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Debit Card Terms

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or warrant the efficacy, efficiency, usefulness of any of the products or services offered by any service in its investigations. should not exceed the entitlement. Import of goods so purchased into India would be governed by the
providers/ merchants/outlets/agencies. Disputes (if any) would have to be taken up with the Card promotion al material or Visa symbol displayed on any premises is not a warranty that all goods baggage rules/EXIM policy in force. The entitlement for exchange should be ascertained by you prior
merchant/agency, etc. directly, without involving the Bank. and services available at those premises can be purchased with your Card. to a trip, from the authorised dealer through whom reimbursement is being validated.
Indemnity: The Card is for Electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments, which have You may, if you so desire, draw foreign exchange against the Card in the form of foreign currency
The Cardholder hereby agrees to indemnify the Bank for all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses an EDC, or similar terminal that accepts the Cards. Any usage of the Card other than electronic use notes/travellers cheques to the extent of the entitlement from an authorised dealer/full fledged money
which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of Negligence/mistake or will be considered as unauthorised. changer. Sale of such foreign currency notes/travellers cheques from entitlement would be governed
misconduct of the Cardholder. The Card will be honoured only when it carries the signature of the Cardholder. The Card is operable by the extant regulations and would be subject to the applicable ceilings. Exchange withdrawn from
Breach or non-compliance of the rules/terms and conditions relating to the Card and account. Fraud with the help of the Cardholder’s signature or the PIN at EDC terminals installed at Merchant locations an Authorised Dealer of foreign exchange during the calendar year, in the form of foreign currency
or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the Cardholder or his employees/agents. depending on the functionality of the EDC terminal. notes/travellers cheques should be endorsed in the passport.
ATMs/EDC and similar electronic terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. Each Transaction is deemed authorised and completed once the terminal generates a Sales Slip. The The Card cannot be used for effecting remittances for the purposes for which the release of exchange
The Cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank for any such machine/mechanical errors/failures. amount of the transaction is debited immediately from the primary account linked to the Card. The is not permitted under the extant regulations e.g. for subscription to (a) magazines which are on the
Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once at the Merchant location for every proscribed/banned list (b) Pools, sweepstakes, lotteries etc. (c) internet sites selling products/services
The Cardholder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising for which release of foreign exchange is not permitted. The Bank reserves the right to report such
from the Cardholder not complying with the foreign exchange laws of India, the Exchange Control transaction. The Sales Slip will be printed each time the Card is used and the Cardholder should
ensure that there is no multiple usage of the Card at the Merchant location at the time of the purchase. violations to the Regional office of the Exchange Control Department giving full details. The
Regulations of the RBI. Cardholders right to use the Card would cease forthwith.
The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment and
Card Usage and Multiple Account Linkage: As per extant RBI guidelines, in case the amount on account of the use of your Card overseas would
debited to the Cardholder’s account with the transaction amount. As per industry standards, a
The Cardholder agrees that in case he has multiple accounts with the Bank, the Bank will decide the exceed your foreign exchange entitlement, you must provide the reimbursement claimed and the Bank
surcharge of 2.5% on purchase value may be applicable at certain merchant categories like petrol
number of accounts, which will have the Card facility on them. is authorised to report the matter to the Regional office of the Exchange Control Department giving full
stations, rail tickets booking, etc.
In case of Cards linked to multiple accounts: details.
You must sign and retain the Sales Slip whenever the Card is used at a Merchant Establishment. The
The account selection facility may not be available at all ATMs; hence all transactions at these ATMs Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the Sales Slip. Any Sales Slip not personally signed Under no circumstances should the payment of Debit Card dues be delayed or refused on the grounds
will affect on the primary account linked to the Card. by the Cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorised by the Cardholder, will also be your of your having exceeded the entitlement. There will be no obligation on the Bank to make a claim or
In case the account selection facility is available at ATMs then the Cardholder will have the option to liability. demand for payment on a cardmember and non-payment shall render the cardmember liable to risk
choose the account to conduct the transaction. of withdrawal of your Card membership, with the Bank also having the right to take such other
Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for
The account select facility may not be available for all transactions that may be performed at an ATM appropriate action.
payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition was properly incurred
but may be limited to certain transaction only depending on the functionality of that ATM. In such cases at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other All transactions conducted other than in Indian Rupees shall be converted through the Visa
transactions will be affected on the primary account linked to the transactions. At Merchant requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card except where the Card has been lost, stolen or International Settlement System. The debit to your account shall include commission or fees
Establishments, transactions will be affected on the primary account linked to the card. fraudulently misused, the onus of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder. chargeable by Visa and 2.5% conversion commission chargeable by Standard Chartered Bank. This
Where the account selection facility is not available, transactions will be affected on the primary exchange rate will be binding on the Cardholder.
All Refunds and Adjustments due to any Merchant/device error or communication link may be
account linked to the Card. In case there are no funds in this account, the Bank will not honour the processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa The onus of ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
transactions even if there are funds available in the other accounts linked to the same Card. rules and regulations as applicable. The Cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time and any re-enactment or modification thereof or amendments thereto, the prevailing Baggage Rules
You will not attempt to withdraw funds/purchase goods or services using the Card unless sufficient will be honoured only based on the Available Balance in the account(s) without considering this and EXIM policy and Regulations in force, rests solely with you.
funds are available in your account. The onus of ensuring adequate account balances is entirely on Refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from acts of dishonouring the payment You accept full responsibility for wrongful use and use in contravention of these Rules and Regulations
you. Accounts that violate this condition will be classified as overdrawn accounts and you will have to instructions. and undertake to indemnify the Bank to make good any loss, damage, interest, conversion, any other
rectify the account balance position immediately. In every such situation where the account gets The Card is not to be used at Hotels during Check-in and also at other locations where paying financial charges that the Bank may incur and/or suffer on account thereof.
overdrawn, a flat charge would be levied in addition to the interest to be charged on the debit balance arrangement is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service. Failure beyond the Control of the Bank:
in the account. The Bank will determine this charge from time to time. The Card should not be used for any Mail Order/Phone Order purchases and any such usage will be We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to you by reason of any failure to comply
Right of Set off: considered as Unauthorised. with your instructions, when such failure is caused due to reasons beyond the control of the Bank, the
In the event of an account being overdrawn, the Bank reserves the right to set off overdrawn amounts The Card should not be used for the payment of subscription to foreign magazines/periodicals and any opinion of the Bank being final in this regard.
against any credit lying in any of your other accounts held jointly or singly, without giving any notice. such usage will be considered as Unauthorised. Ability to refuse payment:
Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect the Bank’s right to set-off, transfer and apply monies The Cardholder would be solely liable for all unauthorised acts and transactions. Except as otherwise required by law, if the Bank receives any process, summons, order, injunction,
at law or pursuant to any other agreement from time to time subsisting between the Bank and the execution, distraint, levy, lien, information or notice which the Bank in good faith believes calls into
You must not at any point, hand over your Card to any other person including for usage on your behalf.
Cardholder. question your ability to transact on your Card, we may, at our option and without liability to you or to
You must ensure that you are physically present at an ATM/ Merchant Establishment at the time of any
Services from Visa Global Assistance: transaction undertaken by you. the Bank, decline to allow you to obtain any portion of your funds, or may pay such funds over to an
Communications and arrangements of services of an Emergency Assistance program are provided by appropriate authority and take any other steps required including by applicable law.
Cardholder disputes with Merchants:
a third-party service provider and are paid for by Visa International and the Cardholder is responsible The Bank reserves the right to deduct from your account service charges and any expenses the Bank
Any dispute with or complaint against any Merchant Establishment must be directly resolved by the
for the cost of any and all medical, legal or other services that may be availed of. Assistance would be incurs, including without limitation legal fees, due to legal action involving your Card.
Cardholder with the Merchant. The Bank is not in any manner responsible for any issues regarding
provided on a best efforts basis only and also and may not be available or be suspended due to Waiver of surcharge on fuel purchases:
goods and services received by the Card holder including the quality, value warranty, delay of delivery,
problems of time, distance or locations. Medical and/or legal professionals suggested and/or
non delivery, non receipt of any goods or services. It must be clearly understood that the Card facility Gold Debit Cardholders may avail of a waiver of a 2.5% surcharge on fuel purchases made using the
designated by VISA International are not employees of Visa International or of the Bank and therefore,
is only a facility to the Cardholder available to purchase goods or avail of services and the Bank holds Gold Debit Card, at all Petroleum outlets. The petroleum outlets will be identified using the Merchant
Visa International and the Bank are not responsible for the availability, use, acts, omissions, or results
out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, quantity, value, delivery or otherwise, category Code (MCC) guideline of the VISA franchisee under which the retalier has registered. This
of any medical, legal or transportation service availed of by you. The Bank does not accept any
howsoever regarding goods or services, and any dispute should be resolved with the Merchant surcharge amount is calculated as per prevailing market practice and subject to change. The Bank
responsibility for the arrangement or the use of such services.
Establishment directly. However, you may report the to the Bank with details of the name, location, reserve the right to change the same and / or the terms and conditions of the Gold Debit Card. The
Insurance Benefits: date and time of the transaction and other details that will assist the Bank in its investigations and Waiver of surcharge will be done by the Bank on a best effort basis and based on a set of identifiers of
The Cardholder specifically acknowledges and agrees that the Bank will not be liable in any manner possible resolution of complaint which the Bank is not obliged to ensure. the said establishments based on transaction files / data received through Visa or otherwise. The Bank
whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover that may be provided, and the insurance company will be International Usage and Government of India/Reserve Bank of India (RBI) requirements: is not responsible for any inaccuracy in this data / these files and not liable for a non-waiver on the
solely liable, whether in case of a death of a Cardholder or otherwise, and the Cardholder shall not hold surcharge based on the same.
The Debit card is valid for use both in India as well as outside India within the foreign exchange
the Bank responsible or liable for any matter arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover, The reversal of 2.5% surcharge will be limited to valid fuel purchases subject to a maximum purchases
entitlements as stipulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time.
recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, value of Rs. 20,000 per account per month. Purchases beyond this amount will be entitled to receive
and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the Insurance company. You shall ensure adherence to all requirements of the Exchange Control Regulations with regard to
foreign exchange entitlements as stipulated by the RBI from time to time. the waiver on the surcharge amount.
The Cardholder further acknowledges that the insurance cover provided will be available to the These terms and conditions form the contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By applying for
Cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the As per current RBI guidelines, the Card is valid for use both in India as well as outside India but is not
valid for payment in foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan. and accessing the service of the Standard Chartered Bank Debit Card, you acknowledge and accept
Cardholder is and remains a Cardholder of the Bank with his account maintained in good standing. On these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions will be in addition to and not in derogation of
the Card/account being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently, for whatever reason, the Cardholders emigrating and/or proceeding abroad on permanent employment or intending to become
the terms and conditions relating to any Account and may change from time to time.
benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date a Non Resident Indian (NRI) must surrender the Card at a prior time and clear all the card outstandings.
of cancellation or withdrawal, The Bank may at any time, at its sole discretion and without giving any You may use the Card for foreign currency withdrawals only under the Basic Travel Quota (BTQ)
notice thereof to the Cardholder or assigning any reason therefor, suspend, withdraw or cancel the Scheme of the Exchange Control Regulations. You cannot use the Card for any other reasons. Usage
benefit of such insurance cover, and there will no binding obligation on the Bank to continue the same. of the card outside India will be made strictly in accordance with the Indian foreign exchange laws and
Merchant location Usage: regulations including the Exchange Control Regulations of the Reserve Bank of India. In the event of
The Card would ordinarily be honoured by Merchant Establishments in India and in other countries any failure to do so, you shall be solely and completely liable and responsible for non-compliance with
which display the Visa logo. The Bank is not responsible or liable for refusal by any Merchant to accept the law and the regulations and notifications issued thereunder from time to time.
the Card for any reason whatsoever. However, you may report to the Bank any Merchant/bank refusal, The card may be used by all residents going abroad for all bonafide personal expenses, including the
detailing the name, location, date and time of the transaction and other details that will assist the Bank purchase of goods for personal use provided. The total foreign exchange drawn during a visit overseas
These terms and conditions apply to all transactions involving use of your Standard Chartered Bank You shall not hold the Bank liable on account of the Bank acting, in the course of business, on your ƒ Original FIR copy clearly mentioning the 16-digit number of the lost Debit Card. Transactions made by use of a Card may be limited to minimum and maximum amounts in any transactions done through the use of your Card where it so necessary for completing transactions
Visa Debit Card. By accepting and/or using the Debit Card, you unconditionally accept all the following instructions. ƒ A copy of the statement of transactions, clearly indicating the disputed transactions and affixing specified period and to multiples of any amount as may be prescribed. The Bank will not be and/or when necessary to comply with law or government agency or court orders or legal
terms and conditions and you accept the onus and liability for your ensuring compliance with the In following your instructions, the Bank will be doing so on a best efforts basis and shall in no way be signature against each one. Signature must match the signature of the claim form. responsible for any loss or inconvenience that you may suffer due to the lack of uniformity in these proceedings and/or when necessary to resolve errors or questions you may raise and/or in order
relevant Exchange Control Regulations, Exim policies and foreign exchange laws, and generally, the liable and/or held responsible including on account of delay or inability to act immediately or at all on ƒ The maximum liability covered on each Debit Card is limited to Rs. 50,000 per card. The amount limits, for transactions through different ATMs/networks/locations. to satisfy our internal data processing requirements.
laws of India, as applicable. any of your instructions. will be credited to the customer’s account within 21 working days from date of receipt of claim Deposits and Withdrawals at ATMs: The Cardholder hereby expressly authorises the Bank to disclose at any time and for any purpose, any
Definitions: The Bank may, at its sole discretion, change or withdraw or suspend the facility and/or the terms documents or 5 working days from closure of investigation by the Bank, provided all required Cash and cheques can be deposited at the ATMs of the Bank alone. Cheques deposited will be information whatsoever relating to your personal particulars, accounts, transactions, or dealings with
“The Bank”, “Standard Chartered”, “our”, “us” or “we” means Standard Chartered Bank, which is the therefor and thereof wholly or in part, at any time, with or without prior or any notice. documents have been submitted by the cardholder. accepted for collection only. All deposits made through ATMs will be subject to verification before the the Bank, to the head office or any other branches, subsidiaries, or associated or affiliated
issuer of the Standard Chartered Banks Visa Debit Card, and includes Standard Chartered Bank by The Bank may, at its sole discretion, decide not to carry out any instructions including where the Bank ƒ In all cases the decision of the Bank will be final and binding on the customer. The Bank may at credit for such deposits is made to the nominated account(s). Cash deposits at other bank ATMs or corporations or entities of the Bank wherever located, any government or regulatory agencies or
whatever other name called, and the successors and assigns of Standard Chartered Bank. has reason to believe that the instructions are not genuine or are unclear or are such as to raise a any time, at its sole discretion and without giving any notice thereof to the Cardholder or assigning Cash withdrawals and Cash Deposits at Merchant Establishments are not allowed, and the Bank authorities in India or elsewhere, any agents or contractors which have entered into an agreement to
“Cardholder”, “you”, “your” means a person who has been issued the Standard Chartered Bank Visa doubt or are otherwise improper and cannot be put into effect for whatsoever reasons. any reason thereof, suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will would not be accountable for any such transactions. perform any service(s) for the Bank’s benefit, and any other person(s) whatsoever where the disclosure
Debit Card to operate on a nominated account(s). be no binding obligation on the Bank to continue the same. is required by law or otherwise to whom the Bank deems fit to make such disclosure.
We may, at our sole discretion, videotape or record on camera your access/presence/use of facilities General Disclaimer:
“Card” or “Debit Card” refers to the Standard Chartered Bank Visa Debit Card issued by the Bank and at our premises/machines/equipment and we may rely on footage of such clippings as evidence in any ƒ As per the terms of the Insurance Policy, all claims have to be intimated within 60 days of the Standard Chartered Bank accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage or The Cardholder agrees to provide the Bank information the Bank would require from the Cardholder
may include any other card issued by the Bank from time to time. proceedings, and you hereby give your consent thereto. occurrence of the event. Claims shall not be admissible after this period. inconvenience on account of any service failures or disruptions (including but not limited to, loss of under law or regulation, or any other appropriate information we reasonably request from time to time.
“Account” refers to the Cardholder’s Savings and/or Current Account and/or any other type of account Transactions, which you initiate, will be completed only if the amount of funds available in your account ƒ The Lost card Liability offering is valid for all Point of Sale transactions carried out and reported data) attributable to a systems or equipment failure or due to reliance by Standard chartered bank on Your obligations with respect to the accounts hereunder are payable solely at the Bank at the branch
nominated by the Cardholder and approved by the Bank. is sufficient to meet the transaction amount in full including any applicable charges, fees, etc. The after July 1, 2006. third party products or interdependencies including but not limited to, electricity or telecommunica- at which the account or deposit was opened by you and are subject to the local laws (including,
amount of each completed transaction will be immediately debited from your account without notice. tions. The Bank accepts no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of the interruption without limitation, any governmental acts, orders, decrees and regulations, including fiscal and
“Primary Account” means one of the accounts, as described above, which will be debited for Addition to and Withdrawal of facilities:
of business by an Act of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, or any other causes beyond exchange control regulations). The Bank shall not be liable for non-availability of funds credited to the
transactions, performed using the Card. Should any instruction given by you be capable of being executed by the Bank in more ways than one, The Bank may, at its discretion, make available to you more ATMs, EDC-POS, and/or other devices
its control, or by any strikes or lockouts. accounts due to restrictions on convertibility or transferability, requisitions, involuntary transfers, acts
“Nominated Accounts” includes the Primary Account as described above, and it indicates your the Bank may execute the said instruction in any one of the said ways, at its sole discretion. through shared networks for your convenience and use. All fees, charges related to transactions done
If an ATM or similar or other device malfunctions, resulting in loss to the Cardholder of some or all of of war or civil strife or other similar or other causes beyond the Bank’s control, in which circumstance
account(s) nominated in writing by you and approved by the Bank to be accessed by your Debit Card We will not be liable for any failure to provide the facility or to comply with the terms and conditions for by you at these devices, as determined by us from time to time will be recovered by a debit to your no other branch, subsidiary or affiliate of the Bank shall be responsible therefore.
and PIN. any cause that is beyond our control. account. You understand and agree that such networks may provide different functionality, service the amount of transaction(s), and such a loss is confirmed by the Bank through a verification of the
offerings and different charges for different services and/or locations. Bank’s records, the Bank will make the required adjustments, if any, to your nominated account(s). Change of terms and conditions:
“ATM” means any Automated Teller Machine whether in India or overseas, whether of Standard In consideration of the Bank providing you with the facility of the Card, you agree to indemnify and
Printed Transaction Records, Balance information Statement; The Bank at its absolute discretion may amend/ change the Terms and Conditions from time to time
Chartered Bank, or of any other bank on a shared network, at which, amongst other things, you can keep the Bank indemnified saved and harmless at all times from and against all actions, claims, The Bank, shall, at its sole discretion, at any time, without notice to you, be entitled to withdraw,
and may notify the amendments/changes made, to the Cardholder. The Bank may make changes in
use the Debit Card to access your funds in your account(s) held with Standard Chartered Bank in India. demands, proceedings, losses, damages, injury, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever and by discontinue, cancel, suspend or terminate the facility to use the Card and/or services related to it, at Errors, Complaints:
/add to these terms and conditions including but not limited to for the purposes/ reasons listed below:
“PIN” means the Personal Identification Number (required for access to ATMs) allocated to you by us whomsoever brought which we may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence an ATM/other devices within and/or outside India and shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage When you complete a transaction through an ATM, you can opt to receive a printed transaction
of and/or by reason of and/or arising on account of providing you with the said facility of the Card suffered by you resulting in any way from such suspension or termination, etc. record. You will ensure that you check your transaction records. You can also get information To impose or increase charges relating solely to the use of your Card and PIN, or the use of an
or, chosen by you from time to time.
and/or by reason of our acting in good faith, taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on regarding your available funds, wherever the facility is offered, including written statement by calling the additional or replacement card.
“International transactions” refers to the transactions entered into by you on your internationally valid Maintenance: While advance notice of any substantial maintenance work likely to affect the availability
your instructions and/or on account of use of the facility of the Card. of services, shall be given wherever and whenever possible, the Bank reserves the right to suspend, Bank. To increase your liability for losses relating to transactions with your Card.
Debit Card outside India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Securing the PIN without any notice, access to ATM/other similar devices or the provision of all or any of the services, at You will inform us in writing within 15 days from your receiving a statement, if any irregularities or To adjust the periodic transaction limits applying to the use of your Card.
“Merchant” or “Merchant Establishment” means any establishment wherever located, which a Card
Scheme Member bank has approved and made arrangements with, to accept and honour cards, for The Bank will initially allocate a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to you. You may select your own any time, if the Bank deems it necessary to do so, whether for routine maintenance or for any other discrepancies exist in the transactions/particulars of the account on any statement that we send to The Bank may also make a change without notice if the change is necessary to maintain or restore the
the sale of goods and services to cardholders. PIN (any 4-digit number) if you would like to change it, depending on the availability of the proposed reason. you. If we do not receive any information to the contrary within the 15 days, we shall assume that the security of the electronic system or equipment used for the Card transactions. The Cardholder would
number. Termination of Card and/or Primary/ Nominated Accounts: statement and the transactions are correctly reflected. be notified within 30 days if such a change is made, unless disclosure would jeopardise the security of
“Depository” means any machine/device whether in India or overseas, whether of Standard Chartered
The security of the PIN is very important and you shall not disclose your PIN to anyone. If you fail to In the event the Cardholder decides to terminate the use of the Card, the Cardholder shall give the To protect your interests, the Bank may record on camera or on videotape, at its own discretion, the the electronic system or equipment.
Bank, or of any other bank on a shared network, at which, amongst other things, you can use your
Debit Card to access your account(s) and deposit funds in your account held with the Bank in India. observe any of the security requirements, you may, at your sole risk as to the consequences, incur Bank not less than 7 days prior notice in writing and forthwith return the Debit Card to the Bank and access to and the presence of any person while availing the use of the Debit Card facilities. Notification of these and any other changes may be given by the Bank by delivering it to the
liability for unauthorised use. obtain a valid receipt thereof. Such termination shall also be deemed a termination of all related All records maintained by the Bank, in electronic or documentary form, of the instructions of the Cardholder personally or by posting it to your latest address recorded with us. You must notify the
“EDC” means any Electronic Data Capture terminals, printers, other peripherals and accessories
If you choose your own PIN, you should not select a PIN that is easily identified or identifiable with you, facilities accorded by the Bank to a Cardholder. Customer and such other details (including, but not limited to payments made or received) pursuant Bank of any change to your address promptly. Proof of posting to such last notified address shall be
including PIN pads and necessary software to run the devices, whether in India or overseas, whether
e.g. your birth date, car registration number, or repeated numbers etc. For closure of Primary / nominated account(s), the Cardholder will give at least 7 days notice in writing to this agreement, and all camera/video recordings made as mentioned above, shall as against the conclusive proof of the notification at the time when it ought to be delivered in due course by the post
of Standard Chartered Bank, or of any other bank on a shared network, at which, amongst other
and return the Debit Card to the Bank and obtain a valid receipt thereof. Such termination shall also Customer, be deemed to be conclusive evidence of such instructions and such other details. even if the notification may be returned through the post undelivered.
things, you can use your funds in your account held with Standard Chartered Bank in India to process You should not write or indicate your PIN on your Debit Card or on any other item you carry or store
the transaction at a Merchant Establishment. including with your Debit Card, even if you have disguised it. be deemed a termination of all related facilities accorded by the Bank to an Account holder. The ATM machine would capture the Debit Card, if responses sought from the Cardholder by the The Bank may also give you notice of variation of these terms and conditions by displaying a notice on
The Bank hereby has the Cardholder’s express authority to debit the nominated accounts online or, in machine are not provided by the Cardholder within a specific time and / or incorrect information/ or within the immediate vicinity of the site of an ATM/branch or by a press advertisement or by a
“CASST” means Customer Activated Sales and Service Terminals (also called “Touch Access Banking Loss or theft of your Debit Card / PIN/and notification thereof:
the event of an offline situation, within such time based on internal and/or scheme regulations that the command(s) is/are given to the machine. The Card may be returned to the Cardholder at the sole message in your statement.
Terminals”) whether in India or overseas, whether of Standard Chartered Bank, or of any other bank on In the event of the Card being misplaced, lost or stolen, you must immediately inform the Bank in
a shared network, at which, amongst other things, you can use your Debit Card to access your Bank is a member of and/or bound by, for all withdrawals/transfers effected by the use of Debit discretion of the Bank. Exclusion from Liability:
writing of the same, & report to the Bank’s customer service centre. Any transaction that may be
account(s) and do transactions on your account held with Standard Chartered Bank in India. incurred on the Debit Card shall be the sole and absolute liability of the account holder unless the Bank Card/PIN as per the Bank’s records, which will be conclusive and binding on the Card holder. The Bank will not be responsible for any cash loss for any reasons whatsoever, after cash withdrawal Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to you in respect of
“POS” means Point Of Sale terminals, whether in India or overseas, whether of Standard has received written notice of the theft, loss or misplacement together with instructions to cancel the Verification of amounts: transaction is completed by the Cardholder at an ATM machine. A cash withdrawal will be treated as any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly including out of
Chartered Bank, or of any other bank on a shared network, at which, amongst other things, you Card. Once the Card is reported misplaced, lost, stolen, the Debit Card cannot be used, even if found All transaction records for use of the Debit Card/PIN shall be conclusive unless verified otherwise by completed if the Bank’s records indicate that the machine has dispensed the money. Any defect in goods or services availed of by you under a Debit Card transaction.
can use your Debit Card to access your funds in your account held with Standard Chartered subsequently. For the period commencing from the time the Card and/or PIN was misused, after the Bank. The verified amount shall always be binding on the Cardholder. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss due to theft, burglary etc. in the vicinity of an ATM. The refusal of any person to honour or accept the Card.
Bank in India. General Use of Debit Card. misplacement, loss or theft until the Bank has been notified by the cardholder in writing, as described Processing and Conversion Fee or Charges: The Bank reserves the right to participate at any time in any network sharing arrangement which will The malfunction of any electronic terminal or other device.
On accepting your application for the same, the Bank will issue to you a Debit Card. You can above, the cardholder will be liable for the actual amount lost on transactions carried out by the use of Use of the Debit Card at any ATM/ EDS/POS/Touch Access Banking Terminal/CASST/Depository/ enable the cards issued by the Bank to be accepted on the electronic devices of other institutions The effecting of a transaction instruction other than that of a Cardholder.
access cash and carry out other transactions through the use of the Card in ATMs/ EDC/ the Card and / or PIN, unless otherwise covered under the lost card liability feature offered by the other devices may entail a service charge and/or transaction fee and/or processing and/or conversion participating in such shared networks. The Bank, will however, not be responsible for any transaction
Handing over of the Card by the Cardholder to anybody other than the authorised employees of the
CASST/ Touch Access Banking Terminals/ Depository/ POS devices and/or any similar devices. Bank. fee being levied on the account. conducted at an ATM machine of another bank.
The Debit Card(s) issued will always be the property of the Bank and shall be returned The Bank may upon receipt of an application thereof, in its absolute discretion, issue a replacement The Cardholder’s account will be debited with such charges as the Bank may from time to time Disclosure of information: The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card.
unconditionally and immediately to the Bank upon request by the Bank, without any reasons Card with a new PIN for any lost, misplaced or stolen Card or a new PIN on the existing Card or re- consider appropriate in respect of the Debit Card, whether or not prior notice of such charges is given The Bank reserves the right, and you hereby agree to the Bank having the right, to disclose to and
issue a fresh Card with a new or same PIN on these terms and conditions or such other terms and Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the Cardholder alleged to have been caused by the
being required to be given by the Bank. to the Cardholder. share with and receive from other institutions, credit referencing bureaus, agencies, statutory,
conditions as we may deem fit. re-possession of the Card and/or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant
The Debit Card is non-transferable by the Cardholder under any circumstances. The Cardholder shall be solely liable for payment of all of the above. executive, judicial and regulatory authorities, whether on request or under an order therefrom, and on
Establishment to honour or accept the Card.
The Bank reserves the right to cancel ATM withdrawal facilities on an account, at its discretion Delayed notification of misplacement, loss or theft: such terms and conditions as may be deemed fit by the Bank or otherwise, such information
Charges and Fees: concerning the Cardholder’s account as may be necessary or appropriate including in connection with Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank to
without assigning any reasons whatsoever. If the Cardholder has contributed to an exposure by not notifying the Bank promptly upon learning
The Bank reserves the right at any time to charge the Cardholder for issue, re-issue of the Card and/or its participation in any Electronic Funds Transfer Network. anyone or in the statement of accounts.
You accept that if the Bank agrees to do so at your request, it is entirely at your risk the Bank of misplacement, loss or theft of the Card and/or PIN, or if it is unclear to the Bank whether or not the
any fees/charges for the transactions carried out by him on the Card. Details of the fees and charges Decline of a charge including because of exceeded foreign exchange entitlement as prescribed by RBI
has agreed to provide you the facility of carrying out transactions by using the Debit Card apart cardholder has contributed to an exposure, then for the period commencing from the time the Card The use of the Debit Card at an ATM/CASST/Touch Access Banking Terminal/EDC- POS/other
as applicable from time to time can be obtained from the Bank and the same are subject to change. guidelines issued from time to time, or the Bank becoming aware of the Cardholder exceeding his/her
from any written Standing Instructions now given or that may hereafter be given to the Bank by and/or PIN was misplaced, lost or stolen until the Bank has been notified by the cardholder in writing devices shall constitute your express consent:
as described above, the Cardholder will be liable for the actual amount lost on transactions carried out All fees and charges will be deducted automatically from your Card account at the time the fee or entitlement.
you. charge is incurred. In addition, some other ATM owners or operators of shared networks or service To the collection, storage, communication and processing of personally identifying and account
with the Card and /or PIN. balance information by any means necessary for us to maintain appropriate transaction and account Disputes and Resolution:
You accept full responsibility for all transactions processed by the use of the Debit Card whether on providers may impose additional charge/s for each use of their ATM/other device, and any such
Lost Card Liability Feature: records. The competent Courts in India, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with all disputes between the
ATM/CASST/Touch Access Banking Terminal/EDC-POS/Depository/ Intra Bank Funds Transfer or any charge alongwith other applicable fees/charges will be deducted from your account.
ƒ All SCB Debit Card holders will be eligible for Lost Card Liability Protection on their lost or stolen Bank and the Cardholder, or the estate of the Cardholder or otherwise.
other device available or otherwise. Any instruction given by means of the Card shall be irrevocable. ƒ Any government charges, duty or debits, or tax payable as a result of the use of the Card shall be To the release and transmission to participants and processors in the Standard chartered bank
You shall, in all circumstances, accept full responsibility for the use of the Card, whether or not Debit Card. ATM network/other networks of details of your account and transaction information and other data Expense of enforcement:
your responsibility and if imposed upon you (either directly or indirectly), the Bank shall be entitled
processed with your knowledge or your authority, expressed or implied. You hereby authorise the Bank ƒ Lost Card Liability feature is available on all Point of Sale transactions. PIN based transactions like necessary to enable your Card to be used at an ATM/other device. The account holder and each Card member shall be jointly and severally liable to indemnify the bank
to, without notice, debit such charges, duty or tax against your account.
to debit your account(s) with the amount(s) of any withdrawal or transfer or carry out any such Cash withdrawals from ATMs are not covered under this feature. To the retention of such information and data by the said participants and processors in the in respect of any and all expenses incurred by the Bank in enforcing or attempting to enforce these
Limits of Use: rules and regulations and recovery of any dues including all legal fees and disbursements on a full
instructions that may be received by the use of the Card in accordance with the Bank’s record of ƒ All Point of Sale transactions done upto a maximum of 7 days before the date of reporting and 30 Standard chartered bank/other networks.
transactions. In relation to the aforesaid services or in case of wrong instructions received or The Bank reserves the right to limit the minimum/maximum amount which may be transacted each indemnity basis.
days after the reporting are eligible under the Lost Card Liability Protection. To the compliance by the said participants and processors in the Standard Chartered bank ATM
punched in online including Intra Bank Funds Transfer, the Bank will not be responsible for any day by the use of your Debit Card and any such limits would also be subject to the availability of
ƒ The cardholder will be required to submit the following documents at the time of lodging the claim. network/other networks with laws and regulations governing disclosure of information to which Features on a Card:
claim, or loss or damage caused to you or any other person whatsoever, and you will indemnify balance in your account.
 ƒ Claim form for lost card liability duly signed by the cardholder whose card is lost/stolen such participants and processors are subject and The Bank may from time to time, at its discretion, tie-up with various agencies to offer features on your
the bank against the same. In default of such indemnification, you shall allow the bank to debit Similarly, daily minimum/maximum transaction limits apply to all ATMs and may vary between different Debit Cards. All these features would be on a best efforts basis only, and the Bank does not guarantee
(available at all SCB Branches) ATMs belonging to different banks/networks/locations. To disclosure of information to third parties about your Standard chartered bank account or the
such loss to your account/s or appropriate the same against any of your balance or deposit/s.

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