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How To Plan Advertising Techniques

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How to Plan an Effective Advertising 2. Trial package.

Some advertising Avon company which is well-known for

campaigns have the objective of getting cosmetics advertises not only to create
people to try the product. The theory is brand recognition but also to help open the
ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS that if the customer is able to try the door for its direct-selling salesmen.
product, it will sell itself; thus, a loyal
6. To increase the use of the product.
customer will be gained. Many
Kleenex tissue sells more because
In a very succinct way, the effect of selling a campaigns behind new food items have
advertising has aptly pointed out the
product with the aid. of advertising is usually this primary objective. Coupons are
various uses: as table napkins, to clean
thought of and described in terms of what are thus oftentimes used to encourage
dirty mirrors, to wipe perspiration, to
called as a "connected series of operations to people to try the product.
cleanse lens of eyeglasses, etc.
bring about some desired result primarily to 3. Influence buying decision. Not all
7. To increase the quantity purchased.
boost more sales of the advertised product. customers have made up their minds of
One popular marketing strategy is to
Accordingly, initially, this involves pioneering what to buy. But with the use of
offer the product in cartons containing
work, competitive work or repetitive work, advertising, a powerful message is sent
several units each; or bars of soap
depending upon the stage of the product life to customers that tend to influence
bundled together in sixes, etc. The
cycle. But as in every campaign, the first task their buying decisions. As the slogan
economy obtained from purchase
revolves around the advertising campaign's says "it pays to advertise."
involving multiple package is stressed in
objectives. Only by comparing results with initial 4. Addition of value. Not a few advertisers
advertising campaigns.
objectives can the effectiveness of the campaign endeavor to add values to their brand.
And, of course, there could be
be evaluated. Through adroit advertising they hope to
others not included in the foregoing
shape the consumer's image of the
Such objectives may refer to any one or all of enumeration and discussion depending
article in the desired fashion, both de-
the following: on the desired results by the
signed to achieve a higher price for the
1. To attain brand recognition and item and at the same time to make it
acceptance. Some advertising is more appealing to the prospective
There is unanimity of opinion that
conducted to obtain market recognition customer the many uses of the product
advertising helps bring about an
and acceptance of the brand name. The that may not altogether appear
increase in sales volume of the
advertiser wants people to know that apparent. Advertising can increase the
advertised product, hence, its
his brand is on the market, recognize it item's image value.
invaluable contribution to mass
acceptable or possibly prefer it. 5. Aid in personal selling. Some
production. However, that is not the
Actually, a case could be made that all advertising campaigns try to pave the
only thing that advertising can do. It can
advertising campaigns include this way for the salesman. If a prospect
also prevent sales decline by creating
objective. Many of the campaigns recognizes the name of the company
product awareness, bringing the
behind industrial goods are largely for the salesman represents, he or she is far
product message across to the
the purpose of obtaining brand more likely give the salesman audience
consumer. And advertising is also
recognition. than if he or she never heard of the
instrumental in building institutional more the stores must have to spend on different Kilometrico ballpens, Baguio cooking oil, and
goodwill. advertising media. San Migual beer, among others.
For business concerns that are
Regardless of the type of advertising used, The list of goods offered to the buying public
operating under able and competent
due regard and con- sideration must be made through the use of national advertising is almost
management and hope to stay in the
with respect to budgeting. Limited budgetary endless. Thus, in many instances, when people
market continuously, the choice is not
appropriation for advertising limits the intensity speak of "advertised products," they invariably
between some advertising and no
and frequency of advertising. In fact, it could refer to nationally advertised products.
advertising but rather to deter- mine
mean an on-and-off advertising campaign.
how much and where will advertising 2. Retail advertising. Retail advertising consist
Expressed in another way, continuous
be made. of the dissemination of sales messages by retail
advertising even if war- ranted by the kind of
store operators through local media such as
Factors That Influence Advertising. How product being offered for sale to the mass of
newspaper and non-network radio directed
much does a store need to spend on consumers is out of the question.
towards consumers living within the trading
advertising? The answer to this depends on a
area of the advertiser. Although the retail store
number of factors such as: the age of the store,
may advertise manufacturers brands in the
its policies with respect to sales, its size, its TYPES OF ADVERTISING ACCORDING same manner as used by the manufacturers
location, the size of the trading area,
competition, rates and circulation of media,
TO OBJECTIVES themselves, the difference lies in the fact that
retail advertising is localized, placed by a local
general business conditions, the past experience
dealer, and directs consumers to a specific
on advertising of the store and competitors.
The different types of advertising according store.
Doubtless to say, the size of a store is a to their objectives are: Retail stores cannot exist without the
factor. To make a profit, the big stores must
1. National advertising. National advertising is universal medium of display. Apart from the
attract more customers than the small stores
used chiefly by manufacturers of trademarked display, however, the newspaper is the most
owing to the former's large overhead expenses.
products that have actual or potential widely used medium. Advertising and selling are
Thus, the big stores become constrained to
distribution throughout the country. Such news - news about the store and the
spend a larger percentage on advertising. They
advertisers sponsors most of the full-page and merchandise it offers for sale. Perhaps, it could
must build "store traffic" with advertising.
double-page magazine advertisements, as well be stated correctly that newspaper advertising,
Stores in good shopping distrincts enjoy a
as the popular programs over radio and if properly prepared is one important medium
decided advantage over those which are poorly
television networks. As may be logical to expect, in retail advertising. When expertly presented
situated, a circumstance that store owners try
appropriation for this advertising is considerably by an advertising specialist, the advertising
to offset through vigorous advertising, offering
large. could prove as interesting as those found in the
inducements that are not available elsewhere.
news section. Equally important as a medium
Neighborhood stores have different It is through national advertising that the for retail advertising is the radio, which has
advertising problem. They make a personal average individual be- comes acquainted with achieved growing popularity on the part of
appeal and rely considerably on point-of-sale products that carry brand names like Colgate retail stores.
advertising. The larger the trading area, the toothpaste. La Pacita biscuits, Ivory soap,
Both types of advertising may be said to fall 5. Institutional advertising. Institutional not only is the aware- ness of the target market
under the broad category of product advertising or public service advertising, as it is sought but also the desire of developing a new
advertising. sometimes called, was intensively developed in level expectation for the consequent attainment
the United States during the Second World War. of a higher standard of living.
3. Trade advertising. Trade advertising is not
Advertising as a device of public relations was
addressed to the consumers of the product For example, before the advent of television,
first used in the early 1900s by N. W. Ayer and
advertised, but to the retailers who are to sell freezers, electric shavers, food processors, and
Son for some of its clients, including National
that product. In other words, its purpose is to the like, these represented a complete new
Biscuits Company, the Standard Oil Company,
generate enthusiasm among dealers. concept.
and others. Before the war, institutional
Thus, whenever a new product is added to advertising was relatively unused tool. Another circumtance that warrants the use of
the list of goods that the manufacturer pioneering advertising covers those products or
Examples of Philippine institutions which
manufactures, the one recourse by which that goods of which the buying public is already
utilize this type of advertising are the Manila
new product could be known to potential familiar, but for the fact that new principles of
Electric Company (MERALCO) and the Philippine
buyers (dealers) is through this form of operation, construction, or use have been
Long Distance Company (PLDT). MERALCO uses
advertising. introduced with them. An example is that of the
this type from time to time trying to educate
electric iron that gives out steam as it is used in
4. Industrial advertising. This type of the public on the proper use of the lighting
pressing clothes an improvement and new
advertising is intended for buyers of industrial fixtures.
addition to the product. Then, there is also what
machines like printing press, textile machinery,
All institutional advertising is aimed at the has come to be known as the answering
rice thresher, equipment for use in bakeshops,
establishment of good- will with the various machine which takes messages conveyed
and others.
publics the company endeavors to serve. through the phone when the would-be recipient
Industrial advertising shares basic similarities of the call is out. This machine, simple as it
with advertising of consumer goods. In both, seems, performs the function of a secretary to a
the advertiser must measure his potential ADVERTISING STAGES certain extent.
market; study the buying habits and motives of
The advertising stage in which a product falls The Competitive Stage. Even after would-be
potential users; deter- mine his advertising
consumers are convinced of the desirability of
objective; set up his budget, select media; and circumscribes the basic strategy for advertising
the product. The advertising stages are as buying and using the advertised product,
prepare and place the advertisements.
nevertheless, they become bewildered with
Nevertheless, one distinguishing characteristic follows.
respect to the product's brand. Take the case of
between the two types of advertising is that in The pioneering Stage. During this stage, toothpaste or dental cream. There are so many
industrial advertising, the advertisement is advertisement used by the company producing brands of this product in the market such as
designed to show the prospective customers
a new product has for its objective the invitation Crest, Closeup. Pepsodent, Colgate, Aim, and
that the product or service advertised will of attention of its marketing audience. Thus, others. So, consumers invariably ask: Which
decrease cost, increase production, improve the advertising is directed to the product's brand shall he or she buy?
salability of the product, or otherwise increase
distiguishing features, and price. As such, this is
profit. The purpose of advertising in the competitive
known as pioneering advertising. Through it,
stage known as competitive advertising is
intended to show how a particular brand of termination of advertising objectives. It is volume of the advertised product or service
product as compared to other brands will better management which has the responsibility to over a given period of time.
satisfy consumers. So, as such, competitive identify these objectives.
Designing the plan. If the objective of the
advertising has persuasion as its objective.
Advertising objectives must be reasonable. advertising campaign is simply to generate
The Retention Stage. The third advertising Studies show that one major reason why some increasing awareness of the existence of the
stage through which a product passes is the companies fail to achieve their advertising brand product among the population, a vastly
retentive stage. When the public not only knows objectives is due to overambition. No attempt different plan is needed than if the objective is
the advertised product but uses it regularly, it should be made to use advertisements intended aimed at having a highly segmented group to
becomes the duty of the company to everyone, instead of likely ones. More- over, buy the brand product.
manufacturing the product to hold the interest management should not endeavor to sell a
If good objectives are developed and clearly
of the public to use the product through product for all occasions just as it is wrong to
stated, then all those who are concerned with
reminder or repetition. This is why retentive ask and compel consumers to change their
the planning of advertising programs can at-
advertising is also known as reminder habits instead of their brands.
tack the other problem areas with relative ease
advertising. And this is necessary because while
But, why set advertising objectives? and good purpose. Unfortunately, too often,
the public is accustomed to use a product with a
advertising objectives are not clear-cut. Many of
particular brand, it is not far-fetched though to At the outset, there must be complete
them are too general while others are hard to
think that some consumers may try to agreement among the parties involved in the
experiment other brands of the product. Thus, advertising campaign development and
in the case of San Miguel beer, continuous approval process that there are specific, Evaluating results. Unless results are
advertisements are presented. measurable objectives for the campaign. In the evaluated against advertising objectives,
absence of such an agreement, the campaign is management will never know whether it is wise
doomed to fail from the very beginning if it ever to continue with the campaign or not. It will
ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES gets off the ground. In addition to assuming never know whether the campaign is going or
agreement among the planners and managers, coming.
The wide diversity of occasions for the use of setting advertising objectives are important and
advertising makes it both important and It is necessary to whoever makes the plan to
necessary for four basic reasons. These reasons
necessary for management to develop a clear have a full under- standing and grasp of the
conception of what it specifically wants to situation of the brand prior to the campaign so
achieve through its overall advertising effort as Measurement. Without advertising objectives that a correct evaluation of results may be
well as through particular advertising campaigns set in writing it may be difficult, if not accomplished.
down to specific ads. Defining goals is the key impossible, to determine whether or not the
Relating advertising to other expenditures.
requirement for effective advertising planning advertising campaign was successful. This
Regardless of the kind of advertising used,
and measurement of results. means setting some objectives or goals against
expenses on the part of the advertiser are
which actual results can be measured. In an
It should be recognized that the important always involved. In fact, the plan of an
advertising campaign, the measure of success
area in the building of advertising programs and advertising campaign must be considered
may range from the gains in aware- ness that
launching the necessary campaign is the de- the product exists to an actual increase in sales
always in the light of appropriations available 2. Behavioral effects. When advertising goals Creative Strategy. Any strategy must take into
for that purpose. cannot be set directly in terms of final sales, it consideration the following:
becomes necessary that a type of behavioral
For this reason, today's management often 1. Objective what the advertising seeks to
activity on the part of consumers be used to
evaluates an advertising investment just as it accomplish.
measure the effect of the advertising messages.
would any other major expenditure on a cost- 2. Plan how to make an advertisement
For example, some advertisers try to induce the
return basis. Increasingly, therefore, which bring results.
target market to take some sort of specific
management is generally prone to ask 3. Target market - what particular
action to their advertisements short of making a
advertising people to justify the investment to segment of the market the
purchase such as sending more in- formation,
be made and to give some actual measures of advertisements seeks to reach.
returning a reply card, and others. Through
success for the money expended. 4. Consumer benefit - the cogent reasons
these means, the advertiser will be in a position
why consumers should buy and use the
to identify who are responding to the
product or service.
advertisements and what results are being
Types of Advertising Objectives 5. Support the main argument that will
convince the would-be consumers of
Many advertisers, if not all, set their 3. Communication effects. In the case of most the benefits in using or availing of
advertising objectives in one of three ways: consumer goods that come in packages, the advertised product of service.
advertising objective may be to measure the 6. Tone the "personality" of the product or
1. Sales. Since the aim of advertisements, by
effects advertising has generated in terms of service that sets it apart from the
and large, is to increase sales volume, some
awareness, knowledge, or brand preference. others.
types of marketers, primarily those in- volved in
direct response, can easily set and measure Important Guidelines. In trying to develop a
their advertising objectives in terms of units creative and affective strategy on which the
sold or peso sales. Marketers can easily do that ADVERTISING STRATEGIES advertising campaign will be anchored upon,
inasmuch as advertising is the only form of certain guidelines must be recognized.
All advertising strategies involve a plan on
marketing and selling used in moving the brand Otherwise, the company will not be able to
how to project the product or service to the
product from the marketers to the final reach its destination.
attention and thinking of the consumers.
consumers. The marketing channel seeks to
Strategies are designed on how to reach the 1. Make the creative strategy fit the
establish a link between the manufacturers and
target market and make it act in accordance marketing plan. Never allow any room
the consumers through various media. The
with the expectations and desires of the for the product, price, and package to
consumers either react with an order or simply
company producing the product or offering the go off in one direction while advertising
ignore the advertisements and thus refuse to
service. goes off in another. The two must go
Understanding the market in depth helps in hand in hand if successful results are to
Setting advertising goals in terms of sales is be achieved.
the development of a purposeful and creative
doubtless desirable when it can be done. 2. Objectives must be reasonable. Some
strategy. To do this, facts on product,
However, it just isn't possible in every consumer advertisements aim to attract the
competition, and target customers must be
product marketing situation. attention of the general mass of people
gathered and analyzed.
- an aim which is, overambitious and product. No amount of advertising can sales techniques and procedures. Research is
impossible to attain. Moreover, the effectively sell a poor product. usually divided into two major fields:
advertisements should not attempt to
These are by no means the only important Opinion Research. This is designed and
influence consumers change their
things a planner should consider in trying to conducted purposely to people. Future
habits instead of just their brand
create a suitable and effective advertising consumer behavior may be mapped and the
strategy. There are still countless guidelines for manufacturer can prepare his sales and public
3. Ideas projected to the public must be
the advertiser to think and consider. relations programs accordingly. Opinion
simple. Not everyone is gifted with
research also permits the manufacturer to
intelligence as to be able to understand One last word. One should not overlook the
design or change the specification of his product
everything contained in the advertising fact that whenever an advertisement conflicts
to conform it with the desires of his prospective
message that is couched in words that with the personality of the brand product - the
may be difficult to understand. image management wants it projected and
4. Put the strategy in writing. This will known to the consumers - such advertisement Factual Research. This is used to uncover
enable the advertiser (management) to should be consigned to the waste can because it facts concerning past or present consumer
refer to the strategy in case of doubt. will not get management in the attainment of behavior. Data on buying habits, brand
5. Keep the strategy up-to-date. Nothing its advertising objectives. preferences, ownership and use of certain
is constant. Every- thing goes through a products, and rate of renewed purchase of
stage of constant change, even the merchandise are included in this type.
market and consumers. Time was when
ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS Some of the research problems that require
a particular advertising campaign was
geared to the ""baby boom" after the A campaign begins with research. The solution are:
war. That, no longer exists today. Rather, research department of the agency sets to work 1. Determination of the size, location, and
there is today what is known as discovering the use of the product or service, its importance of the market for a new product.
"suburban revolution." Many advantages, who buys it and where it is bought
consumers have moved from the cities and, finally, what will persuade more people to 2. Determination of the possible acceptance of
to the suburbs which fact must be taken buy it. Members of the research department a product or service and the evaluation of sales
into account. use many means to gather this information. features in terms of likes and dis- likes of
6. Advertise salient points, not those that consumers.
Research is not only concerned with the
are obvious. Advertising on the obvious 3. The discovery of uses to which consumers
discovery of new facts, their correct analysis
is sheer waste of time, effort, and can put products (or services) unknown to their
and interpretation but also of the revision of
money. For example, pointing to the producers or the discovery of uses to which an
accepted conclusions, theories, or precepts in
advantage of buying food in cans where established product may be put.
the light of such discovered facts. The ultimate
all one needs to do is use a can opener.
objective of advertising and marketing re- 4. The determination of opinions of consumers
This is obvious, if not insulting, to the
search is the discovery of facts which may be regarding products quality and service
intelligence of the consumers.
useful in the planning, creation and execution of rendered.
7. Have a better product. Effective
more effective and profitable advertising and
advertising starts with having a better
5. The gathering of composite industry statistic be to elicit awareness of the general public of or magazine, it then follows that an advertising
such as the national sales volume for all the new product's existence in the market. campaign to be read. Newspaper schedules
manufacturers in the field. must be worked up when the ads are. running
If the product is already known in the market,
in every issue for a specific period has a much
6. Determination of the trend of general then the objective could be the desire to
greater chance to run end to end.
business conditions in any area. increase its sales volume or prevent sales de-
cline. The building of product prestige in the 6. Copy themes. Based on copy testing and
7. The reading (of newspapers and magazines),
minds of consumers could be another objective other elements of a research phase of a
listening (to radio) and viewing (of television)
behind the advertising campaign. campaign, copy themes are prepared. The
habits of the public.
campaign or part of it is built around one or
2. Allocation of the advertising appropriation.
8. Determination of public attitudes towards more of the themes.
The sum of money derived from capital asssets
policies, activities, and management of the
or from profits makes up the appropriation for A theme is a sales point or product feature
company opinions.
advertising during any specific period. The around which an ad- vertisement or advertising
9. Predicting the behavior of consumers by appropriation may be based upon the task campaign is built so as to create maximum
eliciting current opinions. method, arbitrary method, or per- centage impression upon prospects. The theme may be
method (percentage of previous year's sales or expressed in the body copy, headline,
Advertising Campaigns. The effort of selling a estimated sales. for the coming year). illustration, slogan, or in any combination of
product or ser vice with the aid of advertising is these.
usually thought of in terms of campaigns which 3. Research. This may encompass a study of
may be described briefly as a "connected series market conditions product salability, buying 7. Artwork. Suitable illustrations are conceived
of operations designed to bring some desired habits of consumers, suitability of specific and produced with an eye appeal to prospective
result." The goal of such effort appears obvious media in reaching desired prospects, and force consumers.
to all: to sell the product. of competition coming from manufacturers of
8. Production. The transformation of the copy
like product or offering the same service.
Generally speaking, a campaign is launched and the artwork into the physical aspect of the
when a series of advertising messages is 4. Definition of the area in which the campaign campaign is the responsibility of the production
disseminated through one or more channels of is to run. This area may be national, regional, or manager. This is discussed in detail in a later
communication and is often coordinated with local. If a new product is to be introduced, a chapter.
other promotional and merchandising activities local area may be selected as the focus, from
9. Verification of media performance.
a specific sales objective. which distribution may be generated regionally
Newspaper tear sheets and magazines are
and then nationally. Or the campaign may cover
The elements that combine to make up an examined to determine whether the media
the entire country through media or national
advertising campaign are: inserted the advertisements as ordered. The
coverage such as television, newspaper, and
broadcast of spot announcements may be
1. Determination of objective. What actually is radio.
verified by requesting an affidavit of
the purpose or objective of launching an 5. Advertising schedule. Since a single performance from the station.
advertising campaign for a new brand pro- appearance of advertisement may not be seen
duct? As in many instances, the objective may 10. Recording of results. If the copy is keyed,
by people who read every issue of a newspaper
tabulation of response is made to and for each
medium and for each insertion. Number of sales The difference in the thinking of advertising Top management, on the other hand, wants
made by each dealer during the course of the men and top management surfaced during one from "ad" men the following:
campaign in the selected area may be seminar. Many ad men said this was precisely
1. Understanding of management's problems
determined by inventory check. the time to increase advertising efforts rather
and goals.
than slacken them, to blend institutional,
11. Evaluation of results. After the campaign
"company-image" advertising with pro- duct 2. Long-range thinking, planning.
has been ran, the following questions should be
advertising so that overall advertising
answered in the light of results: Has the 3. Organization of the advertising function
effectiveness would not be lost. This need is
campaign achieved its objectives? How well has coordinated with others corporate functions.
particularly urgent because of the tremendous
each medium per- formed in its attempt to
emphasis on new products, it was further 4. Soundly based recommendations for the
reach prospects economically? Which medium,
pointed out. advertising plan (subject to management
if any, should be struck from the list? Which
unused media may be considered for future At this point, let us focus our attention on approval) and responsibility for the productive
campaigns? what "ad" executives want from management:2 execution of the plan.

1. Clearly defined corporate objectives. 5. Improved methods of budget and cost

FIXING ADVERTISING 2. Clarification of advertising's responsibility and
general management understanding that 6. Responsibility for advertising agency
advertising is a vital member of the marketing
Not all advertising men will agree that urgent team. 7. Selection and development of advertising
action is needed to "bridge the gap" between personnel.
3. Management support and cooperation on
advertising and management. Some insist that
what advertising is expected to do and can do. 8. Better evaluation of advertising effectiveness.
this gap is a figment of the imagination of
frustrated advertising men in the lower ranks. 4. Coordination and close cooperation between
"The lower you go down into a company's ranks, advertising and other marketing functions so
the less understanding of management and the that information is available when and where
more 'demands' one will surely find," observed needed.
a business executive.
5. Advertising budget approval without the
While advertising theory is admittedly an preconceived notion of arbitrarily cutting off 5%
imprecise science, nevertheless, at the very or 10% to "get the water out of it.
least, top management should be aware of the
6. Authority to say "yes" to the agency as well as
need to take advertising men into its confidence
on board company objectives and to consult
with the advertising department on such things 7. Funds to develop needed advertising
as new products at the beginning of the new research on long-range as well as short-range
product cycle. basis.

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