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• Training
• Effort to foster learning among employees.
• short-term performance
• Narrow focus –present
• Development
• Efforts to broaden skills for future positions
• Long-term preparedness
• Strategic focus –future
• Goals ?
• Productivity
• Costs
• Goals of the organization
• Issues - How many hours & how
Link between training and development and
other HRM functions

Training aids and plays role in Provides basis for

recruitment decisions participants for training

Permits less-qualified Effective selection reduces

applicants the need for training
Need for training -assess
Training aids in the Performance
performance –basis for
achievement of performance Appraisal
standards /results
Training and development may Compensation A basis for determining
lead to higher pay Management employee’s rate of pay

Training may include a role for Union cooperation can

Labor Relations
the union facilitate training efforts
Systems Model of Training
• Reactions
• On-the-job methods
•Off-the-job methods
• Instructional objectives
•Trainee readiness
Needs Assessment
•Learning principles
•Organization Analysis Note
it is not done in a systematic way.
•Task analysis
•Person Analysis

Need Analysis
• Organization Analysis
• An examination of the organizational environment, strategies, and resources of
the organization
• vision, mission, Competitors plans relations Individual need to accomplish org
• Task Analysis
• Content of a training be related to tasks and duties related to the job-DIGITALIZE
• Person Analysis
• A determination of the specific individuals NEEDS, gaps between the individual
and skills needed
Needs Assessment
• Competency assessment
• Analysis of the behaviors resulting from SKA
• Skills and knowledge needed for knowledge-intensive jobs.

• ORGANIZATION Environment, strategies, and resources to

ANALYSIS determine objectives

Activities performed to determine the KSA


PERSON ANALYSIS Performance, knowledge, and skills to

identify trainees

Issues in training design

Instructional objectives

Trainee readiness and motivation

Principles of learning

Characteristics of successful trainers

• Instructional Objectives…. • Principles of Learning - What helps ?
• Desired outcomes - AKS to perform • Goal setting
• GAP analysis AKS • Explain Goals – set goal
• Current and future
• Meaningful Presentation –plan
• Demonstrate ability
• Choose methods and Materials • Modeling –Demos
for instruction
• Individual differences –
• Design interesting instruction
• Audio-Visuals – solved Problems
• Break down obstacles
• Reinforcement -Be flexible. • Practice – Repetition
• Whole – Part
Principles of Learning
• Learners Characteristics • Instructor
• Trainee • Knowledge
• Ability and Willingness to learn – • Clarity
• Capacity-SKA • Interest- Subject
• Ability to Set personal goals. • Enthusiasm- Dynamic
• Motivation • Sincerity-Patient -Tact
• To exert efforts to improve • Adaptability
performance • Sincerity
• Utility – self efficacy –Style • Sense of Humor
3. Delivery Implementation
• Non Managerial Training Methods • Managerial Training Methods
• On-the-Job Training (OJT) • On-the-Job Experiences
• Apprenticeship Training • Seminars and Conferences
• Cooperative Training, Internships, and
Governmental Training • Case Studies
• Classroom Instruction • Management Games
• Programmed Instruction • Role Playing
• Audiovisual Methods • Behavior Modeling
• Computer-based E-Learning
• Simulation Method

On-the-job training (OJT)
• On-the-job training (OJT) • Overcoming OJT problems
• Hands-on experience 1. Develop realistic goals/ measures
• Drawbacks 2. Plan a specific training schedule,
• Lack of structured training 3. Set periods for evaluation/feedback
• Poor training skills 4. Nonthreatening atmosphere
• Absence of well-defined job 5. Periodic evaluations, to prevent
performance criteria regression.
On the Job
Non Managerial training
• Apprenticeship training • Classroom Instruction
• Worker entering skilled trades • Maximum number of trainees
• Instruction and experience • “Blended” learning
• Practical and theoretical • Lectures and demonstrations
• Cooperative training • Films, dvds, and videotapes or
• Combines practical on-the-job computer instruction.
experience with formal classes
Non Managerial
• Internship Programs • Rationale behind work assignments.
• Provide opportunity to gain real-life • Hold interns accountable for deadlines.
experience while allowing them to
• Treat interns as part of the organizational
find out how they will perform in
work organizations. • Establish a process for considering
• Assign projects that are accomplishable
• Involve intern in project-planning
• Mentor to guide and Invite suggestions
• Ask interns to keep a journal
Non Managerial
• Simulation • Programmed Instruction
• Emphasizes realism in equipment • Self-directed learning
• Minimum cost/maximum safety • Books, manuals, or computers to
• Impractical to train employees on present subject
equipment • Audiovisual Methods
• E-Learning • CDs and DVDs teach skills?
• electronic media web (CBT) Procedures
• Allows firm to bring the training to • Self-paced- interactive-No schedule
employees • The training comes to the employee
• customize learning time and space • Focus on specific needs/built-in tests.
• Updated training materials
• Take online help or written material.
Managerial Training
• Coaching
• Understudy Assignment
• Job Rotation
• Lateral Transfer
• Special Projects
• Action Learning
• Staff Meetings
• Planned Career Progressions
Case Study
• How do you achieve Learning objectives –? objectives best served? Identify relevant cases
• Activity—Distribute case, prepare schedule, discuss.
• Principles of group dynamics-Analytic, problem-solving, and critical thinking
• KSAs are complex and need time to master
• Active participation Learning (questioning, interpreting Team problem solving and interaction
• A chance for all learners if Keep the groups small.
• Stop for process checks
• Intervene if group dynamics get out of hand.
• Allow for different learning styles.
• Clarify the trainer’s role.
• Bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Role Play & Behavior Modeling
• If Members are comfortable • Behavior Modeling
Introduce the role to the players • Practice and role-play desired
• Volunteers Participants prepare behaviors and Receive feedback.
and depict potential characters. • Four basic components:
• Give specific tasks to the • Learning points
observers • Model
• Guide the role-play enactment • Practice and role play
• Keep it short, Discuss the • Feedback and reinforcement
enactment and prepare bulleted
Kirkpatrick model Evaluation
• Participant Reactions
• Likeness
• Learning
• Checking whether The learning has taken place
• knowledge and skills before and after
• Behavior
• Action or Behavior , whether learning is Transfer into task related activities
• Results – Utility -ROI
• Benefits: -quality –productivity improvement- profits? Reduction in wastage
Special Training IMPORTANT
Organization-wide training programs

Orientation training

Basic soft skills training

Team and cross-training

Diversity training
Special Training
• Orientation • Basic Skills Training
• Familiarizing new employees with • Essential occupational
the organization, jobs qualifications
• Benefits: • Quality, customer service, internal
1. Lower turnover efficiency, and safety
2. Increased productivity • Typical basic skills:
3. Improved employee morale • Reading, writing, computing,
4. Lower recruiting and speaking, listening, problem
training costs solving, managing oneself,
5. Facilitation of learning knowing how to learn, working as
6. Reduction of the new part of a team, leading others.
employee’s anxiety

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