Snapshot of CSV file for a Tier II indicator

Since BD16 was proposed during the visiting period of the data scientist, the BD16 indicator was
provided at the end the visit. The specification of BD16 is provided as an annex of the list of indicators.
The size of BD16 CSV files is smaller than other indicators (CSV file size <10 MB), as the aggregation level
is at the country/Emirate level (LAU0/LAU1).

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Figure 3: Snapshot of BD16 Tier II file

Tier II data from both telecommunication service providers were validated according to the agreed
methodology, but without the possibility for the data scientist to inspect codes and/or algorithms used
in the aggregation from Tier I into Tier II data. After the initial check and refinement of some of the Tier
II indicators, made by telecommunication service providers together with the data scientist, the final
versions of each indicator’s CSV files were sent to the data scientist. The refinements of Tier II CSV files
were mostly to resolve formatting issues, such as normalizing the column names and number formats, in
order for the CSV files from two telecommunication service providers to be merged. The Tier II data
were stored in a local SQLITE3 database and aggregated into Tier III data.

Since access to Tier I data was not available, the validation on data has been made only at a logical basis,
by inspecting values distributions and checking them with du and Etisalat big data teams.

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There are two possible levels of validations:

 Algorithm validation along with Tier I data validation;

 Result validation.

As the data scientist was not able to access Tier I data nor inspect the algorithms that were used to
extract, process and aggregate Tier I data into Tier II data, the data scientist could only validate the
results, mostly using the logical approach to the resulting data.

Basically, the validation of the algorithms was done during the meetings with the telecommunication
service providers, where the logic of queries was explained and agreed by both telecommunication
service providers, along with supervision by the data scientist. The resulting data validation was done by
the data scientist, mostly using the logical checks, to see if resulting Tier II indicators made sense and
were comparable.

Checking the data format of Tier II has been the major challenge of the process: the provided CSV files
were in a different format from each telecommunication service provider, with often different column
names and different LAU1 codes conventions. Moreover, the separation character was different among
CSV files, requiring a further editing of all the files provided (e.g. sometimes “;” was used as delimiter,
sometimes “,”, so the delimiters had to be changed to the same delimiter in all Tier II files). Given these
required adjustments, the suggestion for future experiments is to develop an automatic tool to pre-
process acquired data with a format check and a preliminary analysis in order to spot eventual “strange”
outliers. For example, after the first acquisition, values for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi were different
according to the telecommunication service providers. After a further check, it came out that they used
different LAU1 codes, meaning the LAU1 codes used for Abu Dhabi were different from different
telecommunication service providers. This had to be corrected, although the LAU1 codes were initially
agreed upon in a mapping table (Table 6).

Table 6: Local Administrative Unit code mapping table


0 0 United Arab Emirates
1 1 Ajman
1 2 Abu Dhabi
1 3 Dubai
1 4 Fujairah
1 5 Ras al-Khaimah
1 6 Sharjah
1 7 Umm al-Quwain
The merging of Tier II data into Tier III indicators and visualization has been performed using Jupyter
Notebook and Bokeh plotting library, in order to obtain easy-to-export JavaScript plots, ready for an
interactive web visualization. In Figure 4, the steps of the process of acquiring Tier II data from
telecommunication service providers are depicted.

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Figure 4: Data acquisition process for the United Arab Emirates

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Indicators computed for the United Arab Emirates are 11 out of the 15 proposed by ITU. One additional
indicator was also computed, namely BD16: Origin/destination matrix. It is a widely used indicator in the
field of human mobility, and in recent years it is often based on CDR data. It represents the flow of
persons across each possible pair of regions/territories.



This indicator provides insight on the actual usage of mobile technology for making mobile voice and
messaging. This indicator is applied to MNOs. There is no associated official indicator corresponding to
this indicator, so this can be considered a new ICT indicator.

The indicator should provide the understanding of actual usage of the mobile technology in different
parts of the country for making and receiving mobile calls and messaging. The usage is defined as the
number of connections made between the device and the network – e.g. one outgoing call in the 2G
network is a fact of the usage of the 2G network, one incoming SMS via the 3G network is a fact of the
usage of the 3G network. The resulting indicator should refer to the proportion of usage of the specific
technology compared to the total usage of all generations of wireless mobile telecommunication
technology (e.g. the usage proportion of 2G technology in the specific region divided by the total usage
of all technologies in the specific region).

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Figure 5: Distribution of technology for non-IP-related activities for the entire United Arab Emirates

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Figure 6: Distribution of technology for non-IP-related activities disaggregated by Emirates (LAU1 code)

Figures 5 and 6 show the use of the mobile-cellular network for non-IP activities (voice call, SMS, etc.),
both for the entire United Arab Emirates and for each Emirate separately. The data clearly show how
the traffic related to this indicator is not using the 4G network. This is because 4G is designed for IP
traffic and not voice calls. The percentages for the usage of 2G and 3G are also rather similar among
each of the Emirates, but minor differences can be observed in different Emirates. As seen from this
indicator, the United Arab Emirates has successfully implemented a 3G network. There is no “perfect”
division, but the trend over time should be to increase the usage of and access to higher technologies.

The regional differences in this indicator (as well as in combination with the following BD04) enable the
telecommunication service providers and the Government of the United Arab Emirates to monitor the

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progress of development of the technologies and to support the decisions for investing in regions that
are lagging behind.



This indicator provides the understanding of actual usage of the mobile technology for accessing the
Internet in different parts of the country. The usage is defined as the number of connections made
between the device and the network – e.g. one access to the Internet via the 2G network is a fact of the
usage of the 2G network, one access to the Internet via the 4G network is a fact of the usage of the 4G

Figure 7 shows the distribution of mobile Internet access by technology for the whole country of the
United Arab Emirates. The data clearly show that 3G and 4G are the standard for the mobile Internet in
the United Arab Emirates, with 2G representing less than 10 per cent of connections. The indicator for
the whole country shows that usage of the 4G network is very close to the usage of the 3G network in
terms of connected sessions. There is no ideal breakdown by technology, but this indicator can provide a
very good insight on the status of the country when comparing to other countries.

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Figure 7: Distribution of mobile Internet access technology for the United Arab Emirates

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Figure 8: Distribution of mobile Internet access technology according to administrative areas

This indicator is also useful to analyse the mobile Internet access in subregions of the country, thus
providing a comparison of the quality of the connectivity across different subregions. In the era of
Internet of things and mobile services, it is a useful indicator for business developers, in particular to
have a reliable metric to take into consideration when planning new services to provide through the
mobile Internet network. Conversely, to the BD03 indicator, here 4G is exploited to provide services for
IP-related Internet activities.

Although it is not realistic that 2G network usage for Internet access will diminish in the near future, the
urbanized society of the United Arab Emirates shows very well the successful transformation of usage of

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technologies from 2G to 3G and from 3G to 4G. If such an indicator was collected over a period of time,
it should be observed how usage of 2G and 3G technologies are decreasing compared to newer 4G and,
probably in the near future, 5G technologies.

The differences of usage by technology among different Emirates show that there are regional
differences in the spread and usage of technology that indicate a need for investments in new
technologies in such regions. However, the United Arab Emirates could be seen as a good example of
shifting technologies with more to achieve, since 4G remains less used than 3G for Internet access.

This indicator does not show the usage by volume and speed (although with the initial raw data, such a
possibility can be presented), but it can be assumed that, because of 3G and 4G speed differences, the
amount of data transferred via 4G is most likely several times higher that of 2G and 3G.

In addition, as telecommunication service providers cannot geographically allocate some of the

antennas in their network to a specific Emirate, the group “Unknown” is also provided in the resulting

Concerning the decisions that could be made based on regular monitoring of this indicator over time,
this could show to both the service providers and the Government the need for investments in
technology to equalize the regional differences as well as the country’s level compared to other


This indicator provides the understanding of how many mobile network subscribers actually have access
to and use specific mobile-cellular technology by type of generation (2G, 3G and 4G). Having access is
considered a fact of using specific technology over a time period. If a subscriber has only used 2G
network antennas for accessing voice, messaging and data service, then this means that subscriber’s
access has been limited to 2G technology only and he/she is not able to use higher technology due to
technological limitations, service levels or because of contract limitations. The idea of this indicator is to
provide insight on the best technology (2G<3G<4G) accessed and used by all unique subscriptions –
what is the proportion of the subscribers that has been able to access 2G only (and not above); 3G (and
not above); and 4G.

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Figure 9: Distribution of subscriptions for each technology type for the entire United Arab Emirates

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Figure 10: Distribution of subscriptions for each technology type and administrative region

In Figure 10, the distribution of subscriptions for each administrative region is provided. The data show
that 4G technology is mostly accessible in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Al Sharjah, the most densely populated
and productive regions of the country. This means service providers have invested heavily in 4G
technology in these regions. However, it can also be observed that, in several Emirates, there are many
subscribers who do not have access to 4G, and in some cases also a considerable proportion of
subscribers who only access 2G networks. Again, there is no ideal threshold or distribution of access, but
ideally, 4G access would be 100 per cent with practically no subscribers who can only access 3G and 2G

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A practical assessment can be made by comparing this indicator with BD04. For example, although a
majority of subscribers in Abu Dhabi can access 4G networks (>50 per cent), most of the Internet usage
is still conducted using 3G (50 per cent) and 2G (18 per cent) networks, meaning that access to 4G
networks is not permanent, but occasional.


This indicator refers to the number of active mobile subscriptions disaggregated by the type of the
contract (prepaid, postpaid; voice and data, data only).

The total number of active mobile subscriptions in the United Arab Emirates was 19,133,341 as of June
2016, according to TRA. This figure is the reported number of subscriptions by service providers to TRA.
The number of subscriptions that conducted any activity (calls, messaging and Internet access) during
the three-month period (April, May and June 2016) was 22,585,061. There is difference between the
active subscription count reported to TRA and in current indicators.

Figure 11: Number of active subscriptions by type for the entire United Arab Emirates

Figure 11 shows the distribution of the number of active subscriptions by contract type. The large
majority of contracts are private, postpaid with voice and data service. The second most common case is
represented by commercial prepaid voice and data contracts.

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In Figure 12, this indicator is disaggregated by administrative regions. Distribution of contract types is
similar to the global distribution in Figure 11. As an additional insight, it is possible to note the location
of the subscriptions. Dubai is the region where the majority of the events are registered, while Abu
Dhabi and Al Sharjah are, respectively, second and third, according to the number of contracts.

Figure 12: Number of contract types (data only, voice and data; prepaid, postpaid) for each administrative

Comparing the number of active mobile subscriptions that have used the mobile network to the
reported number shows how many so-called inactive subscriptions there are in the country/region. In
many countries (as in the United Arab Emirates), the penetration rate of the subscriptions is several
times higher than the population count, indicating that many people are probably using several mobile
devices and subscriptions (e.g. mobile phone, 3G-enabled tablet, etc.). Ideally, this indicator should be
the same as the reported number of active mobile-cellular subscriptions (SIM card used at least once in
the previous three months for making or receiving calls, carrying out a non-voice activity such as sending
or reading an SMS, or accessing the Internet, over the mobile-cellular network), but practically there is a
big difference. The distinction by different contract types enables one to see where the missing gaps
among the subscriptions are and to target those that are not actually active subscriptions.

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This indicator represents an estimation of the total number of active devices using the mobile network,
according to their category. The category of a device is obtained through its International Mobile Station
Equipment Identity (IMEI) code and respective Type Allocation Code.

As seen in BD06, there are 22,585,061 active subscriptions and 23,697,919 different devices that have
been accessing cellular network service over the three months of pilot period. The total number of
different models of devices registered during the observation period is 69,036. This number is calculated
based on the unique Type Allocation Code of the devices based on International Mobile Subscriber

The Type Allocation Code list of different devices allows the distinction of following devices:

 Dongle;
 Handheld;
 Mobile phone/feature phone;
 Modem;
 Module;
 Portable (including PDA);
 Smartphone;
 Tablet;
 Vehicle;
 Wireless local area network router.

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Figure 13: Number of active devices, by type, for the entire United Arab Emirates

In Figures 13 and 14, data for indicator BD08 are reported, aggregated respectively at the LAU0 and
LAU1 levels. As expected, smartphones play the main role, being the most used device during the
second quarter of 2016. The impact of smartphones is even higher, since handheld devices are the
second most active device. Handheld devices are quite similar, in terms of functionalities, to

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Figure 14: Number of active devices, by type, for each administrative region

The number of active devices compared to the number of active subscriptions shows that there are not
so many different devices actually used. By comparing the results with the next indicator (BD09), it
seems there are many subscribers who have active subscription and use the device with different SIM
cards (the number of devices per subscriptions is 23,697,919/22,585,061 = 1.05). However, the BD09
indicator shows that 14 per cent of subscribers use several devices with their SIM cards. This can be
caused by the use of multi-SIM devices, but might require further investigation.

Although it is impossible to provide the exact number of phone users and owners from these data
sources, this indicator can be used to estimate such a figure.


This is a new indicator describing the conversion of mobile devices in the country’s mobile networks.
Ideally, the IMEI code represents unique devices used in the network. Subscribers change the devices
over time, so this indicator should ideally represent the number of subscribers who have changed
devices. Because IMEI codes can be changed by using often illegal tools to introduce stolen devices and
to avoid IMEI blacklists, the high rate of IMEI conversion can suggest a high level of black market use for
stolen devices. The normal or typical conversion rate (the proportion of individuals changing the
devices) during a quarter of year should be around 10 per cent (estimation ~5 billion phone users
around the world, ~500 million new devices acquired each quarter). If this indicator is much higher, then

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it suggests the “black market” proportion is high. If this indicator is lower, then customers do not tend to
acquire new devices very often.

Figure 15: The percentage of IMEI change during the second quarter of 2016 for each administrative region

Figure 15 shows the percentage of users changing their IMEI during the second quarter of 2016, around
14 per cent for the entire United Arab Emirates, with a higher value, surprisingly, for Ajman, where it
was almost 20 per cent.

This indicator should represent two phenomena:

 If the conversion rate is unreasonably high (although there is no practical guidance as to what is
normal and high), then there is a possibility that there are many black market phones in the
network, for which IMEI codes are regularly changed to avoid IMEI blacklists.
 If the conversion is low, it can suggest that subscribers are not eager to buy new devices.

For the United Arab Emirates, as mentioned, the overall conversion rate is reasonable (14 per cent),
with only one Emirate (Ajman) in which the rate is considerably higher than in other Emirates. Not
knowing the local circumstances, it is impossible to make a clear assumption of what is happening in

The practical use of this indicator should be investigated and the results should be compared across
countries. From the results in the United Arab Emirates, it seems there is a reasonable number of
subscribers who change their devices.

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Mobile-broadband Internet traffic (within the country) refers to broadband traffic volumes originated
within the country from mobile networks. Download and upload traffic should be added up and
reported together. Traffic should be measured at the end-user access point. Wholesale and walled-
garden traffic should be excluded.

Figure 16: Traffic volume for mobile Internet activity for each administrative region, by technology (volumes are
measured in megabytes)

Figure 16 shows traffic volume according to speed and contract type for each Emirate. Again, the
Emirate generating the highest volume of traffic is Dubai, both for 3G and 4G. The 3G and 4G
breakdowns are comparable in traffic volumes: in some cases, 3G is higher than 4G, but it cannot be
foreseen that this difference will be increased in the near future.


Mobile-broadband Internet traffic (outside the country, roaming out) refers to broadband traffic
volumes originated outside the country from 3G networks or other more advanced mobile networks,
including 3G upgrades, evolutions or equivalent standards in terms of data transmission speeds. Traffic
should be collected and aggregated at the country level for all customers of domestic subscribers’
outbound roaming service outside the country and using 3G or more advanced mobile networks.

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Download and upload traffic should be added up and reported together. Traffic should be measured at
the end-user access point.

Figure 17: Traffic volume for mobile Internet generated by domestic subscribers in the United Arab Emirates and
abroad (volumes are measured in terabytes)

Figure 17 shows the data traffic generated by domestic users while using the roaming service in the
United Arab Emirates and abroad. The difference regarding domestic traffic is on the order of 104, so
domestic traffic is on the order of exabytes, while foreign traffic is in the order of terabytes. It can also
suggest that only few subscribers actually access mobile Internet while being abroad, because of the
high roaming costs.


This indicator represents fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, aggregated by technology. The

indicator can be broken down as follows:

 DSL Internet subscriptions (Copper);

 Fibre-to-the-home/building Internet subscriptions (FTTH);
 Cable modem Internet subscriptions (other);
 Wireless-broadband subscriptions (WiMAX).

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Figure 18: Fixed wired broadband subscriptions by technology, for each administrative region

Figure 18 shows the number of broadband subscriptions. Despite the smaller dimension of this Emirate,
the number of subscribers with Copper technology from Sharjah is almost the same as in Dubai and Abu
Dhabi. In all Emirates, the technology distribution is mostly similar, suggesting that the level of
connectivity (in terms of technology used) is very similar in all parts of the United Arab Emirates.


This indicator represents fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, split by advertised download speed.
The indicator can be broken down as follows:

 256 Kbit/s to less than 2 Mbit/s subscriptions;

 2 Mbit/s to less than 10 Mbit/s subscriptions;
 10 Mbit/s to less than 100 Mbit/s subscriptions;
 100 Mbit/s to less than 1 Gbit/s subscriptions;
 Above 1 Gbit/s subscriptions.

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Figure 19: Number of subscriptions according to speed, for each administrative region

Figure 19 shows the number of subscribers according to speed. Dubai still has the highest number of
subscribers, but the number of “low-speed” subscribers is higher with respect to Abu Dhabi. In all
Emirates, the speed distribution is mostly similar, suggesting that the level of connectivity (in terms of
speeds) is very similar in all parts of the United Arab Emirates.


The origin/destination matrix is an indicator widely used in the analysis of human mobility. It is an
estimator of the flow between two regions, and it is an estimator for the relationships between such
regions. Given N different spatial regions, the origin/destination matrix is an NxN matrix where cell <I,J>
represents the number of persons who moved from region I to region J. The coarse granularity of CDR
data requires such indicators to be computed on a daily basis as the minimum reliable aggregation.
Furthermore, this indicator would require a new type of source that is the most frequent location of the
user. In literature, such a feature represents the home location of a user.

This indicator was calculated based on the consecutive events of the subscribers in different Emirates
per month. For each subscriber and each month, the “home Emirate” is represented by the most visited
Emirate, i.e. the Emirate with the highest number of corresponding CDRs from the specified subscriber.
Each CDR belonging to an Emirate different from the home Emirate represents a visit to that Emirate,
thus representing the fact that the subscriber had travelled from his or her home Emirate to the next
one. This indicator can be further developed and represented as an average, maximum travel counts per

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day of the week, weeks, national holidays, traffic peak hours, etc., that would be very useful for
transportation planning purposes.

Figure 20 shows a normalized origin/destination matrix between each administrative region. The size of
the link between two regions indicates the percentage of travellers going from one region to another.

Figure 20: Origin/destination matrix for the United Arab Emirates administrative regions, related to the second
quarter of 2016

From the figure, it can be seen that Dubai is the biggest attractor of the country. Most of the people
going to Dubai come from the close region of Sharjah, and from Abu Dhabi. Ajman has strong links with
Sharjah and Dubai, while Abu Dhabi receives most of the traffic from Dubai. It is worth noting how the
size of the flow from Abu Dhabi to Dubai is larger than the flow from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.

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Figure 21: Flows of people between Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah for each month of the second quarter of 2016

Figure 21 shows the number of people traveling across Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. This plots the
links between the three biggest regions of the country. The biggest flows are from Dubai to Sharjah and
vice versa. This is expected as the city of Dubai is close to Sharjah. The trend that emerges is a clear
decrease of all travellers in June, probably due to the period of Ramadan.

Origin/destination matrices can also be used to assess the incoming traffic to the United Arab Emirates
from foreign countries. In this case, obviously, CDR data only allow computing the number of users
travelling to the United Arab Emirates by taking advantage of detecting roaming CDR. Conversely,
roaming CDRs produced by United Arab Emirates citizens in foreign countries are not available.

This indicator represents the value of CDR big data in terms of knowledge: A single, yet huge, dataset is
able to provide a complete overview on human mobility across a territory. Such information is useful for
several tasks, from mobility planning to tourism analysis and business development.

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Based on the experience of the pilot project in the United Arab Emirates, the following
recommendations can be made:

 Identifying the necessary agreements required for conducting this type of project, or continuous
data request procedure, needs to be done well in advance of the project start (memorandum of
understandings, NDAs, official request letters, contracts, etc.). It would be very good to have
standard legal and administrative procedures in place when the telecommunication regulator
and/or national statistics office wants to request indicators based on big data in the future.
 The proposed standards in naming and coding conventions should be followed by all
telecommunication service providers. Cleaning and reformatting the data by the receiving party
can take a lot of time, and ideally this procedure has to be automated, so agreeing on standards
of the data format and data exchange is important.
 The reference data required for the data processing should be identified, obtained and
formatted for the processing. The reference data include the geographical data about
administrative subdivisions (multiple levels), population data (grid-based or administrative
units), any existing indicators that are to be combined with big data indicators (e.g. BD13), etc.
The lack of two pieces of reference data, or using different types of reference data, may affect
the quality of the resulting indicators (e.g. if different telecommunication service providers use
different administrative levels, units or coding, the data cannot be combined).
 Validation methods of the steps of processing the data (extraction, processing and results)
should be agreed between all stakeholders. How to validate the data extraction and processing
of providers (and processors if they are different parties) is a rather complicated question. Here
the validation of extracted data (distributions, descriptive statistics, etc.) and confirmation of
exact algorithms used for processing can be the option, but how to practically conduct that can
be an issue (given that these might be sensitive business secrets of the telecommunication
service providers). The validation of results is often problematic if there is limited information
on the technical algorithms used for calculating these indicators. It is important that national
statistics offices take part in the validation of the indicators.
 It is important to understand that, in practice, the development of the methodology is a
multiple iteration of preparing the methodology, creating algorithms, producing the results,
assessing the results, adjusting the methodology, etc. This can be a time-consuming process.
 In this pilot project, the project coordinator and the data scientist were only able to visit the
pilot country once each. This type of project would require multiple visits with intermediate
calculations of the indicators, assessing the results and adjusting the methodology and
 Agreeing on the source data, methodology, specific algorithms, business model and validation
procedures takes a lot of time, so it is reasonable to plan an intensive preparation period,
including several meetings between stakeholder businesses, legal and technical teams. During
this project, the time for this preparation was very limited, but this can be considered a learning
opportunity – this is a pilot project designed to identify such issues.

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 Agreeing on the scope of the publication of the resulting indicators in terms of confidentiality of
the telecommunication service providers is important, especially if the number of providers is
small, e.g. to determine the threshold of confidentiality of the published data and how to ensure
the safety of the business secrets of the telecommunication service providers. It is important in
terms of public image that local project organizers (focal points) position themselves as the
guardians of the confidentiality of their informants (telecommunication service providers). Thus,
it is important to exercise great responsibility in the management of the risk of disclosure
confidential information.
 It is also important to have a strong coordinating mechanism to determine the roles and
responsibilities for all stakeholders involved in the project, including ensuring that the
responsible stakeholders have the appropriate resources, skills and time allocated for
conducting the necessary tasks. Commitment of all stakeholders in an agreement should be
signed to ensure the participation of the stakeholders in the project.
 It is recommended to obtain from the telecommunication service providers an initial assessment
of the resources required and their availability to process the data within the agreed time-
 This pilot project provided some of the indicators that can be calculated from big data in ICT, but
more discussion on the usefulness, practical applicability and further development of those
indicators is required. Based on the resulting indicators, it is expected that, in each country,
some of the indicators can be important and used for national purposes, and some indicators
are valuable for international comparability.
 The value of the big data does not simply lie in the production of indicators with more
breakdowns; it also provides the possibility to employ different data mining, machine learning,
deep package inspections, and other mathematical and statistical methods that were not
practiced in this pilot project due to limited time and resources. These more sophisticated
methods can provide additional insights for the ICT industry, but using such methods requires
more intrusion in the telecommunication service providers’ databases and is therefore limited
to external parties such as ITU. For example, analyses of the individual’s behaviour changes in
the consumption of ICT could provide insights into the trends and foresights (prediction) of the
use of ICT – not simply by looking at the overall trends of the usage, but by the clustering and
classification of the users based on their individual behaviour and activity.
 It is beneficial to involve other potential stakeholders from the public and private sectors, either
in the planning process or for presenting the results of the indicators. As seen in the United Arab
Emirates, additional indicators that can be related to ICT can also have great value for non-ICT
sectors (e.g. origin/destination matrices). Domains such as tourism, transportation, urban and
regional planning, social sciences, etc., can largely benefit from this data source. Including
universities in the projects can also boost the scientific research potential in a variety of
domains and provide valuable feedback for the telecommunication service providers as well as
public organizations.
 The promotion of projects including big data is recommended for good publicity and explanation
to the public how use of big data can benefit the society at large.
 It is also important to set the objectives of the development in ICT sectors that could be
measured with such indicators. For example, the objective could be that, in the next two years,

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the number of subscribers with access to 4G and higher technology would be 75 per cent (BD05)
for the whole country, and in no administrative subdivisions this number should be below 50
per cent, while the difference between urban and rural areas should not be more than 25 per
cent (e.g. urban 80 per cent, rural >65 per cent). The specific target objectives are obviously
country-specific and can be agreed between local stakeholders.

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In the pilot project, a number of indicators related to ICT were proposed and calculated. There are two
main possibilities to assess the value of these indicators:

 On the national level – if the indicators represent new insight into ICT situation;
 On the international level – to compare the ICT levels of different countries.

As the country reports are generated after the results have been received, the comparison between the
countries is presented in the Project Final Report. Only then can the comparison between the countries
and the international value of the indicators be assessed. The international comparability can also
provide additional insight on the value for the indicators within each country.

One of the objectives of the project was to test the process of generating new indicators based on big
data, and identify the challenges and possibilities. This information is also valuable as the challenges are
often similar in different countries and the results serve as a good insight for other countries that wish
to conduct such experiments.

In general, the challenges can be divided into:

 Administrative and legal;

 Technical and methodological.

In the United Arab Emirates, the administrative and legal challenges were successfully dealt with
because of the strong commitment of FCSA, TRA and both telecommunication service providers. The
technical aspects were not difficult to resolve, mainly because of the readiness and experience of both
telecommunication service providers, who deal with big data on a daily basis. However, it must be noted
that time allocated and planning could be improved relating to preparation, discussion on the
methodology, specific algorithms and issues with standardization of data and indicators from both of
the telecommunication service providers.

The methodology provided for this project is a starting point; however, it requires further improvement
and standardization. It is crucial to compare the results from other pilot countries to make the overall
assessment and understand individual indicators’ value.

The resulting indicators in the United Arab Emirates show a rather advanced stage of the ICT – the usage
of 3G and 4G is higher than 2G (BD03 and BD04) and it can be seen that half of the subscribers have
access to and use 4G services. The increasing trend of moving towards newer technologies is expected –
ideally, all subscribers should have access to 4G (100 per cent in BD05), but in reality this is hardly
achievable. As there was no information available on the distribution of the population among urban
and rural areas, the difference between usage and access of the technologies in urban and rural areas
cannot be measured. However, as the majority of the population in the United Arab Emirates lives in the
urban areas, it can be considered that all of the subscribers involved are in fact living in the urban areas.

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The number of subscribers who have been using voice or broadband services is 22.5 million in the
United Arab Emirates, there have been 23.7 million different devices and 70,000 different device
models. As the IMEI conversion rate (proportion of subscribers who changed mobile devices during
period) for the United Arab Emirates in total is 14 per cent, it shows that, for some reason, there are
subscribers who use their SIM card in several devices.

The traffic volumes generated by 3G and 4G technologies is comparable at the moment (2G is very low
compared to the newer technologies), but this difference is expected to increase. Travelling subscribers
from the United Arab Emirates do not use the Internet much while abroad. The difference between
domestic mobile traffic and traffic abroad is 2 000-fold.

Additionally, the stakeholders in the United Arab Emirates were able to generate mobility origin
destination matrices for a number of trips undertaken by the subscribers between different Emirates.
However, this is not an ICT indicator, as the practice also shows the usability of such data sources in
other domains, such as transportation planning. The fact that service providers proposed and calculated
such additional indicators shows the willingness and ability of the stakeholders in the United Arab
Emirates to be innovative and discover new opportunities outside the ICT domain.

The results of this pilot project show the advanced level of ICTs in the United Arab Emirates. The
unavailability of two pieces of reference data suggests possible improvements; however, these are
issues not directly related to ICT.

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