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Ubuntu On Zedboard Tutorial v14.4 01

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Ubuntu on the
Zynq™-7000 SoC
Featuring the Avnet ZedBoard

April 2013
Version 01

Copyright © 2013 Avnet Inc. All rights reserved

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 2
Lab Setup for Xilinx 14.4 Tools ............................................................................................ 3
Software .......................................................................................................................... 3
Hardware ........................................................................................................................ 3
Technical Support ............................................................................................................... 4
Tutorial Notes ..................................................................................................................... 5
Tutorial Prerequisites.......................................................................................................... 5
Tutorial Overview................................................................................................................ 6
Lab 1 - FPGA Hardware Platform ........................................................................................ 7
Experiment 1: Obtain and Build the Hardware Platform ............................................... 7
Lab 2 - Create the Second Stage Boot Loader (U-boot).................................................... 14
Experiment 1: Clone the Xilinx U-Boot Git Repository ................................................. 15
Experiment 2: Configuring U-Boot for the ZedBoard Target ........................................ 19
Experiment 3: Building U-Boot from the Configured Source ....................................... 23
Lab 3 – Partition the SD Card for Booting ......................................................................... 28
Experiment 1: Format the SD Card for Ubuntu Booting ............................................... 28
Lab 4 - Create the First Stage Boot Loader ....................................................................... 41
Experiment 1: Create the Boot Image .......................................................................... 41
Experiment 2: Boot ZedBoard Using New Boot Image ................................................. 48
Lab 5 – Configure and Build the Linux Kernel ................................................................... 54
Experiment 1: Clone the ADI Linux Kernel Git Repository ............................................ 54
Experiment 2: Configure and Build the Linux Kernel .................................................... 58
Lab 6 – Install the Device Tree .......................................................................................... 62
Experiment 1: Compile the Device Tree Source File .................................................... 63
Lab 7 – Obtain and Load the Root File System ................................................................. 66
Experiment 1: Download and Install the Root File System .......................................... 67
Lab 8 – Boot Ubuntu ......................................................................................................... 70
Experiment 1: Boot the ZedBoard to the Ubuntu Desktop .......................................... 71
Lab 9 – Ubuntu Demo ....................................................................................................... 76
Experiment 1: The Basic Desktop ................................................................................. 76
Experiment 2: Sound .................................................................................................... 85
Appendix I - Installing RHEL EPEL Repo on Centos 6.x...................................................... 90
Revision History ................................................................................................................ 92
Resources .......................................................................................................................... 92

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 2

Lab Setup for Xilinx 14.4 Tools
To complete the Tutorial labs, the following setups are recommended.

• Xilinx ISE WebPACK 14.4 (Free license and download from Xilinx website)
• Cypress CY7C64225 USB-to-UART Bridge Driver
• Tera Term (Exact version used for this Tutorial is v4.75)
• VMware Player V5.0.0 (Exact version used is VMware-player-5.0.0-812388.exe)
• Virtual Machine Linux environment. For instructions on how to build this from
scratch, see the Avnet Speedway – Implementing Linux on the Zynq-7000 SoC
located at:
• Adobe Reader for viewing PDF content (Exact version used is Adobe Reader X
• 7-zip file archive utility
• PC workstation with at least 5 GB RAM, 30GB free hard disk space, Windows 7
64-bit operating system, and Internet access to download updates from the
source code repository and software mirror sites.
• Available SD card slot on PC or external USB-based SD card reader
• Avnet ZedBoard (AES-Z7EV-7Z020-G) – included in kit
• 2 USB cables (Type A to Micro-USB Type B) – 1 included in kit
• 4GB SD card – included in kit
• CAT-5 Ethernet cable
• 4-port USB Hub
• USB Keyboard
• USB Mouse
• HDMI Cable
• HDMI Monitor with speakers
o or DVI Monitor with an HDMI-DVI adapter and external speakers or
headphones connected to Line Out on the ZedBoard

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 3

Technical Support
For technical support with any of the labs, please contact your local Avnet/Silica FAE or
visit the support forum:

Additional technical support resources are listed below.

ZedBoard Kit support page with Documentation and Reference Designs

For Xilinx technical support, you may contact your local Avnet/Silica FAE or Xilinx Online
Technical Support at . On this site you will also find the
following resources for assistance:

• Software, IP, and Documentation Updates

• Access to Technical Support Web Tools
• Searchable Answer Database with Over 4,000 Solutions
• User Forums
• Training - Select instructor-led classes and recorded e-learning options

Contact your Avnet/Silica FAE or Avnet Support for any additional questions regarding
the ZedBoard reference designs, kit hardware, or if you are interested in designing any
of the kit devices into your next design.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 4

Tutorial Notes
Each lab in the tutorial begins with a brief description of the objective and a set of
general instructions. If these are sufficient you may proceed on your own. For those
with less experience, detailed instructions for all steps are provided.

Lab instructions using the SD card assume that the card is connected to the host system
via a USB adapter.

Tutorial Prerequisites
The labs in this document assume that you are using a Windows 7 Host system and a
VMWare player running the Linux environment from the Implementing Linux on the
Zynq-7000 SoC course.

The labs assume that you have a USB adapter to read/write the SD card that will be used
for booting Ubuntu on the ZedBoard. If you have an SD card slot the operations will be
much the same, but you won’t have to worry about USB devices being registered
between the Windows host machine and the Virtual Machine.

It would be an advantage to have some knowledge of the Xilinx Tools and the general
architecture and operation of the Zynq device. A good overview can be found in the
Avnet Speedway Introduction to Zynq.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 5

Tutorial Overview
This tutorial provides a means to integrate several different technologies on a single
platform. Using the Avnet ZedBoard, we have the power of a 64-bit 800 MHz dual core
Arm-9 Cortex processor chip, combined with the unrivalled flexibility of a Xilinx FPGA to
implement custom hardware systems. We use a Linux kernel as the foundation
operating system running on the processor cores, but also add on a fully featured
desktop from Ubuntu, contained in the root file system. The desktop allows the
ZedBoard to function as a personal computer using a USB Keyboard and mouse, along
with an HDMI monitor.

With Linux and Ubuntu in place, a vast array of applications can be installed and used,
just as if a standard desktop PC were available. This includes the potential to develop in
a native application development environment on the ARM system.

Why do we want a desktop computer in an embedded system? Because this is the

future of mobile computing. By the end of 2013, the first smartphones will be
commercially available that implement an Ubuntu desktop and an Android environment
running side by side on top of a Linux kernel. This is possible because the Ubuntu
desktop and the Java VM use a common Linux kernel.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 6

Lab 1 - FPGA Hardware Platform
Lab Overview
The hardware platform used for Ubuntu was created with the Xilinx Design Tools,
version 14.4. For the sake of convenience we will begin with the source files for a Xilinx
Platform Studio project, but if you would like additional information on creating a Zynq
processor system completely from scratch, please refer to the Avnet Speedway
Introduction to Zynq.

When you have completed Lab 1, you will know how to do the following:

• Build a project with Xilinx Platform Studio to encapsulate the hardware design in
a system.bit file.

Experiment 1: Obtain and Build the Hardware Platform

This experiment shows how to download the hardware source files for the Ubuntu
system from ADI, and how to generate the system.bit file.

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Download a hardware platform from the ADI website that provides the components
necessary to run a desktop platform.

Generate a bitstream using Xilinx Platform Studio.

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Using the web browser of your choice, browse to the website URL:

Download and save the Zed HDL Reference Design from the link:


ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 7

2. Use a decompression utility such as 7-zip to extract the two folders into:


Figure 1 – Hardware Source Folders

You will extract two folders:

§ cf_adv7511_zed
§ cf_lib

3. Browse into the cf_adv7511_zed folder and double-click on the system.xmp file.
This will launch Xilinx Platform Studio.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 8

4. In the Navigator panel on the left side of XPS, click on the Generate BitStream
icon. The build process to create a system.bit file may take 20-40 minutes
depending on the capabilities of your host system

Figure 2 – Generate Bitstream in Xilinx Platform Studio

5. Once the bitstream has been generated successfully, we will make preparations
to create software in later labs by initializing the Software Development Kit
environment. We will also save the system.bit file created for later use in a boot
image that will be used to start the software running in the ZedBoard at power
up. The system.bit file is created at:


Using Windows Explorer, copy the system.bit file and browse to:


Create a new folder called bootfiles and paste the bitfile in at that location. We
will be using it later when we create a boot image for the ZedBoard.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 9

6. In the Navigator panel click on the SDK Export Design icon.

Figure 3 – Xilinx Software Development Kit Icon

7. Accept the default location for the hardware description files, ensure the
checkbox for the bitstream and BMM files is ticked, and click on the Export and
Launch SDK button.

Figure 4 – Export Hardware to the SDK

8. When the hardware export completes and the SDK launches, you will be asked
to select a workspace. Make sure that the workspace path you select is within
the directory of your hardware project – it is entirely possible that the last
workspace used by the SDK will be shown in the Workspace path. If this is the
case, browse to the correct folder, which will be the path of your hardware
project appended with:


When you are satisfied the workspace path is correct, click the OK button to

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 10

Figure 5 – Select an SDK Workspace

9. When the SDK launch is complete, you should see the following SDK screen
representing the hardware platform.

Figure 6 – Xilinx Software Development Kit

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 11

10. In order to boot the ZedBoard, we are going to need a bootstrap loader to bring
up an environment that can be eventually used to load an operating system. To
do that we will create a new Application project for a 1st stage boot loader.

Select File -> New -> Application Project from the menu. Enter zynq_fsbl_0 for
the Project Name and click Next.

Figure 7 – First Stage Bootloader Project

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 12

11. Select Zynq FSBL from the Available Templates list and click Finish.

Figure 8 – First Stage Boot Loader Template

The SDK will create a zynq_fsbl_0 project and a zynq_fsbl_0_bsp (Board Support
Package) project, and will automatically build the software.

12. The elf file for the bootstrap loader is created at:


Using Windows Explorer, copy the zynq_fsbl_0.elf and browse to the folder
created earlier to hold the system.bit file:


Paste the elf file in at that location. We will be using it later when we create a
boot image for the ZedBoard.

13. You may close the SDK and XPS applications.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 13

Lab 2 - Create the Second Stage Boot Loader (U-boot)
Lab Overview
Typically when booting up an embedded processing system, there are a series of low-
level device-specific operations that are executed to bring the system to a basic
operating state. Tasks to be performed may include processor register initialization,
memory initialization, peripheral detection and verification, and cache activation. At
this stage there are very few resources available, and hence the bootstrap or first-stage
loader and its associated software must be as compact as possible.

Once the processing system is fully operational, more complex operations, such as
loading and running an operating system can be performed. This is beyond the
capabilities of the bootstrap loader, so as its final task it loads and passes control to a
larger and more capable second stage loader. For the purposes of running Linux on our
embedded system, U-boot provides all the capabilities needed to act as our second

Why create the second stage image before we have the first stage loader in place? The
initial bootstrap loader image must contain the executable for the second stage loader
so that it may complete its final task. Therefore, before we can create the first stage
image, we must have the second stage boot loader built.

When you have completed this lab, you will know how to:

• Retrieve U-Boot source code from the Xilinx repository

• Configure U-Boot for the ZedBoard target
• Build U-Boot for the ZedBoard target

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 14

Experiment 1: Clone the Xilinx U-Boot Git Repository
This experiment shows how to clone the Xilinx U-Boot Git repository for Zynq. To
successfully complete this lab, you will need Internet access to retrieve the repository
information from the Xilinx website.

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Make a local copy of the Xilinx U-Boot Git repository in your home directory, and check
out the branch compatible with the Linux kernel we intend to build.

On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~

$ git clone git://

$ cd u-boot-xlnx

$ git checkout -b xilinx-14.2-build1-trd \


Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. If the CentOS virtual machine is not already open, launch the VMware Player
application by selecting Start à All Programs à VMware à VMware Player. If
the CentOS virtual machine is already open, skip ahead to Step 4.

Figure 9 – The VMware Player Application Icon

2. Select the virtual machine named Ubuntu-CentOS-6.3-amd64-ZedBoard-linux

from the selections on the left and click on the Play virtual machine button to
the right.

If prompted for whether the virtual machine has been copied or moved, click on
the Moved button.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 15

Figure 10 – The VMware Player Application

3. If prompted for a workstation login, click on the user entry training and enter the
password Avnet in order to log into the system.

Figure 11 – The CentOS Workstation Login

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 16

4. If a terminal is not already open on the desktop of the CentOS guest operating
system, open a terminal window through the ApplicationsàSystem
ToolsàTerminal menu item.

Figure 12 – Launching the CentOS Terminal from the Desktop

5. The Xilinx U-Boot Git repository is located at the following URL:


To get a working copy of the codebase, clone the remote repository to your local
machine. Cloning creates the repository and checks out the latest version, which
is referred to as HEAD.

Use the following Git command to clone the repository.

$ git clone git://

6. Wait until the clone operation completes, this could take 5-20 minutes
depending upon your connection speed.

The clone command sets up a few convenience items for you by:

• Keeping the address of the original repository

• Aliasing the address of the original repository as origin so that changes

can be easily sent back (if you have authorization) to the remote

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 17

Figure 13 – Using the Git Clone Command

7. Change into the U-Boot source folder.

$ cd u-boot-xlnx

8. Checkout the code changes related to the 14.2 tools release, which are kept
under the xilinx-14.2-build1 tag. U-boot and Linux kernel versions are closely
related, so it is essential that that we match the correct U-boot release to the
version of the kernel we intend to use.

$ git checkout -b xilinx-14.2-build1-trd \


ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 18

Experiment 2: Configuring U-Boot for the ZedBoard Target
A working copy of the U-Boot repository is now available on the local development
machine and can be used to configure the source tree so that it can be built for a
ZedBoard target platform.

U­Boot, like Linux, is maintained for many different processor systems and
must be configured for a designated target platform before being compiled. The make
files included in the U-boot source tree look for a target board name supplied on the
command line, and use that to locate the corresponding configuration file in the source
tree. This is done using the make config command format:

make <BOARDNAME>_config

Where <BOARDNAME> is the name of the configuration file (but without the .h) found
in the include/configs/ folder.

Experiment 2 General Instruction:

Configure the parameters for building U-Boot source so the executable created is
suitable for the Avnet ZedBoard. Edit the zynq_zed.h file to adjust the boot parameters
for our boot requirements. On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~/u-boot-xlnx/

$ make distclean

$ make zynq_zed_config

Experiment 2 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. If the CentOS virtual machine is not already open, launch the VMware Player
application by selecting Start à All Programs à VMware à VMware Player. If
the CentOS virtual machine is already open, skip ahead to Step 4.

Figure 14 – The VMware Player Application Icon

2. Select the virtual machine named Ubuntu-CentOS-6.3-amd64-ZedBoard-linux

from the selections on the left and then click on the Play virtual machine button
to the right.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 19

If prompted for whether the virtual machine has been copied or moved, click on
the Moved button.

Figure 15 – The VMware Player Application

3. If prompted for a workstation login, click on the user entry training and enter the
password Avnet in order to log into the system.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 20

Figure 16 – The CentOS Workstation Login

4. If a terminal is not already open on the desktop of the CentOS guest operating
system, open a terminal window through the ApplicationsàSystem
ToolsàTerminal menu item.

Figure 17 – Launching the CentOS Terminal from the Desktop

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 21

5. Change from the home directory into the U-Boot source directory.

$ cd u-boot-xlnx/

6. For good measure (sometimes a necessity) run a make distribution clean

command against the U-Boot source code. This command will remove all
intermediary files created by config as well as any intermediary files created by
make and it is a good way to clean up any stale configurations.

$ make distclean

7. A ZedBoard configuration is included for the ZedBoard target and the ZedBoard
specific header can be seen in the /include/configs/zynq_zed.h file. You will
need to open this file in the editor of your choice and remove the sdboot
configuration line that copies the root file system from the SD card to memory.
This is how Xilinx boots their kernel, but the ADI kernel uses the root file system
in place on the SD card, so it does not get copied. Delete the following line:

“fatload mmc 0 0x800000 ramdisk8M.image.gz;” \

Save the file and close your editor.

8. Configure U-Boot for the ZedBoard target by using our modified ZedBoard
default configuration.

$ make zynq_zed_config

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 22

Experiment 3: Building U-Boot from the Configured Source
Now that the source tree has been configured for the ZedBoard target platform, it can
be built using the cross toolchain. The resulting executable file will be created in your
working directory with the name u-boot. You will need this file for inclusion in the first-
stage loader image created in Lab 4 - Create the First Stage Boot Loader.

Experiment 3 General Instruction:

Build U-Boot for the ZedBoard target platform using the cross toolchain. The source
configuration was performed in the previous experiment, so the executable file can be
built with a single command. In your Linux system, enter:

$ cd ~/u-boot-xlnx

$ make

Experiment 3 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. In the previous experiment, the U-Boot source tree was configured for a
ZedBoard target platform.

First, make sure the /home/training/u-boot-xlnx/ folder is the current working

directory by using the pwd command. If the working directory shown is not the
/home/training/u-boot-xlnx/ folder, change directories to that folder.

$ pwd

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 23

2. Once the working directory is the /home/training/u-boot-xlnx/ folder, build the
U-Boot source with the make command.

The build process should take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to finish and
should complete successfully. If the build is successful and the console output
looks similar to that shown in Figure 13, proceed to Step 4.

$ make

Figure 18 – U-Boot Build Completed

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 24

3. If you run into strange errors regarding problems locating your cross toolchain or
errors with segmentation faults during the build, perform this step to correct the
problem, otherwise skip to the next numbered step.

The terminal PATH environment variable may not be set correctly. One way to
resolve this is to pick up the updated user profile using the source command
from the /home/training/ folder.

Return to the U-Boot source folder, then clean the source tree with make
distclean and go back to Step 2 to rebuild. This should help resolve any
segmentation faults encountered with the toolchain.

$ cd ~

$ source .bash_profile

$ cd u-boot-xlnx/

$ make distclean

$ make zynq_zed_config

The terminal PATH environmental variable tells the terminal shell which
directories to search for executable files in response to commands issued by a
user. This environment variable increases both the convenience and the safety
of command line based operating systems and is widely considered to be the
single most important environmental variable. The PATH environment variable
can be checked by echoing it to the command line. Check it to be sure that it
contains a path to the Sourcery CodeBench installed /bin folder.

$ echo $PATH

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 25

4. Once the build has completed successfully, open a file browser window through
the ApplicationsàSystem ToolsàFile Browser menu item.

Figure 19 – CentOS File Browser

5. Locate the file /home/training/u-boot-xlnx/u-boot which is the target

executable file in the Extended Linker Format (ELF) needed to execute on Zynq.
Right click on this file and select the Copy option which will place the selected
file in the Virtual Machine clipboard.

Figure 20 – Copying U-Boot Executable to Virtual Machine Clipboard

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 26

6. Paste the U-Boot executable into the host operating system by using Windows
Explorer to navigate to the following folder:


Then paste the u-boot file into this folder. Rename the u-boot file to u-boot.elf
so that it has the appropriate ELF extension needed for the SDK tools to see it.

Figure 21 – U-Boot Executable Copied to the Host Machine and Renamed

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 27

Lab 3 – Partition the SD Card for Booting
Lab Overview
The ZedBoard will be booted from data contained on an SD card, and once the Linux
environment is operational the root file system will also reside on the SD card. In this
lab we will prepare the SD card with the required partition formats.

Experiment 1: Format the SD Card for Ubuntu Booting

In this experiment we will create two partitions on the SD card. The first partition will
be in FAT32 format, which can be accessed by either a Windows or Linux operating
system. This partition will contain the files used for initial bring-up of the ZedBoard.
The second partition will be in ext4 format, usable only by a Linux OS. On this partition
we will place the root file system, required by the Linux kernel to complete the OS boot

Because the second partition is Linux specific, we will prepare the SD card from the
CentOS VM using a utility called the Gnome Partition Utility (GParted).

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Use GParted to create 2 empty partitions on a 4 MB SD card. The first partition will be
52 MB FAT32 format, and the second partition will use the remaining space in ext4

Note: All existing data on the SD card will be destroyed. Make sure you back up any
data you need to retain prior to the formatting operation.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 28

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instruction:

1. Go to Appendix I and follow the instructions to install GParted. Then enter:

a. sudo yum install gparted
b. Respond ‘y’ to all queries

2. With the VM running, insert the SD card into a compatible read/write slot on
your computer. If the USB device is registered by Windows, close any pop-ups
that appear. From the VM, you may see a window to indicate that a new
removable device is available. Click OK to acknowledge and close the window.

Figure 22 – USB Detection by Virtual Machine

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 29

3. In the VM, look at the upper right-hand corner and locate the icon that applies to
the USB device. Right-click on the icon and select “Connect” from the drop-
down menu.

Figure 23 – Connect USB Device to Virtual Machine

4. Click OK to acknowledge the device will be disconnected from the Windows host
and connected to the Virtual Machine.

Figure 24 – USB Transfer Warning from Virtual Machine

5. With the device connected to the VM, you may see browser windows activate to
view files on a non-blank SD card. Close any browser windows associated with
the SD card, as we will be repartitioning and formatting the entire card. Note
that any existing data on the card will be LOST.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 30

6. To run the GParted Partition Editor, in the VM menu select Applications |
System Tools | GParted Partition Editor.

Figure 25 – Launch GParted Partition Editor

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 31

7. Enter the root password when prompted. For the CentOS VM created in Avnet
Speedways, the password is “Avnet”. Click OK.

Figure 26 – Enter Root Password

8. GParted will by default display the partitions on your CentOS system. You DO
NOT want to change anything here! In the upper right, open the drop-down
menu to display the available devices, and select the one corresponding to the
SD card. This will generally be labelled as /dev/sdb, with a size shown that is
slightly smaller than the full size of your SD card. Click on this device to select it.

Figure 27 – GParted SD Card Selection

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 32

9. If your SD card has been used before, it may contain a file system already. Any
existing system not specifically used for the Ubuntu boot process should be
removed so we can start with a clean slate. In the example below we have a 4
MB SD card with a FAT32 file system that was created on a Windows 7 system.
If the card is empty, you may skip to step 15.

Figure 28 – Existing SD Card Partitions

10. Right-click on the file system to be removed and select Unmount.

Figure 29 – Unmount an Existing Partition

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 33

11. Right click on the unmounted file system and select Delete. You will see a
pending Delete action appear in a new window at the bottom of GParted.
Actions are queued and then executed serially with a single command.

Figure 30 – Delete Existing SD Card Partition

12. You will now see GParted as shown below, with the entire SD card unallocated
and one action pending. Click on the Edit menu and select Apply All Operations
from the dropdown list.

Figure 31 – GParted Perform Pending Operations

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 34

13. Click Apply to proceed with the operation. All data on the device will be
permanently lost.

Figure 32 – GParted Verify Partition Operations

NOTE: If you apply operations in GParted and you get back an error saying the
resource is busy, make sure you have no open browser windows for the /media
directory. Close them if you do, restart GParted, and the actions should work.

14. Once the operations have completed, you will see a message indicating that all
operations were successful. Click Close.

Figure 33 – GParted Operations Successful

15. Your SD card should now appear with the full space completely unallocated.
Right click on the unallocated space and select New.

Figure 34 – Create New SD Card Partition

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 35

16. In the Create New Partition window, enter the parameters shown below and
click the Add button. The operation will queue up in the lower window in

Figure 35 – Create FAT32 Partition

17. Right-click on the unallocated space below your new FAT32 file system and
select New.

Figure 36 – Create New SD Card Partition

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 36

18. In the Create New Partition window, enter the parameters shown below and
click the Add button. The operation will queue up in the lower window in
GParted. The New size will automatically default to the remaining free space on
your SD card, which is what we want.

Figure 37 – Create New ext4 Partition

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 37

19. The GParted window should now look very similar to the one shown below. If
you are satisfied that you will be creating 2 partitions, the first a fat32 of about
52 MB called BOOT, and the second an ext4 partition of 3.6 GB or more called
rootfs, then select Edit from the menu and click on Apply All Operations.

Figure 38 – Partition SD Card with FAT32 and ext4

20. Click Apply to proceed with the operation. All data on the device will be
permanently lost. Depending on the size of your SD card, the operations may
take a few minutes or more to complete.

Figure 39 – Verify Partition Creation Operation

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 38

21. Once the operations have completed, you will see a message indicating that all
operations were successful. Click Close.

Figure 40 – Partition Creation Successful

22. Your SD card is now ready for the files that will be used to boot Ubuntu on the
ZedBoard. Your partition information should look similar to the information
shown below. Right-click on the drive icon at the upper right of the VM window
and select Disconnect.

Figure 41 – Disconnect USB Device

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 39

23. Close the GParted window.

24. Back in Windows you can open Windows Explorer to locate the removable drive,
which will now appear as a FAT32 drive named BOOT. Note that Windows does
not recognize the ext4 file system format, so it is not available from the
Windows host. Right-click on BOOT, select Eject and you can remove the SD
card. The card is now ready for use in subsequent steps.

Figure 42 – Remove SD Card from Host

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 40

Lab 4 - Create the First Stage Boot Loader
Lab Overview
At this point all the components necessary for initial bring-up of the ZedBoard have
been created. We have the hardware bitstream file and the First Stage Boot Loader
program, created in “Lab 1 - FPGA Hardware Platform”. In the second lab we
configured and built U-boot for the ZedBoard, to serve as the second stage loader that
will ultimately launch the operating system.

In this lab we will use the Xilinx SDK to combine the three components into a single boot
image, and test that image to verify we can complete a first stage boot and see a U-boot
prompt on the console.

When you have completed this lab, you will know how to do the following:
• Create a boot image for ZedBoard
• Boot ZedBoard to U-Boot prompt

Experiment 1: Create the Boot Image

This experiment shows how to export a boot image using SDK.

Boot Image Format

The Zynq BootROM is capable of booting the processor from several different non-
volatile memory types but it requires a data structure referred to as the Boot Image
Format (BIF) for instructions on how to parse the different boot components. For the
most part, simple Linux systems require only three components within the boot image:

1. FSBL (Stage 1 boot loader)

2. Programmable Logic (PL) Hardware Bitstream

3. U-Boot (Stage 2 boot loader)

Refer to Xilinx UG585 document, the Zynq Technical Reference Manual, for further

Boot Medium

Although ZedBoard can boot from either Quad-SPI Flash or SD card, for the purposes of
this lab, we will use the SD card as the boot medium. This gives us the advantage of
being able to write directly to the FAT32 partition on the SD card from a PC.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 41

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Launch Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK) and open the workspace from the project
in the Lab 1.1 directory. Use SDK Create Zynq Boot Image tool to create the Zynq boot
image file.

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Launch Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK). Start à All Programs à Xilinx
Design Tools à ISE Design Suite 14.4 à EDK à Xilinx Software Development

Figure 43 – The SDK Application Icon

2. Set or switch the workspace to:


and click the OK button.

Figure 44 – Switching to the Appropriate SDK Workspace

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 42

3. Once SDK is open, launch the Create Zynq Boot Image tool using the Xilinx
ToolsàCreate Boot Image menu item.

Figure 45 – Launching the Create Zynq Boot Image Tool

4. A new Boot Image Format (BIF) file must be created. In the Bif file drop down
menu, select the Create a new bif file… option.

Figure 46 – Creating a New BIF File

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 43

5. Specify the FSBL elf file by browsing to the following file:


Keep in mind the importance of order for files placed into a boot image. Specify
the hardware bitstream by clicking the Add button and selecting the file below.
Click the Open button to add this file to the list of partitions in the boot image:


Specify the application executable last (in our case it is the second stage boot
loader U-Boot) by clicking the Add button and selecting the following file. Then
click the Open button to add this file to the list of partitions in the boot image:


Browse to the following Output folder:


Click the Create Image button which will background launch Bootgen, a tool for
constructing boot images for Zynq-7000 AP SoC configuration.

Figure 47 – Selecting Appropriate Boot Image Partitions

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 44

6. Bootgen merges the BIT and ELF files into a single boot image with the format
defined in the Boot Image Format (BIF) file to be loaded into Zynq devices at
boot time. Evaluate the output seen in the SDK console; notice how bootgen is
called against the bootimage.bif file, which contains the format which defines
which files are integrated and what order they are added to the binary output
file u-boot.bin.

It is important to note that the order of the images should always be the FSBL
first, followed by the Programmable Logic bitstream, and then finally the
software application file (in our case it is the second stage boot loader). The BIF
file is automatically created by the Zynq Boot Image Creation tool prior to the
Bootgen operation.

Figure 48 – Bootgen Running in the Background

At this point you may close the Xilinx SDK.

7. BootGen will create a u-boot.bin file in the specified output folder. The
BootROM on Zynq will only be able to locate a boot image file on the SD card if it
is named boot.bin. Rename the u-boot.bin file to the boot.bin filename.

Figure 49 – The Resulting Boot Image file Renamed to boot.bin

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 45

8. Insert the SD card into the PC or SD card reader and wait for it to enumerate as a
Windows drive. If prompted by Windows when inserting the SD card, select the
Continue without scanning option.

Figure 50 – Windows Prompt for Scanning and Fixing an SD Card

9. Copy the boot.bin file from the bootfiles folder to the top level of the SD card.
Replace any existing versions of the boot.bin file that may be on the SD card.

Figure 51 – The Boot Image File Copied to the SD Card

Note: You may encounter problems writing to the SD card even when the write-
protect button is in the "off" position. With the SD card face up, the tiny white
plastic switch on the left side should be positioned towards the card edge
connector (the shortest side).

For some SD cards, on the opposite side from the switch, there is a tiny notch cut
out. This notch allows the SD cards to work in portable consumer electronics,
but may not work in USB card readers or computers. Some SD cards have this
extra built-in feature for copy protection, which makes it useless for custom

A strategically placed piece of electrical tape can work in overcoming this

feature. Be very precise in placing the tape over the notch, but not over the

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 46

adjacent brass electrical contact. Place the “modified” SD card in your reader,
and you should have no further problems with formatting, reading or writing.

Once you have bypassed the protection feature of the SD card, install your files
as needed. If you get the same error again after applying the tape, add a second
layer. Double check that you did not cover the connection edge and that the
plastic tab is “forward”; closest to the edge you insert. Sometimes it takes
several tries, but it will usually work with some added patience. If you have
existing files on the SD card, insert it, right click on the files you wish to remove
or overwrite, and select the Properties option. Then unselect the Read Only
check by the box. Try again to delete or add files; if you are prompted with a
message indicating that the disk is write protected, check the tape again.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 47

Experiment 2: Boot ZedBoard Using New Boot Image
ZedBoard can now be booted using the Boot Image that was copied to the SD card in
the previous exercise.

Experiment 2 General Instruction:

Boot ZedBoard using the SD card with the Zynq boot image and observe the terminal
output on a console (Tera Term or similar) on your host system.

Experiment 2 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Connect 12 V power supply to ZedBoard barrel jack (J20).

Figure 52 – ZedBoard Hardware Reference

2. Connect the USB-UART port of the ZedBoard (J14), labeled UART, to a PC using
the MicroUSB cable.

3. Insert the 4GB SD card included with ZedBoard into the SD card slot (J12) located
on the underside of ZedBoard PCB.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 48

4. Verify the ZedBoard boot mode (JP7-JP11) and MIO0 (JP6) jumpers are set to SD
card mode as described in the Hardware Users Guide:

Figure 53 – ZedBoard Jumper Settings

5. Turn power switch (SW8) to the ON position. ZedBoard will power on and the
Green Power Good LED (LD13) should illuminate.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 49

6. The PC may pop-up a dialog box asking for driver installation.

ZedBoard has a USB-UART bridge based on the Cypress CY7C64225 chipset. Use
of this feature requires that a USB driver be installed on your Host PC.

If Windows recognizes the USB-UART and loads the software driver, go ahead
and proceed to the next step. However, if the host PC did not recognize the
USB-UART and enumerate it as a COM port device refer to the USB-UART Setup
Guide document in the link below for instructions on installing this driver. When
driver installation is complete, continue to the next step.

7. Wait approximately 15 seconds. The blue Done LED (LD12) should illuminate.
Use the Windows Device Manager to determine the COM Port.

Figure 54 – Device Manager Showing Enumerated USB-UART as COM13

Note: Each unique USB-UART device attached will enumerate under the next
available COM port. Here in this example, the Cypress CY7C64225 USB-UART
device is enumerated as COM13.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 50

8. On the PC, open a serial terminal program. For this demo, Windows 7 was used
which does not come with a built in terminal application such as HyperTerm.
Tera Term was used in this example which can be downloaded from the Tera
Term project on the SourceForge Japan page:

9. Once Tera Term is installed, Tera Term can be accessed from the desktop or Start
menu shortcuts.

Figure 55 – Tera Term Icon

10. To configure baud rate settings, open the Serial Port Setup window from the
SetupàSerial port menu selection. Select the USB-UART COM port
enumeration that matches the listing found in Device Manager.

Also set the Baud rate option to 115200, the Data width option to 8-bit, the
Parity option to none, the Stop bit option to 1 bit, and the flow control to none.

Finally, assign the transmit delay parameters to 10 msec/char and 100

msec/line, and then click OK. This setting will help with later lab exercises were
many lines of text will be sent to the console in rapid succession.

Figure 56 – Tera Term Serial Port Setup Page

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 51

11. Optionally, the terminal settings can be saved for later use. To do this, use the
SetupàSave setup menu selection and overwrite the existing TERATERM.INI file.

12. Power cycle the ZedBoard and monitor the Tera Term window carefully.

When the terminal output from U-Boot and a countdown is observed, press any
of the keyboard keys to interrupt the boot process.

If you fail to interrupt the u-boot countdown, you will see that u-boot dutifully
tries to look for a Linux kernel image and its associated device file, and then
jumps to the location in memory where the Linux image should have been
loaded. We have not created these files as yet, so of course u-boot cannot find
them. If you get to this point, simply power cycle the board and be careful to
interrupt the countdown when it appears.

Figure 57 – U-Boot Terminal Output

If the amber USB-Link Status (LD11) does not flicker to indicate activity, and no
output is displayed on the terminal after 10 seconds, check the driver installation
to determine if the device driver is recognized and enumerated successfully and
that there are no errors reported by Windows.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 52

Take a few minutes to explore the U-Boot environment and command line
options. Use the ? command entry to display a listing of the supported U-Boot
commands. Use any of the listed commands to explore U-Boot’s capabilities.

Figure 58 – ZedBoard U-Boot Prompt

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 53

Lab 5 – Configure and Build the Linux Kernel
Lab Overview
ADI provides a freely downloadable Linux kernel solution that has been tested on Xilinx
Zynq-7000 Programmable SoC development boards. The source files are hosted on an
open source repository site called GitHub.

In this lab, the process to rebuild the kernel from the source repository is explored.

When you have completed this lab, you will know how to do the following:

• Retrieve Linux kernel source code from ADI repository

• Configure the kernel for the ZedBoard target
• Build the kernel for the ZedBoard target

Experiment 1: Clone the ADI Linux Kernel Git Repository

This experiment shows how to make a local copy of the ADI Linux kernel Git repository
for Zynq. To successfully complete this lab, you will need Internet access to retrieve the
repository information from the GitHub website.

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Make a local copy of the ADI Linux kernel Git repository in your home directory, and
check out the branch we intend to build.

On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~

$ git clone \

git:// ubuntu

$ cd ubuntu

$ git checkout xcomm_zynq

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 54

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. If the CentOS virtual machine is not already open, launch the VMware Player
application by selecting Start à All Programs à VMware à VMware Player. If
the CentOS virtual machine is already open, skip ahead to Step 4.

Figure 59 – The VMware Player Application Icon

2. Select the virtual machine named Ubuntu-CentOS-6.3-amd64-ZedBoard-linux

from the selections on the left and click on the Play virtual machine button to
the right.

If prompted for whether the virtual machine has been copied or moved, click on
the Moved button.

Figure 60 – The VMware Player Application

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 55

3. If prompted for a workstation login, click on the user entry training and enter the
password Avnet in order to log into the system.

Figure 61 – The CentOS Workstation Login

4. If a terminal is not already open on the desktop of the CentOS guest operating
system, open a terminal window through the ApplicationsàSystem
ToolsàTerminal menu item.

Figure 62 – Launching the CentOS Terminal from the Desktop

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 56

5. The Xilinx U-Boot Git repository is located at the following URL:


To get a working copy of the codebase, clone the remote repository to your local
machine. Cloning creates the repository and checks out the latest version, which
is referred to as HEAD.

Use the following Git command to clone the repository. .

$ cd ~

$ git clone \

git:// ubuntu

6. Wait until the clone operation completes, this could take 15-30 minutes
depending upon your connection speed.

The clone command sets up a few convenience items for you by:

• Keeping the address of the original repository

• Aliasing the address of the original repository as origin so that changes

can be easily sent back (if you have authorization) to the remote

This copies the repository to a new directory at /home/training/ubuntu.

7. Change into the top level source folder.

$ cd ubuntu

8. Checkout the code branch compatible with the Xilinx 14.4 tools. This sets up the
xcomm_zynq branch for remote tracking.

$ git checkout xcomm_zynq

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 57

Experiment 2: Configure and Build the Linux Kernel
This experiment shows how to configure the source branch to target the Xilinx Zynq
SoC, and to build an executable file.

Experiment 2 General Instruction:

Clean, configure and build the Linux kernel source for the ARM architecture of the Zynq

On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ make ARCH=arm distclean

$ make ARCH=arm zync_xcomm_adv7511_defconfig

$ make ARCH=arm

Experiment 2 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Change from the home directory into the ADI Linux kernel source directory.

$ cd ~/ubuntu/

2. For good measure (sometimes a necessity), run a make distribution clean

command against the kernel source code. This command will remove all
intermediary files created by config as well as any intermediary files created by
make and it is a good way to clean up any stale configurations.

$ make ARCH=arm distclean

3. A Zynq configuration file is included for Zynq targets using the ADI adv7511
HDMI video transmitter on the board. The file is located at:


This file defines a common configuration for a number of ADI reference designs
that may or may not include HDMI video and wireless communication. Our
design includes HDMI video, but no wireless comms. Configure the Linux Kernel
for the Zynq target by using this default configuration file. Take note that “zynq”
is misspelled in the filename as “zync”.

$ make ARCH=arm zync_xcomm_adv7511_defconfig

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 58

4. Build the kernel source with the make command.

The build process should take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete. If the build is
successful and the console output looks similar to that shown in the Figure
below, proceed to the next step.

$ make ARCH=arm

Figure 63 – Linux Kernel Build Completed

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 59

5. If a file browser window is not already open from a previous exercise, open a file
browser window through the ApplicationsàSystem ToolsàFile Browser menu

Figure 64 – CentOS File Browser

6. Locate the file /home/training/ubuntu/arch/arm/boot/zImage, which is the

target executable image needed to execute on Zynq. Right click on this file and
select the Copy option which will place the selected file in the Virtual Machine

Figure 65 – Copying Kernel Image to Virtual Machine Clipboard

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 60

7. Paste the kernel image into the boot folder under the host operating system by
using Windows Explorer to navigate to the following folder:


Figure 66 – Kernel Image Copied to the Host Machine

8. Insert the SD card into the PC or SD card reader and wait for it to enumerate as a
Windows drive. If prompted by Windows when inserting the SD card, select the
Continue without scanning option.

Figure 67 – Windows Prompt for Scanning and Fixing an SD Card

9. Copy the zImage file from the bootfiles folder to the top level of the SD card.
Replace any existing versions of the zImage file that may be on the SD card.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 61

Lab 6 – Install the Device Tree
Lab Overview
The Device Tree is a file which contains a data structure describing the hardware
system. The information is used by Linux during the kernel boot process to map device
parameters such as device type, memory location and interrupt signals.

ADI provides a complete device tree source file for the Ubuntu system in the Git kernel
repository at:


When you have completed this lab, you will know how to do the following:

• Compile the device tree source file for use by the Linux kernel at boot time

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 62

Experiment 1: Compile the Device Tree Source File
This experiment shows how to compile the device tree source file and copy it to your
host system for inclusion in the boot directory.

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Use the makefile in the local Ubuntu repository to compile the device tree source file to
its binary equivalent.

On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~/ubuntu

$ make ARCH=arm zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb

Copy the devicetree.dtb file from the output directory to the boot file directory on the
host machine.

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. The location of the device tree source is hard-coded into the makefile in the root
directory of your local ubuntu repository. You can compile the device tree by
providing an output file name in the root directory that matches the name of the
source file (the only difference is the .dtb versus .dts endings).

$ cd ~/ubuntu

$ make ARCH=arm zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb

The output shows the location of the compiled binary file (.dtb) and the original
source file (.dts).

DTC arch/arm/boot/zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb
DTC: dts->dtb on file arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-zed-adv7511.dts

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 63

2. If a file browser window is not already open from a previous exercise, open a file
browser window through the ApplicationsàSystem ToolsàFile Browser menu

Figure 68 – CentOS File Browser

3. Locate the compiled device tree file at:


Right click on this file and select the Copy option which will place the selected
file in the Virtual Machine clipboard.

Figure 69 – Copying Kernel Image to Virtual Machine Clipboard

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 64

4. Paste the compiled devicetree file into the boot folder under the host operating
system by using Windows Explorer to navigate to the following folder:


Figure 70 – Compiled Device Tree Copied to the Host Machine

5. Insert the SD card into the PC or SD card reader and wait for it to enumerate as a
Windows drive. If prompted by Windows when inserting the SD card, select the
Continue without scanning option.

Figure 71 – Windows Prompt for Scanning and Fixing an SD Card

6. Copy the zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb file from the bootfiles folder to the top level of
the SD card. Delete any existing versions of file devicetree.dtb, and rename the
file you just copied to devicetree.dtb.

7. Remove the SD card from your system.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 65

Lab 7 – Obtain and Load the Root File System
Lab Overview
The Root File System is contained on the same partition as the root directory in the
Linux kernel, and it is the file system on which all other file systems are mounted. The
RFS is separate from the Linux kernel, but is required by the kernel to complete the boot
process. All file data used by Linux and any users is contained in the Root File System.

The separation of kernel and file system adds additional flexibility to Linux distributions.
Distributions largely use a common Linux kernel (with slight variations to support
specific elements important to the distribution), but the large part of what makes
distributions unique is determined by the makeup of the root file system. In the case of
Ubuntu and Android, for example, both use a common kernel but include feature
differences at the root file system level. For Ubuntu, RFS elements provide a desktop-
style graphical UI, while Android relies on a Java Virtual Machine to allow for ease of
application development. Both systems can co-exist on the same hardware platform
because they make use of a common Linux kernel.

The creation of a complete Root File System from scratch is a complex procedure, and
beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, if you wish to understand how an RFS is
constructed, refer to the Avnet Speedway Implementing Linux on the Zynq-7000 SoC,
Lab 2.2, Creating a Basic Root File System. The Speedway Lab provides step by step
instructions for creating a Root File System from scratch, including creating a complete
development environment. While the content of Ubuntu and Android may differ, the
process for importing the required features is the same.

In general, it is best to start with a Root File System that contains much of what you
already need for your implementation, and then customize it to your specific
requirements. Linaro provides a rich root file system that will coexist with our kernel to
provide a desktop experience, which serves the purposes of this tutorial.

When you have completed this lab, you will know how to do the following:

• Obtain the Root File System image from the Linaro website
• Install the Root File System to an SD card

You will need Internet access from your Linux host to retrieve the RFS.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 66

Experiment 1: Download and Install the Root File System
Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Download the RFS image from the Linaro website, and install it on a pre-formatted SD
card that will be used to boot Ubuntu on the ZedBoard.

On your Linux host, enter the following commands:

$ cd ~

$ wget

$ sudo tar --strip-components=3 –C /media/rootfs -xzpf \

linaro-o-ubuntu-desktop-tar-20111219-0.tar.gz \

Experiment 2 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Download a prebuilt root file system image from Linaro to your local user top-
level directory.

$ cd ~

$ wget

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 67

2. With the VM running, insert the pre-formatted SD card created in Lab 3 –
Partition the SD Card for Booting into a compatible slot on your host machine. If
the USB device is registered by Windows, close any pop-ups that appear. From
the VM, you may see a window to indicate that a new removable device is
available. Click OK to acknowledge and close the window.

Figure 72 – USB Device Detection by Virtual Machine

3. In the VM, look at the upper right-hand corner and locate the icon that applies to
the USB device. Right-click on the icon and select “Connect” from the drop-
down menu.

Figure 73 – Connect USB Device to Virtual Machine

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 68

4. Click OK to acknowledge the device will be disconnected from the Windows host
and connected to the Virtual Machine.

Figure 74 – Accept USB Device Connection to VM

5. With the device connected to the VM, you may see browser windows activate to
view files on a non-blank SD card. Close any browser windows associated with
the SD card.

6. In the Linux Terminal Window, extract the root file system onto the SD card.
This process will take 5 to 15 minutes to complete.

$ sudo tar --strip-components=3 –C /media/rootfs –xzpf \

linaro-o-ubuntu-desktop-tar-20111219-0.tar.gz \

7. Disconnect the SD Card from the Linux system.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 69

Lab 8 – Boot Ubuntu
Lab Overview
If you have successfully completed all the preceding labs, you will have an SD card
configured with 2 partitions. The first partition is in FAT32 format, accessible from
either a Windows or Linux host machine, and it will contain all of the files required to
bring up the board and start the Linux kernel booting. The second partition is in ext4
format, invisible to Windows but used by Linux systems, and it holds the root file system
created by Linaro.

This root file system contains the Ubuntu desktop environment. This higher level
system uses a common Linux kernel, and can therefore coexist on the same processor
system with other higher level functions, such as an Android Java VM. In fact, this is the
basis for much of the current development in the mobile marketplace; the initiative to
replace all existing computer systems with mobile devices has begun. If a cellphone can
have a sufficiently powerful processor system, there is no reason it cannot act as a
computer in its own right. An Android OS provides the app-rich environment currently
familiar to high-end smartphone owners, while the Ubuntu desktop allows access to
applications normally seen only on PCs or tablets. This merging of the mainstream
computing with the mobile world is the next step forward in portable computing.

When you have completed Lab 8, you will know how to do the following:

• Configure the ZedBoard to boot from an SD card

• Connect all the external devices necessary to allow the ZedBoard to function as a
desktop computer. This is equivalent to placing your smartphone in a dock.
• Boot the Ubuntu desktop to provide a graphical desktop environment
• Make post-installation changes to the environment to add an updated video
driver, and to correct an issue with the audio

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 70

Experiment 1: Boot the ZedBoard to the Ubuntu Desktop
This experiment describes the device connections required for a desktop boot. Board
setup should be the same as in Lab 4 - Create the First Stage Boot Loader. You will need
the following additional equipment for this lab:

• HDMI or DVI capable monitor capable of 1600 X 1200 resolution

• USB 2.0 Powered Hub
• USB Keyboard
• USB Mouse
• HDMI cable, with HDMI to DVI adapter if a DVI monitor is used
Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Configure the ZedBoard for booting from the SD card. Connect the external peripherals
to the ZedBoard required to use the system as a desktop computer. At a minimum you
need a keyboard, a mouse, an HDMI monitor and a serial connection for a console.
Apply power to the board to boot the desktop.

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Configure the ZedBoard for booting from the SD card, as described in Lab 4 -
Create the First Stage Boot Loader.

2. Connect the HDMI/DVI monitor to the HDMI output on the ZedBoard using the
HDMI cable, and adapter if required.

3. Connect the USB Hub to the USB-OTG port on the ZedBoard using the Micro-USB
to USB Adapter cable supplied with the board.

4. Connect the USB keyboard to an open port on the USB Hub.

5. Connect the USB mouse to an open port on the USB Hub.

6. If you have not done so as part of Step 1, connect the USB serial port to your
host system for use with Tera Term as the boot console. Tera Term will not be
able to detect the Comm port until the board is powered and output has been
sent, so wait to start Tera Term until you see the blue configuration LED
illuminate after powering the ZedBoard.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 71

7. Apply power to the ZedBoard, and in about 15 seconds the blue configuration
LED will illuminate. With Tera Term operating, you will be able to see U-boot
load the images from the SD card and transfer control to the Linux kernel. The
remainder of the console output comes from the kernel boot process, which will
end with a command prompt.

Figure 75 – Linaro Console Boot

8. Once the command prompt is displayed, you will see the Ubuntu desktop display
on the HDMI monitor. You can interact with the desktop via the USB mouse and
keyboard attached to the USB Hub. Note that the screen resolution may not be
optimal – this is addressed in the next section.

Figure 76 – Ubuntu Default Desktop

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 72

9. There are a couple of deficiencies in this installation, as documented on the ADI
wiki site:

You may check this URL for the latest information, but at the time of writing the
following information was provided for video and audio modifications:

Post-installation tweaks

After the system has been installed it is time to do some post-installation tweaks to the
system. None of them is required to get a basic working system, but they improve the
overall video and audio experience quite a bit.

Enable xf86-video-modesetting Xorg driver

In the default installation, the Ubuntu desktop may not be able to take advantage of the
full resolution of your monitor. The xf86-video-modesetting driver has been written to
take advantage of the new Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) API of the DRM layer. This allows
a user to switch between different screen resolutions at runtime (using the Xservers
xrandr interface) and adds plug-and-play support for monitors.

Unfortunately the current Linaro Ubuntu distribution does not contain a package for
xf86-video-modesetting driver. So it becomes necessary to manually download and
build it. Open up a terminal on the target system (use the Dashboard and search for
“terminal” to locate a suitable program) and run the following commands:

Download and install xf86-video-modesetting

> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev libdrm-dev xutils-dev

> wget
> tar -xjf xf86-video-modesetting-0.5.0.tar.bz2
> cd xf86-video-modesetting-0.5.0
> ./configure --prefix=/usr
> make
> sudo make install

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 73

To enable the modesetting driver, you will need root access to use the vi editor to
create /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add following lines. The easiest way to accomplish this
is to use the Tera Term console, which is already logged in as root.

Section "Device"
Identifier "ADV7511 HDMI"
Driver "modesetting"

Once this file is created, the driver changes will take effect on the next boot. You will
then be able to click on the System Operations icon in the upper right of the display:

Figure 77 – Click on the System Operations Icon

Select Display from the drop-down menu to access resolution settings for the monitor.
In the example below, an HP LP2065 20” monitor was used:

Figure 78 – Display Settings after Driver Update

The root file system exists on the SD card, so changes made will persist across
subsequent boots.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 74

Fixing issues with Pulse Audio

PulseAudio is the audio daemon used by default on the Linaro Ubuntu installation.
Unfortunately PulseAudio's 'glitch-free' algorithm seems to cause audio glitches on this
particular platform. To get seamless audio experience it is necessary to disable the
glitch-free feature. To disable the 'glitch-free' feature of pulse audio open up a terminal
on the target system and run the following command (all on one line):

> sudo sed -i 's,load-module module-udev-detect,load-module module-udev-detect

tsched=0,' /etc/pulse/

Figure 79 – Update Pulse Audio in Terminal Window

10. This is now a desktop computer environment, so you should follow a standard
shutdown procedure before removing power from the ZedBoard. To shut down
the graphics system, select Shutdown from the drop down menu off the System
(gear) icon at the upper right in the Ubuntu desktop.

11. To stop the command line console and shut down Linux, enter poweroff at the
command prompt in the console window (Tera Term). You can now switch off
power to the ZedBoard.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 75

Lab 9 – Ubuntu Demo
Lab Overview
The Ubuntu desktop is one of the most popular user interfaces for Linux PCs. In the lab
you will become familiar with the basics of the Ubuntu GUI.

When you have completed Lab 9, you will know how to do the following:

• Navigate the Ubuntu desktop

• Locate the fundamental features of Ubuntu

Experiment 1: The Basic Desktop

This experiment introduces the Ubuntu desktop, which uses similar concepts and
constructs common to most mouse-based GUIs, including the traditional Windows

Experiment 1 General Instruction:

Explore the Ubuntu desktop.

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. If you have not already done so, boot your Ubuntu desktop on the ZedBoard
using the SD card files created in the previous labs. You should have the
following hardware connected to your system to make full use of the desktop:

a. HDMI Monitor (or DVI Monitor with HDMI-to-DVI adapter)

i. (Optional) HDMI Monitor with Speakers
b. USB Hub
c. USB Mouse
d. USB Keyboard
e. (Optional) Ethernet cable to connect to a DHCP router (or similar) for
Internet access via Firefox

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 76

Once booted, your basic unmodified desktop should appear as shown in the
figure below. You are automatically logged in as the default user, with password
“linaro”. You will need to enter this password if you leave your desktop
unattended, as by default it will automatically lock after a few minutes.

Figure 80 – Ubuntu Default Desktop

There are two control areas visible on the desktop, one at the upper right corner
and a series of icons down the left hand side.

2. The control icons at the upper left are quick links to basic OS functions that
should be familiar to everyone.

Viewed from left to right, clicking on each icon in turn will produce a drop-down
menu to access functions for:

Email and Web


ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 77


Sound Controls

System clock and

calendar functions

User Account

System operations,
including Log Off
and Shut Down

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 78

3. The primary area to access desktop applications is the launchpad at the left of
the display. There is a set of default icons, plus each application you launch will
appear in this area while it is running. You may right click on an application icon
to either lock it or remove from the launchpad.

The applications represented by each icon are shown below:

Dashboard – quick access to any applications not present in

the launchpad

File Browser – Equivalent to Windows Explorer

Firefox – the default web browser

Ubuntu Software Center – manage application installation

for your Ubuntu system.

Ubuntu One – access to the online Ubuntu community

System Settings – Equivalent to Windows Control Panel

Snapshot – Application used to take the screenshots for

this manual. This is not in the launchpad by default, but
was locked in place as described above.

Workspaces – divides the screen into 4 separate work

areas that can be individually populated.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 79

4. Dashboard

The Ubuntu Dashboard is your central location for locating and running
applications. You can select one of the applications groups on the top level to
display installed software by group, but it is generally easier to locate
applications by simply typing a name into the search box at the top.

Figure 81 – Ubuntu Dashboard

For example, if you wish to locate a screen capture program, you might begin by
typing “screen” into the search area. As you type, matching application names
are displayed, so that after a few characters, we find what we are looking for.

Figure 82 – Locate Applications with Dashboard

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 80

5. Ubuntu Software Center

From this panel you can view and manage the software application portfolio on
your Ubuntu system. You can view installed software, see the installation
history, and locate new applications on the Internet which may be downloaded.

Note that not all applications will install on the Ubuntu system running on the
ZedBoard, due to the restrictions imposed on the OS by the embedded system.

Figure 83 – Ubuntu Software Center

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 81

6. Ubuntu One

Ubuntu is the top Linux choice for desktop environments, and as such there is an
active online community. If you are interested in exploring Ubuntu further, you
can join and participate online by clicking the Learn More or Join Now buttons.
You will need Internet access to participate.

Figure 84 – Ubuntu One

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 82

7. Customization

Of course, standard personalization familiar to desktop users is available in

Ubuntu. For a simple example, right-click on the desktop to produce the pop-up
menu below:

Select Change Desktop Background and you can pick from a variety of themes,
as well as adding your own. An example of a customized desktop background
for Ubuntu is shown below.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 83

8. Games

In the default installation, there are a number of well-known games, plus you
can use the Ubuntu Software Center to locate and download many more from
the Internet. You can use the Dashboard filter on the right to see only the
application types you are looking for – in this example, Games.

Figure 85 – Ubuntu Games

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 84

Experiment 2: Sound
If you are using an HDMI monitor incorporating a speaker system, then you will be able
to hear sound in the default configuration. However, if you are using a DVI monitor, you
will want to plug external speakers or headphones into the Line Out receptacle on the
ZedBoard. Unfortunately, in the standard configuration, there is no driver in Unbuntu
for the Analog Devices ADAU1761 audio codec, so we must modify the default setup to
drive the line out signal.

Experiment 2 General Instruction:

Install the driver for the Analog Devices ADAU1761 audio codec and test the setup using
the Ubuntu Sound application via external speakers.

At the time of writing, the audio codec driver is a work in progress, and has not been
fully integrated with the mainstream repository. The simplest way to get it to work is to
check out the audio_zynq branch, which includes the driver modifications, and build a
new zImage and devicetree. Instructions for this are given in the Step-by-Step listing

Experiment 1 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. If you wish to create a fresh repository, you may do so on your CentOS VM by

optionally cloning the ADI repository to a new directory (as was done for the
original kernel build). If you wish to use the same directory structure you have
been using, you can skip to step 2 and check out the remote branch for the audio
codec. Instructions in this section assume you have created a new repository. To
clone the repository, enter the following commands in a terminal window:

$ cd ~

$ git clone \

git:// audio-linux

$ cd audio-linux

2. The branch in the repository containing the driver code for the Adau1761 is
called audio_zynq, so we must check out the remote repository to obtain the
most recent source changes.

$ git checkout –b remotes/origin/audio_zynq

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 85

3. Configure and build the updated kernel.

$ make ARCH=arm distclean

$ make ARCH=arm zync_xcomm_adv7511_defconfig

$ make ARCH=arm

4. Compile the associated device tree.

$ make ARCH=arm zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb

5. Insert the SD card into your host system, and using copy and paste from the
CentOS VM, copy the zImage and zynq-zed-adv7511.dtb files. Note that you may
want to preserve the original zImage and devicetree.dtb files, so make sure they
are backed up before you do the copy. Use Windows Explorer to paste the two
files to the FAT32 partition of your SD card. Location of the files on the CentOS
VM from your top level repository directory is:



6. Rename the compiled device tree file on the SD card to devicetree.dtb.

7. Once Ubuntu is running on the ZedBoard, you will need to configure the audio
driver to produce sound through the adau1761 codec. There are a number of
configuration settings to be completed, so the simplest way to do this is via a
configuration file, zed_audio.state. At the time of this writing, this file is still in
development status. It is discussed in the thread below and can be downloaded
from the second link. Download and decompress the file.

We need this file to be available in the root file system for Ubuntu on the
ZedBoard, after it boots. You can do this two ways: prior to booting the
ZedBoard (see a. below) or after the ZedBoard is booted to the Ubuntu desktop
(see b. below):

a. With the SD card still attached to your host system, use the CentOS VM
to mount the ext4 partition on the SD card and copy the zed_audio.state
file to the Desktop directory.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 86

b. Boot the ZedBoard to the Ubuntu desktop, and place the zed_audio.state
file in a location that is accessible to the network the ZedBoard is
attached to. You can use the File Browser application in the Launch area
to copy the file from the network location to the Desktop directory.

8. Insert the SD card into your ZedBoard. Your system should be set up for an
Ubuntu boot, with connections for the monitor, mouse, keyboard and Ethernet,
just as it was when booting the mainline Ubuntu in previous labs. In addition,
you should connect a set of powered speakers or a set of headphones to the line
out jack on your ZedBoard.

9. Apply power to the ZedBoard, and once the blue light indicating that the FPGA
has been configured illuminates, optionally start Tera Term on your Windows
host to receive output as the boot console. The system will boot to the Ubuntu
desktop, as usual.

Note: At the time of writing, the audio branch is still under development. The
kernel may throw numerous error messages during boot, and continue to report
errors on the Tera Term console after Ubuntu is operational. These errors will
be corrected by open source developers in due course.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 87

10. Open a terminal window on the Ubuntu Desktop. Change to the Desktop
directory and configure the audio driver with the zed_audio.state file you copied
there earlier (using one of the two methods described above). Enter the
following commands:

$ cd Desktop

$ alsactl restore –f zed_audio.state

If you receive an error, reboot the ZedBoard and try again.

11. In the Ubuntu desktop, click on the sound icon in the upper right of the display

Select Sound Settings from the drop-down menu.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 88

12. In the Sound panel, select the Hardware tab.

You will see two sound devices – select ZED ADAU1761 and click the Test
Speakers button.

13. Click on the Test buttons for the Front Left and Front Right speakers. You may
need to turn up the audio settings to maximum in both Ubuntu and externally on
your powered speakers or headphones (if an external audio gain dial is
available). You will hear “Front Left” or “Front Right” from the corresponding
speaker in response to the button press.

This completes activation of the Adau1761 audio codec. You may close all open

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 89

Appendix I - Installing RHEL EPEL Repo on Centos 6.x

• Article ID: 1272

• Last updated on February 13, 2013
• Authored by: Rackspace Support

How to install RHEL EPEL repository on Centos 6.x

The following article will describe how to configure a CentOS 5.x-based or Centos 6.x-
based system to use Fedora Epel repos and third party remi package repos. These
package repositories are not officially supported by CentOS, but they provide much
more current versions of popular applications like PHP or MYSQL.

Install the extra repositories

The first step requires downloading some RPM files that contain the additional YUM
repository definitions. The instructions below point to the 64-bit versions that work with
our Cloud Server instances.

$ wget

$ wget

$ sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm

Once installed you should see some additional repo definitions under the
/etc/yum.repos.d directory.

$ ls -1 /etc/yum.repos.d/epel* /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo



ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 90

Enable the remi repository

The remi repository provides a variety of up-to-date packages that are useful or are a
requirement for many popular web-based services. That means it generally is not a bad
idea to enable the remi repositories by default.

First, open the /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo repository file using a text editor of your

$ sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

Edit the [remi] portion of the file so that the enabled option is set to 1. This will enable
the remi repository.

$ sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

name=Les RPM de remi pour Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch







Figure 86 – Tera Term Icon

You will now have a larger array of yum repositories from which to install.

© 2011-2013 Rackspace US, Inc.

ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 91

Revision History
Date Version Revision

24 Apr 13 01 Initial Release


ZedBoard Ubuntu Tutorial : 92

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