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1. Title of the project

2. Introduction and Objectives of the project.

3. Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial
Intelligence/Expert Systems etc.
4. Analysis (DFD’s ER Diagrams, Class Diagrams etc. as per the
Project requirements.)
5. A complete structure which includes:

* Number of module s and their description to provide a

Estimation of the student’s effort on the project.
* Data structure as per the project requirements for all the modules.
* Process logic of each module.
* Reports generation.

6. Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software requirement.

7. Security Mechanisms mechanics.
8. Future scope and further enhancement of the project.


Enrollment No: 012669092





Students , 1st October to 31st December (2005)


Project Proposal : CS-17

Imperial Library Management System


Developed By:
Sonal Purohit,
81-A,New Lalbahadurnagar,
Dhebar Road (South),

Developer Name: Sonal Purohit

Enrollment No:012669092

Address:81-A,New Lalbahadurnagar, Dhebar Road(South), Rajkot-360002


Study Centre: L.D.Arts College

Centre Code :0903

Region Code:09

Project Code: MCA (CS-17) Project Proposal

Programme Name:MCA

Guide Name: Hitesh Poojara


Student’s Sign:

Guide’s Sign:

Computerization is the need of hour is an undisputable fact that without the help of IT,

there is no possibility to sustain the organization. Computerization has to be implemented


in a phased manner. The Computerization is absolute necessity, but it has to be taken in a

phased manner. The phase relate towards the objective of the whole exercise i.e. faster

access of information, for speedier reporting, better planning and decision making

Analyze, specify, design, implement, document and demonstrate information

system to support the operation of generation of telephone bill. The system must be

implemented on Database Management system.

Serving Library users requires a powerful, dependable information technology

infrastructure. It’s critical for all library operations.

For good transaction we need stable, mature, client/server integrated library

system technology for all types and sizes of libraries. With modules for all public and

rational database management systems well defined application programming interface,

an institutive GUI across all modules.

This system is designed for a smaller institutions. In future this can enhanced with

some new ideas.


About The Organization

I ’ve designed a system for a library that can maintain its transaction easily with

minimum efforts. This system is Imperial Library management system. It’s a

client/server based application. This software helps an organization to maintain its

data systematically. It provides maximum accuracy and could be of help in arranging

relevant information. Faster access of information, speedier reporting, better decision

making and planning.

It shows all the details about of library, branch, department, members, books,

authors, publication, Issue/return of books. All the transaction is done automatically. It

also calculates fine rates in case the books is not returned in time. Whenever book is

returned it’s record will be deleted from the issue/return table. There are some rules for

issue/return of the books that are recorded in rule_details table according to that

particular fine rates is offered to particular members. Different types of members have

different types of fine rates.

I n today’s fast growing world, information has the vital and most essential role to

play. The IT revolution has not only affected business, education, science but also the

way people think. Speedy change in economy and globalization are putting more and

more stress on the cutting edge technology and to process information swiftly, accurately


and reliably. The manual system is not capable to show accuracy and speed. Thus, it has

to be replaced by a system, which is reliable, secure, versatile and efficient enough to

speedily process information.

The advances in information technology have made it possible to automate

(computerize) the existing manual system of an organization for maintaining the records

in digital manner.


The main purpose of this software is to gather and interpret facts, analyse the problem,
use the information to recommend improvement of the system and fully automate the

desired requirements with solutions. This software will help the Organization

management to administer systematically with maximum accuracy and could be of help

in arranging relevant information conveniently. With the help of this software, the


organization not only increases its efficiency of working but also can attain accuracy in

day-to-day working. The purpose of this project is to provide a system which is more

and more stable, reliable, easy to use.

The objective of the project is to design the Imperial Library Management System

(LMS ) as a POS tool for the management of organization activities. The data structure of

the (LMS) will be laid out, including the different types of modules that are needed. The

front-end of the system will be developed using Visual Basic, and the back-end will be

based on SQL database. The specifications of the system will be developed.

In my project I’m trying to develop some facilities which are listed below:

From End-Users Point of View


1) It takes minimum inputs from user and so avoid data-entry error

to 95%

2) It can be designed to operate easily with keyboard only.

From Programmers Point of View


1) Whenever Book is Returned it's record is deleted from issue table.

=> Maintaining Return and issue information make database bulkier,

with no necessary information and it is really not recommended.

2) Lots of Database Stuff!!! to understand.


3) Registry Coding...

4) ActiveX.

5) Dynamic Report Generation

6) Presentation or Screen Layout Design.... (still lots of Creativeness can be added)

7) News Bar and MSN - Style Pop-up on Start-up

8) Circular Form (About Me form)

9) And a complete analysis...of LMS.

10) It also provided facilities for searching a particular books information, issue/return

details, member details.

In addition It allow us to see library details, branch details, department details,

member details, book details, author details, publisher details ,issue/return details, etc.

Automatically transaction can be viewed in the project without calculating anything. It

also allows some pre defined conventions such that fine rate is fixed for various types

of members so it doesn’t need of adding particulars each time. It’ll take necessary

inputs without adding it and calculates final amount.

Objectives of system can be summarized as below:

System should be capable to keep track for all type of accounts and should be capable of

producing the required outputs according to the inputs.

System should be user friendly and secured.

More than one user can work on the system simultaneously.

System must have the facility of adding new users who work on the system and each user

can login to the system only after authentication.


To maintain the data, system must provide the backup and restore facility, which is only

accessible by administrator of the system or other authorized user appointed by the

administrator for this job.

System needs customize generation, which makes the system generalize for all the

similar type of organization.

Why Visual Basic is used?

Visual Basic provides a complement set of tool, which are needed

for simplification and rapid application development. The “visual” part refers to the

method used to create the graphical user interface (GUI). Rather than writing numerous

lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements (as in Visual

C++), Visual Basic allows the designer to simply place per-built objects to the screen.

This feature of Visual Basic saves a lot of time in designing the screen and allows the

designer to spend more time on the preparing application functionality.

Identification Of Need
Behind every application there is a need which forms the base for that application. The

need for this application was discovered by LMS after it found that the information

related to a particular project was getting difficult to maintain manually. The report

generation was becoming tedious and information was never available quickly. As per

the detailed system study and information provided by M.J.Library , Head office, The

data is being manually collected, compiled, processed & information reports are also


prepared manually every month. The availability of data is limited and not up-to-date.

This led to delay in interaction between Officers and Clients. Consequently, when the

data is required it is collected telephonically / FAX, which led to increased

communication expenses. Apart from these factors the current manual system is not able

to utilize the maximum capabilities of the Setup and employees. Moreover the time

utilized in certain processes is very high. Thus the current system being not so efficient

paved the way for a system that is highly automated, fixes the entire above problem and

more importantly yields desired output. After discovering the need a very extensive study

of the various stages in completion of a project was done and the work flow was studied.


Requirement Analysis

he complete understanding of software requirements is essential to the success of a

software development effort. Requirement analysis is the first technical step in the

software process. It is at this point that a general statement of software or its scope is

refined into a concrete specification that becomes the foundation of all software

engineering activities.

The requirement analysis task is a process of discovery, refinement modeling and

specification. The software scope initially established by the system engineer and refined

in detail during software project planning. Modeler of the required data, information and

control flow, and operational behavior are first created. Alternative solutions are analyzed

and allocated to various software elements. Requirement analysis is a software

engineering task that bridges the gap between system level requirements engineering and

software design.

Engineerin Software
g Requireme
nt Analysis Software


Analysis is a bridge between system engineering and software design

The software requirement analysis may be divided into five areas of effort:

 Problem Recognition

 Evaluation and Synthesis

 Modelling

 Specification

 Review

The most crucial phase of managing system project is to create a master plan detailing the

steps. The initial investigation has the objective of determining whether the user request

has potential merits and major steps are defining user requirement.

Initially, the analyst studies the system specification and the software project plan.

Problem evaluation and solution synthesis is the next major area of effort for analysis

during evaluation current problems and desired information (input and output) the analyst

begins to synthesize one or more solutions.

Analysis Principles –

Each analysis method has a unique point of view. However all analysis


methods are related by a set of operational principles:

1. The information domain of a problem must be represented and understood.

2. The functions that the software has to perform must be defined.

3. The behaviour of the software must be represented.

4. The models that depict information, function and behaviour must be partitioned in

a manner that uncovers detail in a layered or (hierarchical fashion).

5. The analysis process should move from essential information toward

implementation detail.

By applying these principles, the analyst approaches a problem systematically. A

software engineer who takes there principles to heart is more likely to develop a software

specification that will provide an excellent foundation for design.

In addition to these operation principles, Davis suggests a set of guiding principles for

requirements engineering.

 Understand the problem before beginning the creation of the analysis model:

 Develop a prototype that enables a user to understand how a human/machine

interaction will occur.

 Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.

 Use multiple views of requirements.

 Rank requirements.

 Work to eliminate ambiguity.


User Requirement Specification

Problem Definition –
The existing manual system suffers from all the

disadvantage of a manual system. Given below are the problems faced in the various

application areas:

 Excessive paper work

 Manual maintenance of a large number of records is tedious and also


 Non-availability of updated data with enforcement authorities. Preparation of

reports and reconciliation statements are generally manual in nature and time


 Exact status of activities not known instantaneously.

 Flow of information between the departments is time consuming.

 Information is not available at hand for quick decision-making. .

 Compilation of information is difficult because it is not available on time.

 Formats of some of the documents contain a lot of redundant and non-specific



 No facility for automatic reminders.


Preliminary Investigation

T he first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation

to determine the feasibility of the system. The purpose of the preliminary

investigation is to evaluate project requests. It is not a design study nor does it include the

collection of details to describe the system in all respect. It is the collection of

information that help committee members to evaluate the merits of the project request

and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed project.

Working on the preliminary investigation we should accomplish the following


i. Clarify and understand the project request.

ii. Determine the size of the project.

iii. Assess cost and benefits of alternative approaches.

iv. Determine the technical and operational feasibility of alternative approaches.

v. Report the findings to the management, with recommendations outlining the

acceptance or rejection of the proposal.

According to the rules of the Library, it gives gives the chance to take

books from the library and return it in the prescribe time period, if the member

doesn’t follow the rule thenfine shold be paid according to the rules of Library.

As a part of the preliminary investigation all the stages related to a particular

project right from the day the idea for that project was conceived to the date of its


completion was studied and a work flow diagram was made. All the sources of necessary

data were analyzed and a session with the people involved in a particular project was

held. Based on the self study and the interactive session with the employees of the

Organization following work flow sequence was discovered:

Feasibility Study

efore starting the new system it is important to determine the feasibility involved in the

developed system so that the new system could be developed. Feasibility is the

determination of whether a project is worth doing or not. The project followed in making

this determination is called a feasibility study. Once it has been determined that project is

feasible, the analyst can go ahead and prepare the project specification, which finalizes

project requirements.

Generally, feasibility studies are undertaken within tight time constraints and

normally culminate in a written and feasibility report.

To find out whether the purposed project is feasible or not I did three types of

feasibility study these are given below.


 Technical Feasibility

 Operational Feasibility

Economic Feasibility

T Technical Feasibility
technical feasibility is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will

Successfully satisfy the user requirement.

The consideration that are normally associated with technical feasibility include

 Development risk

 Resource availability

 Technology

The technical needs of the system may vary considerably, but might include:

 The facility to produce outputs within given time

 Response time under certain conditions.

 Ability to process a certain volume of transaction with a particular speed.

 Facility to communicate data to distinct location.

By studying out technical feasibility we find that our project is technically


feasible as the technology required for the system, is easily available and Imperial

Library Management sysytem already have all the resources needed for the system. The

current system works manually. We change this system with computerized environment.

Proposed system will increase the processing. The necessary technologies exist to do

what is suggested. The proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data

required to use the new system so the purposed system is technically feasible.


Operational Feasibility
or checking out operational feasibility of the system, first of all I find out answer to the

questions given below:

Is there sufficient support for the project from the management?

I attended several meetings with the management and authorities of the Library

Management System and talked with them in reference to the project and tried to find

out their views and concluded that they all are ready to cooperate with me.

Are current business methods acceptable to the users?

When I met with the Clerks and Employees of the M.J.Library and talked with

them I find out that they are satisfied with the current business methods but hopes that if

it is replaced by the computerized system then their work load will be reduced and their

work became easy and fast.

Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project?

I met the Clerks, and Employees a number of time during the project and tried to

get the exact working scenario of the M.J.Library, How they work, What are the

information that are to be stored and how they store them. What types of reports they

generally require. What are the errors they do in managing the information? I study their

views and ideas and concentrate on those for which I think will be needed for the good

working of the system.


Will the purposed system cause harm?

After completing each module I test it deeply giving a large combination of input

and find that the results are correct. I also don't think that it will reduce the performance

of the staff members because in previous few years computer becomes so much popular

that every one wants to learn it.

While developing the system it was kept in mind that it should be user friendly and easy

to operate hence the system is operational feasible

Economic Feasibility

conomic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating he effectiveness of

a proposed system. It is more commonly known as cost/benefits analysis, the procedure

is to determine the benefits and the savings that are expected from a proposed system and

compare with cost. If benefits out weigh cost a decision is taken to design and implement

the system otherwise further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have

to be made if it has a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves

accuracy at each phase of system life cycle.

The analysis part also clears the doubt of economic problems that could be

possible in developing the system.


The Finance company has just to pay the developed software cost and not other

investment is needed at the time of implementation of the new system, as the preliminary

requirements are already exist in the company.

Software Engineering Paradigm

n the present section, we will describe which software paradigm is used and why it is

used in this software package. We will also present the Software requirement

specification. Like any other product, a software product completes a cycle from its

inception to obsolescence / replacement / wearing out.

The process of software development not only needs writing the program and

maintaining it, but also a detail study of the system to identify current requirements

related to software development as well as to anticipate the future requirements. It also

needs to meet the objective of low cost, and good quality along with minimum

development time.

To manage the project objectively it is important that product development phase

should be divided into phases so that project’s progress and change in requirement can be

controlled along with the quality of the product. Following are the general phases in the

life cycle of a software product.

 Requirement analysis and specification for clear understanding of the problem.


 Software design for planning the solution of the problem

 Coding (implementation for writing program as per the suggested solution).

 Testing for verifying and validating the objective of the product.

 Operation and maintenance for the use and to ensure its availability to users.

This application was also developed in phases for effective output. Each phase was given

its due importance with respect to time and cost. The time scheduling is later described in

the PERT and Gantt chart.

The system development life cycle of Integrated Loan Management System is shown


Analysis and



Testing and

Operation and

Approaches for Software Development

In general there are three approaches to software development life cycle namely

 Sequential Approach: In this approach jumping to a later phase or coming to a

previous phase is not allowed.


 Iterative Approach: In an iterative approach, if there is sufficient reason to do

so, one may return to previously completed step, introduce a change, and then

propagate the effect of that change forward in the life cycle.

 Recursive Approach: A recursive approach is that were the entire approach

might be reapplied to the end products of the approach. This approach is handy in

the prototype model.

In the development of Integrated Loan Management System the

approach followed was mostly iterative but to an extent sequential

approach was also practiced.

Software Development Process Models

Software development process model is a description of the work practices, tools and

techniques used to develop software. Software models serve as standards and provide

guidelines while developing software.

Build And Fix Model

In this model first version of the product is built and it is continuously modified

till client is satisfied.

Build Fix
Produc Proble
t m


Water Fall Model It includes a sequential approach to software development.

It includes phases like task definition, analysis, design, implementation, testing and
maintenance. The phases are always in order and are never overlapped.



Requirement Analysis
and Specification





Preliminary Investigation : To investigate the primary structure of whole system.

Determination of System Requirement: The analyst generates the requirement of the

system on the basis of Preliminary investigation.

System Design: To determine the overall structure of the system. It is up to the analyst
that either he/she can purchase ready-made software or may develop new custom made


Implementation and Maintenance: For the developed system first step is to install it
and implement it. The second step is to evaluate it whether it is sufficient to the

requirement and if not then what changes required. The final step is to keep on the

maintenance of the system.

System Testing: It insures that system works properly and minimizes the re-testing


Spiral Mode

Risk Analysis


Toward a
Complete system


Spiral model provides a framework for designing the software production process, guided

by the risk levels in the project at hand. It suggests iterative production of prototypes

during a process controlled by the linear sequential model.

Following steps are used in spiral model for each phase.

 Set Objectives: Goals, alternatives, constraints.

 Risk Assessment: Key risks identified and risk reduction steps taken.

 Develop and Validate: Use as appropriate development model.

 Planning: Review of project, go/no for next phase.

Prototype Model
In this model we develop a working prototype with the available requirement

details and get feedback of the customer for the actual requirement of the product to

develop the product. Prototype is the timed version of the actual product with limited


features and functionality and with low level of reliability. Prototype model is used

while developing Integrated Loan Management System.

Requirement Design Implementation

Improve the Specification Evaluation




Operation and Maintenance

The software is developed in three phases during the first phase the dry prototype

is developed in which after the analysis screens are designed and no validations are

performed and also no database functionality is incorporated. After the demonstration of

dry prototype suggestions from the clients are noted and the development process is

moved to the second phase i.e. wet prototype in which the actual design is incorporated,

validations are performed and the software is submitted to the user for acceptance and

testing and then after final submission of the software is produced with user manual.


Reasons for using prototype model in the development of this package:

I have used the prototyping model in the development of the Integrated Loan

Management System due to following reasons:

 It helps reduce the cost and time.

 It improves communication with the client as after every prototype there is an

interactive sessions with client.

 It provides an early detection of errors.

 It allows the developers to have a greater control over the problem.

The prototype serves as a mechanism for identifying software

requirements if a working prototype is built; the developer uses existing program

fragments or applied tools to make program works quickly. Prototype is

developed to satisfy the needs of the customer and enabling the developer better

understand what needs to be done.


Software and Hardware Specification

he software requirements specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task.

The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are

refined by establishing complete information description, detailed functional and

behavioral description, and indications of performance requirements and design

constraints, appropriate validation criteria and other data pertinent to requirements.


1. Introduction

a. System reference
b. Overall description
c. Software project Constraints
2. Information Description

a. Information context representation

b. Information flow representation
1. Data flow

2. Control flow

3. Functional Description

a. Functional partitioning

b. Functional description


1. Processing Narrative

2. Restrictions / Limitations

3. Performance Requirements

4. Design constraints

5. Supporting diagrams

c. Control description

1. Control specification

2. Design constraints

4. Behavioral Description

a. System states

b. Events and actions

5. Validations and criteria

a. Performance bounds

b. Classes of tests

c. Expected software response

d. Special considerations

It states the goals and objectives of the software descriptions actually in the

context of the computer based system.

Project report



Analysis Report ( DFD )

Information Description :-
It provides a detailed description of the problem that the software must solve.

Information contest and relationships, flow and structure are documented. Hardware,

software and human interfaces are described for external system elements and

internal software function.

Functional Description :-
It presents description of each function, which is required to solve the problem. A

processing narrative is provided for each function, design constraints are stated and

justified, performance characteristics are stated, and one or more diagrams are

included to graphically represent the overall structure of the software and interplay

among software functions and other system elements under this topic, the functional

working of the various modules gives the complete picture of the data flow from one

location to other, there should be a proper linking between them.

Behavioral Description :-
This section of the specification examines the operation of the software as the

consequences of external events and internally generated control characteristics. In

this topic many project shows the event flow diagram, which tells us at what step

what will be the result.


Validation criteria
Probably the most important section of software requirements specifications is the

validation criteria. The specification of validation criteria acts as an implicit review of

all other requirements. The tests must be conducted to validate function, performance

and constraints.

In this project I have try the various steps in testing the links and connectivity.

Bibliography and appendix

Finally LMS’s last section is bibliography, which contains references to all

documents that relate to the software. It includes other software engineering

documentation technical references vendor literature and standards. The appendix

contains information that supplements the specification. Tabular data, detailed

description of algorithm, charter, graphs and other material are presented as

appendices. Last section of the project have comes the bibliography and appendix

which help us to know from where I have taken the references and graphical analysis

of the project report.

Requirement Analysis is the first technical step in the software engineering

process. At this point that a general statement of software scope is refined in to a

concrete specification that becomes the foundation for all software engineering

activities that follows. Analysis must focus on the information functional and

behavioral domains of the problem.

In many cases, it is not possible to completely specify a problem at an early stage.

Prototyping results in an executable model of the software from which requirements


can be refined to properly conduct prototyping special tools and techniques are


General Description
he study has revealed that the computerization of the entire department is a mission

critical activity in order to get the maximum return of investment, not only the quality of

the software but the speed and tempo of mission critical project will have to be

maintained. In such projects it is important that the department take a look on all aspects

of the project and prepare a team of champions who will work towards the goal of total

computerization eliminating halfhearted approach.

Specific Requirements

unction requirement specify what output should be produced from the given inputs. They

describe the relationship between the input and output of the system. For each functional

requirement, a detailed description of all the data inputs and their source, the unit of

measure, and the range of valid inputs must be specified. All the operations to be

performed on the input data to obtain the output should be specified.


This include specifying the valid checks on the input and output data parameters

affected by the operation and equations or other logical operations that must be used to

transform the inputs into corresponding outputs. An important part of the specification is

the system behavior in abnormal situations like invalid inputs or error during

computation. The functional requirements must clearly state what the system should do if

such situation occurs. It should specify the behavior of the system for invalid inputs and

invalid outputs.

Detailed Input file format

For file format refer to design section please.

External Interface Requirement

User interface

 Interface with Devices: The software has just one peripheral device to deal with
and that is printer.

 Interface with the Operating System: The application will be an executable file
and hence there is no need for an interface with the operating system.


 Interface with the Database used: The application being developed in Oracle8i
so the interface will be the ODBC driver.

 Interface with the User : The application assumes its users to be novice and has
an extremely simple and user-friendly interface.

Error Messages
Error messages are displayed in validation checks section.

Performance Constraints
This part of the software requirement specification specifies the performance constraints

on the software system. All requirements relating to the performance characteristics of

the system must be specified. There are two types of performance requirement.

Static Requirements
Static requirements are those that do not impose constraint on the execution

characteristics of the system. These include requirements like the number of terminals to

be supported, the number of simultaneous users to be supported and the numbers of files

that the system has to process and their sizes. It is also called capacity requirements of the



Dynamic Requirements
Dynamic requirements specify constraints on the execution behavior of the

system. These typically include response time and throughput constraints on the system.

Response time is the expected time for the completion of an operation under specified

circumstances. Throughput is the expected number of operations that can be performed in

a unit time.

Our project has good performance and its static and dynamic requirements are

both fulfilled. The dynamic performance of our project is excellent. Software is capable

to analyze and give output of any user query in a good response time. System processes

the transactions quickly.

Design Constraints
System Requirements:
Software Hardware


The following tables list the software requirements necessary to run the

Library Management System

Hardware configuration 2 GB HDD, 128 MB Ram, 3 ½ floppy drive, 52X CD


Software configuration - Windows –98, VB 6 as Front End, MS-SQL Server

as Back End, MS – Office 2000.

Database configuration - MS – SQL Server –7

Support tools, if any -


System Design

o Input Design

When designing input, the objective is to ensure that the data will be processed by the

system is collected and entered in to, the system efficiently according to the specified

requirement and with minimum errors in description with the client, the designer will

choose a method of input which is caused effective and acceptable to the end users. The

process of input design consists of four stages :-

 Firstly, identifying the inputs into the system by listing the data flows on the

required logical data flow diagram, which crosses the system boundary in its


 Then determining the contents of these inputs by inspecting the data dictionary.

 Next choosing an appropriate input device to change the user’s data into form,

which can be read and processed by the computer system.

 And finally completing the detailed design work involved in specifying forms,

input screens and other data collection documents.


1. Data Base Model Applied

The data in database is organized according to the data structure ‘imposed’ upon it by

the physical data model. The physical data model is normally produced during the

physical data design stage in the development life cycle and tailored specifically to the

selected or imposed database type.

The rules regarding this implementation and its subsequent optimization

will vary widely according to the type of DBMS.

The Database Management systems available today can be grouped in to four types.

These are:-

 File Management System (FMS)

 Hierarchical Database System (HDS)

 Network Database System (NDS)

 Relational Database System (RDBMS)

In this project the database used is RDBMS. Which has following properties:-

 Represents data in the form of tables.

 Does not have hard-code relationship between tables.

 Doesn’t require the user to understand its physical implementation

 Provides information about its contents and structure in system tables.

 Can be manipulated through SQL commands.

 Supports the concepts of NULL values.


Project Category(RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial
Intelligence/Expert Systems etc.

Project category is DBMS. Here in this project SQL is used as a back-end

and Visual Basic is used as front end.

DBMS is a strong tool for developing an applications. SQL is a Structure

Query Language. It is an data definition and manipulation language. Most of the

relational database management system uses SQL or a variant of SQL.

It allows storing, manipulating and retrieving data from the database.

Although response time and throughput in relational database applications

have traditionally been slow, when compared to a similar application using

network or hierarchical systems. This necessitated generating the best method

for evaluating a query. SQL is based on tuple calculus. It provides data


It provides multi-user and multiprocessors environment to share

information. It provides centralized control .It provides data integrity protection

through unintentional person.


Important Data Structure (Module


 Data Structure as per the project requirements for all the

Author Details:

Author Name Char (10) Name of the Author

ISBN Char (7) Identification Number of book
Birth Date Date/Time Birth Date
Death Date Date/Time Death Date
E-Mail Char (20) E-Mail Address

Book Info:

ISBN Char (7) Identification number of Book

Member No Char (10) Member’s Identification Number
Publisher Char (10) Book’s Publisher
Book Price Float Book’s Price
Type of Book Char (10) Type Of Book whether it is magazine,
gernale, etc.
No Of Pages Int(10) How many pages are there in the book
Edition Char(10) Edition of a book
Time_Pub Date/Time Time of Publication
Year_Pub Date/Time Time of year Published


Branch_Code Char (10) Branch Code

Branch_Add Char(20) Address of Branch
Branch_Phone Int(10) Phone Number of



Dept_Id Char(7) Department Identification Number

Dept_Name Char(10) Name of the Department


Issue/Return Details:

ISBN Char(7) Identification Number of book

Member_No Char (10) Identification Number of Member
No_Of_Days Int(10) How many days he/she can keep book
with him/her
Due_Date Date/Time Date_Of_Issue+No_Of_Days
Date_Of_Days Date/Time Date on which a book is used
Date_Of_Return Date/Time Date on which a book is returned
Fine_Rate Float If late submission of books is done
than fine rate is paid
No_Of_Books Int(10) How many books a member can issue
form the library.
Total_Days Int (10) Date_Of_Return-Due_Date
Fine_Charge Float Fine_Rate* No_Of_Books
Issued_Books Int (10) How many copies of the books are
Total_Charge Float Total-Days*Fine_Charge
No_Of_Copies Int (10) Number Of copies of books
Total_Books Int (10) Total number of books


Library_Id Char(10) Identification Number of the library

Lb_Name Char (10) Name of the library
Lb_Add Char (20) Address of the library


Member_No Char (10) Identification number of a member

Library_Id Char (10) Identification number of a library
Type_of_member Char (10) Which type of member he/she
(teacher, student, staff, etc)
Member_Fname Char (7) First name of a member
Member_Mname Char (7) Middle name of a member
Member_LName Char (7) Last name of a member
Member_Add Char (20) Address of a member
Phone Int (10) Phone number of a member
Issued_Book_Name Char (10) Name of an issued phone number
E-Mail Char (15) E-Mail address of a member
Publisher Char (10) Name of a publisher



Publisher Char (10) Name of a publisher

Pub_Add Char (20) Address of a publisher
Pub_Phone Int (10) Phone Number of a publisher
Pub_E-Mail Char (15) E-Mail address of a publisher
Pub_Website Char (15) Website of a publisher


Rule_Code Char (10) Identification number of a rule

Type_Of_Book Char (10) Type of a book
Type_Of_Member Char (10) Type of member


User_Id Char (10) Identification number of a user

User_Name Char (10) Name of a user

Analysis (DFD’s, E-R Diagrams, Class Diagrams etc. as per the project

Data Flow Diagrams (Module Wise)

1. Know the purpose of the DFD. It determines the level of detail to be

included in the diagram.

2. Organize the DFD so that the main sequence of actions reads left to right

and top to bottom.

3. Very complex or detailed DFD's should be leveled.

4. Identify all manual and computer processes (internal to the system) with


rounded rectangles or circles.

5. Label each process symbol with an active verb and the data involved.

6. A process is required for all data transformations and transfers. Therefore,

never connect a data store to a data source or destination or another data store

with just a data flow arrow.

7. Do not indicate hardware or whether a process is manual or computerized.

8. Ignore control information (if's, and's, or's).

9. Identify all data flows for each process step, except simple record


10. Label data flows on each arrow.

11. Use data flow arrows to indicate data movement, not non-data physical


12. Dot not indicate file types for data stores.

13. Draw data flows into data stores only if the data store will be changed.

14. Indicate external sources and destination of data, when known, with


15. Number each occurrence of repeated external entities.

16. Do not indicate persons or places as entity squares when the process is

internal to the system.





New Member_No


New department allocating
Receive _No
(If not have dept)
Members Information


Register Register New Department




Data Flow Diagram(Function-1)





New Documents




Magazines Information


Data Flow Diagram(Function-2)



Receive Documents




I/R ticket




Lending/Giving Back Tickets

Members I/R ticket





Reply Infromation

Data Flow Diagram(Function-3)

about Library
Books_Info s

Report Department_Details
I/R Ticket About I/R
Of Dept

Department_Details Report

/ Members

Data Flow Diagram(Function-4)


Library d

Issued_Book_Nam Member_Mname
e Member_Fname
Pub_Website Has Member_Lname
Pub_E-mail Pub_Phone d

Publishe Issue/
r return
Phone o
Publisher_Details s
Type_Of_Member Has
cts Dept_Id Dept_Name
es E-Mail ISBN

Book_Info Contain Author_Detail
Publishe No_Of_Days
No_Of_Book Book_Price
Fine_Rate s Collects
Time_Pub Total_Charge
Date_Of_Ret ur

A Complete

A complete structure which includes:

There are about 21 modules which are used in this project. This is an

estimation of the efforts made by me.

They are described as below.

1. About Me


This Form Shows Introduction of me (about developer).

2. Backup Database

This form helps for backing up database. It shows details about back up path,

date and time


3. Book Information
This form shows all the details of books just as ISBN, Book Name, Book Price,

Type of Book, No of Pages, Edition, etc. This form shows all the details of

books just as ISBN, Book Name, Book Price, Type of Book, No of Pages, Edition,

etc. Data grid is used to list the all Books name. It provides direct navigation to

Publisher module through a command button. It provides navigational buttons First,

Next, Previous and last. Other operational keys like Add for adding records, Delete

for deleting buttons, Save for saving data and Cancel for cancellation of data


4. Sample Display Form

It shows Sample form for filling up the details of members. Which includes

Members details. It shows Sample form for filling up the details of members.

Which includes Members details? It provides navigational buttons First, Next,

Previous and last. Other operational keys like Add for adding records, Delete for

deleting buttons, save


5. Login Screen
This form asks details for User Name and Password to use the facilities provided by

this project. If the user enters correct user name and password then only he/she will

be able to use the facilities provided by this project. This form asks details for User

Name and Password to use the facilities provided by this project. If the user enters

correct user name and password then only he/she will be able to use the facilities

provided by this project. If correct user name and password can be entered then only

a user can log in. user name and password are same like user, LMS, and admin. It has

two buttons Login and Cancel. Login for Log into system and Cancel for



6. Library Management System

This form gives details of library just as Library Id, Library Name and Library



7. Members Information
It shows all the details like Member No, Member FName, Member Mname,

Member Lname, Phone, Address, Issued Book Name, Type of member, etc.

8. News bar
This is for displaying messages for the users to get the feed back form the

users. It uses a Label and a timer

9. Publication Information


Publisher Information gives details of publisher like Publisher, Pub Add, Pub

Phone, Pub E-Mail, etc.

10. Book Return Information Recording

This form records all the information regarding return of the book just like

No of Days (for how any days he/ she kept his/her book ), Due Date, Date Of

Issue, Date Of Return, Fine Rate, No Of Books, Total Days, Fine



11. Splash Screen

Splash screen is used to display product introduction.


12. Search For Book Information

It searches for a book name in the library.

13. Search For Issue Information

It shows Issue information (Issue details of books in the library).

14. Search For Member Information

It searches member details from the library by entering a particular Member


15. Tips

Living Good Life

This is a dialog box, which shows the tips of living good life.

16. User Information

It collects user information. User Id, User Name.

17. Welcome Screen

This screen gives welcomes user is to use this product for easy maintenance
of data.


18. Author Information

This form gives details of author just like Author Name, ISBN, Birth Date, and

Death Dataset.


19. Issue/Return Information

It shows the information of issue and return of the book in the

This form records all the information regarding return of the book just like No of

Days (for how any days he/ she kept his/her book ), Due Date, Date Of Issue,Date

Of Return, Fine Rate, No Of Books, Total Days, Fine Charge, etc. It provides a link

to the module Book Information. It uses following formulas to calculate the result.

Due_Date= Date_Of _Issue + No_Of_Days

Total_Days = Date_Of_Return – Due_Date

Fine_Charge = Fine_Rate * No_Of_Books

Total_Charge = Total_Days * Fine_Charge

Total_Books = No_Of_Books – Issued_Books

20. Departments Information

It shows various departments of library like Dept Id, Dept Name.


21. Branch Information

It shows the information about Branch like Branch Code, Branch Add, Branch


Every system has some process of data storing which is a set of rows and columns. Collection of

this set of data is stored in user-defined object called table and each table contains fields and data

according to the structure of the table, which has been defined by the developers.

This system also has store-, which contains the tables and tables contains the collection of


Student Administration is using Microsoft SQL server as a back-end for the front-end Visual

Basic. Connection has been established using the ADO connection, facility available in Visual


Validation Check:

* Validations are put at various screen.

In Issue_Return _Details a lot of constrains are used.Issue Date,Return

Date,Due Date shouls be in specific date format otherwise it will give an error.

It this form after entering issue date and date of return it will automatically count due

date,no of days books has been kept for that a member must have to pay fine and that will

be the main benefit of the project.

 In all the forms Tips for living good llife has been provided.


 User must enter password then only he/she allow to enter in the screen.

User id and password are same. LMS,Admin,etc.If wrong id and passwod is entered

then it won’t allow to enter in the project.

 At the time of closing the repoert it will always display ask that are you

sure you want to quit?


Possible Testing Ways:

QA acceptance testing: QA acceptance/Sanity test will be performed in

order to check the primary level stability and functionality of the software.

Automated test scripts will be provided to perform the sanity testing. The

documentation will also be prepared, which will illustrate the functionality of

each script, how and in which environment to run the scripts etc.

Automated sanity tests are prepared by the following procedure:

 Call the basic functions and APIs with passing correct parameter values.

 Check the behavior of the application after calling the functions and APIs for



 Check the return values of the functions and APIs.


When coding for a computer game version 2.00 is under process.

Developers compile the code and hand it over to testers, which is termed a build.

This build is assigned a code along with the version number i.e. 1.00_1, 1.00_2, 1.00_3

At certain stage of testing, there is a high frequency of builds, which come in for testing.

All the builds may not be fit for testing.

Therefore to check for the stability of the build, QA acceptance testing is done

Validation methods:

Black box testing: Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the

software. That is, black box testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input

conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.

User Interface testing: Testing the GUI of the front–end for look and feel, static testing

and navigation testing.


Take home page of yahoo mail.

Consider username and password fields.


On home page of yahoo mail, username and password field should appear on the

right side of the page.

The password field should be displayed below username.

Here the position and alignment of the field is important.

Capture x,y coordinates and then verify their position and alignment.

Functionality testing: Process of testing to verify that the functions of the system are

present as specified.


Some of the major functionalities of mail client like yahoo are:

-Display mail

- Send mails

- Store mails

Test the above functionalities, by verifying them against functional specification


According to the data inputs it is divided into

Boundary Value testing: Check the system by entering all the boundary value conditions.

e.g if your mail client allows to store only 6 MB of data,

Upper Boundary: 5.9 MB, 6.0 MB, and 6.1 MB


Equivalence Class testing: Divide the input domain in classes of data from which test

cases can be derived.

e.g. yahoo mail client requires a username and password to login. You can have a

test case that puts in username.

Valid classes: alphabetic – a, b, c, d, e…………..

Numeric – 1,2,3,4,

Alpha Numeric – abcd, 123………..

Invalid: space: abc d,…….

Wildcard: ab*,………

Error Trapping: Test all the error messages (whether the error message displayed is

proper against the generated error or not, check the grammar of the messages, check the

spelling mistakes etc) that may occur for invalid inputs.

e.g. enter username and password in mail client,

Enter wrong username.

An error message is displayed “Username does not exist”

In this case, the error message displayed is grammatically correct & consistent

with the error.

Enter wrong password.


An error message is displayed “Username does not exist”

In this case, the error message is displayed is wrong to the type of error.

White-box testing:

White box testing of software is close examination of procedural detail. Logical paths

through the software are tested by providing test cases for specific sets of conditions,

loops, coverage of statement etc.

Conditional testing:

- All the conditions will have to be executed at least once.

- Conditions using relational and logical operators will be checked for all possible


- Multiple conditions will be checked in such a manner that each condition

becomes true at least once.


if code contains the condition

if ( a > b), a & b are numbers then

take all possible values of a and b to check the relation operator for various


e.g a = 0 and b = 1, a= 1 and b= 0, a = -1 and b = 0 , a = 0 and b = -1 etc.


Loop testing

- With different conditions of the loop test the validity of the loop construct.


for (int I=0;I< J;I++){

where J has the value 4.

Check the validity of the loop

- skip the loop entirely i.e. j = 0

- only one pass thru the loop i.e. j = 1;

- two passes thru the loop i.e. j = 2;

- 3,4,5 passes thru the loop i.e. j =3,j=4,j=5

Statement coverage

-100% of the statements in the program is executed at least once.


Suppose there are 100 lines of code in a program.

All the lines of the 100 lines have to be executed at least once, as passing criteria

for statement coverage.


Data Flow testing

- Selection of paths of a program according to the locations of definition and uses

of variables in the program.

e.g. find all the sub paths where x is used. Used means, variable is used in some

computation or some output statements.

Consider variable x = 10, it is used by two ways

If (a == b){

b = x * 10;

if (a < b) {

a = x + 10;

both the sub paths will have to be exercised for this testing for x.

Memory Leakage testing: Check the used memory is releasing after the function is




Before invoking a function memory used is 800KB.

After invoking the function and when the function is running memory used is


After the function has exited, memory used is 950KB.

The function does not release the memory used by variable to the free memory

pool, which results in memory leakage.

API testing: Check the comprehensive functionality set provided by each API to test

whether they are working properly or not according to the specifications.


Some function, do some computation and return the result of computation.

Integration testing: Integration testing will be performed to check for data loss/mismatch

across interfaces, check for adverse effect of one module over other module. Check for

global data structures may not cause problem after integration of modules.


Consider two modules one of sending a mail, and other of displaying the mails that

were sent. These two modules were developed by different developers, which are to


be used together. Here integration testing will take place, to check that the mail sent

would be stored in the folder of sent mails. Since both the modules are talking

together check whether they are working as a single entity perfectly or not.

Performance testing: Check the performance of the system at different loads and for

different iterations.

Load testing: Check the performance of the application by creating load by hundreds of

virtual users. This testing will be performed by automated tools and no. of users will be in

a incremental way.


When 300 users log into yahoo mail client.

The yahoo server experiences the load & hence the response time for each request

increases i.e. increased usage of memory, CPU utilization etc.

Stress testing: Check the performance of the application by creating load by hundreds of

virtual users at iterations (no. of time).


When 300 users log in & logout of the yahoo mail client 10 times. At such point of time,

the yahoo server is stressed, which will affect the response time.

Compatibility testing: This will include validating the compatibility of the system for:


- Different Hardware

- Different Operating Systems

- Different Browsers


An image attachment with the mail should be displayed in Netscape & Internet Explorer.

Interface testing: Test the interfaces given to the other applications are working properly

i.e. system component pass information and control correctly.


If a file has to be attached with a mail-using yahoo, the mail client has to interface with

the client OS using window’s explorer to attach the file.

System testing: Check the process of testing an integrated system to verify that it meets

the specified system requirements.

Configuration testing: Test system works properly for the minimum configurations

mentioned in the installation guide.


If a software installation guide says that minimum requirement for software to function

smoothly is

1. Intel Pentium P3


2. 64 MB Ram

3. 2GB hard disk.

Test the software with configuration specified, lower configuration and with

higher configuration.

Installation/Un-installation testing: Follow the installation procedure and verify that the

installation is done properly or not. This will include installation through CD, installation

from Web & see that, installing according to the instructions given in the installation

manual results in the proper installation & files being created in appropriate directories.

The uninstall procedure will also be tested to see that it works properly.


Consider installing yahoo messenger. This testing will comprise of:

1. The installation process should not break in midway.

2. All the destination folders should be created at the location specified

during installation.

3. The application should run smoothly.

Recovery testing: Test how well the system recovers from crashes, hardware failures, or

other disastrous problems at runtime and ensure that the system provides enough

information in such a case to take appropriate measures for avoiding this from happening

in the future.


e.g. When an application crashes due to unforeseen conditions, the application

should create a temporary file for the unsaved data in RAM.

Security testing: Attempt to penetrate the system through inappropriate manner, to verify

the protection system built into the system.


Login in yahoo mail.

Copy the URL, and paste it in another browser, on other machine.

The login page will be displayed instead of displaying the mailbox.

Usability testing: Test the user effort to learn, operate, and prepare inputs. Also test the

aesthetics and consistence of the application.

e.g. While surfing through the yahoo site, if the user is at the 30th page , there

should be a way out to go to the home page, so that the user does not get stuck up.

This is taken care in usability testing.

Regression testing: Regression testing will be done by re execution of some subset of

tests that have already been conducted to ensure that changes have not propagated

unintended effects. This test will run every time a major change is made to the software

i.e. versions, integration of new module and after bug fixing.



While enroll new user for Hotmail, the password length was kept 8 characters.

Password did not allow wilcard characters, spaces etc.

Enroll page changed in new version.

Password length was changed to 6 characters.

Test cases created in previous versions were executed on the new page.

A bug was found, that password field accepted wildcard characters.

e.g. A bug was found in sent mail module of yahoo mail. The bug was, that the

message sent was truncated after 20 words, while storing in the table of sent mail, as

the field length was less. This bug has been fixed.

Now there are several modules which access this field in the table in which the mail

sent are stored.

Regression testing is done to verify whether the bug fix has not affected any other


Beta testing: Conduct tests like end user of the software and random testing in ‘live’ beta



Prior to launching a newer version of window in the market, Microsoft provides

copies of the Beta version of windows to the customers along with the help files &

installation guidelines. The customers are requested to use product and place bugs

directly with Microsoft.


Database Testing:

Conduct test to ensure proper storage of data in database, and proper retrieval from



Consider a library system.

Issue a book from library.

The book number, member number and other details will be inserted in some table.

Check whether the insertion has taken place in right table with right values.

Security Mechanisms
Any computer-based systems that manage sensitive information or causes actions that

can improperly harm individuals are a target for improper or illegal access.

There should be a correct user id and password for accessing the software. Three

user id and password are provided for accessing this software. User id and password are

same. If user failed to enter correct the details then he/she will not be able to use the

software. User id and password are admin, LMS, and user.


Cost Implementation of Project

The cost involved in designing, coding and implementing this software is around Rs.



Reports Generation
*Reports Generations.
Here in this project six reports are generated.

 Books_Details:

It provides all the details for books. It also provides details date vise.

 Issue/Return Details:


It shows all the details regarding issuing details of the books.

 Member Details:

It shows Members Details by selecting an appropriate Member No.


 Branch_Details:

It shows all the details of branches of a library.


 Department_Details:
It shows all the information about the departments of a library.


 Author_Details:

It shows all the details of authors of books.

PERT Chart

PERT (Project Evaluation & Review Technique)

Schedule data is often presented in the form of bar charts or by

project networks, sometimes better known as project evaluation and

review technique (PERT) charts. These charts of networks can be

prominently displayed to make sure that everyone is aware of project


Activity Start-date End-date


Analysis 02-05-2006 15-06-2006

Design 03-06-2006 18-08-2006 PPPPPPP

Develop 17-07-2006 29-09-2006 AAAAC

Implement 18-09-2006 27-09-2006 PPPPPP




P – Plan A – Actual C -

A network chart, as well as showing the scheduled times for each task,

also shows the dependence of one task is a continuation from lines of a previous

task. A task cannot start until all its incoming tasks have been completed.

The earliest time that a task can begin when all preceding tasks are

completed in the shortest possible time. The latest time for task initiation before

the minimum project completion time is delayed.

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart (Timeline Chart) can be developed for the entire project.






15 September

30 September
1 September
15 August
1 August
15 June
15 May

15 July
1 June
1 May

1 July
Future Scope and Further Enhancement Of
the project
Development is a constant process. There is always scope of
improvement in every work.
The development of LMS can be further be enhanced by providing some more

facilities. If the Organization wanted to establish a presence on the World Wide Web, the

LMS could easily be adapted to handle e-commerce. To facilitate this web interface will

be developed and similar customer services will be offered through Internet or extranet

depending upon the business growth.

A data warehouse pilot project may be introduced depending upon the business growth in

next few years. If management finds it feasible to analyze the strategic data, the data

warehouse project could be integrated with LMS.

In future, this application can be further enhanced using serious thought. It is a small

effort to give facilities of this system to smaller organizations. This can be a module to

develop software for larger organization.

6. Bibliography


Black Book

StevSen Holzner


Mastering in Database Programming With VB-6 -



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