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Fréquence Booklet-2020-En

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life Page 1
Our Story Passion. Creation. Mission.

Fréquence Botanicals stands for nature and man’s harmony,

evolution, and optimized wellbeing through the use of
science, energetic awareness, and nature’s most potent and
effective medicine: plants. By sharing our products with the
world, we hope to invoke a collective shift toward the use of
natural plant based goods for everyday health needs. We use
science combined with alchemy and indigenous knowledge
to offer personalized natural remedies.

Created by Manex Ibar, spiritual scientist, sound engineer

and energetic savant, Fréquence oils are a powerful and
effective tool for the body to obtain energetic nourishment
and rejuvenation. His twenty-year journey of observing,
studying, and incorporating plants into private healing
sessions and ceremonies inspired Manex to blend essential
oils that support the energetic needs of the entire body. This
gift resulted in the 9 Vital Essence Oils.

These high-end botanicals are multi-compound energetic

remedies for the soul, mind, emotions, and physical body
that enhance performance while going through modern life.

Holistic and forward-thinking, we produce luxurious natural

botanical essence products for beauty, health, and
optimized wellbeing.

Everything we make is carefully and consciously blended, giving

you the opportunity to foster health in every aspect of life.
Raising Energetic Awareness
One of our goals as a company is bringing awareness to
the importance of energetics and energetic hygiene.
Learning about and understanding our personal energetics
is undoubtedly helpful and necessary to create conscious
awareness that result in positive shifts, and allow you to
align and remain true to yourself. Energetics is the
information layer that conducts epigenetic, also connected
to the subconscious mind. It therefore has tremendous
importance in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
wellbeing. It is governed by frequencies and patterns.

A daily practice of cleansing and balancing your energetic

body is equally as important as caring for your physical
body, and we invite each of you to create and follow a
simple, powerful routine that works for you. A list of
resources is located at the back of this booklet if you are
interested in reading more or diving further into a specific
The information in this booklet is merely the beginning - it
serves as an introduction to human energetics, and was
created to act as a guide to your journey into alignment
and optimization through use of nature’s potent miracles.
We’re currently involved in scientific studies that show the
energetic influence of essential oils on the body.
We welcome you to this new phase in your growth and
evolution, and hope you enjoy using Fréquence’s 9 Vital
Essence Oils.

With Blessings,

Manex Ibar

Page 3
The Science of Essential Oils
The idea that our body is programmable by non-physical
interactions of words, thought, and intention has been
recognized by spiritual teachers for ages, and is now
scientifically proven.

Recent Russian scientific research directly or indirectly

explains how clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and
remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques,
and certain auras influence weather patterns, health, and

In addition, there is evidence that DNA can be influenced

and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT
cutting out and replacing single genes.

Around ninety percent of our DNA is considered to be “junk

DNA,” or DNA that is not used for building proteins.
Despite its misleading name, this uncategorized DNA is
highly influenced by frequency and could be a key
informational layer for gene expression and optimization.
This unexplained and undervalued genetic coding is where
we are focusing our studies and research.
Essential oils are profound plant medicines that create
cellular reactions within us. Their constitution makes them
powerfully attuned and allows them to behave as chemical
messengers, capable of unlocking the receptor sites of cells
and communicating with our cellular intelligence at the
level of the DNA.

Through research using state-of-the-art diagnostics, our

goal is to demonstrate the power of essential oils and their
influence and impact on neurobiology and their role in
potential genetic re-mapping.

Distillation of essential oils involves all elements, each

necessary to coax out the plant's energies in this process of
transformation. We begin with a copper still [metal
elemental], into which we add plant materials [wood
elemental], and spring water [water elemental]. The still is
then heated [fire elemental], to cause steam [air elemental],
where the plant material is broken down to release it's

The water that is released from the still is the most yin
[feminine] aspect of the transformation, and the essential oil
that is suspended on top of the water is the most yang
[masculine] aspect of the process. Each of these transformed
products offer very specific uses. Floral water and essential
oils are used to create different qualities. For now, we will
focus on the essential oils.

This method for extracting the vital essences from plant

materials is ancient, with its roots in the alchemical
sciences. The scientific method is considered to
standardized with Isaac Newton’s laws of the scientific
method in1847. Yet essential oils come from long before
the scientific method, and in a mysterious way, defy the
scientific method from the plants multi-compound
composition or complex molecular formulas in themselves.
It is this complexity that makes it difficult to study.

Page 5
Alchemy - The Ancient Science
Essential oils date back before recorded time, though their
use in anointing and healing is mentioned in the Bible and
Indian, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese and Roman texts.
Essential oils are some of the oldest remedies created by an
alchemical method that predates science itself. After the
dark ages and the inquisition, some of this knowledge was
lost. Today we have the opportunity to revive this wisdom,
and explore and further develop the power of the
Alchemical process in order to use nature’s precious gift of
plants as remedies to bring us to a higher frequencies of
our own individual existence.

In a sense, Alchemy was the first science, exploring the

connection of consciousness, mind, and the physical body.
The essence of alchemy states that everything can be
extracted into three parts: sulphur (the essential oil, the
soul-consciousness), mercury (the alcohol, the spirit
-mind), and salt (the organic matter, the body).

Fréquence aims to merge the ancient concepts and

practices of Alchemy and indigenous plant wisdom with
modern-day science and technology to create a new form
of medicine born through interaction and connection with
nature, plants, vibration and energy.
The Nature of Frequency
Everything in the universe is vibration. Each energy center
and organ in our bodies have a natural vibrational
frequency, which may vary slightly depending on factors
such as physical health, mental health, and environment.
This being said, our cells will vibrate at a higher frequency
in optimal health, and will be susceptible to illness or
death at a lower frequency.

According to recent studies, around ninety percent of our

DNA is considered to be “junk DNA.” Despite its
misleading name, this uncategorized DNA is highly
influenced by frequency and could be a key informational
layer for gene expression and optimization. We are
currently researching this phenomena.

Frequencies of the Human Body:

Brain Frequency Range: 80-90 MHz
Normal Brain Frequency: 72-78 MHz
Essential oils can have
Human Body (from neck up): 72-78 MHz frequencies as high as
Human Body (from neck down): 60-68 MHz 580 MHz.

Thyroid and Parathyroid glands: 62-68 MHz

Thymus Gland: 65-68 MHz
Heart: 67-70 MHz
Lungs: 58-65 MHz
Liver: 55-60 MHz Foods
Pancreas: 60-80 MHz Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz
Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz
Colds and Flu start at: 57-60 MHz Dried Foods 15-22 Hz
Disease starts at: 58 MHz Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz
Candida overgrowth starts at: 55 MHz Processed/Canned Food 0 HZ
Receptive to Epstein Barr at: 52 MHz
Receptive to Cancer at: 42 MHz
Death begins at: 25 MHz

Using essential oils in your daily practice will increase Page 7

Using Essential Oils
There are two main ways to use essential oils:
aromatherapy and topical application. Though it is
usually safe to ingest essential oils, we recommended
that you follow the advice of a professional because of
possible allergies or reactions to any of the plants.

As you inhale, the scent of the essential oil is carried by

Olfactory nerves to the limbic system in the brain, which
houses emotions and emotional behaviors, and controls
heart rate, blood pressure, memory, breathing, stress
levels, and hormonal balance. This connection helps
explain why scents can trigger emotions or reactions.

Through using these potent essential oil blends, you will

begin to feel the shifts in your mood, level of alertness,
relaxation, grounding, and more, depending on the
specific components of each oil.

Some researchers report that essential oils may be more

readily absorbed from skin locations with greater
concentrations of sweat glands and hair follicles, such as
the soles, palms, and armpits. The addition of heat will
also increase circulation and enhance absorption.

Smell is the strongest link to the

subconscious mind and the collective
unconscious, where all memories are stored.
Essential oils can also be diffused in your home or office
to create a lasting scent and frequency for maximum
benefit and enjoyment. Using essential oil brings deep
healing both physically and psycho-emotionally.

Applying essential oils directly onto the skin has

powerful physical and energetic benefits. Essential oils
have high antioxidant properties with the ability to
reverse oxidative damage, which is implicated in
everything from aging to cancer. Since oils are
lipophilic, they are able to be easily transported into the
body systems, enhancing immune strength and
nourishing our bodies from the inside out.

Essential oils are powerful remedies to regain balance,

vitality, and optimization, allowing you to enjoy the
feeling of being naturally and divinely supported.
Welcome to the wonders of high-end plant luxury.

Please keep in mind that it is normal to see a minor surface-level

reaction when applying the oils to the skin. Slight redness or rash
may occur as the body absorbs the oils, but the irritation should
recede and disappear within a few hours. This is a sign of your body
taking in what it needs, and rejecting what it does not.

Are you ready to begin your

journey with Fréquence?
Page 9
9 Vital Essence Oils
The 9 Vital Essence Oil Kit offers a full spectrum of
fragrances and frequencies to regenerate, revitalize, and
balance the human energetic system. This kit provides
everything you need for energetic alignment and
optimized wellbeing.

Each bottle contains an organic blend of

up to eleven plant essences, naturally
handcrafted with medical grade
E.O.B.B.D. (Essential Oils Botanically and
Biochemically Defined) oils to balance
the vital energy centers that influence our
endocrine, hormonal, spiritual, and
psycho-emotional energies.

These oils are a toolkit designed for complex and multi-

faceted healing. As individuals, our energetic needs
vary, as do the frequencies at which our bodies vibrate.
Each energy center has one a main frequency and
resonant harmonics, much like how a chord is
composed of individual notes that create a harmony.
This concept explains the need for multiple synergies
within each blend.

Reconnect with yourself and nature’s wisdom

through Fréquence’s 9 Vital Essence Oils.
Fréquence’s 9 Vital Essence Oils were created to work
in accordance to Human Design, taking into
consideration the many resonant frequencies and gates
connected to each vital center to allow for complete
processing and healing. Many people only recommend
one or two oils for each center, which may balance
some aspects but will ignore many others. In order to
flourish, we must take into account each part of the
whole, for the whole cannot function properly without
the health of each individual aspect.
Your body will naturally absorb what it needs, leaving
the remaining oils on the skin. This selection and
absorption explains how the same blend can smell so
unique and vastly different on one person than it does
on another. Just as the earth knows what we will need
prior to a season of illness and reacts accordingly by
growing healing plants, we too intuitively know what
our bodies need. Trust what your body is saying.
It is important to note that an oil may smell repulsive to
you, but not to someone else. This sensory repulsion
stems from the association of a certain smell with a
painful or unresolved memory. Do not let the smell
betray you- if you do not like it, perhaps there is
healing needed. Be patient with yourself, for healing is
a long and complex process.

Welcome to your journey with Fréquence.

Page 11
Our Human Energetic Evolution

Photo courtesy of
Jovian Archive

Within each of our bodies are nine vital energy centers that
process consciousness within our experiences, including
every emotion, sensation, experience, yearning, passion,
curiosity, and question we encounter. These centers, also
called chakras or meridians from the ancient Ayurvedic
and Chinese Medicines, play different roles within our
physical and non-physical (energetic and spiritual) bodies.
All are related and interconnected, and an imbalance in
one center can lead to an imbalance or possible overdrive
of another. When we have trouble integrating an
experience, our chakras block. Disease or illness can be a
sign of multiple centers having been blocked for too long.

But I thought there were only 7 Vital Energy Center?

When learning about energetics, many people are taught
that we have 7 centers, but our energetic body has
naturally evolved. Inanimate objects have 1 energy center,
plants have 3, mammals have 5, and humans now have 9
out of 12 potential centers, gaining conscious awareness
through form as we grow. The shift of our energetic bodies
brought two chakras that were previously “out of body”
down into our physical being, enabling higher awareness.
In 1781 we moved into the “Uranian Era,” during which 9-
centered humans began replacing their 7-centered
predecessors. The take over of the highly evolved form was
completed by the late 1800s. Ra Uru Hu, deliverer of
Human Design, coined these energetically evolved humans,
“Homo Sapiens In Transitus.”

This shift has affected how we make decisions and how we

relate to other people and the world around us, thus
increasing our potential to become fully conscious, aware
human beings. We are in a time of abundance and spiritual
or conscious communion.

The images to the left and below are Human Design Rave
Charts, and depict the 9 energy centers within the body. All
of Fréquence’s products are created in alignment with the 9
center system to invoke the most technically advanced and
powerful shifts within your physical and energetic bodies.

Photo courtesy of Human

Design NorthWest Page 13
An Overview of the Vital Centers
Each of our vital energy centers is associated with a planet
and an internal body system or organ, creating the specific
traits that we express daily. The centers are numbered 1-9
from the root (coccyx) to the crown (top of the head).
The image below depicts an accurate representation of the
location of each vital energy center with its correlating
planetary symbol, with the exception of “SP,” representing
the spleen.
Understanding the influence of the energy body on our
outward expression and internal integration and processing
helps us become aware of any shifts we may need to make,
evoking positive change on all levels.

Artwork by Brynja Magnusson, courtesy of

Clairessence Meditations
HEAD Inspiration.

MIND Mental Awareness.

THR OAT Speech. Manifestation.

G-CE NTER Purpose. Love. Identity.

EGO-HEART Willpower. Ego.

SOLAR P LEXUS Feeling. Emotion.

SP LE NIC Physical wellbeing.

SAC RAL Life force. Vitality. Sex.

ROOT Grounding. Impulse.

Understanding our continual energetic evolution is key in

creating a balanced and harmonious relationship between
the energetic, physical, and mental bodies.
Page 15


(reduces pain, brings safety & security)

Qualities: Caring, Secure, Rooted, Present, Grounded,

Abundance, Adrenals, Kidneys, Fearless

Oil Blend: Patchouli, Vetiver, Black Spruce, Carrot, Cedar-

Wood, Juniper, Spikenard, Angelica, Pine, Cinnamon,
Frankincense, Almond Oil Base.

Endocrine System & Body Health: Adrenal Glands,

Kidneys, Bones

As the Root Center essential oil, TRUST is used for

grounding and connecting with the Earth. The first center
creates our adrenalized drive to survive, creating
momentum for life. Home of Kundalini energy, the root
center gives us the ability to find balance between fear
and trust, and enables progression and evolution.

Human Design Root Center

The root center processes stress as pressure. In other
words, it creates and utilizes the fuel that pushes us
forward. Without an understanding of this pressure, we
can easily become imbalanced and fall into a trap of
turning inward, becoming depressed and causing
internal suffering. Essential in manifestation, a balanced
root chakra enables us to process stress properly and use
it as a mechanism to grow.


I am resting in the safety of knowing that life will

always serve my highest path with abundance.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of

the hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger
before putting oil onto the base of the spine, bottoms
of the feet, and behind the ears. Cup your hands
around your mouth and nose and inhale deeply at
least three times. Feel the energetic shift within.

Page 17


(influences energy fields)

Qualities: Vitality, Sexual, Sacred, Arousal, Creative,

Life Force, Sensual, Joy, Movement, Persistence

Oil Blend: Ylang-ylang, Sandalwood, Orange,

Damiana, Vetiver, Neroli, Angelica, Melissa, Hyssop,
Bergamot, Almond oil base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Testes, Ovaries,

Hormones, Intestines, Colon, Bladder

As one of the body’s primary energetic motors, the sacral

center is the generator of life-force energy that stimulates
reproduction and survival. Being a powerful force, the
sacral center can work both positively and negatively.
Thus, we must know how to engage with the sacral center
in a way that fosters desire, balance, support, and
awareness. The sacral needs to want to do that task.

Human Design Sacral Center

Much like a rechargeable battery, this center needs time for
rest and regeneration so it can work at full capacity.
ENERGY helps to balance the sacral center, bringing back
vitality and creative life-force to your energetic body.

An imbalanced sacral center can lead to exhaustion,

energetic degeneration, and a lack of sexual drive or
sensuality. Creating balance within this energy center will
foster vital life-energy, vitality, fertility, sexual
empowerment, and an honest in-body response to stimulus.


I am dancing with boundless life force and

experiencing the vital joy of the world.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of the

hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger before
putting oil about three inches below the belly button
and behind the ears. Cup your hands around your
mouth and nose and inhale deeply at least three times.
Feel the energetic shift within.
Page 19


(turns grief into joy)

Qualities: Talent, Impulse, Security, Profound,

Intuition, Immune System, Courage, Nutrition, Spleen

Oil Blend: Vetiver, Patchouli, Pine, Clove, Ginger,

White Fir, Myrrh, Orange, Damiana, Juniper, Blue
Tansy, Almond Oil Base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Spleen, Immune

System, Lymphatic System

This is the sensory-intake system, taking in every smell,

sound, taste, and external surroundings to ensure we are
safe. Alert and active, it rules the immune system,
warning us of when something is out of balance or not
good for our physical and energetic bodies.

Human Design Splenic Center

Each of us reacts differently to various environments,
foods, and meta-physical scenarios, and it is our job to
learn how to listen to the splenic center to create harmony,
balance, and health.

An imbalanced splenic center can lead to illness,

malnutrition, and disease. Using INSTINCT can help bring
back awareness to the essential splenic center, enabling
you to live according to your unique physical and
energetic needs.


I follow my instincts, allowing healing and

rejuvenation to occur for my complete wellbeing.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of the

hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger before
putting oil slightly above and to the left of the belly
button, and behind the ears. Cup your hands around
your mouth and nose and inhale deeply at least three
times. Feel the energetic shift within.
Page 21


(facilitates change)

Qualities: Feeling, Pleasure, Sensitivity, Emotion,

Awareness, Excitement, Dopamine, Depth,
Moodiness, Passion, Desire, Abundance In Spirit

Oil Blend: Ylang-Ylang, Vetiver, Bergamot, Orange,

Blue Cypress, Lemon, Blue Tansy, Rose, Geranium,
Jasmine, Neroli, Almond Oil Base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Large Intestines,

Dopamine System, Nervous System, Lungs, Kidneys,
Pancreas, Prostate Gland

Center of emotions and spirit consciousness, the solar

plexus rules our ability to have emotional clarity and
mental well-being. It is the driving force of the cyclical
nature of our experience, moving us through pleasure
and pain and creating the foundation of revolution,
romance, spirituality, and religion.

Human Design Solar

Plexus Center
Imbalance and misconception of the solar plexus center
creates emotional distortion in which we desperately
cling to emotional highs and feverishly attempt to avoid
natural emotional lows. Using PASSION will enrich your
life through helping you release negative emotional
patterns, create a flow of feelings and moods, and renew
your excitement, desire, and pleasure. Creating a
balance in the solar plexus center engenders
compassion and awareness toward ourselves, our
community, and the world.


I am filled with passion for this Divine

comedy we call life.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of

the hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger
before putting oil in the center of the chest at the
solar plexus and behind the ears. Cup your hands
around your mouth and nose and inhale deeply at
least three times. Feel the energetic shift within.
Page 23


(transformation & miracles)

Qualities: Worthy, Relaxed, Confident, Influential, Self-

Aware, Unstressed, Peaceful

Oil Blend: Bergamot, Basil, Rosemary Verbena,

Rosemary Camphor, Fennel, Ylang-Ylang, Grapefruit,
Lemon, Geranium, Damiana, Blue Spruce, Almond Oil

Endocrine System & Body Health: Heart, Gall Bladder,

Stomach, Thymus Gland

As a motor that drives willpower and ego, this center is

potent and highly influential. Around it revolve our tribe,
family, community, and greater nations, as well as in the
material world. The ego-heart center rules our ability to
function within a community, enabling us to progress and
grow as a whole comprised of unique individuals.

Human Design Ego-

Heart Center
Self-esteem, confidence, and ability to move into the
world as a contributing and valued person stem from a
balanced ego-heart center.

An imbalance will reflect as heart and digestive

problems, over-achievement in attempt to make up for
lack of self-confidence, and a general absence of self-
worth. Using POWER will help you come in to your true
power, centered in the heart and blossoming from a place
of value, worth, and awareness, thus eliminating
unnecessary suffering.


I draw my power from my heart, surrendering to

the knowledge that everything is in Divine order.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of

the hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger
before putting oil in the center of the chest between
the nipples and behind the ears. Cup your hands
around your mouth and nose and inhale deeply at
least three times. Feel the energetic shift within.
Page 25


(reconnecting, relationships)

Qualities: Gratitude, Direction, Innocence,

Acceptance, Vulnerable, Open-Hearted, Lungs
Home, Destiny

Oil Blends: Jasmine, Lotus, Rose, Lemon, Balsam Fir,

Cypress, Ylang-Ylang, Coriander, Lemon Vervain,
Blue Spruce, Manuka, Damiana, Spikenard, Almond
Oil Base

Endocrine System: Liver, Sacred Heart, Thymus

Home of the higher self, direction, and identity, the G-

center is both mystical and physical. Correlated to the
liver, it is directly correlated to the health of our blood,
carrying nutrients and oxygen to every cell in t h e
body. It also is the center from which we
attract love and beauty, and in which

Human Design G-Center

When we look in the external world and change in attempt
to attract the love we think we want, we lose a sense of the
true love centered in our very own being.

An imbalanced g-center can manifest in a lack of self-love,

poor lung and liver health, a loss or lack of direction in life,
and an overwhelming need to search for love in someone
or something else. Using LOVE will help you return to a
state of unity with yourself and with the greater universe,
fostering acceptance, vulnerability, love, gratitude, and
direction in your life. Learning to live in a state of love
means returning to our natural state of being.


I am liberated through vulnerability and love.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of the

hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger before
putting oil in the center of the chest between the nipples
and behind the ears. Cup your hands around your mouth
and nose and inhale deeply at least three times. Feel the
energetic shift within. Page 27


(expressions, solutions)

Q u a l i t i e s : C l e a r, Vo i c e , C r e a t i v e , E s s e n c e ,
Communication, Manifestation, Thyroid Vocation,
Hormonal, Balance

Oil Blend: Myrtle, Balsam Fir, Rosemary Verbena, Sage,

Eucalyptus Globulous, Eucalyptus Radiata, Laurel,
Black Spruce, Bergamot, Palmarosa, Manuka, Almond
Oil Base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Thyroid Gland,

Hormonal Imbalance, Weight Gain And Loss,
Metabolism, Vocal Cords, Ganglion Glands

Associated with the systems responsible for metamorphosis

and transformation, the throat center directly relates to all
metabolic processes as well as manifestation and
interaction with the world. The voice plays a crucial role in
how we express ourselves, who we are, how we are
feeling, what we need, and more.

Human Design Throat Center

As a communal species, we are meant to be able to interact
and communicate to create thriving and sustainable

It’s easy to get out of balance in the throat center. We often

speak out of line, or feel like we need to say something
when the best thing might be silence. Use EXPRESS to help
bring alignment to your manifestation, communication, and
metabolic functions. Creating balance in the throat center
will help you convey your gifts and truths to the world in a
manner that will be well-received.


I manifest the desires of my soul with effortless,

fluid, and clear expression.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of

the hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger
before putting oil on the throat and behind the
ears. Cup your hands around your mouth and
nose and inhale deeply at least three times. Feel
the energetic shift within.
Page 29


(returns spiritual order)

Qualities: Mind, Focus, Wisdom, Vision, Stillness,

Conscious, Pituitary, Thought

Oil Blend: Black Spruce, Juniper, Manuka, Lavender,

Hyssop, Frankincense, Peppermint, Rose, Blue Cypress,
Palmarosa, Galbanum, White Fir, Almond Oil Base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Pituitary Gland,

Hypothalamus, Brain Function, Vision

Center of mind consciousness, this center allows us to

be aware of the experience of being alive, processing
information to increase our understanding and help
us navigate the path of life. Associated with the visual
cortex and acoustic intake, it controls thoughts of
what has been and what might be.

Human Design Mind Center

The Mind Center gives inspiration and an immense
pressure to know. Though the anna-mind center can
consider many sides of an issue, it cannot make correct

An imbalance in this center can lead to anxiety due to

fear of the unknown, or fear of being misunderstood.
Using CLARITY will bring awareness and the ability to
share your perspective and empower others while
remaining centered in your own authority. Creating
balance in this energy center will bring focus, clear
thinking, and awareness of the self and your relation to
the world.

I awaken my vision with focus and clear


Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of

the hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger
before putting oil on the throat and behind the
ears. Cup your hands around your mouth and
nose and inhale deeply at least three times. Feel
the energetic shift within.
Page 31


(awakens perfect state)

Qualities: Spirit, Dreams, Awakened, Inspiration,

Higher-Self, Subconscious

Oils: Frankincense, Myrrh, Lavender, Jasmine,

Peppermint, Lotus, Rose, Cinnamon, Sandalwood,
Balsam Fir, Spikenard, Almond Oil Base

Endocrine System & Body Health: Pineal Gland

This center fuels thinking, conceptualizing,

processing, and our need to know answers to our
many questions. Our thoughts move from the head
center to the mind center, transforming thoughts into
conceptualization and later into manifestation or
expression in the throat center.

Human Design Head Center

The crown-head center stimulates thinking, imagination,
and curiosity, and is the center closest to source and the
collective conscious.

An imbalanced crown-head center can manifest in

overthinking and incessant questions that create confusion
and push us away from ourselves. Using INSPIRE will foster
a connection to your higher self, your dreams, spirit, Source
consciousness, and the subconscious. It will help your
dreams and inspiration move to the mind for processing,
and to the throat for manifesting.


I breathe inspired wisdom with an

awakened heart, dreaming a new world.

Application: Put 2-3 drops of oil into the palms of the

hand. Activate the oil by rubbing with a finger before
putting oil on the throat and behind the ears. Cup your
hands around your mouth and nose and inhale deeply
at least three times. Feel the energetic shift within.

Page 33
Using the Oils
Where should I put the oils?
Potent places of application for essential oils include the
insides of the wrists and ankles, behind the ears, and on
various parts of the body, depending on the oil and its
correlating system and chakra. Oil placement
recommendations are found in individual oil descriptions.

What application method should I use?

We find that the best way to use essential oils is by
creating a routine that incorporates inhalation, diffusion,
and topical application, ensuring your body obtains its
needed energetic balancing and cell optimization.

How often can I use the oils?

Optimally, you will be using the oils each morning and
night for a minimum of 6-8 weeks. We typically
recommend choosing between two and three oils at a
time, allowing your body to process and balance the
systems it needs most prior to moving on to another oil

How do I know which oils I need?

Discover your unique Fréquence by following your instinct
and picking 2 -3 numbers or words, and experience the
energetic power of these unique oil synergies. Or, allow
yourself to experience and evoke daily changes through
use of the entire set, inspiring and creating energetic
support in all aspects of your life. Trust yourself- your body
knows what it needs.

Are the oils safe for children and animals, too?

Our essential oils are organic, high-quality, pure, and
potent. We recommend diluting the essential oils in
another oil of your choosing (such as avocado, apricot, or
coconut oil), since little bodies are much more sensitive.
Resources and References
My Human Design -
A site all about your human design, free charts and lots
of videos that explain in clear language, what it’s

Human Design - My Bodygraph. -

Obtain specific information about your body graph and
how to read your Human Design chart.

Gene Keys. -

Learn about the 64 Genes in your Bodygraph and the
golden path, to uncover your sacred way.

The Pattern. App -

Learn about your astrology and connect to your
network to see how you pair up.

The Akasha Game. -

Play the game and journey into your purpose in life
and how you are meant to express it.

Wisdom Quest. -

Discover your true nature and access your
wisdom through this life-changing experience.

SphinxCode. -
Uncover your mission and subconscious
archetypes. Learn how to navigate shadows.

Clairessence. -
Activate clairvoyance and awaken psychic
abilities with this powerful meditation workshop.

Document written by Manex Ibar & Edited by Sofia Drougas

Page 35
Future Products

Fr é qu e n c e Cr è m e - enhancing life naturally

Our organic creams containing extensive and powerful essential
oil formulas meet daily needs for full-body care.

g ra c e fu l : natural beau ty f or s ki n
Enhances your skin with the moisturizing elements of nature to
revive and protect the elasticity of youth.

bre a t h e : nose, throat, lung c on ge s t i o n

Relieves and clears congestion using nature’s potential anti-
bacterial and anti-fungal elements.

re p a i r : b ones, c artilage, l igam e nt s , m uscle

Soothes and helps repair injuries in bones, muscles, and
tendons, helping your body heal with ease.

re fi n e : skin a ll ergies, rashes, p sor i a si s, wa rt s

Gently treats problematic skin, soothes and reduces redness
and rash to deliver incredible results.

cellule : c lea r a nd redu c e c el luli t e

Clears and prevent cellulite, giving you smooth and fresh skin.
Personalized Aroma

As individuals, like
the color of our
eyes, our character
of our voice, our
aroma differ
uniquely. We aim to
enhance life with
n at u re ’s m a g i c
combined with
science to formulate
new lifestyle
enhancements. We
are delighted to
bring you an all-
natural unique
personalized aroma
made for a new you.

we have mapped a unique way to

create your unique personal aroma
- Fréquence - Page 37
Creator and Founder

Manex Ibar

Spiritual Consciousness Teacher &

Guide, Medical Medium, Shaman,
Energy Scientist and Clairvoyant.


To learn more about Manex’s sessions or other

offerings and projects, please visit
Manex Ibar is a visionary guardian of nature’s hidden
wisdom and mysteries, guiding people towards knowing
their true nature and connecting to Source awareness. A
multi-talented spiritual liaison and entrepreneur of
consciousness and sustainable life systems, his work lies
in guiding individuals and businesses toward optimization
through a combination of spiritual, scientific, and
energetic modalities including but not limited to Human
Design, Gene Keys, Shamanism, sound therapy, Tarot,
Kabbala, clairvoyance, sacred plant medicine ceremonies,
and aromatherapy.

As a spiritual teacher and author, Manex provides

guidance in consciousness, spiritual wisdom, genetic
behavioral traits, and integral alternative health to bring
optimized levels of functionality, understanding, and
happiness. His work involves bridging indigenous wisdom
and high-level scientific knowledge to provide deep
clarity and understanding in personal life, relationships, as
well as business and executive positions.

He is passionate about exploring spirit consciousness,

using sound, plants, nature, and various forms of
meditations to attain new levels of awareness. Through
Fréquence, Manex is partnering and working with
scientists to research and form a deeper understanding of
consciousness, frequency, and DNA expression.

Page 39

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