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of Industrial
Fifth, Completely Revised Edition
Index to Volumes A1 to A14, B 2, B 3
(Abrasives to Isoprene, Unit Operations I and II)

Editors: Barbara Elvers, Stephen Hawkins,

Gail Schulz

Index Editors: Hertha Buchholz, Wolfgang Gerhartz

Contents of Volumes A1 to A14, B 2, B 3
Abrasives 1 Adipic Acid 269
Acaricides 17 Alcohols, Aliphatic 279
Acetaldehyde 31 Alcohols, Polyhydric 305
Acetic Acid 45 Aldehydes, Aliphatic and Araliphatic . . . . 321
Acetic Anhydride 65 Alkaloids 353
Acetone 79 Alkyd Resins 409
Acetylene 97 Allyl Compounds 425
Acridine 147 Aluminothermic Processes 447
Acrolein and Methacrolein 149 Aluminum 459
Acrylic Acid and Derivatives 161 Aluminum Alloys 481
Acrylonitrile 177 Aluminum Compounds, Inorganic 527
Acylation and Alkylation 185 Aluminum Compounds, Organic 543
Adhesives 221 Aluminum Oxide 557

Amines, Aliphatic ft 1 Anorexiants 313
Amines, Aromatic '. 37 Antacids and Peptic Ulcer Treatment . . . . 321
Amino Acids 57 Anthelmintics 329
Aminophenols 99 Anthracene 343
Amino Resins 115 Anthraquinone 347
Ammonia 143 Anthraquinone Dyes and Intermediates . . 355
Ammonium Compounds 243 Antiallergic Agents 419
Analeptics 267 Antiarrhythmic Drugs ^ 439
Analgesics and Antipyretics 269 Antiasthmatic Agents 453
Anesthetics, General 289 Antibiotics 467
Aniline 303

Antidiabetic Drugs 1 Aziridines 239
Antiemetics 9 Azo Dyes 245
Antiepileptics ./. 13 Barium and Barium Compounds 325
Antifreezes 23 Batteries 343
Anti-inflammatory - Antirheumatic Drugs 33 Bearing Materials 399
Antimony and Antimony Compounds . . . 55 Beer 421
Antimycotics 77 Benzaldehyde 463
Antioxidants 91 Benzene 475
Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds 113 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their
Artists' Colors 143 Derivatives 507
Asbestos 151 Benzidine and Benzidine Derivatives 539
Asphalt and Bitumen 169 Benzoic Acid 555
Automobile Exhaust Control 189 Benzoquinone 571
Aviation Turbine Fuels 201 Benzoquinone and Naphthoquinone
Azine Dyes 213 Dyes 575
VI Contents

Benzyl Alcohol 1 Boron Compounds 309
Benzylamine 9 Bread and Other Baked Products 331
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds . . . . 11 Bromine 391
Beverages, Nonalcoholic 35 Bromine Compounds 405
Biological Control 77 Butadiene 431
Biomass Chemicals 99 Butanals 447
Biotechnology 107 Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 455
Bismuth, Bismuth Alloys, and Bismuth Butanols 463
Compounds 171 2-Butanone 475
Bleaching 191 Butenes 483
Blood 201 Butyrolactone 495
Blood Pressure Increasing Agents 229 Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds . . . 499
Blood Pressure Lowering Agents 235 Calcium and Calcium Alloys 515
Boric Oxide, Boric Acid, and Borates . . . . 263 Calcium Antagonists 519
Boron and Boron Alloys 281 Calcium Carbide 533
Boron Carbide, Boron Nitride, Calcium Chloride 547
and Metall Borides 295 Calcium Sulfate 555

Cancer Chemotherapy 1 Carboxylic Acids, Aliphatic 235
Candles 29 Carboxylic Acids, Aromatic 249
Caprolactam 31 Carcinogenic Agents 261
Carbamates and Carbamoyl Chlorides . . . 51 Cardiac Glycosides 271
Carbazole 59 Cardiovascular Drugs 289
Carbides 61 Catalysis and Catalysts 313
Carbohydrates 79 Cationic Dyes 369
Carbon 95 Cellulose 375
Carbon Dioxide 165 Cellulose Esters 419
Carbon Disulfide 185 Cellulose Ethers 461
Carbonic Acid Esters 197 Cement and Concrete 489
Carbon Monoxide 203 Cements, Chemically Resistant 539
Carbonylation 217 Ceramic Colorants 545

Ceramics, General Survey 1 Chitin and Chitosan 231
Ceramics, Advanced Structural Products . 43 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 233
Ceramics, Ceramic-Metal Systems 55 Chlorine 399
Ceramics, Electronic 79 Chlorine Oxides and Chlorine
Cereals and Cereal Products 93 Oxygen Acids 483
Cerium Mischmetal, Cerium Alloys, Chloroacetaldehydes 527
and Cerium Compounds 139 Chloroacetic Acids ' 537
Cesium and Cesium Compounds 153 Chloroamines 553
Charcoal 157 Chloroformic Acid Esters 559
Cheese, Processed Cheese, and Whey . . . . 163 Chlorohydrins 565
Chemotherapeutics 173
Contents VII
Chlorophenols 1 Coal Liquefaction 197
Chlorophenoxyalkanoic Acids 9 Coal Pyrolysis 245
Chlorosulfuric Acid 17 Cobalt and Cobalt Compounds 281
Chocolate 23 Coffee 315
Choline 39 Colloids 341
Chromium and Chromium Alloys 43 Composite Materials 369
Chromium Compounds 67 Confectionery 411
Cinnamic Acid 99 Construction Ceramics 425
Citric Acid 103 Contraception 461
Clays 109 Copper 471
Cleansing Agents 137 Copper Alloys 525
Coal 153 Copper Compounds 567

Coronary Therapeutics 1 Cyclopentadiene and Cyclopentene 227
Cough Remedies 13 Dairy Products, Imitation 239
Cresols and Xylenols 25 Dental Materials 251
Crop Protection 61 Dermatotherapeutic Agents 301
Crotonaldehyde and Crotonic Acid 83 Detergents 315
Crown Ethers 91 Dextran 449
Crystal Growth '. 99 Diagnostic Reagents 455
Cyanamides 139 Dialkyl Sulfates and Alkylsulfuric Acids . 493
Cyanates, Inorganic Salts 157 Diazo Compounds 505
Cyano Compounds, Inorganic 159 Dicarboxylic Acids, Aliphatic 523
Cyanuric Acid and Cyanuric Chloride . . . 191 Dimethyl Ether 541
Cyclododecanol, Cyclododecanone, Dioxane 545
and Laurolactam 201 Disinfectants 551
Cyclododecatriene and Cyclooctadiene . . 205 Disperse Dyes 565
Cyclohexane 209 Disperse Systems and Dispersants 577
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 217 Display Technology 603

Dithiocarbamic Acid and Derivatives . . . . 1 Electroluminescent Materials and Devices 255
Diuretics 29 Electronic Chemicals 265
Drawing and Writing Materials 37 Emulsions 297
Dry Cleaning 49 Enzymes 341
Drying Oils ?. 55 Epoxides 531
Dyes, General Survey 73 Epoxy Resins 547
Electrochemical and Chemical Deposition 125 Esters, Organic 565
Electrochemistry , 183 Ethanol 587

Ethanolamines and Propanolamines 1 Fatty Acids 245
Ethers, Aliphatic 23 Fatty Alcohols 277
Ethylbenzene 35 Felt 297
Ethylene 45 Ferroalloys 305
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and Ferroelectrics 309
Related Chelating Agents 95 Fertilizers 323
Ethylene Glycol 101 Fiber Optics 433
Ethylene Oxide 117 Fibers, 1. Survey 451
2-Ethylhexanol 137 Fibers, 2. Structure 477
Explosives 143 Fibers, 3. General Production Technology 511
Fats and Fatty Oils 173 Fibers, 4. Synthetic Organic 567
VIII Contents

Fibers, 5. Synthetic Inorganic 1 Fluorine Compounds, Organic 349
Fibers, 6. Testing and Analysis 67 Fluoropolymers, Organic 393
Films 85 Fluorosulfuric Acid 431
Fire Extinguishing Agents 113 Foamed Plastics 435
Flame Retardants 123 Foams and Foam Control 465
Flavors and Fragrances 141 Foods, 1. Survey : 491
Flocculants 251 Foods, 2. Food Technology 523
Floor Coverings 263 Foods, 3. Food Additives 561
Fluorescent Dyes 279 Foods, 4. Food Packaging 583
Fluorine 293 Formaldehyde 619
Fluorine Compounds, Inorganic 307

Formamides 1 Glass Ceramics 433
Formic Acid ....!} 13 Gluconic Acid 449
Foundry Technology 35 Glucose and Glucose-Containing Syrups . 457
Fructose '. 47 Glycerol 477
Fuel Cells 55 Glyoxal 491
Fungicides, Agricultural 85 Glyoxylic Acid 495
Furan and Derivatives 119 Gold, Gold Alloys, and Gold
Furs 135 Compounds 499
Gallbladder and Liver Therapy 143 Gout Remedies 535
Gallium and Gallium Compounds 163 Guanidine 545
Gas Production 169 Hafnium and Hafnium Compounds 559
Gelatin 307 Hair Preparations 571
Genetic Engineering 319 Hard Materials 603
Germanium and Germanium Compounds 351 Heating Oil 617
Glass 365 Hexamethylenediamine 629

High-Performance Fibers 1 Hydrogen Peroxide 443
High-Temperature Materials 25 Hydrogen Sulfide 467
Holography 79 Hydrogenation a n d Dehydrogenation . . . 487
Hormones 89 Hydroquinone 499 •
Hydraulic Fluids 163 Hydroxycarboxylic Acids, Aliphatic 507
Hydrazine 177 Hydroxycarboxylic Acids, A r o m a t i c 519
Hydrazoic Acid 193 Hydroxylamine 527
Hydrides 199 Hypnotics 533
Hydrocarbons 227 Ice Cream a n d Frozen Desserts 563
Hydrochloric Acid 283 Imaging Technology 571
Hydrogen 297 Imidazole a n d Derivatives 661
Contents IX

A 14
Immobilized Biocatalysts 1 Insect Control 263
Immunotherapy and Vaccines 49 Insulation, Electric 321
Inclusion Compounds 119 Interferons 365
Indicator Reagents 127 Iodine and Iodine Compounds 381
Indigo and Indigoid Colorants 149 Ion Exchangers 393
Indium and Indium Compounds 157 Iron 461
Indole 167 Iron Compounds 591
Information Storage Materials 171 Isocyanates, Organic 611
Inorganic Polymers 241 Isoprene 627

Particle Technology Solid-Gas Separation
1. Solids Technology, Introduction 13. Dust Separation
2. Particle Size Analysis and Characterization Solid-Solid Separation
of a Classification Process 14. Solid-Solid Separation, Introduction
3. Crystallization and Precipitation 15. Screening
4. Drying of Solid Materials 16. Elutriation
5. Size Reduction 17. Air Classifying
6. Spraying and Atomizing of Liquids 18. Mineral Sorting
7. Size Enlargement 19. Magnetic Separation
8. Solids Handling 20. Electrostatic Separation
21. Gravity Concentration
22. Dense-Medium Separation
Separation and Classification 23. Flotation
Solid-Liquid Separation
9. Solid-Liquid Separation, Introduction
10. Filtration 24. Mixing, Introduction
11. Centrifugation and Hydrocyclone 25. Stirring
Separation 26. Mixing of Highly Viscous Media
12. Sedimentation 27. Mixing of Solids

Diffusional Separation Processes
1. Separation Processes, Introduction 14. Combustion
2. Heat Exchange 15. Electrically Generated Heat
3. Evaporation 16. Radiation Heating
4. Distillation and Rectification 17. Cooling Tower
5. Sublimation Technology
6. Liquid-Liquid Extraction 18. Direct Heating with Circulating
7. Liquid-Solid Extraction Heat Carriers
8. Absorption
9. Adsorption
Low-Temperature Technology
Separations in Biotechnology
19. Refrigeration Technology
10. Process-Scale Chromatography
20. Cryogenic Technology
11. Biochemical Separations
Energy Management and Heat Generation
12. Energy Management Vacuum Technology
13. Pinch Technology 21. Vacuum Technology

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