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School of Business
Luxembourg School of Business is the only business
school accredited by the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher
Education and Research. It offers a Weekend MBA, a
Master in Management and Executive Education courses
that are designed for professionals at all levels.

Luxembourg School of Business professors are affiliated

with the best institutions in the world, including MIT,
Harvard Business School, Cornell University, ESADE, and

The institution is a member of AACSB, the leading global

business education network, and Erasmus Accredited,
the world’s most successful student exchange program.

At the crossroads of Europe, the leading business school

in Luxembourg is the reflection of the country itself: an
innovative place welcoming people from all over the
world, and working together for a better future.
Bachelor in International Business 03

of the program

The Bachelor in International Business at Luxembourg

School of Business is a program designed to prepare
students for success in the global business world.

Our program is unique in its focus on three key areas:

practical learning, international exposure, and social

Beyond traditional business courses, you'll also learn

about digital skills, cross-cultural communication, and
foreign languages. We believe that these skills are
essential for success in the 21st-century workplace.

Our students will have the knowledge, and values they

need to succeed in the global business world, while
also making a positive impact on the world.

Duration Three years - 180 ECTS

Language English

Tracks Finance or Entrepreneurship

International One semester abroad

Internships Up to 24 weeks over 3 years

Intake September 2024

Finance Track Entrepreneurship Track

International Finance and Capital Markets (6 ETCS) Foundations of Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)

Funds and Assets management Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Investment Banking Business Model Innovation
Product and Services Development
Financial Services (6 ETCS)
Banking Launching & Managing International Ventures (6 ECTS)
Wealth Management Branding and Pitching
Insurance Scaling, Growth, and Funding

Fintech (3 ETCS) Social Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS)

Introduction to FinTech Sustainable Business Models
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Marketing and Fundraising
Regulations Impact Assessment and Measurement
Bachelor in International Business 04

Where excellence
meets innovation

A practical curriculum Focus on Soft Skills

Our program goes beyond the traditional Critical thinking, public speaking, and teamwork
with a curriculum that includes courses on are all important skills to have if you want to
personal finance, digital skills, real stand out from the competition in the 21st-
company projects, and more than 6 century job market. Our program develops these
months of internship. Apply theory to skills through group projects, presentations, and
practice through hands-on experiences. other activities.

Personal Finance Essentials One Semester abroad

During the Bachelor in International Studying abroad at one of our partner
Business, you will participate in a series of universities helps you to develop personally,
workshops that will teach you the essential professionally, and academically. With
financial skills you need to make smart international experience, you will boost your
money decisions, such as budgeting, employability and broaden your horizons.
saving, investing, and credit.

Digital Certificates Paid Internships up to 6 months

These certificates will teach you the basic Internships provide an ideal opportunity to apply
principles of Excel, Business Intelligence, your knowledge, learn how a company functions,
Artificial Intelligence, and in-demand acquire new skills, and refine your professional
programming languages, so you can project in one of our companies partners.
succeed in tomorrow's job market.

International Study Trips Social Impact Project

Going on a study trip enables students to Through our Social Impact Project, students
discover local culture, bond with their collaborate with social organizations, gaining
classmates, and gain business insights valuable entrepreneurship skills and project
from executives during company visits. management while contributing to meaningful
Past study trips include Singapore, Dubai, change.
and New York.

In collaboration with
Language courses SOS Village d’Enfants - Grand Duché du Luxembourg
Stand, Speak, Rise up
Learning a foreign language will always be
a solid career move, opening the doors to
more career opportunities across borders.
You can choose to study French, German,
Spanish, or Chinese. *

* Opening of a language group subject to

a minimum number of registrations.
Bachelor in International Business 05

Your journey

Year One Year Two Year Three

Semester 1 & 2 Semester 3 & 4 Semester 5

Foundations Advanced Mobility

Develop a solid foundation Dive deep into the world of Study abroad at one of our
in management theory and international business. partner universities to
practice. develop personally and

Digital Skills 1 Digital Skills 2

Semester 6
Unlock Certificates in Explore Programming and
Digital Skills such as Excel Artificial Intelligence to
and Business Intelligence. succeed in the future job
Work Experience
market. Refine your professional
project with a 24-week
Personal Finance 1 Personal Finance 2 paid internship.
Explore the essentials of Learn the financial skills
personal finance to you need to make smart Choose your track
become independent. money decisions.
Specialise with a track in
Entrepreneurship or
World-Changers Work Experience Finance.

Collaborate on global Start your professional

projects with international journey with a 08-week Thesis
NGOs and charities. paid internship. Write your own story in the
world of business. Your
research thesis will be
International International
your chance to explore a
Language courses of Language courses of topic of your choice in
French, German, Spanish, French, German, Spanish, depth.
or Chinese * or Chinese *


* Opening of a language group subject to

a minimum number of registrations.
Bachelor in International Business 06


Admission Criteria
High school diploma or transcripts (if already held, or upon receipt)
English proficiency test score (IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 70, or TOEIC 650)
unless English is your first language or you have studied in English
for at least 3 years

Admission Process

Online Application

1 2 3
Go to our website, fill out the
application form and upload all
the required documents.

Application documents
Admission Test
The Online Admission Test
assess your logical
reasoning skills and general
The two rounds of interviews give
you a chance to talk about your
project, and your motivation with
the program manager and the
academic director.


Copy of ID

High school diploma

or transcripts

English proficiency test score

Letter of movitation
(Video Format)

Admissions Test
and Interviews

The admission test and two rounds

of interviews can be completed
online or via video meeting.
Bachelor in International Business 07

Tuition Fees
& Financing

Tuition Fees

The Bachelor International Business program

tuition fee is EUR 9,800 per year.

The combined total for the three-year program

is EUR 29,400.

The total amount of tuition can be paid in several


Candidates who get enrolled before the 15th of

May benefit from a 5% early bird offer.

Candidates who pay the full tuition in one

installment benefit from a 10% offer.


A limited number of scholarships are available from

Luxembourg School of Business.

The selection is based on academic record and

personal achievements.

The Scholarship can cover up from 5% to 50% of the

tuition fees.

Luxembourg State Scholarships

The Luxembourgish government offers financial Prospective students seeking information and
support to students pursuing higher education financial assistance can contact two departments
through scholarships and student loans. within the Ministry of Higher Education and
This assistance is available to eligible individuals Research:
who meet specific criteria.
Future students can contact the two departments
Base Scholarship “Information études supérieures” and “Aides
Social Scholarship financières” of the Ministry of Higher Education and
Family Scholarship Research. These two departments have one
Mobility Scholarship common website,
Reimbursement of Registration Fees
Students are welcome to reach them by phone:
These scholarships can be combined if a student 247-88650 or email:
qualifies for more than one.
Bachelor in International Business 08

At the heart of Europe

Focused on the World

Semester abroad

Bachelor in International Business students have to participate in an exchange program

during their third year with partner universities or business schools around the world.

Our International Office provides step-by-step guidance on all aspects of the exchange
program, including selecting a partner university or business school, completing the
application process or obtaining a visa.

Croatia - Zagreb School of Economics and Management

France - ISC Paris
France - Excelia Group
Georgia - Caucasus University
Europe Germany - HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Germany - Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Italy - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Lithuania - ISM University of Management and Economics
Sweden - Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics
Spain - EDEM Business School

China - Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Asia & Hong-Kong - Hong-Kong Polytechnic University

Middle East Japan - Nagoya University of Commerce & Business

Lebanon - Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
South Korea - SolBridge International School of Business
United Arab Emirates - Ajman University

Canada - Université du Québec à Montréal

Chile - Universidad de los Andes

Americas Mexico - IPADE

United States - Menlo College, California

AASCB Accredited Institution

EQUIS Accredited Institution
Bachelor in International Business 09


The Career Center Visits of Companies and Recruiters

The Career Center supports students in Company visits are also organized to allow
defining their professional project, through a students to get an immersive experience in
better understanding of jobs and companies, different industries.
in order to facilitate their professional
integration. Previous company visits include Amazon,
Deloitte, Luxembourg Stock Exchange, SES,
Individual coaching RTL and UBS.
Resume and cover letter review
Job search assistance
e-Reputation on social media

LSB Career Portal LSB Career Fairs

The Luxembourg School of Business Career LSB organizes two exclusive career fairs every
Portal is powered by JobTeaser, the leading year, bringing together the main employers in
recruitment platform for students and Luxembourg in search of new talents. These
graduates in Europe. fairs are a great opportunity for students to
The Career Portal lists open positions from a network with recruiters, learn about job
variety of companies, both in Luxembourg opportunities, and land their dream job and
and internationally. internships.
Bachelor in International Business 10

A school connected
to the business world

Learning from the best

We believe that the best way to prepare

for a career in international business is to
learn from those who are already in the
field. Our faculty members and guest
speakers are experienced business
professionals who bring their real-world
knowledge and insights into the

Previous editions of the CEO Talks Yuricko Backes John Psaila Heinrich Baer
include: Ministry of Finance Deloitte UBS

John Parkhouse (Former CEO of PwC)

Heinrich Baer (CEO of UBS)
Etienne Schneider (Former Ministry of
John Psaila (CEO of Deloitte)
Yuricko Backes (Ministry of Finance)
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (Former
President of Croatia)
Frank Rückbrodt (CEO of Deutsche
Bank Luxembourg)
Jan Muhlfeit (Former Chairman of
Microsoft Europe)
Gilles Feith (CEO of Luxair)
Marc Serres (CEO of the Luxembourg Xavier Bettel John Parkhouse Frank Rückbrodt
Prime Minister PwC Deutsche Bank
Space Agency)

Where our students work

Our students and alumni hold key positions in Luxembourg and abroad.
They are a valuable resource for advice, guidance, and networking.
Bachelor in International Business 11

Discover 9 reasons
why LSB is different

1 2 3
Recognised institution

LSB is accredited by the

Luxembourg Ministry
Research, member of AACSB
and part of the Erasmus
Open to the world

The school prepares you for an

international career with our
100% English-taught program,
compulsory semester abroad,
second language, and global
Based in Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a global hub for

international business. As a student,
you will have access to a wide range
of job and internship opportunities
in this exciting and dynamic

4 5 6
network. faculty. environment.

Alumni Network Like a family Here to help you

Our students and alumni hold Unlike larger universities, we The school's Career Center,
key positions at companies pride ourselves on being a Student Service, and
like Amazon, Luxair, and PwC, human-sized school where the International Office are
and EIB. They are a valuable student is not just a number. available to help you succeed
resource for advice, Even if you are from far away, with your academic, career, and
guidance, and networking. you will feel like home. personal goals.

7 8 9
World-Class Faculty Innovation is in our DNA International Community

Our international faculty with LSB is committed to innovation Learn from our global community
work experience at top with leadership courses with the of professors, students, alumni,
institutions offer a unique Luxembourgish Army, Regatta and staff members from over 30
perspective of the global races or Consulting and Social nationalities.
economy. projects.
Bachelor in International Business 12

Luxembourg: a Grand Duchy

with a Grand Personality

A strong economy
Luxembourg is a triple AAA country with a GDP per
capita twice the European average, offering ample
opportunities for businesses to grow.

Great quality of living

Luxembourg, consistently ranked one of the best
places to live, offers free public transport and high
personal safety ahead of Helsinki, Basel, Bern, and

Attractive salaries
Graduates earn a minimum monthly wage of
€3,085.11 in Luxembourg, while the average annual
wage in the finance sector is €98,122.

Everyone is welcomed
Luxembourg is a melting pot of cultures, with over
170 nationalities and 40 languages.

A business hub
Luxembourg, home to many international
companies, including ArcelorMittal, Amazon,
Goodyear, Ferrero, and the Big Four accounting
firms, offers ample job opportunities for students.

LONDON 1,5 hours away by plane
2 hours away by plane

3 hours away by car
1 hour away by plane

2 hours away by train 3 hours away by plane
Bachelor in International Business 13

& Answers

Do I have to speak Luxembourgish, What career opportunities are available after

French or German? graduation?

Speaking Luxembourgish, French, or Graduates of our program are well-prepared for

German is not a requirement as all our various careers in international business, including
courses are taught 100% in English. roles in global marketing, international finance, supply
Moreover, we offer language courses in chain management, and more. Our Career Center
French, German, Spanish, and Chinese. offers support in finding internships and job

Is it possible to continue your studies What are the admission requirements if I am

after the bachelor's degree? an International Baccalaureate (IB) student?

If you are an IB student, you need a minimum of 30

Yes, it is possible to continue your studies in IB points to apply to the Luxembourg School of
a master's program after the bachelor's Business Bachelor of International Business
degree. The Bachelor of International program.
Business at Luxembourg School of Business
offers the possibility of continuing within
the school or integrating a master's degree
in any universities.

What is the average class size?

Class sizes can vary, but we aim to maintain

small class sizes to facilitate interactive and
personalized learning experiences.

Can I study part-time or enroll as a

distance learner?

The Bachelor International Business

program is only available on a full-time, on-
campus basis.

Do I have to apply via Parcoursup if I am

a French student?

No, you don't have to apply via Parcoursup.

The required application method for
French students is to apply via our website.
Let’s get
in touch

For any questions about

the program, please contact

Julien Alves
Program Manager
(+352) 621 659 555

Luxembourg School of Business

46 Côte d'Eich,
1450 Luxembourg
L- Luxembourg
+352 26 25 89 80
R.C.S. F10058

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