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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Reduction of graphene oxide by Phyllanthus Emblica as a reducing agent

– A green approach for supercapacitor application
D.R. Madhuri a, K. Kavyashree a, Ashok R Lamani a,⇑, H.S. Jayanna a, G. Nagaraju b, Shridhar Mundinamani c
Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shivamogga 577451, India
Department of Chemistry, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru 572103, India
Department of Physics, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru 572103, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent days the green approach of preparing reduced graphene oxide using plant extracts has attracted
Available online xxxx more attention among the research fraternity over the orthodox way of using chemicals. The green
approach carries advantages like low cost and environmentally friendly nature. Here in this study, the
Keywords: reduction of graphene oxide is carried out using Phyllanthus Emblica, commonly known as amla. This
Graphene oxide fruit is grown in almost every part of the country, and is rich in vitamin C (478.56 mg/100 mL). The
Reduced graphene oxide advantage of using Vitamin C is, it is composed of only carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Thus minimizing
Green approach
the risk of introducing heteroatoms in the reduced graphene oxide. Also here we have employed a
Phyllanthus Emblica
binder-free electrode for supercapacitor application. It is capable of delivering specific capacitance of
123.12 Fg1 at the scan rate of 5 mVs1. The characterization techniques performed here on the sample
are powder X-ray diffraction technique, FTIR spectra and Raman spectra which give clear information on
the reduction of graphene oxide. The morphology is studied by SEM images. Electrochemical studies
include cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charging-discharging and electrochemical impedance spec-
troscopy. All these studies illustrate that effective results are obtained from the green synthesis of
reduced graphene oxide using Phyllanthus Emblica and it is an efficient and environmentally friendly
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Web International Con-
ference on Accelerating Innovations in Material Science – 2020.

1. Introduction The capacitance of a device is mainly dependent on the charac-

teristics of the electrode material, particularly, the surface area and
In the system of the electricity grid, power supply and demand the pore size. Due to the high porosity, and correspondingly low
must be equal at all the moment. Energy storage plays an essential density, it is usually the volumetric capacitance of each electrode
role in this balancing act and helps to create a more flexible and that determines the energy density [3].
reliable grid system. For this purpose, there are various types of Carbon materials are considered as the best material in the
energy storage devices such as batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, preparation of electrodes for supercapacitors because of their low
etc. Among all these, supercapacitors have the advantage of high cost, functional properties, and commercial availability. There is a
power density, better reversibility, long cycle life, and are much wide range of carbon materials and their electrical property
safer than batteries [1,2]. Supercapacitors are constructed much depends on their structure. Graphite is one of the carbon allotropes
like a battery in which there are two electrodes immersed in an and is naturally found on the earth. Graphene is a two-dimensional
electrolyte with an ion-permeable separator located between the honeycomb structured single atomic layer of sp2 hybridized carbon
electrodes. In such devices, each electrode–electrolyte interface atoms. Theoretically, it has an extensive specific surface area
represents a capacitor so that the complete cell can be considered (2630 m2g1), the thermal conductivity of around 5000 Wm-1K1
as two capacitors in series. [4], Young’s modulus ~ 1.0 TPa [5], 97.7% of optical transmittance,
and good electrical conductivity. Graphene provides the necessary
possible modification or functionalization of the carbon backbone
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.R Lamani).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Web International Conference on Accelerating Innovations in Material Science – 2020.

Please cite this article as: D.R. Madhuri, K. Kavyashree, Ashok R Lamani et al., Reduction of graphene oxide by Phyllanthus Emblica as a reducing agent – A
green approach for supercapacitor application, Materials Today: Proceedings,
D.R. Madhuri, K. Kavyashree, Ashok R Lamani et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Graphene oxide (GO) is an exciting material because of its low peaks corresponding to GO appear at 9.6° and 42.3° (pdf number:
cost and easy conversion from GO to graphene. GO contains oxygen 44–558). The characteristic peak of GO is 2h  10° (001 reflection).
molecules in between carbon layers. It is then reduced to separate The calculated d-spacing of GO is 9.286 nm. The prepared GO was
carbon layers into a single layer or few-layer graphene. The Chem- reduced by amla extract. The diffraction peak for rGO is shifted
ical method is the popular method of reduction of GO. The reduc- from ~ 10° to 26° and d-spacing is reduced to 3.41 nm. This
ing agents which are commonly used are hydrazine, borohydrides, decrease in d-spacing is due to the removal of oxygen-containing
and hydroquinones. But the main drawback of this method is that functional groups between the graphite layers. This peak (2h 
the chemicals used here are hazardous, highly toxic, corrosive and 26°) is close to the diffraction pattern of graphite. The appearance
combustible. Hence these are not promising for reduction of GO. To of a broad peak reveals the formation of highly organized few-
avoid the use of toxic and environmentally harmful reducing layered graphene. The interlayer spacing of the graphene sheet
agents, green synthesis to reduce GO is of interest. Clove, cinna- has a structure similar to that of graphite [17].
mon, spinach, carrot root, caffeine, baking soda, etc are used as The functional group of GO and rGO is studied using FT-IR. Fig. 1b
reducing agents [7–14]. shows the FT-IR spectra of both GO and rGO. It can be seen that there
Phyllanthus Emblica is commonly known as gooseberry has is a broad peak at 3426 cm1 which is due to the presence of O–H
medicinal value and nutritional reasons to build up lost mental stretching vibration in the hydroxyl group. This peak can also be
and physical strength [15]. These are due to the strong antioxidant found in the rGO spectrum with relatively low intensity. This indi-
property associated with amla fruit. This antioxidant activity is due cates that the partial removal of the hydroxyl group. Small peaks
to the high content of vitamin C or ascorbic acid present in it. Fruit at ~ 2900 cm1 indicate the C–H stretching of heterocyclic com-
juice of amla contains the highest amount of vitamin C pounds. Strong bond at 1623 cm1 attributes to carbonyl groups in
(478.56 mg/100 mL) compared to lime, apple, grapes and pomegra- the molecule. The presence of a peak at 1110 cm1 indicates the
nate [16]. Studies suggest that the other components of amla are C–O stretching. The FT-IR spectrum of rGO is quite similar to that
sugar, Gallic acid, Flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds. The of GO, but it can be seen that the intensity of all the peaks is
ascorbic acid acts as a redox buffer; it reduces and then neutralizes decreased. No new bands can be observed after the reduction of
reactive oxygen species. Using this amla fruit extract as a reducing GO. This indicates that amla and its derivatives are completely
agent, we have successfully prepared reduced graphene oxide removed by the washing of rGO. From these observations, one can
(rGO). see that most of the oxygen-containing groups GO nanosheets are
removed in the reduction process using amla as a reducing agent.
2. Experimental Raman spectra of GO and rGO are depicted in Fig. 2. The D band
and G band of GO and rGO are appearing at 1347 and 1590 cm1
Modified Hummer’s method is implemented to synthesize GO respectively. The D band appears due to the structural defects
and the reducing agent used here was amla extract. Fresh fruits and disorder, whereas the G band corresponds to E2g mode formed
of amla were washed cleanly, the pulp was ground into very small from the first-order Raman scattering of SP2 carbon atoms. ID/IG
pieces and DI water was added to it and kept it in a round- ratio of GO is found to be 0.956 and that of rGO is 1.08. This
bottomed (RB) flask. The above mixture was kept in a reflux system increase in the ID/IG ratio after reduction with amla indicates the
for 4 h, filtered the juice using a muslin cloth, transferred it to a disordered domains during the reduction of GO [18]. This change
beaker, and kept on a hot plate overnight to get it in a powdered in the value of ID/IG ratio is in good agreement with the observa-
form. The prepared powder was then poured into DI water (1 mg tions reported for other reducing agents too [10,18–20]. It can be
in 10 mL DI water) and stirred well until the well-dispersed solu- seen that the 2D band of rGO shifted to 2828 cm1 in comparison
tion was formed. with GO at 2811 cm1.
50 mg of GO powder is dispersed in 50 mL of DI water, ultrason- The morphological studies are characterized by SEM. Fig. 3a
icated for a period of 40 min. This suspension was thoroughly shows the SEM image of GO. From these figures, it can be seen that
mixed with amla extract solution and then kept it on a heating GO has wrinkled surface morphology. It consists of randomly
mantle for 30 min then it was washed with DI water, dried, and aggregated crumpled sheets closely associated with each other.
stored. The wrinkled GO sheets are loosely connected to each other.
Fig. 3b corresponds to rGO, the curl of rGO is significantly reduced
but there is a still wrinkle on the surface. Few layers of rGO are
3. Mechanism stacked together. Borders of sheets are partially folded, which sig-
nificantly reduces the total surface energy of the sheets [21]. On
Though amla contains many constituents in it, vitamin C or the other hand, the heaping of individual sheets through different
ascorbic acid plays a major role in the reduction process. The main self-assembly techniques develops the surface morphology. This
functional groups of GO are hydroxyl, epoxy and carbonyl. The difference in morphology assures the change in the structure after
reaction of the epoxy group with polyhydroxy functional groups reduction.
of ascorbic acid leads to ring-opening reaction of the epoxy group. The electrochemical performance of GO and rGO for superca-
Propagated by ring expansion due to condensation with loss of pacitor are studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic
water molecules. Further rearrangement to cause deoxygenation charging-discharging curve and electrochemical impedance spec-
of GO. Again the condensation is responsible for ring formation troscopy (Nyquist plot) in two electrode system. Electrodes are
in the case of a hydroxyl group. Then ring cleavage leads to the for- prepared by pasting the active material on the Whatman filter
mation of graphene moiety and eases the green reduction [12]. The paper of dimension 1 cm  1 cm. Whatman filter paper with a
oxidized form of ascorbic acid might form the P - P stacking slightly higher dimension was used as a separator.
between rGO sheets and thereby preventing the agglomeration. CV studies of the electrode are carried out in 1 M NaOH solution
and 1 M KCl solution as electrolyte at different scan rates shown in
4. Results and discussion Fig. 4a and b. The specific capacitance values are calculated by CV
curves using the formula,
X-ray diffraction studies were employed to investigate the R
structure of the prepared sample and to calculate the d-spacing Cs ¼ Fg1 :
value. Fig. 1a shows the XRD pattern of GO and rGO. Diffraction
D.R. Madhuri, K. Kavyashree, Ashok R Lamani et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

a b


Transmittance (%)
Intensity (a.u)






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
2 Theta (Degree) -1
Wave number (cm )

Fig. 1. (a) XRD pattern of synthesized GO and rGO; (b) FT-IR spectra synthesized GO and rGO.

D capacitance values are calculated at the scan rates 120, 100, 50,
25, 10 and 5 mVs1 and it is found to be 3.906, 4.968, 23.47, 44.5,
97.5 and 123.12, Fg1 respectively. For 1 M KCl electrolyte, it is cal-
culated for the scan rates 120, 100, 50 and 10 mVs1 and is found to
be 0.61, 1.423, 1.532 and 7.79 Fg1 respectively. As the scan rate
increases, the number of ions adsorbed on the surface of the elec-
trode decreases. As a result, the specific capacitance of the material
decreases. All the obtained values of specific capacitance (Cs) of rGO
Intensity (a.u.,)

2D are tabulated below inTable 1

rGO Among these two electrolytes, the specific capacitance of rGO is
higher for NaOH than that of KCl. This is because the ionic radius of
Na+ ion is smaller than the ionic radius of K+ ion. The ionic radius
plays an important role here. Low ionic radius enhances the
GO diffusion of ions into the electrode. Also, it has enough time to
remove the surrounded water molecules and interact with the
electrode material. Subsequently, the mobility of OH– ion
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
(20.6  10-5 cm2 s1 v-1) is greater than the mobility of cl- ion
(7.91  10-5 cm2 s1 v-1) [22]. One more information is taken from
Raman Shift (cm-1)
CV curve. Fig. 4a and b exhibiting quasi-rectangular shapes with no
Fig. 2. Raman spectra of GO and rGO. redox peaks. It says that the carbon materials belong to double layer
capacitor electrode materials, which deliver rectangular CV curve.
The galvanostatic charge–discharge curve is plotted at the cur-
where I is oxidation or reduction current, m is the mass of active rent density of 1 Ag1 which is shown in Fig. 4c. The specific capac-
material on the surface of the electrode, DV is the potential window itance is calculated according to the formula Cs = It / mDt. Where I
and S is the scan rate. The specific capacitance value of rGO is is the current of charge/discharge, t is the discharging time, m is
obtained at different scan rates for 1 M NaOH and 1 M KCl the mass of active material and Dt is the discharging time. The
electrolyte solution. For 1 M NaOH electrolyte, the specific calculated specific capacitance of rGO is 131 Fg1.

a b

Fig. 3. SEM images of (a) GO; (b) rGO.

D.R. Madhuri, K. Kavyashree, Ashok R Lamani et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 Fig. 4d shows the Nyquist plot rGO. It demonstrates the behav-
Specific capacitance values of rGO at different scan rates in 1 M NaOH and 1 M KCl ior of the electrode. A nearly vertical straight line is observed at a
electrolyte solutions.
low-frequency region which indicates the good capacitive behavior
Scan rate Cs in 1 M NaOH electrolyte Cs in 1 M KCl electrolyte of electrodes. At the high-frequency region, the semicircular arc is
(mVs1) (F/g) (F/g) ascribed to the double-layer capacitance, parallelly charge transfer
120 3.9 0.611 resistance at the contact interface between electrode and elec-
100 4.96 1.423 trolyte solution. The impedance spectra is analyzed by fitting an
50 23.47 1.532
10 97.5 7.79
equivalent circuit using Z-view software. The component marked
with Rs is combinational resistance, which is the sum of the inter-
nal resistance of electrolyte and the contact resistance at the active
material. Rct is the charge transfer resistance, Cdl is the double layer
capacitor and W is the Warburg impedance. The fitted values of Rs,

a 120mV/s
120 mV/s
0.012 0.000015
100mV/s 100 mV/s
50mV/s 10 mV/s
25mV/s 50 mV/s
0.010 0.000010
Current (A)


0.004 Current (A)



0.0 0

0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Potential (V) Potential (V)

3.0 1 A/g



Potential (V)



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)



Retention (%)




0 200 400 600 800 1000
No. of cycles

Fig. 4. Electrochemical performance of rGO in two-electrode system (a) CV curves of rGO in 1 M NaOH electrolyte; (b) CV of rGO in 1 M KCl electrolyte; (c) Charging-
discharging curve of rGO (d) Nyquist plot and equivalent circuit of rGO; (e) Cycling performance at 120 mVs1 scan rate.

D.R. Madhuri, K. Kavyashree, Ashok R Lamani et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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The authors thank SIT Tumakuru for carrying out this research
work and providing lab facilities that are having projects under
DST Nanomission. Govt. of India.

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