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EDITION 3 | 2019


2 INTRODUCTION | Clark Solutions 3


Technical competence, flexibility and commitment to Knowledge and expertise acquired during more than
the consumer are the main features that lead to Clark 25 years and wide experience puts Clark Solutions in a
Solutions development. privileged position in thermal and mechanical separation,
mass transfer and pollution control areas.
From design concept to post sale operation, in each step
of the process we work under strict quality standards, There are thousands of projects and equipment which are
always aiming to surpass our client’s expectations. developed and assembled in Brazil and abroad, following
In an optimized structure, Clark Solutions allows total technical specifications that ensure reliability and quality
flexibility when serving the client and agility to adapt to our products. The factories in Embu das Artes/SP and
quickly to the market demands. Efforts to solve client’s Santiago/Chile, builds our range of products with our
problems are limitless. We are committed to find a own know-how and technology, developed in Brazil and
satisfactory solution to our partner’s needs. approved all around the world.

Photo: Embu das Artes Industrial Plant - SP - Brazil


Horizontal Vessels - Primary separation Liquid - liquid coalescer

Page 6 Page 15

Vertical Vessels - Safety gas and compression Mist Eliminators

suction scrubbers Page 16
Page 8
Mass Transfer
Sweetening and Dehydration Page 18
Page 10
Support Page 20
Page 14

• Evenflow inlet device or FoamBreakerTM Inlet device
• MaxiChevron® Mist Eliminator and MaxiChevron®
With large gas, water and oil flow, the separation in these
• Plate-Pack® Coalescers
vessels is strongly impacted by the agitation and mixing
effect inside the vessel. High velocity in the inlet generates
turbulence and substantially reduces separation efficiency,
The flow from the well to the platform has various
increasing the amount of water at the oil outlet, loss of oil
components - oil, water, gas and solids. All these
at the water outlet and entrained liquid into the gas outlet.
phases must be separated and the primary separation
occurs in stages at high and low pressure. These vessels
The input devices are for pre-separating and reducing
are used for separation of three fluid phases: gaseous,
the velocity of the load at the vessel inlet, increasing the
aqueous and oily.
overall efficiency of the system. The Evenflow distributes
the load evenly over a larger area than the inlet, reducing
For these systems, Clark Solutions offers the following
shearing and mixing.
individual equipment and combinations:
In extreme conditions of inlet velocities, the CS
• EvenflowTM input device or CS FoamBreakerTM
FoambreakerTM cyclone system removes foaming in
the separator and pre separates the phases with high
efficiency. The pressure reduction ensures the efficiency
of the system even with flow rate much greater than the
designed – up to 400% increasing on design capacity.

Mist eliminators
Even under severe conditions, the use of parallel plates for phase separation guarantees less dispersed phase
concentration in the oil and water streams. Due to the high turn-down of the process and intense both efficiency on a wide turndown range and plug
fouling conditions, the use of the blade type mist resistance, keeping gas outlet with the least liquid load
eliminator MaxiChevron® is adequate because it has with great reliability

• Design prioritizing plug resistance and cleaning • Design spacing from 10 to 50 mm

Benefits of CS System on Primary Separation:
• Allows greater process turn-down; • Increase in revamp capacity;
• High efficiency for dispersed oil in water and • Can be designed for installation without the use
dispersed water in oil; of welding;
• Good efficiency for droplet removal in gas flow; • System designed for high plug resistance;

• Very low pressure drop

• Provides process safety because it prevents foam
at the gas outlet even at severe conditions;


Generally, these vessels are designed with deflection inlet deflection baffle causes serious problems with High capacity solution
baffles at the entrance and a vane-type mist eliminator high loads, since it cames shearing on particles that
before outlet. This system operates well under a collide on its surface, and direct gas to the bottom of
load limit, but after a time, the load in these vessels the vessel, which will pass through the liquid. Both
tends to be much higher, and large liquid volumes effects increase the mist load dragged to the top of
are detected in the turbomachinery. Furthermore, the the vessel.
The gas stream, after passing through the CS
Conventional system EvenflowTM and agglomerating mesh MaxiMesh®
421, is routed to a set of HeliFlow® axial flow
cyclones. The set consists of a deck where the
cyclones, accommodated in boxes, contains each an
internal spin element.
mist eliminator
Conventionally used mist eliminators of angled blades MaxiMesh®
in this position of the vessel. At high mass flow and
The MaxiMesh® Agglomerator is a mesh designed
pressurized conditions, however, these elements have
to favor the coalescence of droplets, changing the
low efficiencies. Thus, a great amount of the entrained
distribution of droplet size, reducing the concentration
volume is not collected in this mist eliminator.
of fine mists. The liquid re-entrained downstream of
the mesh, due to the nature of the droplets formation,
Deflection baffle has much larger droplets than before, being much
more easily removed by the HeliFlow®s, next stage of
With high loads in the inlet nozzles, this solution is mist separation.
commonly taken as suitable for this type of system.
However, this configuration generates problems
such as:
CS EvenFlowTM
• Direction of the flow to the bottom of the vessel, The CS EvenflowTM inlet device promotes proper
where there is liquid level and consequent distribution of gas and liquid, avoiding preferential
agitation and dragged liquid in the gas flow. paths along the vessel, pre-separating droplets and
reducing the liquid load in the mist eliminator
• Shearing of droplets by collision effect with the
surface of the deflector, making it even harder to
separate the entrained mist.

• Channeled gas flow inside the vessel, generating

velocity profiles and causing inefficiency in the
designed system.

the tower, closing the cycle.
After the steps of compression and mechanical
separation of entrained and condensed oil, the The flue gas from the top of the column is purified from
gas must be treated for removing acid components acid gases, then proceeding to the contacting unit of
and moisture, especially in order to avoid corrosion Mist Eliminator TEG since it is now humid.
on the lines downstream of gas production. The MaxiChevron®
first step is to force contact with amine in order to MaxiMesh®
remove acidic components, such as CO2 and mainly HeliFlow®
H2S of the natural gas stream.
Liquid Distributor
TEG Contactor Tower
This is done in the amine tower, where the liquid MaxiFlowTM
stream absorbs the acidic components and flows
to a regeneration system. In this stage of intense The gas, free of acidic components, must have its
contact, water is also transferred to the gas phase, moisture removed to prevent corrosion and formation
so the gas flows saturated in moisture. Therefore, of hydrates along ducts. For this to happen it is
the next step consists on the dehydration of this Metallic Packing necessary to force the contact between the gas and
stream, which is made in the TEG contactor tower. ethylene glycol in a packed bed.
After this step, the natural gas flows dry and acid MaxiPac®
The great advantage of using packed peds is that
free to land. because of their high efficiency, we can use smaller
towers to make the same separation, which results in
lower cost and lower total system weight, critical for

Amine tower In order to avoid loss of TEG, it is necessary to use mist

Mist Eliminators
eliminators in two tower positions: downstream and
MaxiChevron® upstream to dehydration. Before contact with the TEG,
The process of removing acid gases or sweetening
MaxiMesh® it is necessary to remove any liquid droplets because
gas is made in the amine treatment unit. The tower
HeliFlow® the gas may be entraining aqueous amine solution or
contains internals that favor the mass transfer between
the gas and the aqueous amine solution, which may even oil droplets, both contaminants for the TEG. After
be made on trays or, more commonly, packed beds. dehydration, the process of contact inherently forms
To ensure an adequate contact, a liquid distributor is liquid entrainment on gas phase, and the separation
Deflection Plate of this mist guarantees considerably lower losses of
required for the packed bed. It is also required that the
gas is well distributed , and if needed a gas distributor inlet TEG.
at the entrance should be applied.
Clark designs and supplies process towers since 1991,
The amine solution is first heated by the poor amine including in its internal supplies of high performance
that arrives at the tower and then in a reboiler. When specifications for the process and warranty of
free of acid gases, the natural gas stream pass through performance. Whether in revamped condition or new
the mist eliminator to avoid entrainment and loss of design, we provide the most suitable set to the client’s
inlet amine - and may be vented or sent to a sulfur process, considering efficiency, capacity and turndown.
recovery system. The recovered amine is redirected to


The choice of an appropriate packing to the process

leads to advantages such as:


• High efficiency

• Low head loss

• High operating turndown

• Increasing tower limit capacity

• Reduced liquid content for the mist or downstream

of the process

• Reduced downtime for maintenance and with

respect to trays

Liquid Distributors
Mist Eliminators
Distributors are an important element in the
functioning of these systems. An adequate distribution The separation of entrained droplets is of high
ensures maximum utilization of the area of stuffed bed importance of input lower to the process due to
exchange. the significant reduction caused by mass drag and
contamination. After a process of contact, the gas
Small distributor inefficiencies, as few distribution always entraps liquid droplets. If this is not solved, in
points, improper sizing or minor deviations in the addition to losing this liquid with time, which requires
installation cause non-homogeneous distribution in make-up, these drops corried by gases will come into
the tower and insufficient mass exchange, in addition contact with a liquid stream, making it difficult to
to located increase of gas velocity, generating higher recover and resulting in losses.
drag loads.
Mist eliminator models can be chosen by prioritizing
Clark Solutions scales, tests, and projects liquid efficiency and capacity, to collect dragger particles
distributors since 1991, and has these installed in even with high gas velocities in the towers. Projects
several process towers, guaranteeing the reliability of including mist eliminators are able to provide up to
these equipment for long years operation. 300% greater capacity for compared to conventional
14 SUPPORT | Weldless support COALESCER | Plate-Pack® 15

Weldless support Plate-Pack® Coalescer

Weldless support devices are designed to position Plate-Pack® coalescers consist of plates arranged
the new internals only with mechanical assembly. evenly to increase liquid-liquid separation efficiency.
Can be projected in any vessel and in pieces to pass The goal is to reduce the residence time required
through the manhole. for the phase separation, as it favors agglomeration
of small particles between the plates. After
agglomeration, the particles are larger and arrive
Weldless support benefits more quickly at the interface, where droplets
are effectively separated from the continuous
• Reduced shutdown time; phase. Other effect that favors separation is the
stabilization of the flow, which will suffer less impact
• No need for welding in the field, therefore without with oscillations of the inlet load.
isolation of the area;

• No need to re-certify the vessel for safety


• Minimized internals installation time;

• All parts tailor-made for the application and for

the specific vessel;

• Designable to any vessel

• Allows internals future changes

Oil dispersed in water, coalescing and draining to Water dispersed in oil, coalescing and draining to
To assemble the weldless support system, Clark Solutions the top of the system the bottom of the system
has a team of supervisors with a great deal of experience
in platform installations, with numerous assembled
systems in Petrobras.
16 MIST ELIMINATORS | MaxiMesh® / MaxiMesh® Aglomerador MIST ELIMINATORS | HeliFlow® / HeliFlow® / CS System 17

Mist eliminators are equipment designed to retain the is subjected to a change of direction, the liquid and MaxiChevron®
liquid entrained by the gas, which are in small particles. gas phases are separated by density difference, and
the liquid phase agglomerates creating a drainable MaxiChevron® Mist Eliminators are a set of parallel blades
Its geometry favors the agglomeration of small liquid film. with a zig-zag profile, tailored for vertical or horizontal
droplets by inertial impact, that is, when the gas flow flow. Its number of flow changes, angles, spacings and
draining channels are specially designed to achieve the
MaxiMesh® best efficiency and plug resistance in each process.

MaxiMesh® is a knitted mesh-pad type mist eliminator. different mesh styles, low corrosion materials and can be They are typically designed to:
Its knitting pattern and crimping are developed for co-knitted with special fibers, ensuring greater efficiency
maximum efficiency in liquid collection keeping and durability. • 10 μm and smaller particle collection;
volumetric capacity. • Limited flow area
• 5 μm and smaller particle collection;
Depending on the process, MaxiMesh® may be made of • Higher design velocities

The principle of operation of these cyclones is to force the

gas to change direction in a centrifugal movement and
directing the solid and liquid particles to the collection
region. These particles are removed by a draining system
positioned downstream the spin element, and the
collected product is drained to the bottom of the vessel
through drainage tubes positioned in the cyclones boxes.

• 10 μm and smaller particle collection;

• Very limited flow area, maximum design velocity

Agglomerator MaxiMesh® CS Systems

The MaxiMesh®, in loads that exceed its capacity CS Systems consist on the combinations of two
(flow per area) limit, has the property of acting as an or more equipments in order to associate the
agglomerating mesh. Particles impact and coalesce particularities of each mist eliminator, using one’s
with very high efficiency in the mesh-pad, but are re- efficiency and other’s capacity or fouling resistance
entrained downstream due to high flow velocity. During due to the presence of solids.
the re-entrainment process, however, the droplets
are substantially larger than the ones that previously Applications that require increased capacity and
reached the mesh. high turndown rely on CS Systems to ensure
high efficiency under severe conditions or with
Thus, the agglomerating mesh increases the volume fluctuations in the inlet.
of the droplets and consequently eases the removal by
other equipment.
18 TOWER PACKING | 3-PackTM / MaxiRing® / ß-Ring® / CMTPTM TOWER PACKING | MaxiPac® 19

TOWER PACKINGS Structured Packing

Packings are structures that favor the mass transfer Their models can range from random or structured
between the liquid and gaseous phases by providing packings, plastic or metallic and must be chosen based on MaxiPac® is the high performance Clark Solutions line for
contact area between the phases and the liquid the properties of the process, required efficiency, maximum packed towers. The arrangement in corrugated sheets and
residence time. pressure drop and presence of fouling components. perforated surfaces maximize the mass transfer efficiency
and the system capacity, in addition to a substantial
pressure drop reduce.
Structured packings are applied in processes that require:
The MaxiRing and 3-Pack TM random packings are compared to 1st and 2nd plastic rings (Raschig
the Clark Solutions models to serve the plastic Rings and Pall Rings). • Higher gas/liquid flow;
packings market. • Higher final product purity;
Besides these, other unusual models like Raschig • Reduced reflux ratio;
MaxiRing TM
is the conventional solution, Rings or ß-Ring®s, which can be used in specific
equivalent to Pall Ring widely known in the applications, are also offered by the Clark • High gas and liquid flow;
market. Still is widely used in all types of towers Solutions. Consult our team for more information • Lower pressure drop;
nowadays. It has been tested by many researchers and a directed study. • Increase of tower limit capacity.
over the years and is known to be appropriate
and perform well in almost any tower packing
Comparison between tower packings
3-Pack is a 3 generation random packing,
TM rd

with a spheroid geometry, especially designed

to maximize the specific interfacial area in High Performance Metallic Random Packing Data
absorption and desorption towers and columns
Void Fraction Surface Area Packing
gases.Its unique shape offers an excellent surface Equipment Type
(%) (m2/m3) Factor
area and constant renewal of the liquid stream,
maximizing the global mass transfer coefficient, CMTPTM 25 - 1” Random 96,2% 207 135
raising this coefficient from 20 to 30% when
CMTPTM 25 - 1½” Random 97,1% 151 79
CMTPTM 25 - 2” Random 97,7% 98 59

Metal MaxiPac® 125 Structured 98,7% 125 -

MaxiPac® 250 Structured 98,1% 250 -
CMTPTM MaxiPac® 350 Structured 97,4% 350 -

CMTPTM - is specially designed to have maximum

surface area per bed volume to minimize the pressure High Performance Plastic Random Packing Data
drop. Made in any stainless steel or exotic alloy, it is
suitable for all kinds of applications. Void Fraction Surface Area Packing
Equipment Type
(%) (m2/m3) Factor
Combining the advantages of the saddle shape with
characteristics that give high performance to the 3-PackTM - 1½” Random 92% 230 82
packing type, the CMTPTM was used with excellence in 3-PackTM - 2” Random 93% 157 52
numerous cases of distillation and absorption.
3-PackTM - 3½” Random 95% 125 39
20 DISTRIBUTORS | Ciclone CS FoambreakerTM DISTRIBUTORS | EvenFlowTM / MaxiFlowTM 21


Gas or liquid distributors are essential for the correct mists and foam, and causes of shearing on particles, EvenFlowTM
operation of the process, which is for uniform flow through turning them into smaller droplets which are much harder
the equipment, guaranteeing its maximum efficiency. to be removed by the system.
The EvenflowTM distributor is a high load inlet sized so that the flow inside the vessel is more
device that avoids agitation and inefficiency within homogeneous and that the change of direction is
The wrong choice of distributor may occur on preferred Therefore, the distributor is critical to an efficient phase
the process vessels, and eliminates channeled not abrupt.
paths for gas/liquid flow, increase of the formation of separation and mass transfer.
flow inside the vessel. After CFD analysis, it was
observed that deflector baffles favor preferred paths The EvenflowTM outlet area is calculated to guarantee
and cause shear of the liquid droplets in smaller a low momentum and to avoid particles shearing,
Gas distributors particles, which are dragged more easily to the top mixing and preferred paths inside the vessel.
of the vessel and are more difficult to be removed.

The EvenflowTM blades are angled, spaced and

Ciclone CS FoambreakerTM

The CS FoambreakerTM inlet device consists in a blades in the annular region, favoring the phase
set of cyclones with a specially designed internal separation and foam breaking on high rotation
geometry to separate and break the foam, pre- speeds, followed by abrupt expansion, forcing all
separating the phases and calming the flow at the the gas to flow through the top and other phases 1.17
inlet, avoiding agitation inside the vessels. (aqueous, oil, light or heavy solids) to the bottom
of the cyclone.
The internal geometry consists on a set of angled


6.02 x 10-4

Liquid Distributors


MaxiFlowTM distributors are designed to each specific

Pressure [Pa]
application, maximizing the number of irrigation
points and always considering:

• Maximum allowable pressured drop;
• Mist generation;
• Packing model;
-714.1398 • Ease of installation;
• Operation turndown.

MaxiFlowTM can have several configurations, from

through and downcommers, tubular arrangements,
sprays, as well as special modifications for each layout
internal tower.



411 SE Mizner BLVD #72
Boca Raton FL 33432-6001

(Representative) CHINA
RunMexPrivada del Olmo, Girasoles Acueducto, 45138 ARGENTINA
Guadalajara, México (Office)
T: +5213313386996 (Representative) Room B1407-38,
AFRICA Tian An Chuangxin Technology Plaza, Solutions Provider
Tucumán, Argentina Futian District, Shenzhen
T: +54 9 381 532-8505
Galabe PA Consulting
(Representative) BRAZIL
Cra 88 No.6-46 - Cali – Colombia (Office) INDIA AND OTHERS
T: (57-2) 3865130 ext 107 Av. Moema, 281 (Representative) Planalto Paulista - Moema Unicon & Mist Eliminator
São Paulo - SP - CEP 04077-020 Coimbatore, tamil Nadu - Índia
+ 91 422 2362167
Rua Doná Joaninha, 91
(Representative) CHILE Jardim Mimas Paises:
BOLIVIA MXB - La Paz, Bolivia India, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam,
Embu das Artes - SP - CEP 06807-690
Zona Villa Nuevo Potosi Calle Pascual Mendonza, N1009 (Plant) Indonesia, Philippines, Korea, Taiwan,
T: +591 6016550 Av. Américo Vespucio 1691, M3 Australia and New Zealand, South Afri- Quilicura – Santiago - Chile ca, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Qatar and
Tel.: +55 11 3472-3333 Bangladesh.

MaxiMesh®, MaxiChevron®, HeliFlow®, CMTPTM,

All data in this brochure are for general information only information contained in this brochure constitutes an
3-PackTM, ß-Ring®, MaxiRingTM, MaxiPac®,
and are based on tests carried out under conditions invitation to infringe any patent, whether now issued
PlatePack®, EvenFlowTM, FoamBreakerTM,
which may or may not apply to your requirements. No or issued hereafter. All descriptions and specifi cations
MaxiFlow are registered trademark of Clark
warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied. No are subject to change without notice.
Solutions, or in process.
Brazil Office
Av. Moema, 281 - Planalto Paulista
São Paulo / SP 04077-020

Embu Plant
91 Dn. Joaninha - Moinho Velho
Embu das Artes / SP 06807-690

Chile Office
Volcan Lascar 801,2H
Pudahuel - Santiago - Chile

USA Office
411 SE Mizner BLVD #72
Boca Raton FL 33432-6001

China Office
Tian An Chuangxin Technology Plaza
Futian District, Shenzhen

Telefone: 55 11 3472-3333


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