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Futureverse Whitepaper


Version: 3.0 04/14/23 04/14/23

Futureverse Whitepaper


3 Into the Futureverse

8 The Root Network

13 ROOT Token Economy

18 Key Functions Library

21 Foundation Vault

24 Self-Sovereign Data Store SDK


26 Decentralized Delegation Protocol

27 Decentralized Communications, Notifications & Storage Protocol

30 A Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Protocol

33 The Content

34 Summary

35 Definitions

36 Legal Disclaimer

Version: 3.0 04/14/23 2

Futureverse Whitepaper

Into the
‘Metaverse’ is a growing buzzword that Many of the applications and infrastructure
embodies the next generation of internet that create the internet today are owned by
experiences. It has captured the world’s a handful of people. This didn’t matter when
imagination, but it is widely misunderstood. online activity, commerce, creativity and
participation in democracy were all a minor
The term Metaverse is not new. But, recently part of our lives.
it has come to mean anything from virtual
reality games, to immersive online malls, But, now that the digital economy is firmly
to avatars and content that are connected ingrained in modern society, it matters a lot.
to non-fungible tokens… and everything in Even more so where the major applications
between. we use hope to become the next generation
of the internet and economy, aka The
Most of these concepts have been around Metaverse. If we accelerate our journey into
for a while, under different names and this digital future, but keep things the way
categories. Our attempt to explain what is they are, then society remains controlled by
the Metaverse (and what it isn’t) needs a a small group of influential infrastructure
more explicit approach - one that describes providers.
what’s new and important and what’s not.
The Metaverse represents a deeper digital
Our society is rapidly becoming a more future where the boundaries between siloed
digital one. Everyday, artificial intelligence digital experiences fall away, and what
uses our data to drive small changes in our remains is a singular, immersive and open
thought patterns, which combine to make experience.
major changes in our culture.
It’s a powerful idea, of which the seeds are
The time we spend in digital spaces has already visible. We can see an example in two
increased significantly as a result of the technology silos within society that used to be
pandemic. If we look further ahead, it’s not independent: Communications and Media.
hard to imagine a future where the digital We have seen them come together to form
economy and our digital experiences form social media.
the majority of our interactions and economic
activity. We’re currently witnessing the fall of another
silo, traditional commerce. Social discovery
If this is our future, then right now we are at a has already become the dominant way
precipice. people find products. Soon it will be the
dominant way people buy them as social
commerce becomes the norm.

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Into the Futureverse

The next phase will merge finance, gaming

into the mix.

We can observe a pattern where the same

few companies continually consolidate the
economy and our attention, economic value,
and influence over how we think. The more
time we spend in their worlds, the deeper that
influence becomes. It’s no wonder Facebook
has spent $10B preparing to capture this next
phase of the internet.

If the same players who have consolidated

media, commerce and communications
continue to do so, we know how this ends. We
have seen it already: when diversity is lost,
society doesn’t thrive. We can’t go down this
path because The Metaverse isn’t just a VR
game… it’s the destination where everything
we create, value and love will reside. The keys
to our society and economy exist inside this

In order to take a different path we need a

different structure.

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Into the Futureverse

Enter the
Open Metaverse

The Open Metaverse is the next evolution No one can build ‘A Metaverse’. There is
of the internet and the digital economy; only ‘The Metaverse’, the collection of user-
decentralized, trustless, community-owned owned assets that exist, and a collection of
and secure. interoperable applications. Each participant
can only build an app, a metaworld or a piece
of content. Anyone saying they are building
The Open Metaverse is grounded in two ‘A Metaverse’ misunderstands its core
principles: principles.

1. An immersive experience: The internet as The Open Metaverse proposes a path to a

it is, operates within many interconnected digital world where boundaries between
but separate siloes. The Metaverse user experience silos are broken down. It
removes the boundaries between the proposes a better model than the current
major categories we currently engage dystopian Web2 world, wherein everyone can
with e.g finance, gaming, social media, shape how we engage with this future and
commerce. This creates a single democratize who controls it.
experience that encompasses all the
current features of the internet. FLUF World has been leading the creation of
an Open Metaverse Manifesto, a constitution
2. Ownership:  The Metaverse is defined for the digitization of our society. The
by users having control over their assets, Open Metaverse Alliance has over 1000
data and transactions. Using open enterprises, start-ups and content creators
source code with open standards gives committed to help shaping the best practices
ownership back to users and control back and values required for this remarkable new
to communities. It’s a tug away from world to thrive.
the mega-corporations that currently
control almost all of the digital tangible You can read more about the manifesto ​​here:
value in our lives. In The Metaverse,
users own their content, identity, data,
avatar and intelligence that sits behind
processes. They can move freely between
applications at will.

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Into the Futureverse

So how does the

Open Metaverse
come to fruition?

It starts with infrastructure. All applications challenges still remain to reach widespread
exist on compute and storage. If our content, adoption.
assets and applications all exist on someone
else’s computer and storage, that person has User numbers have been growing in the key
the power to turn off the computer. We have entry points. Both crypto assets and crypto
ceded ownership and control. asset content (NFTs) are making their way
into popular culture. However, the number
The solution to this problem lies in Web3: of those users who utilize these assets in
decentralized computing networks. Web3 applications is still low.
technology helps users and communities
own storage, computing and networking This is largely due to poor user experience.
infrastructure collectively. No single user can Most Web3 infrastructure has not been built
be in control. Without Web3, there can be no with friendly UX in mind. Given the Metaverse
Open Metaverse. is all about a more immersive UX for the
internet, we need to fix the experience if we
Next, we need protocols that provide the want to reach the Open Metaverse.
core building blocks for applications. These
protocols can exist in community-controlled When we reach the content layer, a new
Web3 infrastructure (such as blockchains), problem is evident. Many so-called Metaverse
and can be governed by those communities. companies are highly concentrated here,
because it’s the most familiar component
Then we need open interoperable content and more have the skillset to execute it. Most
standards that allow us to bring portability lack comprehension of the scope of what’s
to the table. This means visual, financial and required to deliver on the things they promise.
other data-based assets will show up (and Every proposed game, app, or 3D city-world
have value) wherever the owner chooses to requires the hard stuff… the protocols and
use them. infrastructure to onboard, maintain and grow
Finally, we have the application layer. This is
what many people think about when they talk
about building a Metaverse, but in reality it’s
only the tip of the iceberg.

With decentralized computing and

storage, protocols, and applications, we
have the ingredients for creating a user
and community owned digital future. But

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Into the Futureverse

Enter the

The Futureverse provides a set of tools at Together, these are the core elements
the infrastructure, protocol, content and necessary for developers to build a
application layer that are built with user decentralized community-owned application,
experience in mind, and fully integrated to or for content creators to join The Open
ensure interoperability. Metaverse.

Over this infrastructure, a rich content layer Much of what’s necessary for success goes
creates powerful community network effects. far beyond content. The infrastructure stack
is absolutely critical. This foundational layer
The Futureverse is comprised of: is not glamorous, but it’s critical if we want to
reach and onboard new users, particularly
1. The Root Network: a decentralized a mass audience with expectations set from
blockchain network optimized for user current consumer apps and the depiction of
experience and on-boarding. technology in movies. If their first experience
2. A decentralized identity protocol and with Web3 is a mess, they won’t stay… and
passport for users and assets to form the worse, they’ll be lured into the corporate
base data layer for interoperability and Metaverse mimics controlled by the same
applications. large corporations who created Web2.
3. A decentralized delegation protocol
allowing applications to provide layered The Futureverse brings together a team of
access to assets, users and content. 200 visionaries who have been developing
4. A decentralized communications, the technology, protocols and content over
notifications and storage protocol the last 5 years to rapidly improve the Web3
allowing users and applications to Open Metaverse experience.
communicate with each-other between
5. A decentralized artificial intelligence Here’s a deeper dive into what’s inside.
protocol enabling applications and
avatars to leverage this technology in a
community governed and user-owned
6. Payment networks and wallets designed
to help onboard and connect physical
goods. Financial rails of the Metaverse.
7. Content assets: a rich set of user-owned
digital assets, designed with storytelling
at their heart.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

The Root
At the heart of the network infrastructure
and protocols in the Open Metaverse is The Substrate Core
Root Network.

The Root Network is our core blockchain

infrastructure. It’s built by bringing together
best-of-breed components from the Web3 The Root Network uses Substrate at its core.
community and runtimes with a deliberate Substrate has two major advantages: a
focus on great user onboarding. large, well-established developer community,
and the technical capability to customize
Onboarding is the most important facet the chain runtimes to optimize for user
of the experience for new users coming experience.
into Web3, and is currently worse than
Web2 counterparts. For this reason, many
commentators perceive the whole of Web3
as a terrible UX … and many users who have

EVM Support for

tried to join would agree. Of those who have
thus far, many have had negative experiences

Smart Contracts
due to nonexistent safety features and leave
quickly to never return.

However, once users are on-boarded, the

experience can be superior to Web2. Web3
is privacy-centric by design; users can move
between applications without signing up and EVM runs within The Root Network protocol
move assets and data without permission, and is able to read Solidity smart contracts
plus a host of other benefits. and execute them. This gives The Root
Network developers access to smart contract
The Root Network is designed to be best-in- functionality and also means that any code
class. It has 5 main elements: previously written for Ethereum can now run
natively on The Root Network.

The EVM development ecosystem provides

the broadest possible support for smart
contracts and DApps, as well as compatibility
with existing collections and assets in the NFT

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The Root Network

Custom Non-Fungible
Runtimes Assets Runtime

Our custom runtimes for Non-Fungible The Root Network NFT runtime provides a
Assets, GAS Economy, Fungible Assets, single unified network-wide experience for
Decentralized Exchange, Oracles and more, NFTs.
will provide the ingredients for creators
to build applications and content without In other networks, NFTs exist at the individual
being a smart contract developer. They also contract layer. In The Root Network, NFTs
provide a world-class onboarding experience. exist in a core network runtime. This provides
a common standard to build interoperability.

A uniform approach to minting, royalties and

structuring , especially in the metadata and
content formats, is essential for delivering the
asset interoperability people imagine at the
application layer.

The NFT runtime also has unique features


• Network-wide royalty enforcement

• Native multi-wallet split and tiered
royalties for creators
• Native NFT to NFT swaps
• Native Static and cold minting options
• Build NFT DApps without needing to
develop or deploy smart contracts

Fees from the NFT runtime are distributed to

network stakers and validators.

The Root Network will also integrate the

XRPL XLS-20 NFT standard as a runtime
enabling compatibility with the XRPL NFT
ecosystem and infrastructure.

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The Root Network


The Root Network has a unique multi-token One of the main obstacles for new users
economy that enables the optimization of entering decentralized applications (and
both gas and initial user onboarding. now content) is understanding the concept of
GAS, and going through the arduous process
Gas is a key pain point for users, and in many of acquiring it to pay for transactions. This is
single-token networks the success of the like downloading Netflix, but having to buy
network leads to high or volatile network and set up an AWS cloud subscription first…
fees. an absurd user experience and unnecessary
friction point.
In the early days of running a network node
on a single-token network, the GAS token In The Root Network, we solve this problem
is also used for block rewards. This puts with an in-chain GAS fee exchange. Users
price pressure on the network token as it can onboard and use the native token of the
is sold to recover yield for running staking application, or developers can delegate and
infrastructure. It also impacts the security pay fees on behalf of users. Developers set
budget of the network. up a liquidity pool between their native token
and the network GAS token. Node validators
Another issue that has emerged from single- can then receive these GAS tokens as a
token economies is that the block rewards reward for producing blocks. For example
are not liquid enough to incentivize large users who have bridged from Ethereum can
numbers of node operators. This limits the use ETH or users who onboarded via ASM
decentralization of the network. can use ASTO or users who have downloaded
the SYLO wallet can use SYLO. By default if
In The Root Network, the primary network no liquidity pool exists for your native token
token is ROOT. It is designed as the network you can use the network gas token XRP.
security and governance token used in the
network’s Proof of Stake consensus. It is Using this method means that stakers
isolated from the GAS token by design. To and validators can amass an index of the
solve for the base liquidity of block rewards, network’s tokens and have exposure to the
we have partnered with Ripple and the XRPL whole ecosystem of activity, and users can
to provide base block rewards in the form of onboard without having to understand the
XRP. XRP will also be used as a network gas underlying network economy or interact with
token. This combination will allow The Root exchanges.
network token to grow in value and provide a
high degree of liquidity for rewards for block

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The Root Network

Fungible Decentralized
Assets State Oracle

Like the NFT runtime, users can create and The state oracle allows developers to link
launch standardized fungible tokens without events that happen on other chains to actions
having to deploy smart contract code, and inside The Root Network. For example, this
compatible with XRPL fungible tokens. 1% would allow a DAO vote on ETH to kick off
of each new asset created in the Fungible an asset transfer on The Root Network. Or,
Assets runtime is distributed to network node an NFT on one network can interact with
validators as a fee. utility on The Root Network. This provides
developers with another easy way to build
interoperability into their applications and

Using the state oracle, contracts can request

the result of a remote contract call. The state
oracle system will ensure the correctness

Decentralized of the result, returning the response to a

predetermined callback function on the
Exchange calling contract.

Interchain interoperability is critical to the

success of the open metaverse.

The network exchange runtime provides an

in-chain DEX with a rich set of features that
enable users and developers to trade assets,
build liquidity pools and launch token price
discovery, without having to deploy smart
contract code. Exchange fees are collected
by node validators. The In chain DEX will
also be integrated to the XRPL DEX to draw
liquidity from to bootstrap the network

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The Root Network

Liquidity and
Asset Bridges

The Root Network natively supports asset

bridges through its general purpose bridging
runtime. This means FLUF World assets
on the ETH network or fungible and non-
fungible assets on the XRPL can be bridged
to The Root Network to gain additional utility.
These two networks will be live at launch but
others can be added as the ecosystem grows
The Root Network can also act as a hub for
other Substrate-based and XRPL-based
networks. This would apply to people who
want to build interoperable content in the
ecosystem, but require their own MetaApp

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Futureverse Whitepaper

ROOT Token
The ROOT token economy is driven by several • Token minting fees in the Fungible Asset
key use cases: runtime
• Trading fees for the DEX and the GAS
1. Governance of The Root Network Fee Exchange.
3. FLUF World Utility and Game Economy
ROOT is the network governance token.
It will control core features like software ROOT is the primary in-game token for
upgrades, runtime upgrades and new the FLUF World game ecosystem and can
runtime deployments, the block reward be used for a range of things such as, but
economy, and admitting new application not limited to:
chains who wish to use The Root Network
hub. • Land reward mechanics
• Game rewards
2. Proof of Stake for Network Security • Stake to earn content
• Charging up in game items
ROOT is also the network token used by • Breeding
node validators and delegators to secure • New content purchases
the Proof of Stake network. Validators • Stake to play
or delegators who stake ROOT will earn
fees from various network activities to
ensure there is sufficient incentive to 4. Data Marketplace
operate a node and stake. The block
rewards for staking will come in several ROOT can be used to incentivize
forms. individual and community-owned-
and-controlled data sharing with third
• GAS spent in the network is distributed to parties, via the Token Service platform.
block producers; the default GAS token
• XRP provides validators with instant real As it’s a fungible token in its own right,
value for producing blocks. ROOT can, of course, be used for any
• Initial bootstrap pool: 10% of the ROOT other type of utility. Developers can
tokens will be distributed to block leverage the liquidity and community of
validators and stakers over the first 260 ROOT to bootstrap their own activities
weeks. and games. The nature of the multi-token
• Fees generated by the various network economy means that the ROOT holder
runtime activities. Including: community can get access to these
• NFT trading fees from the Non Fungible tokens via staking in the network.
Asset runtime.

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Root Token Economy


The ROOT token supply is 12,000,000,000 of the tokens over 260 weeks as a bootstrap,
tokens and will be distributed in several pools. while the token fee economy gets up to

Community Rewards - 20% (increased by CENNZ Burn to Mine - 10%

100%) Many of The Root Network’s runtimes and
Each month, ecosystem challenges will be set technology have come from our collaboration
on The Root Network, each with a number with the CENNZnet team. We are rewarding
of rewards available. The total number of CENNZ token holders with the ability to burn
rewards per player will be determined by their CENNZ tokens into The Root Network
their FutureScore. The FutureScore is driven and over time to receive:
using FuturePass technology and will be 1 ROOT for each CENNZ 1:1
calculated based on things like the type of
assets you hold, the number of assets you Futureverse – 15%
hold, how long you have held them, the As the core developer, the Futureverse
rarity of those assets, the activities those company will hold 15% of the tokens. They
assets have been involved with, along with will be locked for 100 weeks then vested for a
other contributions players have made to further 100 weeks.
growing the ecosystem, such as social media
activity. The score is dynamic, will evolve over Liquidity providers - 5% (removed all pre-
time, and will be influenced based on your sale)
participation. Providers of liquidity will be eligible for up to
5% of the tokens
Land Mechanics – 20% (previously 15%)
20% of the tokens will be allocated to game DAO treasury 5% (reallocated to community
mechanics within The Third Kingdom. The rewards and network rewards)
upcoming Third Kingdom whitepaper will The Treasury will manage a further 5% of
release more details on how this will work. tokens (among other tokens retained within
the Treasury). These tokens will be locked
Ecosystem Development Fund – 10% (no for 50 weeks. The DAO will control their
change) allocation.
10% of the tokens will be allocated to
encourage new developers, artists and IP Advisors - 5%
rights holders to build on the network. Our core advisors and those who have bought
significant IP to the network will receive 5% of
Block Reward Bootstrap - 10% (increased by the tokens. They will be locked for 100 weeks,
100%) then vested over 100 weeks.
Validators and stakers will receive up to 10%

Version: 3.0 04/14/23 14

Root Token Economy

The Token

The Token Service is a set of APIs or GRAPH • PFP Collections: NFT digital artworks
endpoints which allow developers to interact for individuals to represent themselves
with The Root Network without having to on the Metaverse. Build profiles on
understand Web3 protocols. It also provides the Metaverse that have inherent and
a range of services to help onboard users transferrable value. PFPs can be linked
who may be new to Web3 and want help with to the holder’s real-life identity, allowing
key storage or asset custody. Users can opt PFP owners to seamlessly switch between
to “be their own bank” and self custody at their various Metaverse identities (and
any time however as we drive mass adoption benefits).
new to Web3 users can have the benefit of an • POAPs: Digital badges that show proof
additional safety layer when they start their of attendance. These can be used
journey. to drive attendance (and post-event
engagement) online, offline and on the
Token holdings can be used to access secure Metaverse.
digital and physical experiences, like a
pass to a virtual space, or a ticket to a real We have chosen these best-of-breed
life event linked to a user’s loyalty member elements to give a deep level of
benefits. decentralization, performance and flexibility.
They optimize the user onboarding and on-
The Token Service also allows for the creation chain user experience, as well as providing
and management of people and organization broad support for the existing developer
profiles: event organizers, local or vertical community. Finally, they provide the best
driven marketplaces, decentralized possible access to liquidity for users, stakers
autonomous organizations (DAO) and other and validators.

Alongside these core network components,

The Root Network comes with a wide
range of bootstrap applications and SDKs,
The Token Service supports a range of token
types: • Node software
• Wallet Plugin and Wallet SDKs
• Fungible Assets: Assets used to create • DEX UI
value in community sectors that are tied • NFT Marketplace UI
to physical and digital experiences. • Explorer and telemetry
• NFT-Backed Tickets: NFTs that hold • Infrastructure APIs
gated access. • Metamask support

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Root Token Economy

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Root Token Economy

A Decentralized
Identity Protocol
and Asset Passport

For the Open Metaverse to work in the way Importantly, users will be provided with an
we all imagine, we need to be able to provide easy way to see where they can take their
a uniform way to identify ‘things’ in the asset at a glance when trading them. This is
system. That ID layer needs to be richer and critical: portability is a cornerstone to value.
more portable than a public key.
In addition, users are able to receive
Examples of datapoints that leverage identity attestations against their ID for potentially
include PFPs, NFTs, and holder specific sensitive data (e.g. age) using our stateless
data such as eligibility, membership tier, eKYC engine, which stores no user Personally
provenance, previous owners, achievements, Identifiable Data. This will allow application
and awards for past performance. developers to provide experiences like age-
gated content.
Our W3C Decentralized Digital ID (DID)
protocol provides a way for users and assets
to interact with applications across The
Metaverse, in a way that preserves privacy
and enables interoperability.

DIDs and the Attestations protocol allow

developers and users to create off-chain
identities. These identities are portable
between applications for users and assets,
as well as assign attestations for content
formats, like a passport stamp. They enable
metaworlds to both, understand what assets
are compatible with their worlds, and gate
those they feel are unfit.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Key Functions
Our key functions library has features for
signing, key pair generation and encoders
that create ease of use experiences for
developers building on the Futureverse.
This library was built using a low level
programming language (Rust), which means
it supports services on the backend as well as
the frontend. This makes possible the export
of consistent interfaces to a wide array of
languages and platforms.

The key functions library provides an easy

way to manage accounts and identities,
and sign transactions on the blockchain.
This facilitates our vision of identifying
things in the Metaverse by encoding various
cryptographic data related to the DID
subject (whether asset or identity). These
cryptographic materials can be used for use
cases such as:

• Authentication
• Assertions
• Key Agreements to Establish Secure
• Capability Invocation and Delegation on
The Metaverse

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Key Functions Library

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Key Functions Library

The library contains 4 key components:

1. KeyPairs 3. Accounts Management

Key pairs encapsulate cryptographic Our account management feature has

operations like sign, verify, encrypt, and the ability to create accounts, generate
decrypt. Two types of key pairs exist, accounts from a mnemonic, backup and
signing key pairs and encrypting key restore accounts and check for pre-
pairs. Where signing key pairs are used to existing accounts.
sign and verify payloads, and encrypting
payloads can be used to encrypt and An account is a public and private
decrypt payloads. Currently supported key pair randomly generated for the
key pairs are: SR25519, Ethereum, party. The owner of the key pair can
BLS12381, ED25519. use the private key to sign transactions
or messages, for example, to prove
In addition to the standard features ownership. A valid signature may only be
associated with key pairs like signing and created by using the private key.
verification, our key pair functionality
includes locking, unlocking and
derivation functionality (which assists
in key recovery and has benefits over
random key pairs).

2. Encoders 4. Secure Storage and Recovery

Encoders convert keys (or other data) Secure storage is responsible for storing
from or to a particular format. The input key pairs securely. Capability to store a
(I) and the output (O) parametrize their serialized key pair and get a serialized
interface to make them generic. The Key key pair as well as delete a key pair
Functions module contains encoders that (secure remove)
are commonly used on the blockchain
including PKCS8, Base 58 and QR codes.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Foundation Vault is a Wallet storage
infrastructure and system designed to
eliminate the risks of a “honey pot” (a large
bucket of sensitive data) created by a
centralized key storage.

Foundation Vault achieves this by spreading

out the risk to three sites of interests; the
vault, the user and the service. It has been
designed to enable a better user experience
for customers of organizations who are still
not well equipped to handle the requirements
of Web3 by providing a more well understood
and simplified interface using magic links and
SMS messages to verify identity.

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Foundation Vault

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Foundation Vault


1. User binding authentication through a request access to a user’s wallet stored in the
simple interface with the vault. vault (Wallet Retrieval) only through specific
consent from the user, which is now enforced
2. Service key pairs for obfuscating data. by the vault authenticating the user on each
delegated access request from the service.
3. A dedicated storage device (vault) for The authentication will be made through a
storing encrypted data only. direct communication channel between the
vault and user. The user will have to present
this data to the service so it may access the
wallet on the user’s behalf.

Further risk mitigation can be enabled via:

1. Service IP whitelisting to the vault

2. Wallet never leaves the vault and service
3. Service access audit log and access
Typically services require users to create their pattern checking
own wallets to interact with the blockchain. 4. Spreading out data required to access a
This can be quite a large barrier to entry wallet between 2 parties(the vault and
for most consumers since it results in quite the service)
a cumbersome on-boarding process. To 5. The vault is not privy to wallet data and
improve this process cloud wallet can be therefore is not a honey pot
employed but this results in a honey pot of
valuable wallet credentials for bad actors to
exploit. To greatly reduce the risks of cloud
wallets while enabling convenient customer
access, delegated access via Foundation can
be used.

After user binding authentication is achieved

between the vault and the service’s user, the
vault can create a wallet for a service user
in a sandbox environment, encrypt it using
the service’s public key and finally commit
it to storage. From here on the service can

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Data Store (SSDS)
The SSDS SDK manages account creation,
data encryption, and Vault access. Typically,
the SDK will be embedded in a website or
mobile app. Access is granted by Username
and Password serialized into an access key
and an encryption key using Key Stretching
(Scrypt / PBKDF2). The access key grants
Vault access while the encryption key allows
the SDK to encrypt a secondary access
keypair stored in the Vault.

Key rotation is also managed by the SDK to

ensure ongoing security. Both sides of the
CentraPass decentralized OAuth 2.0 SSO
flows are managed by the SDK.

Verifiable Credentials are stored in SSDS and

signed by trusted parties. These files can be
created by an issuer and given to the user to
own through the Vault, through login access,
or given back to the user to store. These
credentials are used by users to present
attested data to verifiers such as restaurants,
events, construction sites, online services and
the Metaverse. VCs can be transmitted using
any of the available sharing schemes.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Our DID SDK has features for creating,
updating and resolving DIDs in the

Specific Metaverse assets and identities will

have their own schemas.

Key attributes of identities and assets on

the Metaverse can be stored in a globally
distributed key value database (verifiable
data registry), and attributes can be resolved
via the DID resolver component of our SDK.

Identities that are created and assets that

are digitized on the Metaverse in this manner
will be unique, interoperable, persistent,
tamper-proof and verifiable.

The schema will hold information that will

be important for digital content applications
such as the Unreal Engine or Unity engine
with service links for resolving digital assets
which will be hosted by the issuers and
therefore they will also be the controllers of
the DIDs.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Delegation Protocol
Doughnuts (aka Decentralized Cookies)
are a patent-pending Proof-of-Delegation
Protocol. They exist between two or more
cryptographic keypairs, and enable us to
prove that one address delegates something
to another address.

Doughnuts have been developed to help

improve user experience and user safety
for Web3 applications. They are a way for
applications to be specific about how they
interact with users’ assets, data or in-app
experiences, without having to rely on
centralized permissions infrastructure.

Using Doughnuts helps make wallet

transactions safer by allowing fine grained
access to assets, for example to allow an app
only one-time access, or allow a time based

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Notifications &
Storage Protocol
Within a truly decentralized Metaverse It is essential to the Open Metaverse that
operating system, differing degrees of these non-value based exchanges are as
consensus and transparency are required. decentralized as the blockchains beneath
For asset value exchange (usually fungible
and non fungible tokens) every node in There is little point in decentralizing assets
the network needs to agree on the current and identities if the only way for them to
state of the ledger. Within Futureverse, interact is via centralized services. The
this functionality is provided by The Root Sylo Network and Seekers NFT project
Network. uses gamified, off-chain, decentralized
infrastructure to solve this problem.
However, there is a whole subset of data
exchange and interaction that has no need
for network-wide consensus, but are still
crucially important to ensuring decentralized
applications work reliably and with great UX:
services such as communications, events, and

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Decentralized Communications,
Notifications & Storage Protocol

The Sylo

The Sylo Network provides reliable, Seeker Nodes are also rewarded or penalized
decentralized, off-chain services for based on the quality of the service that they
decentralized applications. provide. This incentive structure ensures
that node operator incentives are aligned
• Real-time events with those of the network, ensuring a high
• Asynchronous messaging standard of service no matter who operates
• Notifications each individual node.
• State management
• Real time calling
• Real time data exchange

The Sylo
These decentralized services are provided by
Seeker Nodes and are paid for using Tickets, Metaverse SDK
an incredibly efficient off-chain payment
method that allows for every network event
to be granularly charged.

The Sylo Token is at the core of this The Sylo Metaverse SDK is the SDK
functionality set. It is a utility token used to implemented by any Open Metaverse
pay the essential costs of running a Seeker app to utilize the Sylo Network for events,
Node - human time, hardware resources and notifications, asynchronous messaging and
electricity. real time communication between wallet
The Sylo Token’s unique ‘layer two’ (off-
blockchain) probabilistic micro-payment Through the use of the Sylo Metaverse SDK,
system makes this possible without high any distributed application can unlock high-
transaction fees. The cost is similar to performance decentralized communication
services set up centrally on a traditional cloud for its users.
service like AWS.
They can use the user’s wallet, or items held
Sylo Tokens are also used to measure an in their wallet, as the basis of their online
individual’s level of participation in the Sylo identity. These wallet addresses (or NFTs)
Network. The amount of Sylo that a Seeker can be allowed to communicate within a
Node has staked determines how much DApp without any requirement to provide
work it is responsible for completing, and additional information.
as a result, how much that node can earn in
exchange for providing those services.

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Decentralized Communications,
Notifications & Storage Protocol

The DApp does not have to build in

communications functionality, or manage
memberships, groups, and the corresponding
server infrastructure.

Seekers & Gamified


In decentralized systems, community communication. This is supported by their

participation in network infrastructure compelling backstory (Lore), which frames
provision is usually very low. However, the them as explorers and connectors of the
Open Metaverse relies on community-run Open Metaverse. In order for your Sylo Node
infrastructure. We solve this apathy through to participate in the incentivised network, it
gamification of network infrastructure. needs to be paired with a Seeker; it literally
needs to become a Metaverse character.
The Sylo Network is the first network to
gamify node infrastructure by closely In addition, the Seekers have the concept of
associating the Node infrastructure itself Orders, Factions and Clans built into their
(Sylo Nodes) with Metaverse characters gameplay; groups that can only be joined
(The Seekers) and introducing social by contributing to the network itself… either
mechanics and game rewards to incentivise by running a node, or by delegating stake
participation. against it.

Typically the reward for running Nodes is Orders, Factions and Clans will have
limited to token rewards, in line with the elevated rights, be able to participate to a
network tokenomic incentives. By coupling greater extent in the game, and are openly
the Seekers NFT with Sylo Nodes, we recognised as meaningfully contributing
create in-game features that encourage to the infrastructure that powers the Open
more network participation and therefore Metaverse.
resilience of the network.

The Seekers are standalone Metaverse

characters in their own right, plus they are the
only NFT that can be used to run a Sylo Node;
combining the two assets creates Seeker
Nodes. A Seeker is the personification of your
Sylo Node, acting as a conduit to connect the
different worlds of the Metaverse through

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Futureverse Whitepaper

A Decentralized
Artificial Intelligence
As our world becomes increasingly digitized, ASM’s product is a platform and protocol for
AI is playing a bigger role in shaping the way the ownability, tradeability, composability,
we think, behave and solve problems. and interoperability of AI (GANS and ML
reinforcement models), using NFTs. It
The impact AI will have on the world in provides the world’s first open infrastructure
the near future is profound, most people for any individual (rather than companies) to
don’t know what it does or how it works. provably own, build, and govern their own AI.
It’s crucial that everyday people gain an This “individually ownable AI” is called non-
understanding of AI, and even more critical fungible intelligence.
that communities have ownership of it.
This will help them understand the positive ASM seeks to improve the understanding
benefits as well as the risks, and have a say in and usage of AI, by taking consumers on a
how it impacts their lives. content and game driven journey. Through
this they’ll gain an understanding of how it
works, how they can interact with it, then how
they can own and apply it in their lives. With

Altered State a greater understanding amongst everyday

people, society can make better governance
Machine decisions about AI.

Beyond this, ASM seeks to bring life to

what can be very dull and empty Metaverse
environments. Anyone who has been inside
Altered State Machine is a Web3 protocol for a Web3 Metaverse world will tell you they
Artificial Intelligence. are largely empty. ASM enables developers
and communities to bring life to these spaces
ASM’s vision is expansive: to create a world by integrating ASM Agent Non-Playing
where the value of AI flows back to those who Characters (NPCs). These NPCs can become
create it, and where anyone can create it. in-world autonomous avatars, pets, vendors,
quest givers, lore tellers, companions and

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A Decentralized Artificial
Intelligence Protocol

What ASM Enables ASM


ASM provides other Web3 applications the The ASM Protocol is the economic base
ability to: providing the fundamentals for the ASM
economy. It enables distribution of $ASTO
• Define interoperable specifications for (ASM’s token), release of liquidity into the
AI/ML models for use in apps across the market, and supports token demand through
Metaverse genome mining.
• Use ASM infrastructure to create
“training gyms” (cloud GPU processors) This includes:
where end users can train their own ML
models • Token distribution, vesting contracts,
• Attach those ML models to a “Brain” NFT liquidity mining and transactions
that is provably owned by a customer • Brain NFT proof-of-ownership and ML
• Compose multiple AI capabilities under a model storage
single Brain NFT to create complex and • Genome (Brain) Mining
highly capable AIs • The ASM Dashboard (a front end to
• Pair Brains with an NFT form (skin) to access protocol features and economic
create autonomous Agent ready for the benefits)
Metaverse • The ASM DAO (the ASTO token
governance body)

ASM is suitable for a wide range of use cases

including games, open world experiences in ASM’s protocol development is supported by
the Metaverse, financial agents, personal our Data Science department.
assistants, and many more.

Altered State Machine works across two

major axes: The ASM Protocol and the ASM

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A Decentralized Artificial
Intelligence Protocol


The ASM Platform is the toolset that Web3

developers need to create use cases for non-
fungible intelligence using ASM.

This includes:

• ML Gym Training contracts

• Executables for commonly used
Metaverse environment tools (e.g. Unity)
• Open specifications for interoperable
mappings of AI agent properties
• Docker infrastructure
• Intelligence mining economics
• Intelligence mining cluster setup
• SDKs

ASM’s platform development is supported by

our AI/ML Research team and Data Science

ASM’s product also includes an NFT Asset

Drop Platform (which enables ASM to
manage high-volume NFT drops robustly and
at scale).

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Futureverse Whitepaper

Most Metaverse companies start and end at collection. By taking the time to establish an
content. But this is only the tip of the spear. interconnected world of characters, content
Great content is the key to onboarding and and stories we have laid a strong foundation
sustaining diverse, engaged communities. to build a world and games on top of.

The Futureverse has approached building

content out in three ways. 2. Partnerships with Leading IP Rights

1. Best-In-Class First-Party Content We are partnering with some of the leading

Ecosystem IP rights holders in the world across film, TV,
social media and sports to bring their content
All great content properties are built on to life on our platforms and technology. We
great stories, many of the Web3 Metaverse are excited to share the details of these game
approaches jump straight to creating a world changing relationships in the near future.
which in almost all cases leads to an empty
unused wasteland.
3. Ecosystem Development Fund
The correct way to go about scaling content
in Web3 is to follow the path below. We will continue to incubate ventures and
community driven content that create richer
Stories and Lore > Characters > Content > stories and solve real user problems. We
Small Spaces > Activities > Large Spaces > will invest into the visionaries that were
Game [AM1] born ready to invent and build our future.
In a similar way to how the Futureverse
In each step, you must take time to allow the technology and content has come
community to co-create the narrative and together, we will continue to architect new
content, growing the scale of content with collaborations, frameworks and use-cases for
the input and at the scale of the size of the the Open Metaverse.
community. This way you ensure there is a
rich and vibrant world for users to interact
with that will engage them over a long period
of time. The community has to care.

Our existing ecosystem of content is one of

the most vibrant in Web3 with one of the
highest levels of engagement of any major

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Futureverse Whitepaper


The Futureverse is the culmination of 5 years

of strategy, research and development to
create the foundation for open and scalable
Metaverse infrastructure with world-class
content and a highly engaged community.

Bringing together the core elements

necessary to create the foundation of any
Metaverse application with user safety and
user experience at its heart, Futureverse aims
to lead the world in onboarding the next
generation of Open Metaverse and Web3

By taking the harder path, by taking time to

work on the boring things below the content
layer and by focusing on the user experience
journey first, then developing custom
protocols to deliver that experience, we set
the stage for our world class content, utility
and services to scale to mass market like no
other Metaverse project.

By continuing to execute well on these

elements we give ourselves the chance to
drive a different outcome in our evolution
as a digital society, one where users and
communities take charge. The Open

We welcome you to join us on this journey.

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Futureverse Whitepaper


‘Futureverse’ means Futureverse Platform

Limited, a New Zealand Limited Liability
company, number 8382118 on the NZ
Companies Register.

‘Futureverse Platform’ means the blockchain-

based platform developed by Futureverse
and its affiliated companies, including The
Root Network.

‘User’ means any individual and/or entity

using the Futureverse Platform.

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Futureverse Whitepaper

This Futureverse Whitepaper is for general information an offer of securities, or a solicitation for investment in
purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice, securities. If you receive ROOT tokens through an airdrop,
recommendations, or any form of solicitation. Any please note that any Futureverse platform contribution and/
information provided is at all times subject to change by the or participation does not represent, constitute or involve the
sole discretion of Futureverse or any affiliated parties. exchange of value for any form of securities, investment
units and/or form of ordinary shares in any project, in any
Futureverse and its affiliates are creating the ROOT Token platform, in Futureverse, or any other related company.
to function within The Root Network and surrounding
ecosystem in order to provide increasing levels of utility This Whitepaper in any part thereof and any copy thereof
to the owner-base, in-world item owners, and other must not be transmitted to any country where distribution
stakeholders. No ROOT token will represent any economic or dissemination of these documents and its information
interest in Futureverse of any of its affiliated companies at is prohibited or restricted. No regulatory authority has
any time. examined or approved to this date of any of the information
set out in this document. The publication, distribution
Through the development of ROOT, Futureverse does not or dissemination of these terms do not imply that the
grant any rights, express or implied, other than the right to applicable laws, regulatory requirements or rules have been
use ROOT on The Root Network. In particular, Futureverse complied with.
and its affiliates expressly deny any ability of the ROOT
token to represent or confer any ownership right or stake, To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable laws,
share, security, or equivalent rights, or any right to receive regulations and rules, Futureverse, its founders, team
future revenue shares, intellectual property rights or any members and any third party involved in the project shall
other form of participation in or relating to any Futureverse not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental,
product and/or the Futureverse entity and/or any of its consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract
corporate affiliates. or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue,
income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of
Futureverse and its affiliates reserves the right to reject any or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on the
usage of ROOT tokens on The Root Network. Futureverse information in this Whitepaper, or any part thereof and/or
rejects any responsibility for any direct or consequential information provided on the Futureverse web page. To the
loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or fullest extent permitted by applicable law: (i) in no event will
indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information provided, (ii) Futureverse or any of the company parties be liable for any
any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information; or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary
(iii) any action resulting from such information. To the fullest damages of any kind (including, but not limited to, where
extent permitted by applicable law and except as otherwise related to loss of revenue, income or profits, loss of use or
specified in writing by Futureverse: (i) ROOT tokens are data, or damages for business interruption) arising out of
provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without or in any way related to the distribution or use of ROOT,
warranties of any kind, and Futureverse expressly disclaims regardless of the form of action, whether based in contract,
all implied warranties as to the ROOT tokens, including, tort (including, but not limited to, simple negligence, whether
without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, active, passive or imputed), or any other legal or equitable
fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement; theory (even if the party has been advised of the possibility
(ii) Futureverse does not represent or warrant that the of such damages and regardless of whether such damages
ROOT tokens are reliable, current or error-free, or that were foreseeable); and (ii) in no event will the aggregate
technical defects in the ROOT tokens will be corrected; and liability of Futureverse and affiliate parties (jointly), whether
(iii) Futureverse cannot and does not represent or warrant in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, whether
that the ROOT tokens or the delivery mechanism for ROOT active, passive or imputed), or other theory, arising out of or
tokens are free of viruses or other harmful components. relating to ROOT or the use of or inability to use ROOT.

No terms in this Whitepaper constitute a prospectus, an All statements contained in this Whitepaper, the Futureverse
offer document of any sort, or are intended to constitute webpage, statements made in press releases or in any place

Version: 3.0 04/14/23 36

Futureverse Whitepaper

accessible by the public and oral statements that may be

made by Futureverse, its founders, team members and
any third party involved in the project and acting on behalf
of Futureverse, that are not statements of historical fact
constitute “forward-looking statements”. No information in
this Whitepaper should be considered to be business, legal,
financial or advice regarding contribution or participation
to the development of The Root Network and any of its
projects. Futureverse does not make or intends to make,
and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or
undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person,
including any representation, warranty or undertaking in
relation to the truth, accuracy, and completeness of any of
the information set out in this Whitepaper.

All ROOT recipients are responsible for implementing

reasonable measures for securing their own wallet, vault
or other storage mechanism used to receive and hold
ROOT tokens, including any requisite private key(s) or other
credentials necessary to access such storage mechanism(s).
If any private key(s) or other access credentials are lost, the
holder may lose access to their ROOT Tokens. Futureverse is
not responsible for any losses, costs or expenses relating to
lost access credentials. Futureverse shall have no obligations
in any form or whatsoever to you in respect of ROOT tokens.
It is the token holder’s entire responsibility to withhold,
collect, report and remit the correct taxes to the appropriate
tax authorities regarding any received ROOT tokens.

Futureverse expressly denies any and all responsibility for

any transactions occurring via the Ethereuem smart chain
or through any third party. Futureverse also maintains the
sole discretion to launch the ROOT token on a different
blockchain, and in no way is required to launch on the
Ethereum smart chain or any other blockchain whatsoever.

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Futureverse Whitepaper


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