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1. Biotic component includes…………………….

a. Non-living things. b. None of them. c. Minerals. d. Living things

2. Which one can make its own food…………………….?

a. Plants. b. Some bacteria. c. Algae. d. All of them

3. Algae is a…………………….

a. Heterotroph. b.. Consumer. c. Autotroph. d. Secondary consumer

4. Animals that get their food by eating plants or other animals are called

a. Producers. b. Decomposers. C. Autotroph. d. Consumer

5. Consumers that eat only plants are …………………….

a. Tertiary consumers. b .Primary consumers.

c. Secondaryconsumers. d. Decomposers
6. Cow, goat, and rabbits are …………………….

a. Decomposers. b. Secondary consumers

c. Primary consumers. d.Tertiary consumers
7. A consumer that eats primary consumer is called …………………….

a. Tertiary consumers. b. Secondary consumers

c. Primary consumers. d. Decomposers
8. Lion, dog, and wolf are …………………….

a. Primary consumers. b. Secondary consumers

c. Tertiary consumers. d.Decomposers
9. Decomposers feed on …………………….

a. Dead bodies. B. Viruses. c All. d Living things

10. Bacteria and fungi are best …………………….
a. Autotrophs. B. Consumers. c. Producers. d. Decomposers

11. Decomposers drive energy for their own……………………….

a. Growth and increase in size. b. Growth only

c. Growth and development. d. Growth and reproduction
12. The non-living components that make up the environment are called

A- Biotic component. B- Abiotic component C- Living component. D- Both A & B.

13. Which one is not an abiotic component ……………………….?

a. Algae b. Soil. C. Air. d. Water

14. Which one is not the characteristic of desert areas……………………….?

a. Dry air. b. High temperature. c.Heavy rainfall. d. Extreme heat

15. The Deserts are very ………… during the day and ………….during the night.
a. Cool + hot. b Hot + cool. c. Cold + snow. d. Hot + hot
16. Rainforest has ……………..temperature and …………….rainfall.

a. Hot + low. B. Warm + heavy. C. Cool + low. D. Cold + low

17. How much % does Rainforest cover the total earth surface………………..
a. 5%. B. 7%. C. 8%. D. 6%
18. Biota is also called as………………..

a. Abiotic component. B. Biotic component

c. Non-living components. D. Soil components
19. The community of biotic and abiotic component and their interactions make up

a. Species. B. Ecosystem. C. Earth. D. Community

20. Solar energy is captured by ………………..
a. Decomposers. b. Consumers. c. Producers. d. Fungi
21. Grasses, lichens, and cyanobacteria are……………………

a. None of them. B. Consumers. c. Producers. d. Decomposers

22. Insects, fungi, and bacteria are examples of ……………………

a. Consumers b. Producers. c. Primary consumers. d. Decomposers

23. Study of relationship between biotic and abiotic factors in environment is called

a. Ecology. B. Biology. C. Physiology. D. Pedology

24. In mutualism, two organisms interact in such ways

a. Neither benefits nor harm. B. Harm. C. Benefits. D. Always harm

25. A honeybee visits a male flower for nectar and picks up and transfer pollen grain
male to the female flower, this interaction is called…………………..

a. Commensalism. B. Parasitism.
C. Mutualism. D. Only parasitism and mutualism
26. Food chain describes the…………………..

a. plants and plants. b. Animals and animals.

c. Humans and plants. d. Predator and prey
27. The following is an example of an abiotic part of an ecosystem…………………..

a. Micro bacteria. b. Decaying plants. c. Minerals. d. Fungus

28. The following is an example of a biotic component of an

a. The temperature of your surrounding. B. The water in the pond

c. Minerals in the soil. D. Bacteria on the surface of your skin
29. Tapeworms that live inside organisms and feed on the nutrients of the food organism
eat are an example of …………………..
a. Parasitism. B. Carnivores. C. Mutualism. D. Predator-prey
30. An organism in an ecosystem can be classified as a producer or consumer, the
producers provide food for the consumers, name the organism that consumes both
producers and other consumers …………………..

a. Carnivore. B. Prey. C. Omnivore. D. Herbivore

31. Carbon is an integral part of an ecosystem, It is cycled throughout the ecosystem as it
is used and then reused, all life must exist, Name the process in which plant uses carbon-
di-oxide …………………..

a. Respiration. B. Photosynthesis. C. Transpiration. D. Decomposition

32. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that occurs in the leaves of plants. But it
requires a special gas and abiotic component from the atmosphere. What is the
substance …………………..

a. Sun energy. B. Oxygen. C. Chlorophyll. D. Carbon dioxide

33. Everything living or non-living is made up of………………….

a. Atom. b. Cells. C. Plasma. D. Tissue

34. Atom also has particle inside known as………………….

a. Electron. B. All of them. C. Proton. D. Neutron

35. Atom is the ………………particle of an element.

a. Largest. B. Large. C. Smallest d. Small

36. Elements are made up of ………………..

a. Metals. B. Atoms. C. Molecules. D. Tissues

37. All the atoms of elements are ………………..

a. Dissimilar. B. Unequal. C. Different. D. Similar

38.. Which one is the simplest element………………..
a. Carbon dioxide. B. Nitrogen. C. Hydrogen. D. Oxygen
39. The most common element found on earth is ………………..
a. Oxygen. B. Carbon. C. Helium. D. Nitrogen
40. Who was the first, who draw an atom ………………..?

a. Rutherford b . Dalton c . Williamson d . Crooks

41. When two or more atoms combine to form ………………..?

a. Molecule b . Metal c. Tissue d . Nobel gas

42. Water contains ………………..

a. O-H2 b . O2-H2 c . O1-H2 d . O2-H

43. A molecule is the smallest particle of……………..

Matter . Liquid . Compound . Atom

44. Which one is not a molecule……………..

a. Methane b . Nitrogen gas c . Helium d . Oxygen gas

45. (Na) is the symbol for……………..

a. Sodium b . Fluorine c . Sulfur d . Chlorine

46. Which one is the symbol for potassium……………..

a. Ca b. H c. Fe d. K
47. How many elements are found in nature……………..?

a. 112 b . 130 c. 120 d. 102

48. Which one is known as the lightest gas……………..?

a. Oxygen b . Hydrogen c . Carbon dioxide d . CS2

49. Which gas is used for filling party and advertisement ballons……………..?

a. Oxygen b . Carbon dioxide c . Hydrogen d . Methane

50. Car and bridge made of which element……………..?
a. Plasma b. Liquid c . Metal d . Gas
51. Metals are usually …………… room temperature.

a- Liquid .. b- Gas . c- Solid b- Both A & B

52. Metals are ………………

a. Spongy b . Ions c . Hard d . Soft

53. Metals can be drawn into ………….and ……………..

a. Gold & copper b. Sheets & wires

c. Sheets and papers d. Non conducting wires & sheets
54. Non- metals are often…………….

a. Solids b . Liquids c . Gases d . Inorganic compounds

55. Coal and sulfur are examples of…………….

a. Cation b. Metal c . Ions d . Non-metals

56. Which one is metal…………………?

a. Diamond b . Coal c . Iron nail d . Sulfur

57. Mostly high melting and boiling point…………………
a. Metalloids b. Non-metals c . Covalent molecules d . Metals
58. Poor conductors of heat and electricity…………………

a. Metals b.. Metalloids c . Ions d . Non-metals

59. Compounds are made up of a chemical combination of two or more …………………

a. Metals b. Ions c . Elements d . Salts

60. Common salt is a chemical combination of …………………

a. Oxygen & Sodium b . Sodium & fluorine

c. . Chlorine & Hydrogen d. . Sodium & Chlorine
61. Sugar is a chemical combination of …………………

a. Carbon-hydrogen-oxygen b . Carbon-Nitrogen-chlorine
c. . Carbon-Hydrogen-oxonium d. Carbon-sodium-chlorine
62. The formula of common salt is …………………

a. H20 b . Nacl c. Na2C03 d . CO2

63. The mixture is a combination of substances, it is made up of two or more substances
that are not combined …………………

a.- Chemically b- Mechanically c. Physically D- Both A & B

64. A…………………. can be broken down into its component by chemical methods.

a. Mixtures b. Molecules c. Compound d . Ions

65. Percentage of nitrogen in the air is……………….

a. 21% b. . 78% c . 0.9% d . 3%

66. Percentage of oxygen in the air is ……………….

a. 78% b . 3% c . 21% d . 0.9%

67. Percentage of C02 in the air is ……………….

a. 21% b . 0.037% c . 78% d . 0.9%

68. Which gas is released by burning compound ……………….?

a. Oxygen b . Nitrogen c . Carbon dioxide d. Dry carbon dioxide

69. Sources of Carbon dioxide are ……………….?

a.Burning coal b . All of them c . Respiration d . Vehicle smoke

70. Which gas causes global warming ……………….?

a. S02 b . C02 c . H02 d . N02

71. Carbon dioxide causes global warming due to ……………….?
a. Low level of C02 b . White house effect c. Cold house effect d . Greenhouse effect
72. Which method will be best to reduce C02 in the environment ……………….?

a. Planting more trees b . Using more organic compounds

c. Burning coal d . Using motor vehicle

73. Which are the methods for separating mixtures……………….?

a. All b. Distillation c. Crystallization d . Filtration

74. Filtration is the process of separating which type of solid from


a. Salts b. Dry solids c. Soluble d. Insoluble

75. In the filtration process, insoluble particles are passed through…………………

a. Funnel b. Plastic pipe c . Tissue paper d. Filter paper

76. The process of cooling a hot saturated solution to obtain crystal is

a. Sublimation b . Filtration c . Distillation d . Crystallization

77. Distillation is a process of purifying …………………

a. Liquid b . Gas c . Solid d . Salts

78. Which is the best method to purify liquids …………………?

a. Chromatography b . Crystallization c . Filtration d . Distillation

79. Process in which solid directly changes into vapors without passing through the
liquid state is called …………………

a. Distillation b . Sublimation c . Paper chromatography d . Dry distillation

80. Sublimation is used to purify …………………

a. Liquids b. Solids c . Gases d . Salts

81. Chromatography is a method that is used to separate which type of
a. Colorless b . Coloured c . Heavy d . Only white
82. Which of the following has a positive charge…………………

a. Neutron b . Atom c. Electron d . Proton

83. Which of the following has a negative charge…………………

a. Electron b .Neutron c . Atom d . Proton

84. Which of the following has a neutral charge…………………

Neutron . Electron . Proton . Atom

85. The chemical symbol for manganese is…………………

a. Mg b . Mn c. Mo d. Na

86.Which gas is used for respiration…………………

a. O2. b . N2. C. CO2. D. H2

87. Which one is the basic element of protein…………………

a. Calcium. B. Phosphorus. C. Sulfur. D. Nitrogen

88. The ozone layer protects us from …………………

a. Uv rays. B. Cosmic rays. c Moon rays. D. X rays

89. Moving air is called …………………

a. Atmosphere. b .Ozone layer. c. Wind. d . Gas

90. Wind enables the movement of …………………

a. Sailboats. b . To run windmills. c. Gliders. d. All of them

91. Air is a mixture of …………………

a. Liquid. b. H2. c. CO2. d. Gases

92. Atmosphere covers the earth layer over …………………
a. 360km. b. 600km. c. 480km. d. 565km
93. Composition of gases in the air remians …………………

a. Variable. b. Constant. c. Changing. d . Not fixed

94. Sugar+oxygen—> carbon dioxide+water+energy

This reaction indicates…………………………

a. Respiration. b. Combustion. c. Photosynthesis. d. Glucose synthesis

95. Wax+oxygen—->carbon dioxide+water+energy

.This reaction indicates…………………………

a. Combustion. b. Respiration. c. Chemiosmosis. d. Photosynthesis

96. Which gas is needed for combustion…………………..?

a. Dry C02b. b. ClFC. c. O2. D. H2

97. Who discovered oxygen …………………..?

a. Williamson. b. Dalton. c. Joseph Priestley. d. Crook

98. Which gas is called inactive gas if compared to oxygen …………………..?

a. Hydrogen. b. Helium. c Hydrogen peroxide. d.Nitrogen

99. Which gas was called ( azote ) meaning without life …………………..?

a. Carbon dioxide. b Sulfur. c Nitrogen. d Hydrogen

100. The process by which nitrogen gas is converted into plants and animal protein and
maintained in the atmosphere is called …………………..

a Chemical cycle. b Denitrifying cycle. .

c Ammonification. d. Nitrogen cycle
101. The swellings on the roots of the leguminous plants, take in nitrogen and convert it
into nitrates. This is called …………………..
a. Photosynthesis. b. Nitrogen formation
c. Chemosynthesis. d. Nitrogen fixation
102. Air is made up of many gases, which gas is found in the greatest

a. Hydrogen. b Carbon Dioxide. c Oxygen d. Nitrogen

103. Excess of heat from the sun is prevented by …………………..

a. Oxygen. b .Ozone. C. Carbon Dioxide. d. Nitrogen

104. What happens when oil is burnt …………………..?

a. Carbon dioxide & energy will be absorbed

b. Carbon dioxide & energy will be sometimes absorbed and sometimes released
c. Carbon dioxide & energy will be released
d. Carbon dioxide & and energy will neither be absorbed nor released
105. The solution has two components, known as…………………..

a.Solute & salt. b Solute & solvent. c Solvent & salt. d Solvent & water
106. The component of the solution that gets dissolved …………………..

a. Water. b. Solvent. c. Solute. d . Crystals

107.The component of the solution that dissolves the solute…………………..

a. Lemon juice. b Ether. c Solvent. d Solute

108. Which one is called universal solvent…………………..?

a. All. b . Water. c . Ether d . Alcohol

109. The solution in which the water is used as the solvent is called …………………..?

a. Ether solution. b. Aqueous solution.

c. Alcoholic solution d. Carbolic solution
110. If the ratio of solute to solvent is high, the solution is said to be…………………..
a. Concentrated. B. Supersaturated. C Dilute. D. Super dilute
111. If the ratio of solute to solvent is low, the solution is said to be…………………..

a. Supersaturated. b. Super dilute. c . Concentrated. d. Dilute

112. A solution that cannot dissolve any more solute in it, at a given temperature is

a.Dilute. b . Saturated. c . Super dilute. d . Concentrated

113. A solution that can dissolve solute at a given temperature is called…………………..

a. Dilute. b, Saturated. c. Un saturated. d. Supersaturated

114. Which can affect the solubility of the solute in solvent…………………..?

a. Temperature. b Shape of container. c Humidity. d Pressure

115. A mixture in which the solute particles are large and remain suspended in the

a. Liquid mixture. b Suspension. c Syrup. d Mixture

116. Muddy water and fog are examples of ……………………

a. Physical mixture. b Liquid mixture.

c Gas mixture. d Suspension

117.The solution is which type of mixture ……………………

a. Dissimilar. b. Homogeneous c. Heterogeneous d. Different

118. The translucent solution is an example of……………………

a. Solute. b Suspension. c Solution. d Solvent

119. The suspension is which type of mixture……………………

a..Dissimilar. b . Homogeneous. c . Different. d . Heterogeneous

120. Colour and appearance are same in every part……………………

a. Solution. b . Muddy Water Mixture. c . Suspension. d . Mixture

121. Plants and trees get nutrients from the soil in the form of ……………………

a. Solution. b . Suspension c . Dry mass. d . Only solvent

122. Soft drink is an example of ……………………

a. Only water. b . Solution. c . Solute. d . Suspension

123. When solid medicine cannot be administered orally then which type of mixture is

a. Tablet. b . Suspension. c . Only powder form. d Solution

124. A mixture in which particles are temporarily suspended or hanging in the


a. Syrup. b. Solution. c . Suspension. d . Saltwater mixture

125. When a substance is dissolved in a liquid and no new substance is formed, what will
these substances be called?…………………..

a. Solvent. b . Water. c . Solution. d . Salute

126. What is the name of the substance which gets dissolved ?…………………..

a. Solvent. b Water. c Solution. d . Salute

127. What is the name of the substance that dissolves the substance ?…………………..

a. Water. b. Salute. c Solution. d Solvent

128. An example of solution…………………..

a. Cement & water. b Mud & water.

c Sugar & water. d Sand & water

129. What is one property of suspension that makes it different from solution?
a. Suspension is colorless. B. The suspension is a homogeneous mixture

b. Suspension is clear. D. The suspension has suspended particles

130. A solution that cannot dissolve any more solute at a given temperature is

a. Concentrated solution. b. Dilute solution

c. Saturated solution. d. Weak solution
131. The solubility of a solute substance increases…………………..

a. None of the them. b. As liquid remains at room temperature

c. As the liquid heats up. d As the liquid cools down

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